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1. there are many changes in my life my lifestyle, my body, my mood and my attitudes.

I'm losing myself, I don't let insecurity and sadness weaken me forever. I Remember that I am
in a temporary situation not forever as long as I understand that I am in a crisis. Solve this
crisis knowing that I can get through it. Imagine I'm in a dark tunnel where we can't see any
light, but I'm sure we'll get to the end. Never run and do not realize even indifferent to the
situation that is being experienced. Face it and rediscover myself. As a person I am a unique, And
I different in my own ways. Most often, this differences is projected by how can I treat other person, my
perspective in life, my aspirations, my principles and my personality. As a person, I really don't know yet
very well who are me and my qualities. But, I always remember that through exploration and life
experiences, I will develop into somebody who has self-worth, self-image, and a self-aware. For now,
my personality through my actions and preferences to know your qualities. Gaining some distance
can help you know yourself better. Keeping a diary, pausing for self-reflection and having
probing conversations with others have a long tradition, but whether these methods enable
us to know ourselves is hard to tell. In fact, sometimes doing the opposite such as letting go is
more helpful because it provides some distance. Perspective taking helps you feel closer and
more connected to your partner because you are more likely to share your partner’s world
view. which can feel what my partner feeling. more than this ability to sense my partner
feelings, I can also sense to my partner thinking. In their words, perspective taking “is a
cognitive aspect of empathy, linked to mentalizing and involving the capacity to understand
that others have their own perspectives, motives, emotions, and histories that influence their
behavior. I well being able to openly communicate my thoughts and feelings to my partner,
and also being able to trust that they will communicate their thoughts and feelings to me.

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