Sample Crisis Dossier

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Crisis Dossier

30th December, 1980:

The 5th Guards Motor Rifle Division of the Soviet Red Army attacked
Mujahedeen bases in the Takhar Province of Afghanistan, where they
uncovered large caches of large scale weaponry and money, in dollars, which
were in bags with US and CIA Insignia. Heavy Weaponry and Cash was
recovered and the Soviets allege the CIA for illicitly financing the Mujahedeen
Rebels’ operations through the war.
The local rebel leader was also interrogated, and it was reported that he said:
“Tall, White Men had come and given us these guns. They told us to follow
orders and attack the Russians, or else they would cut off our money and
funding. Their accent was American, and they said they were from the CIA.”
USSR condemns all forms of interference by US and its allies in Afghanistan.

5th January, 1981:

The Stasi (Secret Police) of East Germany apprehended a group of 8

Americans, who were found to be trying to get in contact with local student
protestors and rebels, in order to aid them and finance them to organize riots
and protests in the districts of Suhl and Erfurt. The Americans said they worked
at the nearby American Consulate; however, the Stasi conclude they were CIA
Agents and have been held in custody.
The US declared these men as legitimate Embassy workers, and called for their
unconditional released by the Stasi; however, East Germany payed no
attention to their request and have detained these Americans in their custody
and provided no information on their status/health.
20th January, 1981:
Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as the President of the United States;
however, there was a grave turn of events during his inaugural address. As an
outspoken leader, Reagan used his platform to publically denounce any forms
of Détente and negotiations with the USSR, calling them ‘Communist Pigs’
which the west must strive to erase.
In the audience, a man armed with a Stetchkin APS, fired three rounds on
Reagan, after screaming the words, ‘для матери России’ (‘for Mother
Russia!’). President Reagan survived the attack, completely unharmed;
however, Caspar Weinberg, the Secretary of Defence was killed on site while
shielding the President. This came as a major shock to the United States and
the International Community at large.
On the 21st of January, a letter from the Desk of the President of the United
States of America was published and shared throughout the world. It has been
attached as an Annex to this letter.
As promised by the above letter, an emergency session of NATO was held on
the 24th of January, and the attached Press Release indicates the actions taken
by the NATO and individual nations.

29th of January, 1981:

As a retaliation to actions taken at the Emergency Session of NATO, the
Warsaw Pact held a meet in Poland, where they resolved to certain decisions.
The Press Release from that meet is available as an Annex to this document.

In light of the rising tensions between NATO and Communist States, and
various actions taken by the respective blocs, the Secretary General of the
United Nations suggest holding a summit to resolve these rising issues through
As a result, a Joint Meet of the NATO and Warsaw Pact will be held, on the 7th
of February, 1981 at Geneva, Switzerland.

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