Workshop 1, Grade 7!

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Institución Educativa Tomas Carrasquilla

“Creciendo Juntos para aprender a aprender”


CÓDIGO: M1-PL01 - FR01 VERSIÓN: 01 Name::

TEACHER: Norela Ramírez
Name: _____________________________________ Date:_________________________________
1.Lee con Atención y complete el siguiente cuadro.

Esteban Ellas
Nosotros La casa
Yo Las casas
Esteban y Camilo El león y el tigre
el usted
Juan Nicolas
ustedes Sara y Evelyn
Ella Jacob y sara
Jhon y yo eso
tú Tu y yo
2.Escribe en inglés las siguientes oraciones
a. Ella es mi amiga _____________________________________
b. Frank y Marcos estan en la escuela. ___________________________________
c. Ellos son mi familia. ____________________________________
d. Ustedes estan en clase _____________________________________
e. Yo estoy en casa y el esta jugando.
3. Lee el siguiente texto y responde Falso o verdadero
Hello, My name is Jhon. I’m with my family today. We are at home, and every member of my family are
in different parts of my house doing different things. My mother Ana’s in the kitchen preparing
breakfast. She´s not watching t.v. My Father Mario’s in the garage with grandfather Manuel. They’re
fixing the car, they’re not painting the garage. My sisters Amanda and Luisa are the attic. Amanda’s
reading book. Luisa isn’t a book because she’s playing cards with a friend. My grandmother Dora´s in
the garden, she´s watering the plants and planting flowers. She´s not playing with the dog, because the
dog’s playing with the cat in the backyard. I’m happy today in my house with my family. They’re doing
different things and I’m studying English.

STATEMENT True/false
A Jhon is not at home today
B Dora is in the garden watering the plants and planting
C Amanda and Luisa are not in the attic, they’re in the
D Luisa is reading a book with a friend
E The dog and the cat are playing in the bacyard

4. ¿Cúal de las siguientes opciones no corresponde a un pronombre personal en inglés?

a. I b. she c. me d. they
5. ¿Cuál es el grupo del verb To Be en presente que acompaña a cada uno de los siguientes
pronombres She, he, it?
a. am b. are c. is
Institución Educativa Tomas Carrasquilla
“Creciendo Juntos para aprender a aprender”


CÓDIGO: M1-PL01 - FR01 VERSIÓN: 01 Name::

6. Para decir Juan y Ana estan en el parque la opción correcta sería:

a. Juan and Ana is in the park b. Juan and Ana are in the park c. Juan and Ana am in the park
7. Para decir Yo estoy en las casa y Jorge esta en el restaurante sería:
a. I am in the house and Jorge are in restaurant. B. I are in the house and Jorge is the restaurant.
c. I am in the house and Jorge is in the restaurant.
8. Las opciones que major complementan el siguiente texto son:

Hello, my name _____ Hector. I am _____ my house, in the living room with my wife, her name ____
Dora. We are ______ the sofa. My son Miguel _____ with his friends in his bedroom
a.Am – is – are- on – at b. is – in -is – on – is c. are – on – is- on – are d. is -on – is -in - are

9. Selecciona las 5 frases que podrían describir la imagen

a.They are in the living room on the sofa and the dog is running.

b.He is Brayan and his wife Marina. They are in the living room.

c.Brayan is on the sofa.

d.Marina is in the kitchen watching TV.

e.The dog is on the floor sleeping. The dog is not watching TV.

f.Brayan is on the bed, he is watching TV and his wife Marina is reading a book.

g.Marina is reading a book, Brayan is watching TV, and the dog is sleeping.

i.They are Brayan and his wife Marina. They are in the house, in the living room on the sofa. Brayan
is watching TV, Marina is reading a book and the dog is sleeping. The dog is not watching TV.
10. Selecciona las 3 posibles respuestas según la imagen, fíjate en la pregunta para responder.
Institución Educativa Tomas Carrasquilla
“Creciendo Juntos para aprender a aprender”


CÓDIGO: M1-PL01 - FR01 VERSIÓN: 01 Name::


a. We are in the house, in the bedroom on the bed
b. I am reading a book
c. I’m in the house, in the bedroom on the bed
d. We are in the bathroom
e. I’m on my bed reading a book
f. I am in my bedroom reading a book on my bed.
g. I am watching t.v on my bed.

11. según el orden de las oraciones, cúal no corresponde a la imagen

Institución Educativa Tomas Carrasquilla
“Creciendo Juntos para aprender a aprender”


CÓDIGO: M1-PL01 - FR01 VERSIÓN: 01 Name::

12. Seleccione la opción que completa la siguiente pregunta: How many new sofas ________ in the
a. is there b.there is c.are there d. there are

13. Coloca las siguientes oraciones en su forma negativa e interrogativa. Ten presente el uso
adecuado de los auxiliares DO-DOES.

a. Jhon sleeps on his bed

(-) ____________________________________________
(¿) ____________________________________________
b. They speak English every day
(-) ____________________________________________
(¿) ____________________________________________
c. Her son does the homework with his friend
(-) ____________________________________________
(¿) ____________________________________________
d. They watch a movie in the living room.
(-) ____________________________________________
(¿) ____________________________________________
e. The plane fly very high.
(-) ____________________________________________
(¿) ____________________________________________

14. Lee el siguiente texto y utiliza “because “ para las respuestas.

Institución Educativa Tomas Carrasquilla
“Creciendo Juntos para aprender a aprender”


CÓDIGO: M1-PL01 - FR01 VERSIÓN: 01 Name::

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