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Wealth 2
Weapons 4
Firearms and Proficiency 8
Explosives and Proficiency 8
Autofire 9
Blindfire 9
Melee Weapons 11
Misc Ranged Weapons 15
Handguns 17
Longarms 20
Heavy Weapons 24
Explosives 27
Ammunition 31
Armour 32
Equipment 37
Clothing 38
Computers and Electronics 40
Sensors 45
Survival Gear 47
Tools 51
Weapon Accessories 54
Gadgets 56
Weapons Gadgets 56
Armour Gadgets 66
Equipment Gadgets 69

Every character has a Wealth bonus that reflects his or her buying power—a composite of
income, credit rating, and savings. A character’s Wealth bonus serves as the basis of the
character’s Wealth check, which is used to purchase equipment and services for the

Purchasing Equipment
Wealth checks are used to determine what characters can afford and what gear they
might reasonably have access to. Every character has a Wealth bonus that reflects his or
her buying power. Every object and service has a purchase DC. To purchase an object,
make a Wealth check against the purchase DC.

The Wealth Check

A Wealth check is a 1d20 roll plus a character’s current Wealth bonus. The Wealth bonus
is fluid. It increases as a character gains Wealth and decreases as the character makes
If the character succeeds on the Wealth check, the character gains the object. If the
character fails, he or she can’t afford the object at the time.
If the character’s current Wealth bonus is equal to or greater than the DC, the character
automatically succeeds.
If the character successfully purchases an object or service with a purchase DC that’s
higher than his or her current Wealth bonus, the character’s Wealth bonus decreases.

Wealth and the Starting Hero

A newly created 1st-level character’s Wealth bonus should be set by the DM with regard
to their background.
 +0 is impoverished or in debt.
 +1 to +4 is struggling.
 +5 to +10 is middle class.
 +11 to +15 is affluent.
 +16 to +20 is wealthy.
 +21 to +30 is rich.
 +31 or higher is very rich.

Shopping and Time

Buying less common objects generally takes a number of hours equal to the purchase DC
of the object or service, reflecting the time needed to locate the wanted materials and
close the deal. Getting a license or buying an object with a restriction rating increases the
time needed to make purchases.

Taking 10
A character can usually take 10 on their wealth check, but there is a penalty for spending
beyond a character’s means. Whenever a character buys an object that has a purchase DC
higher than his or her current Wealth bonus, the character’s Wealth bonus decreases (see

Try Again?
A character can try again if he or she fails a Wealth check, but not until the character has
spent an additional number of hours shopping equal to the purchase DC of the object or

Aid Another
One other character can attempt to help a character purchase an object or service. The
purchaser gains advantage on his or her Wealth check, but if the purchaser loses wealth
for the check the character that helped them loses the same amount of wealth.

Losing Wealth
Any time a character purchases an object or service with a purchase DC higher than his
or her current Wealth bonus, or one with a purchase DC of 15 or higher, the character’s
Wealth bonus goes down. How much the Wealth bonus is reduced depends on how
expensive the object is.

Purchase DC Wealth Bonus Decrease

15 or higher 11
1 - 10 points higher than current wealth 1 point
11–15 points higher than current wealth 1d6 points
16 or more points higher than current 2d6 points
wealth bonus
This stacks with the loss from a Purchase DC above the character's current wealth bonus.

A character’s Wealth bonus only goes down if he or she successfully buys an object or
service. If the character attempts to buy something and the check fails, his or her Wealth
bonus is unaffected.

Wealth Bonus of +0
A character’s Wealth bonus can never decrease to less than +0. If a character’s Wealth
bonus is +0, the character doesn’t have the buying power to purchase any object or
service that has a purchase DC of 10 or higher, and can’t take 10 or take 20.
Also, it always takes a number of hours equal to the purchase DC of the object or service.

Regaining Wealth
Every time a character gains a new level, make a Wisdom check. The DC is equal to the
character’s current Wealth bonus. If the character succeeds or fails, his or her current
Wealth bonus increases by +1. For every 5 points by which the character exceeds the DC,
he or she gains an additional +1 to his or her Wealth bonus.

Wealth Awards
Adventuring may result in characters finding valuable items. In such cases, the benefit
translates into a Wealth award.

Selling Stuff
To sell something, a character first needs to determine its sale value. Assuming the object
is undamaged and in working condition, the sale value is equal to the object’s purchase
DC (as if purchased new) minus 3.
Selling an object can provide an increase to a character’s Wealth bonus. The increase is
the same amount as the Wealth bonus loss the character would experience if the
character purchased an object with a purchase DC equal to the sale value.
Regardless of the character’s current Wealth bonus, he or she gains a Wealth bonus
increase of 1 whenever the character sells an object with a sale value of 15 or higher. If a
character sells an object with a sale value less than or equal to his or her current Wealth
bonus, and that sale value is 14 or lower, the character gains nothing.
A character cannot legally sell restricted objects unless the character is licensed to own
them. A character also cannot legally sell objects that have been reported as stolen.
Selling objects illegally usually requires that the character have contacts in the black
market, and reduces the sale value by an additional 3. Selling takes a number of hours
equal to the normal purchase DC of the item.

Restricted Objects
Some objects require licenses to own or operate, or are restricted in use to qualifying
organizations or individuals. In such cases, a character must purchase a license or pay a
fee to legally own the object. A license or fee is a separate item, purchased in addition to
(and usually before) the object to which it applies. The four levels of restriction are as
Licensed: The owner must obtain a license to own or operate the object legally.
Generally, the license is not expensive, and obtaining it has few if any additional legal
Restricted: Only specially qualified individuals or organizations are technically allowed
to own the object. However, the real obstacles to ownership are time and money; anyone
with sufficient patience and cash can eventually acquire the necessary license.
Military: The object is sold primarily to legitimate police and military organizations. A
military rating is essentially the same as restricted (see above), except that manufacturers
and dealers are generally under tight government scrutiny and are therefore especially
wary of selling to private individuals.

Illegal: The object is illegal in all but specific, highly regulated circumstances.

Table: Restricted Objects

License or Fee Black Market
Registration Rating Purchase DC Purchase DC1 Time Required
Licensed 10 +1 1 day
Restricted 15 +2 2 days
Military 10 +3 3 days
Illegal 25 +4 4 days
1 Add to the object’s purchase DC if the character tries to buy it on the black
market without first obtaining a license; see The Black Market, below.

Purchasing a License
To purchase a license or pay necessary fees, make a Wealth check against the purchase
DC given in Table: Restricted Objects. With a success, the license is issued to the
character after the number of days indicated. To speed the process, the hero can make a
Survival check against a DC equal to the license purchase DC. Success results in the
license being issued in 1d6 hours. (During the process of character creation, a character
just needs to purchase the license or pay the fee; the time required takes place before
game play begins.)
As a general rule, a character must obtain the appropriate license before buying a
restricted object. Legitimate dealers will not sell restricted objects to a character who does
not have the necessary license. However, a character may be able to turn to the black
market (see below) to obtain restricted objects without a license.

The Black Market

Sometimes a character wants to obtain an object without going through the hassle of
getting a license first. Almost anything is available on the black market. Survival checks
can be used to locate a black market merchant. The DC is based on the location in
question: 10 to find a black market merchant in a big city, or 15, 20, or higher in small
towns and rural areas.
Objects purchased on the black market are more expensive than those purchased
legally. Add the black market purchase DC modifier from Table: Restricted Objects to the
object’s purchase DC.
Obtaining an object on the black market takes a number of days according to the Time
Required column on Table: Restricted Objects. The process can be hurried, but each day
cut out of the process (to a minimum of one day) increases the purchase DC by an
additional +1.

All weapons have a number of statistics, which are translated as follows:

Damage: The damage the weapon deals on a successful hit.

Damage Type: Weapon damage is classified according to type: ballistic (all firearms),
bludgeoning (blunt melee weapons), energy (of a specific type, such as fire or force),
piercing (some ranged weapons and melee weapons), or slashing (melee weapons
designed for cutting). Some creatures or characters may be resistant or immune to some
forms of damage.
Ballistic damage is counted as a subset of piercing damage. This means that all ballistic
damage counts as piercing damage, but not all piercing damage counts as ballistic damage.
Psionic effects or creature properties that grant resistance to piercing damage also apply
to ballistic damage, but effects or properties reducing ballistic damage do not
automatically apply to piercing damage.

Range: The range lists two numbers. The first is the weapon’s normal range in feet, and
the second indicates the weapon’s maximum range. When attacking a target beyond
normal range, you have disadvantage on the attack roll. You can’t attack a target beyond
the weapon’s long range.
Melee weapons with a listed range can be thrown. A thrown weapon uses the attacker's
Strength modifier on the attack roll rather than Dexterity.

Rate of Fire: Some ranged weapons have a rate of fire of 1, which simply means they can
be employed once per round and then must be reloaded or replaced. Firearms, which
operate through many different forms of internal mechanisms, have varying rates of fire.
The three possible rates of fire are single shot, semiautomatic, and automatic.
Single Shot: A weapon with the single shot rate of fire requires the user to manually
operate the action (the mechanism that feeds and cocks the weapon) between each shot.
Pump shotguns and bolt-action rifles are examples of firearms with single shot rates of
fire. A weapon with the single shot rate of fire can fire only one shot per attack, even if
the user has a feat or other ability that normally allow more than one shot per attack.
Semiautomatic (S): Most firearms have the semiautomatic rate of fire. These firearms
feed and cock themselves with each shot. A character that can make more than one
attack with the Attack action can fire a semiautomatic weapon multiple times with one
Automatic (A): Automatic weapons fire a burst or stream of shots with a single squeeze
of the trigger. For rules on autofire, see Autofire, below.

Magazine: The weapon’s magazine capacity and type are given in this column. The
amount of ammunition a weapon carries, and hence how many shots it can fire before
needing to be reloaded, is determined by its magazine capacity. How the firearm is
reloaded depends upon its magazine type. The number in this entry is the magazine’s
capacity in shots; the word that follows the number indicates the magazine type: box,
cylinder, or internal. A fourth type, linked, has an unlimited capacity; for this reason the
entry does not also have a number. Weapons with a dash in this column have no
magazines; they are generally thrown weapons, or weapons (such as bows) that are
loaded as part of the firing process.
Box: A box magazine is any type of magazine that can be removed and reloaded
separately from the weapon. Reloading a box magazine is a move action.
Cylinder: A revolver keeps its ammunition in a cylinder, which is part of the weapon
and serves as the firing chamber for each round as well. Unlike box magazines, cylinders
can’t be removed, and they must be reloaded by hand as an action.
Internal: Some weapons keep their ammunition in an internal space, which must be
loaded by hand. This is the case with most shotguns, as well as some rifles. Reloading a
weapon in this way takes an action.
Linked: Some machine guns use linked ammunition. The bullets are chained together
with small metal clips, forming a belt. Typically, a belt holds 50 bullets; any number of
belts can be clipped together. In military units, as the gunner fires, an assistant clips new
ammunition belts together, keeping the weapon fed.

Size: Size categories for weapons and other objects are defined differently from the size
categories for creatures. The relationship between a weapon’s size and that of its wielder
defines whether it can be used one-handed, if it requires two hands, and if it’s a light
A Small or smaller weapon is light and easy to handle, making it ideal for use when
fighting with two-weapons. A Small melee weapon is light enough that the user may
apply their Dexterity modifier to their attack roll rather than their Strength. A Small
ranged weapons are also ideal for using at close range, and do not suffer penalties for
making ranged attacks at close range.
A Medium-size or smaller weapon can be used one-handed or two-handed.
A Large weapon is impossible to use without two hands.
A Huge weapon is so big that it requires two hands and also a bipod or other mount. A
weapon equipped with a bipod must be braced against a solid object to fire accurately
(usually the ground, requiring the user to go prone). A character firing a Huge weapon
with a bipod that is not braced suffers disadvantage on their attack roll.

Weight: This column gives the weapon’s weight (when fully loaded if a firearm).

Purchase DC: This is the purchase DC for a Wealth check to acquire the weapon. This
number reflects the base price and doesn’t include any modifier for purchasing the
weapon on the black market.

Restriction: The restriction rating for the weapon, if any, and the appropriate black
market purchase DC modifier. Remember to apply this modifier to the purchase DC when
making a Wealth check to acquire the weapon on the black market.

Firearms and Proficiency

The normal rules for proficiency apply to simple and martial weapons: if you are
proficient with a weapon, you apply both your proficiency modifier and the relevant
ability modifier to the attack roll. Proficiency with firearms however, broken down to
proficiency with handguns, longarms and heavy weapons, is a little different.
When making a ranged attack roll with a firearm, you only add your Dexterity modifier
to the attack roll. This represents your character firing it fairly inaccurately from the hip.
Even if you're not proficient with the firearm you are using, you don't take any penalty
on this roll.
However, if you are proficient with the firearm in question, you may take a bonus
action to aim it; concentrating carefully, bracing the weapon's stock against your
shoulder, or otherwise shifting into a more controlled stance are all examples of aiming a
firearm. A character that has taken a bonus action to aim a firearm adds their proficiency
modifier to any ranged attack rolls they make with it on the same round.

Explosives and Proficiency

By their very nature, explosives are inaccurate weapons, designed to injure by area than
by precision. It takes an experienced hand to throw them into exactly the right spot.
Like firearms, explosives do not benefit from proficiency by default. When making a
ranged attack roll with an explosive, you only add your Dexterity modifier.
However, these weapons may also be aimed; a quick thought about trajectory and force
allows a character to more accurately throw an explosive. If you are proficient with a
given explosive, you can use your bonus action to aim. A character that has taken a bonus
action to aim an explosive adds their proficiency modifier to the ranged attack roll they
make with it on the same round.

A character using an automatic weapon can opt to make an autofire attack as an action,
rather than their normal attack. When you use the autofire action, you target a 10 x 10
foot area, and all creatures within it take the weapon's damage. You don't add your
Dexterity modifier to this damage. Using autofire fires ten rounds of ammunition.
Creatures in the affected squares take half damage on a successful Dexterity save, with a
DC equal to 8 + your Dexterity modifier. If you are proficient with the weapon and you
took a bonus action to aim this turn, you also add your proficiency modifier to the save

Blindfiring involves a character remaining as crouched or hidden behind cover as much
as possible, and pointing their weapon at the enemy without actually looking where
they're aiming.
Blindfiring is a bonus action. Until the start of their next turn, a character that takes the
blindfire bonus action suffers disadvantage on all attack rolls they make that target
creatures on the other side of whatever they are taking cover against. Additionally, any
creature on the other side of the cover that targets the blindfiring character suffers
disadvantage on their ranged attack rolls (they don't suffer this on melee attack rolls,
while the blindfirer does).
If a blindfiring character uses autofire from an automatic weapon, all creatures in the
target 10 by 10 area gain advantage on their Dexterity saving throws.
The character using blindfire can shoot normally at targets on their side of the cover,
though as blindfire uses a bonus action they cannot also aim on the same turn, and
therefore don't apply their proficiency modifier to the attack roll.
A blindfiring character can still make opportunity attacks against creatures moving out
of their reach, regardless of what side of the cover their target is on, but they still suffer
disadvantage on the attack roll.
The effects of blindfire last until the start of the character's next turn, or until they are
no longer behind the cover they began blindfiring from.

A example of how blindfiring works in-game is provided here:

Andrew (A), is crouched behind the low stone wall marked in grey. He has two-thirds
cover from Berta (B) and Crazy Joe McGregor (C) already, gaining a +5 to AC against
attacks from them. If Andrew takes the blindfire bonus action, he also imposes
disadvantage on any ranged attack rolls either of them make against him, while suffering
disadvantage on any attack rolls, ranged or melee, that he makes against them himself.
Droid 3000 (D) isn't affected by this, as Andrew doesn't have cover against him. Droid
3000 can shoot at Andrew normally, and vice versa. However, because Andrew has taken
the blindfire bonus action, he can't also take the aim bonus action, so any ranged attacks
he makes against Droid 3000 won't use his proficiency modifier on the attack roll.
As he's already adjacent to him, Crazy Joe can attack Andrew with a melee attack
without suffering disadvantage, though the normal cover bonus Andrew gets to AC still
applies. Berta could move to a position where there was no longer cover between her and
Andrew, and not take disadvantage on her attack roll. Crazy Joe could do the same, but
would trigger an opportunity attack when he moved out of his current space.
If, at any point in the round, Andrew moved out of cover, or was forced out by being
pulled or pushed by a character, explosion or psionic power, the effects of his blindfiring
would similarly cease to apply.

Melee Weapons
Melee weapons are used in close combat, and they are generally among the simplest types
of weapons.
Characters wielding melee weapons usually apply their Strength modifier to attack rolls,
but Small weapons are diminutive enough that characters may instead use their Dexterity
modifier if it is higher.
Melee weapons with a listed range can be thrown. If a character throws a melee
weapon, they may use their Strength modifier on the attack roll rather than their
Dexterity modifier.

Weapon Damage Damage Range Size Weight Purchase Restriction

Type DC
Simple Weapons
Brass 1 Bludgeoning — Tiny 1 lb. 2 —
Cleaver 1d6 Slashing — Small 2 lb. 5 —
Club 1d6 Bludgeoning 10 / 40 ft. Med 3 lb. 4 —
Javelin1 1d6 Piercing 30 / 120 ft. Med 2 lb. 4 —
Knife 1d4 Piercing 10 / 40 ft. Tiny 1 lb. 7 —
Metal baton 1d6 Bludgeoning — Med 2 lb. 8 —
Rifle butt 1d6 Bludgeoning — Large — — —
Sap1 1d6 Bludgeoning — Small 3 lb. 2 —
Spear 1d8 Piercing — Large 9 lb. 6 —
Stun gun1 1d4 Electricity — Tiny 1 lb. 5 —
Tonfa1 1d4 Bludgeoning — Med 2 lb. 6 —

Martial Weapons
Bayonet 1d4 Piercing — Large 1 lb. 7 —
Chain1 1d4 Bludgeoning — Large 5 lb. 5 —
Chain saw 3d6 Slashing — Large 10 lb. 14 —
Chain sword 2d8 Slashing — Large 4 lb. 12 —
Hatchet 1d6 Slashing 10 / 40 ft. Small 4 lb. 4 —
Kama 1d6 Slashing — Small 2 lb. 5 —
Katana 1d10 / 2d6 Slashing — Large 6 lb. 10 —
Ketch pole 1d4 Bludgeoning — Large 8 lb. 15 —
Kukri 1d4 Slashing — Small 1 lb. 5 —
Longsword 1d8 Slashing — Med 4 lb. 9 —
Machete 1d6 Slashing — Small 2 lb. 5 —
Nunchaku 1d6 Bludgeoning — Small 2 lb. 3 —
Rapier1 1d6 Piercing — Med 3 lb. 8 —
Straight 1d4 Slashing — Tiny 0.5 lb. 4 —
Sword cane1 1d6 Piercing — Med 3 lb. 9 —
This weapon uses special rules. Check the weapon description for details.

Bayonet (Fixed)
The statistics given describe a bayonet fixed at the end of a longarm with an appropriate

Brass Knuckles
These pieces of molded metal fit over the outside of a character’s fingers and increase the
base damage dealt by an unarmed strike by +1.
The cost and weight given are for a single item.

Easy to acquire and a favourite of biker gangs, metal chains can inflict crushing blows or
entangle opponents.
A Large or smaller creature hit by a chain is restrained until it is freed. A chain has no
effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger. A creature can
use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its
reach on a success. Dealing 5 damage to the chain (AC 15) also frees the creature without
harming it, ending the effect and destroying the chain. When you use an action, bonus
action, or reaction to attack with a chain, you can make only one attack regardless of the
number of attacks you can normally make.

Chain Saw
Military and police units use powered saws to cut through fences and open doors rapidly.
They are sometimes pressed into service as weapons, often by people who watch too
many movies.

Chain Sword
Three feet of tungsten steel with a molecule-thin razor chain of hardened synthetic
crystals, the chain sword is a particularly lethal melee weapon. The razor chain whirls
chain saw-style, powered by a microbattery pack that keeps the weapon running for up to
20 minutes of use. Replacement battery packs have a purchase DC of 6. Replacing a
battery pack requires a move action.

Heavy kitchen knives can be snatched up for use as weapons in homes and restaurants..

Almost anything can be used as a club. This entry represents the wooden nightsticks
sometimes carried by police forces.

This light axe is a chopping tool that deals slashing damage when employed as a weapon.

This light, flexible spear built for throwing can be used in melee, but since it’s not
designed for it, characters using it in this manner take disadvantage on their attack rolls.

The katana is the traditional Japanese samurai sword. A katana can be used one-handed,
when it deals 1d10 damage, or two-handed, when it deals 2d6.

Ketch Pole
Developed to subdue ketches rather than as the primary weapon of a ketch, the ketch
pole is a length of hardened plastic with a metal pincer at one end. A wielder aims to
strike their target in the leg or arm, at which point the pincers clamp around a limb and
allow for easier control.
A Large or smaller creature hit by a ketch pole is restrained until it is freed. A ketch
pole has no effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger. A
creature can use its action to make a DC 13 Strength check, freeing itself or another
creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 10 damage to the ketch pole (AC 15) also
frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect and destroying the pincers of the
ketch pole. When you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to attack with a ketch pole,
you can make only one attack regardless of the number of attacks you can normally
If you have a creature restrained with a ketch pole, you can use an action to deliver an
electric shock. The chock deals 3d6 lightning damage, with a DC 13 Constitution save
halving the damage.

This category of weapon includes hunting knives, butterfly or “balisong” knives,
switchblades, and bayonets (when not attached to rifles

This heavy, curved dagger has its sharp edge on the inside of the curve.

This classic, straight blade is the weapon of knighthood and valor.

This long-bladed tool looks much like a short, lightweight sword.

Metal Baton
This weapon can be collapsed to reduce its size and make it more conceasible. A collapsed
baton is Small and can’t be used as a weapon. Extending or collapsing the baton is a free

A popular martial arts weapon, the nunchaku is made of two wooden shafts connected by
a short length of rope or chain.

The rapier is a lightweight sword with a thin blade. A character can apply their Dexterity
modifier instead of Strength modifier to attack rolls with a rapier.

Rifle Butt
The butt of a rifle can be used as an impromptu club.

This weapon, essentially a smaller version of a club, is ideal for knocking people out. A
creature reduced to 0 hit points with a sap is always knocked unconscious rather than

This primitive device was once war's most popular weapon, but now is rarely seen.

Straight Razor
Favored by old-school organized crime “mechanics,” this item can still be found in some
barbershops and shaving kits.

Stun Gun
Although the name suggests a ranged weapon, a stun gun requires physical contact to
affect its target. On a successful hit, the stun gun deals 1d4 points of electricity damage(do
not add the character’s Str bonus), and the target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw or be stunned for 1d6 rounds.

Sword Cane
This is a lightweight, concealed sword that hides its blade in the shaft of a walking stick
or umbrella. Because of this special construction, a sword cane is always considered to be
concealed; it is noticed only with a DC 18 Perception check. (The walking stick or
umbrella is not concealed, only the blade within.)

This is the melee weapon carried by most police forces, used to subdue and restrain

Misc Ranged Weapons
Ranged weapons that are not firearms include such diverse objects as crossbows, tasers,
and pepper spray.

Weapon Damag Damage Rang Rate Magazi Size Weig Purchas Restrictio
e Type e of ne ht e DC n
Crossbow 1d10 Piercing 40 / 1 1 int. Larg 7 lb. 9 —
160 e
Flamethrower1 2d6 Fire 15 ft. 1 10 int. Larg 50 lb. 17 Mil (+3)
Pepper spray1 Special Special 5 / 20 1 1 int. Tiny 0.5 5 —
ft. lb.
Taser1 1d4 Electricit 5 / 20 1 1 int. Sma 2 lb. 7 —
y ft. ll

Compound 1d8 Piercing 40 / 1 — Larg 3 lb. 10 —
bow1 160 e
Shuriken1 1d4 Piercing 10 / 1 — Tiny 0.5 3 —
40 ft. lb.
This weapon has special rules. See its description for details.

Compound Bow
Bow hunting is a rare sight these days, but some people still appreciate the silence of
arrows in combat situations. A character’s uses their Strength modifier as well as their
Dexterity modifier for damage rolls made when using this weapon.

A crossbow requires two hands to use. Pulling a lever draws the bow. Loading a crossbow
is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

A flamethrower consists of a pressurized backpack containing fuel, connected to a tube
with a nozzle. It shoots a 15 foot cone of flame that deals 2d6 points of fire damage to all
creatures and objects in its path. Any creature caught in the line of flame can make a DC
13 Dexterity save to take half damage.
A flamethrower’s backpack has 5 hit points. When worn, the backpack has an AC equal
to 10 + the wearer’s Dexterity modifier. A backpack reduced to 0 hit points ruptures and
explodes, dealing 4d6 points of fire damage to the wearer (no save allowed) and 2d6
points of fire damage to creatures and objects in a 5 foot radius (DC 13 Dexterity save for
half damage).

Any creature or flammable object that takes damage from a flamethrower catches on
fire, taking 1d6 points of fire damage at the start of each of their turns. A burning creature
can douse the flames as an action with a DC 10 Dexterity save.
A flamethrower can shoot 10 times before the fuel supply is depleted. Refilling or
replacing a fuel pack has a purchase DC of 13.

Pepper Spray
A chemical irritant that can temporarily blind a target, pepper spray comes in a single-
shot container. A target hit with pepper spray must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC
15) or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.

A shuriken is a thrown, star-shaped projectile with four to eight razor-sharp points. A
character using a shuriken

A taser uses springs or compressed air to fire a pair of darts at a target. On impact, the
darts release a powerful electrical current. On a successful hit, the darts deal 1d4 points of
electricity damage and the target must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 13) or be
stunned for 1d6 rounds. Reloading a taser takes an action.

A handgun is a personal firearm that can be used one-handed without penalty. Handguns
can be broken down into three smaller groups: autoloaders, revolvers, and machine
Autoloaders (sometimes called “automatics”) feature removable box magazines, and
some models hold quite a lot of ammunition. They work by using the energy of a shot
fired to throw back a slide, eject the shot’s shell casing, and scoop the next round into the
Revolvers are relatively simple firearms that store several rounds (usually six) in a
revolving cylinder. As the trigger is pulled, the cylinder revolves to bring the next bullet
in line with the barrel.
Machine pistols are automatic weapons small enough to be fired with one hand.
Ranged weapons that use box magazines come with one full magazine.

Damage Rate of Purchase

Weapon Damage Type Range Fire Magazine Size Weight DC Restriction
Bravo M9 (9mm 2d6 Ballistic 40 / S 15 box Small 3 lb. 14 Lic (+1)
autoloader) 160 ft.
Bravo Firestorm 2d6 Ballistic 30 / S,A 20 box Med 3 lb. 14 Res (+2)
(9mm machine 120 ft.
Catan 45M (.45M 2d6 Ballistic 80 / S 8 box Med 3 lb. 16 Lic (+1)
autoloader) 320 ft.
Crystal 3X (.357 2d6 Ballistic 40 / S 6 cyl. Med 3 lb. 14 Lic (+1)
revolver) 160 ft.
Dreg pistol (.45) 2d6 Ballistic 10 / 40 Single 2 int. Tiny 1 lb. 12 Lic (+1)
Dresden UN50 2d8 Ballistic 40 / S 8 box Med 4 lb. 16 Lic (+1)
(.50AE 160 ft.
Dresden UNC90 2d8 Ballistic 60 / S, A 20 box Med 3 lb. 20 Res (+2)
(.90C machine 240 ft.
Pacifier (.50AE 2d8 Ballistic 40 / S, A 20 box Med 2.5 lb. 18 Res (+2)
machine pistol) 160 ft.
Smoker 44 (.44 2d8 Ballistic 30 / S 6 cyl. Med 3 lb. 15 Lic (+1)
magnum 120 ft.
Spear Z1 (9mm F 2d6 Piercing, 40 / S 12 box Med 2 lb. 18 Res (+2)
autoloader)1 Slashing 160 ft.
Swarm Ultra (.32 2d4 Ballistic 40 / S, A 20 box Med 4 lb. 14 Res (+2)
machine pistol) 160 ft.
Triple Thrill 999 2d6 Ballistic 40 / S or A 32 box Med 4 lb. 13 Res (+2)
(9mm machine 160 ft.
This weapon uses special rules. Check the weapon description for details.

Bravo M9
The standard service pistol of the Global United States military and many of its law
enforcement agencies.

Bravo Firestorm
This close relative of the Bravo M9 looks like a large autoloader but can fire on automatic.
It sports a fold-down grip in front of the trigger guard, an extendable steel shoulder stock
that is attached to the butt of the pistol, and an extended magazine.

Catan 45M
A relatively new weapon, the Catan 45 Marksman uses the advanced gyrojet .45M round.
These rounds are fitted with tiny self-propelled rockets that dramatically increase their
effective range.

Crystal 3X
The Crystal 3X is a double action handgun chambered for the .357 Magnum cartridge,
built on Crystal's large X-frame. 3Xs have a reputation for accuracy, smooth trigger pull,
and a tight cylinder lock-up.

Dreg Pistol
This pistol breaks open at the breech like a double-barrelled shotgun. The two-shot
weapon has one barrel atop the other and is barely 5 inches long, making it easy to
conceal. Dreg pistols are homemade weapons, roughly knocked together by smalltime
gunsmiths and street gangs. They all share a similar construction, but many small
variations exist across the universe. They are so called because they are generally the only
weapon bilge addicts, or dregs, can afford.

Dresden UN50
The current standard issue sidearm of United Nations forces, these heavy-frame, powerful
autoloaders are gradually being phased out and replaced with the Dresden UNC90.

Dresden UNC90
A newly designed handgun, the UNC90 is still being introduced to United Nations forces
and is therefore not widely available. The ammunition of the UNC90 replaces gunpowder
with electrochemical propellant, ignited with a short but massive shock to the cartridge
rather than the old-fashioned firing pin. The propellant converts to white-hot plasma,
resulting in a smoother, more powerful expansion than gunpowder, and delivers a slug
with considerably hirer muzzle velocity.

Developed in the latter days of the rule of the Global United States, the Pacifier was seen
as a desperately needed response to the ever-increasing firepower of the criminal gangs
and resistance fighters that threatened the stability of occupied territories. While it
ultimately failed to save the GUS empire, the Pacifier is still a powerful, reliable and
lightweight weapon.

Smoker 44
The Smoker 44 revolver fires one of the most powerful pistol cartridges in the world. The
Smoker is known for its deafening sound, bright muzzle flash, and powerful recoil.

Spear Z1
The Spear Z1, and its longarm sister the Spear Siege, use flechette rounds, a newly
developed armour piercing round that punches through hard materials and then bursts
inside a target's body into a cloud of tiny, razor-sharp aerofoils.
This weapon is especially effective against armoured opponents. The user gains
advantage on attack rolls against targets wearing armour, or targets with natural armour.

Swarm Ultra
Intended as a compact weapon for tank crews, this Global United States weapon is now a
commonly found and cheap weapon popular with street gangs.

Triple Thrill 999

Formerly a police handgun used by the Global Unite States, the Triple Thrill 999 is an
inexpensive pistol popular with criminals because it can be modified (Intelligence check
DC 12) to fire on automatic. The pistol only works on semiautomatic fire or, if modified,
only on automatic. Once modified to fire on automatic, the weapon cannot be changed
back to semiautomatic.

Damag Damag Rang of Magazi Weig Purchas Restrictio
Weapon e e Type e Fire ne Size ht e DC n
HK MP5 (9mm 2d6 Ballisti 60 / S, A 30 box Larg 7 lb. 16 Res (+2)
submachine gun) c 240 e
Nanban Type 641 2d6 Ballisti 50 / S, A 20 box Larg 5 lb. 16 Mil (+3)
(7.62mm R c 200 e
submachine gun) ft.
Spear Siege1 2d8 Piercin 60 / S, A 30 box Larg 8 lb. 22 Res (+2)
(9mm F g, 240 e
submachine gun) Slashin ft.
Ungraded (9mm 2d6 Ballisti 40 / S, A 20 box Larg 8 lb. 14 Res (+2)
submachine gun) c 160 e

Assault Rifles
Akamov 16K 2d8 Ballisti 70 / S, A 30 box Larg 10 lb. 15 Res (+2)
(7.62mm R c 280 e
assault rifle) ft.
Dresden Assault 2d10 Ballisti 120 / S, A 30 box Larg 14 lb. 22 Mil (+3)
UNC90 (.90C c 480 e
assault rifle) ft.
Mule A10 2d8 Ballisti 80 / S, A 30 box Larg 8 lb. 16 Res (+2)
(5.56mm assault c 320 e
rifle) ft.
OICW (5.56 mm 2d8 Ballisti 80 / S, A 30 box Larg 10 lb. 22 Res (+2)
assault rifle) c 320 e
PV "Dog Soldier" 2d10 Ballisti 90 / S, A 20 box Larg 11 lb. 17 Res (+2)
S3 (7.62mm c 360 e
assault rifle) ft.

Breaker BPS (10- 2d10 Ballisti 30 / Singl 5 int. Larg 11 lb. 16 Lic (+1)
gauge shotgun) c 120 e e
Madman 9200 2d8 Ballisti 40 / S 5 int. Larg 7 lb. 16 Lic (+1)
(12-gauge c 160 e
shotgun) ft.
Sawed-off 2d8 Ballisti 10 / S 2 int. Med 4 lb. 14 Illegal
shotgun (12- c 40 ft. (+4)
gauge shotgun)

Bravo Light Fifty 2d12 Ballisti 120 / S 11 box Hug 35 lb. 22 Res (+2)
(.50 sniper rifle) c 460 e
Catan Strider 2d8 Ballisti 160 / S 15 box Larg 15 lb. 20 Res (+2)
(.45M sniper c 640 e
rifle) ft.
Vlad SS1 2d8 Ballisti 70 / S, A 20 box Larg 6 lb. 20 Mil (+3)
(9x39mm sniper c 280 e

rifle) ft.
Wyoming 94 2d10 Ballisti 90 / Singl 6 int. Larg 7 lb. 16 Lic (+1)
(.444 hunting c 360 e e
rifle) ft.
This weapon has special rules. See its description for details.

Longarms are personal firearms that require two hands to be fired without penalty.
The basic longarm is the rifle, a group that includes both hunting rifles and sniper rifles.
Most rifles are autoloaders, though some must be manually loaded, with the user having
to work a bolt or lever between each shot.
Assault rifles are rifles designed for military use and feature automatic as well as
semiautomatic fire.
Shotguns are large-bore weapons that primarily fire shells full of small projectiles. They
tend to be powerful, but short ranged.
Submachine guns are relatively compact longarms that generally fire pistol ammunition.
They can fire on automatic.
Less classes have proficiency with longarms, reflecting the military training generally
required for their successful operation.

Akamov 16K
A cheap and reliable assault rifle, the Akamov 7K is popular among criminals and
paramilitary forces for its light yet durable metal alloy frame, simple firing mechanism,
and the aggressive roar of its action.

Bravo Light Fifty

The heavy but rugged Light Fifty is an incredibly powerful weapon for its size. Although
it’s a sniper rifle, it fires a .50-caliber machine gun bullet, a round much more powerful
than any other rifle ammunition. It was used by the Global United States, usually in an
anti-materiel capacity.

Breaker BPS
This heavy longarm fires a large shotgun round, the 10-gauge shell.

Catan Strider
Essentially just a larger version of the Catan 45M, the Strider uses gyrojet ammunition
that are fitted with tiny self-propelled rockets, dramatically increasing their effective

Dresden Assault UNC90

The most modern assault rifle in active service, the Assault UNC90 is a larger platform for
the charge rounds also used in the UNC90 handgun.


The Henry Kissinger MP5 is a submachine gun that saw wide use in Global United States
police forces. It was named after a former American hero instrumental in laying the
groundwork for the GUS empire.

Mule A10
The Mule A10 was the standard assault rifle of the Global United States, and a
combination of internal corruption and plundering during its downfall has led to plenty
being found throughout its former territories.

Madman 9200
The 9200 "Persuader" is a semiautomatic shotgun with a gas-powered action and a tubular
magazine. It was popular with Global United States police forces, and leftovers can be
found frequently in their former territories.

Nanban Type 64
The Japanese Type 64 was designed from the ground up as a suppressed submachine gun,
rather than being adapted from an existing design. Smuggling networks were employed to
flood these weapons into territories occupied by the Global United States in the latter
days of their rule, in the hopes of arming native partisans.
The Type 64 features a built-in suppressor. While anyone within earshot will still hear
it firing, a successful DC 15 Perception check is required to detect exactly from where.

One of the most technologically advanced weapons to ever reach production during the
Global United States empire, the OICW (Objective Individual Combat Weapon) assault
rifle is a combination weapon. It was intended to replace the Mule A10, but its high
production costs meant that only around 100,000 were ever produced, and confined to
certain elite infantry units.
The weapon houses a 5.56mm compact assault rifle as well as a 20mm underslung
grenade launcher (treat this an M79, see Heavy Weapons).
The rifle includes a combat-capable scope with built-in targeting computers that are
designed to link into the Land Warrior combat system. This system, known as TA/FCS
(Target Acquisition/Fire Control System), functions as a built-in electro-optical scope as
well as a rangefinding scope (the scope, rangefinding laser gadget). Additionally, the
weapon has an integrated computer link that can hook directly into the Land Warrior
armour and transmit images and data to the armour's onboard computer system.

PV "Dog Soldier" S3
The S3 fires the powerful 7.62x51mm cartridge, a round used in many light machine guns
but uncommon in assault rifles (the Akamov 16K and Nanban Type 64 fire the smaller
7.62x39mm Russian round). It is the current standard assault rifle for United Nations
forces, but is being phased out in favour of the Dresden Assault UNC90.

Sawed-Off Shotgun

This is a 12-gauge, double-barreled shotgun with the stock and barrels sawed short. All
that’s left of the stock is a pistol grip, and the barrels are roughly 12 inches long. Sawed-
off shotguns are generally illegal; most are homemade by cutting down a standard
If this weapon if fully-loaded, a character can fire both barrels at once. The character
receives disadvantage on the attack roll but deals +1 die of damage with a successful hit.
Attacking this way uses both shotgun shells.

Spear Siege
A more powerful, submachine gun sister of the Spear Z1, the Spear Siege uses flecette
rounds that have exceptional armour-piercing capability.
This weapon is especially effective against armoured opponents. The user gains
advantage on attack rolls against targets wearing armour, or targets with natural armour.

"Ungraded" is a name given to a variety of homemade submachine guns, cobbled together
at low cost from old weapon parts and other junk. Because they are so accessible they are
widely used, but compared to machine-made firearms are weak and inaccurate.

Vlad SS
The Russian Vlad SS is designed for accurate aimed fire using the 9×39mm cartridge. Like
the Nanban Type 64, many of these firearms were smuggled into the territories of the
Global United States to arm the native populace and destabilise the region.
The Vlad SS features a built-in suppressor. While anyone within earshot will still hear it
firing, a successful DC 15 Perception check is required to detect exactly from where.

Wyoming 94
The Wyoming Model 94 Big Bore is a lever-action rifle typical of big-bore hunting rifles
that were popular when there was any wildlife left to hunt.

Heavy Weapons
Heavy weapons include machine guns, rocket launchers and grenade launchers. Some
heavy weapons are so big they require a bipod or mount to fire accurately, and in the
former case a user that doesn't brace their bipod against a solid object (usually the ground,
requiring the user to go prone) suffers disadvantage on their attack roll.
Only the Operator class is granted proficiency with heavy weapons as a class feature.
Other classes must take the Heavy Weapons Training feat to use them reliably.

Damag Damag Rang of Magazi Weig Purchas Restrictio
Weapon e e Type e Fire ne Size ht e DC n
Machine Guns
Bravo M2 (.50 2d12 Ballisti 110 / A Linked Hug 84 lb. 22 Mil (+3)
machine gun) c 440 e
Panther A10 2d10 Ballisti 80 / S, A 75 box Hug 42 lb. 18 Mil (+3)
(7.62mmR c 320 e
machine gun)1 ft.

M80 LAW 10d6 Force 150 / 1 1 int. Larg 5 lb. 20 Mil (+3)
(rocket launcher)1 600 e
PRG-20 (rocket 8d6 Force 100 / 1 1 int. Larg 15 lb. 18 Mil (+3)
launcher)1 400 e

M79 (grenade Varies Varies 70 / 1 1 int. Larg 7 lb. 15 Mil (+3)
launcher)1 280 e
Milkor MGL Varies Varies 70 / S 6 cyl. Larg 12 lb. 17 Mil (+3)
(grenade 280 e
launcher)1 ft.
This weapon has special rules. See its description for details.

Bravo M2
This heavy-duty .50-caliber machine gun was introduced at the start of the Global United
States' invasion of Europe, and remained their machine gun of choice throughout the
remainder of their empire's history.
This weapon comes with an attached bipod. A user must brace the bipod on a solid
surface (typically the ground, requiring them to go prone) or suffer disadvantage on their
attack rolls.

Essentially a large single-shot, break-open shotgun designed to fire low-velocity 40mm
grenade rounds, the M79 consists of little more than a barrel, a trigger mechanism, and a
distinctively shaped wooden gripstock. Its simple design and operation make it well
suited to the rigors of field use.
It fires 40mm grenades (see under Grenades and Explosives). These grenades look like
huge bullets an inch and a half across; they can’t be used as hand grenades, and the M79
can’t shoot hand grenades.
Attacking with an M79 is identical to throwing an explosive: you make a ranged attack
against a specific 5-foot square (instead of targeting a person or creature). The differences
between using the M79 and throwing an explosive lie in the range of the weapon (which
far exceeds the distance a hand grenade can be thrown) and the fact that the M79
requires proficiency to operate without penalty.

The LAW (light antitank weapon) is a disposable, one-shot rocket launcher. It comes as a
short, telescoped fiberglass and aluminum tube. Before using the weapon, the firer must
first arm and extend the tube, which is a move action.
When this weapon hits its target, it explodes and deals 10d6 force damage in a 10 foot
radius. Any creatures caught in the blast can halve the damage with a successful DC 15
Dexterity save.
This weapon has a minimum range of 30 feet. If fired against a target closer than 30 feet,
its charge does not explode, instead dealing 2d8 bludgeoning damage to the target alone.

Milkor MGL
The MGL Mark 1 originally hailed from South Africa, and is a stand-alone grenade
launcher that incorporates a large 6-round revolver cylinder, eliminating the need to
reload after each shot and allowing a rapid semiautomatic volley of grenades.
It fires 40mm grenades (see under Grenades and Explosives). These grenades look like
huge bullets an inch and a half across; they can’t be used as hand grenades, and the MGL
can’t shoot hand grenades.
Attacking with an MGL is identical to throwing an explosive: you make a ranged attack
against a specific 5-foot square (instead of targeting a person or creature). The differences
between using the MGL and throwing an explosive lie in the range of the weapon (which
far exceeds the distance a hand grenade can be thrown) and the fact that the MGL
requires proficiency to operate without penalty.

Panther A10
The Panther is a general purpose machine gun, originally intended as a squad support
weapon. It is long-barrelled, and its ammunition box sits under the weapon to centre its
This weapon comes with an attached bipod. A user must brace the bipod on a solid
surface (typically the ground, requiring them to go prone) or suffer disadvantage on their
attack rolls.

A commonly exported anti-armour weapon from Russia, the RPG-20 has a shorter range
and somewhat smaller damage than its Global United States equivalent, the LAW. Before
using the weapon, the firer must first arm and extend the tube, which is a move action.
When this weapon hits its target, it explodes and deals 8d6 force damage in a 10 foot
radius. Any creatures caught in the blast can halve the damage with a successful DC 15
Dexterity save.
This weapon has a minimum range of 30 feet. If fired against a target closer than 30 feet,
its charge does not explode, instead dealing 2d8 bludgeoning damage to the target alone.

The category of 'explosives' covers a range of usually small, personal devices. All
explosives are counted as heavy weapons, so most classes are not initially proficient with
Many explosives require a detonator, which is described in the Equipment section,
further below.
The table for explosives differs in that it notes a Burst Radius and Save DC for each
weapon. When you make an attack with an explosive, you target a 5 foot square rather
than another creature. All creatures within the Burst Radius of that square receive the
damage of the explosive, with a successful Dexterity save reducing this to half damage.
A missed throw with an explosive causes it to roll away 10 feet in a random direction
(roll 1d8 to determine), and explode there instead.

Dama Damage Burst Save Weig Purchas Restrictio

Weapon ge Type Radius DC Range Size ht e DC n
Heavy Weapons
40mm 3d6 Slashing 10 ft. 15 — Tin 1 lb. 14 Mil (+3)
fragmentation y
C4/Semtex1 4d6 Force 10 ft. 15 — Sma 1 lb. 10 Mil (+3)
Det cord1 2d6 Fire See 13 — Med 2 lb. 6 Res (+2)
Dynamite1 2d6 Force 5 ft. 15 10 / 40 Tin 1 lb. 10 Res (+2)
ft. y
Fragmentation 4d6 Slashing 20 ft. 15 10 / 40 Tin 1 lb. 13 Mil (+3)
grenade ft. y
Midnight See — 10 ft. — 10 / 40 Sma 2 lb. 12 Res (+2)
grenade text ft. ll
Molotov 1d6 Fire 5 ft. 13 10 / 40 Sma 1 lb. 4 —
cocktail1 ft. ll
Shrapnel grenade 5d6 Slashing 20 ft. 15 10 / 40 Tin 1 lb. 15 Mil (+3)
ft. y
Sleep grenade See — 10 ft. — 10 / 40 Sma 2 lb. 14 Res (+2)
text ft. ll
Smoke grenade1 — — 10 ft. — 10 / 40 Sma 2 lb. 8 —
ft. ll
Sonic pulse 3d6 Thunder 10 ft. 13 10 / 40 Tin 1 lb. 12 Res (+2)
grenade1 ft. y
Superlube See — 5 ft. 15 10 / 40 Sma 2 lb. 12 Res (+2)
grenade text ft. ll
Tear gas grenade1 See — 10 ft. — 10 / 40 Sma 2 lb. 10 Res (+2)
text ft. ll
Thermite grenade 6d6 Fire 5 ft. 13 10 / 40 Sma 2 lb. 15 Mil (+3)
ft. ll
White 2d6 Fire 20 ft. 13 10 / 40 Sma 2 lb. 13 Mil (+3)
phosphorus ft. ll
This weapon has special rules. See its description for details.

40mm Fragmentation Grenade

This small explosive device must be fired from a 40mm grenade launcher, such as the
M79. It sprays shrapnel in all directions when it explodes.
The 40mm fragmentation grenade has a minimum range of 40 feet. If fired against a
target closer than 40 feet away, it does not arm and will not explode.

So-called “plastic” explosives resemble slabs of wax. Hard and translucent when cold,
these explosives warm up when kneaded, and then can be coaxed to take various shapes.
The information on the table represents a 1-pound block. Additional blocks can be wired
together, increasing the damage and burst radius; each additional block increases the
damage by +2d6 and the burst radius by 5 feet, and requires an Intelligence (DC 12) to
link them.
C4/Semtex requires a detonator to set off.

Det Cord
Det cord is an explosive in a ropelike form. Technically, det cord doesn’t explode—but it
burns so fast (4,000 yards per second) that it might as well be exploding. Normally used to
string multiple explosive charges together for simultaneous detonation (allowing a single
detonator to set them all off), det cord can also be looped around a tree or post or other
object to cut it neatly in half.
The information on the table represents a 10-foot length. A length of det cord can be
spread out to pass through up to two 5-foot squares, or more if it is tied to other lengths of
det cord. When this is the case, it deals the indicated damage to all creatures in each 5-
foot square through which it passes.
It can also be doubled up; for each additional 5 feet of cord within a single 5-foot
square, increase the damage by +1d6 to a maximum increase of +4d6.
Det cord requires a detonator to set it off, but can also be used as a detonator for other
explosives it is linked to.

Perhaps one of the most common and straightforward explosives, dynamite is very stable
under normal conditions. A stick of dynamite requires a fuse or detonator to set it off.
Additional sticks can be wired together, increasing the damage and burst radius of the
explosion. Each additional stick increases the damage by +1d6 (maximum 10d6) and the
burst radius by 5 feet (maximum 20 feet). Wiring sticks together requires an Intelligence
check (DC 10 + 1 for each stick).
To set off dynamite using a fuse, the fuse must first be lit, requiring a move action (and a
lighter or other source of flame). The amount of time until the dynamite explodes
depends on the length of the fuse—a fuse can be cut short enough for the dynamite to
detonate in the same round (allowing it to be used much like a grenade), or long enough
to take several minutes to detonate. Cutting the fuse to the appropriate length requires a
move action.

Fragmentation Grenade

The most common military grenade, this is a small explosive device that sprays shrapnel
in all directions when it explodes.

Midnight Grenade
Midnight grenades release light-absorbing smoke that doesn't just obscure vision - the
smoke creates a field of impenetrable darkness with a 10 foot radius. Not even creatures
with darkvision can see through this darkness, and normal light sources are equally

Molotov Cocktail
A Molotov cocktail is a flask containing a flammable liquid, plugged with a rag. A
Molotov cocktail is easily made by hand (Intelligence check DC 10). The purchase DC
given is for the components. To use it, the rag must first be lit, requiring a move action
(and a lighter or other source of flame). The cocktail detonates in 2 rounds or on impact
with a solid object, whichever comes first.
Any creature or flammable object that takes damage from a Molotov cocktail catches on
fire, taking 1d6 points of fire damage at the start of each of their turns. A burning creature
can douse the flames as an action with a DC 10 Dexterity save.

Shrapnel Grenade
Similar in concept to the standard fragmentation grenade, the shrapnel grenade propels
dangerous shards of metal outward at high velocity when it explodes. Unlike the
fragmentation grenade, the shrapnel grenade incorporates aerodynamic metal shards and
directional tubes to ensure that each shard is propelled at lethal velocity along a set path.
The result is a calculated field of flying shrapnel that is far more effective than the simple
pop-and-spray chaos of a fragmentation grenade.

Sleep Grenade
Designed to render groups unconscious, sleep grenades fill a 10 foot radius with a drug-
laden mist. Roll 5d8 when you use a sleep grenade - the result is how many hit points of
creatures the grenade affects.
Starting with the creature with the lowest hit points within the cloud, each creature
affected by the grenade falls unconscious until they take damage, they are shaken awake,
or 1 minute passes. Subtract each creature's hit points from the total before moving on to
the creature with the next lowest hit points.
Creatures that do not need to breathe are not affected by this weapon.

Smoke Grenade
Military and police forces use these weapons to create temporary concealment. On the
round when it is thrown, a smoke grenade fills a 10 foot radius area with smoke. The
smoke blinds all creatures within it, including creatures with darkvision. It disperses after
1 minute, though a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses it in 1 round.

Smoke grenades are available in several colors, including white, red, yellow, green, and
purple. As such, they can also be used as signal devices.

Sonic Pulse Grenade

A sonic pulse grenade explodes in a high-pitched shriek that can knock out groups of
hostiles. Anyone reduced to 0 hit points by a sonic pulse grenade is knocked unconscious
rather than killed. Any creature that takes damage from a sonic pulse grenade is also
deafened for 1d4 rounds.

Superlube Grenade
Superlube is a virtually frictionless substance designed for use against rioting prison
convicts. When it detonates, it coats everything in a radius of 5 feet with superlube.
Anyone starting their turn or entering a square coated with superlube must pass an
Acrobatics check or fall prone in the same square.

Tear Gas Grenade

Military and police forces use these weapons to disperse crowds and smoke out hostage
takers. On the round that it is thrown, a tear gas grenade fills a 10 foot radius area with a
cloud of irritant that causes eyes to fill with tears. It disperses after 1 minute, though a
strong wind (21+ mph) disperses it in 1 round.
A character caught in a cloud of tear gas must make a Constitution save (DC 13) or be
poisoned. This effect lasts as long as the character is in the cloud and for 1d6 rounds after
they leave the cloud. Those who succeed at their saves but remain in the cloud must
continue to save each round. A gas mask renders the target immune to the effects.

Thermite Grenade
Thermite does not technically explode. Instead, it creates intense heat meant to burn or
melt through an object upon which the grenade is set. Military forces use thermite
grenades to quickly destroy key pieces of equipment.
Any creature or flammable object that takes damage from a thermite grenade catches on
fire, taking 1d6 points of fire damage at the start of each of their turns. A burning creature
can douse the flames as an action with a DC 10 Dexterity save.

White Phosphorus Grenade

White phosphorus grenades use an explosive charge to distribute burning phosphorus
across the burst radius. Any creature or flammable object that takes damage from white
phosphorous catches on fire, taking 1d6 points of fire damage at the start of each of their
turns. A burning creature can douse the flames as an action with a DC 10 Dexterity save.
In addition, a WP grenade creates a cloud of smoke. Treat a white phosphorus grenade
as a smoke grenade (see above), except that it only fills a 5 foot radius area.

Ammunition for firearms and other ranged weapons is covered in the tables below.

Information Age or Older

Ammunition Type (quantity) Purchase DC
.32 caliber (50) 5
.357 caliber (50) 5
.44 caliber (50) 5
.444 caliber (20) 6
.45 caliber (50) 5
.45M caliber (20) 8
.50 caliber (20) 6
.50AE caliber (50) 6
.90C caliber (20) 8
5.56mm (20) 4
7.62mm (20) 4
7.62mm R (20) 4
9mm (50) 5
9 x 39mm (20) 6
9mm F (20) 8
10-gauge buckshot (10) 5
12-gauge buckshot (10) 4
Arrow (12) 5
Crossbow bolt (12) 5

Armour has varied in designed wildly over the ages, and in the Fusion Age a wide palette
offering varying degrees of protection is available.
Armour is described by a number of statistics, explained here.

Armour Proficiency. Anyone can put on a suit of armour or strap a shield to an arm. Only
those proficient in the armour’s use know how to wear it effectively, however.
Your class gives you proficiency with certain types of armour. If you wear armour that
you lack proficiency with, you have disadvantage on any ability check, saving throw, or
attack roll that involves Strength or Dexterity, and you can’t cast psionic powers.

Armour Class (AC): Armour protects its wearer from attacks. The armour (and shield)
you wear determines your base Armour Class.

Properties: Many armours not only increase armour class, but also offer some protection
from damage. A listed damage reduction (DR) reduces the amount of damage suffered by
the wearer equal to the number after the slash against the specified damage type. For
example, a light undercover shirt has DR/2 ballistic, so the any ballistic damage the
wearer suffers is reduced by 2. Similarly, land warrior armour has DR/5 ballistic/slashing,
so it reduces ballistic and slashing damage by 5.
Heavier armours can even grant full resistance to certain types of damage, reducing
them by half. For example, a special response vest has resistance: ballistic, so it reduces
any ballistic damage taken by half.

Strength: Heavier armour interferes with the wearer’s ability to move quickly, stealthily,
and freely. If the Armour table shows “Str 13” or “Str 15” in the Strength column for an
armour type, the armour reduces the wearer’s speed by 10 feet unless the wearer has a
Strength score equal to or higher than the listed score.

Stealth: If the Armour table shows “Disadvantage” in the Stealth column, the wearer has
disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Purchase DC and Restriction: This is the purchase DC for a Wealth check to acquire the
weapon. This number reflects the base price and doesn’t include any modifier for
purchasing the weapon on the black market.
If the armour is a restricted item, modifier its purchase DC by the number listed in the
Restriction column.

Shields. A shield is made from wood or metal and is carried in one hand. Wielding a
shield adds a flat number to your AC. You can benefit from only one shield at a time.

Strengt Weigh Purcha Restricti
Armor AC Properties h Stealth t se DC on
Leather 11 + Dex
jacket modifier — — — 4 lb. 8 —
Undercov 12+ Dex
er shirt modifier DR/2 ballistic — — 2 lb. 11 Lic (+1)
Undercov 13+ Dex
er vest modifier DR/2 ballistic — — 3 lb. 12 Lic (+1)

Concealab 14+ Dex
le vest modifier (max DR/3 ballistic —
2) — 4 lb. 13 Lic (+1)
Chainmail 15+ Dex
shirt modifier (max DR/3 slashing — Disadvanta
2) ge 40 lb. 16 —
Light-duty 15+ Dex DR/3 ballistic
vest modifier (max —
2) — 8 lb. 14 Lic (+1)
Tactical 16+ Dex Resistance:
vest modifier (max ballistic — Disadvanta
2) ge 10 lb. 15 Lic (+1)

Space suit — Disadvanta
12 Str 15 ge 50 lb. 22 Lic (+1)
Land DR/5 ballistic
warrior Disadvanta
armor 16 Str 13 ge 10 lb. 18 Lic (+1)
response Resistance: Disadvanta
vest 17 ballistic Str 13 ge 15 lb. 16 Lic (+1)
Plate mail Resistance: Disadvanta
18 slashing Str 15 ge 50 lb. 20 —
Forced Resistance:
entry unit ballistic/slashi Disadvanta
19 ng Str 15 ge 20 lb. 18 Lic (+1)

Shield +1 — — 6 lb. 8 —
Shield +2 — — 6 lb. 10 Lic (+1)
Ballistic Disadvanta
Shield +3 Str 13 ge 16 lb. 12 Lic (+1)

Getting Into and Out of Armour
The time it takes to don or doff armour depends on the armour’s category.
Don. This is the time it takes to put on armour. You benefit from the armour's AC only
if you take the full time to don the suit of armour.
Doff. This is the time it takes to take off armour. If you have help, reduce this time by

Category Don Doff

Light Armour 1 minute 1 minute
Medium Armour 5 minutes 1 minute
Heavy Armour 5 minutes 5 minutes
Shield 1 action 1 action

Ballistic Shield
A ballistic shield is designed provide protection even from firearms. They come in several
designs, but universally are taller and broader than other kinds of shields, allowing the
carrier to crouch down behind them.

Chainmail Shirt
This medieval-era armour is a long shirt made of interlocking metal rings, with a layer of
padding underneath. It’s heavy, making it uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.

Concealable Vest
Standard issue in many police forces, this vest provides maximum protection in a garment
that can be worn all day long under regular clothing. While it may go unnoticed by a
quick glance, it is usually visible to anyone looking closely for it.

Forced Entry Unit

The most powerful protection available is built into this suit, which consists of a heavy
torso jacket with ceramic plates over the chest and back, neck and groin guards, arm
protection, and a helmet. Heavy and cumbersome, this armour is generally only donned
by tactical officers heading into a dangerous assault.

Land Warrior Armour
The Land Warrior combat system was the end result of a long-term project run by the
Global United States, although it arrived too late in their empire's history to save it from
The primary benefits of Land Warrior armour are found in its communications and
sensor gear; each Land Warrior armour has a built-in computer that is capable of sending
and receiving text and image transmissions (via a display built into the armour), including
images captured from the scope of a linked OICW assault rifle. Additionally, the display
can be linked to the scope on the OICW to provide real-time representations of what the
scope can see, allowing the wearer to fire around corners with ease.
In addition to the communications and data equipment, the armour functions as
standard infantry battle armour complete with bullet-resistant plating and kevlar
protective gear. The armour allows for instantaneous transmission of coordinates and
targeting information, allowing teams of Land Warrior-capable soldiers to communicate
and coordinate with ease and efficiency.

Leather Jacket
This armour is represented by a heavy leather biker’s jacket. A number of other
impromptu armours, such as a football pads and a baseball catcher’s pads, offer similar
protection and game statistics.

Light-Duty Vest
A lightweight tactical vest designed for extended use by riot police and forces on alert for
potential attack, this armour sacrifices a degree of protection for a modicum of comfort—
at least compared to other tactical body armours.

Light Undercover Shirt

Designed for deep undercover work in which it’s critical that the wearer not appear to be
armed or armoured, this garment consists of a T-shirt with a band of light protective
material sewn in around the lower torso.

Plate Mail
This medieval-era armour consists of metal plates that cover the entire body. It’s heavy
and cumbersome compared to most modern armour, but it does provide a great deal of

Riot Shield

Employed by police in times of civil unrest, a riot shield is a touch sheet of transparent
plastic, reinforced to deflect blows.

Space Suit
A space suit is a completely enclosed environment suit capable of sustaining life in
extremes of temperature and a lack of breathable air. The suit is large and bulky,
composed of a thick body suit and helmet with a transparent mask, all parts of which are
capable of deflecting micro-meteors and other space-borne projectiles. Inside the suit,
internal air tanks and environmental filters maintain temperature and pressure.
Additionally, a communications system not only allows for radio transmissions to the
space shuttle but also allows internal sensors to monitor biological functions that can be
observed from mission control. The space suit is poor combat armor, but allows for
movement and action in space.

Special Response Vest

Built like the tactical vest, but incorporating groin and neck protection as well as a
ceramic plate over the chest, this armour provides additional protection in battles against
heavily armed opponents.

Tactical Vest
The standard body armour for police tactical units, this vest provides full-torso protection
in the toughest flexible protective materials available.

Undercover Vest
Covering a larger area of the torso, this vest provides better protection than the light
undercover shirt—but it’s also more easily noticed.

Wooden Shield
Wooded shields are amongst the oldest form of armour, and encompass everything from
museum relics to hastily nailed-together plywood.

This section covers anything not included earlier, from clothes to backpacks to computers
to duct tape.

Object Size Weight Purchase DC Restriction
Briefcase Med 2 lb. 7 —
Backpack Med 3 lb. 10 —
Day pack Small 2 lb. 5 —
Handbag Small 1 lb. 4 —
Range pack
Standard Small 2 lb. 7 —
Oversized Med 3 lb. 9 —

A briefcase can carry up to 5 pounds worth of gear. A briefcase can be locked, but its
cheap lock is not very secure (DC 20 to pick, DC 10 to break).

This is a good-sized backpack, made of tough water-resistant material. It has one or two
central sections, as well as several exterior pockets and straps for attaching tents, bedrolls,
or other gear. It can carry up to 60 pounds of gear.

Day Pack
This is a small backpack, the sort often used by students to carry their books around, or
by outdoor enthusiasts on short hikes. It holds 8 pounds of gear and fits comfortably over
one or both shoulders.

Handbags provide another way to carry 2 pounds of equipment. The purchase DC shown
is for a basic bag; high-fashion purses can increase the DC by as much as 5.

Range Pack
This lightweight black bag has a spacious inner compartment capable of holding roughly
10 pounds of gear and can hold an additional 5 pounds in six zippered external
The larger version holds 20 pounds of equipment in the internal compartment and
another 10 pounds in the zippered external pouches. A range pack easily holds several
pistols and a submachine gun, and the larger version can hold disassembled rifles.

Object Size Weight Purchase DC Restriction
Clothing outfit
Business Med 3 lb. 12 —
Casual Med 2 lb. 8 —
Formal Med 3 lb. 15 —
Fatigues Med 3 lb. 9 —
Uniform Med 2 lb. 9 —
Ghillie suit Med 5 lb. 6 —
Coat Med 2 lb. 8 —
Fatigue jacket Med 2 lb. 7 —
Overcoat Med 3 lb. 9 —
Parka Med 3 lb. 9 —
Windbreaker Med 1 lb. 6 —
Tool belt Small 2 lb. 9 —

Clothing Outfit
An outfit of clothing represents everything a character needs to dress a part: pants or
skirt, shirt, undergarments, appropriate shoes or boots, socks or stockings, and any
necessary belt or suspenders. The clothes a character wears does not count against the
weight limit for encumbrance.
Business: A business outfit generally includes a jacket or blazer, and it tends to look
sharp and well groomed without being overly formal.
Casual: Casual clothes range from cut-off jeans and a T-shirt to neatly pressed khakis
and a hand-knit sweater.
Formal: From a little black dress to a fully appointed tuxedo, formal clothes are
appropriate for “black tie” occasions. Special designer creations can have purchase DCs
much higher than shown on the table.
Fatigues: Called “battle dress uniforms” (or BDUs) in the United States Army, these are
worn by hardened veterans and wannabes alike.
Uniform: From the cable guy to a senior Air Force officer, people on the job tend to
wear uniforms—making such clothing an essential part of some disguises, since a uniform
inclines people to trust the wearer.

Ghillie Suit
The ultimate in camouflage, a ghillie suit is a loose mesh overgarment covered in strips of
burlap in woodland colors, to which other camouflaging elements can easily be added.
A character wearing a ghillie suit with appropriate coloration gains advantage on
Stealth checks. However, the bulky suit imposes disadvantage on all other Dexterity-
based skill checks, Dexterity ability checks, and melee attack rolls.

Outwear is designed to keep a character warm and dry.
Coat: An outer garment worn on the upper body. Its length and style vary according to
fashion and use.
Fatigue Jacket: A lightweight outer garment fashioned after the fatigue uniforms worn
by military personnel when performing their standard duties.
Overcoat: A warm coat worn over a suit jacket or indoor clothing.
Parka: This winter coat grants the wearer advantage on checks made to resist the effects
of cold weather.
Windbreaker: This is a lightweight jacket made of wind-resistant material.

Tool Belt
This sturdy leather belt has numerous pockets and loops for tools, nails, pencils, and other
necessities for repair and construction work, making it easy to keep about 10 pounds of
items on hand. The pockets are open, however, and items can easily fall out if the belt is

Computers and Electronics
Object Size Weight Purchase DC Restriction
35mm Small 2 lb. 16 —
Digital Tiny 0.5 lb. 14 —
Disposable Tiny 0.5 lb. 4 —
Film Dim — 3 —
Film developing (roll) — — 3 —
Computer Med 7 lb. 16 —
Blank Tiny 2 lb. 5 —
Matrix Tiny 4 lb. 15 —
Psicube Tiny 2 lb. See text See text
Digital audio recorder Tiny 1 lb. 10 —
Heads-up display Tiny 1 lb. 8 —
Laser tripwire Diminuitive — 5 —
Nanobeacon — — 8 —
Standard Tiny 1 lb. 6 —
Integrated wireless Tiny 2 lb. 8 —
Portable satellite phone Small 2 lb. 15 —
Portable video camera Small 2 lb. 14 —
Printer Med 3 lb. 10 —
Scanner Med 3 lb. 10 —
Smartphone Dim 1 lb. 12 —
Spray LCD Tiny 1 lb. 8 —
Basic Tiny 1 lb. 7 —
Professional Tiny 1 lb. 13 —

Still cameras let a character capture a record of what he or she has seen.
35mm: The best choice for the professional photographer, this camera can accept
different lenses and takes the highest-quality picture.
Digital: A digital camera uses no film; instead, its pictures are simply downloaded to a
computer as image files. No film developing is necessary.
Disposable: A 35mm camera with film built in can be purchased from vending
machines, tourist traps, drugstores, and hundreds of other places. Once the film is used,
the entire camera is turned in to have the film developed.
Film: The medium upon which photographs are stored, film comes in a variety of sizes
and speeds. The purchase DC represents the cost of a roll of 24 exposures of high-speed
Film Developing: In most areas, drugstores and photo shops provide 1-hour service; in
others, it takes 24 hours. In really remote areas, film may have to be sent away for
developing, taking a week or longer. The purchase DC represents the cost of getting two
prints of each shot on a roll of film, or one of each and any two also blown up to a larger

Whether a desktop or notebook model, a computer includes a keyboard, a mouse, a
monitor, speakers, and the latest processor. A character needs a computer to make many
Computing checks. Modern computers always include a wireless card, allowing it to
connect to the Wire via the signals of wireless routers.

A datacube is a small, cube-shaped storage device that has largely replaced paper as a
primary means of recording data and events. Datacubes can operate entirely without
computers, projecting a touch-sensitive holographic screen at the touch of a button,
though a port on one side also allows a user to connect it to a computer so that stored data
may be more finely manipulated or uploaded to the Wire.
Blank: This is a datacube ready to have data written to it. It contains software that
enables the user to record text files and organise data into folders. A datacube can store
near limitless amounts of data and isn't restricted by media type - audio, video, pictures
and text can all be copied over to a datacube for convenient transportation. However, it
isn't equipped with a microphone or camera, so it is incapable of actually recording
anything apart from the text users can input via the holographically projected keyboard.
Matrix: A matrix is a catchall term for a datacube modified to store and display
specialised data. A psi matrix, used by boosters, and prayer matrix, used by techpriests,
are examples of this. Matrices tend to be a little larger and heavier than standard
Psicube: These datacubes are highly specialised and often very restricted items that
store and activate psionic powers. Each psicube is capable of storing one power, that can
be activated as an action. The psicube forms a temporary link to the Warp, casts the
stored power, then falls apart from the force of the discharged energy.
If the stored power is on your class' powers list, you can use your action to activate the
psicube and cast the power. If it is of a higher level than you can normally cast, you must
make an ability check using your psionic ability to determine whether you cast it
succesfully. The DC equals 10 + the power's level. On a failed check, the psicube is
destroyed without the power being cast.
The level of the power on the psicube determines its saving throw DC and attack bonus,
as well as the psicube's purchase cost and restriction.

Psionic Power Purchase DC Restriction Save DC Attack Bonus
Cantrip 11 Lic (+1) 13 +5
1st 13 Lic (+1) 13 +5
2md 15 Lic (+1) 13 +5
3rd 17 Res (+2) 15 +7
4th 19 Res (+2) 15 +7
5th 21 Res (+2) 17 +9
6th 23 Res (+2) 17 +9
7th 25 Mil (+3) 18 +10
8th 27 Mil (+3) 18 +10
9th 29 Mil (+3) 19 +11

Digital Audio Recorder

These tiny recorders (about the size of a deck of playing cards) can record up to eight
hours of audio and can be connected to a computer to download the digital recording.
Digital audio recorders don’t have extremely sensitive microphones; they only pick up
sounds within 20 feet.

Heads-Up Display (HUD)

One of the most valuable innovations in portable information technology is the personal
heads-up display (HUD). A HUD is composed of optical sensors for taking in data and a
display device that projects an overlay in the user’s field of vision. A HUD also typically
incorporates some sort of communications link or data link to allow another person or
computer to see what the wearer sees and transmit valuable information back to the
Older HUD devices take the form of an eyepiece worn on a headband, but modern
models are either contact lenses that can display data, or fully implanted neural interfaces
that simply tap into the bearer’s optical nerve and tamper with the signals sent to the
The standard HUD can be used to highlight the outline of a person or object on voice
command, granting advantage on Perception checks when pursuing a specific target.
Additionally, a person with a link to the HUD can freely send data and images to the
wearer at any time.
Individual software packages (see Gadgets) can further augment the abilities of a HUD.

Laser Tripwire
The laser tripwire is a simple device that replaces the standard physical tripwire. A single
focused beam of light is projected out from the tripwire generator until it hits a solid
surface. If the beam is broken by, for example, a person passing through the beam, the
tripwire generator immediately sends out a signal from its data port. This can be used to

activate an alarm, trigger an explosive device, or even just turn on the lights in a
particular room, depending on what event the signal is set to trigger.

An invaluable device used in tracking and search and rescue, the nanobeacon is a small
microchip that is placed on a target’s body (or on an object). It sends out a pulse every
second that can be detected by sensors attuned to the beacon’s frequency. The
nanobeacon projects its pulse at up to a 500 mile radius, each nanobeacon with its own
unique identification code. Nanobeacons are often used to coordinate combat squads,
track wanted criminals, and even to help recover kidnapped or lost children.
As an action, you may try to attach a nanobeacon to a creature or object by making an
attack roll against your target. You may apply your proficiency modifier to this attack

A modem is a form of node (see rules on the Wire), and allows a character to connect a
computer to the Wire. To use a modem, a character must have a computer and an
appropriate data line.
Standard: This indicates a barebones, wired modem, permitting a single connection
between a computer and the Wire.
Integrated Wireless Router: This modem includes a wireless router. It has several ports
in its back to allow for multiple computers to be connected, and also broadcasts a signal
that nearby computers may connect to wirelessly.

The color inkjet printer described here is suited for creating hard copies of text and image
files from computers.

A color flatbed scanner allows the user to transfer images and documents from hard copy
into a computer in digital form.

A common digital communications device, smartphone uses a battery that lasts for 12
hours before it must be recharged. It works in any area covered by cellular service.

Spray LCD
The rise to prominence of paint-on LCDs allowed many people freedom and portability
with computing never before felt. The spray LCD is the logical extension of this
technology. A pressurized canister similar to a can of spray paint, it can spray an LCD
onto almost any surface. Any object coated with spray LCD automatically gains the paint-
on LCD gadget for 1 hour. After that hour, the spray begins to dissolve and no longer
functions. Each canister of spray LCD is enough to produce one working LCD.

This hand-held radio transceiver communicates with any similar device operating on the
same frequency and within range.
Basic: This dime-store variety has only a few channels. Anyone else using a similar
walkie-talkie within range can listen in on the character’s conversations. It has a range of
2 miles.
Professional: This high-end civilian model allows a character to program in twenty
different frequencies from thousands of choices—making it likely that the character can
find a frequency that’s not being used by anyone else within range. The device can be
used with or without a voice-activated headset (included). It has a range of 15 miles.

Object Size Weight Purchase DC Restriction
Spectrum analyzer Small 1 lb. 16 —
Motion sensor Tiny 0.5 lb. 16 —
Weapon scanner Small 1 lb. 18 —
Bomb detector Small 1 lb. 16 Lic (+1)
Sensor, mechanicomp Small 1 lb. 16 —
Sensor, medicomp Small 1 lb. 16 Lic (+1)
Synth scanner Small 1 lb. 16 —

Bomb Detector
The bomb detector is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect
and locate explosives of all types. It grants advantage on Investigation checks when
searching for explosives. Additionally, the bomb detector’s advanced data on explosives of
all types makes it a valuable resource when planting or disarming them, granting
advantage on all Intelligence and Dexterity-based checks made involving explosives.

The meditool is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to assist in the
evaluation and healing of the human body. The meditool can identify a creature’s current
and maximum hit points. Additionally, thanks to the medicomp’s extensive library of
medical records and biological knowledge, any treatments administered using the
medicomp as a reference are more efficient, granting advantage on all Medicine checks.

Motion Sensor
The motion sensor is capable of not only detecting motion but also of plotting it on a
display screen in relation to other objects. The motion sensor plots motion relative to its
own position, but can sense motion through walls and solid surfaces, indicating the
location of any moving object within 100 feet.

Spectrum Analyzer
The spectrum analyzer sensor computer is a handheld computer or computerized gauntlet
designed to find individual chemical or mineral compounds. It provides advantage on
Investigation checks made to locate particular chemicals or minerals, specified by the

Synth Scanner
The synth scanner is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect
and locate synthetic or electronic devices of all types, including computers and robots. It
grants advantage on Investigation checks when searching for electronics of a specific
type, and can be used to scan a robot as an action to determine its maximum and current
hit points. Additionally, synth scanner’s advanced data on electronics of all types makes it
a valuable resource when repairing computers, robots and other electronics, granting
advantage on all Intelligence checks made to repair them. Lastly, the synth scanner can
be used to identify any flaws in cybernetics.

Weapon Scanner
A hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect and locate weapons
of all types. It grants advantage on Investigation checks when searching for weapons.
Additionally, the weapon scanner’s advanced data on weapons of all types makes it a
valuable resource when repairing weapons, granting advantage on all Intelligence checks
made to repair weapons. This does not include explosives and other demolitions devices,
which are covered under the bomb detector.

Survival Gear
Object Size Weight Purchase DC Restriction
Antitox Tiny — 12 —
Bilge Tiny — 15 Lic (+1)
Standard Small 2 lb. 7 —
Rangefinding Small 3 lb. 13 —
Electro-optical Small 4 lb. 14 —
Biocort — —
Basic Tiny — 12 —
Advanced Tiny — 16 —
Superior Tiny — 20 —
Extreme Tiny — 24 —
Climbing gear Large 10 lb. 11 —
Compass Dim 0.5 lb. 5 —
Duracable Medium 3 lb. 4 —
Fire extinguisher Med 3 lb. 8 —
Penlight Dim 0.5 lb. 3 —
Standard Tiny 1 lb. 4 —
Battery flood Small 2 lb. 6 —
Gas mask Small 5 lb. 13 —
Metal detector Small 2 lb. 11 —
Night vision goggles Small 3 lb. 15 —
Portable environment Medium 5 lb. 17 —
Portable glow lamp Tiny 1 lb. 6 —
Portable stove Tiny 1 lb. 9 —
Puritiser Small 2 lb. 10 —
Rope (50 ft.) Med 4 lb. 2 —
Sleeping bag Med 4 lb. 9 —
2-person dome Med 4 lb. 11 —
4-person dome Med 7 lb. 12 —
8-person dome Large 10 lb. 13 —
Trail rations (12) Tiny 1 lb. 5 —

A chemical found in many first aid kits, antitox is a special hypodermic injection that can
be used to save the life of any character infected with a poison or disease. Each antitox
injector contains a specialized analyzer linked to chemical generators. When the needle
penetrates the skin of the target, it samples the target’s blood and sends the data back to
the analyzer, which determines the nature of the poison and generates an antidote from
stored chemical compounds.
Once the antitox delivers its specially formulated chemicals, the target character
receives advantage on saving throws against diseases and poisons for 1 hour. It has no
effect on conditions imposed by psionics. Using or administering an injection is an action.

A drug that is both beneficial and highly dangerous, bilge functions as a temporary
adrenaline-enhancer. Bilge was originally conceived for military purposes in an attempt
to make soldiers stronger, faster, and more combat-capable. Unfortunately, the drug is
highly addictive, and long-term addicts, known as dregs, are a modern sight in the poorer
areas of many cities.
A single injection of bilge grants the character advantage on Strength and Dexterity-
based ability checks, skill checks and saves, and increases the character’s movement speed
by 10 feet. These effects last for 1 minute. Using or administering an injection is an

Binoculars are useful for watching opponents, wild game, and sporting events from a long
Standard: Standard binoculars magnify everything to twice their normal size.
Rangefinding: In addition to the benefit of standard binoculars, rangefinding binoculars
include a digital readout that indicates the exact distance to the object on which they are
Electro-Optical: Electro-optical binoculars function the same as standard binoculars in
normal light. In darkness, however, users looking through them see as if they have

Biocort is a unique chemical compound that enhances the human body’s natural ability to
heal. Biocort pushes the immune system into overdrive, and can cause the character to
heal from grievous wounds at a greatly increased rate.
Any character injected with a standard syringe biocort immediately recovers hit points
according to the strength of the dose. Using or administering an injection is an action.

Dose Strength Hit Points Restored

Basic 2d6 + 2
Advanced 4d6 +4
Superior 8d6 + 8
Extreme 10d6 + 10

Climbing Gear
All of the tools and equipment that climbing enthusiasts use to make climbing easier and,
in some cases, possible, including ropes, pulleys, helmet and pads, gloves, spikes, chocks,
ascenders, pitons, a handax, and a harness. It takes 10 minutes to remove the gear from its
pack and outfit it for use.

You can use the climber’s kit as an action to anchor yourself; when you do, you can’t
fall more than 25 feet from the point where you anchored yourself, and you can't climb
more than 25 feet away from that point without undoing the anchor.
A compass relies on the Earth’s magnetic field to determine the direction of magnetic
north. A compass grants its user advantage on checks made to navigate.

Strong as steel, flexible as rubber, and almost as light as normal rope, duracable replaces
most cables and ropes as the standard device for lifting, pulling, and support. Duracable is
made of lightweight and durable wiring wrapped hundreds of times in a swirl that
reinforces itself as more stress is placed on the coil. Duracable is able to support up to 10
metric tons of weight.

Fire Extinguisher
This portable apparatus uses a chemical spray to extinguish small fires. The typical fire
extinguisher ejects enough extinguishing chemicals to put out a fire in a 10-foot-by-10-
foot area as a move action. It contains enough material for two such uses.

Flashlights come in a wide variety of sizes and quality levels. Those covered here are
professional, heavy-duty models, rugged enough to withstand the rigors of modern
adventuring. Flashlights negate penalties for darkness within their illuminated areas.
Penlight: This small flashlight can be carried on a key ring. It projects a beam of light 10
feet long and 5 feet wide at its end.
Standard: This heavy metal flashlight projects a beam 30 feet long and 15 feet across at
its end.
Battery Flood: Practically a handheld spotlight, this item projects a bright beam 100 feet
long and 50 feet across at its end.

Gas Mask
This apparatus covers the face and connects to a chemical air filter canister to protect the
lungs and eyes from toxic gases. It provides total protection from eye and lung irritants.
The filter canister lasts for 12 hours of use. Changing a filter is a move action. The
purchase DC for one extra filter canister is 6.

Metal Detector
This handheld device provides advantage on all Perception checks to find metal objects.

Night Vision Goggles
Night vision goggles use passive light gathering to improve vision in near-dark conditions.
They grant the user darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
Night vision goggles must have at least a little light to operate. A cloudy night provides
sufficient ambient light, but a pitch-black cave or a sealed room doesn’t. For situations of
total darkness, the goggles come with an infrared illuminator that, when switched on,
operates like a standard flashlight whose light is visible only to the wearer (or anyone else
wearing night vision goggles).

Portable Environment Generator

As an important piece of survival gear that can be taken on almost any expedition, the
portable environment generator is an all-in-one device coveted by explorers and outdoors
enthusiasts alike. Resembling a tall cylinder roughly two feet in height, the portable
environment generator can project a 30-foot sphere of custom environment under any
conditions. In cold weather areas, the generator produces heat. In arid deserts, the
generator produces both cool air and moisture.
At night, the generator acts as a glow lamp and provides the area with light. Thanks to a
special energy bubble produced by the generator, any atmospheric changes stay within
the 30 foot radius and do not escape until the device is deactivated. Essentially, the
portable environment generator can produce a sphere inside which a group of people can
be relatively comfortable despite extremely harsh conditions outside the generator’s

Portable Glow Lamp

The portable glow lamp is the most efficient and beneficial form of lighting equipment
known to man. It can function as a directional lighting device (like a flashlight) or as an
area-covering lantern. Glowlamps have long-lasting power cells and bulbs that never
need to be replaced, and can be adjusted to provide light in any radius up 50 feet.

Portable Stove
This small stove works on kerosene or white gasoline, and can easily be broken down and
carried for backpacking.

The puritiser is a small, semitransparent cylinder roughly one foot tall that removes
impurities from water and food. The puritiser’s onboard computer recognizes chemicals
that can be harmful to the human body and separates them from the food and drink.

Climbing rope can support up to 1,000 pounds.

Sleeping Bag
This lightweight sleeping bag rolls up compactly. It can keep a character warm even in
severe weather and can also double as a stretcher in an emergency.

A tent keeps a character warm and dry in severe weather, providing advantage on
Constitution saves against the effects of cold weather.

Trail Rations
Trail rations come in a number of commercial options. They all provide the necessary
energy and nutrition for survival. The purchase DC given is for a case of 12 meals.
Object Size Weight Purchase DC Restriction
Disguise kit Med 5 lb. 12 —
Duct tape Tiny 1 lb. 3 —
Forgery kit Med 5 lb. 12 —
Steel Tiny 1 lb. 7 —
Zip-tie (25) Dim 0.5 lb. 6 —
Medical kit Med 7 lb. 15 Lic (+1)
Multipurpose tool Tiny 0.5 lb. 9 —
Musical Instrument Varies Varies 12
Pharmacist kit Med 6 lb. 17 Res (+2)
Thieves' tools Tiny 1 lb. 10 Res (+2)
Tool kit Large 30 lb. 16 —

Disguise Kit
This kit contains makeup, brushes, mirrors, wigs, and other accoutrements. It doesn’t
contain clothing or uniforms, however. If you are proficient with this tool, you can add
your proficiency modifier to checks made to construct a disguise.

Duct Tape
The usefulness of duct tape is limited only by a character’s imagination. Duct tape can
support up to 200 pounds indefinitely, or up to 300 pounds for 1d6 rounds. A roll provides
70 feet of tape, 2 inches wide.

Forgery Kit
This large box contains a variety of papers, pens, laminating sheets, and other supplies
necessary to create convincing forgeries of physical documents. Proficiency with this kit
lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to create a physical
forgery of a document.
Some official documents, such as fake ID's and legal documents, a character may also
need access to a computer, printer or scanner.

Handcuffs are restraints designed to lock two limbs—normally the wrists—of a prisoner
together. They fit any Medium-size or Small human or other creature that has an
appropriate body structure.
Steel: These heavy-duty cuffs have hardness AC 12 and 15 hit points, and require a DC
25 Strength check to break or DC 20 check to open with thieves' tools.
Zip-Tie: These are single-use disposable handcuffs, much like heavy-duty cable ties.
They have hardness AC 8 and 4 hit points, and require a DC 20 Strength check to break.

Medical Kit
About the size of a large tackle box, this is the sort of kit commonly carried by military
medics and civilian EMTs. It contains a wide variety of medical supplies and equipment.
Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you
make to treat injuries.
A newly purchases medical kit contains one syringe of antiox and one syringe of basic

Multipurpose Tool
This device contains several different screwdrivers, a knife blade or two, can opener,
bottle opener, file, short ruler, scissors, tweezers, and wire cutters. The whole thing
unfolds into a handy pair of pliers. A multipurpose tool has less uses than a full tool kit,
and therefore doesn't allow you to add your proficiency modifier to checks made while
using one. However, it does allow you to attempt such checks in the first place, and
doesn't require proficiency itself.

Musical Instrument
Instruments have a history almost as long as mankind itself, and can come in many shapes
and sizes. If you have proficiency with a given musical instrument, you can add your
proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to play music with the instrument.

Pharmacist Kit
A portable pharmacy containing the equipment required to store, analyse and create a
variety of medical chemicals. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency
bonus to any ability checks you make to craft or use drugs and poisons.

Thieves’ Tools
This set of tools includes a small file, a set of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a
metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and a pair of pliers. Proficiency with these
tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to disarm traps
or open locks.

Tool Kit
This collection of hand tools and small parts typically includes a variety of pliers, drivers,
cutting devices, fasteners, power tools, and leads and wires. A character with a tool kit
can make repairs and modifications to everything from electric lamps to spice racks.
Proficiency with a tool kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you
make using the tools modify or repair something.

Weapon Accessories
Object Size Weight Purchase DC Restriction
Blasting cap Tiny 0.5 lb. 4 Lic (+1)
Radio controlled Tiny 0.5 lb. 10 Lic (+1)
Timed Tiny 0.5 lb. 7 Lic (+1)
Wired Tiny 1 lb. 6 Lic (+1)
Illuminator Tiny 0.5 lb. 7 —
Laser sight Tiny 0.5 lb. 15 —
Standard Tiny 0.5 lb. 11 —
Electro-optical Small 3 lb. 16 —
Speed loader Tiny 0.5 lb. 3 —
Pistol Tiny 1 lb. 10 Mil (+3)
Longarm Small 4 lb. 12 Mil (+3)

A detonator activates an explosive, causing it to explode. The device consists of an
electrically activated blasting cap and some sort of device that delivers the electrical
charge to set off the blasting cap. Connecting a detonator to an explosive requires an
Intelligence check (DC 10). Failure means that the explosive fails to go off as planned.
Failure by 10 or more means the explosive goes off as the detonator is being installed.
Blasting Cap: This is a detonator without a built-in controller. It can be wired into any
electrical device, such as a light switch or a car’s ignition switch, with an Intelligence
check (DC 10). When the electrical device is activated, the detonator goes off.
Radio Control: This device consists of two parts: the detonator itself and the activation
device. The activation device is an electronic item about the size of a deck of cards, with
an antenna, a safety, and an activation switch. When the switch is toggled, the activation
device sends a signal to the detonator by radio, setting it off. It has a range of 500 feet.
Timed: This is an electronic timer connected to the detonator. Like an alarm clock, it
can be set to go off at a particular time.
Wired: This is the simplest form of detonator. The blasting cap connects by a wire to an
activation device, usually a small pistol-grip device that the user squeezes. The detonator
comes with 100 feet of wire, but longer lengths can be spliced in with a Intelligence
check (DC 10).

An illuminator is a small flashlight that mounts to a firearm, freeing up one of the user’s
hands. It functions as a standard flashlight.

Laser Sight
This small laser mounts on a firearm, and projects a tiny red dot on the weapon’s target. A
laser sight grants a +1 bonus on all attack rolls made against targets no farther than 30 feet
away. However, a laser sight can’t be used outdoors during the daytime.

A scope is a sighting device that makes it easier to hit targets at long range. However,
although a scope magnifies the image of the target, it has a very limited field of view,
making it difficult to use.
Standard: A standard scope increases the range increment for a ranged weapon by one-
half (multiply by 1.5). However, to use a scope a character must spend an action acquiring
his or her target. If the character changes targets or otherwise lose sight of the target, he
or she must reacquire the target to gain the benefit of the scope.
Electro-Optical: An electro-optical scope functions the same as a standard scope in
normal light. In darkness, however, the user sees through it as if they had darkvision out
to the same range of the weapon.

Speed Loader
A speed loader holds a number of bullets in a ring, in a position that mirrors the chambers
in a revolver cylinder. Using a speed loader allows a character to reload a cylinder
magazine as a move action.

A suppressor fits on the end of a firearm, capturing the gases traveling at supersonic speed
that propel a bullet as it is fired. This eliminates some of the noise from the bullet’s firing,
reducing it by roughly 30 decibels. While anyone within earshot will still hear a
supressed weapon firing, a successful DC 15 Perception check is required to detect
exactly from where.
Modifying a weapon to accept a suppressor requires an Intelligence check (DC 13).
Once a weapon has been modified in this manner, a suppressor can be attached or
removed as a move action.
A suppressor purchased for one weapon can be used for any other weapon that fires the
same caliber of ammunition. Suppressors cannot be fitted to heavy weapons, only
handguns and longarms.

A gadget is a modification applied to weapons, armor and other equipment. Using the
gadget system is a simple matter of mixing and matching various elements of a piece of
gear until it fits what is needed.
First, pick a base weapon, armor, or piece of equipment to be modified, and then select a
gadget for the appropriate type (armor gadgets for armor, and so on). Modify the Purchase
DC of the base item according to the gadget’s instructions, and then purchase the gadget-
modified item as normal. Some gadgets have additional restrictions placed on them that
must be considered before making the gadget modification.

Weapon Gadgets
Any ranged weapon that must be mounted on a tripod or similar hard point can be
automated. An automated weapon attacks any target that enters a 10 by 10 foot area
specified by the person who sets up the weapon. The weapon targets visually, so it cannot
attack targets that it cannot see (for targets using Stealth checks, assume the weapon has a
Perception modifier of +0).
This gadget can be selected multiple times for crew-served weapons, each time
replacing one crew member.
Restrictions: Mounted ranged weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +3.

Alternate Weapon
Some weapons are capable of serving multiple purposes by integrating two types of
weapon into one. When dealing with firearms and other ranged weapons, this usually
involves only mixing like types; for example, energy weapons are only combined with
energy weapons, and ballistic weapons are only combined with ballistic weapons. This is
not a hard-and-fast limitation but rather a suggestion based on the logistics of designing
such a weapon. When selecting the alternate weapon gadget, choose a second weapon.
That weapon is integrated into the base weapon and can be used at any time.
Additionally, you must choose whether or not the alternate weapon may be physically
separated from the base weapon or not at the time of purchase. This gadget may be
selected multiple times, each time adding a single additional weapon to the base model.
Restrictions: The character must also purchase the weapon to be integrated separately
from the primary weapon, before the gadget modification is made.
Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

Autofire Module
Some firearms and energy weapons are capable of firing in singleshot or semiautomatic
forms only. The autofire module gadget allows these weapons to be fired on autofire.
Restrictions: Ranged weapon without autofire only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Autoloader Module
Many weapons rely on box magazines or power packs to function. The autoloader gadget
facilitates quick reloading. This may come in the form of an integrated power pack
alternator, or in spring-mounted magazine loaders worn on the wrist of the user.
Regardless of their location on the owner’s body or the form that the autoloader takes, a
weapon with the autoloader module gadget is always automatically reloaded as a free
action as soon as the previous magazine or power pack is expended. This module cannot
be transferred from one weapon to another, even those of similar types, due to the fact
that each autoloader module is keyed to the individual weapon for which it was designed.
Restrictions: Ranged weapons using box magazines or power packs only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +3.

Booby Trapped
Those characters with a more paranoid outlook on life may consider the booby trapped
gadget for protecting their personal belongings. Any weapon with this gadget is designed
to function properly only for the owner or owners of the weapon, or for a particular
group of characters. If an unauthorized character picks up or attempts to use the weapon,
a special trap is immediately triggered. After a trap is triggered, only an authorized user
can reset the weapon to its normal state. When selecting the booby trap gadget, the
character must designate a single person or a particular group that can use the weapon
safely without triggering the trap. Additionally, the character must select a single trap
from the list below.
Barbs: The weapon rapidly projects spikes or blades from its grip, dealing 1d6 points of
damage to the user each round the weapon is held.
Electric Shock: Power cells in the weapon’s grip discharge and deal 1d6 points of
electricity damage to the user.
Stun Bolt: A stun shock (Constitution save DC 15) is discharged from a special nozzle
built into the weapon. See the stun module gadget for more information on the effects of
stun shocks.
Trigger Integrated Weapon: An integrated weapon is triggered and targets the
unauthorized user. This trap requires that the weapon make use of the alternate weapon
gadget (see above) and is typically used to trigger an explosive device.
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +6.

In situations that call for stealth and deception, it is of great value to be able to separate
an item into its parts and transport them in their broken down state. A weapon that
makes use of the collapsible gadget is easily disassembled and reassembled at a moment’s
notice. Breaking down a weapon into its individual parts requires an action, while
reassembling them in the correct order requires another action. Obviously, the weapons
must be fully assembled to be used. In its disassembled state, a weapon is not easily
identified; an Intelligence (Tech) check (DC 17) is required to identify a collapsed weapon
for what it really is.
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

By eliminating wasted space and using smaller components, some engineers are capable of
producing weapons far smaller than their standard counterparts. Any weapon that makes
use of the compact gadget is one size smaller than normal, to a minimum size of
This gadget can only be added to ranged weapons, as most melee weapons rely on size
and mass to deliver damage.
Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Some weapons can be installed (and operated from) inside other items; for example, guns
that fit into briefcases, grenades disguised as cosmetic products, and so forth. The
concealed item cannot be identified as a weapon except through close examination, or
when it is in use. The concealed weapon cannot be larger than the item in which it is
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

The weapon is attached to a power source. On a successful hit, the target takes additional
electrical damage as well as the damage dealt by the weapon (depending on the Purchase
DC Modifier, see below). Ranged weapons are not affected by this gadget.
Restrictions: Melee weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2 (+1d6 damage), +4 (+2d6 damage), +6 (+3d6 damage).

Expanded Magazine
Some weapon engineers recognize that stopping to reload a weapon in combat is a
dangerous and potentially life-threatening maneuver. Taking steps to reduce the amount
of time required to keep the weapon full, these engineers have increased the ammunition
capacity of the weapon to reduce the frequency with which it must be reloaded. Any
weapon with the expanded magazine gadget doubles its normal magazine capacity. This
gadget may only be taken once per weapon.
Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Extended Range
The range of the weapon is doubled. Melee weapons are not affected by this gadget.
Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2

Genetic Tags
Some law enforcement agencies and military units go out of their way to track the exact
actions of their members by placing an identifying marker on any ammunition expended.
This marker may come in the form of a serial number stamped on a weapon’s casing, or
may be as subtle as a chemical compound sprayed on the outside of the ammunition it
leaves the weapon’s chamber. Regardless of form, each round of ammunition that is fired
from the weapon bears a unique tag that corresponds to the genetic code of the person to
whom the weapon is assigned, immediately identifying the attacker to any forensic
Restrictions: Ranged ballistic weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Grappling Sheath
Grenades and mines can be fitted with custom grappling sheaths designed to adhere to
any surface against which they are thrown or placed. This gadget ensures that grenades
deviate much smaller distances, and emplaced bombs cannot be easily removed.
When throwing a grenade equipped with a grappling sheath, an attack that would
normally miss and roll away instead remains and detonates in the originally target space.
A mine equipped with a grappling sheath cannot be easily moved. A character
attempting to remove the mine can either disable the grappling sheath with a DC 20
Dexterity check, or rip the mine free with a DC 20 Strength check. Depending on the
mine's trigger, doing either of these things might cause it to detonate anyway.
Restrictions: Grenades and mines only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +3.

Improved Accuracy
Through rifling, laser rangefinding, and microcomputer targeting, this gadget improves
the accuracy of a ranged firearm, granting a +1 bonus on attack rolls. This gadget can be
selected for the same weapon multiple times, up to a maximum bonus of +4.
Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Improved Damage
This gadget increases the bore of a projectile weapon's barrels or improves the output of
an energy weapon, granting a +1 bonus on damage rolls. This gadget can be selected for
the same weapon multiple times, up to a maximum bonus of +4.
Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Improved Stopping Power

Incorporating modified chokes and reducing the impedance of focusing crystals allows
ranged weapons to produce significantly greater damage output. This gadget adds 1 die to
the weapon's damage (increasing damage from 2d8 to 3d8, for example).
Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +10.

Integrated Equipment
A particular piece of nonweapon equipment has been integrated into the weapon and can
be used by the weapon’s bearer at any time. This gadget is often used to give ranged
weapons features like glow-lamps or flares, though it is not limited to those applications.
Some weapons may use the integrated equipment gadget to incorporate a small computer
or sensor module, reducing the amount of equipment the character has to carry.
When selecting the integrated equipment gadget, choose a piece of equipment. That
equipment is integrated into the base weapon and can be used at any time. Additionally,
you must choose whether or not the equipment may be physically separated from the
base weapon or not at the time of purchase. This gadget may be selected multiple times,
each time adding a single additional piece of equipment to the base model.
Restrictions: The character must also purchase the piece of equipment to be integrated
separately from the weapon, before the gadget modification is made.
Purchase DC Modifier: +1.

By eliminating wasted space and using microscopic components, some engineers are
capable of producing weapons vastly smaller than normal. Any weapon that makes use of
the miniaturized gadget is two size categories smaller than normal, to a minimum size of
A weapon to which the miniaturized gadget has been added cannot fire standard
ammunition. It must fire appropriate ammunition modified by the miniaturized universal
equipment gadget.
This gadget can only be added to ranged weapons, as most melee weapons rely on size
and mass to deliver damage.
Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +5.

Motion-sensitive weaponry attacks any target moving faster than 5 feet per round. The
weapon's user chooses a 10 by 10 foot area for the weapon to cover; any eligible target in
the area causes the weapon to attack.
Restrictions: Grenades, mines, or automated ranged weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

The weapon is made with high-impact plastic parts, rather than metal. It does not register
to metal detection scans (though it does register to X-rays).
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +1.

Reduced Weight
The weight of the weapon is reduced by 25%.
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +1.

Scope, Rangefinding Laser
One of the most valuable additions to any weapon is a scope, allowing the bearer to target
opponents farther away than normal. What makes the rangefinding laser scope gadget so
valuable is that it serves two purposes. First, a weapon with this gadget increases its
ranges by one-half (multiply by 1.5). Additionally, the scope also sends out an invisible
laser that can determine the exact range to a target, and then relay that information via a
computer link. If that information is relayed to another weapon with the rangefinding
laser scope gadget targeting the same character or object, the second attacker gains a +1
equipment bonus on his first attack roll against the target. This allows multiple characters
with rangefinding laser scope gadgets to triangulate the exact position of a target and
ensures greater accuracy.
Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +1.

Scope, Video
The video scope is a special modification to ranged weapons that provides an easier way
to survey remote portions of the battlefield from the comfort of a safe haven. The video
scope is a three-inch- by-three-inch viewscreen attached to the rear of a standard scope.
It allows the weapon’s user to sit back and examine the details in the image rather than
having to press his eye against the scope. Additionally, the viewscreen can be used to
freeze-frame and take still images and boasts zoom and image enhancement software,
allowing on-the-fly computer analysis and dissection of battlefield images. Some video
scopes are capable of receiving broadcast images from remote locations, allowing the
screen to be used for video communication (by jacking in an optional earpiece and
microphone) or to transmit maps and movement orders with visual aides.
Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +3.

Sensor Baffling
From simple metal detectors to advanced x-ray scanners, there’s a way to detect every
weapon. As the technology level increases, so does the accuracy of weapons sensing
devices. The ability to confuse these sensors can be invaluable, especially when smuggling
weapons past security. Any weapon with the sensor baffling gadget grants advantage on
any checks made to conceal the weapon from sensors or other detection devices.
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Sound Activated
Sound-activated weaponry attacks any target that makes noise. The weaponry's user
chooses a 10 by 10 foot area for the weapon to cover; any elligble targets in the area cause
the weapon to attack. The weapon target via audio, so it cannot attack targets that it does
not hear (for targets using Stealth, assume the weapon has a Perception modifier of +0).
Restrictions: Grenades, mines or automated ranged weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

Stun Module
One advantage of energy weapons over their ballistic and physical counterparts is that
they are capable of altering their own output on the fly. With the stun module gadget,
this means that an energy weapon can be used to apply nonlethal force. The stun module
is an alternate firing mode; switching to or from stun mode is a free action (just like
changing a weapon’s rate of fire). Whenever a character fires a weapon set to stun and
successfully hits the target, the target must make a Constitution save (DC determined by
cost of the gadget) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.
Restrictions: Energy weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2 (Con DC 12); +4 (Con DC 15); +6 (Con DC 18).

Techno-Organic Makeup
Though the technology of Earth is based on electronics and mechanics, some alien
cultures may have developed technology based on living organisms working in harmony
for an intended purpose. Additionally, advanced civilizations may make use of certain
biological forms of technology integrated with their own mechanical devices to form a
techno-organic hybrid capable of performing certain tasks with increased efficiency.
A weapon with the techno-organic makeup gadget is composed of living tissue or a
biological/mechanical hybrid material. Unlike normal weapons, the weapon with this
gadget heals itself at a rate of one hit point per hour when damaged. Additionally,
weapons with this gadget are susceptible to diseases and poisons specifically designed to
target techno-organic material.
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Thermal Targeting
Weaponry equipped with thermal targeting systems homes in on any target that produces
heat in a certain temperature range, specified by the weapon's user. Attacks made with
the weapon gain advantage on attack rolls against target in that temperature range, but
gain disadvantage on attack rolls against targets in other temperature ranges. Resetting
the temperature range is an action.
Restrictions: Grenades, mines or automated ranged weapons.
Purchase DC Modifier: +3.

Temperature Range Sample Targets

Low Medium reptiles, small mammals, tiny
Average Large reptiles, medium mammals
(including most humanoid races), small
robots, lanterns, candles
Above Average Huge reptiles, large mammals, medium
robots or vehicles, torches, campfires, got
ovens, electric vehicles
High Gargantuan reptiles, huge mammals, large
robots or vehicles
Very High Gargantuan mammals, huge robots or
vehicles, bonfires, furnaces
Extreme Gargantuan robots or vehicles, lava, lasers

Variable Ammunition
Firearms typically draw their ammunition from a single source and do so until they are
reloaded with a fresh magazine. The variable ammunition gadget changes this; it allows
the user to load an additional type of ammunition. This essentially doubles the
ammunition capacity of the weapon and allows the user to switch between the two
different types of ammunition as a free action.
This gadget may be selected multiple times, each time adding a single additional magazine
capacity for a different type of ammunition.
Restrictions: Ranged ballistic weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

Variable Charge
As with the stun module gadget, the variable charge gadget takes advantage of an energy
weapon’s ability to modify the damage caused by its own shots. This gadget gives the user
the ability to “power up” his or her shots by focusing more energy into a single blast. A
weapon with the variable charge gadget may be primed as an action, increasing the
damage of its next shot by +1 die. For example, a weapon that normally deals 2d6 points
of damage deals 3d6 points of damage after being primed for one round. A weapon may
be primed for up to three rounds. If primed for more than three rounds, it becomes
unstable; on the fourth round the weapon must be fired or else it explodes and deals the
fully charged damage (normal weapon damage, +4 dice) to the user. When this occurs,
the weapon is completely destroyed.
Restrictions: Ranged energy weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +6.

Voice-activated weaponry allows the weilder to switch between firing modes (including
activating or deactivating the safety) as a free action, even without the use of one's hands,
and including when the weapon is out of one's hands. A voice-recognition chip can be
installed (at additional cost) to ensure that only the weapon's registered owner can issue
commands to that weapon.
Restrictions: Ranged weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2 (+4 with voice-recognition chip).

Voice Recognition System

A countermeasure commonly built into weapons is the voice recognition system gadget.
It requires any user to speak a command word to unlock the weapon before it can be
used. Some weapons couple the voice recognition system with the booby trap gadget to
require a voice command to reset the weapon to its previous state. Any weapon with the
voice recognition system gadget will not fire or activate unless the owner (or designated
group) gives the command word to the weapon.
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +1.

Armor Gadgets
Environment Seal
Since many armors are designed with a particular environment in mind, this gadget
provides the wearer protection from harsh conditions. The environment seal gadget
transforms any armor into a stable and insulated artificial environment. This provides the
wearer with the right amount of breathable air and external pressure to assure comfort
and survival for up to eight hours, ensuring that the armor can function in the extremes
of the deep sea or deep space, along with any environment in between. Only certain
types of armor can handle this modification and those that do usually integrate a sealed
helmet, body glove, and emergency air tanks to generate internal atmosphere.
Restrictions: Medium or heavy armors only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

This armor has been strengthened and expanded with durable metal alloys and hardened
plastic weaves, granting a +1 bonus to its AC. This gadget can be selected for the same
armor multiple times, up to a maximum bonus of +4.
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Integrated Equipment
A particular piece of nonweapon equipment has been integrated into the armor and can
be used by the armor’s wearer at any time. This gadget is often used to add features such
as glow-lamps or duracable to armor, though it is not limited to those applications.
Indeed, some armors are intended to make their wearers into independent one-person
armies, and sport a dozen or more such equipment integrations.
When selecting the integrated equipment gadget, choose a piece of equipment. That
equipment is integrated into the base armor and can be used at any time. Additionally,
you must choose whether or not the equipment may be physically separated from the
base armor or not at the time of purchase. This gadget may be selected multiple times,
each time adding a single additional piece of equipment to the base model.
Restrictions: The character must also purchase the piece of equipment to be integrated
separately from the armor, before the gadget modification is made.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

Integrated Weapon
Some armors are designed with specific combat purposes in mind and build in certain
weapons as standard equipment. Examples run from a pair of pop-out wrist blades to
shoulder-mounted plasma cannons. Additionally, many armors link their weapons to
integrated heads-up displays, turning the user into a walking combat machine.
When selecting the integrated weapon gadget, choose a single weapon. That weapon is
integrated into the base armor and can be used at any time. Additionally, you must
choose whether or not the weapon may be physically separated from the base armor or
not at the time of purchase. This gadget may be selected multiple times, each time adding
a single additional weapon to the base armor.
Restrictions: The character must also purchase the weapon to be integrated separately
from the base armor, before the gadget modification is made.
Purchase DC Modifier: +1.

Prehensile Appendage
Useful for scientists, explorers, and others that have need for an extra hand, the
prehensile appendage gadget is both utilitarian and expensive. Essentially, this gadget
consists of a long flexible cylinder capped at the end with a grasping claw that attaches to
the armor’s side or back. The prehensile appendage gadget essentially gives the wearer of
the armor an additional hand with which to hold and manipulate objects. The gadget
cannot be used to make normal melee attacks or fire ranged weapons, but it can make
grapple attempts (with a modifier equal to 2 + the user's proficiency modifier). The
appendage is controlled through a pair of gloves worn by the user; by issuing commands
via a specific set of hand signs, the wearer can order the gadget to pick up, drop, or
manipulate an object once per round as a free action.
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +6.

The self-repairing gadget implements nanotechnology in its infancy to repair minor
damage to armor. Whenever the armor is damaged, the self-repairing gadget immediately
issues commands to a set of nanites that move to the problem spot and begin making
repairs. If the armor has had its AC reduced by acid, psionics, or other damaging effects, it
restores 1 point of AC per round.
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +6.

Storage Compartment
A simple but often overlooked modification that can be of great benefit in almost any
situation is the ability to store and carry small items in a safe place. The storage
compartment gadget accomplishes just that, incorporating an empty space where other
objects can be carried by the wearer with relative ease. Each storage compartment gadget
allows the wearer to carry two items of size Small or smaller in a container built into the
armor. This gadget may be taken multiple times, each time providing another
compartment where small items may be carried.
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +1.

Techno-Organic Makeup
Though the technology of Earth is based on electronics and mechanics, some alien
cultures may have developed technology based on living organisms working in harmony
for an intended purpose. Additionally, advanced civilizations may make use of certain
biological forms of technology integrated with their own mechanical devices to form a
techno-organic hybrid capable of performing certain tasks with increased efficiency.
An armor with the techno-organic makeup gadget is composed of living tissue or a
biological/mechanical hybrid material. Unlike normal armors, armor with this gadget
heals itself at a rate of one hit point per hour when damaged. Additionally, armor with
this gadget is susceptible to diseases and poisons specifically designed to target techno-
organic material.
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

Ultralight Composition
The development of new and experimental alloys constantly allows armor technology to
advance to the point where once bulky and heavy armors become as easy to carry as
lighter models. Any armor with the ultralight composition gadget weighs significantly
less than similar pieces of armor and is more easily used and worn. The armor reduces its
weight category by one (so medium armor becomes light, and heavy become medium),
and its carry weight by half.
Heavy armors made light lose their Strength requirement and allow the wearer to apply
their Dexterity modifier to their AC, to a maximum of 2. Medium armors made light
allow the wearer to apply their full Dexterity modifier to their AC.
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

Equipment Gadgets
By eliminating wasted space and using smaller components, some engineers are capable of
producing equipment far smaller than its standard counterparts. Any piece of equipment
that makes use of the compact gadget is one size smaller than normal, to a minimum size
of Diminutive.
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +1.

HUD Software, Biosensor

A piece of software for the heads-up display device, biosensor software allows the wearer
of the HUD to identify potential weaknesses in enemies. When worn, the biosensor can
identify exactly how many hit points a target has left. Initiating this scan requires a full-
round action, however, as the target must be kept precisely within the sensor’s range for
the duration of the scan.
Restrictions: Heads-up displays only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

HUD Software, Sensor Link

A piece of software for the heads-up display device, the sensor link allows the user to
directly link any computer sensor to the HUD. As a result, any sensor can be used hands-
free as a free action, provided they are present on the character’s person.
Restrictions: Heads-up display only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +1.

HUD Software, Targeting

A piece of software for the heads-up display device, targeting software links directly to a
ranged weapon’s video scope. This allows the character to see exactly what the video
scope displays without having to look at the weapon. A character with this gadget can fire
from cover (around a corner, behind a wall etc) without exposing themselves. When they
blindfire from cover, they don’t suffer disadvantage on their attack roll, while they still
impose disadvantage on anyone firing at them as normal.
Restrictions: Heads-up display only, requires weapon with video scope gadget.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2.

By eliminating wasted space and using microscopic components, some engineers are
capable of producing equipment vastly smaller than normal. Any weapon that makes use
of the miniaturized gadget is two size categories smaller than normal, to a minimum size
of Diminutive.
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +3.

Multiple Use Item
Similar in function to the alternate weapon gadget, the multiple use item gadget allows
the character to integrate the function of two separate items into a single device.
When selecting the multiple use item gadget, choose a second object. That object is
integrated into the base object and can be used at any time. Additionally, you must
choose whether or not the alternate object may be physically separated from the base
weapon or not at the time of purchase. This gadget may be selected multiple times, each
time adding a single additional piece of equipment to the base object.
Restrictions: The character must also purchase the piece of equipment to be integrated
separately from the armor, before the gadget modification is made.
Purchase DC Modifier: +1.

Paint-On LCD
One of the most revolutionary advances in computer technology during the Information
Age and beyond is the paint-on LCD gadget. This allows almost any surface to be used as
a computer display, as it grafts the color-changing pixels common to all display devices
onto another surface.
Any piece of equipment with the paint-on LCD gadget can be used as a display for any
piece of computer or communications equipment. Additionally, weapons and armor may
make use of the paint-on LCD gadget at the normal cost, but gain no special benefit from
the modification other than being able to display data.
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

Satellite Datalink
At the dawn of the Information Age, the value of knowledge and accurate intelligence
became a crucial aspect of warfare. The ability to connect to a global communications
network was critical to the success of any army, as intelligence traveled at the speed of
light across the globe to command centers safe behind defended battle lines. The satellite
datalink gadget enables any piece of equipment, from computer to communication device
to heads-up display, to connect to a global (or, if in place, galactic) satellite network and
communicate with computer systems in far remote areas.
Restrictions: This gadget may only be used with gear containing computerized
communications equipment.
Purchase DC Modifier: +1.

Storage Compartment
Like the gadget used for armor, the ability to store and carry small items in a safe place
can sometimes be of critical importance. The storage compartment gadget accomplishes
just that, incorporating an empty space where other objects can be carried with relative
ease. Each storage compartment gadget allows the wearer to carry two items of size Small
or smaller in a container built into the piece of equipment. This gadget may be taken
multiple times, each time providing another compartment where small items may be
Restrictions: None.
Purchase DC Modifier: +1.


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