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Ana Hoy

ID : 011737622
Journal #12

For this journal entry I want to talk about the experiences I had while working in BLENDtw.
When I just started, the one who picked the topics for me and corrected my writing was a senior
editor at the company; and this week the one who sent me the topic for my new article was the
founder and CEO of BLENDtw; this means that they have liked my writing because they have
published all of my articles until now and now I´m getting other varieties of topics which are
now a lot tougher. I started doing my research for the topic and I´m going to start putting
everything together today because it´s due on Sunday. I have to research some brands that are
affiliated to the company and talk about a variety of their products to make them known and get
them out there. Also, this week I had to work in a project in company with other members of the
team, we have to write a really long article all together and send the final product on Sunday as
well. So that has been a great experience because I had never worked in a writing article
assignment in a group, it has been tougher but a very good and valuable experience. This week I
have felt very happy with my internship and I am really considering in asking them a position on
their company as soon as I am done with the internship, because I loved their work environment
and the voice I get to talk about different kinds of topics.

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