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Florence Nightingale

Sammy, why do you think this [__________] is called “Nightingale” Ward?

I don’t know, Krish. A nightingale is a type of bird, so maybe it’s named
after that.
I’ve got some water for you two.
Thanks, Miriam.
How’s your leg [__________] today?
Okay. It’s still a bit [__________].
Well, a [__________] takes a long time to [__________], but you’ll be back
playing football soon, don’t you worry. achy
Miriam, I was wondering why the ward we’re on is called “Nightingale” after
Ward. bandages
Now that is a very good question. broken ankle
Sammy thought it might be named after the bird. care
A good guess, but not right. It’s named after a very famous [__________] celebrate
from many years ago called Florence Nightingale.
Can you tell us about her? crowded
Erm, okay, I’ve got a few minutes. Florence Nightingale was born more than feeling
200 years ago in Italy. She was British but her parents were visiting the fight
[__________] of Florence at the time when she was born. heal
So she was named Florence [__________] the city. healthier
Exactly. The family soon moved back to England where Florence studied ill
very hard. When she grew up, Florence travelled all over Europe, but she
learned about
always wanted to [__________] for others. She began her [__________] as nurse
a nurse in Germany before she started working in London. Soon after, a nursing school
[__________] began in a country a long way away. Many British safer
[__________] were sent there to [__________]. Florence and a team of soldiers
nurses made the long journey from the UK to help care for the terrible state
[__________] soldiers who were fighting in a place called Crimea. When she trained
arrived at the army hospital, she found it in a [__________]. The doctors
and nurses were struggling to look after all the patients. The hospital was ward
very dirty and [__________] and there wasn’t enough medicine or wounded
[__________], so many of the soldiers became very [__________]. Florence
cleaned up the hospital, set up a kitchen and made sure the soldiers were properly cared for
by her team of nurses. They were bathed, bandaged and given clean water to drink and
fresh, [__________] food. She became known as “The Lady with the [__________]”, as each
night after all the doctors had gone to bed, Florence would walk around the hospital with a
lamp [__________] on all the soldiers. Remember, there were no electric lights for her to
use, so she had to use an oil lamp instead. Florence became very famous for her work
during the Crimean war. Back home in Britain, a big sum of money was given so that more
nurses could be [__________]. After Florence returned to England, she continued to work
hard to make hospitals better. She wrote over 13,000 letters to important people—soldiers,
politicians, doctors—to try to make hospitals everywhere cleaner and [__________]. She set
up a [__________] called “The Nightingale Training School for Nurses” at a hospital in
London, which taught nurses to do all the things she had [__________] while caring for
soldiers; so many hospital wards, like this one, are named after her.
Wow! She sounds like a pretty great nurse!
She was. So many of the things she started are still really important today.
No wonder the ward is named after her!
And guess which day we [__________] International Nurses Day on.
Florence’s birthday?
Exactly. We celebrate it every year on the 12th of May. Right, time for me to check on
some of our other patients. See you later.

Audio available at

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