BIM222 InternetProgramming Week1 CourseInfo

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BIM222 Internet Programming

Week 1 – Course Description & Objectives

“BIM222 – Internet Programming” Course

Welcome to the "BIM 222 – Internet Programming" Course!

§ Time: Tuesday 14:00 – 17:00

§ Instructor: Dr. Burcu YILMAZEL (
§ TA: Res. Asst. Tuğba TÜRKOĞLU KAYA (
Res. Asst. Ali YÜREKLİ (

§ We will use for all homeworks, slides,

announcements, lectures, and so on.


“BIM222 – Internet Programming” Course

The aim of this course is to

§ Present an overview of the world wide web and web applications

§ Develop a basic understanding of building personal or commercial

modern websites

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course; students

1. Will be able to describe the structure and functionality of the world

wide web and web applications
2. Will be able to comprehend how to create modern web pages using a
combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
3. Will be able to comprehend how to create responsive web pages
4. Will be able to develop personal or commercial modern websites

For more detailed information about the learning outcomes of this course please


Course Week 1 Course Description & Outline

Outline Week 2
Week 3
What is a Web Application? - An Overview
What is Internet? How does the Internet work?
Week 4 HTML Basics
Week 5 HTML Semantics & HTML Multimedia & HTML Forms
Week 6 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): Adding Style to your Pages - Part I
Week 7 Midterm
Week 8 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): Adding Style to your Pages - Part II
Week 9 Responsive Web Design & Bootstrap
Week 10 JavaScript - Introduction
Week 11 JavaScript - Advanced Topics: More on Loops & Arrays
Week 12 JavaScript - Advanced Topics: The DOM
Week 13 Form Validation, JavaScript Frameworks & Libraries
Week 14 Ajax, XML & JSON

Course Resources

The recommended resource to be used in this course is the book

”Internet & World Wide Web How to Program" (5th edition), Paul J.
Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel, Abbey Deitel.

Besides, different resources can be suggested throughout the course!


Course Homeworks
Research and programming assignments will be given based on the
topics covered throughout the course.
§ There will be at least 3 homeworks prepared individually
2) Responsive Web Design & Bootstrap
3) JavaScript

§ You will be able to see the given assignments through MERGEN under
the Assignments

§ IMPORTANT NOTE: Homeworks you have submitted is checked with the

plagiarism (scientific theft) control tool. Therefore, you should take care
to refer to the sources you use in your work properly and not to submit
work taken from other people and sources as homework.

Assessment Methods & Criteria

Assesment Criteria Percentage

Midterm 20

Homework / Project 30

Final Exam 50

Achievement Points 100

* The percentages will ve announced as soon as possible!


Copyright, Sharing and Other Rules

§ Read “Copyright, Sharing and Other Rules” à mergen

§ Your questions ???

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