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Creative Partnership Archive

Space: Nat Urwin & Otis T aylor

29th Oct 2011

30th Oct 2011

I tried uploading loads of work but my internet went berzerkk :S so Im gonna do it soon

So what are your texts? I havent seen anything on your blog yet :)

31st Oct 2011

How are you doing with your project so far?

31st Oct 2011

Im alright, having a slow start but I will get the hang of it. My internet in halls doesnt work so have to go into uni everyday. Hows your project?

31st Oct 2011

My project was going ne but this cold has put me in a creative unk.
2nd Nov 2011

Hey Nat :) Im ne thanks, how are you? Can you give me the name of some people who did their work on journey to the centre of the earth please?

2nd Nov 2011

Yeah sure, Ill check and get back to you

16th Nov 2011

Hey, hows your project going?

16th Nov 2011

Not good, I have a creative block at the moment, and I have a huge cold and I cant get anything done.

16th Nov 2011

Ok mate, well, what kind of space do you have where you are? Yesterday did the trick for me, I got messy with paint and I seem to have kicked out of the block. Is this something you think would help?
16th Nov 2011

Ive tried that already, its just that I feel crap and I cant concentrate on work.

16th Nov 2011

Hmm, we will have to x this ESP with just over a week left....
16th Nov 2011

Yeh, well Im gonna do loads of work tonight and Im gonna upload it all. I promise and whenever your in, we have to meet up and get on with a lot of critiquing. How does that sound?

16th Nov 2011

Yeah sounds good. Im in friday

17th Nov 2011

Hows the block going?

17th Nov 2011

Overcame it! Just gonna upload loads tonight. What about you?

17th Nov 2011

Yeah Im feeling creative :) been doing some drawing

17th Nov 2011

Woo! There we go. So are you close to having a nal piece yet? :)

17th Nov 2011

Close to one. You?

17th Nov 2011

Yeh getting there :)

17th Nov 2011

Hey, have you tried the suggestions I made yesterday? Ive been uploading, check it out and put some feedback on there please :)

22nd Nov 2011

Hey hows your progress? Im feeling the pressure for you, whats the plan? How much of the writing have you done? How far are you with your images?

22nd Nov 2011

Oi- you can get this done :)

23rd Nov 2011

Thank you :D

23rd Nov 2011

Hows it going?
23rd Nov 2011

Great! Just gonna nish off my second and third piece tonight :)

23rd Nov 2011

And the rest?

23rd Nov 2011

What do you mean? Im getting a lot of things done tonight including CD Artwork, Reviews and Essay stuff.

23rd Nov 2011

So you think youll nish everything?

23rd Nov 2011

Yeah im gonna try my very best!

24th Nov 2011

Hows it going?

24th Nov 2011

Good, nished my second nal piece and now about to nish the third now :) Just done my cd design. How about you?
24th Nov 2011

Just nishing up my essay :)

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