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Statement of the problem……………………………………………………………….6-7

Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………………………………7

Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………………………8

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………………9

Operational definition of terms………………………………………………………10-11


Research Hypothesis………………………………………………………………..……12

Research Methodology………………………………………………………………….12

Research Design…………………………………………………………………12


Data Gathering Instrument…………………………………………………….12-13

Data Gathering Procedures…………………………………………………….13

Statistical Treatment of Data …………………………………………………..13








Nowadays, the internet has become the ongoing emerging source, which is

constantly tending to development and expanding. That is why the following growth

and the rapid development are mainly considered as the attractive issues for the

advertisers in the light of its productivity, demand, and easiness to contact and

communicate with the potential customers worldwide.

Internet advertising continues to grow and capture the attention of traditional

and new direct marketers. Online stores can do many of the things like the real stores

such as display products, offer special deals, take orders from customers, and process

credit card transactions. The only thing that is extra is to add a shipping charge and

then process the shipping. In the beginning, the consumers only relied on the internet

for information. They would search for the products online, look up for the

alternatives but were hesitant to buy it. But with the passage of time and increase in

awareness, consumers now shop online.

Online advertising is also known as online marketing, internet advertising or

web advertising. This form of marketing and advertising uses the internet to deliver

promotional marketing messages to customers. Internet is an ongoing emerging

source that tends to expand more and is growing exponentially in both its application

and number of user due to its unique characteristics of flexibility, interactivity and

personalization. Internet as a strong advertising medium is versatile that is why it

stands apart from traditional advertising mode e-advertising is highly flexible mode

that allows consumers to make changes during the course of campaign as and when

required without increasing much additional cost.

The users of internet in the world are increasing very rapidly day by day and it

is used by all age and all types of people. Internet has become one of the major

medium of communication. Traditional marketing forms such as radio, newspaper,

magazines, television etc., are becoming a thing of the past. Most of the companies

and organizations nowadays are relying in digital advertising and marketing

techniques to improve their overall sales and revenue. Online marketing is so far

proved to be effective and efficient when compared with other forms of advertising

and marketing.

In general, most companies need to spend an enormous amount of money on

advertising to maintain their market share and to keep their company and its products

on top of their consumer’s minds, they need to use advertisements as reminders, if not

the competitors will be able to steal some of their market share and sales.

Studying consumer behavior and advertising is also useful in other ways.

Advertisers may go back and study the response rates and reactions to previous ads to

determine overall public opinion about them. This may include studies on what

people think of a particular brand’s image or what they thought about the ad in

particular. By determining what consumers respond to best, more effective advertising

can be delivered.

The study of consumer behavior and advertising is typically a case of trial and

error. Some ads, even when they follow conventional wisdom, simply do not sell

products. Many ineffective advertising comes as the result of not appealing to the

right demographic. Others bomb because they don’t address any demographic at all,

but they focus solely on the product or service being offered instead of on consumer


Consumer behavior encompasses mental and physical activities that

consumers engage in when searching for, evaluating, purchasing, and using products

and services. In the marketplace, consumers exchange their scarce resources

(including money, time, and effort) for items of value. (Cole, 2020)

Consumer behavior refers to the act of consuming a good or service.

Consumer behavior is the study of how individuals, groups and organizations select,

buy, use and dispose of goods, services, ideas, and experiences to satisfy their needs

and wants.

Consumer Behavior is the study of when, why, how, and where people do or

not buy a product. It blends elements from psychology, sociology, social

anthropology and economics. It attempts to understand the buyer decision making

process, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics of individual

consumers such as demographics and behavioral variables in an attempt to understand

people’s wants. It also tries to assess influences on the customer from groups such as

family, friend, reference group, and society in general.

Consumer behavior plays a vital role in shaping the economy. It refers to the

actions and decisions made by individuals when purchasing goods and services. These

decisions are often influenced by various factors, including income, preferences,

cultural beliefs, and marketing efforts. Understanding how consumer behavior affects

the economy is essential for businesses and policymakers alike. (Mubarik, 2023)

More so, the researchers hope that the findings of these study will help online

shoppers particularly in Ilocos Sur and businesses which are relying on online

advertising nowadays and being part of their marketing strategy.

Finally, the researchers believe that the study will provide insights regarding

to the effects of online advertising towards consumer behavior of online shoppers.


The study aims to determine the effects of online advertisement towards consumer

behavior among online shoppers in Ilocos Sur.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions;

1. What is the profile of online shoppers in terms of the following:

a. age,

b. gender,

c. civil status, and

d. family income?

2. What is the extent of an online advertisement in terms of the following:

a. quality content,

b. product information,

c. price information, and

d. discount and deals

3. What are the consumer behaviors of online shoppers in terms of the following:

a. Purchasing Decisions,

b. Brand Knowledge, and

c. Perception to advertisements

4. Is there a significant effect of online shopper’s profile and the extent of online

advertising towards consumer behavior of online shoppers in Ilocos Sur?


This study will be confined to the assessment and evaluation of the effects of

Online Advertisement towards Consumer Behavior of Online Shoppers in Ilocos Sur.

The effects of Online Advertisement were evaluated on the following areas:

quality content, product information, price information and discount deals, and

purchasing decisions, brand knowledge and perception to advertisements of online

shoppers in Ilocos Sur.

Respondents of the study will be the online shoppers in Ilocos Sur.


With the advancement of internet, Web has become the most preferred

medium for the business firms to promote their products and services. The modern

business world has become digitalized and people prefer to buy stuff online, which is

easier, faster and considered more convenient than the traditional modes. Online

advertising offers a wide spectrum of recognition, which is incomparable to any other

modes of advertising.

A study on online advertisement and consumer satisfaction depicted that

brands used different advertisement channels to attract their customer as well as to

satisfy their needs and desires. Nowadays, it is impossible to capture market share and

satisfy their customer without advertisement. For this purpose, brands used different

media for advertisement, and in today’s world, online advertisements through social

media and other websites, etc., are very popular to deliver products to their customers.

(Hanif, 2018).

Based on the synthesized review of literature, previous studies do not have a

consensus on finding regarding the relationship among said variables and the effect of

an online advertisement towards consumer behavior. Therefore, this study intends to

fill this gap by conducting structured questionnaire to examine the effect of an online

advertisement towards consumer behavior.


Online Shoppers Profile:

a. Age
b. Sex
c. Civil status
d. Educational attainment
e. Family income
f. Employment status
g. Municipality Residence Online Shoppers consumer

a. Purchasing decision

b. Brand knowledge

Extent of Online Advertisement: c. Perception to


a. Quality Content
b. Product Information
c. Price Information
d. Discount and Deals


The Research Paradigm

The research paradigm shows the online shoppers profile, Extent of online

advertisement and the online shoppers' consumer behavior. The online shoppers personal

profile incudes the following: age, Sex, Civil Status, Educational Attainment, Family

Income, Employment status, and Municipality Residence. Thus the extent of online

advertisement includes the: quality content, product information, price information, and

discount and deals. The online shopper’s consumer behavior includes the following:

purchasing decision, brand knowledge, and perception to advertisement.


Quality Content

-it refers to the depth of information and insight contained within a piece of content

and how well your content achieves its goal.


-the process of producing goods and services to satisfy human wants.


- is the value that is put to a product or service and is the result of a complex set of

calculations, research and understanding and risk taking ability

Discount and Deals

- a reduction made from the gross amount and a deal is a discounted price on a

product or subset of products.

Purchasing Decision

- is the thought process that leads a consumer from identifying a need, generating

options, and choosing a specific product and brand.

Brand Knowledge

- a consumer's understanding and recall of a brand and its products.

Perception to advertisement

- a consumer's impression of a particular product or service that may not be rooted in


Consumer behavior

- is the study of the elements that influence individuals' purchasing decisions,

including environmental, psychological, and societal factors.

Online Shoppers

- Consumers who purchase from the internet.

Online Advertisement

- ads that appear in emails or websites. It's a marketing strategy that uses the internet

to generate website traffic and deliver specific marketing messages to the right



The research study is anchored on the assumption that respondent will be

honest in answering the questionnaire which up on the data to be gathered by the

researcher are valid and reliable for correlation. In addition, the research study is

believed to be timely relevant to the respondents that will result into outcome

providing basic knowledge of the questions.


There is a significant effect of online shoppers' profile and the extent of online

advertising towards consumer behavior of online shoppers in the 1st District of Ilocos




The research study will make use of the descriptive survey method of research

to determine the influence of the online shoppers and online advisement inclusion to

the online shopper’s consumer behavior. Descriptive method will be used to describe

the profile and the advertisement inclusion of the respondent in terms of age, sex, civil

status, educational attainment, family attainment, employment status, municipality

residence, quality content, product information, price information and discount and



Respondent of this study will be the online shoppers of 1 st district of Ilocos



The instrument used was a research made questionnaire checklist to gather the

needed data for the respondent profile. The draft of the questionnaire was drawn out

based on the research readings previous studies published and unpublished thesis

relevant to the study. In the presentation of the instrument the requirement in the

signing of good data collection instrument were considered. For instance, is statement

describing the situation pertaining was toned down to accommodate the knowledge

preparedness of the respondent open and adoption were provided to accommodate to

free formatted views related to the topic. In this way the instrument used authorized to

obtain valid responses of the respondent. In addition, the instrument was validated by

few consultants and former profession before it laid on the study.


A letter of request to conduct the study was prepared. The researcher

constructed a questionnaire checklist validated by the professor of the subject then the

questionnaire checklist is distributed. The researcher conducts the research in the first

district of Ilocos Sur through survey because of the advantages of the survey method.

The researcher explains to the respondent the importance of the response to the study.

The researcher clarifies some terms to the respondents so that the respondent can

answer the questionnaire with full knowledge of the responsibilities as the subject of

the study. The researcher requested the respondent to answer with all honesty. After

the respondent answer the questionnaire, the researcher collected the data will tally

for interpretation.


Responses to the questionnaire by the online shoppers we're statistically

analyzed with the data requirements of the study. Descriptive statistics such as

frequency count, mean, percent and rank are considered.


The Influence of Digital Marketing on Consumer Behavior. (n.d.). Stafford. Retrieved



Mubarik, T. (2023, February 17). How Consumer Behavior Affects The Economy?

LinkedIn. Retrieved from


Cole, C.A. (2014). The Consumer Behavior. Science Direct. Retrieved from


Braccialini, C. (2021, September 09). Online Advertising: Everything You Need to

Know in 2022. HubSpot Blog. Retrieved from



Importance of Online Advertising. (n d.). Cram Website. Retrieved from


StudyCorgi. (2021, July 17). Online Advertising in the Modern World. Retrieved


Hill, E. (2023). What Is the Relationship between Consumer Behavior and

Advertising? Smart Capital Mind. Retrieved from




Effects of Online Advertisement towards Consumer Behavior among Online Shoppers

in Ilocos Sur (Survey Questionnaire)

This questionnaire is solely meant for collecting responses from the online shoppers to

analyze the effects of online advertisement towards their consumer behavior. User

responses would be kept confidential, by the surveyor.

Direction: Kindly put a (✓) inside the circle that matches the answer of your choice.

Part 1. Online Shoppers Profile

Name: _______________________ (Optional)

Age: ____

Sex: _____

Municipality Residence: ______________

1.1 What is your civil status?

○ Single

○ Married

○ Widowed

○ Separated

1.2 What is your highest educational attainment?

○ Elementary Undergraduate

○ Elementary Graduate

○ High School Undergraduate

○ High School Graduate

○ College Undergraduate

○ College Graduate

1.3 How much is your family income annually?

○ below 10,000

○ 11,000 - 25,000

○ 26,000 - 50,000

○ 51,000- 100,000

○ above 100,000

1.4 What is your employment status?

○ Full-time Worker

○ Part-time Worker

○ Unemployed

○ Self-employed

○ Student

Part. 2 Extent of Online Advertising

2.1 How do you see the quality content of an online advertisement?

○ Very poor

○ Poor

○ Acceptable

○ Good

○ Very good

2.2 How is the product information in an online advertisement?

○ Extremely helpful

○ Very helpful

○ Sometimes helpful

○ Not so helpful

○ Not at all helpful

2.3 How is the price information in an online advertisement satisfy you?

○ Very satisfied

○ Somewhat satisfied

○ Dissatisfied

○ Somewhat dissatisfied

○ Very dissatisfied

2.4. How is the price information in an online advertisement satisfy you?

○ Very satisfied

○ Somewhat satisfied

○ Dissatisfied

○ Somewhat dissatisfied

○ Very dissatisfied

2.5. How are the discount and deals in an online advertisement satisfy you?

○ Very satisfied

○ Somewhat satisfied

○ Dissatisfied

○ Somewhat dissatisfied

○ Very dissatisfied

Part 3. Consumer Behavior of Online Shopper

3.1 Purchasing Decision

How often do you purchase a product after watching an online advertisement?

○ Very often

○ Often

○ Sometimes

○ Not often

○ Never

The more you viewed an online advertisement, the more you're likely to go and buy the


○ Agree

○ I disagree

○ Strongly disagree

You're are often become a victim of an online advertisement through the purchase of

unnecessary items.

○ Agree

○ I agree

○ Strongly disagree

3.2 Brand Knowledge

How often do you purchase a brand of a product you've seen in an online advertisement?

○ Very often

○ Often

○ Sometimes

○ Not often

○ Never

3.3 Perception to Advertisements

How do you perceive most of the online advertisement you see?

○ Very satisfied

○ Somewhat satisfied

○ Dissatisfied

○ Somewhat dissatisfied

○ Very dissatisfied

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Monette Vagay Sayaboc
Nickname: Monette
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: April 15, 2002
Address: Caronoan, San Juan, Ilocos Sur
Motto: “Stop worrying about the things that are out of your control.”
Father: Mr. Florante V. Sayaboc
Occupation: Farmer
Mother: Mrs. Juana V. Sayaboc
Occupation: Farmer

Elementary: Caronoan Elementary School

Address: Caronoan, San Juan, Ilocos Sur
Year enrolled: 2008
Year graduated: 2015

Junior High School: San Juan National High School

Address: San Juan, Ilocos Sur
Year enrolled: 2015
Year graduated: 2019
Senior High School: San Juan National High School
Address: San Juan, Ilocos Sur
Year enrolled: 2019
Year graduated: 2021

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Allaina Jean Sesuca

Nickname: Allai

Sex: Female
Date of Birth: September 21, 2002
Address: Dardarat, Cabuagao, Ilocos Sur
Motto: “words are aligned with actions”
Father: Alex Sonido
Occupation: Driver/ Farmer
Mother: Ruby Jane Sesuca
Occupation: OFW

Elementary: Dardarat Elementary School

Address: Dardarat, Cabuagao, Ilocos Sur
Year enrolled: 2008
Year graduated:2015

Junior High School: Cabugao National High School

Address: Turod, Cabugao, Ilocos Sur
Year enrolled:2015
Year graduated: 2019

Senior High School: Cabugao National High School

Address: Turod Cabugao Ilocos Sur
Year enrolled:2019
Year graduated:2021


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