Class Notes - Introduction To Philosophy

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Class Notes: Introduction to Philosophy

Topic: Existentialism

Key Points:

● Existentialism: A philosophical movement that emphasizes individual existence,

freedom, and choice.
● Core Themes:
○ Existence precedes essence: Individuals are not defined by pre-existing labels
but create their own meaning through choices and actions.
○ Absurdity: The universe is inherently meaningless, and humans must grapple
with this lack of inherent purpose.
○ Angst (anxiety): The feeling of unease or dread that arises from the realization of
freedom and responsibility.
○ Authenticity: The importance of living in accordance with one's own values and
beliefs, rather than conforming to societal expectations.
● Key Figures:
○ Søren Kierkegaard: Considered the father of existentialism, emphasized
individual subjectivity and the importance of faith.
○ Jean-Paul Sartre: Argued that humans are "condemned to be free" and
responsible for their own actions.
○ Albert Camus: Explored the concept of the absurd and the human response to it
in works like "The Myth of Sisyphus."
○ Simone de Beauvoir: A feminist existentialist who examined the social and
cultural factors that shape women's experiences.

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