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Panel Purchase Order Contract Number CMS CMS106431

This order is issued under and incorporates the terms and conditions of the agreement between the State of Victoria through the
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action and FSC Range and Tonkin and Taylor updated 1 July 2021 for the provision
of services under the Expert Panel of coastal professional advisory and services panel Contract No CMS102426
Project Services:
provides technical guidance and minimum standards for a Coastal Hazard Assessment at primary
(first-pass), secondary (second-pass) and tertiary (third-pass) equivalent levels of detail

builds on from existing work

aligns with national and best practice approaches; and
aligns with current State policy settings.

Deliverables Deliverables Timeline


Project establishment Week of 22 May 2023

Review of existing documents Commencing week of 22 May 2023

Workshop #1 Week of 29 May 2023

Initial drafting Commencing week of 29 May 2023
Workshop #2 By 9 June 2023
Final drafting Commencing week of 12 May 2023
Final product By June 30 2023
Function Area
Project The responsible Manager within the Department is the Elisa Zavadil, Project Manager.
Reporting: Reporting requirements as per contract.

Regular Reporting
Fortnightly updates on project progress, identification of any risks to scheduled delivery and proposed action
to mitigate that risk.

Key Performance Indicators

Deliverables do not require rework - 90%
Deliverables for each milestone are provided on date / time - 90%

Premises: 8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne

Access to sites to be arranged through: Rohan Walker, Senior Policy Officer
Access to DELWP Access to be arranged through: Rohan Walker, Senior Policy Officer
Commencement 22 May 2023 (or earlier)
Completion Date: 30 June 2023
Project Rates: as specified in Schedule 2 of the Panel contract
Item GST Exclusive GST Amount GST Inclusive
Amount $ $ Amount $
Maximum price for services $97,850 $9,785 $107,635


The above price represents a maximum figure (eg daily or hourly rate including expenses, milestone payments). Actual work
will be directed and controlled by the Program Director. Approved timesheets will require sign off on a weekly basis.

As part of the approval process a breakdown of the proposed resource allocation should be included indicating what resources
are to be provided, time commitment, hourly rate (if applicable) and individual resource cost as well as indicative project cost.

Invoicing Requirements Invoices are to be set out and issued as specified in the contract.
All Invoices need to be made out to DEECA.
All invoices are to be addressed to: and cc to
A valid reference is to be quoted on all invoices, including:
* the Purchaser Order Number (to be provided)
* the email address of the purchaser:
Discount on hourly rate or As detailed in current contract
Daily rate negotiated?
Key personnel Dr Andrew Pomeroy
Dr Tom Shand
Richard Reinen-Hamill
Trevor Smith
Patrick Knook
Hannah Ross
Nathan Burmeister
Kevin Yu
Rohan Walker, Senior Policy Officer
Special Conditions: The Department reserves the right to conduct regular reviews to monitor the progress of the
project to ensure quality outputs are delivered in accordance with the requirements of the
Statement of Work.
The Department reserves the right to only award some of the work contained within the title
of services to be provided.

Executed as an agreement.
Signed on behalf of the Purchaser by:

Date: 2 June 2023


Name: Will Guthrie

Position: Director, Land Policy

The Service Provider has no actual, potential, perceived or apparent Conflict of Interest as defined in the Panel Agreement in
providing the services requested.

Signed on behalf of the Service Provider by:









Please complete and e-mail to: quoting the corresponding Purchase Order Contract

FSC CoastalHazardAssessmentGuidelinesCont
Final Audit Report 2023-05-29

Created: 2023-05-29

By: Denise O'Keeffe (

Status: Signed

Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAYBwpi6GPAkUsJggblONva_Yc4i5nN0eH

"FSC_CoastalHazardAssessmentGuidelinesContract" History
Document created by Denise O'Keeffe (
2023-05-29 - 0:49:41 AM GMT

Document emailed to Nathan Burmeister ( for signature

2023-05-29 - 0:51:27 AM GMT

Email viewed by Nathan Burmeister (

2023-05-29 - 1:42:40 AM GMT

Document e-signed by Nathan Burmeister (

Signature Date: 2023-05-29 - 1:42:55 AM GMT - Time Source: server

Document emailed to Andrew Pomeroy ( for signature

2023-05-29 - 1:42:56 AM GMT

Email viewed by Andrew Pomeroy (

2023-05-29 - 3:17:42 AM GMT

Document e-signed by Andrew Pomeroy (

Signature Date: 2023-05-29 - 3:18:02 AM GMT - Time Source: server

Agreement completed.
2023-05-29 - 3:18:02 AM GMT


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