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Reid • Linnaeus’ life and relationship to modern biology TAXON 58 (1) • February 2009: 18–31

Carolus Linnaeus (1707–1778): his life, philosophy and science and its
relationship to modern biology and medicine
Gordon McGregor Reid

Director General, North of England Zoological Society, Zoological Gardens, Upton, Chester CH2 1LH,
U.K. g.reid@chesterzoo.org

The system of binomial nomenclature and wider taxonomic paradigm forged by Carolus Linnaeus in the
18th century came from his original approach to understanding the natural world. It was also a product of
environmental, economic, social, cultural, political and theological influences of the time. For Linnaeus the
identification, naming and classification of different kinds of animals, plants, diseases, fossils and rocks had
practical as well as theoretical importance. In his life and work he clearly demonstrates the ‘scientific ap-
proach’ including careful information gathering, exploration, empiricism, dissection, accurate observations and
published descriptions. There is an inspirational use of morphological characters in comparative diagnoses, a
requirement for material evidence to support hypotheses and the systematic and hierarchical organisation of
knowledge. However, techniques for specimen preservation and analysis were limited and sample sizes too
small to properly characterise wild populations. Thus he bequeathed artificial and ‘typological’ more than
biological concepts determined by form and pattern rather than process. Species and genera were regarded as
fixed, objective entities. This is sometimes associated with the supposedly stultifying effects of Aristotelian
essentialism on Linnaean and later taxonomy. ‘Natural’ classification, as far as developed, was not phyletic
but, instead, reflected Wolffianism, a modified creationist doctrine. Nonetheless, Linnaeus was the first to
formally recognise the close affinity between humans and primates, a controversial idea later fully developed
by Charles Darwin. Even so, Linnaeus did not always distinguish between mythological versus real crea-
tures and incredible versus credible hypotheses. His understanding of ‘cause and effect’ was circumscribed
by prevailing Lutheran theology and Cartesian mechanistic philosophy. Linnaeus was as much a working
physician, agriculturalist and land surveyor as he was a taxonomist. Contemporary economic biology and
biotechnology are anticipated in his animal and plant breeding and pearl culturing experiments. In the great
body of Linnaeus’ letters, manuscripts and books are discernable foundations for many other later disciplines.
These include: anthropology, biogeography, bioinformatics, biomechanics, biological control, conservation,
ecology, epidemiology, Darwinian evolution, ethnography, medical diagnostics, microbiology, palaeontology,
pharmacology and phylogenetic systematics.

KEYWORDS: biodiversity, evolution, Linnaeus, systematic, taxonomy

zoological classification (Jeffrey, 1973). Today there are

INTRODUCTION about twenty-five societies worldwide dedicated to hon-
The 18th century Swedish naturalist and physician our Linnaeus’ life and work. Among these, the Linnean
Carolus or Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778) was the main insti- Society of London (www.linnean.org) contains his life-
gator of the framework for biological taxonomy still in gen- time awards, some portraits, personal library, more than
eral use today. This is the binary (binomial or ‘two word’) 3,000 letters and manuscripts and the bulk of his original
Latin or Latinised system for scientifically recognising, botanical and zoological specimen collections. These are
describing, naming and categorising genera and species now being electronically catalogued, with web-accessible
of plants and animals. Linnaeus in the first edition of Spe- digitised images. This is part of the Computerised Access
cies Plantarum (1 May 1753) attempted to document all of to the Records of the Linnean Society or CARLS Project
the plant species then known. This is the accepted start- (Gardiner & Morris, 2007; http://www.linnean.org/index
ing point for validly published names in botany (Jeffrey, .php?id=370).
1973). Through successive editions of Systema Naturae It can be deduced from Linnaeus’ extensive collec-
(1735 onwards) Linnaeus consolidated and popularised his tions of specimens, associated documentation, numerous
method of nomenclature for both plant and animal species; publications and voluminous personal correspondence
and the 10th edition (1 January 1758) is acknowledged as (Heller, 2007) that he was not only an inspired theoretician
the formal starting point for names available in modern but also a very practical man concerned to catalogue the

TAXON 58 (1) • February 2009: 18–31 Reid • Linnaeus’ life and relationship to modern biology

immense variety of life and express taxonomic relation- of the apostles. They surveyed nature at home and abroad
ships in a logical, consistent, structured and stable way for both theoretical and practical or economic reasons
(Hagberg, 1944; Blunt, 1971; Broberg, 2006; Harnesk, (Nordenstam & Lindell, 2007). In modern terms Linnaeus
2007; Schmitz & al., 2007; Hagelin, 2007). Fully adopted can be regarded as a strong advocate for the public under-
everywhere by about 1778, fundamentals of the Linnaean standing of science, education and technology (PUSET).
system of binomial nomenclature (including a nested hier- The powerful Linnaean paradigm in taxonomy sprang
archy of ranks to include class, order, genus, species and from his original and perceptive approach to understand-
variety) persist until now but with additional categories ing and explaining the natural world. It also stemmed
(Stuessy, 2006). Nevertheless, there is a substantial and from traditional beliefs and the environmental, economic,
growing academic challenge regarding the theoretical ba- demographic, social, cultural, political, theological, and
sis of the system and its future utility (Alves & al., 2007; philosophical cum scientific influences of this and earlier
Mishler, 2009). periods.
In a modern context, Linnaeus can fairly be regarded
as the originator of systematic and ecological studies in
biodiversity, having given Latinised names to some 7,700
species of plants and 4,400 species of animals (Dixon & ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY
Brishammar, 2007). However, he greatly underestimated Born in 1707, Linnaeus grew up in the remote country
the number of plant species in the world, confidently sug- villages of Råshult and Växjö in the Swedish region of
gesting less than 10,000 (Linnaeus, 1753) whereas modern Småland (Borglid, 2006; Broberg, 2006). Living condi-
authorities propose that the total number of species of tions were often demanding and harsh and there was direct
vascular plants alone is near 420,000 (Govaerts, 2001; dependence on animals, plants and natural materials or
Bramwell, 2002; Crane & Pleasants, 2006). Indeed, Lin- substances for food, clothing, shelter, goods and other
naeus could hardly have imagined that the number of all purposes. This direct dependence on nature is not seen in
species of living organisms to be scientifically recognised 21st century western industrialised societies. Only a low
would eventually reach above 1.75 million, with perhaps percentage of the population now work close to the land
another 14 million yet to be described, according to the and utilise substantial amounts of wild-derived food and
Global Biodiversity Assessment (Watson & al., 1995 and other resources. This makes the survival imperatives of
subsequent revisions). Nonetheless, the unifying and en- this earlier generation difficult to fully appreciate. Any
during paradigm in natural philosophy forged by Lin- failure to successfully engage with nature could have dire,
naeus helped lay foundations for several major biological sometimes fatal consequences. Hence the recognition,
disciplines developed in addition to taxonomy through naming and classification of different kinds of animals,
the 19th to 21st centuries. Overall, Linnaeus was great plants and rocks — through oral traditions and informal
communicator of practical and scientific knowledge. This folk taxonomies — had pragmatic more than abstract di-
contrasts with earlier cultural and academic traditions mensions. Knowing what was an edible wild plant or berry
of tightly controlling the source, distribution and use of and what was poisonous to a human or an animal (and any
knowledge and the language of communication. He often seasonal changes) would have been essential, everyday
popularised and radicalised his subject matter to gain at- knowledge and vital to pass on to the next generation.
tention. For example, his sexual system for classifying Linnaeus, with his acute powers of observation, or-
plants (Schmitz & al., 2007; Snoeijs, 2007) was conveyed ganised mind and retentive memory must have been at a
with a bawdy humour not acceptable to all of his peers. particular advantage in this regard, even as a child. From
He was also steadfast in placing humans with primates his youth onwards he was certainly fascinated by nature
in his classifications, so creating a great, productive and in the broadest sense from stones to stars; and with the
continuing controversy (see below). In the Rudbeckian many possible useful applications of this knowledge and
tradition, public dissections of humans and other dem- the great economic potential (Koerner, 1999). By stark
onstrations were organised in the University of Uppsala contrast, few students living today in westernised socie-
(Lindroth, 1976). ties can accurately identify many species of wild animals
He was particularly enthusiastic about his students and plants or their products. This is a reflection of soci-
who often visited his private house and he gave inspir- etal changes in perceived practical and economic needs.
ing public presentations and private lectures or collegia There is an ill-conceived shift in emphasis and priorities
for a fee. He was good at obtaining funding for projects in modern biological science teaching, despite the mas-
and established an international research school of his sive challenges remaining (indicated above and below) in
student ‘apostles’, demonstrating his personal magnet- documenting global biodiversity.
ism and entrepreneurial skills. He promoted the idea of Key features of the physical environment in Lin-
expeditionary research on his own account and through 17 naeus’ time were short summers, severe winters, frequent

Reid • Linnaeus’ life and relationship to modern biology TAXON 58 (1) • February 2009: 18–31

agricultural fires, crop failures, famines, poor diet, inad- Linnaeus was never depicted as smiling in any of several
equate sanitation, widespread epidemic disease and dental portraits. He was plagued with dental problems and by the
problems. Short summers meant that there was only a age of sixty had no teeth (Blunt, 1971: 167). In his corre-
comparatively brief period (4–5 months) when life was spondence he often grumbled over acute toothache — and
at its most obvious and exuberant; and when animal and this unpleasant condition must have affected his disposi-
plants and their products needed to be quickly harvested, tion and capabilities throughout his working life. Unfor-
processed and stored. This was in order to tide villagers tunately, it was not until the close of the Linnaean period
over a winter featuring poorly heated and inadequately that modern scientific dentistry was established by John
insulated houses, deep snow drifts and temperatures Hunter in The Natural History of the Human Teeth (1771)
probably commonly as low as minus 30°C. By contrast, and in A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Teeth
relatively mild winters have been experienced in recent (1778). Here, knowledge gained through the compound
decades in northern Europe and elsewhere. This has been microscope was used to advantage. Recent biomedical
scientifically attributed to human-induced climate change, research (Lee & al., 2006; Hingorani & D’Aiuto, 2008) on
linked with actual and potentially deleterious impacts severe, chronic and cumulative periodontal disease (of the
on biodiversity. In this and other contexts the need for kind very likely suffered by Linnaeus) indicates a strong
taxonomic knowledge has never been greater (Dixon & correlation with elevated systemic C-reactive protein. This
Brishammar, 2007). raised protein level is a response to the presence of vari-
Ironically, it was Linnaeus who in about 1743 devised ous periodontal bacterial pathogens whose toxic products
the reversed form of centigrade temperature scale devel- enter the bloodstream.
oped in Uppsala University by his scientific colleague and Excessive C-reactive proteins are, in turn, strongly as-
supporter Anders Celsius (1701–1744) (Lindroth, 1976). sociated with cardiovascular disease and cerebro-vascular
Linnaeus recognised the value of the thermometer in hot- accidents (stroke), especially stroke history in the elderly.
house cultivation and used it on the 16 December 1745 in In this connection it may well be significant that in old
the Orangery at Uppsala to produce the first ever tempera- age Linnaeus had angina in 1773, a severe semi-paralysing
ture records. Subsequently, Linnaeus’ apostles recorded stroke in May 1775, another in the winter of 1776/77 and
temperature during natural history expeditions overseas. one finally on the 30 December 1777. This was shortly
Thermometers with the Linnaean scale are now in general followed by death on the 10 January 1778, aged 71 (with
use and serve as a fundamental measuring device in the his ashes buried under a flat gravestone inside the Cathe-
physical, geographical, biological and medical sciences. dral of Uppsala).
Sexually transmitted conditions, diseases of insanita- A central aspect of the wider demographic and social
tion and other potentially lethal epidemics were rife in 18th environment that the young and maturing Linnaeus had to
century northern Europe (Singer & Underwood, 1962). operate and develop in was low human population levels.
The ‘ague’, now known as malaria, was common — inci- In Råshult and Växjö the populations would have num-
dentally becoming rare in the 19th and 20th centuries but bered in the hundreds at most and the entire population
now returning. The spread is associated with a resurgence of Sweden would only be about 1.5 million, in contrast to
of mosquito vectors and climate change. In the 18th cen- today’s census figure of more than 9 million. Low popula-
tury the ague was of unknown cause and with no proven tion numbers resulted not only from general plagues and
cure: a subject upon which Linnaeus later conducted medi- infant mortality (see above) but also because of fatalities
cal research, developed theories and experimented with among soldiers in successive European wars including the
remedies (see below). Thirty Years War (1618–1648) and its aftermath involving
Frequent serious epidemics meant that individuals various conflicts with the Danes, Russians, Saxons and
needed to be physiologically robust to survive and there Poles. This led, in turn, to a shortage at home of young
was a high mortality, especially among infants. Linnaeus males for physical and other tasks. The mean life expect-
himself was deeply affected by the neonatal loss of his ancy, from birth, of those born between 1755–1776 was
second daughter, born in 1744 and infant son Johannes, 33.2 years for males and 35.7 for females—by comparison
born in 1754 (and who died in 1757). Untreated dental to 73 or more years for both sexes today (Medawar &
decay was extremely common in the 18th century (Singer Medawar, 1983: 68; Miles, 2006: 76). Conversely, this cre-
& Underwood, 1962) and recent studies in developing ated openings and a demand for employment, especially
countries confirm that such decay is often not trivial and for the better educated individuals. Nonetheless, educa-
can lead to fatalities, especially in the young. Portraits tional and employment opportunities were limited and
of people throughout the 18th century are invariably un- Linnaeus was, therefore, fortunate to have been born into
smiling, probably concealing dental disfigurement. Art a family of Lutheran parsons where formal education and
historians place a 1787 work by Elisabeth Vigeé-Lebrun training for a career was valued and supported. Indeed,
as the very first smiling portrait. Despite his genial nature, the clergy in Sweden, historically had a privileged access

TAXON 58 (1) • February 2009: 18–31 Reid • Linnaeus’ life and relationship to modern biology

to education. Sons of clergy made up as much as 42% of and a complete dependence on patronage at every stage.
the student body in Uppsala in the mid-17th century and These potential impediments were all skilfully negotiated
as many as 65% of graduates entered the service of the by Linnaeus, evidently a man of great charm and cha-
Church (Lindroth, 1976). risma. He achieved advancement through a socially astute
Linnaeus first went to a grammar school in Växjö marriage to Sara Lisa Morea and also through the patron-
where his science teacher, the state physician Johan Roth- age of King Adolf Fredrik I and Queen Lovisa Ulrika of
man, encouraged the study of botany. Rothman proposed Sweden. They made him Court Physician and Curator of
to Linnaeus’ parents that he should train for a career in the Royal Natural History Specimen Collections (Reid,
medicine rather than carry on with the family tradition 2007). As the ultimate reward, he was ennobled by them
of studying theology and becoming a parson (Broberg, in 1757, gaining the Teutonic title Carl von Linné.
2006). From Växjö Linnaeus moved to the University As a young man Linnaeus traveled widely in Sweden
of Lund in the province of Skåne. In 1728 he went on and later in Western Europe for the purposes of botanical,
to study in the University of Uppsala further north near zoological, geographical and geological study and for the
Stockholm in the province of Uppland. Eventually, in a economic advancement of himself and others (Koerner,
hotly-contested competition of 1741, he secured the posi- 1999). A lack of maps, the short summer season, difficult
tion of Professor of Medicine and Botany (Blunt, 1971; terrain (often without paths) and the frequent presence
Lindroth, 1976: 96, 97; Broberg, 2006: 44). of robbers meant that Linnaeus’ early travels in Sweden
were not always easy. Nonetheless, he published thorough
accounts of his Lapland then Öland and Gotland journeys
conducted at the ages of 25 and 34, respectively (Black &
SOCIETY AND CULTURE Lee, 1979). These incorporate ethnographic descriptions,
For the future and lasting benefit of taxonomy it is well-reflected in the famous painting by Martin Hoffman
surely no coincidence that the patrilineal (‘son of’) system (1737) of a young Linnaeus dressed in traditional (Saami
of naming ended around the time of Linnaeus’ birth in female!) Lappish regalia.
1707. Up to this point, the family name had been lost with Swedish land surveying and cartography had already
each successive generation. Had things been otherwise, been well established to a high standard in the mid-17th
Linnaeus would simply have adopted the first name of century by Andreas Bureus (1571–1646) as shown in the
his father Nils Ingemarsson and been called Carl Nilsson; copper engraving Svecia, Dania et Norvegia, Regna Euro-
with his own sons, in turn, being given the family name pae Septentrionalia (published ca. 1640). However, in the
Carlsson. The patrilineal system sufficed in the 16th and late 17th and early 18th centuries access to maps in Sweden
17th centuries because everyone would have known each and elsewhere in Europe was strictly controlled by regional
other in villages. There were small populations and vil- governors and military planners. Maps were very costly to
lage inhabitants were not geographically mobile. A bet- produce and print and represented a privileged military,
ter system of individual identification became necessary economic and political knowledge. This was a power to
with population increase and the more complex social, be used to advantage, including for national propaganda,
legal, educational, employment and travelling arrange- legitimising the state and for minimising dissent. Hence,
ments resulting from expansion of villages and develop- in Linnaeus’ youth, maps were not generally accessible,
ment of towns and cities in the 18th century. Interest- relied on received wisdom and ancient, outdated informa-
ingly, Linnaeus’ name derives from the Latinisation of tion. Maps had large gaps, a fair level of inaccuracy and
‘Linn’— the name in Småland dialect for the Linden or some mythology—being rhetorical exercises in Latin more
Small-leaved Lime tree (Tilia cordata Mill.). This is a than empirical studies (Legnér, 2001).
widespread northern European species which would have During Linnaeus’ time, and partly as a result of his
been seen everyday by his parents and grandparents and endeavours, there came an ‘Age of Liberty’ or ‘Age of
which is pharmacologically and economically useful even Freedom’ in Sweden (ca. 1720–70) — a local aspect of a
today. Crucially, this new system for naming humans was general European and North American philosophical and
often inspired by nature and allowed fresh perspectives scientific ‘Enlightenment’, which sprang in turn from the
in tracing human genealogies and expressing ancestor- 17th century ‘Age of Reason’ (Taton, 1964; Russell, 1992).
descendant relationships, eventually including plant and In the Age of Reason “instruction and learning were still
animal breeding records and taxonomic classifications dominated by Lutheran theology and Roman eloquence”
(see below). (Lindroth, 1976: 92, 93). The new Age of Freedom pro-
Linnaeus had modest social origins and thus faced duced a general reaction against the use of dead languages
great barriers to educational and career progression from in communication and against the teaching of an abstract
a well-defined social hierarchy, tightly controlled military metaphysics concerning principles of reality (Dixon &
governorships of regions, still higher royal prerogatives Brishammar, 2007: 150). Supported by Linnaeus and

Reid • Linnaeus’ life and relationship to modern biology TAXON 58 (1) • February 2009: 18–31

others, including Abraham Hülphers, geographical de-

scriptions published post 1741 were of far better quality, THEOLOGY AND TRADITIONAL
more numerous and more widely available. Significantly, BELIEFS
Swedish rather than Latin became the language of expres- Linnaeus lived in a staunchly Lutheran theocracy
sion (Legnér, 2001: 2). where the protestant ethic was all pervasive, including
Reflecting society and culture, there is something an imperative to be thrifty, work hard and with an em-
of a military element in the plans, charts, sketches and phasis on educational attainment. This, together with the
maps of Linnaeus’ early studies, exemplified in his note- moderating influence of the Age of Reason, was very
book or Örtaboken of 1725. His published taxonomies important for the development of his critical thinking.
perhaps mirror the military hierarchy and the divisions Within this, came the fostering of a spirit of quiet con-
and levels at which soldiers were drawn into service from templation and individual free enquiry — without the Ro-
village and district to province and kingdom (Broberg, man Catholic necessity of using priests as intermediaries
2006: 18). Indeed, he once jokingly classified his botani- to gain spiritual and other insights into the workings of
cal colleagues in a ranked military system with himself the world. In pursuing Lutheran knowledge, there was
as the commanding general (Nordenskiöld, 1920: 212). also an emphasis on the written word and book learning
This militaristic mindset coupled with theological and over ‘graven images’ and an impetus to determine and
scientific influences has, it seems, been transmitted for- celebrate God’s Plan and communicate this knowledge
ward into medical diagnostics and modern hierarchical far and wide.
expressions of phenetic, morphological, geographical and Linnaeus was brought up in a family home and wider
phylogenetic relationships. society where strict religious observance was the norm
Whatever its origins, Linnaean geography can be seen and where, even in a university setting, theologians had
as an essential precursor to the scientific study of what primacy (Lindroth, 1976). From this, there were definite
individual organisms, populations, species and higher- social, cultural and career limitations on what could be
level taxa occur where and why. This is now expressed as learned and said in the name of science (a situation per-
distributional maps of plants and animals in ecology and sisting to a greater-or-lesser extent today in many human
historical biogeography, including vicariance analyses; societies, including westernised ones). Despite an outward
and as epidemiology in modern human and veterinary appearance of piety, Linnaeus was in many respects a
medicine. The familiar and reassuring ‘May Tree’ and rationalist unafraid to challenge accepted norms. This
other diagrams of Linnaeus, with more-or-less dichoto- disposition could have cost him his academic position at
mous (binary) branching, precede modern expressions of Uppsala University. Certainly, in the wake of the Enlight-
taxonomic or phyletic relationship such as phenograms enment and with the growth of science and utilitarianism,
and cladograms — whether morphological, palaeo-geolog- “Linnaeus’s orthodoxy was doubted by his theological
ical or palaeo-geographical. In this aspect Linnaeus was colleagues” (Lindroth, 1976: 123) and he was accused of
probably influenced by the ancient Norse or Germanic impiety by the Lutheran Archbishop of Uppsala. In this
Yggdrasil, a mystical World Tree of Life or axis mundi. A sense he was a religious non-conformist, or ‘free thinker’.
similar concept appears in antiquity in many other cultures Professional development involved travel to both the Neth-
and in the Genesis origin myth in the Christian bible. This erlands and England (1735–1738). These countries shared
concept is often associated with the idea of a scala naturae the same sort of radical protestant ethic and likely rein-
or ‘Great Chain of Being’ (Schmitz & al., 2007: 29) and forced it in Linnaeus.
other pagan, theological or quasi-genealogical concepts Linnaeus’ scientific heroes and immediate predeces-
of descent. Geographical data, when combined with geo- sors were often devoutly protestant, yet spiritually and
logical, taxonomic, genealogical and genetic data from intellectually deviant — including Robert Boyle and John
the mid-19th century onwards, eventually produced the Ray, two 17th century British polymaths with botanical
profound evolutionary framework of space, time and form interests who espoused a particular Natural Theology.
that we recognise today (see below). For Linnaeus’ ad- From this, Linnaeus became increasingly drawn to explor-
mirer Erasmus Darwin (1794) the Great Chain of Being ing nature’s potential benefits to man. It was clear from
somehow expressed in deistic terms the morphological Boyle, Ray and others that God had created the earth and
transformations or ‘evolutionary’ series that he observed its bounty for man to explore, explain and utilise (Koerner,
across taxa. For his grandson Charles Darwin (1859) the 1999). Linnaeus also greatly admired Sir Isaac Newton,
Tree of Life represented an agnostic means by which the another deeply religious individual, biblical scholar and
origin and evolution of species and higher-level taxa could natural philosopher. Newton incessantly challenged basic
be generalised (see below). Mishler (2009) evidently sees assumptions about the nature of the universe and (de-
the Tree as a derived cladistic concept, somehow dissoci- spite protestations to the contrary) developed the experi-
ated from its original roots. mental method in science, with the system of competing

TAXON 58 (1) • February 2009: 18–31 Reid • Linnaeus’ life and relationship to modern biology

hypotheses. He gave full expression to this in Principia and its supposed intellectually stultifying effects on the
Mathematica (1687). Indeed Linnaeus had aspirations to progress of taxonomy (Nordenskiöld, 1920: 207; Hull,
be seen as the intellectual equivalent of Newton, with 1965; Schmitz & al., 2007: 28; Winsor, 2006a, b).
the Systema somehow securing for botany and zoology Folklore and superstition sometimes became con-
the physical and chemical profundity and success of the fused with theology and science in Linnaeus’ thinking
Principia — a work which Linnaeus admired but evidently and he did not always distinguish between real and myth-
had difficulty in understanding (Broberg, 2006: 35). Of ological creatures. This is illustrated in the classically
course Linnaeus’ work, while cataloguing excellent facts influenced ‘Paradoxa’ sections of the 1st to 8th editions
gained through direct observation and making broad and of the Systema. From Nordic sagas he probably believed
valuable biological generalisations, lacks the extraordi- in trolls, was fascinated by contemporary women folk-
nary breadth, depth and explanatory power of Newton’s healers claiming to be witches and would include hydra,
physical laws. mermaids and other fabulous taxa in his classifications, at
Despite a certain religious unorthodoxy, numerous least as possible species. Broberg (2006: 12) finds that:
deistic quotes are ascribed to Linnaeus the most famous
one being: “Deus creavit, Linnaeus disposuit ” — God The early medical studies reflected by Linnaeus’ notes
creates, Linnaeus disposes (for this and other examples from this period present a remarkable blend of traditional
see Landström & Modin, 2006). This may or may not, belief or superstition and modern mechanistic medicine.
given the prevailing social and religious constraints, dem-
onstrate his true love of God and belief in the Creation. In Linnaeus’ early life and work there is a definite
Wolff ianism, a modified creationist doctrine promulgated contrast between the rational approach to understand-
by the German philosopher Christian von Wolff, proposed ing problems and a reliance on irrational, unscientific
a natural theology for the Enlightenment centred on folk traditions and myths. Newtonian principles of cause
“physicotheology” which held that an omniscient Creator and effect, with logical sequences of reasoning, were not
could be logically deduced from the order and beauty of a always followed. Nonetheless, in Uppsala he soon sub-
Creation governed by physical and natural laws (Schmitz scribed to the ‘mechanistic philosophy’ of René Descartes
& al., 2007: 28). In Uppsala this idea was “elevated by (1596–1650); later debated by Jean-Jaques Rosseau (1754)
Linnaeus into a touching religious devotion” (Lindroth, and others. The basic proposition is that man is an animal
1976: 128). Elements of Wolffianism persist today in the with anatomical and physiological functions analogous to
widespread anti-scientific and anti-evolutionary Chris- a machine. This far-reaching scientific model (still with
tian fundamentalist argument for ‘intelligent design’, now us today, translated as biomechanics), was adopted by
undergoing a modern creationist revival in westernised Linnaeus as: “Homo est animal ” and “Homo machina
society, particularly the U.S.A. est ” (Broberg, 2006: 13). Indeed, for his doctoral thesis
In 1736 Linnaeus met with Sir Hans Sloane, a con- on ague — successfully defended in Harderwijk University
temporary of Ray and the founder of the British Museum. in the Netherlands in 1735 — he followed biomechanical
Sloane’s inspiration affected many scholars and also led arguments. Ingested clay was postulated to be a causal
to the establishment of the British Museum (Natural His- agent for the ague, somehow clogging up the human ma-
tory), now the Natural History Museum, London. The chine to create the symptoms. Contrary to this, he treated
libraries of both institutions now contain many Linnaean his sister in Stenbrohult who was suffering from ague
publications (British Museum, 1998). A close identifica- with a strange, unproven folk remedy by wrapping her in
tion with the high achievements, thinking, prestige and raw, freshly slaughtered sheepskin. In any event, Johan
authority of his philosophical and scientific forebears evi- Gottschalk Wallerius considered Linnaeus’ doctoral thesis
dently meant a great deal to Linnaeus. Such historical and on the ague to be mediocre. He challenged him dramati-
contemporary influences must have played a large part in cally for the Professorship of Medicine in 1741 but lost
shaping and regulating his views. The taxonomic princi- (Lindroth, 1976).
ple of authority and precedence that he developed — even Even in straightforward matters of natural history,
now strongly embedded in modern systematic biology, but Linnaeus sometimes had difficulty in establishing credi-
perhaps beginning to wane — probably has theological and ble versus incredible hypotheses. For example, when faced
military as well as scientific roots. The biblical creation with the puzzling question of where the small passerine
myth of the original and representative humans ‘Adam and Barn swallows (Hirundo rustica L. 1758) go in winter he
Eve’ may in Linnaean taxonomy possibly be reflected in imagined that they dived to the muddy bottom of ponds to
the development of a ‘typological’ thinking where indi- over-winter. This contradicts what he may, could or should
vidual specimens are held to represent fixed and unchang- have known by that time in terms of basic physiology and
ing species and genera. This has historically and perhaps the seasonal migration patterns of birds. In this instance
erroneously been linked to Aristotelian essentialism Broberg (2006: 12) considers that:

Reid • Linnaeus’ life and relationship to modern biology TAXON 58 (1) • February 2009: 18–31

… one is entitled to demand better things of an academic adopted a gross biomechanical approach to understanding
naturalist … Mistakes like this may seem embarrassing, the disease. This was a false trail because Plasmodium is
but they are more appropriately to be regarded as tensions the microscopic parasite now understood to cause malaria.
in a culture of many different strata. In principle, it would have been visible under compound
microscopes available to Linnaeus. These were techni-
While not a shining moment in science, there is to cally well advanced by the 18th century (Hogg, 1882).
Linnaeus’ credit circumstantial and observational evi- Linnaeus’ Lapland journey (1732) as a young man,
dence that swallows fly low over ponds and become ab- seems to have initiated the ecologist and economic biolo-
sent. The entire hypothesis of hibernation underwater is gist in him as well as engaging him in geography, min-
at least potentially testable through pond draining and eralogy and the ethnology of the Saami Lapps. During
digging and experiments on swallows. this journey, Linnaeus’ attention was drawn to natural
freshwater pearl fisheries where he noted the waste in de-
stroying 2,000 mussels to get one pearl. Adopting Chinese
techniques, he later succeeded in using chalk granules
APPLIED KNOWLEDGE to seed pearls in the mantle of bivalve molluscs such as
The Age of Freedom in society and culture coincided Angel Wings Cyrtopleura costata (L. 1758) and harvested
with a Swedish government policy where the economy in them successfully in the 1740s. These cultivated pearls are
terms of industry and trade had the highest priority. Un- externally indistinguishable from spherical wild pearls.
der this regime the applied physical and natural sciences Original specimens exist in the collections of the Lin-
flourished at the University of Uppsala (Russell, 1992: 88) nean Society of London. Some of these have, since 2001,
and, indeed, continue to prosper today. Linnaeus was as been publicly exhibited on a world tour of the “Pearls”
much a physician, agriculturalist, land surveyor and gen- exhibition, organised and administered by the American
erally practical man as he was a taxonomist. Many areas of Museum of Natural History, New York. This Linnaean
modern medicine, pharmacology, applied biology and bio- biotechnology helped give rise to an immensely valuable
nomics are indicated in his work. We know that Linnaeus modern global industry.
and his colleagues enjoyed imbibing alcohol socially from Influenced by Ray, Boyle and others (see above) he
correspondence to that effect. Interestingly, the pioneering became wedded to the concept of a ‘divine economy of na-
large-scale, modern biotechnology industry Amersham ture’ where everything has a use and is ultimately recycled,
Pharmacia Biotec — based close to Linnaeus’ house in e.g., domestic waste is eaten by animals, then animals are
Hammarby near Uppsala and working in collaboration eaten by humans (Koerner, 1999). Nature is also seen as
with the University — has brewing research as one area of ‘self-regulating’. In modern terms this can be expressed
economic production. Today, biotechnologists are, among as a feedback-governed equilibrium, including for the car-
many other things, working on methods to genetically bon cycle and the much publicised ‘carbon footprint’ of
engineer useful synthetic bacteria (Mycoplasma) as ‘new humans. Such concepts are central to modern biotechnol-
species’. Depending on the modification, these might be ogy, applied ecology and sustainability and the notion of
capable of producing green fuels to replace coal and oil, ‘ecosystem services’ in relation to human development
digesting toxic waste or absorbing greenhouse gases. and poverty alleviation. Linnaeus expressed a concern for
Linnaeus began his life as a working physician, where practical nature conservation in his correspondence on the
he developed a good reputation in the traditional study negative impact of slash and burn agriculture on Finnish
and use of natural, often plant-derived drugs and he con- lichen meadows and birch woods. He also noted goats over-
tributed to various pharmacopoeias of ancient Greek, grazing on Swedish heather moors and sand dunes and
Arabic and other derivation. These contained supersti- the general destruction by logging of northern European
tious and sometimes repugnant folk remedies as well as forests. He considered the latter to be a temporary and
efficacious, if crude, substances including mercury prepa- reversible blunder (Koerner, 1999: 85). By contrast, his
rations possibly of Indian origin (Singer & Underwood, apostle Daniel Rolander (1723–1793) suggested in a letter
1962: 673). Linnaeus successfully used the latter in the to Linnaeus (11 July 1755, Linnean Society correspondence
treatment of venereal disease, so building up his medical reference L1932, translated from the original Swedish) that
reputation (Blunt, 1971: 131). However, he may not have the South American rainforests in Surinam were so vast
used the compound microscope habitually and intensively that they could never be depleted and that, “humans, fire
(Brian Ford, pers. comm.). Had there been a germ theory and other things” have no appreciable impact:
of disease in the 18th century, this would have been an
excellent tool in terms of his doctoral study of the ague If they [the insects] do not do it, then I am sure that this
(or malaria, see above). Understandably, in the absence huge Hothouse will stand un-mutilated as long as the
of an alternative microbiological framework, Linnaeus earth itself. [Encouragingly, we know today that 96.2% of

TAXON 58 (1) • February 2009: 18–31 Reid • Linnaeus’ life and relationship to modern biology

primary forest in Surinam still exists (http://rainforests. terms, actually constitute the elusive ‘essence’ that Aris-
mongabay.com/deforestation/2000/Suriname.htm)] totle was pursuing. Be that as it may, Winsor (2006a, b)
advances cogent arguments to demonstrate that Linnaeus
Linnaeus’ agricultural economics concerned coop- was not an ‘essentialist’. From Lindroth’s (1976) detailed
erating with rather than battling nature (Koerner, 1999: history we know that Aristotelian logic and scholasticism
83) — again, a guiding principle in modern applied ecol- was the dominant philosophy at the University of Uppsala
ogy, pest control and biotechnology. Interestingly, but by the mid 17th century and that Aristotle (the founding
separately from notions of ague (see above), Linnaeus father of systematic zoology) was “regarded by the Lu-
proposed the idea of exterminating pest insects using theran dogmatists as an indispensable ally” from his strict
other insects. This is a forerunner of modern methods in order and clarity of thought and the system of definitions
biological control, including for crop pests and malarial provided. Indeed, it has been strongly argued that Lu-
mosquitoes. Linnaeus was particularly concerned over theran-backed Aristotelianism was the major inhibitor of
crop failures and the economic and human consequences all Swedish science during the 16th and 17th centuries. At
and (in modern terms) the technological underdevelop- this time, anti-Aristotelian writing might well be viewed
ment that allowed for failures. From this he developed as “a form of intellectual insurrection … tantamount to
an acclimatisation project to ‘teach’ tea, saffron and rice an assault on Lutheranism” (Russell, 1992: 87).
to grow in the Arctic Tundra and some have found this By the time Linnaeus arrived in Uppsala, Aristote-
attempt to be bizarre. Instead, these endeavours can be lian philosophy had largely given way to the Cartesian
interpreted as a Linnaean intuition well ahead of its time, mechanical model for interpreting the world (see above).
anticipating the modern genetic engineering of crops to There was evidently a “last autumnal flowering” of Ar-
cope with extreme environments. Nonetheless, his pro- istotelianism in Uppsala (Lindroth, 1976: 72) but there is
pensity to introduce exotic animals and plants into Sweden no reason to assume that Linnaeus fell unduly under its
to determine their practical use also presages present-day influence, even if he acknowledged its original benefits
European and global conservation problems associated and utilised some of the reasoning. The major proponents
with the deleterious impacts of invasive ‘alien’ species. of the new Cartesian mechanics in Uppsala were the Pro-
Linnaeus was interested in the domestication and fessors of Medicine, Hoffvenius and Rudbeck who had
breeding of animals, which can be regarded as a tradi- been won over to this doctrine during earlier studies at
tional biotechnology. He attempted, through experiments, Leyden in the Netherlands. Olof Rudbeck the Elder was
to domesticate yak, guinea pig and European elk as Swed- a distinguished anatomist and botanist who established
ish farm animals. However, the science of genetics was a botanical garden in Uppsala at Svärtbacken. It fell into
yet to be developed and so he did not have a good under- disuse and was eventually restored to its former gran-
standing of mammalian inheritance. This is evidenced in deur by Linnaeus. Olof Rudbeck the Younger travelled
his odd ideas on male genital melanism, which he argued in Lapland and collected and drew plants and animals,
would appear in offspring resulting from crossing a hu- becoming the founder of zoology and anatomy in Uppsala,
man male negro with a Caucasian female (Broberg, 2006: and another mentor to inspire Linnaeus and encourage
12). However, Linnaeus did realise that artificial selection him in mechanical philosophy and expeditionary work.
and hybridisation of livestock could bring about a change Expressing the Rudbeckian tradition in researching com-
or variation of appearance in offspring. This is significant parative anatomy, Linnaeus displayed an inspirational use
in terms of his later, modified views on the fixity of spe- of morphological characters for describing taxa. This was
cies. Recognition of variability and ‘plasticity’ in species notably expressed in the artificial sexual system of clas-
would be essential to the later development of the Darwin- sification that he developed for flowering plants (Schmitz
ian theory of evolution by natural selection (see below). & al., 2007; Snoeijs, 2007).
In 18th century Sweden, according to Lindroth (1976:
LINNAEAN SYSTEMATICS Scientific research had come to the universities to stay; the
Aristotelian ‘essentialism’ — a view that any particular promotion of natural sciences by performing experiments
entity in substance or form has a defining set of essential, and making observations was just as important as lectur-
fixed and all-inclusive characteristics — may have domi- ing and giving collegia. No one was more insistent on this
nated pre-Darwinian systematic thinking and supposedly point than Linnaeus.
had intellectually stultifying effects (Nordenskiöld, 1920;
Hull, 1965). Shared derived taxonomic characters (ho- Certainly, in the main body of his work Linnaeus
mologies, synapomorphies or synapotypies) operating at a clearly demonstrates the benefits of a new philosophy and
set level of generality in diagnosis might, in contemporary adopts a progressively more rigorous scientific approach.

Reid • Linnaeus’ life and relationship to modern biology TAXON 58 (1) • February 2009: 18–31

There is a careful gathering of information through travel not be accommodated, nor large numbers of specimens
and exploration, hypotheses, empiricism, accurate ob- (Gardiner & Morris, 2007). Curiously, the useful meth-
servations, comparisons, dissections, measurements and ods of wet preservation of specimens in brine or alcohol
counts (e.g., of the number of floral parts). He adopted (known in Europe since at least 1662; Reid, 1994: 32, 33)
contemporary methods in establishing facts, including a seems not to have been used extensively by Linnaeus, if
hand lens and pocket microscope in the field and probably, at all. This may well be because of the prohibitive cost of
to a far lesser extent, a compound microscope in the labo- preservative spirit and glass containers.
ratory. Nonetheless, later editions of the Systema Naturae In today’s terms, the specimen sample sizes of Lin-
notably incorporate microorganisms and therefore ‘set the naeus are too small to properly characterize natural varia-
stage’ for modern microbiology. He also makes botanical tion in populations, morphological or otherwise. To prove
and zoological generalisations concerning species and useful, biological concepts in the diagnosis of species ulti-
genera; and organises knowledge in the sort of systematic mately need to express such variation through representa-
and hierarchical way essential for taxonomic and other sci- tive and statistically significant samples of populations.
entific schemes, insightfully separating designation from More recent ideas of organic evolution, phylogeny and
description. The creation of a logical, heuristic framework genetics depend on an understanding of biological varia-
within which to easily insert new taxonomic information tion (see below). The Linnaean implication that the species
anticipates modern ‘bioinformatic’ computerised systems is the fundamental unit in diagnosis and that one or a small
for bulk data handling. Pledge (1966: 89) observes that: number of specimens are adequate to diagnose species
“Linnaeus was the first man to be able to cope with the has led to an effective, if procedurally elaborate, modern
flood of extra-European species.” Finally, there are the system. However this system still places undue reliance
widely disseminated published descriptions, diagnoses, on one or only a few ‘type’ specimens as name-bearers,
explanatory diagrams and literature reviews which make vouchers or standard references for species. This is despite
his science historically well-informed, publicly accessible, the fact that such types may be biologically unrepresenta-
challengeable, testable and to an extent predictive. tive of wild populations and were often collected in the
Crucially for science and taxonomy there is an implicit 18th and 19th centuries without good locality and other
Linnaean requirement for material evidence to support supporting data. The typological approach became for-
hypotheses. His specimens of animals and plants were mally enshrined in the 19th century following Alphonse
probably originally intended to simply be ‘name bearers’ de Candolle’s 1867 attempt to formalise rules for botanical
for species (the stated purpose of types in the modern names. This eventually led to the establishment of the
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, Article International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, 1930, and
7.2). Nonetheless, Linnaean specimens (which were not the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1895
then viewed as types in the contemporary sense of the (Melville, 1995; Pavord, 2005; Stuessy, 2006). A debate
ICBN) are representative evidence for the recognition of continues over the nature, origin and utility of the concept
entire species and higher-level taxa. Specimens consti- of a type and the ‘typological’ approach and whether or
tute fixed reference points in any disputes on identity, or not it is time to abandon it altogether (Winsor, 2006a, b;
over the morphological characters used in diagnoses and Alves & al., 2007; Mishler, 2009).
differentiation. The Prefect’s House erected by Rudbeck Linnaeus collected specimens himself in Europe and
in one corner of the Uppsala Botanical Garden became also received them from colleagues and students. These
Linnaeus’s home for much of his life and there he kept his specimens sometimes came from abroad, together with
herbarium and collections of shells, insects, fishes, fossils descriptions and notes. Geographical and international as-
and minerals. In 1768 he purchased a country residence pects of scientific exploration were certainly well catered
nearby in Hammarby and moved his museum to a small for through Linnaeus’ seventeen most widely travelled
outbuilding on the hill above. It is this collection which, in students, or ‘apostles’. Expeditionary research was, for
large part, has ended up being preserved by the Linnean example, conducted in North America by Pehr Kalm, in
Society of London (Gardiner & Morris, 2007). South America by Pehr Löfling and Daniel Rolander, in
Linnaeus’ techniques for specimen preservation were China by Pehr Osbeck and in Arabia by Pehr Forsskål.
limited and his process of drying, dissection and storage Also, Daniel Solander and Anders Sparrman sailed with
(which relate to that used domestically for over-wintering Captain James Cook around the world as his ship’s nat-
human and animal food) resulted in a subsequent deterio- uralists (Lindroth, 1976; Gardiner & Morris, 2007). A
ration and loss of valuable biological evidence, especially particular favourite of Linnaeus was Forsskål who was
in fishes and molluscs. From simple considerations of born in 1732 in Helsingfors, Finland and educated both
space and available technology, this method was also ar- in Uppsala University and in Göttingen University (in
bitrary and highly selective. For example, only specimens present-day Germany). Interestingly, Forsskål was an out-
that could be dried were kept, and larger specimens could spoken critic of Wolffianism (see above) and also of Johan

TAXON 58 (1) • February 2009: 18–31 Reid • Linnaeus’ life and relationship to modern biology

Gottschalk Wallerius, the principle advocate of this theo- 1920–1924: 224). This profound and contentious debate
logical system in Uppsala University (Lindroth, 1976). is so far unresolved. The fact that Linnaeus (1753) used
Wallerius, who lost academic preferment in competition the word relatus in for example the introduction to his
against Linnaeus, probably bore lingering resentments Species Plantarum and often espoused the desirability
against Linnaeus and, by proxy, his most heretical student. of developing a ‘natural’ system of classification, does
At Linnaeus’ suggestion, Forsskål joined a Danish expedi- not mean that he had a true genealogical or phylogenetic
tion to Arabia in 1761 and was the first person to describe sense of systematic relationships. Ideas of individuals,
the unusual plant and animal life of the Red Sea. Sadly, species, genera, families and taxonomic hierarchies were
he died of malaria in the Yemen in 1763. Linnaeus was not necessarily organic, i.e., fully imbued with a sense of
somehow held responsible for sending the young man to life, reproduction, inheritance, descendants and ancestors.
his death (Reid, 2007). Certainly, he applied the same classificatory scheme and
terms to both biological specimens and inorganic geologi-
cal samples. However, natural variation (with the prospect
of natural selection acting on this) is perhaps presaged in
NATURAL RELATIONSHIPS AND 18th century sketches (apparently Linnaean) of the diverse
EVOLUTION beaks of tropical birds. These sketches are in the exhibited
In developing the binary system, Linnaeus drew in- collection of the Uppsala University Museum and they
spiration from many sources notably including his imme- look remarkably like those Charles Darwin made, much
diate predecessors John Ray, 1628–1705, Joseph Pitton de later on the voyage of the Beagle (1834–36).
Tournefort, 1656–1708 and his contemporary at Uppsala In any event, determining organic relationships is the
Pehr Artedi or Pectrus Arctaedius, 1705–1735, whose key to later concepts of Darwinian evolution, phylogeny,
Ichthyologia (1738) was published posthumously by Lin- and biogeography. New perspectives in expressing hu-
naeus (Nordenskiöld, 1920–1924; Dixon & Brishammar, man family relationships probably allowed Linnaeus to
2007; Gardiner & Morris, 2007; Reid 2007). systematically recognise four human races (which even-
Ray’s remarkably prescient concept of a species was tually precipitated the modern biological, psychological,
of an interbreeding population, thus introducing the (still sociological and political controversies on the issue of
hotly debated) idea of biological process being used to ‘race’). Linnaeus’ observations of non-human primates
define species, as apposed to form and pattern alone. were based on his own living menagerie including an
However, this entity was deemed to be created and fixed Orang-utan and on anatomical material. Crucially, this
by God, albeit with evidence for transitional series of led him to determine close affinities between humans,
taxa and other anomalies that were difficult to explain great apes and monkeys. The idea proved to be exceed-
(De Beer, 1970: 1; Pavord, 2005: 384). At first, Linnaeus ingly controversial at the time and continues to be so:
evidently accepted these arguments only in part, arguing
that both genera and species were objective realities, fixed The unbounded dominion which Linnaeus has assumed
and immutable: in the animal kingdom must upon the whole be abhorrent
to many … He can hardly forbear to make man a monkey
Species tot numeramus quot diversae formae in principio or the monkey a man. (Albrecht von Haller in a review of
sunt creatae [We enumerate as many species of diverse Linnaeus’ Fauna Suecica, 1746 in Blunt, 1971: 123)
appearance as were created in the beginning]. (Linnaeus
in his introduction to Philosophia Botanica, 1751: 99) It is not pleasing to me that I must place humans among
the primates, but man is intimately familiar with himself.
In the last (1768) edition of Systema Naturae Lin- Let’s not quibble over words. It will be the same to me
naeus gave a complete list of fossils in the order of their whatever name is applied. But I desperately seek from you
succession, implicitly recognising them as representing and from the whole world a general difference between
animals and plants that were no longer extant. Hence, men and simians from the principles of Natural History.
he laid the foundations of palaeontological classification I certainly know of none. If only someone might tell me
(Pledge, 1966: 90) and evolutionary stratigraphy. He also one! If I called man a simian or vice versa I would bring
eventually allowed that, while living genera remained together all the theologians against me. Perhaps I ought
fixed, there might be change within or between species, to, in accordance with the law of the discipline [of Natural
perhaps through hybridisation (Nordenskiöld, 1920: 214; History]. (Letter from Linnaeus to Johan Georg Gmelin,
Pledge, 1966: 90; De Beer, 1970: 1). By contrast, the February 25, 1747, in The Linnaean Correspondence:
French naturalist Buffon (1707–88) considered that only http://linnaeus.c18.net/mss_combine/UUB/L-GmelinJG/
individuals were objective realities, all other taxonomic L0783-a-150-02.jpg; http://linnaeus.c18.net/Letters/dis
categories being human abstractions (Nordenskiöld, play_txt.php?id_letter=L0783)

Reid • Linnaeus’ life and relationship to modern biology TAXON 58 (1) • February 2009: 18–31

I reject [Linnaeus’] first division, which he calls Primates That one species may pass into another, or, in other words,
because my vanity will not suffer me to rank humankind that species have no existence.… for it is more probable
with apes, monkeys, and bats. (Thomas Pennant, 1771) that species should have been created with a certain degree
of variability, than that mutability should be a part of the
Recently many of our best naturalists have recurred to the scheme of nature.
view first propounded by Linnaeus, so remarkable for his
sagacity, and have placed man … under the title of the Pri- In short, despite the debate being fanned by Darwin
mates. (Charles Darwin in the Descent of Man, 1874: 230) and his supporters, this mid-19th century view corresponds
closely with 18th century Wolffianism and creationism as
No anthropologist believes humans descended from evidently accepted by Linnaeus via John Ray.
present-day species of monkeys or apes (Hurd, 1981). The prospect of Creative Evolution (organic evolution
as a product of God’s Creation) was indicated by Ray
Following Rudbeckian and Linnaean principles of (Pavord, 2005: 384) but was arguably first properly ar-
comparative and functional anatomy and only a year after ticulated by Charles Darwin’s grandfather Dr Erasmus
Linnaeus’ death, the German scholar Johann Blumenbach Darwin (1731–1802). He did this through a debating group
(1779) moved to an approach where, on basis of upright of seminal thinkers and practical people (often dissident
gait, he separated humans off from the rest of primates protestants). From their sometimes wayward thinking and
(apes and monkeys). Some authorities today on shared because they met near each full moon, they were organ-
specialised (synapotypic) characters and cladistic argu- ised as the Lunar Society.
ments would rather group chimpanzees and bonobos to- Erasmus Darwin (a friend of the mechanistic philoso-
gether with humans in the Linnaean genus Homo (Good- pher Rosseau) was a physician, inventor and keen botanist.
man & al., 2002; Reid, 2002) — a conclusion still far too He wrote Phytologia, or the Philosophy of Agriculture and
radical for some. Gardening (1800) and philosophical poetry about plants,
In the same year as Darwin published his Origin of e.g., The Botanic Garden (1791) with poems on the Economy
Species, Joseph Reay Greene (1859) Professor of Natural of Vegetation and The Loves of the Plants, an extravagant
History in Queen’s College, Cork, Ireland provided a suc- versified tribute to the work of Linnaeus (Barber, 1980).
cinct introduction to the principles of systematic zoology, Erasmus Darwin and other members of the Lunar
including a clear account of what is meant by a natural group were certainly familiar with Linnaeus’ classification
classification. This can be taken as a good example of the and shared with him an enthusiasm for ordering ideas and
post-Linnaean status quo in the mid-19th century, before applying knowledge for practical and economic purposes.
Darwin’s ideas began to firmly take hold. Greene thought However, the abstemious Erasmus Darwin evidently had a
that the relations of living beings firstly concern “their negative, puritanical response to Linnaeus’ bawdy way of
relations to one another” and secondly “their relations to expressing his sexual system for the classification of plants.
the conditions in which they are placed” (the “conditions” A disapproving attitude was maintained by many other
being the external environment). For him, a natural classi- contemporary philosophers and scientists and persisted
fication results from an understanding of the former, while into the 19th century (Barber, 1980: 54; Pavord, 2005: 398).
the laws of geographical distribution may be deduced from Indeed, this earlier public response may have, for a time,
the latter. Specialised organs that correspond in structure inhibited Charles Darwin’s exposition of sexual selection
were classed as homologous (even if they differed in func- as a critical subset of natural selection in the origin of
tion). As such, they allowed for the determination of rela- species (Dixon & Brishammar, 2007). One Lunar Society
tions, whereas those that corresponded in function but not member James Watt (inventor of the steam engine) joked in
in structure did not assist in this determination. Systems correspondence with Erasmus Darwin in 1781 that:
which group animals simply by recognisable external
characters are for him “artificial” while he defines a true I do not know how steam engines come among the plants;
“natural” classification as (with his own emphases): I cannot find them in the Systema Naturae, by which I
should conclude that they are neither plants, animals, nor
… the right appreciation of the mutual relations of ani- fossils, otherwise they could not have escaped the notice
mals, as dependent on those characters and capacities that of Linnaeus. However, if they belong to your system, no
they have received from their Creator. And as there is but matter about the Swede … (Pearson, 1943: 78)
one Author of Nature, so also there can be but one true in-
terpretation of that Author’s plan … (Greene, 1859: xxiv) Erasmus Darwin argued that:

Most importantly, Greene (1859: xxvii) finds little Cause and effect may be considered as the progression,
positive evidence for the proposition: or successive motions, of the parts of the great system of

TAXON 58 (1) • February 2009: 18–31 Reid • Linnaeus’ life and relationship to modern biology

Nature.… This perpetual chain of causes and effects, whose In the great body of Linnaeus’ letters, manuscripts
first link is riveted to the throne of God, divides itself into and books are discernable foundations for Darwinian evo-
innumerable diverging branches .… (Pearson, 1943: 127) lution and many other later disciplines including: anthro-
pology, biogeography, bioinformatics, biomechanics, bio-
He published his ideas in Zoonomia, or the Laws of nomics, biotechnology, biological control, conservation,
Organic Life (1794) which is credited by the theologian ecology, epidemiology, ethnography, medical diagnostics,
Samuel Butler and others as containing the first com- microbiology, palaeontology, pharmacology, phylogeny
plete, well-rounded view of evolution as a product of God’s and the public understanding of science, education and
Creation. Pearson (1943: 136) states: technology. Linnaeus’ contribution to modern science,
biology, medicine, systematic thinking and philosophy
It was he and not his grandson Charles, who to quote Dr has, therefore, been enormous, diverse and enduring.
Dowson was ‘the first to give a series of plausible reasons,
and the best that have yet been advanced, for believing the
Origin of Species by transmutation possible’.
On the contrary, Charles Darwin in his autobiography In developing ideas for this paper I have had the great
of 1876 (published in 1929), expresses a disappointment advantage of discussions with distinguished Linnaean schol-
with the Zoonomia: ars during the Tercentenary celebrations in Sweden, January
2007. I was invited to these as the Immediate Past President of
It has sometimes been said that the success of the Origin the Linnean Society of London. Lars-Ola Borglid was good
proved that ‘the subject was in the air’ or ‘that men’s minds enough to provide a conducted tour of the key Linnaean sites
were prepared for it’. I do not think that this is strictly true, in Råshult, Växjö and Stenbrohult. Professor Carl-Olof Jacob-
for I occasionally sounded not a few naturalists, and never sen, President of the Swedish Linnaean Society and former
happened to come across a single one who seemed to doubt Secretary General of The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
about the permanence of species. (pp. 60, 61) kindly introduced me to Linnaeus’ Uppsala and Hammarby. I
have also had the benefit of being generously hosted in Sweden
So it was left to Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell by Professor Mats Bergquist, Chancellor of Växjö University
Wallace to fully demonstrate that species had no such and former Swedish Ambassador to London; by Professor An-
God-given permanence or fixity and to propose natural ders Hallberg, Vice Chancellor, University of Uppsala; by Eva
selection as an evolutionary mechanism. This admitted Bjorn, Curator Linnemuseet, Uppsala; and by Inger Lilequist,
the prospect of moving the theory of evolution beyond Director-General, National Heritage Board of Sweden. I must
theology and philosophy to scientific secularism. warmly thank Professor Tod Stuessy, University of Vienna, for
Interestingly, Charles Darwin’s life and formative influ- inviting me to give an address on Carolus Linnaeus at a Sym-
ences echo those of Linnaeus. Indeed, he declared himself to posium on Systematic Biology, at the 2007 Botanical Congress
be a Linnaean, was an active Fellow of the Linnean Society in Chicago. This was organised with the unstinting support
of London and there delivered with Wallace the first (1858) of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists. That address
paper on the theory of natural selection. Both C. Darwin formed the basis of the present paper. During its preparation,
and Linnaeus resisted family pressure to train for a life as a my good friend Gordon Howes (formerly of the Natural History
minister in the protestant church. They engaged in medical Museum, London) alerted me to an important but obscure work
studies but eventually forsook this for wide-ranging research of Professor Joseph Reay Greene (1859). Dr. James Dobreff,
in natural history, including expeditionary studies. Both rec- Research Fellow at Lund University thoughtfully introduced me
ognised the importance of sex in biological explanation and, to a project on Linnaeus’ lesser known apostle Daniel Rolander,
in the face of public and theological criticisms, advocated the who wrote the under-appreciated Diarium Surinamicum. I am
recognition and acceptance of the close affinities between most grateful to Gina Douglas acting Executive Secretary of the
humans and primates. They advanced their careers through Linnean Society of London and Lynda Brooks the Librarian for
socially astute marriages and were deeply affected by the patiently tracking down bibliographic references for me, includ-
early loss of their own offspring. To a great extent they were ing in the Linnaean Correspondence archive. I must also thank
sceptics or ‘free thinkers’, in Darwin’s case moving from Dr. Polly Winsor for engaging in a stimulating correspondence
deism to agnosticism. Active and vigorous long-distance with me on typology and essentialism, points upon which we
travellers in their youth, Darwin and Linnaeus became dis- may never agree! Professor Tod Stuessy, my wife Sally and
tinctly preoccupied with personal health in their mature son Alex kindly criticised the manuscript for me and Claudine
years (Blunt, 1971: 228–229; Darwin, 1929). Surviving pe- Gibson helped with proof-checking. I am also greatly indebted
riods of public controversy, both were ultimately and rightly to two anonymous reviewers and the editors for their detailed
applauded and honoured by civil and scientific society. and helpful comments.

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