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Final Test / Page 01

NANE: _______________________________________________________ DATE: ______________GRADE: ______

I. Change these sentences to reported speech: ( 12 points )

1. Tom said, “I like fruit.” __________________________________________________________________________
2. Jim said to Rui, “I will go out tomorrow.” ___________________________________________________________
3. Helen said to Bill, “Eat your dinner now.” ___________________________________________________________
4. Bob said to Jenny, “Don’t speak loudly.” ____________________________________________________________
5. Henry asked Janet, “Can Bob go to school now?” _____________________________________________________
6. Jorge asked Suelen, “Where did Breno study Italian?___________________________________________________

II. Use the second conditional: ( 06 points )

1. If you _____________________ a lot of work, you _____________________ a lot of money. (have / make)
2. If I ______________________ her, I ________________________ her your message. ( see / give )
3. If it _________________________, we _________________________ soccer. ( rain / play )

III. Find the mistakes: ( 10 points )

1. We will be allowed to visit them tomorrow. (________)
2. I saw my students done their homework in the classroom. (________)
3. We used to lived in a big house, but we don’t anymore. (________)
4. Nara said she will travel to Italy the next day. (________)
5. Your father told me to not drive his car anymore. (________)
6. You should have ate less last night. (________)
7. Bill told his daughter don’t write on the wall. (________)
8. They made their son to go to school. (________)
9. Sarah asked her father if she can drive his car. (________)
10. We had better to study for our English test tomorrow. (________)

IV. Complete the sentences: ( 20 points )

1. Your had better ________________________________________________________________________________
2. I am supposed to _______________________________________________________________________________
3. Jenny is allowed to ______________________________________________________________________________
4. I came here so that ______________________________________________________________________________
5. You should have _______________________________________________________________________________
6. I saw Bruna ___________________________________________________________________________________
7. Tom made his son ______________________________________________________________________________
8. Bob let us _____________________________________________________________________________________
9. They ought to __________________________________________________________________________________
10. We want him _________________________________________________________________________________

V. Use look / sound / feel / taste / smell: (10 points )

1. She has a good voice. She _____________________ like a singer.
2. That man is very tall. He ___________________ like a football player.
3. I love your perfume. It ___________________ like roses.
4. This ice cream is delicious. It __________________ like homemade ice cream.
5. It’s very hot today. It ____________________ like summer.

VI. Choose the right answer: (04 points )

1. He ________________________ a good speech yesterday. ( made – did )
2. When did you _____________________ the chores? ( make – do )
3. They’re _________________________ a cake in the kitchen. ( making – doing )
4. Sam’s _________________________ her homework. ( making – doing )
American Shine 6 / Final Test / Page 02

VII. Choose the right answer: ( 06 points )

1. Jim should _________________________ smoking.

a) stop b) stops c) stopped
2. I heard Billy _______________________ yesterday.
a) sings b) sing c) sang
3. Jane _________________________ us study hard.
a) made b) wanted c) asked
4. Bob is allowed _______________ home now.
a) go b) goes c) to go
5. ________________________ it rained a lot, we enjoyed our vacation.
a) Although b) Because of c) In spite of
6. She can’t have ______________________ me. She passed me without.
a) see b) seen c) saw

VIII. Use the Future Continuous. Use the verb from the list: ( 06 points )

retire / eat / take / fly / graduate / celebrate / play

1. In a week’s time, we ______________________________ to Europe.

2. Soon I _____________________________ from work.
3. Two weeks from now, she ____________________________ her birthday.

IX. Complete the sentences using the Future Perfect: ( 02 points )

1. Two years from now, John ____________________________________ his course. ( finish )

2. When they reach Rio, They _______________________________ around the world. ( ride )

X. Put the verb in the correct form ( Gerund or Infinitive ): ( 04 points )

1. She will get used to ____________________________ alone. ( live )
2. We used to _____________________________ beer. ( drink )
3. I am used to ___________________________ at night. ( work )
4. Did Rui use to ____________________________ well? ( swim )

XI. Choose the right alternative: ( 04 points )

1. I have my lunch _________________________. ( to prepare / prepare / prepared )
2. Bill has Nancy ____________________________ his house. ( to clean / clean / cleaned )
3. He got me _________________________ with him. ( to travel / travel / traveled )
4. They got their house _________________________ last month. ( to paint / paint / painted )

XII. Use the Third Conditional: ( 03 points )

1. If you ______________________________ to me, I ____________________ you. ( talk / help )

2. If she __________________________ careful, she ______________________ her car. ( be / not crush )
3. If Ted __________________________ to Spain, he ______________________ a better job. ( go / get )

XIII. Use could have / must have / can’t have: ( 04 points )

1. Gaby hats chocolates. She __________________________________ them. ( eat )
2. They ________________________________ better grades, but they didn’t study. ( get )
3. Simon was smiling. He ______________________________ the game. ( win )
4. Nara is very sick. She _____________________________ a lot yesterday. ( eat )

XIV. Choose the correct verb to replace the verb GET: ( 04 points )
1. Gloria got _________________________ some peaches at the marked. ( bought / reached )
2. Jim got __________________________ to the station in time to take the train. ( arrived / became )
3. Mom is getting ___________________________ lunch for us. ( preparing / having )
4. You’ll get ____________________________ a cold. ( persuade / catch )

XV. Use although / in spite of / because / because of to complete the sentences: ( 05 points )
1. ______________________________ being tired, he helped us.
2. I went home ________________________ I was sick.
3. _________________________ she studied hard, she didn’t pass.
4. I couldn’t sleep __________________________ the noise.
5. ______________________ it rained a lot, we enjoyed our vacation.

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