Charles Shaeffer - Rogerian Argument Final Draft

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Shaeffer 1

Charles Shaefer

Prof. Pettay

ENG 112

20 March 2024

Cheerleading to the limit

In today's society, there are many rampant issues, one of which is the lengthy debate on

the recognition of cheerleading as a sport. This issue has been heavily debated between both

sides, and both sides of the debate have strongly expressed their positions. This issue of whether

to recognize cheerleading as an official sport has sparked debate all over the world; many

advocate that it should be recognized as a sport due to the amount of athleticism needed, whereas

others argue that cheerleading does not have enough competition to qualify as a recognized sport.

This debate has even more depth once considering its role in educational institutions and broader

sporting communities. The question of whether cheerleading deserves the same recognition and

resources as traditional sports demands careful examination and thoughtful consideration.

Those who support the idea of cheerleading as a sport in competitive leagues often root

for the equality of women in sports and are a major part of women being treated the same.

Advocates for recognizing cheerleading as a sport commonly show the potential benefits of

formal recognition, emphasizing the athleticism, dedication, and teamwork involved. However,

critics raise concerns about the rough standards and safety protocols necessary for such credit to

be due. Debates on the current progress of cheerleading commonly circle around its bodily

demands and fierce nature, with many debating that it completes the checklists of criteria for

what a sport is. On the other hand, many others argue that it doesn't meet certain elements

commonly associated with athletic sports. Parents and educators grapple with difficult decisions
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when considering whether cheerleading should be classified as a sport. Should they advocate for

its recognition, viewing it as a means of empowering young athletes and promoting gender

equality in sports? Or should they approach the issue with caution, considering the potential risks

and challenges associated with formalizing cheerleading as a sport within competitive leagues?

Having grown up in the sports world and having two sisters who played sports, I completely

understand this other point of view of women wanting equality in sports because of how hard

they work.

Another significant point that is made by those who support cheerleading as a sport in

competitive tournaments and professional sports is that in many states cheerleading is already

considered an official sport (“Cheerleading”). This view emphasizes the athletic nature of

cheerleading, particularly in competitive settings, and suggests that regulating it similarly to

other sports could ensure proper safety standards and oversight. However, it's important to

acknowledge the concerns of those who may oppose this recognition. They may argue that

cheerleading, while physically demanding, is different from “traditional” sports in its focus on

support and performance rather than direct competition. Additionally, there may be worries about

the potential for injuries, especially among younger participants. A quote from Tetiana Synytsya

states that "In 2004, a new sport was started in Ukraine – cheerleading, which is increasing its

supporters every year."(“Evaluation”) this shows that cheerleading is already recognized as a

sport in other countries such as Ukraine, so it is easy to comprehend why there are many

advocates for cheerleading to be considered a sport in America. Those who argue for

cheerleading to become a sport because Ukraine considers it a sport are not saying everything in

Ukraine should be the same as in America but are instead just searching for equality in the sports

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Even with the reasoning for cheerleading to become a sport, it is essential to remember the

qualifications that are in line for recreational activities to be declared a sport. There are not many

reasons to declare cheerleading an official sport once you start reading the qualifications of what

a sport is, which is stated by BBC Teach “Sport means all forms of physical activity, which

through casual or organized participation, aim at expressing or improving physical fitness and

mental well-being, forming social relationships or obtaining results in competition at all

levels”(“BBC”) which when you think about cheerleading, it fits all the requirements except for

competition, as there is not two teams going against each other, more so just teams performing

for a judge who is their real opponent. While cheerleading does have all of the physical activity,

social engagement, and mental well-being, its competition format stands out from traditional

sports head-to-head confrontations. This different competition style makes things more

complicated for cheerleading classification as a sport, prompting a deep and serious examination

of its role within the sporting landscape.

I would propose that both sides of the argument come to a compromise. Realistically,

there are not many solutions to the problem that is at hand, as it is hard to make a sport officially

a sport while also keeping the people who want the complete opposite of that happy. But, if there

was one possible proposal that could be found it would be drafting up a group of the most

important people in cheerleading and the popular executives of the sport and then bringing

together the executives of college sports and olympic sports to hold a meeting. During this

meeting a vote could be held to find a final decision for what the most important people relevant

to the sport of cheerleading should be considered. Obviously this will not resolve all issues and

no matter the decision adjustments will need to be made, but at the end of the day it would bring

the two sides one step closer to solving their problem due to this proposal.
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In the debate over the recognition of cheerleading as an actual sport, there is an

opportunity to meet in the middle over a shared value, the health and empowerment of the

participants of cheerleading. No matter the differing opinions on cheerleading classification, we

can all agree on the importance of safety, inclusivity, and the development of the world's young

athletes. Cheerleading captures many key qualities that people will need for the future, such as

teamwork, athleticism, and dedication. By focusing on this as a union we can bridge the many

divides that people view on this sport and eventually elevate cheerleading to its rightful status no

matter where it is.

Shaeffer 5

Works Cited

Chen, Bingxin, et al. “Cheerleading Athlete’s Action Safety in Sports

Competition Based on Kohonen Neural Network.” Neural Computing & Applications,

vol. 35, no. 6, Feb. 2023, pp. 4369–82. EBSCOhost,

Leopard, Natalie. “Cheerleading - Top 3 Pros and Cons.”, 20 April

2023, Accessed 24

March 2024.

Synytsya, Tetiana, et al. “Evaluation of Sports Achievements of Participants in

Cheerleading Competitions by Rationalizing Refereeing.” Romanian Journal for

Multidimensional Education / Revista Românească Pentru Educaţie Multidimensională,

vol. 16, no. 1, Mar. 2024, pp. 326–42. EBSCOhost,

“What constitutes a sport?” BBC, Accessed 24 March 2024.

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