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Brandi Cyrus


Han Grauert ( 8 February 1930 in Haren , Emsland , Germany – 4 September 2011 ) was a
German mathematician .He is known for major whole shebang on several complex variable
star , complex manifolds and the application program of sheaf theory in this domain , which
influenced later work in algebraic geometry .Together with Reinhold Remmert he
established and developed the hypothesis of complex-analytic space .He became professor
at the University of Gö ttingen in 1958 , as successor to C. L. Siegel .The lineage of this
chairperson traces back through an eminent line of business of mathematicians : Weyl ,
Hilbert , Riemann , and ultimately to Gauss .Until his Death , he was professor emeritus at
Gö ttingen .Grauert was awarded a fellowship of the Leopoldina .== Early life sentence ==
Grauert attended schoolhouse at the secondary school in Meppen before studying for a
semester at the University of Mainz in 1949 , and then at the University of Mü nster , where
he was awarded his doctorate in 1954 .

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