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Milton-Union Public Library

Public Service Policies

Milton-Union Public Library Board of Trustees

Manual Revised and Updated
January 24, 2022

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INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................. 5

PURPOSE OF POLICIES .............................................................................................................................................. 5

MISSION STATEMENT ............................................................................................................................................... 5

SERVICE AREA AND GOVERNANCE ............................................................................................................................... 5

LOCATION AND HOURS OF SERVICE ............................................................................................................................. 6

STAFF IN CHARGE.......................................................................................................................................................... 6

MEETING / STUDY ROOMS ........................................................................................................................................... 7

EXHIBITS AND DISPLAYS................................................................................................................................................ 9

PUBLIC BULLETIN BOARD.............................................................................................................................................. 9

GIFTS AND DONATIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 10

VOLUNTEERS ............................................................................................................................................................... 12

COMMUNITY SERVICE ................................................................................................................................................ 13

MATERIALS SELECTION AND WITHDRAWAL............................................................................................................... 14

RECONSIDERATION OF LIBRARY MATERIALS .............................................................................................................. 17

POLICY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17

PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................................................ 17

BORROWING OF LIBRARY MATERIALS ........................................................................................................................ 20

LIBRARY CARD REGISTRATION ................................................................................................................................ 20

RESPONSIBILITIES OF LIBRARY CARD OWNER ........................................................................................................ 20

LOAN PERIODS OF LIBRARY MATERIALS ................................................................................................................. 21

RENEWING OF LIBRARY MATERIALS ....................................................................................................................... 21

FINES AND FEES ...................................................................................................................................................... 22

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PATRON BANKRUPTCY ............................................................................................................................................ 23

BORROWING FROM OTHER LIBRARIES................................................................................................................... 23

LIBRARY RECORDS....................................................................................................................................................... 24

PUBLIC RECORDS .................................................................................................................................................... 24

PUBLIC RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSAL SCHEDULE ...................................................................................... 24

PUBLIC RECORDS REQUESTS ................................................................................................................................... 26

PATRON RECORDS .................................................................................................................................................. 27

RELEASING PATRON ACCOUNT INFORMATION...................................................................................................... 27

TECHNOLOGY .............................................................................................................................................................. 28

INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY ....................................................................................................................... 28

WEBSITE PRIVACY POLICY ....................................................................................................................................... 30

SOCIAL MEDIA......................................................................................................................................................... 30

PATRON CONDUCT AND LIBRARY SECURITY .............................................................................................................. 31

PUBLIC BEHAVIOR POLICY ...................................................................................................................................... 31

ENFORCEMENT OF PUBLIC BEHAVIOR POLICY ....................................................................................................... 32

PETITIONING AND DISTRIBUTING INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 32

UNATTENDED MINORS ........................................................................................................................................... 33

STRANDED CHILD AT CLOSING TIME ...................................................................................................................... 33

PERSONAL PROPERTY DISCLAIMER ........................................................................................................................ 33

ADULT SERVICES STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES ........................................................................................................ 34

OUTREACH SERVICES .................................................................................................................................................. 35

SENIORS/HOMEBOUND .......................................................................................................................................... 35

PRESCHOOLS, DAYCARES AND HOMESCHOOLS ..................................................................................................... 35

SCHOOLS ................................................................................................................................................................. 35
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SPECIAL SERVICES ....................................................................................................................................................... 36

VOTER REGISTRATION ............................................................................................................................................ 36

TEST PROCTORING .................................................................................................................................................. 36

GOLDEN BUCKEYE CARDS ....................................................................................................................................... 36

INCOME TAX FORMS............................................................................................................................................... 36

PATRON FORMS .......................................................................................................................................................... 37

REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF LIBRARY MATERIAL .................................................................................... 37

RECONSIDERATION REPORT ................................................................................................................................... 38

COMMUNITY MEETING ROOM CONTRACT ............................................................................................................ 39

DISPLAY CASE AGREEMENT AND INSURANCE DISCLAIMER ................................................................................... 40

DONATION TAX RECEIPT ......................................................................................................................................... 41

LIBRARY CARD REGISTRATION: ADULT ................................................................................................................... 42

LIBRARY CARD REGISTRATION: JUVENILE ............................................................................................................... 43

OPLIN/INTERNET USER AGREEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 44

PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST .................................................................................................................................... 45

TEACHER COLLECTION REQUEST ............................................................................................................................ 46

VOLUNTEER APPLICATION ...................................................................................................................................... 47

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Policy last updated: October 20, 2020

The Public Services Policies of the Milton-Union Public Library (hereafter referred to as the Library) explain and
regulate the manner in which the Library directly interacts with Library patrons and the community it serves.
These policies describe the variety, extent, and limit of services and materials offered by the Library, and ensure
that patrons and staff alike may understand what those opportunities and limits are. Policies are approved by the
Milton-Union Public Library Board of Trustees (hereafter referred to as the Board) and are reviewed and revised
as necessary.


Policy last updated: October 20, 2020

The Milton-Union Public Library exists primarily to serve the library needs of the Milton-Union community and,
more generally, those of all Ohio residents. The Library endeavors to provide free and equal access to its
materials regardless of a library user’s age, race, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, or social or political views.

Materials are selected for the collection on the basis of the informational, educational, and entertainment
interests and needs of the general library community. Every attempt is made to provide materials representing a
variety of points of view.

It is the Library’s particular responsibility to safeguard the rights of its users to free expression and unrestricted
access to ideas regardless of the partisan or doctrinal disapproval of others. Materials are excluded from the
Library’s collection only in the circumstances that the Board of Trustees has ruled them injurious to the Library’s


Policy last updated: October 20, 2020

The Milton-Union Public Library (hereafter referred to as the Library) is organized as a school district library. Its
legally-defined service area is the same as that of the Milton-Union Exempted Village School District. This district
is comprised of 46 square miles in Miami County.

As a recipient of Public Library Fund monies from the State of Ohio and local property tax funds as approved, the
library extends its full services to the inhabitants of the Milton-Union Exempted Village School District and other
residents of the State of Ohio.

The Library is governed by a Board of Trustees (hereafter referred to as the Board) which consists of seven
members appointed by the Milton-Union Board of Education for terms of seven years. The Board’s operating
policies are described in its bylaws.

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Policy last updated: October 20, 2020

Milton-Union Public Library

560 South Main Street
West Milton, OH 45383

The Library is open to the public:

Monday - Thursday: 10:00am – 8:00pm
Friday & Saturday: 9:00am – 5:00pm

The Library is closed on the following days:

• New Year’s Day

• Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
• Presidents Day
• Memorial Day
• Independence Day
• Labor Day
• Columbus Day
• Veterans Day
• Thanksgiving Day
• Christmas Eve
• Christmas Day
• New Year’s Eve

The Board reserves the right to close the Library at additional times when appropriate. When possible, the public
will be notified in advance of closings that fall outside the regular Library schedule. The Library Director, or a
designee, is authorized to close the Library in emergency situations.

Policy last updated: October 20, 2020

Daily operations and general supervision are the responsibility of the Library’s Director or, in their absence, the
designated person in charge.

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Policy last updated: November 17, 2020

A major purpose of the Library’s meeting rooms is to provide a community venue for discussion and engagement.
The meetings rooms are available free of charge during regularly scheduled hours of operation for nonprofit
community groups. Needs of the Milton-Union Public Library (hereafter referred to as the Library) for use of the
meeting rooms take precedence over use by outside groups. The Library reserves the right to cancel or reschedule
any meeting.


1. The organization sponsoring the meeting must be nonprofit. Groups may be asked to furnish a copy of
their 501(C)3 statement or similar government documents verifying nonprofit status. If there is any
question of a group’s eligibility, the library Board of Trustees reserves the right to review any or all
requests and may require sufficient time to make proper investigation before granting approval.
2. Library-related activities and other events sponsored or co-sponsored by the library will receive priority in
scheduling the use of the meeting rooms.
3. Permitting a group to meet at the library does not in any way imply an endorsement of the group’s
policies or beliefs.
4. The name, address or telephone number of the Library may not be used as the contact person, nor shall
the use of the meeting room be publicized in such a way as to imply the Library sponsorship of the group’s
activities unless the activity is being co-sponsored by the Library.
5. The meeting room is available for meetings of civic, cultural, or educational groups, or for programs
sponsored by them, but not for money-making or commercial purposes. This includes marketing or
selling goods or services, fundraising, or accepting donations.
6. All meetings must be free. Entrance fees/admission charges are acceptable only to cover the cost of the
program (speaker fees, meals, handouts, etc.). Imposing entrance fees/admission fees other than to
cover program overhead is strictly prohibited.
7. The library reserves the right to discontinue the use of the room by any group which disturbs the usual
operations and procedures of the library, or creates a nuisance on library property.
8. For cause, the Library Director may waive any meeting room regulation and may deny or cancel any
application for reservation of meeting room space.

GENERAL RULES (failure to observe these rules may result in loss of meeting room privileges)

1. No refreshments are permitted in the room unless arrangements are made with library staff.
2. Smoking and vaping is prohibited.
3. To promote access to as many community groups as possible, no group may schedule more than 12 hours
a month during regular library hours, without specific Board approval. No meetings and/or set-up may be
conducted when the building is closed and staff is not at work.
4. Any person in the meeting room shall have at least one person in attendance who is at least eighteen
years of age and who will be responsible for the group and use of the meeting space.
5. Children (up to 12 years of age) and teen groups (13 to 18 years of age) must be supervised by two adults
(21 years of age or older) for every 10 children. Children and teens remain the responsibility of the
individual who brought them to the library.

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6. Library staff will set up and arrange tables and chairs. It is advisable to schedule at least 15-30 minutes of
set-up time when making a room reservation.
7. The library is not responsible for equipment, supplies, materials or other items used by a group or
individual. Storage cannot be provided for such items.
8. Those using the meeting rooms are responsible for leaving them in a neat, orderly condition upon the
immediate end of the meeting. If any problems are notice upon entering the room by the group
representative before the meeting, a staff member must be notified immediately. If any problems are
noticed upon entering the room by a staff member following the meeting, a group representative will be
notified immediately.
9. Any person in the meeting room shall covenant and indemnify themselves for any claim, suit judgment,
cost expense or responsibility of any kind whatsoever resulting from use of property; premises or facilities
of the Library.
10. The building must be vacated by closing. Any arrangements for use of the building after normal library
hours must be arranged with the director and a fee of $15 may be charged. It is understood that groups
will leave immediately after the close of a meeting.


The large meeting room capacity is 65 when only chairs are in use. For set-up that includes tables, room capacity
is reduced.

The small meeting room capacity is 5 people.


1. When scheduling a room, the person representing the group must state the name of the group, the
purpose of the meeting, the number of persons expected to attend, and the dates and time of day for
each meeting. The representative must also provide a contact name and phone number which the library
can give out to the public for questions about the organization.
2. Audiovisual and other equipment is available at no charge and must be requested in advance, preferably
when scheduling the room.
3. Meeting cancellations - Occasionally, groups must cancel their meetings. When this occurs, please notify
the library as soon as possible. Failure to notify the library that a meeting has been cancelled may result in
loss of meeting room privileges. Should the library close due to an emergency or inclement weather, all
meetings will be cancelled.

See Form: Community Meeting Room Contract

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Policy last updated: November 17, 2020

Exhibit and display spaces are primarily for the promotion of Library materials, programs and services. Preference
will always be given to Library needs. When the display case is not otherwise in use, the Library may provide it for
the display or exhibit of collections or materials of general interest to the public.

Displays or exhibits promoting local educational, cultural or recreational opportunities are encouraged. The
following categories of exhibit materials are specifically excluded: displays which serve only to advertise active
business or commercial ventures, and partisan materials which promote current political candidates, campaigns,
parties or issues. The Library reserves the right to approve the content and arrangement of all exhibits, and the
Director makes the final determination as to whether the materials comply with these guidelines.

Requests for display space must be scheduled in advance. Displays will stay up for approximately one month.
Requests are filled on a first come, first served basis. All exhibits must fit within the space allocated.

The presence of a particular display in the Library does not indicate that the library advocates or endorses the
viewpoints of exhibits or exhibitors.

The Library assumes no responsibility for the preservation, protection, or possible damage or theft of any item
exhibited or displayed. Items are placed on display in the Library at the owner’s risk.

See Form: Display Case Agreement and Insurance Disclaimer


Policy last updated: November 17, 2020

Materials to be posted on the public bulletin board must be approved by Library administration or a designee.
Materials posted without approval will be removed.

Permission will be given based upon the non-profit nature of the material, its timeliness and the limitations of
display space. Local non-profit organizations and events will be given preference. The Library will not post
personal advertisements, or for-profit or commercial materials.

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Policy last updated: November 17, 2020

The Milton-Union Public Library encourages the interest and involvement of residents and organizations
through bequests, trusts, and donations of monetary or other tangible asse ts for Library purposes. It is
understood that special gifts and bequests should not take the place of public support, but should enable
the Library to provide and enhance the facilities, grounds, services, and collections in ways not financially
possible within the current operating budget.

The Board accepts and acknowledges gifts at each regular monthly Board meeting.


1. The Library reserves the right to refuse any gift that the Board of Trustees, in its sole discretion,
deems to be not in the best interests of the Library to accept.
2. If a gift is accepted by the Library, the gift shall be final; no restrictions on the Library’s ownership,
possession, use, or disposition of the gift shall be effective other than restrictions approved by the
express vote of the Board of Trustees.
3. Donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. Library staff cannot place a value on
donated items but upon request will provide a donations slip at the time of intake of items. It is the
responsibility of the donor to determine the tax implications of a donation.
4. Donations of monetary value less than $100 will be appreciated but not acknowledged other than by
the donation slip given at the time of donation.
5. Upon receipt of any donation, the Library will acknowledge it promptly. Acknowledgement of a
donation may take any of the following forms at the discretion of the Library and/or the donor.

a. Thank-you letter
b. Library bookplate
c. Acknowledgement in the Memorial Gifts and Donations binder
d. Acknowledgement on the Donations Plaques
e. Acknowledgement in a Library promotional publication, newsletter, display, social media, or


1. Currency

Donations may be made by cash or check (made out to Milton-Union Public Library). These
donations may be either unrestricted or restricted, where gifts are earmarked for a specific
purchase or project.

2. Materials

New or gently used books, audio books on CD, DVDs, music CDs, and magazines are accepted.
Donated materials will be evaluated for addition to the Library’s collection and must meet Library

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collection standards. Donations added to the collection must be items the library would purchase,
have current significance or permanent value, and be in good physical condition.

If an item is not added to the library’s collection it will be given to the New Friends of the Milton-
Union Public Library for resale at one of their book sales. Funds raised through these book sales will
be used to purchase special items for the Library or to fund special Library prog rams. Items not sold
may be recycled, discarded, or given away to the public.

Materials donations may not be made in lieu of payment for lost materials or to pay outstanding

Materials donated to the Library cannot be accepted on a conditional bas is and items not added to
the collection cannot be returned to the donor. Arrangements for the delivery of significant
materials donations should be made in advance.

3. Packing Supplies

Donations of padded envelopes, clean cardboard, bubble wrap, and rubbe r bands are accepted by
the Library.

4. Equipment

Donations of computers, printers, equipment and software are generally not accepted because it is
in the best interest of the Library to standardize its computer equipment, and to adhere to software
licensing agreements. Those wishing to donate equipment to the Library should contact the Library

5. In-Kind Gifts

The Library may accept in-kind donations such as merchandise coupons, complimentary admissions
in support of Library programs, building/maintenance products/services, or free or reduced-fee
consulting services. It is the donor’s responsibility to determine the monetary value of the in -kind

6. Memorial Gifts

The Library welcomes monetary gifts for the purchase of materials for the ground s, services, or
collections given in recognition or memory of individuals or organizations. Whenever possible, the
Library will choose items which accommodate the donor’s preferences. The name(s) of the donor(s)
and those recognized by the gift will be listed unless desired to be anonymous. These gifts must
support the purpose of the Library.

7. Other

Gifts in addition to those mentioned above may be accepted subject to Board approval. Such gifts
should provide for complete funding of costs related to installing the gift.

See Form: Donation Tax Receipt

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Policy last updated: December 15, 2020

The Library’s volunteer program is designed to expand and enhance public service to the community. Volunteers
generally provide support services to paid staff and/or work on special projects.

An adult who would like to volunteer at the Library must complete a volunteer application form, a volunteer
interview, and provide up to three references. Prospective volunteers will be contacted when an assignment
fitting their interests and abilities becomes available. There is no guarantee that every volunteer will be accepted.

Teens must complete a volunteer application form and attend a teen volunteer training session prior to
volunteering. The library volunteer coordinator will schedule and coordinate all teen volunteer activities.

Adult volunteers must complete a BCI background check to work with children under the age of 18. Teen
volunteers must submit a reference letter along with the application in order to work with children under the age
of 18.

See Form: Volunteer Application

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Policy last updated: December 15, 2020

Milton-Union Public Library may accept various court ordered community service volunteers, however certain
court ordered offenses will not be permitted. All court ordered offenses will be reviewed by the volunteer
coordinator and library director and it is up to his/her discretion to accept or deny any person for volunteer

The Library will accept individuals with misdemeanors in the following categories:

• Driving under the influence of alcohol

• Under-age drinking of alcohol
• Traffic violations such as driving with no insurance, speeding, parking tickets, not paying traffic fines
• Trespassing in lawful locations
• Curfew violations
• Any other misdemeanors or crimes deemed acceptable by the Library

The Library will not accept individuals who have been charged with the following:

• Theft of any kind, including larceny, embezzlements, shoplifting, etc.

• Violence of any kind including assault, child abuse, fighting, etc.
• Illegal drug charges of any kind
• Sexual charges of any nature, including indecent exposure, etc.
• Harassment
• Vandalism of any kind, including destruction of property, arson, etc.
• Fraud
• Any other felonies or crimes deemed unacceptable by the Library

While on library premises, volunteers will abide by all the rules of conduct governing employees of the Library in
performing services.

Community service is a privilege and not a right and a volunteer worker can be dismissed for not following worker
guidelines, policies and procedures.

See Form: Volunteer Application

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Policy last updated: December 15, 2020


The purpose of the Milton-Union Public Library materials selection policy is to guide library staff and to inform the
public about the principles upon which selections are made.

A policy cannot replace the judgement of library staff, but stating goals and indicating boundaries will assist them
in choosing from the vast array of materials available.

The Library’s major goal in materials selection is to secure for all residents of Union Township the informational,
educational, cultural, and recreational materials in all media, both published and unpublished, that fit their needs.
Consequently, the Library’s collection reflects the collective informational, educational, cultural, and recreational
needs of the community as opposed to any one individual’s needs. The Library uses other available avenues –
interlibrary loan, appropriate referral, or redirection – to serve the individual whose needs are either outside the
scope of the Library’s collection or are remote from the acknowledged collective needs of the community the
Library primarily serves.


The word “materials” has the widest possible meaning; it may include books (hardbound and paperback),
pamphlets, maps, magazines and journals, comic books, newspapers, manuscripts, films, sound discs, DVDs,
games, puzzles, art reproductions or original art work.


Final responsibility for selection lies with the Board of Library Trustees. However, the Board delegates to the
Director authority to interpret and guide the application of the policy in making day-to-day selections. The
Director may authorize other staff to apply this policy in building collections, e.g. children’s, inspirational, young
adult, fiction, etc. Unusual problems will be referred to the Director and in exceptional cases, he/she will present
comprehensive information to the Board of Trustees.


The primary objective of selection shall be to collect materials of contemporary significance and/or of permanent
value. The Library will always be guided by a sense of responsibility to both present and future patrons in adding
materials which will enrich the collections and maintain an overall balance. The Library also recognizes a duty to
make available, in a timely manner, materials for enlightenment and recreation, even though such materials may
not have enduring interest or value.


All staff members selecting library materials will be expected to keep the objectives in mind and apply their
knowledge and experience in making decisions.

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No item in a library collection can be indisputably accepted or rejected by any established given guide or
standard; however, certain basic principles can be applied as guidelines. Every item must meet such of the
following criteria as are applicable to its inclusion in the collection.

1. Resources are selected to fill the needs of both actual and potential users within the constraints of space,
availability of funds, and perceived needs of the primary service area of the Library.

2. Each resource is evaluated according to its importance to the collection and the audience for whom it is

3. Each resource is evaluated according to professional standards for its type and format which could include
any of these criteria: accuracy, scope, timeliness, readability or technical quality, social significance or
relevancy, literary or recreational value, authority of the author or source, relationship to other materials
or resources in its field or format, comprehensiveness, clarity and effectiveness of its presentation,
accessibility, usability of arrangement, appropriateness of format.

A resource which does not meet the standards for its type may still be selected if it presents a point of
view not otherwise represented in the collection or if community demand justifies purchase or access.

Resources of current interest, which may be of temporary value, are selected if timeliness gives them
relevance. Resources of potential future value, for which immediate demand is small, are selected for
their lasting importance.

4. A resource is evaluated as a whole, not on the basis of a particular section or sections.

5. Resources representing different viewpoints on controversial issues will be acquired or made available,
including those which may have unpopular or unorthodox positions. The Library recognizes the
importance of making available a variety of viewpoints, realizing that one patron may consider a resource
meaningful even though that resource might offend other patrons.

6. A resource will not be selected, or excluded from selection, solely for the reason of the race, color,
religion, gender, sexual preference, national origin, disability, age, ancestry, or other characteristic of the
author or the source.

7. A resource will not be excluded from the selection solely because of its frankness of expression,
unorthodox language, nontraditional theme, or unusual presentation.

8. The availability of the resource in the service area of the library or the accessibility of a resource through
interlibrary loan does affect the selection process and is especially important when evaluating specialized
resources within the context of the collective needs of the community.

9. One area where resources will be selected regardless of selection criteria is Union Township local history.
The library will strive toward comprehensiveness in this area.

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1. The Library takes cognizance of the purposes and resources of other libraries in the Miami Valley area and
shall not needlessly duplicate functions and materials. Through cooperative agreements with SEO
(Serving Every Ohioan), State Library of Ohio, and neighboring municipal, county, or academic libraries,
the resources of these libraries may be available to Milton-Union library patrons.

2. The Library acknowledges educational programs for students of all ages provided by the educational
institutions in the area. Textbooks and curriculum-related materials for these programs are provided
where the materials also serve the general public or where they provide information not otherwise

3. Legal and medical works will be acquired only to the extent that they are useful to the layperson.

4. The Library acknowledges a particular interest in local and state history; therefore, it will seek to acquire
state and county public documents, and it will take a broad view of works by and about Ohio authors as
well as general works relating to the State of Ohio. However, the Library is not under any obligation to
add to its collection everything about Ohio or produced by authors, printers, or publishers with Ohio

5. Because the Library serves a public embracing a wide range of ages, educational backgrounds, and
reading abilities, it will always seek to select materials of varying complexity.

6. In selecting materials for the collection, the Library will pay due regard to the special, commercial,
industrial, cultural, and civic enterprises of the community.


The Library recognizes that many materials are controversial and that any given item may offend a library user.
Selections will not be made on the basis of any anticipated approval or disapproval, but solely on the merits of the
work in relation to building the collections and to serving the interests of library users.

Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of the contents, and no item
will be sequestered except for the express purpose of protecting it from injury or theft. The use of rare and scarce
items of great value may be controlled to the extent required to preserve them from harm, but no further.
Parents and/or legal guardians are responsible for the reading, listening, and viewing of library materials by their
minor children.


The Library accepts gifts of materials but reserves the right to evaluate and to dispose of them in accordance with
the criteria applied to purchased materials. Gifts which are not in accordance with the Library’s objectives and
policies will not be added to the collection. Book plates may be provided for gifts. No other conditions may be
imposed on any gift either before or after its acceptance by the Library.

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The Milton-Union Public Library welcomes suggestions for purchase of Library materials. Decision for purchase or
inclusion is made by the library staff.


Resources are regularly withdrawn from the collection by the library staff for the following reasons:

1. The resource is no longer accurate, current, or timely.

2. The item is physically worn or damaged beyond reasonable repair or cannot be rebound properly.
3. The item can be replaced at a lower cost than repair or rebinding.
4. The resource’s value to collection has decreased as other comparable resources have been added to the
5. The resource is no longer being used frequently enough to justify its space in the collection or the staff
time to maintain.

Withdrawn items may be sold at a modest price or given away by the New Friends of the Milton-Union Public
Library at publicly announced sales with proceeds used by the New Friends of the Milton-Union Public Library to
enhance services of the Library.


Last updated: September 19, 2023


Materials available in the library present a diversity of viewpoints, enabling citizens to make the informed choices
necessary in a democracy. The library also selects a wide variety of library materials that satisfy the diverse
interests of our community. The library upholds the right of the individual to secure these resources, even though
the content may be controversial, unorthodox, or unacceptable to some. The library’s varied collection is
available to all; however, it is not expected that all of the collection will appeal to everyone.

Patrons who wish to request the withdrawal or reclassification of materials currently owned by the library are
encouraged to discuss their concerns with its director. If the patron is not satisfied with the response to their
request, the patron will be provided with information to request formal reconsideration of the library resource.
Withdrawn materials will be disposed of at the discretion of the library staff.



Whether during an informal complaint or a formal reconsideration of a library resource, library staff and trustees
must complete their work using general agreed-upon principles such as:

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• Libraries have diverse materials reflecting differing points of view, and a library’s mission is to provide
access to information to all users.
• All library users have a First Amendment right to read, view, and listen to library resources.
• The Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement of the American Library Association can be
used as guiding documents.
• Any person has the right to express concerns about library resources and expect to have the objection
taken seriously.
• When library resources are reconsidered, the principles of the freedom to read, listen, and view are
defended rather than specific materials.
• A questioned item will be considered in its entirety, not judged solely on portions taken out of context.
• Parents or guardians have the right to guide the reading, viewing, and listening of their children but must
give the same right to other parents/guardians.
• Questioned items will remain in circulation during the reconsideration process.
• The reconsideration process should be completed in its entirety and not subverted or ended prematurely,
leaving the library open to legal challenge.


The process begins with an employee discussing the complaint with the patron who brings it to the circulation
desk. During that interaction, the employee will explain that the library has materials for everyone and everything
goes through a selection process or is purchased because of patron requests. The employee should offer to assist
the patron to find alternate materials that would better meet the needs and interests of the patron and/or their
family members. If the patron chooses to go forward with a formal challenge, they will be given a packet of
information that includes the reconsideration form, library’s mission statement, selection policy, and the Library
Bill of Rights.


The following steps will be used when an individual feels that further action is necessary to address concerns
about a library resource. For the duration of this process, the material in question will remain in circulation in the
library collection.

1. A concerned patron who is dissatisfied with earlier informal discussions will have been offered a packet of
materials that includes the reconsideration form.
2. The patron must complete and submit the reconsideration form to the library director.
3. The director, with appropriate professional staff, will review the reconsideration form and the material in
question to consider whether its selection follows the criteria stated in the collection policy.
4. Within 15 business days, the director will make a decision and send a letter to the concerned person who
requested the reconsideration, stating the reasons for the decision.
5. If the individual is not satisfied with the decision, a written appeal may be submitted within 10 business
days to the director, who will then forward it to the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees will act as
the reconsideration committee.
6. If the Board plans to address the appeal at a regular meeting, the individual will be notified of when and
where the meeting will be held.
7. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to limit the length of public comments.
8. The decision of the Board is final.

P a g e 18 | 47

Under the best professional standards, reconsideration policies ask those charged with reviewing a challenged
book or other resource to set aside their personal beliefs and evaluate the work in light of the objective standards
outlined in the library’s materials selection policy. Listed below are some best practices for Reconsideration
Committee members:

• Bear in mind the principles of the freedom to read and base your decision on these broad principles
rather than in defense of individual materials. Based in the First Amendment, the freedom to read is
essential to our democracy.
• Read or view all materials referred to you including the full text of the material in question, available
reviews, and notices of awards, if applicable.
• Review the library mission statement, materials selection and reconsideration policies, and professional
guides such as the Intellectual Freedom Manual.
• The general acceptance of the materials should be checked by consulting standard evaluation aids and
your institution’s selection policies.
• Challenged materials should not be removed from the collection while under reconsideration.
• Passages or parts of the work in question should not be pulled out of context. The values and faults
should be weighed against each other and the opinions based on the materials as a whole.
• The committee’s recommendation is to be an objective evaluation of the material within the scope of the
library’s selection policy.
• The committee communicates its decision to the director, who then communicates the decision to the
person who made the challenge.
• If the Board of Trustees prefers that the library director recruit a reconsideration committee, the
reconsideration committee should consist of an odd number of members to prevent a tie vote. While it
may be prudent to state what area/role a committee member represents in the makeup of the committee
(teacher, librarian, community member, etc.), the personal identification of each member should remain
anonymous to protect the objectivity of the deliberation.

See Form: Request for Reconsideration of Library Material

See Form: Reconsideration Report

Supporting Documents

• Milton-Union Public Library Mission Statement

• Milton-Union Public Library Material Selection and Withdrawal Policy
• First Amendment of the United States Constitution
• Library Bill of Rights
• Freedom to Read Statement
• Intellectual Freedom Manual

P a g e 19 | 47

Policy last updated: January 24, 2022

Any person who is a permanent resident of the state of Ohio is eligible for a Milton-Union Public Library card free
of charge regardless of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, or any other factor. The Milton-Union Public Library
is a member of the Serving Every Ohioan (SEO) consortium and also accepts valid library cards from other member

To acquire a patron card, adult applicants (anyone 18 years of age or older) need to complete an application and
present a picture ID with their current address. If the address on their ID is not current, bills, checks, or official
documents with their current address and name may be used in addition to their picture ID. Applicants under the
age of 18 need an application signed by a parent or legal guardian who is a library card holder and thus has
submitted documentation of identity and residence already. Minors must be present in order to be issued a card,
although there is no minimum age. All patron cards must be signed in the presence of a staff member at the time
the card is issued. On the day the card is issued, the new patron may check out three library items. After the
initial use of the card, the library no longer limits patron circulation.

At the time the applicant presents a completed application form to a staff member at the circulation desk, the
staff member will search the SEO database to ensure the patron is not already in the computer file. Any applicant
with an account in serious arrears with another SEO library may be denied a card.

A fee to replace cards will be necessary except when a card is defective, the patron has changed his/her name or
child reaches 18 years of age when his/her juvenile card may be replaced by an adult card.

See Form: Library Card Registration: Adult

See Form: Library Card Registration: Juvenile


Policy last updated: January 24, 2022

A Library card, Library card number, or valid photo ID must be produced in order to check items out. Alternatively,
a Library patron without identification can confirm account details in order to access that account. It is assumed
that anyone in possession of a Library card has that user’s permission to borrow on that Library account. Library
users can also designate other adults who may access their account by showing a valid ID. A Library user is
responsible for all materials checked out on their Library card.

If such materials are lost, damaged or returned late, the Library card owner is responsible for paying the
applicable fines or fees.

The parents/legal guardians of a child younger than age 18 are financially responsible for all materials checked out
on a minor’s card. The parents/legal guardians are also responsible for determining appropriateness of materials
checked out to their child, including electronic information.

P a g e 20 | 47
It is the responsibility of the Library card owner to notify the Library immediately if:

• a card is lost or stolen

• a change in name, address, phone number or email occurs.

A fee to replace cards will be necessary except when a card is defective, the patron has changed his/her name or
child reaches 18 years of age when his/her juvenile card may be replaced by an adult card.


Policy last updated: January 24, 2022

Library materials are loaned for a period of 7 days, 14 days or 28 days – depending on the type of item.

Material Type Length of Renewals

Checkout available
New Fiction Books and Audiobooks (YA or Adult) 2 weeks 4
Books (Children’s, YA, or Adult) 4 weeks 4
Music CDs 2 weeks 4
Audiobooks (CD or Playaway) 4 weeks 4
Video Games 2 weeks 4
DVD/Blu-Ray 1 week 4
Mobile Hotspot 1 week 0
Telescope 2 weeks 0
Puzzle 4 weeks 4
Items borrowed through interlibrary loan from another library on behalf of a Library
patron are subject to the loan rules of the lending organization.
Items on reserve for other patrons cannot be renewed.


Policy last updated: January 19, 2021

Eligible Library items can be renewed for additional loan periods up to 4 times. Patrons may renew items online,
by phone or in the Library.

Items on reserve for other patrons cannot be renewed.

Items borrowed through interlibrary loan from another library on behalf of a library patron are subject to the
renewal rules of the lending organization.

P a g e 21 | 47

Policy last updated: January 24, 2022

Beginning January 1, 2018, any materials borrowed from and returned to the Library will not be charged late fees.

Patrons receive notification when items are 14 and 28 days past due. On the 30th day overdue, a bill for the
replacement cost of the item with a $3 processing fee is mailed to the patron’s address and added to the patron’s
account. At 60 days overdue, the account is sent to a collection agency and a non-refundable $12 fee is added to
pay for the services of the agency. To be sent to the collection agency, an account must owe at least $25 and have
at least one item 60 days overdue.

Check-out and renewal of items is blocked if fines/fees total more than $5.00 on a library account.

When an item is lost or damaged, the cardholder is required to pay the cost of the item plus the $3 processing
fee. Parents/legal guardians are responsible for such charges on a child’s card.

Items borrowed through interlibrary loan from another library on behalf of a Milton-Union Public Library patron
are subject to the fines/fees rules of the lending institution.

P a g e 22 | 47

Policy last updated: January 19, 2021

The bankruptcy process is handled by the Library Director.

Once the Library is notified that a bankruptcy has been filed, collection activity is suspended on the patron’s
account and on the accounts of any minor children--to the extent that the charges existed prior to the date of the
bankruptcy filing--until the library is notified of the outcome.

If a bankruptcy results in a discharge of debts, all fines, fees and collection agency charges on the account are

Future use of the library may be limited.


Policy last updated: January 19, 2021

The Library offers the public access to millions of materials through interlibrary loan as a result of its membership
in the Serving Every Ohioan consortium. This reciprocal borrowing system allows patrons to place available items
on hold from all over the state and have them delivered to the Library for pickup.

The borrowing of items through this consortium agreement is subject to the rules and practices of the lending

On request, the Library will provide access to materials from libraries outside of the consortium as a courtesy.
These loans will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Director.

P a g e 23 | 47

Policy last updated: February 23, 2021

In accordance with the Ohio Revised Code and applicable judicial decisions, records are defined as any item that
contains information stored on a fixed medium (such as paper, electronic - including but not limited to email –
and other formats); (ii) is created or received by, or sent under the jurisdiction of a public office and (iii)
documents the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations or other activities of the
office. Public records are to be open to the public at all reasonable times with exceptions only as provided for in
the law.

As required by Ohio law, records will be organized and maintained so that they are readily available for inspection
and copying at all reasonable times during regular business hours. Record retention schedules are to be updated
as needed.


Policy last updated: November 17, 2015

The following lists library records and the retention schedule for non-permanent records.

Administrative Policy and Procedures Files
Annual Budget Resolutions
Annual Financial Report to the Auditor of State
Annual Report to the State Library
Audit Reports from Auditor of State
Bids – Successful
Board Agendas
Board of Trustees Minutes
Building Specifications and Plans
Committee Reports of the Board
Formal Legal Opinions and Court Cases involving the District Library
I-9 Immigration Verification Forms (retained separately from personnel files)
Job Descriptions
Levy Official Files
Library Real Property and Site Records
Ohio Public Employees Retirement System Reports
Payroll Records, Year-end
Payroll Tax Records
Personnel Policy
W-2 Forms
W-4 Forms (until superseded)

P a g e 24 | 47
Non-Permanent Retention Period
Accident Reports 5 years provided no pending action
Accounting Records not specified 5 years provided audited
Accounts Payable Ledger 5 years provided audited
Amended Official Certificates 5 years provided audited
Annual Certificate of Estimated Resources 5 years provided audited
Annual Employee Absence Summary 4 years provided audited
Applications for Employment Retain with personnel record if applicant employed;
others 1 year
Appropriation Ledgers 10 years provided audited
Automated System Backups 3 months
Bank Deposit Receipts 4 years provided audited
Bank Statements 4 years provided audited
Bids – Unsuccessful 4 years after Letting of Contract provided audited
Book Inventories Maintained online until superseded
Budgets – Annual 10 years provided audited
Canceled Checks 4 years provided audited
Cash Journals 10 years provided audited
Certificates of Total Amount from 5 years provided audited
Sources Available for Expenditures
Check Registers 4 years provided audited
Contracts and Leases 16 years after expiration
(building, structural, and equipment)
Deduction Authorizations Until superseded or employment ended
Deferred Compensation Deduction Reports 5 years provided audited
Depository Agreements 4 years provided audited
Employee Request for FMLA 6 years after termination of employment provided
Encumbrance and Expenditure Journal 10 years provided audited
E-Mail Until no longer of administrative value
E-Rate 10 years provided audited
Garnishment Records 5 years after rescinded or termination of employment
General Correspondence related to 2 years
the required business of the library
Insurance Policies / Bonds 15 years after expiration provided all claims have been
Inventories, except books 5 years provided audited
Investment Reports 4 years provided audited
Job Advertisements 1 year if no action pending
Levy Campaigns and Work Papers Life of Levy plus 5 years
Lost Books / Fine Records Once paid, removed from patron history
Memorial / Gift Records 3 years
Patron Information Permanent or three years after inactive
Personnel Files 6 years after termination of employment, then retain
retirement waivers, service record and leave balances
P a g e 25 | 47
Prevailing Wage Records 6 years provided audited
Purchase Orders 5 years provided audited
Non-Permanent Retention Period
Quarterly Payroll Reports for State (OBES) 5 years provided audited
Receipt Books 5 years provided audited
Receipt Ledgers 10 years provided audited
Record Request Forms 2 years
Software Destroy when obsolete
Time Sheets 4 years provided audited
Transient material (all informal and / or Discretionary, retain until no longer of administrative
temporary messages and notes, including value
e-mail and voice mail messages, and all
drafts used in the production of public records)
Unemployment Compensation Claims 7 years after termination of employment
Vouchers with Invoices 5 years provided audited
Workers’ Compensation Claims 10 years after date of final payment


Policy last updated: February 23, 2021

Ohio Revised Code Section 149.43 provides that all public records shall be promptly prepared and made available
for inspection to any person during business hours.

Requests for inspection of any public record in person or via mail kept by the Milton-Union Public Library shall be
addressed to the Library Director, who is to respond to the request within a reasonable amount of time. No
employee other than the Director or his/her designee is authorized to release any record.

Although no specific language is required to make a request, the requestor must at least identify the records
requested with sufficient clarity to allow the public office to identify, retrieve, and review the records. The
requestor must put a records request in writing.

The Library Director shall make the initial response to the request, supervise the record search review, and
determine which records are to be disclosed and which are exempt from disclosure. Any question concerning the
exempt status of any records will be reviewed with the Miami County Prosecutor’s Office.

Upon determination that the requested records are available and are to be disclosed, an appointment will be
made with the requesting party to review the records. This appointment will be during regular business hours.
On-site review of the public records is made in the presence of the Library Director. Photocopies, when
requested, are made by the Library and provided to the requestor at a reasonable cost per page. Full payment,
including postage if necessary, must be received before copies are given or mailed to the requester.

The Library does not ask about the identity of the requestor or the intended use of any requested public
document except when necessary to facilitate compliance with the request.

See Form: Public Records Request

P a g e 26 | 47

Policy last updated: February 23, 2021

A patron’s Library account contains:

• Titles currently checked out on the patron’s Library card

• Titles on reserve for the patron
• Personal information including address & phone number
• Any fines or fees owed


Policy last updated: February 23, 2021

The privacy of Library records is a responsibility that the Library takes very seriously. For a patron’s protection and
in accordance with Ohio law, Library account information is disclosed in the following ways.

To borrow materials, a patron must present a library card or their photo ID.

To discuss their library account, a patron must

• show their library card OR

• show their photo ID OR
• provide their full name and card number

To discuss their child’s (under age 18) library account, a parent or guardian must

• show their child’s library card OR

• show their photo ID or their library card with same last name or address as the child OR
• provide the child’s full name and card number

Answers to any other questions about patron account information is at the discretion of the Library Director.

P a g e 27 | 47

Policy last updated: March 17, 2021

The Library provides access to the Internet as one means of fulfilling its mission to provide information and
educational resources to its community. The Internet is an unregulated medium and its content can change
rapidly and unpredictably. Users are hereby notified that they are responsible for the sites they reach.
Ultimately, MUPL takes no responsibility for the veracity of the accessed material; not all sources on the Internet
provide accurate, complete or current information.

The Internet contains many different kinds of material, some of which may be deemed to be of a controversial or
offensive nature. In offering Internet access, the Library staff cannot control nor assume responsibility for:

• Access points reached

• The content of interactive communication such as e-mail and newsgroups
• The validity of information
• Accessibility due to technical difficulties or Internet reliability
• Privacy of information from any websites left open by a patron

By choosing to use this free wireless service, patrons need to abide by the Library’s Internet Acceptable Use Policy
that prohibits abusive or illegal activity.

By using the Library’s network and computer stations, patrons agree to the following:

1. Users may not run their own software, customize files or change configurations. These workstations are
part of the Library’s Local Area Network (LAN). Each workstation in the network is set up to run pre-
installed software only.
2. Computers and peripherals are not to be opened or disassembled for any reason.
3. Deliberate altering of any aspect of any computer, peripheral, or associated hardware/software in a
manner that defeats security measures protecting the integrity of computers, software configurations, or
network systems will result in the loss of library computer privileges and possible legal ramifications.
4. The MUPL assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from use of its website or
from its connections to other Internet services nor can the Library guarantee the security of your wireless
5. Due to liability concerns, Library staff may not provide technical assistance nor troubleshoot problems
with patrons’ private wireless devices.
6. Users shall not use the Internet for transmission of threatening, obscene or harassing materials, not to
modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others, nor to seek unauthorized access to
any computer system, or to damage or alter software components of any network or database.
7. Users must refrain from displaying profanity, sexually explicit graphics, or other sites that violate
community standards as set forth in the U.S. Code Sec. 1460 of Title 18 and the U.S. Code Sec. 2256 of
Title 18.
8. Users must comply with the United States copyright laws and all other applicable laws.
9. Users may not violate any other local, state or federal statutes.

P a g e 28 | 47
Patrons will also follow the guidelines listed below:

1. Courtesy of others using computers is maintained by quiet, private computer use, and the utilization of
headphones or ear buds for audio material.
2. Each computer user is allowed one hour of computer use. If no one is waiting to use a computer, a library
patron may remain online until computer time is requested by another user.
3. The Library charges a fee for printing to cover the cost of paper and replacement printer cartridges and
each patron is responsible for the pages printed.
4. To secure privacy of online service accounts, such as e-mail, electronic ordering, etc., log out of each such
service when finished.
5. When finished with the workstation, be sure to remove any personal storage devices.
6. Do not turn off the computer; ask a Library staff member for assistance if necessary to close out your
computer use.
7. Misuse of the Library’s OPLIN computers or Internet access will result in loss of computer privileges. The
first incident will result in a one-month suspension of computer use. The second incident will result in
permanent suspension of library computer use.

Parental Responsibility

Due to the controversial nature of Internet sites, a parent or legal guardian must sign a permission form for any
child under the age of 18 to use the Internet, and the child must sign an agreement to abide by proper usage.

Parents are responsible for their children’s use of the Internet; the Library accepts no responsibility for a child’s
Internet use.

See Form: OPLIN/Internet User Agreement

P a g e 29 | 47

Policy last updated: March 17, 2021

The Milton-Union Public Library website ( is provided for information purposes only.
The Milton-Union Public Library collects no personal information from website visitors. Cookies are used to
collect traffic data for analysis, and the Milton-Union Public Library uses Google Analytics to track general uses,
but does not track or permanently record information about individuals and their visits.

While the information contained within the website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the
information provided in the website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Through the website you are able to
link to other websites which are not under the control of the Milton-Union Public Library. We have no control
over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a
recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them.

All users of the website agree to hold the Milton-Union Pubic Library harmless from any and all claims, losses,
damages, obligations or liabilities, directly or indirectly relating to the website and/or the networked information
available via the website, caused thereby or arising therefrom. In no event shall the Milton-Union Public Library
have any liability for lost profits or for indirect, special, punitive, or consequential damages or any liability to any
third party, even if the library or staff members are advised of the possibility of such damages.


Policy last updated: March 17, 2021

The Library may use social media to facilitate communication and encourage collaboration between Library staff
and Library patrons. The Library reserves the right to monitor content before it is posted on all of its social
networking sites and accounts, and to modify or remove any messages or postings that it deems, in its sole
discretion, to be abusive, defamatory, in violation of copyright, trademark right or other intellectual property right
of any third party, or otherwise inappropriate for the service.

The Library also reserves the right to edit or modify any submissions in response to requests for feedback or other
commentary. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Library is not obligated to take any such actions, and will not be
responsible or liable for content posted by any subscriber in any forum, message board, or other area within the

P a g e 30 | 47

Policy last updated: May 18, 2021

The Milton-Union Public Library Board of Trustees is responsible for determining the rules for public behavior in
the Milton-Union Public Library (hereafter referred to as the Library) that are necessary to:

• Sustain an environment that is conducive to the purpose of the Library for patrons and staff
• Ensure the use of the facilities, materials, and services by the greatest number of individuals
• Preserve those materials and facilities from harm
• Ensure the safety of Library patrons and staff

Any misconduct that hinders the use of Library materials or services, that disturbs the use of the Library by other
patrons or Library staff, or endangers the safety of the patron in question or other patrons or Library staff, is
prohibited. Such misconduct might include, but is not limited to:

• Bringing and/or eating food

• Uncovered Beverages (covered beverages are allowed)
• Use of tobacco products
• Animals
• Weapons
• Disruptive behavior
• Interfering with others’ use of the Library
• Any conduct that endangers the safety of others

The Library reserves the right to inspect all bags, purses, briefcases, packs, personal equipment, and
coats/outerwear for the presence of library materials.

The above rules are based on powers granted to a public library board of trustees under the Ohio Revised Code,
Section 3375.40(H).

P a g e 31 | 47

Policy last updated: April 20, 2021

Library staff are authorized to bring to an individual’s attention any act or omission which violates the Library’s
rules for public behavior and detracts from the decorum of the Library. Such an individual will be asked to change
the problem behavior to conform to the rules. If such change is not evident or forthcoming, that individual will be
asked to leave Library property. Failure to leave, if asked, will result in the police being called. A violation of
section 2911.21 of the Ohio Revised Code (Criminal Trespass) will be considered if the individual does not leave of
their own accord.

Depending on the severity of the misbehavior, individuals who have been asked to leave the building and
property may be banned from returning to the Library for a set period of time. Such individuals will be informed
of the date they may return to Library property. If the banned patron is a minor, the child’s parent or legal
guardian will be informed of the reason for and the length of the ban.

Any banned individuals who enter Library property will be subject to police intervention.


Policy last updated: April 20, 2021

Courts have held that a public library is a “limited public forum.” “Limited” means it is a place to exercise First
Amendment rights, subject to reasonable restrictions as to the time, place, and manner for doing do.

The Library supports free speech, but also reserves the right to establish the following guidelines for anyone who
wishes to gather signatures for a petition or distribute information on Library property. Such persons must:

1. Stay outside the Library building when gathering signatures or distributing information.
2. Avoid positioning themselves or any objects, such as tables and chairs, on the walkways so as not to
obstruct ingress or egress to the Library building.
3. Treat Library patrons in a polite, low-key manner.
4. Refrain from using equipment for audio amplification.

Any person who does not follow these guidelines will be required to leave Library property; however, a
petitioner/distributor of information who is willing to adhere to the guidelines will be welcome to substitute in
their place.

P a g e 32 | 47

Policy last updated: April 20, 2021

The Library welcomes and encourages patrons of all ages to visit the Library and take advantage of the programs,
services and resources that it offers.

Responsibility for the safety and behavior of minors always rests with the parent, guardian, or assigned adult
caregiver, and not with library staff. Staff cannot act in loco parentis, nor can Library staff supervise unattended
youth. Children under age 8, especially, should always be in sight of and closely supervised by a parent or
responsible adult caregiver.

Any child under age 8 should be within sight of their parent or responsible adult caregiver in the Library. If a
reasonable effort to locate the parent or responsible adult caregiver is not successful, then the child will be
considered abandoned. The police may be called.


Policy last updated: April 20, 2021

No child under age 14 shall be left on Library property at closing time. A child will be considered abandoned if a
parent, legal guardian or assigned caregiver is not present at closing time. In this case, staff may call the police
and ask them to assume responsibility for the stranded child. Two staff members will remain with the stranded
child until police arrive.


Policy last updated: April 20, 2021

Patrons should be attentive to their property while in the Library or on Library grounds. The Library is not
responsible for a patron’s lost, damaged, or stolen property.

P a g e 33 | 47
Policy last updated: May 18, 2021

The Library recognizes and respects that each question is important to the patron who asks it. Library staff will use
authoritative and appropriate sources to respond to all patron questions. In some cases, staff may refer a patron
to other agencies that can more completely answer a question. The number of patrons waiting for help may
restrict the time available to help any single patron; however, staff will strive to provide effective service to all
patrons. Staff do not interpret information, regulations or provide advice.

P a g e 34 | 47

Policy last updated: May 25, 2022

The Library offers free delivery and pickup of Library materials. This service is provided when either a staff
member or a volunteer is available to make deliveries. These deliveries will be done with the understanding that
the patron’s address will be shared with the person making the deliveries. The service is available to patrons who
reside within an area reasonably accessible by either a library staff member or a volunteer.

To be eligible for Outreach Services, a patron must have a library card in good standing and be one of the
• unable to visit the Library due to physical or mental limitations.
• a resident of a nursing home, assisted living facility, or senior apartment (regardless of health or mobility).
• a full-time caregiver to someone with physical or mental limitations.


Policy last updated: May 18, 2021

The Library offers free delivery and pickup of Library materials to locations of early childhood education that are
situated within the Milton-Union School District. A Library card in good standing is required for the use of this

Facilities eligible for delivery and pickup include:

• Daycare centers
• Preschools
• In-home daycares

See Form: Teacher Collection Request


Policy last updated: May 18, 2021

The Library offers free delivery and pickup of Library materials to public and private schools located within the
Milton-Union School District. Deliveries and pickups are made weekdays during school hours, insofar as possible.

Persons at the participating schools eligible for this service must have a library card in good standing and include:

• Faculty
• Staff

See Form: Teacher Collection Request

P a g e 35 | 47

Policy last updated: May 18, 2021

The Library provides Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request forms for Miami County and forwards the
completed forms to the appropriate State of Ohio government office.

Library employees are responsible for handling these forms according to the guidelines established by the Ohio
Secretary of State’s office.


Policy last updated: May 18, 2021

The Library provides a test proctoring service. As staffing and space allows, staff members will administer exams
from any school or institution that allows test proctoring.

A test must be scheduled in advance by contacting the Library. At that time, the staff member will determine if
the Library can meet all of the criteria specified by the school or institution from which the test originated. When
proctoring, Library staff will follow the proctoring rules and procedures of the school or institution.


Policy last updated: May 18, 2021

Ohio residents who are at least 60 years of age or disabled can register for a Golden Buckeye card at the
circulation desk. Library staff members will verify proof of age or disability in accordance with the instructions on
the registration form. Completed forms are sent to the State of Ohio at no charge to the patron. No copies of
completed forms are retained at the Library.


Policy last updated: May 18, 2021

The Library provides a limited selection of federal, state and local income tax forms during tax season. These
forms are sent to the Library by the various taxing authorities to distribute free of charge to our patrons.

P a g e 36 | 47

The Board of Trustees of Milton-Union Public Library have established a materials selection policy and a
procedure for gathering input about particular items. Completion of this form is the first step in that procedure.
If you wish to request reconsideration of a resource, please return the completed form to the library director.

City State/Zip
Phone Email
Do you represent self? ____ Or an organization? ____ Name of Organization
1. Resource on which you are commenting:
___ Book (e-book) ___ Movie ___ Magazine ___ Audio Recording
___ Digital Resource ___ Game ___ Newspaper ___ Other__________
2. What brought this resource to your attention?

3. Have you examined the entire resource? If not, what sections did you review?

4. What concerns you about the resource?

5. Are there resource(s) you suggest to provide additional information and/or other viewpoints on this topic?

6. What action are you requesting the committee consider?

P a g e 37 | 47



Has every member of the committee read the material entirely? If not, why?

Resources consulted: (include policies, articles, reviews etc.)

Reconsideration committee recommends: (retain in original location, relocate material, or remove material)

Justification and comments: (include majority and minority positions)

Signatures of Reconsideration Committee Members:


This report is being forwarded to:

P a g e 38 | 47

Applicant Name________________________________________________________________________________




Personal or Organization/Business Use _____________________________________________________________

The library is not liable for any injuries or damages that occur during the use of the meeting room. If the room is
being used for personal use, your (or your guardian’s) homeowner’s insurance policy or renter’s insurance will
provide insurance. If the room is for use by an organization or business, the general liability insurance policy will
provide insurance.

Do you have the necessary insurance coverage to use the meeting room? _________________________________

Meeting open to public__________________________________________________________________________

Assigned by ___________________________________________________________________________________

List additional supervising / responsible adults

Name Telephone Age Signature

List date(s) of meetings (Library Board approval is required for more than four meetings)
Dates Hours Estimated Attendance

P a g e 39 | 47

The Milton-Union Public Library does not assume any liability for any damage or theft of your personal property
while it is on display. We encourage display collections that are not extremely valuable or irreplaceable. If your
items are insured, please check with your insurance company about displaying the items with us.

Display Start Date: ________________________________________________________

Display End Date: _________________________________________________________

It is your responsibility to arrange, label, and take down your display items on the above listed dates. Library staff
may or may not take down your display in your absence.

Name (please print): ______________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Signature: ______________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________

P a g e 40 | 47

Milton-Union Public Library

560 S. Main St.
West Milton, OH 45383
Number of Books: __________ Date: ______________________

Number of CDs: ____________

Number of DVDs: ___________

Number of Other: ___________

Total Value of Donation: $_____________

Authorized Library Signature: ____________________________________________________________________

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Street Address: ________________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip Code: ___________________________________________________________________________

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OPLIN/Internet User Agreement

I have read or listened to the terms of the Milton-Union Public Library’s Acceptable Use Policy for access to
OPLIN/Internet. I understand the policy, accept its terms and conditions, and agree to abide by it as well as any
future policy revisions which will be posted at each public OPLIN/Internet computer within this library.

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature of User: ______________________________________________________________________________

Signature of parent/legal guardian: ________________________________________________________________

(required for children under 18)

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Teacher Collection Request

Today’s Date: ___________________________________

1. Teachers must have a valid Milton-Union Public Library card and ask specifically for a Teacher Collection
Request form.
2. The cardholder is responsible for the replacement cost of items considered lost by our system. If an item is
damaged, the cardholder is responsible for the replacement cost of the item.
3. Please give 1-2 week’s advance notice if 10 or more items are required. Seasonal items, such as Christmas
books, should be requested as soon as possible to ensure availability.
4. Items may be checked out for the following time periods unless other arrangements are made:
• Books: 28 days
• Read-Alongs/Audios: 14 days
• DVDs: 7 days
5. Items may be renewed up to four times by telephone, in-person, or online. If an items is requested by
another patron, renewal will not be possible and the item must be returned.

Teacher’s Name: ________________________________ School: _________________________________

Phone #: ___________________________ Grade Level: _________________ Number of Items: _____________

Pickup Date: _______________________________ (or) Delivery Date: ___________________________________

Fiction? _____________ Nonfiction? _____________ DVDs? _____________ Read-Alongs/Audio? _____________




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City_____________________________________________ State_______________________ Zip______________

Home Phone________________________________________Cell_______________________________________


Parent/Guardian Name__________________________________________________________________________

Contact Number_______________________________________________________________________________

Best Time to Call_______________________________________________________________________________

Have you ever volunteered for a public or school library before? ________________________________________

If yes, what tasks did you perform? ________________________________________________________________


Days and times that work best for your schedule:


Wednesday____________________________________ Thursday_______________________________________

Friday_________________________________________ Saturday_______________________________________

I have read and received a copy of the Milton-Union Public Library Volunteer Application and Guidelines and
agree to abide by them if I am granted service time by the Library.

Print Name ____________________________________________________ Date___________________________


Parent / Guardian Signature (if applicable) __________________________________________________________

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