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Chapter 197 ◆ Pertussis (Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis) 1377

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Chapter 197
Pertussis (Bordetella
pertussis and Bordetella
Sarah S. Long

Pertussis is an acute respiratory tract infection that was well described

initially in the 1500s. Sydenham first used the term pertussis, meaning
intense cough, in 1670; it is preferable to whooping cough because most
infected individuals do not “whoop.”

Bordetella pertussis is the cause of epidemic pertussis and the usual
cause of sporadic pertussis. Bordetella parapertussis is an occasional
cause of sporadic pertussis that contributes significantly to total cases
of pertussis in Eastern and Western Europe but accounts for <5% of
Bordetella isolates in the United States. B. pertussis and B. parapertussis
1378 Part XVII ◆ Infectious Diseases

are exclusive pathogens of humans and some primates. Bordetella expresses pertussis toxin (PT), the major virulence protein. PT has
holmesii, first identified as a cause of bacteremia in immunocompro- numerous proven biologic activities (e.g., histamine sensitivity, insulin
mised hosts, is also reported to cause pertussis-like cough illness in secretion, leukocyte dysfunction). Injection of PT in experimental
healthy persons in Japan, France, and the United States. Bordetella animals causes lymphocytosis immediately by rerouting lymphocytes
bronchiseptica is a common animal pathogen. Occasional reports in to remain in the circulating blood pool but does not cause cough. PT
humans describe a variety of body sites involved, and cases typically appears to have a central, but not a singular, role in pathogenesis. B.
occur in immunocompromised persons or young children with intense pertussis produces an array of other biologically active substances,
exposure to animals. Protracted coughing (which in some cases is many of which are postulated to have a role in disease and immunity.
paroxysmal) can be caused by Mycoplasma, parainfluenza viruses, After aerosol acquisition, filamentous hemagglutinin, some aggluti-
influenza viruses, enteroviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, or nogens (especially fimbriae [Fim] types 2 and 3), and a 69-kDa non-
adenoviruses. fimbrial surface protein called pertactin (Prn) are important for
attachment to ciliated respiratory epithelial cells. Tracheal cytotoxin,
EPIDEMIOLOGY adenylate cyclase, and PT appear to inhibit clearance of organisms.
Estimates from the World Health Organization suggest that in 2008, Tracheal cytotoxin, dermonecrotic factor, and adenylate cyclase are
approximately 16 million cases of pertussis and 195,000 childhood postulated to be predominantly responsible for the local epithelial
deaths occurred worldwide, 95% of which were in developing coun- damage that produces respiratory symptoms and facilitates absorption
tries. The World Health Organization also estimated that in 2008, 82% of PT. Both antibody and cellular immune responses follow infection
of infants worldwide received 3 doses of pertussis vaccine, and that and immunization. Antibody to PT neutralizes toxin, and antibody to
global vaccination against pertussis averted 687,000 deaths. Before Prn enhances opsonophagocytosis.
vaccination was available, pertussis was the leading cause of death from Pertussis is extremely contagious, with attack rates as high as 100%
communicable disease among children younger than 14 yr of age in in susceptible individuals exposed to aerosol droplets at close range.
the United States, with 10,000 deaths annually. Widespread use of High airborne transmission rates were shown in a baboon model of
whole-cell pertussis vaccine (DTP) led to a >99% decline in cases. After pertussis despite vaccinated with the acellular vaccine. B. pertussis does
the low number of 1,010 cases in the United States reported in 1976, not survive for prolonged periods in the environment. Chronic car-
there was an increase in annual pertussis incidence to 1.2 cases per riage by humans is not documented. After intense exposure as in
100,000 population from 1980 through 1989, with epidemic pertussis households, the rate of subclinical infection is as high as 80% in fully
in many states in 1989-1990, 1993, and 1996. Since then, pertussis has immunized or previously infected individuals. When carefully sought,
become increasingly endemic, with shifting burden of disease to young a symptomatic source case can be found for most patients.
infants, adolescents, and adults. By 2004, the incidence of reported
pertussis in the United States was 8.9 cases per 100,000 in the general CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
population and approximately 150 per 100,000 in infants younger than Classically, pertussis is a prolonged disease, divided into catarrhal,
2 mo of age, resulting in a total of 25,827 cases, the highest number paroxysmal, and convalescent stages. The catarrhal stage (1-2 wk)
since 1959. Prospective and serologic studies suggested that pertussis begins insidiously after an incubation period ranging from 3-12 days
is underrecognized, especially among adolescents and adults, in whom with nondistinctive symptoms of congestion and rhinorrhea variably
the actual number of cases is estimated to be 600,000 annually. A accompanied by low-grade fever, sneezing, lacrimation, and conjunc-
number of studies documented pertussis in 13-32% of adolescents and tival suffusion. As initial symptoms wane, coughing marks the onset
adults with cough illness for longer than 7 days. A total of 40 pertussis- of the paroxysmal stage (2-6 wk). The cough begins as a dry, intermit-
related deaths were reported in 2005, and 16 were reported in 2006; tent, irritative hack and evolves into the inexorable paroxysms that are
more than 90% of these cases occurred among young infants. the hallmark of pertussis. A well-appearing, playful toddler with insig-
Universal recommendation of tetanus toxoid, reduced content diph- nificant provocation suddenly expresses an anxious aura and may
theria toxoid, and acellular pertussis antigens (Tdap) in 2006 for 11-12 clutch a parent or comforting adult before beginning a machine-gun
year olds was aimed to enhance control. With >70% uptake of Tdap in burst of uninterrupted cough on a single exhalation, chin and chest
adolescents, the burden of disease in young adolescents has fallen com- held forward, tongue protruding maximally, eyes bulging and water-
mensurately, but without evidence of herd protection of young infants ing, face purple, until coughing ceases and a loud whoop follows as
or older adolescents or adults. In fact, a new epidemiology of pertussis inspired air traverses the still partially closed airway. Posttussive emesis
has emerged in this decade, with substantial evidence of rapidly waning is common, and exhaustion is universal. The number and severity of
protection following acellular pertussis vaccines (both DTaP and Tdap) paroxysms escalate over days to a week and remain at that plateau for
and especially in those who never received, that is, were not “primed” days to weeks. At the peak of the paroxysmal stage, patients may have
with, DTP (whole cell), which was replaced with DTaP down to dose more than 1 episode hourly. As the paroxysmal stage fades into the
1 in 1997 in the United States. The more than 42,000 cases of pertussis convalescent stage (≥2 wk), the number, severity, and duration of
reported in 2012 was the highest number in more than 50 yr; increased episodes diminish.
numbers of cases were reported in all except 1 state; 10 yr old children Infants younger than 3 mo of age do not display the classic stages.
had the highest age-related incidence after young infants. The catarrhal phase lasts only a few days or is unnoticed, and then,
Neither natural disease nor vaccination provides complete or life- after the most insignificant startle from a draft, light, sound, sucking,
long immunity against pertussis reinfection or disease. Subclinical or stretching, a well-appearing young infant begins to choke, gasp, gag,
reinfection undoubtedly contributed significantly to immunity against and flail the extremities, with face reddened. Cough may not be promi-
disease ascribed previously to both vaccine and prior infection. The nent, especially in the early phase. Whoop infrequently occurs in
resurgence of pertussis has been attributed to a variety of factors, infants younger than 3 mo of age who at the end of a paroxysm lack
including partial control of pertussis leading to less continuous expo- stature or muscular strength to create sudden negative intrathoracic
sure, increased awareness, improved diagnostics, suboptimal vaccines, pressure. Apnea and cyanosis can follow a coughing paroxysm, or
waning vaccine-induced immunity, and pathogen adaptation. Pertussis apnea can occur without a cough. Apnea may be the only symptom.
is the only vaccine-preventable disease for which universal immuniza- Apnea and cyanosis both are more common with pertussis than with
tion in the United States is recommended that continues to be endemic. neonatal infections from viruses, including respiratory syncytial virus.
The paroxysmal and convalescent stages in young infants are lengthy.
PATHOGENESIS Paradoxically, in infants, cough and whooping may become louder and
Bordetella organisms are small, fastidious, Gram-negative coccobacilli more classic in convalescence. Convalescence includes intermittent
that colonize only ciliated epithelium. The exact mechanism of disease paroxysmal coughing throughout the 1st yr of life, including “exacer-
symptomatology remains unknown. Bordetella species share a high bations” with subsequent respiratory illnesses; these are not a result of
degree of DNA homology among virulence genes. Only B. pertussis recurrent infection or reactivation of B. pertussis.
Chapter 197 ◆ Pertussis (Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis) 1379

Adolescents and previously immunized children have foreshorten- alginate–tipped swab, held in the posterior nasopharynx for 15-30 sec
ing of all stages of pertussis. Adults have no distinct stages. Classically, (or until cough occurs). A 1% casamino acid liquid is acceptable for
adolescents and adults describe a sudden feeling of strangulation fol- holding a specimen up to 2 hr; Stainer-Scholte broth or Regan-Lowe
lowed by uninterrupted coughs, feeling of suffocation, bursting head- semisolid transport medium is used for longer transport periods, up
ache, diminished awareness, and then a gasping breath, usually without to 4 days. The preferred isolation media are Regan-Lowe charcoal agar
a whoop. Posttussive emesis and intermittency of paroxysms separated with 10% horse blood and 5-40 µg/mL cephalexin, and Stainer-Scholte
by hours of well-being are specific clues to the diagnosis in adolescents media with cyclodextrin resins. Cultures are incubated at 35-37°C in
and adults. At least 30% of older individuals with pertussis have non- a humid environment and examined daily for 7 days for slow-growing,
specific cough illness, distinguished only by duration, which usually is tiny, glistening colonies. Direct fluorescent antibody testing of poten-
longer than 21 days. tial isolates using specific antibody for B. pertussis and B. parapertussis
Findings on physical examination generally are uninformative. Signs maximizes recovery rates. PCR testing on nasopharyngeal wash speci-
of lower respiratory tract disease are not expected unless complicating mens has a sensitivity similar to that of culture and averts difficulties
secondary bacterial pneumonia is present. Conjunctival hemorrhages of isolation, but only standardized validated primers should be used.
and petechiae on the upper body are common. Results of culture and PCR are expected to be positive in unimmu-
nized, untreated children during the catarrhal and early paroxysmal
DIAGNOSIS stages of disease. However, fewer than 20% of culture or PCR tests have
Pertussis should be suspected in any individual who has a pure or positive results in partially or remotely immunized individuals tested
predominant complaint of cough, especially if the following features in the paroxysmal stage. Serologic tests for detection of change in
are absent: fever, malaise or myalgia, exanthem or enanthem, sore antibodies to B. pertussis antigens in acute and convalescent samples
throat, hoarseness, tachypnea, wheezes, and rales. For sporadic cases, are the most sensitive tests in immunized individuals and are useful
a clinical case definition of cough of 14 days or longer duration with epidemiologically. A single serum sample showing immunoglobulin
at least 1 associated symptom of paroxysms, whoop, or posttussive (Ig) G antibody to PT elevated >2 SD above the mean of the immu-
vomiting has a sensitivity of 81% and a specificity of 58% for confirma- nized population (>90 IU/mL) indicates recent symptomatic infection
tion of pertussis. Pertussis should be suspected in older children whose and usually is positive in the mid paroxysmal phase. Tests for IgA and
cough illness is escalating at 7-10 days and whose coughing episodes IgM pertussis antibody, or antibody to antigens other than PT, are not
are not continuous. Pertussis should be suspected in infants younger reliable methods for serologic diagnosis of pertussis.
than 3 mo of age with gagging, gasping, apnea, cyanosis, or an apparent
life-threatening event. Sudden infant death occasionally is caused by TREATMENT
B. pertussis. Infants younger than 3 mo of age with suspected pertussis usually are
Adenoviral infections usually are distinguishable by associated fea- admitted to hospital, as are many between 3 and 6 mo of age unless
tures, such as fever, sore throat, and conjunctivitis. Mycoplasma causes witnessed paroxysms are not severe, as well as are patients of any age
protracted episodic coughing, but patients usually have a history of if significant complications occur. Prematurely born young infants
fever, headache, and systemic symptoms at the onset of disease as well have a high risk for severe, potentially fatal disease, and children with
as more continuous cough and frequent finding of rales on ausculta- underlying cardiac, pulmonary, muscular, or neurologic disorders have
tion of the chest. Epidemics of Mycoplasma and B. pertussis in young increased risk of poor outcome beyond infancy. Table 197-1 lists
adults can be difficult to distinguish on clinical grounds. Although caveats in assessment and care of infants with pertussis. The specific,
pertussis often is included in the laboratory evaluation of young infants limited goals of hospitalization are to: (1) assess progression of disease
with afebrile pneumonia, B. pertussis is not associated with staccato and likelihood of life-threatening events at peak of disease; (2) maxi-
cough (breath with every cough), purulent conjunctivitis, tachypnea, mize nutrition; (3) prevent or treat complications; and (4) educate
rales or wheezes that typify infection by Chlamydia trachomatis, or parents in the natural history of the disease and in care that will be
predominant lower respiratory tract signs that typify infection by given at home. Heart rate, respiratory rate, and pulse oximetry are
respiratory syncytial virus. Unless an infant with pertussis has second- monitored continuously with alarm settings so that paroxysms can be
ary pneumonia (and then appears ill), the findings on examination witnessed and recorded by healthcare personnel. Detailed cough
between paroxysms including respiratory rate are entirely normal. records and documentation of feeding, vomiting, and weight change
Leukocytosis (15,000-100,000 cells/µL) caused by absolute lympho- provide data to assess severity. Typical paroxysms that are not life-
cytosis is characteristic in the catarrhal stage. Lymphocytes are of T- threatening have the following features: duration <45 sec; red but not
and B-lymphocyte origin and are normal small cells, rather than the blue color change; tachycardia, bradycardia (not <60 beats/min in
large atypical lymphocytes seen with viral infections. Adults, partially
immune children, and, occasionally, young infants may have less-
impressive lymphocytosis. Absolute increase in neutrophils suggests a
different diagnosis or secondary bacterial infection. Eosinophilia is not Table 197-1 Caveats in Assessment and Care of Infants
a manifestation of pertussis. A severe course and death are correlated with Pertussis
with rapid-rise and extreme leukocytosis (median peak white blood
cell count in fatal vs nonfatal cases, 94,000 vs 18,000/µL, respectively) • Infants with potentially fatal pertussis may appear well between
and thrombocytosis (median peak platelet count in fatal vs nonfatal episodes.
cases, 782,000 vs 556,000/µL, respectively). Chest radiographic find- • A paroxysm must be witnessed before a decision is made
ings are only mildly abnormal in the majority of hospitalized infants, between hospital and home care.
showing perihilar infiltrate or edema (sometimes with a butterfly • Only analysis of carefully compiled cough record permits
appearance) and variable atelectasis. Parenchymal consolidation sug- assessment of severity and progression of illness.
• Suctioning of nose, oropharynx, or trachea should not be
gests secondary bacterial infection. Pneumothorax, pneumomediasti-
performed on a “preventive” schedule.
num, and subcutaneous emphysema can be seen occasionally. • Feeding in the period following a paroxysm may be more
Current methods for confirmation of infection by B. pertussis (i.e., successful than after napping.
culture, polymerase chain reaction [PCR], and serology) have limita- • Family support begins at the time of hospitalization with empathy
tions in sensitivity, specificity, or practicality, and relative value depends for the child’s and family’s experience to date, transfer of the
on the setting, phase of disease, and purpose of use (e.g., as clinical burden of responsibility for the child’s safety to the healthcare
diagnostic vs epidemiologic tool). For culture, careful attention must team, and delineation of assessments and treatments to be
be directed to specimen collection, transport, and isolation technique. performed.
The specimen is obtained with deep nasopharyngeal aspiration or • Family education, recruitment as part of the team, and continued
support after discharge are essential.
with the use of a flexible swab, preferably a Dacron or calcium
1380 Part XVII ◆ Infectious Diseases

infants), or oxygen desaturation that spontaneously resolves at the end agent in all age groups; rare cases of infantile hypertrophic pyloric
of the paroxysm; whooping or strength for brisk self-rescue at the end stenosis have followed its use in neonates. All young infants treated
of the paroxysm; self-expectorated mucus plug; and posttussive exhaus- with any macrolide should be monitored for symptoms of pyloric
tion but not unresponsiveness. Assessing the need to provide oxygen, stenosis. Benefits of postexposure prophylaxis for infants far outweigh
stimulation, or suctioning requires skilled personnel who can watch- risk of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. The FDA also warns of
fully observe an infant’s ability for self-rescue but who will intervene risk of fatal heart rhythms with use of azithromycin in patients already
rapidly and expertly when necessary. The benefit of a quiet, dimly at risk for cardiovascular events, especially those with prolongation of
lighted, undisturbed, comforting environment cannot be overesti- the QT interval.
mated or forfeited in a desire to monitor and intervene. Feeding chil-
dren with pertussis is challenging. The risk of precipitating cough by Adjunct Therapies
nipple feeding does not warrant nasogastric, nasojejunal, or parenteral No rigorous clinical trial has demonstrated a beneficial effect of β2-
alimentation in most infants. The composition or thickness of formula adrenergic stimulants such as salbutamol and albuterol. Fussing associ-
does not affect the quality of secretions, cough, or retention. Large- ated with aerosol treatment triggers paroxysms. No randomized,
volume feedings are avoided. blinded clinical trial of sufficient size has been performed to evaluate
Within 48-72 hr, the direction and severity of disease are obvious the usefulness of corticosteroids in the management of pertussis; their
from analysis of recorded information. Many infants have marked clinical use is not warranted. A randomized, double blind, placebo-
improvement upon hospitalization and antibiotic therapy, especially if controlled trial of pertussis intravenous immunoglobulin was halted
they are hospitalized early in the course of disease or have been prematurely because of expiration/lack of additional supply of study
removed from aggravating environmental smoke, excessive stimula- product; there was no indication of clinical benefit. Standard intrave-
tion, or a dry or polluting heat source. Hospital discharge is appropriate nous immunoglobulin has not been studied and should not be used
if over a 48-hr period disease severity is unchanged or diminished, for treatment or prophylaxis.
intervention is not required during paroxysms, nutrition is adequate,
no complication has occurred, and parents are adequately prepared for Isolation
care at home. Apnea and seizures occur in the incremental phase of Patients with suspected pertussis are placed in isolation with droplet
illness and in patients with complicated disease. Portable oxygen, precautions to reduce close respiratory or mucous membrane contact
monitoring, or suction apparatus should not be needed at home. with respiratory secretions. All healthcare personnel should wear a
Infants who have apnea, paroxysms that repeatedly lead to life- mask upon entering the room. Screening for cough should be per-
threatening events despite passive delivery of oxygen, or respiratory formed upon entrance of patients to emergency departments, offices,
failure require intubation, pharmaceutically induced paralysis, and and clinics to begin isolation immediately and until 5 days after initia-
ventilation. tion of macrolide therapy. Children and staff with pertussis in childcare
facilities or schools should be excluded until macrolide has been taken
Antibiotics for 5 days.
An antimicrobial agent always is given when pertussis is suspected or
confirmed, primarily to limit the spread of infection and secondarily Care of Household and Other Close Contacts
for possible clinical benefit. Macrolides are preferred agents and are A macrolide agent should be given promptly to all household contacts
similar to one another in terms of in vitro activity (Table 197-2). Resis- and other close contacts, such as those in daycare, regardless of age,
tance has been reported rarely. A 7-10–fold relative risk for infantile history of immunization, and symptoms (see Table 197-2). The same
hypertrophic pyloric stenosis has been reported in neonates treated drugs and age-related doses used for treatment are used for prophy-
with orally administered erythromycin. Azithromycin is the preferred laxis. Visitation and movement of coughing family members in the

Table 197-2 Recommended Antimicrobial Treatment and Postexposure Prophylaxis for Pertussis, By Age Group
Primary Agents Alternate Agent*
<1 mo Recommended agent Not preferred Not recommended Contraindicated for infants
10 mg/kg/day in a single Erythromycin is substantially (safety data <2 mo of age (risk for
dose for 5 days (only associated with infantile unavailable) kernicterus)
limited safety data hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
available) Use if azithromycin is
unavailable; 40-50 mg/kg/day
in 4 divided doses for 14 days
1-5 mo 10 mg/kg/day in a single 40-50 mg/kg/day in 4 divided 15 mg/kg/day in 2 Contraindicated at age <2 mo
dose for 5 days doses for 14 days divided doses for 7 For infants age ≥2 mo: TMP
days 8 mg/kg/day plus SMZ
40 mg/kg/day in 2 divided
doses for 14 days
Infants age 10 mg/kg in a single dose 40-50 mg/kg/day (maximum: 15 mg/kg/day in 2 TMP 8 mg/kg/day plus SMZ
≥6 mo and on day 1 (maximum: 2 g/day) in 4 divided doses divided doses 40 mg/kg/day in 2 divided
children 500 mg), then 5 mg/kg/ for 14 days (maximum: 1 g/day) doses (maximum TMP:
day (maximum: 250 mg) for 7 days 320 mg/day) for 14 days
on days 2-5
Adults 500 mg in a single dose on 2 g/day in 4 divided doses for 1 g/day in 2 divided TMP 320 mg/day, SMZ
day 1 then 250 mg/day 14 days doses for 7 days 1,600 mg/day in 2 divided
on days 2-5 doses for 14 days
*Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ) can be used as an alternative agent to macrolides in patients age ≥2 mo who are allergic to macrolides, who cannot
tolerate macrolides, or who are infected with a rare macrolide-resistant strain of Bordetella pertussis.
From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Recommended antimicrobial agents for treatment and postexposure prophylaxis of pertussis: 2005 CDC
guidelines, MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 54:1–16, 2005.
Chapter 197 ◆ Pertussis (Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis) 1381

hospital must be assiduously controlled until a macrolide has been adulthood, is central to the control of pertussis. Prevention of pertussis
taken for 5 days. In close contacts younger than 7 yr of age who have in young infants depends on universal maternal immunization during
received fewer than 4 doses of pertussis-containing vaccines, DTaP every pregnancy and focused full immunization of contacts, both chil-
should be initiated or continued to complete the recommended series. dren and adults of all ages (see Chapter 172).
Children younger than 7 yr of age who received a 3rd dose more than
6 mo before exposure or a 4th dose 3 yr or more before exposure DTaP Vaccines
should receive a DTaP booster dose. Individuals 9 yr of age or older Several diphtheria and tetanus toxoids combined with acellular pertus-
should be given Tdap if they have not received Tdap previously. sis vaccines (DTaP) or combination products currently are licensed in
Unmasked healthcare personnel exposed to untreated cases should be the United States for children younger than 7 yr of age. DTaP vaccines
evaluated for postexposure prophylaxis and follow-up. Coughing have fewer adverse effects than the vaccines containing whole-cell per-
healthcare personnel with or without known exposure to pertussis tussis (DTP), which are not available in the United States but are given
should be promptly evaluated for pertussis. to infants and children in many other countries. Acellular pertussis
vaccines all contain inactivated PT and 2 or more other bacterial com-
COMPLICATIONS ponents (filamentous hemagglutinin, Prn, and Fim 2 and 3). Clinical
Infants younger than 6 mo of age have excessive mortality and morbid- efficacy against severe pertussis, defined as paroxysmal cough for
ity; infants younger than 2 mo of age have the highest reported rates longer than 21 days, is approximately 85%. Mild local and systemic
of pertussis-associated hospitalization (82%), pneumonia (25%), sei- adverse events as well as more serious events (including high fever,
zures (4%), encephalopathy (1%), and death (1%). Infants younger persistent crying for 3 hr or longer, hypotonic hyporesponsive epi-
than 4 mo of age account for 90% of cases of fatal pertussis. Preterm sodes, and seizures) occur significantly less frequently among infants
birth and young maternal age are significantly associated with fatal who receive DTaP than in those who receive DTP vaccine. DTaP-
pertussis. Neonates with pertussis have substantially longer hospital- containing vaccines can be administered simultaneously with any
izations, greater need for oxygen, and greater need for mechanical other vaccines used in standard schedules for children.
ventilation than neonates with viral respiratory tract infection. Four doses of DTaP should be administered during the 1st 2 yr of
The principal complications of pertussis are apnea, secondary infec- life, generally at ages 2, 4, 6, and 15-18 mo of age. The 4th dose may
tions (such as otitis media and pneumonia), and physical sequelae of be administered as early as 12 mo of age, provided that 6 mo have
forceful coughing. Fever, tachypnea or respiratory distress between elapsed since the 3rd dose. The 5th dose of DTaP is recommended for
paroxysms, and absolute neutrophilia are clues to pneumonia. Expected children at 4-6 yr of age; a 5th dose is not necessary if the 4th dose in
pathogens include Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, the series is administered on or after the 4th birthday. DTaP should
and bacteria of oropharyngeal flora. Increased intrathoracic and not be given to a neonate because of interference with subsequent
intraabdominal pressure during coughing can result in conjunctival infant immunizations, but commencement of vaccination at 6 wk of
and scleral hemorrhages, petechiae on the upper body, epistaxis, hem- age, with monthly doses through the 3rd dose, can be considered in
orrhage in the central nervous system and retina, pneumothorax and high-risk settings.
subcutaneous emphysema, and umbilical and inguinal hernias. Lacera- When feasible, the same DTaP product is recommended for all doses
tion of the lingual frenulum occurs occasionally. of the primary vaccination series. Local reactions increase in rate and
The need for intensive care and mechanical ventilation usually is severity with successive doses of DTaP, although never reaching the
limited to infants younger than 3 mo of age and infants with underly- magnitude of reactions following similar doses of DTP. Swelling of the
ing conditions. Respiratory failure from apnea may precipitate need for entire thigh or upper arm, sometimes accompanied by pain, erythema,
intubation and ventilation through the days when disease peaks; prog- and fever, has been reported in 2-3% of vaccinees after the 4th or 5th
nosis is good. Progressive pulmonary hypertension in very young dose of a variety of DTaP products. Limitation of activity is less than
infants and secondary bacterial pneumonia are severe complications might be expected. Swelling subsides spontaneously without sequelae.
of pertussis and are the usual causes of death. Pulmonary hypertension The pathogenesis is unknown. Extensive limb swelling after the 4th
and cardiogenic shock with fatal outcome are associated with extreme dose of DTaP usually is not associated with a similar reaction to the
elevations of lymphocyte and platelet counts. Autopsies in fatal cases 5th dose and is not a contraindication to subsequent dose(s) of pertus-
show luminal aggregates of leukocytes in the pulmonary vasculature. sis vaccines.
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation of infants with pertussis in Exempting children from pertussis immunization should be
whom mechanical ventilation failed has been associated with >80% considered only within the narrow limits as recommended. Exemptors
fatality (questioning the advisability of this procedure). Exchange have significantly increased risk for pertussis and play a role in out-
transfusion or leukapheresis, however, is associated with drops in lym- breaks of pertussis among immunized populations. Although well-
phocyte and platelet counts, with recovery in several reported cases. documented pertussis confers short-term protection, the duration of
Echocardiography should be performed in critically ill infants with protection is unknown; immunization should be completed on sched-
pertussis to detect presence of pulmonary hypertension and to inter- ule in children diagnosed with pertussis. Improper vaccine storage
vene expeditiously. reduces immunity.
Central nervous system abnormalities occur at a relatively high fre-
quency in pertussis and are almost always a result of hypoxemia or Tdap Vaccines
hemorrhage associated with coughing or apnea in young infants. Two tetanus toxoid, reduced-diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis
Apnea or bradycardia or both may result from apparent laryngospasm antigen vaccine (Tdap) products were licensed in 2005 and were rec-
or vagal stimulation just before a coughing episode, from obstruction ommended universally in 2006 for use in individuals 11-18 yr of age
during an episode, or from hypoxemia following an episode. Seizures and in older individuals as a single-dose booster vaccine to provide
usually are a result of hypoxemia, but hyponatremia from excessive protection against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. The preferred age
secretion of antidiuretic hormone during pneumonia can occur. The for Tdap vaccination is 11-12 yr. Recommendations for Tdap have
only neuropathology documented in pertussis is parenchymal hemor- expanded through 2012. All adolescents and adults of any age (includ-
rhage and ischemic necrosis. ing 65 yr of age and older) who have not received Tdap should receive
Bronchiectasis has been reported rarely after pertussis. Children a single dose of Tdap regardless of interval since Td. Pregnant women
who have pertussis before the age of 2 yr may have abnormal pulmo- should be given Tdap during every pregnancy to provide passive anti-
nary function into adulthood. body protection to the infant until administration of DTaP. Optimal
timing of maternal Tdap is 26 through 37 wk of gestation but Tdap can
PREVENTION be given at any time during pregnancy. Special effort should be made
Universal immunization of children with pertussis vaccine, begin­ to ensure that contacts of infants have received DTaP or Tdap as is
ning in infancy with reinforcing dose(s) through adolescence and universally recommended. There is no recommendation for Tdap
revaccination of persons other than pregnant women. Relatively
lower burden of pertussis in older adolescents and adults, modest
Tdap effectiveness, and rapidly waning protection do not support
cost-effectiveness of routine revaccination. There is no contraindica-
tion to concurrent administration of any other indicated vaccine. A
single dose of Tdap is recommended for children 7-10 yr old who had
incomplete pertussis vaccination prior to age 7 yr.

Bibliography is available at Expert Consult.

Chapter 197 ◆ Pertussis (Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis) 1382.e1

Bibliography Liu BC, McIntyre P, Kaldor JM, et al: Pertussis in older adults: prospective study of
American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Infectious Diseases: Prevention of risk factors and morbidity, Clin Infect Dis 55:1450–1456, 2012.
pertussis among adolescents: recommendations for use of tetanus toxoid, McColloster P, Vallbona C: Graphic-output temperature data loggers for
reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine, Pediatrics monitoring vaccine refrigeration: implications for pertussis, Am J Public Health
117:965–978, 2006. 101:46–47, 2011.
Berbers GAM, de Greef SC, Mooi FR: Improving pertussis vaccination, Hum McIntyre PB, Sintchenko V: The “how” of polymerase chain reaction testing for
Vaccin 5:497–503, 2009. Bordetella pertussis depends on the “why”, Clin Infect Dis 56:332–334, 2013.
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Prevention (CDC): Preventing tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis among diphtheria and acellular pertussis (Tdap) immunization during pregnancy in
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pertussis vaccines. Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Paddock CD, Sanden GN, Cherry JD, et al: Pathology and pathogenesis of fatal
Immunization Practices (ACIP), MMWR Recomm Rep 55(RR-3):1–34, 2006. Bordetella pertussis infection in infants, Clin Infect Dis 47:328–338, 2008.
Castagnini LA, Munoz FM: Clinical characteristics and outcomes of neonatal Reyes IS, Hsieh DT, Laux LC, et al: Alleged cases of vaccine encephalopathy
pertussis: a comparative study, J Pediatr 156:498–500, 2010. rediagnosed years later as Dravet syndrome, Pediatrics 128:e699–e702, 2011.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Updated recommendations for Rodgers L, Martin SW, Cohn A, et al: Epidemiologic and laboratory features of a
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vaccine in adults aged 65 years and older–Advisory Committee on holmesii and Bordetella pertussis—Ohio 2010-2011, Clin Infect Dis 56:322–331,
Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2012, MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2013.
61:468–470, 2012. Shapiro ED: Acellular vaccines and resurgence of pertussis, JAMA 308:2149–2150,
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of young infants, Clin Infect Dis 56:539–544, 2013. outbreak, Clin Infect Dis 54:1730–1735, 2012.
1382 Part XVII ◆ Infectious Diseases

virulence traits that allow it to overcome mucosal barrier functions in

immunocompetent hosts, resulting in a severe systemic illness. Inter-
estingly, the frequencies of typhoid fever in immunocompetent and
immunocompromised individuals do not differ. Nonetheless, invasive
nontyphoidal salmonellae strains have been noted in Africa among
HIV-positive adults and among children with either HIV, malaria, or
malnutrition. The presentation may be more like typhoid fever than
The nomenclature of Salmonella reflects the species name Salmo-
nella enterica with a number of serovars. Salmonella nomenclature has
undergone considerable alterations. The original taxonomy was based
on clinical syndromes (S. typhi, Salmonella choleraesuis, Salmonella
Chapter 198 paratyphi). With adoption of serologic analysis, a Salmonella species
was defined subsequently as “a group of related fermentation phage-

Salmonella type,” with the result that each Salmonella serovar was regarded as a
species in itself. Although this classification is simplistic, its use until
2004 resulted in identification of 2,501 serovars of Salmonella, which
Zulfiqar Ahmed Bhutta led to the need for further categorization to aid communication among
scientists, public health officials, and the public.
All Salmonella serovars form a single DNA hybridization group, a
Salmonellosis is a common and widely distributed foodborne disease single species called S. enterica composed of several subspecies (Table
that is a global major public health problem affecting millions of indi- 198-1). Each subspecies contains various serotypes defined by the
viduals and resulting in significant mortality. O and H antigens. To further simplify the nomenclature for physicians
Salmonellae live in the intestinal tracts of warm- and cold-blooded and epidemiologists, the names for the common serovars are kept for
animals. Some species are ubiquitous, whereas others are specifically subspecies I strains, which represent >99.5% of the Salmonella strains
adapted to a particular host. isolated from humans and other warm-blooded animals.
The sequencing of the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (previously
called Salmonella typhi) and Salmonella typhimurium genomes indi-
cates an almost 95% genetic homology between the organisms.
However, the clinical diseases caused by the 2 organisms differ consid- 198.1 Nontyphoidal Salmonellosis
erably. Orally ingested salmonellae survive at the low pH of the stomach Zulfiqar Ahmed Bhutta
and evade the multiple defenses of the small intestine so as to gain
access to the epithelium. Salmonellae preferentially enter M cells, ETIOLOGY
which transport them to the lymphoid cells (T and B) in the underlying Salmonellae are motile, nonsporulating, nonencapsulated, Gram-
Peyer patches. Once across the epithelium, Salmonella serotypes that negative rods that grow aerobically and are capable of facultative anaer-
are associated with systemic illness enter intestinal macrophages and obic growth. They are resistant to many physical agents but can be
disseminate throughout the reticuloendothelial system. By contrast, killed by heating to 54.4°C (130°F) for 1 hr or 60°C (140°F) for 15 min.
nontyphoidal Salmonella (NTS) serovars induce an early local inflam- They remain viable at ambient or reduced temperatures for days and
matory response, which results in the infiltration of polymorphonu- may survive for weeks in sewage, dried foodstuffs, pharmaceutical
clear leukocytes into the intestinal lumen and diarrhea. The NTS agents, and fecal material. Like other members of the family Entero-
serovars cause a gastroenteritis of rapid onset and brief duration, in bacteriaceae, Salmonella possesses somatic O antigens and flagellar H
contrast to typhoid fever, which has a considerably longer incubation antigens.
period and duration of illness and in which systemic illness predomi- With the exception of a few serotypes that affect only 1 or a few
nates and only a small proportion of children get diarrhea. These dif- animal species, such as Salmonella dublin in cattle and S. choleraesuis
ferences in the manifestations of infection by the 2 groups of pathogens, in pigs, most serotypes have a broad host spectrum. Typically, such
1 predominantly causing intestinal inflammation and the other leading strains cause gastroenteritis that is often uncomplicated and does
to systemic disease, may be related to specific genetic pathogenicity not need treatment but can be severe in the young, the elderly, and
islands in the organisms. NTS serovars are unable to overcome defense patients with weakened immunity. The causes are typically Salmonella
mechanisms that limit bacterial dissemination from the intestine to Enteritidis (Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis) and Salmonella
systemic circulation in immunocompetent individuals and produce a Typhimurium (S. enterica serotype Typhimurium), the 2 most impor-
self-limiting gastroenteritis. In contrast, S. typhi may possess unique tant serotypes for salmonellosis transmitted from animals to humans.

Table 198-1 Salmonella Species, Subspecies, and Serotypes and Their Usual Habitats
S. enterica subsp. enterica (I) 1504 Warm-blooded animals
S. enterica subsp. salmae (II) 502 Cold-blooded animals and the environment*
S. enterica subsp. arizonae (IIIa) 95 Cold-blooded animals and the environment*
S. enterica subsp. diarizonae (IIIb) 333 Cold-blooded animals and the environment*
S. enterica subsp. houtenae (IV) 72 Cold-blooded animals and the environment*
S. enterica subsp. indica (VI) 13 Cold-blooded animals and the environment*
S. bongori (V) 22 Cold-blooded animals and the environment*
Total 2541
*Isolates of all species and subspecies have occurred in humans.
Data from Popoff MY, Bockemühl J, Gheesling LL. Supplement 2002 (No. 46) to the Kauffmann-White scheme. Res Microbiol 155:568-570, 2004.
Chapter 198 ◆ Salmonella 1383

Nontyphoidal salmonellae have emerged as a major cause of bactere- including Salmonella, in the gut flora of the animals, with subsequent
mia in Africa, especially among populations with a high incidence of contamination of their meat. There is strong evidence to link resistance
HIV infection. of S. Typhimurium to fluoroquinolones with the use of this group of
antimicrobials in animal feeds. Animal-to-animal transmission can
EPIDEMIOLOGY occur, but most infected animals are asymptomatic.
Salmonellosis constitutes a major public health burden and represents An increasing number of produce-associated foodborne outbreaks
a significant cost to society in many countries. Typhoid fever caused in the United States that are associated with bacterial contamination
by this organism is a global problem, with more than 27 million cases are primarily from Salmonella. Although almost 80% of Salmonella
worldwide each year, culminating in an estimated 217,000 deaths. infections are discrete, outbreaks can pose an inordinate burden on
Although there is little information on the epidemiology and the public health systems. During 1998-2008, a total of 1,491 outbreaks of
burden of Salmonella gastroenteritis in developing countries, Salmo- Salmonella infections were reported to the Foodborne Disease Out-
nella infections are recognized as major causes of childhood diarrheal break Surveillance System, and 80% of these were caused by a single
illness. With the growing burden of HIV infections and malnutrition serotype. Of the single-serotype outbreaks, 50% had an implicated food
in Africa, NTS bacteremic infections have emerged as a major cause and 34% could be assigned to a single food commodity. Of the 47
of morbidity and mortality among children and adults. serotypes reported, the 4 most common, causing more than two-thirds
NTS infections have a worldwide distribution, with an incidence of the outbreaks, included Enteritidis, Typhimurium, Newport, and
proportional to the standards of hygiene, sanitation, availability of safe Heidelberg. Overall, eggs were the most commonly implicated food,
water, and food preparation practices. In the developed world, the followed by chicken, pork, beef, fruit, and turkey. Salmonella infections
incidence of Salmonella infections and outbreaks has increased several- in chickens increase the risk for contamination of eggs, and both
fold over the past few decades, which may be related to modern prac- poultry and eggs are regarded as a dominant cause of common-source
tices of mass food production that increase the potential for epidemics. outbreaks. However, a growing proportion of Salmonella outbreaks are
The incidence of infections with NTS serovars, such as S. enterica also associated with other food sources. The food sources include many
serovar Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis cause a significant disease fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, sprouts, watermelon, canta-
burden, with an estimated 93.8 million cases worldwide and 155,000 loupe, lettuce, and mangoes.
deaths each year. Salmonella gastroenteritis accounts for more than In addition to the effect of antibiotic use in animal feeds, the rela-
half of all episodes of bacterial diarrhea in the United States, with tionship of Salmonella infections to prior antibiotic use among chil-
incidence peaks at the extremes of ages, among young infants and the dren in the previous month is well recognized. This increased risk for
elderly. Most human infections have been caused by S. Enteritidis; the infection in people who have received antibiotics for an unrelated
prevalence of this organism has decreased over the past decade, with reason may be related to alterations in gut microbial ecology, which
S. Typhimurium overtaking it in some countries. predispose them to colonization and infection with antibiotic-resistant
The rise in Salmonella infections in many parts of the world over the Salmonella isolates. These resistant strains of Salmonella are also more
past 3 decades may also be related to intensive animal husbandry virulent. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
practices, which selectively promote the rise of certain strains, espe- reports resistance to ceftriaxone in approximately 3% of NTS tested
cially drug-resistant varieties that emerge in response to the use of and some level of resistance to ciprofloxacin in approximately 3% of
antimicrobials in food animals. Poultry products were traditionally isolates. Approximately 5% of NTS tested by the CDC are resistant to
regarded as a common source of salmonellosis, but consumption of a 5 or more types of drugs. Consequently, costs are also expected to be
range of foods is now associated with outbreaks, including fruits and higher for resistant than for susceptible infections because of the sever-
vegetables. Although this change in epidemiology may be related to ity of the former. Those patients are more likely to be hospitalized, and
selective pressure from the use of antimicrobials, there may be other treatment is rendered less effective. The CDC is seeing some level of
factors, such as the rise of strains with a selective propensity to develop resistance to ciprofloxacin in two-thirds of Salmonella Typhi tested.
resistance and virulence. It appears that multidrug-resistant strains of The CDC has not yet detected resistance to ceftriaxone or azithromycin
Salmonella are more virulent than susceptible strains and that poorer in the United States, but resistance to these antibiotics has been seen
outcome does not simply relate to the delay in treatment response in other parts of the world.
because of empirical choice of an ineffective antibiotic. Strains of Given the ubiquitous nature of the organism, nosocomial infections
multidrug-resistant Salmonella, such as S. Typhimurium phage type with NTS strains can also occur through contaminated equipment and
DT104, harbor a genomic island that contains many of the drug- diagnostic or pharmacologic preparations, particularly those of animal
resistance genes. It is possible that these integrons also contain genes origin (pancreatic extracts, pituitary extracts, bile salts). Hospitalized
that encode virulence factors. The global spread of multidrug-resistant children are at increased risk for severe and complicated Salmonella
S. Typhimurium phage type DT104 in animals and humans may be infections, especially with drug-resistant organisms.
related to the growing use of antimicrobials and may be facilitated by
international and national trade of infected animals. PATHOGENESIS
Several risk factors are associated with outbreaks of Salmonella The estimated number of bacteria that must be ingested to cause symp-
infections. Animals constitute the principal source of human NTS tomatic disease in healthy adults is 106-108 Salmonella organisms. The
disease, and cases have occurred in which individuals have had contact gastric acidity inhibits multiplication of salmonellae, and most organ-
with infected animals, including domestic animals such as cats, dogs, isms are rapidly killed at gastric pH ≤2.0. Achlorhydria, buffering
reptiles, pet rodents, and amphibians. Specific serotypes may be associ- medications, rapid gastric emptying after gastrectomy or gastroenter-
ated with particular animal hosts; children with S. enterica serovar ostomy, and a large inoculum enable viable organisms to reach the
Marina typically have exposure to pet lizards. NTS serovars usually small intestine. Neonates and young infants have hypochlorhydria and
cause self-limiting diarrhea with secondary bacteremia occurring in rapid gastric emptying, which contribute to their increased vulnerabil-
less than 10% of patients. The NTS serovars have a broad host range, ity to symptomatic salmonellosis. In infants who typically take fluids,
including poultry and cattle, and NTS infection is commonly from the inoculum size required to produce disease is also comparatively
food poisoning in developed countries. smaller because of faster transit through the stomach.
Domestic animals probably acquire the infection in the same way Once they reach the small and large intestines, the ability of Salmo-
that humans do, through consumption of contaminated raw meat, nella organisms to multiply and cause infection depends on both the
poultry, or poultry-derived products. Animal feeds containing fish- infecting dose and competition with normal flora. Prior antibiotic
meal or bone meal contaminated with Salmonella are an important therapy may alter this relationship, as might factors such as coadmin-
source of infection for animals. Moreover, subtherapeutic concentra- istration of antimotility agents. The typical intestinal mucosal response
tions of antibiotics are often added to animal feed to promote growth. to NTS infection is an enterocolitis with diffuse mucosal inflammation
Such practices promote the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and edema, sometimes with erosions and microabscesses. Salmonella
1384 Part XVII ◆ Infectious Diseases

Figure 198-1 Overlapping and distinct virulence systems in Salmonella typhi and nontyphoidal Salmonella. (From de Jong HK, Parry CM, van
der Poll T, Wiersinga WJ. Host-pathogen interaction in invasive Salmonellosis. PLoS Pathog 2012;8(10):e1002933.)

organisms are capable of penetrating the intestinal mucosa, although Salmonella species invade epithelial cells in vitro by a process of
destruction of epithelial cells and ulcers are usually not found. Intesti- bacteria-mediated endocytosis involving cytoskeletal rearrangement,
nal inflammation with polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macro- disruption of the epithelial cell brush-border, and the subsequent for-
phages usually involves the lamina propria. Underlying intestinal mation of membrane ruffles (Fig. 198-3). An adherent and invasive
lymphoid tissue and mesenteric lymph nodes enlarge and may dem- phenotype of S. Enterica is activated under conditions similar to those
onstrate small areas of necrosis. Such lymphoid hypertrophy may cause found in the human small intestine (high osmolarity, low oxygen). The
interference with the blood supply to the gut mucosa. Hyperplasia of invasive phenotype is mediated in part by SPI-1, a 40-kb region that
the reticuloendothelial system is also found within the liver and spleen. encodes regulator proteins such as HilA, the type III secretion systems
If bacteremia develops, it may lead to localized infection and suppura- involved in invasion of epithelial cells, and a variety of other products.
tion in almost any organ. In humans the Toll-like receptor–dependent IL-12/interferon (IFN)-λ
Both S. Typhi and NTS possess overlapping and distinct virulence is a major immunoregulatory system that bridges innate and adaptive
systems (Fig. 198-1). Although S. Typhimurium can cause systemic immunity and is responsible for restricting the systemic spread of
disease in humans, intestinal infection usually results in a localized nontyphoidal Salmonella.
enteritis that is associated with a secretory response in the intestinal Shortly following invasion of the gut epithelium, invasive Salmonella
epithelium. Intestinal infection also induces secretion of interleukin organisms encounter macrophages within the gut-associated lymphoid
(IL)-8 from the basolateral surface and other chemoattractants from tissue. The interaction between Salmonella and macrophages results in
the apical surface, directing recruitment and transmigration of neutro- alteration in the expression of a number of host genes, including those
phils into the gut lumen and thus preventing the systemic spread of encoding proinflammatory mediators (inducible nitric oxide synthase,
the bacteria (Fig. 198-2). chemokines, IL-1β), receptors or adhesion molecules (tumor necrosis
Central to S. Typhimurium pathogenesis are 2 type III secretion factor [TNF]-α receptor, CD40, intercellular adhesion molecule 1),
systems encoded within the pathogenicity islands SPI-1 and SPI-2 that and antiinflammatory mediators (transforming growth factor-β1 and
are responsible for the secretion and translocation of a set of bacterial transforming growth factor-β2). Other upregulated genes include
proteins termed effectors into host cells with the intention of altering those involved in cell death or apoptosis (intestinal epithelial cell pro-
host cell physiology for bacterial entry and survival. Thus, once deliv- tease, TNF-R1, Fas) and transcription factors (early growth response
ered by the type III secretion systems, the secreted effectors play critical 1, IFN regulatory factor 1). S. Typhimurium can induce rapid macro-
roles in manipulating the host cell to allow for bacterial invasion, phage death in vitro, which depends on the host cell protein caspase-1
induction of inflammatory responses, and the assembly of an intracel- and is mediated by the effector protein SipB (Salmonella invasion
lular protective niche created for bacterial survival and replication. The protein B). Intracellular S. Typhimurium is found within specialized
type III secretion system encoded on SPI-1 mediates invasion of the vacuoles that have diverged from the normal endocytic pathway. This
intestinal epithelium, whereas the type III secretion system encoded ability to survive within monocytes/macrophages is essential for S.
on SPI-2 is required for survival within macrophages. In addition, the Typhimurium to establish a systemic infection in the mouse. The
expression of strong agonists of innate pattern recognition receptors mucosal proinflammatory response to S. Typhimurium infection and
(lipopolysaccharide and flagellin) is important for triggering a Toll-like the subsequent recruitment of phagocytic cells to the site may also
receptor (TLR)–mediated inflammatory response. These observations facilitate systemic spread of the bacteria.
suggest that S. Typhimurium must have acquired additional factors Some virulence traits are shared by all salmonellae, but others are
that further modulate the host response during infection. serotype restricted. These virulence traits have been defined in tissue
Chapter 198 ◆ Salmonella 1385

Tight ruffle


Epithelial SopE SipA SopA

cell SopE2 SipC SptP
SopB Rho GTPases

Rho GTPases MAPK Cl– MAPK SspH1


IL-8 IL-1


Figure 198-2 On contact with the epithelial cell, salmonellae assemble the Salmonella pathogenicity island 1-encoded type III secretion system
(TTSS-1) and translocate effectors (yellow spheres) into the eukaryotic cytoplasm. Effectors such as SopE, SopE2, and SopB then activate host Rho
guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase), resulting in the rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton into membrane ruffles, induction of mitogen-activated
protein kinase (MAPK) pathways, and destabilization of tight junctions. Changes in the actin cytoskeleton, which are further modulated by the
actin-binding proteins SipA and SipC, lead to bacterial uptake. MAPK signaling activates the transcription factors activator protein-1 (AP-1) and
nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), which turn on production of the proinflammatory polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) chemokine interleukin (IL)-8. SipB
induces caspase-1 activation in macrophages, with the release of IL-1β and IL-18, augmenting the inflammatory response. In addition, SopB stimu-
lates Cl– secretion by its inositol phosphatase activity. The destabilization of tight junctions allows the transmigration of polymorphonuclear leu-
kocytes (PMNs) from the basolateral to the apical surface, paracellular fluid leakage, and access of bacteria to the basolateral surface. However,
the transmigration of PMNs also occurs in the absence of tight-junction disruption and is further promoted by SopA. The actin cytoskeleton is
restored, and MAPK signaling is turned off by the enzymatic activities of SptP. This also results in the down-modulation of inflammatory responses,
to which SspH1 and AvrA also contribute by inhibiting activation of NF-κB. (From Haraga A, Ohlson MB, Miller SI: Salmonellae interplay with host
cells, Nat Rev Microbiol 6:53–66, 2008.)

culture and murine models, and it is likely that clinical features of

human Salmonella infection will eventually be related to specific DNA Table 198-2 Host Factors and Conditions Predisposing
sequences. With most diarrhea-associated nontyphoidal salmonello- to the Development of Systemic Disease
ses, the infection does not extend beyond the lamina propria and the with Nontyphoidal Salmonella Strains
local lymphatics. Specific virulence genes are related to the ability to Neonates and young infants (≤3 mo of age)
cause bacteremia. These genes are found significantly more often in
strains of S. Typhimurium isolated from the blood than in strains HIV/AIDS
recovered from stool. Although both S. dublin and S. choleraesuis have Other immunodeficiencies and chronic granulomatous disease
a greater propensity to rapidly invade the bloodstream with little or no
Immunosuppressive and corticosteroid therapies
intestinal involvement, the development of disease after infection with
Salmonella depends on the number of infecting organisms, their viru- Malignancies, especially leukemia and lymphoma
lence traits, and several host defense factors. Various host factors may Hemolytic anemia, including sickle cell disease, malaria, and
also affect the development of specific complications or clinical syn- bartonellosis
dromes (Table 198-2) and of these, HIV infections are assuming greater
importance in Africa in all age groups. Collagen vascular disease
Bacteremia is possible with any Salmonella serotype, especially in Inflammatory bowel disease
individuals with reduced host defenses and especially in those with
Achlorhydria or use of antacid medications
altered reticuloendothelial or cellular immune function. Thus, children
with HIV infection, chronic granulomatous disease, and leukemia are Impaired intestinal motility
more likely to develop bacteremia after Salmonella infection, although Schistosomiasis, malaria
the majority of children with Salmonella bacteremia in Africa are HIV-
negative. Children with Schistosoma mansoni infection and hepato- Malnutrition
splenic involvement, as well as chronic malarial anemia, are also at a
1386 Part XVII ◆ Infectious Diseases

Salmonella spp.

SspH2 SifA
SpvB PipB2 s
Spacious Ssel otor
M icr

Actin SseJ
Epithelial cell




Golgi Secretory vesicles

Figure 198-3 Formation of the Salmonella-containing vacuole (SCV) and induction of the Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI-2) type III secre-
tion system (TTSS) within the host cell. Shortly after internalization by macropinocytosis, salmonellae are enclosed in a spacious phagosome that
is formed by membrane ruffles. Later, the phagosome fuses with lysosomes, acidifies, and shrinks to become adherent around the bacterium, and
is called the SCV. It contains the endocytic marker lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 (LAMP-1; purple). The Salmonella SPI-2 is induced
within the SCV and translocates effector proteins (yellow spheres) across the phagosomal membrane several hours after phagocytosis. The SPI-2
effectors SifA and PipB2 contribute to formation of Salmonella-induced filament along microtubules (green) and regulate microtubule motor (yellow
star shape) accumulation on the Sif and the SCV. SseJ is a deacylase that is active on the phagosome membrane. SseF and SseG cause microtubule
bundling adjacent to the SCV and direct Golgi-derived vesicle traffic toward the SCV. Actin accumulates around the SCV in a SPI-2 dependent
manner, in which SspH2, SpvB, and SseI are thought to have a role. (From Haraga A, Ohlson MB, Miller SI: Salmonellae interplay with host cells,
Nat Rev Microbiol 6:53–66, 2008.)

greater risk for development of chronic salmonellosis. Children with healthy children, and fatalities are rare. However, some children
sickle cell disease are at increased risk for Salmonella septicemia and experience severe disease with a septicemia-like picture (high fever,
osteomyelitis. This risk may be related to the presence of numerous headache, drowsiness, confusion, meningismus, seizures, abdominal
infarcted areas in the gastrointestinal tract, bones, and reticuloendo- distention). The stool typically contains a moderate number of poly-
thelial system, as well as reduced phagocytic and opsonizing capacity morphonuclear leukocytes and occult blood. Mild leukocytosis may be
of patients, which allow the organism to flourish. detected.
Some inherited defects, such as IL-12 deficiency (IL-12β1 chain
deficiency, IL-12p40 subunit deletion) are associated with increased Bacteremia
risk for Salmonella infections, suggesting a key role for IL-12 in the Although the precise incidence of bacteremia following Salmonella
clearance of Salmonella. IL-12 is produced by activated macrophages gastroenteritis is unclear, transient bacteremia can occur in 1-5% of
and is a potent inducer of IFN-γ by natural killer cells and T lympho- children with Salmonella diarrhea. Bacteremia can occur with minimal
cytes. Given the putative protective role of IL-12 against malarial infec- associated symptoms in newborns and very young infants, but in older
tion, Salmonella infection of phagocytes may secondarily affect IL-12 infants it typically follows gastroenteritis and can be associated with
production and thus produce a vicious circle of chronic malaria and fever, chills, and septic shock. In patients with AIDS, recurrent septi-
Salmonella coinfection. cemia appears despite antibiotic therapy, often with a negative stool
culture result for Salmonella and sometimes with no identifiable focus
of infection. NTS gastrointestinal infections commonly cause bactere-
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS mia in developing countries. High rates of invasive disease with S.
Acute Enteritis Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis reported from Africa (38-70% of iso-
The most common clinical presentation of salmonellosis is acute enter- lates) suggest an association with HIV infections and malaria.
itis. After an incubation period of 6-72 hr (mean: 24 hr), there is an
abrupt onset of nausea, vomiting, and crampy abdominal pain, located Extraintestinal Focal Infections
primarily in the periumbilical area and right lower quadrant, followed Following bacteremia, salmonellae have the propensity to seed and
by mild to severe watery diarrhea and sometimes by diarrhea contain- cause focal suppurative infection of many organs. The most common
ing blood and mucus. A large proportion of children with acute enteri- focal infections involve the skeletal system, meninges, intravascular
tis are febrile, although younger infants may exhibit a normal or sites, and sites of preexisting abnormalities. The peak incidence of
subnormal temperature. Symptoms usually subside within 2-7 days in Salmonella meningitis is in infancy, and the infection may be
Chapter 198 ◆ Salmonella 1387

associated with a florid clinical course, high mortality, and neurologic

sequelae in survivors. Table 198-3 Treatment of Salmonella Gastroenteritis
Salmonella gastroenteritis can be associated with acute dehydration
and complications that result from delayed presentation and inade- Salmonella infections in Cefotaxime 100-200 mg/kg/day every
infants <3 mo of age or 6-8 hr for 5-14 days
quate treatment. Bacteremia in younger infants and immunocompro-
immunocompromised or
mised individuals can have serious consequences and potentially fatal persons (in addition to Ceftriaxone 75 mg/kg/day once daily
outcomes. Salmonella organisms can seed many organ systems, leading appropriate treatment for 7 days
to osteomyelitis in children with sickle cell disease, among other infec- for underlying disorder) or
tions. Reactive arthritis may follow Salmonella gastroenteritis, usually Ampicillin 100 mg/kg/day every
in adolescents with the HLA-B27 antigen. 6-8 hr for 7 days
In certain high-risk groups, especially those with impaired immu- or
nity, the course of Salmonella gastroenteritis may be more complicated. Cefixime 15 mg/kg/day for 7-10 days
Neonates, infants younger than 6 mo, and children with primary or
secondary immunodeficiency may have symptoms that persist for
several weeks. The course of illness and complications may also be following 5 drugs: ampicillin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulfon-
affected by coexisting pathologies. In children with AIDS, Salmonella amides, and tetracycline. An increasing proportion of S. Typhimurium
infection frequently becomes widespread and overwhelming, causing phage type DT104 isolates also have reduced susceptibility to fluoro-
multisystem involvement, septic shock, and death. In patients with quinolones. Given the higher mortality associated with multidrug-
inflammatory bowel disease, especially active ulcerative colitis, Salmo- resistant Salmonella infections, it is necessary to perform susceptibility
nella gastroenteritis may lead to rapid development of toxic megacolon, tests on all human isolates. Infections with suspected drug-resistant
bacterial translocation, and sepsis. In children with schistosomiasis, Salmonella should be closely monitored and treated with appropriate
the Salmonella may persist and multiply within schistosomes, leading antimicrobial therapy.
to chronic infection unless the schistosomiasis is effectively treated.
Prolonged or intermittent bacteremia is associated with low-grade PROGNOSIS
fever, anorexia, weight loss, diaphoresis, and myalgias and may occur Most healthy children with Salmonella gastroenteritis recover fully.
in children with underlying problems and a reticuloendothelial system However, malnourished children and children who do not receive
dysfunction such as hemolytic anemia or malaria. optimal supportive treatment (see Chapters 58 and 340) are at risk for
development of prolonged diarrhea and complications. Young infants
DIAGNOSIS and immunocompromised patients often have systemic involvement,
Clinical features that are specific to Salmonella gastroenteritis and a prolonged course, and extraintestinal foci. In particular, children
thus would allow differentiation from other bacterial causes of with HIV infection and Salmonella infections can have a florid course.
diarrhea are few. Definitive diagnosis of Salmonella infection is based After infection, NTS are excreted in feces for a median of 5 wk. A
on clinical correlation of the presentation and culture of and subse- prolonged carrier state after nontyphoidal salmonellosis is rare (<1%)
quent identification of Salmonella organisms from feces or other but may be seen in children with biliary tract disease and cholelithiasis
body fluids. In children with gastroenteritis, cultures of stools have after chronic hemolysis. Prolonged carriage of Salmonella organisms is
higher yields than rectal swabs. In children with NTS gastroenteritis, rare in healthy children but has been reported in those with underlying
prolonged fever lasting 5 or more days and young age should be rec- immune deficiency. During the period of Salmonella excretion, the
ognized as risk factors closely associated with development of bactere- individual may infect others, directly by the fecal–oral route or indi-
mia. In patients with sites of local suppuration, aspirated specimens rectly by contaminating foods.
should be Gram-stained and cultured. Salmonella organisms grow
well on nonselective or enriched media, such as blood agar, chocolate PREVENTION
agar, and nutrient broth, but stool specimens containing mixed bacte- Control of the transmission of Salmonella infections to humans
rial flora require a selective medium, such as MacConkey, xylose- requires control of the infection in the animal reservoir, judicious
lysine-deoxycholate, bismuth sulfite, or Salmonella-Shigella (SS) agar use of antibiotics in dairy and livestock farming, prevention of con-
for isolation. tamination of foodstuffs prepared from animals, and use of appropriate
Although other rapid diagnostic methods, such as latex agglutina- standards in food processing in commercial and private kitchens
tion and immunofluorescence, have been developed for rapid diagno- (Table 198-4). Because large outbreaks are often related to mass food
sis of Salmonella in cultures, there are few comparable tests for rapid production, it should be recognized that contamination of just 1 piece
serologic detection. Polymerase chain reaction techniques may offer a of machinery used in food processing may cause an outbreak; meticu-
rapid alternative to classic cultures but are as yet not in widespread use lous cleaning of equipment is essential. Clean water supply and educa-
in clinical settings. tion in handwashing and food preparation and storage are critical to
reducing person-to-person transmission. Salmonella may remain
TREATMENT viable when cooking practices prevent food from reaching a tempera-
Appropriate therapy relates to the specific clinical presentation of Sal- ture greater than 65.5°C (150°F) for longer than 12 min. Parents
monella infection. In children with gastroenteritis, rapid clinical assess- should be advised of the risk of reptiles as pets in households with
ment, correction of dehydration and electrolyte disturbances, and young infants.
supportive care are key (see Chapter 340). Antibiotics are not generally In contrast to developed countries, relatively little is known about
recommended for the treatment of isolated uncomplicated Salmonella the transmission of NTS infections in developing countries, and it is
gastroenteritis because they may suppress normal intestinal flora and likely that person-to-person transmission may be relatively more
prolong both the excretion of Salmonella and the remote risk for creat- important in some settings. Although some vaccines have been used
ing the chronic carrier state (usually in adults). However, given the risk in animals, no human vaccine against NTS infections is currently avail-
for bacteremia in infants (<3 mo of age) and the risk of disseminated able. Infections should be reported to public health authorities so that
infection in high-risk groups with immune compromise (HIV, malig- outbreaks can be recognized and investigated. Given the rapid rise of
nancies, immunosuppressive therapy, sickle cell anemia, immunodefi- antimicrobial resistance among Salmonella isolates, it is imperative that
ciency states), these children must receive an appropriate empirically there is rigorous regulation of the use of antimicrobials in animal feeds.
chosen antibiotic until culture results are available (Table 198-3). The
S. Typhimurium phage type DT104 strain is usually resistant to the Bibliography is available at Expert Consult.
Chapter 198 ◆ Salmonella 1387.e1

Bibliography Hanning IB, Nutt JD, Ricke SC: Salmonellosis outbreaks in the United States due
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Reptile-associated to fresh produce: sources and potential intervention measures, Foodborne
salmonellosis—selected states, 1998-2002, MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep Pathog Dis 6:635–648, 2009.
52:1206–1210, 2003. Haraga A, Ohlson MB, Miller SI: Salmonellae interplay with host cells, Nat Rev
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Outbreak of multidrug- Microbiol 6:53–66, 2008.
resistant Salmonella typhimurium associated with rodents purchased at retail pet Helms M, Simonsen J, Molbak K: Quinolone resistance is associated with increased
stores—United States, December 2003-October 2004, MMWR Morb Mortal risk of invasive illness or death during infection with Salmonella serotype
Wkly Rep 54:429–434, 2005. Typhimurium, J Infect Dis 198:1652–1654, 2004.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC): Notes from the field: Update Helms M, Vastrup P, Gerner-Smidt P, et al: Excess mortality associated with
on human Salmonella typhimurium infections associated with aquatic antimicrobial drug-resistant Salmonella typhimurium, Emerg Infect Dis
frogs–United States, 2009-2011, MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 60:628, 2011. 8:490–495, 2002.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Notes from the field: Human Hohmann EL: Nontyphoidal salmonellosis, Clin Infect Dis 32:263–269, 2001.
Salmonella infantis infections linked to dry dog food–United States and Canada, International Food Safety Authorities Network: Antimicrobial-resistant Salmonella.
2012, MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 61:436, 2012. Available at:
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Salmonella typhi infections associated with contaminated water–Zimbabwe, Jackson BR, Griffin PM, Cole D, et al: Outbreak associated Salmonella enterica
October 2011-May 2012, MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 61:435, 2012. serotypes and food commodities 1998-2008, United States, Emerg Infect Dis
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Multistate outbreak of human 19:1239–1244, 2013.
Salmonella typhimurium infections linked to contact with pet hedgehogs– Jones TF, Ingram LA, Fullerton KE, et al: A case-control study of the epidemiology
United States, 2011-2013, MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 62:73, 2013. of sporadic salmonella infection in infants, Pediatrics 118:2380–2387, 2006.
Chiu CH, Chuang CH, Chiu S, et al: Salmonella enterica serotype choleraesuis McEwen SA, Fedorka-Cray PJ: Antimicrobial use and resistance in animals, Clin
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Coburn B, Grassl GA, Finlay BB: Salmonella, the host and disease: a brief review, Morpeth SC, Ramadhani HO, Crump JA: Invasive non-Typhi Salmonella disease in
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Crump JA, Mintz ED: Global trends in typhoid and paratyphoid fever, Clin Infect Santos RL, Tsolis RM, Baumler AJ, et al: Pathogenesis of Salmonella-induced
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Salmonellosis, PLoS Pathog 8(10):e1002933, 2012. infection in normal infants in Thailand, Pediatr Infect Dis J 20:581–587, 2001.
Feasey NA, Dougan G, Kingsley RA, et al: Invasive non-typhoidal salmonella Stevens MP, Humphrey TJ, Maskell DJ: Molecular insights into farm animal and
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Graham SM: Salmonellosis in children in developing and developed countries and Walsh AL, Phiri AJ, Graham SM, et al: Bacteremia in febrile Malawian children:
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1388 Part XVII ◆ Infectious Diseases

burden is witnessed in Asia. Additionally, an estimated 5.4 million

Table 198-4 Recommendations for Preventing cases caused by paratyphoid occur each year. In 2010, 13.5 million
Transmission of Salmonella from Reptiles cases of typhoid fever were recorded, and both typhoid and paraty-
and Amphibians to Humans phoid fevers together accounted for more than 12 million disability-
Pet store owners, healthcare providers, and veterinarians should adjusted life years. The mortality caused by typhoid fever in the same
provide information to owners and potential purchasers of reptiles year was found to be 7.2 per 100,000 population for the sub-Saharan
and amphibians about the risks for and prevention of region of Africa. Given the paucity of microbiologic facilities in devel-
salmonellosis from these pets. oping countries, these figures may be more representative of the clini-
cal syndrome rather than of culture-proven disease. In most developed
Persons at increased risk for infection or serious complications from
salmonellosis (e.g., children <5 yr of age and countries, the incidence of typhoid fever is <15 cases per 100,000
immunocompromised persons) should avoid contact with reptiles population, with most cases occurring in travelers. In contrast, the
and amphibians and any items that have been in contact with incidence may vary considerably in the developing world, with esti-
reptiles and amphibians. mated rates ranging from 100-1,000 cases per 100,000 population.
There are significant differences in the age distribution and population
Reptiles and amphibians should be kept out of households that
include children <5 yr of age or immunocompromised persons. A at risk. Population-based studies from South Asia also indicate that the
family expecting a child should remove any pet reptile or age-specific incidence of typhoid fever may be highest in children
amphibian from the home before the infant arrives. younger than 5 yr of age, in association with comparatively higher rates
of complications and hospitalization.
Reptiles and amphibians should not be allowed in childcare
Typhoid fever is notable for the emergence of drug resistance. Fol-
lowing sporadic outbreaks of chloramphenicol-resistant S. Typhi infec-
Persons should always wash their hands thoroughly with soap and tions, many strains of S. Typhi have developed plasmid-mediated
water after handling reptiles and amphibians or their cages. multidrug resistance to all 3 of the primary antimicrobials: ampicillin,
Reptiles and amphibians should not be allowed to roam freely chloramphenicol, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. There is also a
throughout a home or living area. considerable increase in nalidixic acid–resistant isolates of S. Typhi, as
well as the emergence of fluoroquinolone-resistant isolates. Nalidixic
Pet reptiles and amphibians should be kept out of kitchens and
other food preparation areas. Kitchen sinks should not be used to
acid–resistant isolates first emerged in Southeast Asia and India, and
bathe reptiles and amphibians or to wash their dishes, cages, or now account for the majority of travel-associated cases of typhoid fever
aquariums. If bathtubs are used for these purposes, they should in the United States.
be cleaned thoroughly and disinfected with bleach. S. Typhi is highly adapted to infection of humans to the point that
it has lost the ability to cause transmissible disease in other animals.
Reptiles and amphibians in public settings (e.g., zoos and exhibits)
should be kept from direct or indirect contact with patrons except
The discovery of the large number of pseudogenes in S. Typhi suggests
in designated animal contact areas equipped with adequate that the genome of this pathogen has undergone degeneration to facili-
handwashing facilities. Food and drink should not be allowed in tate a specialized association with the human host. Thus, direct or
animal contact areas. indirect contact with an infected person (sick or chronic carrier) is a
prerequisite for infection. Ingestion of foods or water contaminated
From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Reptile-associated
salmonellosis—selected states, 1998-2002, MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep with S. Typhi from human feces is the most common mode of trans-
52:1206–1210, 2003. mission, although waterborne outbreaks as a consequence of poor
sanitation or contamination have been described in developing coun-
tries. In other parts of the world, oysters and other shellfish cultivated
198.2 Enteric Fever (Typhoid Fever) in water contaminated by sewage and the use of night soil as fertilizer
Zulfiqar Ahmed Bhutta may also cause infection.

Enteric fever (more commonly termed typhoid fever) remains endemic PATHOGENESIS
in many developing countries. Given the ease of modern travel, cases Enteric fever occurs through the ingestion of the organism, and a
are regularly reported from most developed countries, usually from variety of sources of fecal contamination have been reported, including
returning travelers. street foods and contamination of water reservoirs.
Human volunteer experiments established an infecting dose of
ETIOLOGY about 105-109 organisms, with an incubation period ranging from 4-14
Typhoid fever is caused by S. enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi), a Gram- days, depending on the inoculating dose of viable bacteria. After inges-
negative bacterium. A very similar but often less-severe disease is tion, S. Typhi organisms are thought to invade the body through the
caused by Salmonella Paratyphi A and rarely by S. Paratyphi B (Schot- gut mucosa in the terminal ileum, possibly through specialized
mulleri) and S. Paratyphi C (Hirschfeldii). The ratio of disease caused antigen-sampling cells known as M cells that overlie gut-associated
by S. Typhi to that caused by S. Paratyphi is approximately 10 : 1, lymphoid tissues, through enterocytes, or via a paracellular route. S.
although the proportion of S. Paratyphi A infections is increasing in Typhi crosses the intestinal mucosal barrier after attachment to the
some parts of the world for reasons that are unclear. Although S. Typhi microvilli by an intricate mechanism involving membrane ruffling,
shares many genes with Escherichia coli and at least 95% of genes with actin rearrangement, and internalization in an intracellular vacuole. In
S. Typhimurium, several unique gene clusters known as pathogenicity contrast to NTS, S. Typhi expresses virulence factors that allow it to
islands and other genes have been acquired during evolution. The downregulate the pathogen recognition receptor–mediated host
inactivation of single genes, as well as the acquisition or loss of single inflammatory response. Within the Peyer patches in the terminal
genes or large islands of DNA, may have contributed to host adaptation ileum, S. Typhi can traverse the intestinal barrier through several
and restriction of S. Typhi. mechanisms, including the M cells in the follicle-associated epithe-
One of the most specific gene products is the polysaccharide capsule lium, epithelial cells, and dendritic cells. At the villi, Salmonella can
Vi (virulence), which is present in approximately 90% of all freshly enter through the M cells or by passage through or between compro-
isolated S. Typhi and has a protective effect against the bactericidal mised epithelial cells.
action of the serum of infected patients. On contact with the epithelial cell, S. typhi assembles type III secre-
tion system encoded on SPI-1 and translocates effectors into the cyto-
EPIDEMIOLOGY plasm. These effectors activate host Rho guanosine triphosphatases,
It is estimated that more than 26.9 million typhoid fever cases occur resulting in the rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton into mem-
annually, of which 1% result in death. The vast majority of this disease brane ruffles, induction of mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways,
Chapter 198 ◆ Salmonella 1389

and destabilization of tight junctions. Changes in the actin cytoskele- In vitro studies with human cell lines have shown qualitative and
ton are further modulated by the actin-binding proteins SipA and SipC quantitative differences in the epithelial cell response to S. Typhi and
and lead to bacterial uptake. Mitogen-activated protein kinase signal- S. Typhimurium with regard to cytokine and chemokine secretion.
ing activates the transcription factors activator protein-1 and nuclear Thus, by avoiding the triggering of an early inflammatory response in
factor-κB, which turn on production of IL-8. The destabilization of the gut, S. Typhi could instead colonize deeper tissues and organ
tight junctions allows the transmigration of polymorphonuclear leu- systems. Infection with S. Typhi produces an inflammatory response
kocytes from the basolateral surface to the apical surface, paracellular in the deeper mucosal layers and underlying lymphoid tissue, with
fluid leakage, and access of bacteria to the basolateral surface. Shortly hyperplasia of Peyer patches and subsequent necrosis and sloughing
after internalization of S. Typhi by macropinocytosis, salmonellae are of overlying epithelium. The resulting ulcers can bleed but usually
enclosed in a spacious phagosome that is formed by membrane ruffles. heal without scarring or stricture formation. The inflammatory lesion
Later, the phagosome fuses with lysosomes, acidifies, and shrinks to may occasionally penetrate the muscularis and serosa of the intestine
become adherent around the bacterium, forming the Salmonella- and produce perforation. The mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, and
containing vacuole. type III secretion system encoded on SPI-2 is spleen are hyperemic and generally have areas of focal necrosis as well.
induced within the Salmonella-containing vacuole and translocates A mononuclear response may be seen in the bone marrow in associa-
effector proteins SifA and PipB2, which contribute to Salmonella- tion with areas of focal necrosis. The morphologic changes of S.
induced filament formation along microtubules. The S. Typhi toxin has Typhi infection are less prominent in infants than in older children
been isolated and characterized composed of 2 A subunits, PltA and and adults.
CdtB, which are homologs of the A subunits of the pertussis and cyto- It is thought that several virulence factors, including type III secre-
lethal distending toxins, respectively. Its single B subunit, PltB, is a tion system encoded on SPI-2, may be necessary for the virulence
homolog of 1 of the components of the heteropentameric B subunit properties and ability to cause systemic infection. The surface Vi poly-
of pertussis toxin. Although the cellular targets of the adenosine saccharide capsular antigen found in S. Typhi interferes with phagocy-
diphosphate–ribosyl transferase activity of PltA have not yet been tosis by preventing the binding of C3 to the surface of the bacterium.
identified, CdtB is a DNase that inflicts DNA damage and induces The ability of organisms to survive within macrophages after phagocy-
cell-cycle arrest. S. Typhi produces typhoid toxin only within mam- tosis is an important virulence trait encoded by the PhoP regulon
malian cells, and the toxin is then ferried to the extracellular environ- and may be related to metabolic effects on host cells. The occasional
ment by a unique transport mechanism that involves vesicle carrier occurrence of diarrhea may be explained by the presence of a toxin
intermediates (Fig. 198-4). These findings open the door to future related to cholera toxin and E. coli heat-labile enterotoxin. The clinical
opportunities for developing diagnostic and preventive strategies. syndrome of fever and systemic symptoms is produced by a release
After passing through the intestinal mucosa, S. Typhi organisms of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-1β, and TNF-α) from the
enter the mesenteric lymphoid system and then pass into the blood- infected cells.
stream via the lymphatics. This primary bacteremia is usually asymp- In addition to the virulence of the infecting organisms, host factors
tomatic, and blood culture results are frequently negative at this stage and immunity may also play an important role in predisposition to
of the disease. The bloodborne bacteria are disseminated throughout infection. There is an association between susceptibility to typhoid
the body and are thought to colonize the organs of the reticuloendo- fever and human genes within the major histocompatibility complex
thelial system, where they may replicate within macrophages. After a class II and class III loci. Patients who are infected with HIV are at
period of bacterial replication, S. Typhi organisms are shed back into significantly higher risk for clinical infection with S. Typhi and S.
the blood, causing a secondary bacteremia that coincides with the Paratyphi. Similarly, patients with Helicobacter pylori infection have an
onset of clinical symptoms and marks the end of the incubation period. increased risk of acquiring typhoid fever.

Pathogenesis of typhoid fever

Salmonella Widespread
typhi dissemination
M cell Peyer patches
re-exposed to
Enterocytes lining S. typhi via bile
terminal ileum

Peyer patch bacteremia
and resident

Mesenteric Seeding of RES:

lymph nodes liver, spleen,
gall bladder,
bone marrow

Figure 198-4 Pathogenesis of typhoid fever. RES, reticuloendothelial system. (Adapted from Richens J: Typhoid fever. In Cohen J, Powderly
WG, Opal SM, editors: Infectious diseases, ed 2, London, 2004, Mosby, pp. 1561–1566.)
1390 Part XVII ◆ Infectious Diseases

Table 198-5 Common Clinical Features of Typhoid

Fever in Children*
High-grade fever 95
Coated tongue 76
Anorexia 70
Vomiting 39
Hepatomegaly 37
Diarrhea 36
Toxicity 29 A
Abdominal pain 21
Pallor 20
Splenomegaly 17
Constipation 7
Headache 4
Jaundice 2
Obtundation 2
Ileus 1
Intestinal perforation 0.5
*Data collected in Karachi, Pakistan, from 2,000 children.
Figure 198-5 A, A rose spot in a volunteer with experimental typhoid
fever. B, A small cluster of rose spots is usually located on the abdomen.
CLINICAL FEATURES These lesions may be difficult to identify, especially in dark-skinned
The incubation period of typhoid fever is usually 7-14 days but depends people. (From Huang DB, DuPont HL: Problem pathogens: extra-
on the infecting dose and ranges between 3 and 30 days. The clinical intestinal complications of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi infec-
presentation varies from a mild illness with low-grade fever, malaise, tion, Lancet Infect Dis 5:341–348, 2005.)
and slight, dry cough to a severe clinical picture with abdominal dis-
comfort and multiple complications.
Many factors influence the severity and overall clinical outcome of
the infection. They include the duration of illness before the initiation splenomegaly, and myalgias than patients who require admission to
of appropriate therapy, choice of antimicrobial treatment, age, previous the hospital.
exposure or vaccination history, virulence of the bacterial strain, quan- The presentation of typhoid fever may be tempered by coexisting
tity of inoculum ingested, and several host factors affecting immune morbidities and early diagnosis and administration of antibiotics. In
status. malaria-endemic areas and in parts of the world where schistosomiasis
The presentation of typhoid fever may also differ according to age. is common, the presentation of typhoid may also be atypical. It is also
Although data from South America and parts of Africa suggest that recognized that multidrug-resistant S. Typhi infection is a more severe
typhoid may manifest as a mild illness in young children, presentation clinical illness with higher rates of toxicity, complications, and case
may vary in different parts of the world. There is emerging evidence fatality rates, which may be related to the greater virulence as well as
from south Asia that the presentation of typhoid may be more dramatic higher numbers of circulating bacteria. The emergence of typhoid
in children younger than 5 yr of age, with comparatively higher rates infections resistant to nalidixic acid and fluoroquinolones is associated
of complications and hospitalization. Diarrhea, toxicity, and complica- with higher rates of morbidity and treatment failure. These findings
tions such as disseminated intravascular coagulopathy are also more may have implications for treatment algorithms, especially in endemic
common in infancy, resulting in higher case fatality rates. However, areas with high rates of multidrug-resistant and nalidixic acid– or
some of the other features and complications of typhoid fever seen in fluoroquinolone-resistant typhoid.
adults, such as relative bradycardia, neurologic manifestations, and If no complications occur, the symptoms and physical findings
gastrointestinal bleeding, are rare in children. gradually resolve within 2-4 wk; however, the illness may be associated
Typhoid fever usually manifests as high-grade fever with a wide with malnutrition in a number of affected children. Although enteric
variety of associated features, such as generalized myalgia, abdominal fever caused by S. Paratyphi organisms has been classically regarded as
pain, hepatosplenomegaly, abdominal pain, and anorexia (Table a milder illness, there have been several outbreaks of infection with
198-5). In children, diarrhea may occur in the earlier stages of the drug-resistant S. Paratyphi A, suggesting that paratyphoid fever may
illness and may be followed by constipation. In the absence of local- also be severe, with significant morbidity and complications.
izing signs, the early stage of the disease may be difficult to differentiate
from other endemic diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. The COMPLICATIONS
fever may rise gradually, but the classic stepladder rise of fever is rela- Although altered liver function is found in many patients with enteric
tively rare. In approximately 25% of cases, a macular or maculopapular fever, clinically significant hepatitis, jaundice, and cholecystitis are
rash (rose spots) may be visible around the 7th-10th day of the illness, relatively rare and may be associated with higher rates of adverse
and lesions may appear in crops of 10-15 on the lower chest and outcome. Intestinal hemorrhage (<1%) and perforation (0.5-1%) are
abdomen and last 2-3 days (Fig. 198-5). These lesions may be difficult infrequent among children. Intestinal perforation may be preceded by
to see in dark-skinned children. Patients managed as outpatients a marked increase in abdominal pain (usually in the right lower quad-
present with fever (99%) but have less emesis, diarrhea, hepatomegaly, rant), tenderness, vomiting, and features of peritonitis. Intestinal
Chapter 198 ◆ Salmonella 1391

Table 198-6 Extraintestinal Infectious Complications of Typhoid Fever Caused By Salmonella enterica Serotype Typhi
Central nervous system 3-35 Residence in endemic region, Encephalopathy, cerebral edema,
malignancy, endocarditis, subdural empyema, cerebral
congenital heart disease, abscess, meningitis, ventriculitis,
paranasal sinus infections, transient parkinsonism, motor
pulmonary infections, meningitis, neuron disorders, ataxia, seizures,
trauma, surgery, and Guillain-Barré syndrome, psychosis
osteomyelitis of the skull
Cardiovascular system 1-5 Cardiac abnormalities—e.g., Endocarditis, myocarditis,
existing valvular abnormalities, pericarditis, arteritis, congestive
rheumatic heart disease, or heart failure
congenital heart defects
Pulmonary system 1-6 Residence in endemic region, past Pneumonia, empyema,
pulmonary infection, sickle cell bronchopleural fistula
anemia, alcohol abuse, diabetes,
HIV infection
Bone and joint <1 Sickle cell anemia, diabetes, Osteomyelitis, septic arthritis
systemic lupus erythematosus,
lymphoma, liver disease,
previous surgery or trauma,
extremes of age, and steroid use
Hepatobiliary system 1-26 Residence in endemic region, Cholecystitis, hepatitis, hepatic
pyogenic infections, intravenous abscesses, splenic abscess,
drug use, splenic trauma, HIV, peritonitis, paralytic ileus
Genitourinary system <1 Urinary tract, pelvic pathology, and Urinary tract infection, renal abscess,
systemic abnormalities pelvic infections, testicular abscess,
prostatitis, epididymitis
Soft-tissue infections At least 17 cases reported in the Diabetes Psoas abscess, gluteal abscess,
English language literature cutaneous vasculitis
Hematologic At least 5 cases reported in the Hemophagocytosis syndrome
English language literature
From Huang DB, DuPont HL: Problem pathogens: extra-intestinal complications of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi infection, Lancet Infect Dis 5:341–348, 2005.

perforation and peritonitis may be accompanied by a sudden rise in bacteriologic confirmation difficult. Although bone marrow cultures
pulse rate, hypotension, marked abdominal tenderness and guarding, may increase the likelihood of bacteriologic confirmation of typhoid,
and subsequent abdominal rigidity. A rising white blood cell count collection of the specimens is difficult and relatively invasive.
with a left shift and free air on abdominal radiographs may be seen in Results of other laboratory investigations are nonspecific. Although
such cases. blood leukocyte counts are frequently low in relation to the fever and
Rare complications include toxic myocarditis, which may manifest toxicity, there is a wide range in counts; in younger children leukocy-
as arrhythmias, sinoatrial block, or cardiogenic shock (Table 198-6). tosis is common and may reach 20,000-25,000 cells/µL. Thrombocy-
Neurologic complications are also relatively uncommon among topenia may be a marker of severe illness and may accompany
children; they include delirium, psychosis, increased intracranial pres- disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. Liver function test results
sure, acute cerebellar ataxia, chorea, deafness, and Guillain-Barré syn- may be deranged, but significant hepatic dysfunction is rare.
drome. Although case fatality rates may be higher with neurologic The classic Widal test measures antibodies against O and H antigens
manifestations, recovery usually occurs with no sequelae. Other of S. Typhi but lacks sensitivity and specificity in endemic areas.
reported complications include fatal bone marrow necrosis, dissemi- Because many false-positive and false-negative results occur, diagnosis
nated intravascular coagulopathy, hemolytic–uremic syndrome, pyelo- of typhoid fever by Widal test alone is prone to error. Other relatively
nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, meningitis, endocarditis, parotitis, newer diagnostic tests using monoclonal antibodies have been devel-
orchitis, and suppurative lymphadenitis. oped that directly detect S. Typhi–specific antigens in the serum or S.
The propensity to become a carrier follows the epidemiology of Typhi Vi antigen in the urine. However, few have proved sufficiently
gallbladder disease, increasing with patient age and the antibiotic resis- robust in large-scale evaluations. A nested polymerase chain reaction
tance of the prevalent strains. Although limited data are available, rates analysis using H1-d primers has been used to amplify specific genes of
of chronic carriage are generally lower in children than adults. S. Typhi in the blood of patients; it is a promising means of making a
rapid diagnosis, especially given the low level of bacteremia in enteric
DIAGNOSIS fever. Despite these innovations, the mainstay of diagnosis of typhoid
The mainstay of the diagnosis of typhoid fever is a positive result of remains clinical in much of the developing world, and several diagnos-
culture from the blood or another anatomic site. Results of blood tic algorithms have been evaluated in endemic areas.
cultures are positive in 40-60% of the patients seen early in the course
of the disease, and stool and urine culture results become positive after DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
the 1st wk. The stool culture result is also occasionally positive during In endemic areas, typhoid fever may mimic many common febrile ill-
the incubation period. However, the sensitivity of blood cultures in nesses without localizing signs. In children with multisystem features
diagnosing typhoid fever in many parts of the developing world is and no localizing signs, the early stages of enteric fever may be con-
limited because widespread liberal antibiotic use may render fused with alternative conditions, such as acute gastroenteritis,
1392 Part XVII ◆ Infectious Diseases

bronchitis, and bronchopneumonia. Subsequently, the differential review of the treatment of typhoid fever also indicates that there is little
diagnosis includes malaria; sepsis with other bacterial pathogens; evidence to support the carte blanche administration of fluoroquino-
infections caused by intracellular microorganisms, such as tuberculo- lones in all cases of typhoid fever. Azithromycin may be an alternative
sis, brucellosis, tularemia, leptospirosis, and rickettsial diseases; and antibiotic for children with uncomplicated typhoid fever.
viral infections such as Dengue fever, acute hepatitis, and infectious In addition to antibiotics, the importance of supportive treatment
mononucleosis. and maintenance of appropriate fluid and electrolyte balance must be
underscored. Although additional treatment with dexamethasone
TREATMENT (3 mg/kg for the initial dose, followed by 1 mg/kg every 6 hr for 48 hr)
An early diagnosis of typhoid fever and institution of appropriate treat- is recommended for severely ill patients with shock, obtundation,
ment are essential. The vast majority of children with typhoid fever can stupor, or coma; corticosteroids should be administered only under
be managed at home with oral antibiotics and close medical follow-up strict controlled conditions and supervision, because their use may
for complications or failure of response to therapy. Patients with per- mask signs of abdominal complications.
sistent vomiting, severe diarrhea, and abdominal distention may
require hospitalization and parenteral antibiotic therapy. PROGNOSIS
There are general principles of typhoid fever management. Adequate The prognosis for a patient with enteric fever depends on the rapidity
rest, hydration, and attention are important to correct fluid and elec- of diagnosis and institution of appropriate antibiotic therapy. Other
trolyte imbalance. Antipyretic therapy (acetaminophen 10-15 mg/kg factors are the patient’s, age, general state of health, and nutrition, the
every 4-6 hr PO) should be provided as required. A soft, easily digest- causative Salmonella serotype, and the appearance of complications.
ible diet should be continued unless the patient has abdominal disten- Infants and children with underlying malnutrition and patients
tion or ileus. Antibiotic therapy is critical to minimize complications infected with multidrug-resistant isolates are at higher risk for adverse
(Table 198-7). It has been suggested that traditional therapy with either outcomes.
chloramphenicol or amoxicillin is associated with relapse rates of Despite appropriate therapy, 2-4% of infected children may experi-
5-15% and 4-8%, respectively, whereas use of the quinolones and third- ence relapse after initial clinical response to treatment. Individuals who
generation cephalosporins is associated with higher cure rates. The excrete S. Typhi for 3 mo or longer after infection are regarded as
antibiotic treatment of typhoid fever in children is also influenced by chronic carriers. The risk for becoming a carrier is low in children
the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance. Over the past 2 decades, (<2% for all infected children) and increases with age. A chronic
emergence of multidrug-resistant strains of S. Typhi (i.e., isolates fully urinary carrier state can develop in children with schistosomiasis.
resistant to amoxicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and chlor-
amphenicol) has necessitated treatment with fluoroquinolones, which PREVENTION
are the antimicrobial drug of choice for treatment of salmonellosis Of the major risk factors for outbreaks of typhoid fever, contamination
in adults, with cephalosporins as an alternative. The emergence of of water supplies with sewage is the most important. Other risk factors
resistance to quinolones places tremendous pressure on public health for development of typhoid fever are congestion, contact with another
systems because alternative therapeutic options are limited. patient or a febrile individual, and lack of water and sanitation services.
Although some investigators suggest that children with typhoid During outbreaks, central chlorination as well as domestic water puri-
fever should be treated with fluoroquinolones like adults, others ques- fication is important. In endemic situations, consumption of street
tion this approach on the basis of the potential development of further foods, especially ice cream and cut fruit, is recognized as an important
resistance to fluoroquinolones and the fact that quinolones are still not risk factor. The human-to-human spread by chronic carriers is also
approved for widespread use in children. A Cochrane systematic important, and attempts should be made to target food handlers and

Table 198-7 Treatment of Typhoid Fever in Children

Optimal Therapy Alternative Effective Drugs
Fully sensitive Chloramphenicol 50-75 14-21 Fluoroquinolone, e.g., 15 5-7*
ofloxacin or ciprofloxacin
Amoxicillin 75-100 14
Multidrug-resistant Fluoroquinolone 15 5-7 Azithromycin 8-10 7
Cefixime 15-20 7-14 Cefixime 15-20 7-14
Quinolone-resistant† Azithromycin 8-10 7 Cefixime 20 7-14
Ceftriaxone 75 10-14
Fully sensitive Fluoroquinolone, e.g., ofloxacin 15 10-14 Chloramphenicol 100 14-21
Amoxicillin 100
Multidrug-resistant Fluoroquinolone 15 10-14 Ceftriaxone 60 10-14
Cefotaxime 80 10-14
Quinolone-resistant Ceftriaxone 60 10-14 Azithromycin 10-20 7
Cefotaxime 80 10-14 Fluoroquinolone 20 7-14
*A 3-day course is also effective, particularly for epidemic containment.

The optimum treatment for quinolone-resistant typhoid fever has not been determined. Azithromycin, third-generation cephalosporins, or high-dose
fluoroquinolones for 10-14 days is effective.
Modified from World Health Organization: Treatment of typhoid fever. In: World Health Organization: Background document: the diagnosis, prevention and
treatment of typhoid fever. Communicable disease surveillance and response: vaccines and biologicals, Geneva, 2003, World Health Organization, pp. 19–23.
Available at:
high-risk groups for S. Typhi carriage screening. Once identified,
chronic carriers must be counseled as to the risk for disease transmis-
sion and the importance of handwashing.
The classic heat-inactivated whole-cell vaccine for typhoid is associ-
ated with an unacceptably high rate of side effects and has been largely
withdrawn from public health use. Globally, 2 vaccines are currently
available for potential use in children. An oral, live-attenuated prepara-
tion of the Ty21a strain of S. Typhi has good efficacy (67-82%) for up
to 5 yr. Significant adverse effects are rare. The Vi capsular polysac-
charide can be used in people 2 yr of age and older. It is given as a
single intramuscular dose, with a booster every 2 yr, and has a protec-
tive efficacy of 70-80%. The vaccines are currently recommended for
anyone traveling into endemic areas, but a few countries have intro-
duced large-scale vaccination strategies. Previous studies in South
America have demonstrated protection against typhoid fever among
schoolchildren with the use of an oral attenuated Ty21 strain vaccine.
Several large-scale demonstration projects using the Vi polysaccha-
ride vaccine in Asia have demonstrated protective efficacy against
typhoid fever across all age groups, but the data on protection among
young children (<5 yr) showed important differences between studies.
The recent Vi-conjugate vaccine has a protective efficacy exceeding
90% in younger children and may offer protection in parts of the world
where a large proportion of preschool children are at risk for the
disease enteric or typhoid fever.

Bibliography is available at Expert Consult.

Chapter 198 ◆ Salmonella 1393.e1

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Chapter 199 ◆ Shigella 1393

women living in endemic areas contains antibodies to both virulence

plasmid-coded antigens and lipopolysaccharides, and breastfeeding
might partially explain the age-related incidence.
Asymptomatic infection of children and adults occurs commonly in
endemic areas. Infection with Shigella occurs most often during the
warm months in temperate climates and during the rainy season in
tropical climates. Both sexes are affected equally. In industrialized soci-
eties, S. sonnei is the most common cause of bacillary dysentery, with
S. flexneri second in frequency; in preindustrial societies, S. flexneri is
most common, with S. sonnei second in frequency. S. boydii is found
primarily in India. S. dysenteriae serotype 1 tends to occur in massive
epidemics, although it is also endemic in Asia and Africa, where it is
associated with high mortality rates (5-15%). However, Shigella has
shown temporal procession in serogroup dominance. Recently, epide-
miologic transition has favored the emergence of S. sonnei as the domi-
nant serogroup in some countries, although the reason for this is
not clear.
Contaminated food (often a salad or other item requiring extensive
handling of the ingredients) and water are important vectors. Exposure
to both fresh and saltwater is a risk factor for infection. Rapid spread
within families, custodial institutions, and childcare centers demon-
strates the ability of shigellae to be transmitted from 1 individual to
the next and the requirement for ingestion of very few organisms to
cause illness. As few as 10 S. dysenteriae serotype 1 organisms can cause
dysentery. In contrast, ingestion of 108-1010 Vibrio cholerae is necessary
to cause cholera.

Shigella has specialized mechanisms to survive the low gastric pH.
Shigella survives the acid environment in the stomach and moves
through the gut to the colon, its target organ. The basic virulence trait
Chapter 199 shared by all shigellae is the ability to invade colonic epithelial cells by
turning on a series of temperature-regulated proteins. This invasion

Shigella mechanism is encoded on a large (220 kb) plasmid that at body tem-
perature synthesizes of a group of polypeptides involved in cell inva-
sion and killing. Shigellae that lose the virulence plasmid are no longer
Theresa J. Ochoa and Thomas G. Cleary pathogenic. Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli that harbor a closely related
plasmid containing these invasion genes behave clinically like shigellae.
The virulence plasmid encodes a type III secretion system required to
Shigella causes an acute invasive enteric infection clinically manifested trigger entry into epithelial cells and apoptosis in macrophages. This
by diarrhea that is often bloody. The term dysentery is used to describe secretion system translocates effector molecules from the bacterial
the syndrome of bloody diarrhea with fever, abdominal cramps, rectal cytoplasm to the membrane and cytoplasm of target host cells. The
pain, and mucoid stools. Bacillary dysentery is a term often used to type III secretion system is composed of approximately 50 proteins,
distinguish dysentery caused by Shigella from amoebic dysentery including the Mxi and Spa proteins involved in assembly and regula-
caused by Entamoeba histolytica. tion of the type III secretion system, chaperones (IpgA, IpgC, IpgE, and
Spa15), transcription activators (VirF, VirB, and MxiE), translocators
ETIOLOGY (IpaB, IpaC, and IpaD), and approximately 30 effector proteins. In
Four species of Shigella are responsible for bacillary dysentery: Shigella addition to the major plasmid-encoded virulence traits, chromosom-
dysenteriae (serogroup A), Shigella flexneri (serogroup B), Shigella ally encoded factors are also required for full virulence.
boydii (serogroup C), and Shigella sonnei (serogroup D). There are 15 Shigella passes the epithelial cell barrier by transcytosis through M
serotypes in group A, 19 serotypes in group B, 19 serotypes in group cells and encounters resident macrophages. The bacteria evade degra-
C, and one serotype in group D. Species classification has important dation in macrophages by inducing apoptosis, which is accompanied
therapeutic implications because the species differ in both geographic by proinflammatory signaling. Free bacteria invade the epithelial cells
distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility. from the basolateral side, move into the cytoplasm by actin polymer-
ization, and spread to adjacent cells. Proinflammatory signaling by
EPIDEMIOLOGY macrophages and epithelial cells further activates the innate immune
It is estimated that there are approximately 80-165 million cases of response involving natural killer cells and attracts polymorphonuclear
shigellosis each year worldwide, resulting in more than 1 million leukocytes (PMNs). The influx of PMNs disintegrates the epithelial cell
deaths; most of these cases and deaths occur in developing countries. lining, which initially exacerbates the infection and tissue destruction
Studies estimate similar illness rates but fewer deaths because of a by facilitating the invasion of more bacteria. Ultimately, PMNs phago-
decrease in the case-fatality rates. In the United States, approximately cytose and kill Shigella, thus contributing to the resolution of the
14,000 cases per year are documented, although it is thought that the infection.
actual frequency of infection is 450,000 cases annually. Shigella is the Some shigellae make toxins, including Shiga toxin and enterotoxins.
third most important pathogen identified in the Foodborne Disease Shiga toxin is a potent exotoxin that inhibits protein synthesis and is
Active Surveillance Network in the United States. Although infection produced in significant amounts by S. dysenteriae serotype 1, by a
can occur at any age, it is most common in the 2nd and 3rd yr of life. subset of E. coli, which are known as enterohemorrhagic or Shiga
Approximately 70% of all episodes and 60% of all Shigella-related toxin–producing E. coli, and occasionally by other organisms. Shiga
deaths involve children younger than 5 yr of age. Infection in the 1st toxin inhibits protein synthesis to injure vascular endothelial cells
6 mo of life is rare for reasons that are not clear. Breast milk from to trigger the severe complication of hemolytic-uremic syndrome.

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