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1. Who is your hero?

My hero is my mom because she is the most caring, loving and intelligent person I know.
She has provided me with guidance, love and has always supported me no matter what
new project I start. She is always encouraging me to never give up on the things I love
the most which is writing and for her I have achieved what I have until now.
2. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

If I could live anywhere, I would live in Berlin because I find the city very interesting and
also, I love and really enjoy techno music and I think I would really love living there and
going to see different dj´s. I also like their culture and everything that comes with it like
their food and the people.

3. What is your dream vacation?

My dream vacation is doing a Euro trip and passing through Rome, Paris, Athens,
Seville, and London. I would love to go with my twin sister and some friends and stay in
different hostels along the way. Also, I would really like to make new friends in different
places and get to know different cultures.

4. What is your favorite hobby?

My favorite hobby is writing, I love to write short stories, poems and novels both in
English and Spanish. I just finished writing a novel in Spanish some months ago but I
have it still, I haven´t done anything with it yet. I´ve loved to write since I was very
young and I´m really happy that I never stopped.

5. If you were a super-hero, what one power would you have?

I would love to be invisible and be able to go everywhere I want, listen to different

conversations that otherwise I wouldn´t be able to; and also, if someone is going to rob
me, I could just disappear and go away. I would sneak inside airplanes, parks, and places
where otherwise I wouldn´t be allowed to go in. I would also love to go into casinos and I
could win some money.

6. What celebrity would you like to meet?

I would like to meet Gabriel García Marquez because I really enjoy all of his books and
the way he writes. So, I would love for him to read my novel and tell me if he finds it
good or some changes that I could make. And also tell me about how all of his ideas for
all his different novels came from.

7. What was your favorite subject in school?

English was my favorite subject in school, I really enjoyed writing articles and reading
different novels. Also, I really loved my English teachers and I liked doing all of their
reading club activities, and writing for the school´s newspaper. I think that because I
loved that class so much is why I got into writing, because I really liked when they put
me to free write and write different short stories.

8. What motivates you to work hard?

My parents’ happiness motivates me to work hard because they have given everything I
´ve wanted in life. And sometimes I´ve not been the best daughter so everything I work
hard for is so that they can feel proud of me. My parents have been there in every step I
make and I have had so many ups and downs that what I want the most is for them to feel
proud and happy that all the effort they have done so far has really worked for something.

9. What is your proudest accomplishment?

My proudest accomplishment is finishing the novel I wrote in Spanish. I am someone that

takes a lot of breaks, and when I start something, I don´t tend to finish it because I change
of hobby and of mind very fast. So being able to actually finish this whole novel has been
my proudest accomplishment. Also winning a squash tournament when I was younger
and getting some of my poems published as well as one short story.

10. Why did you choose to take this class?

I chose this class because at first it was one of the credits, I needed so I had to choose
between this one or another one of gender and I find this topic more interesting for me.
Also, I have always enjoyed everything that has to do with the media and I think
combining youth with the media in a single class sounds very interesting and new. And
for PR and all of those other courses as well as the work I do later on, this can be a very
helpful class to learn things I´ll be able to use later on in life.

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