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Experimental Parasitology 199 (2019) 9–16

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The diagnosis of canine visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil: Confronting old T

Rômulo Pessoa-e-Silvaa, Victor Vaitkevicius-Antãoa, Thiago André Santos de Andradeb,
Anny Caroliny de Oliveira Silvaa, Gilsan Aparecida de Oliveirac,
Lays Adrianne Mendonça Trajano-Silvad, Eiji Kevin Nakasone Nakasoneb,
Milena de Paiva-Cavalcantia,∗
Aggeu Magalhães Institute, Av. Moraes Rego, Cidade Universitária, CEP 50670-420, Recife-PE, Brazil
Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE), R. Manuel de Medeiros, s/n - Dois Irmãos, CEP 52171-900, Recife-PE, Brazil
CESMAC University Center, R. da Harmônia - Farol, CEP 57081-350, Maceió-AL, Brazil
University of São Paulo (USP), Av. Bandeirantes, CEP 14049-900, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, SP, Brazil


Keywords: In Brazil, the main strategy adopted to contain Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is the controversial culling of dogs
Visceral leishmaniasis with reagent serology for Canine VL (CVL). Despite there are studies showing that significant reduction of human
Dog cases has not been observed, as well as there are works demonstrating the occurrence of false-positive results in
Diagnosis the confirmatory test, the protocol has been maintained. Researches that can reinforce the existence and per-
sistence of this problem, as well as bring concrete alternatives are pivotal. In this context, the aim of this work
was to evaluate and compare the serological, molecular and parasitological methods employed for CVL detection
in Brazil, in dogs with diverse clinical profiles, from two endemic areas of Pernambuco state. Comparisons
among TR-DPP®, EIE-LVC and qPCR (animals from Goiana-PE: 91) demonstrated that agreements varied from
‘poor’ to ‘moderate’ (kappa = 0.162–0.442), and a triple agreement occurred in 61.36% (54/88) of the samples.
The highest percentage of agreement was obtained between TR-DPP® and EIE-LVC within the polysymptomatic
group (93.33%; 14/15). Of the 34 dogs with reagent serology from Caruaru-PE, 17 (50%) and 29 dogs (85.29%)
were positive for qPCR and parasitological exam, respectively. By comparing serology, qPCR and parasitological
exam, the lowest percentage of agreements were obtained within the asymptomatic group (40%–72.72%). It was
possible to observe that the percentage of agreement tended to decrease according to the absence of clinical
manifestations in the dogs. Thus, from the fact that all diagnostic tools evaluated have their limitations, it is very
important to be careful before to propose an alternative set of diagnostic criteria. Besides, the answer for better
results in the control of CVL may not be in the choose of the best set of diagnostic tools, but it may be in the
strategy of culling itself. In this context, it is very important to invest in alternative control measures, such as
mass vaccination and treatment of dogs, thus reducing the transmission to the vector and helping to avoid new
canine and human cases.

1. Introduction number of infected individuals is higher than in any other country from
Latin America, and the victims are normally those with lower incomes
The zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a neglected and severe from rural and peri-urban areas (Romero and Boelaert, 2010; Brasil,
disease caused by protozoan parasites (Kinetoplastida: 2014). In the biological cycle of VL, domestic dogs are considered a key
Trypanosomatidae) of the genus Leishmania (Elmahallawy et al., 2014), element, since the infected animals may harbor in their dermis a high
and it has been reported in several areas around the world, including number of macrophages infected with amastigote forms, thereby be-
South America and Southern Europe (Dujardin, 2006). In Brazil, the coming infective to the vector (Neves, 2016). The proximity to the

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: (R. Pessoa-e-Silva), (V. Vaitkevicius-Antão), (T.A.S. de Andrade), (A.C. de Oliveira Silva), (G.A. de Oliveira), (L.A.M. Trajano-Silva), (E.K.N. Nakasone), (M. de Paiva-Cavalcanti).
Received 1 November 2018; Received in revised form 1 January 2019; Accepted 19 February 2019
Available online 20 February 2019
0014-4894/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
R. Pessoa-e-Silva, et al. Experimental Parasitology 199 (2019) 9–16

human environment increases their epidemiological importance Significant divergences among the results given by reference tech-
(Gramiccia and Gradoni, 2005). niques for CVL diagnosis have been reported by several authors (Gomes
The parasitic specie commonly associated with Canine VL (CVL) is et al., 2008; Nunes et al., 2015), and this has been a current topic of
L. (Leishmania) infantum (syn. L. (L.) chagasi). The CVL is endemic in debate. These studies indicate an urgent necessity to establish a reliable
more than 70 countries, being reported in Africa, Asia, Southern set of criteria to determine CVL, aiming to minimize the false negatives
Europe, South America, Central America, and even in the South of the and especially the false-positive results, thus avoiding the erroneous
United States (Petersen and Barr, 2009; Kaszak et al., 2015). Clinical euthanasia of dogs, adopted in Brazil as a control measure for VL.
signs such as onychogryphosis, splenomegaly, lymphadenomegaly, Studies that may strengthen the proof of the existence of this problem
dermatitis and keratoconjunctivitis may occur in different stages of the inside of dog populations of different regions are pivotal.
disease. Renal injury is commonly associated to death in CVL (Solano- Considering that all diagnostic methods have their advantages, but
Gallego et al., 2009; Sousa et al., 2016). Nevertheless, dogs generally also significative limitations, in this work we compared different
develop subclinical infection, which makes it more difficult to detect techniques (serological, molecular and parasitological) employed for
(Hosein et al., 2017). CVL detection in Brazil for different purposes, tested/performed in dogs
For the controlling of the CVL, the detection, quantification and with diverse clinical profiles, from two endemic areas of Pernambuco
mapping of infected dogs through active searches is an important step state. From the results, we demonstrate if the establishment of a reliable
for the strategic direction of control measures (Travi et al., 2018). set of criteria to CVL diagnosis at different situations is a feasible goal.
Commonly, serological tests for the detection of anti-Leishmania anti-
bodies such as the Direct Agglutination Test (DAT) and the Im- 2. Material and methods
munochromatographic Rapid Test (ICT) are employed to perform the
screening during these searches due to their practicality, low cost and 2.1. Sampling
high sensitivity (Adams et al., 2012; Da Silva et al., 2013). The ICTs are
broadly used in field and in clinics since provide very fast results, but A sampling of convenience was adopted (Reis, 2003). Blood samples
the accuracy varies according to the antigen employed: by evaluating were collected from dogs coming from endemic areas for VL in Per-
six different ICTs for CVL, sensitivity varied from 63.6% to 98%, and nambuco state (PE), Brazil. The field searches were performed in a rural
specificity varied from 60% to 100% (Otranto et al., 2004; Athanasiou area from Goiana city, located in the northern part of the state of
et al., 2014; Solano-Gallego et al., 2014; De Mendonça et al., 2017). The Pernambuco (Lat. 07° 33′38″ S, Lon. 35° 00′9″ W). Some samples were
Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) is another broadly em- also collected from suspected animals belonging to the Unidade de
ployed tool, but just as the ICTs, its sensitivity depends on the antigen Controle de Zoonoses (UCZ), located in Caruaru city (PE) (Lat. 08° 16′53″
employed (Gomes et al., 2008; Srivastava et al., 2011). ELISA allows the S, Lon. 35° 58′25″ W) (Fig. 1).
screening of a large number of samples and may use a combination of
multiple antigens to increase specificity and sensitivity (Soto et al.,
1998; Travi et al., 2018). In Brazil, according to the protocol estab- 2.2. Clinical evaluation and sample collection
lished by the Ministry of Health for CVL diagnosis, the ICT is used as
screening tool, and the ELISA as confirmatory test (Coura-Vital et al., The owners of the animals were invited to participate of the re-
2014). search, and after the acceptance, they signed an informed consent form,
Despite their advantages, it is important to mention that serological authorizing the use of the material collected for scientific purposes.
diagnostic methods have important limitations, which impair the de- For each animal, the clinical status was assessed and then the
finitive diagnosis of L. infantum infection, especially in asymptomatic findings were recorded on a specific form, prior to sample collection.
dogs (Fraga et al., 2016; Solano-Gallego et al., 2017). Immunological The following signals/symptoms were investigated: weight loss, hepa-
tests may present cross-reactivity with other trypanosomatids such as tosplenomegaly, lymphadenomegaly, ulcerative/seborrheic dermatitis,
Trypanosoma cruzi, with protozoa from other families such as Tox- generalized or localized alopecia, onychogryphosis, cardiorespiratory
oplasma gondii, or even with the bacteria Ehrlichia canis (Zanette et al., changes, mucosal bleeding/secretions and neurological changes. From
2014), and they may not to differentiate naturally infected and vacci- these findings, each animal was classified as asymptomatic (no signals/
nated dogs (Solano-Gallego et al., 2017). symptoms suggestive of CVL), oligosymptomatic (one to three clinical
Molecular methods have the potential to overcome the hindrances signs, for example dogs with lymphoid adenopathy, weight loss and
of serological procedures, but they are still relatively expensive. opaque hair), and polysymptomatic (more than three signals/symp-
Therefore, they are still not entirely feasible for field research toms) (Queiroz et al., 2011).
(Magalhães et al., 2017; Singh and Sundar, 2015). Possibility of false- After clinical evaluation, peripheral blood collection was performed
negative results associated with losses in the extraction protocol, pre- by venipuncture using a 10 mL syringe coupled to a 25 × 7 mm needle,
sence of Taq polymerase inhibitors or incorrect storage still exists; and two different collection tubes (5 mL): one serum tube and one tube
nonetheless, the use of endogenous controls has minimized this oc- with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid – EDTA (Vacuette®, SP, BR). A
currence in routine (Gonçalves-de-Albuquerque et al., 2014). An in- cotton soaked with alcohol 70% was used for asepsis. Each sample was
teresting fact is that Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and its variations unequivocally identified and properly transported to the laboratory,
can be used in addition to other tests and, together to clinical aspects, where they were aliquoted and stored in freezer (−20 °C) until the
bring an even greater reliability to the final report (Colombo et al.,
Lastly, there is also the parasitological exam. The technique is based
on the microscopical demonstration of amastigote forms in the bone
marrow biopsy, lymph node aspirate or lesion scarification (World
Health Organization, 2010), and it is still considered a gold standard
technique in the diagnosis of CVL, with a specificity of 100%
(Saridomichelakis et al., 2005; Sousa et al., 2017). However, the sen-
sitivity is normally reduced, varying according to the expertise of the
microscopist and degree of parasitism (asymptomatics and oligo-
symptomatics tend to have less parasites) (Moreira et al., 2007). Be- Fig. 1. Dog samples were collected from two cities in Pernambuco state,
sides, biopsy and aspiration are invasive techniques. Caruaru and Goiana, which are highlighted in the map.

R. Pessoa-e-Silva, et al. Experimental Parasitology 199 (2019) 9–16

processing. 5′-AGGGATGACCTTGCCCAC-3′) (Gonçalves et al., 2012). All experi-

For animals whose collection procedure included bone marrow and/ ments were performed using the ABI Prism 7500 (Applied Biosystems®,
or lymph node aspiration, atropine was applied at a dose of 0.044 mg/ CA, USA) equipment. The software ABI Prism 7500 SDS was used for
kg as preanesthetic medication (PAM). After 5–10 min of latency, and the analysis, interpretation, and registration of results.
after observation of a discrete tachycardia, dissociative anesthesia was
started with intramuscular application of the combination of xylazine 2.3.3. Parasitological examination
(ANASEDAN; Ceva/Paulínia, SP, BR - 1 mg/kg) and ketamine (Cetamin; After collection of material from bone marrow and/or lymph node,
Syntec/Santana de Parnaíba, SP, BR - 15 mg/kg). After five minutes of four to six slide smears were prepared, per animal. The slides were
latency (Mansoni, 2008), bone marrow puncture at the crest of the stained by Giemsa (GCC Diagnostics, Deeside, UK) or by Fast Panoptic
sternum bone (20 mL syringe, 25 × 7 mm needle) and/or popliteal (Laborclin, Alta Floresta, MT, BR), and the reading was performed
lymph node puncture (10 mL syringe, 25 × 7 mm needle) were started. under an optical microscope at 1,000× magnification. The reading of
Only animals that presented hypertrophy of the popliteal lymph node the smears was done by experienced microscopists.
were assigned to aspiration puncture. Throughout the procedure, a
veterinarian monitored the interdigital and eyelid reflexes, as well as 2.3.4. Serological examination for Chagas Disease (CD)
the heart rate of the animals. Only animals from the UCZ in Caruaru-PE An examination for CD was done to point out possible cases among
were submitted to the bone marrow and/or lymph node aspiration, due the dogs of the rural region from Goiana-PE. The search for anti-
to the existence of appropriate structural conditions. Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies in serum was performed by an immuno-
fluorescence antibody test (IFAT). Epimastigotes of T. cruzi (Bio-
2.3. Laboratorial diagnosis Manguinhos/FIOCRUZ) were employed for sensitization of slides. The
sera were initially diluted in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) – pH 7.2
2.3.1. Serological tests for CVL in the proportion of 1:40. Positive and negative sera were used in each
The search for anti-Leishmania antibodies in serum was performed slide as controls. Each hole of the sensitized slides received 15 μL of the
using two different procedures. Firstly, all dog's samples were tested by dilutions. Afterwards, the slides were incubated during 30 min at 37 °C
a rapid immunochromatographic test - Dual Path Platform (TR-DPP® under humidity. After three washings using PBS (5 min in each wash),
CVL, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BR), performed according to the manufac- the slides were dried. Anti-Dog IgG antibodies conjugated with the
turer's instructions (Bio-Manguinhos/FIOCRUZ). All samples were to- Fluorescein Isothiocyanate (FITC) (SIGMA®, MO, USA) were diluted in
tally thawed and vigorously homogenized before the test. Afterwards, Evans Blue Dye 0.04% (1:300), and then 15 μL of this mixture was
serum samples from all dogs were also tested by the ELISA (Enzyme added in each hole of the slides. After the incubation (30 min, 37 °C
immunoassay – Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis/enzima imunoensaio- under humidity), slides were again washed three times using PBS
Leishmaniose Visceral Canina – EIE-LVC, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BR), fol- (5 min in each wash). Finally, for the reading, buffered glycerol plus
lowing the manufacturer's instructions (Bio-Manguinhos/FIOCRUZ). coverslips were added in the surface of the slides. The reading was
The cut-off was calculated from the values of optical density (OD) ob- performed at an immunofluorescence microscope, under 40× magni-
tained from the triplicates of negative controls (NC): fication. For those animals that presented a positive result in the dilu-
(NC1+NC2+NC3/3) x 2. The “grey zone” establishes the ‘in- tion of 1:40 and were also positive in the serology for CVL, a serial
determinate’ samples and it was calculated as follows: cut-off x 1.2. The dilution was performed (factor 2) for confirmation of cross-reaction
TR-DPP® and the EIE-LVC are the kits adopted by the Brazilian Ministry (Trindade et al., 2015). In this case, CD was suggested if there was
of Health to determine the positivity of dogs in the active searches of maintenance of positivity until the dilution rate of 1:320 or further.
CVL (screening and confirmatory) (Brasil, 2014).
2.4. Data analysis
2.3.2. Molecular test for CVL
The DNA extraction from whole blood in EDTA tubes was performed Techniques of descriptive statistics were used by means of absolute
using the QIAamp® DNA Blood Mini Kit (QIAGEN® Sample and Assay and percentage distributions. Concordance between methods was
Technologies, Germantown, MD, USA), according to the manufacturer's evaluated by applying kappa (k) coefficient with Confidence Interval
instructions. The DNA was stored in microcentrifuge tubes (1.5 mL) at (CI) set at 95%, and judged as k = 0.0, no agreement; 0.0 ≤ k ≤ 0.20,
−20 °C until the molecular assays. poor; 0.21 ≤ k ≤ 0.40, fair; 0.41 ≤ k ≤ 0.60, moderate;
A real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) based on the amplification of L. 0.61 ≤ k ≤ 0.80, good; and 0.81 ≤ k ≤ 1.00, very good agreement
infantum kinetoplast minicircle DNA (kDNA) was performed, and for between tests, according to Cohen (1960). All analyses were performed
this, the set LINF 1B was employed, according to the protocol stan- using the BioEstat (version 5.0; Mamirauá/CNPq, Belém, PA, BR).
dardized by Paiva-Cavalcanti et al. (2009). The primers detect a frag-
ment of 132 base pairs (bp) from the kDNA of the L. donovani Complex. 2.5. Ethical considerations
For quantification of the parasite load, a standard curve obtained from
L. infantum (syn. L. chagasi) reference DNA (MHOM/BR/1974/PP75) All collection procedures and diagnostic tests performed for the
was prepared (1:10; from 1 fg to 1 × 106fg per reaction). The final re- construction of this study, including the informed consent form, are
action volume of 25 μL was constituted of 12,5 μL of SYBR® Green inserted in the project entitled “evaluation of the cellular immune re-
Master Mix 1× (Applied Biosystems™, CA, USA) and 2 μL of extracted sponse in dogs (ex vivo) against new antigens (chimeras) of Leishmania
template. A total of 3 pmol of each primer, Linf.1–23F (5′-TCCCAAAC spp.”. It was submitted and approved by the Ethics Committee on
TTTTCTGGTCCT-3′) and Linf.1–154R (5′-TTACACCAACCCCCAGT Animal Use (CEUA) from the Aggeu Magalhães Institute (IAM/
TTC-3′) was used. FIOCRUZ) (protocol 76/2014).
All samples were tested in duplicate, and the PCR program was run
for 40 cycles, in the following cycling conditions: 95 °C/15s, 60 °C/ 3. Results
1min. A no template control (NTC) was added in duplicate in all re-
actions. As criteria of positivity of the qPCR assay, the amplification 3.1. Sampling and clinical classification
curve had to surpass the threshold before cycle 36, as established by
Trajano-Silva et al. (2017). The quality assurance of each sample was A total of 91 dogs of different breeds, ages and sizes from a rural
achieved by mammalian G3PD constitutive gene amplification, em- area of Goiana city were included in the study. The active searches
ploying primers G1F (5′-ATCTTCCAGGAGCGAGATCCC-3′) and G1R ( occurred between January and September 2017. Of the total, 60

R. Pessoa-e-Silva, et al. Experimental Parasitology 199 (2019) 9–16

In the ELISA, 14 (15.38%) presented as reagents. The three animals

with ‘indeterminate’ results (3.29%) in the ELISA were not considered
in the statistical analyzes. In the qPCR, 14 (15.38%) had a positive
result (parasite load: 0.26 fg – 69.42 fg; x̄ = 6.38 fg). All negative re-
sults were confirmed by the amplification of the G3PD constitutive gene
(quality control). In relation to the serological test for CD, the IFAT
showed positivity in the dilution of 1:40 in 16 serum samples (17.58%);
however, 13 of these 16 samples had reactivity in TR-DPP® plus ELISA,
and only two of these 13 samples maintained a positivity until the di-
lution of 1:320 (1:320 and 1:2560). Thus, five dogs (5.49%) were
considered in fact positive in the IFAT for CD, being two of them po-
tentially co-infected with CVL.
The agreements between the techniques: TR-DPP® and ELISA: 68
(77.27%), with k = 0.442 (moderate); TR-DPP® and qPCR: 58
(65.91%), with k = 0.162 (poor); ELISA and qPCR: 70 (79.55%), with
k = 0.236 (fair). By comparing the TR-DPP®, ELISA and qPCR, there
was agreement in the results of 54 animals (61.36%), being five positive
and 49 negative results. All these results are summarized in Table 1. In
the context of the ICT as a screening test, it is noteworthy that of the 57
no reagent samples in the TR-DPP®, one was reagent in the ELISA and
six were positive in the qPCR, totalizing seven (12.28%) disagreements.
Besides, eight of the 13 TR-DPP® plus ELISA reagent samples were ne-
Fig. 2. Records of the active searches of dogs in a rural area from Goiana and
gative in the qPCR, that is, 61.54% of disagreement.
dogs collected by the UCZ in Caruaru, Pernambuco. (A): whole blood collection
In relation to the clinical status, it was possible to observe that
performed in domiciled dog; (B): animal presenting cachexia, in addition to
localized type alopecia, in the anterior and posterior limbs; (C): dog with evi- among the polysymptomatic dogs, the highest percentage agreement
dent onychogryphosis; (D): animal presenting cachexia and onychogryphosis; obtained was between TR-DPP® and ELISA (93.33%); for both oligo-
(E): dog showing ulcerated lesion at the tip of the ear; (F): dog presenting a symptomatic and asymptomatic groups, the agreement was higher be-
hepatosplenomegaly clearly perceptible to palpation. tween ELISA and qPCR (79.54% and 82.76%, respectively). Between
TR-DPP® and qPCR, the percentage agreement was near to 65% in the
(65.93%) presented at least one clinical sign indicative of CVL (see three clinical groups (Table 1).
topic 2.2), and from these, 15 (25%) presented more than three sug-
gestive clinical signals. The distribution was as follows: 15 poly- 3.2.2. Animals from the UCZ, Caruaru-PE
symtomatics (POLY) (16.48%), 45 oligosymptomatics (OLIGO) The TR-DPP® and the ELISA were previously performed by the
(49.45%), and 31 asymptomatics (ASY) (34.07%). The most common ‘Laboratório de Saúde Pública da IV Regional de Saúde’, in Caruaru, and
clinical alterations were lymphadenomegaly (95%), cachexia/thinness all 34 animals had reagent results for both serological tests. The animals
(68.33%) and alopecia (43.33%). were clinically classified: POLY = 19; OLIGO = 4; ASY = 11. In the
In Caruaru city, 34 animals of different breeds, ages and sizes were qPCR assay, 17 animals (50%) were positive (parasite load: 0,76 fg –
included in the study, all collected for the UCZ between February 2017 478.45 fg; x̄ = 71.98 fg). There was no amplification of the G3PD gene
and July 2018, and all having positive TR-DPP® and ELISA. The dis- in one negative sample on CVL qPCR, thus it was discarded from the
tribution was as follows: 19 POLY (55.88%), 4 OLIGO (11.76%), and 11 statistical analyses. In the parasitological examination, 33 bone marrow
ASY (32.36%). The bone marrow and/or lymph node aspiration was aspirations and one lymph node puncture were performed, and 29 dogs
performed in all these animals. (85.29%) had positive results (Table 2). The IFAT for CD was not per-
Fig. 2 shows some records of the searches performed in field formed with the samples obtained in Caruaru city.
(Goiana), as well as some animals from the UCZ in Caruaru. By comparing the results of qPCR and parasitological investigation,
there were 18 agreements (54.55%), being 16 positive and two negative
3.2. Laboratorial diagnosis and data analysis results; k = 0.078 (poor). Taking into account the clinical status, the
absolute and percentage agreements were as follows: POLY = 12
3.2.1. Animals from Goiana-PE (63.16%); OLIGO = 2 (50%); ASY = 4 (40%). Between qPCR and ser-
From 91 animals, 34 (37.36%) had a reagent result in the TR-DPP®. ology: POLY = 11 (57.89%); OLIGO = 2 (50%); ASY = 4 (40%).

Table 1
Agreements obtained between the diagnostic tools applied for canine visceral leishmaniasis detection in dogs from Goiana city, Pernambuco-BR.
Clinical status TR-DPP®/ELISA Percentage TR-DPP®/qPCR Percentage ELISA/qPCR Percentage TR-DPP®/ Percentage
agreement agreement agreement ELISA/ agreement

+ – + – + – + –

Polysymptomatic (15) 5 9 93.33 3 7 66.66 3 8 73.33 3 7 66.66

Oligosymptomatic (44) 7 27 77.27 4 25 65.91 2 33 79.54 2 25 61.36
Asymptomatic (29) 1 19 68.96 1 18 65.52 0 24 82.76 0 17 58.62

Total (88) 13 55 77.27 8 50 65.91 5 65 79.55 5 49 61.36

Kappa 0.442 0.162 0.236 –
SE = 0.094 SE = 0.098 SE = 0.130
CI = 0.257–0.626 CI = −0.029−0.354 CI = −0.020−0.491

SE: standard error; CI: confidence interval. The animals with ‘indeterminate’ results in the ELISA were not considered in the statistical analyzes.

R. Pessoa-e-Silva, et al. Experimental Parasitology 199 (2019) 9–16

Table 2
Agreements obtained between the diagnostic tools applied for canine visceral leishmaniasis detection in dogs from UCZ-Caruaru, Pernambuco-BR.
Clinical status TR-DPP®+ ELISA Percentage Serology/qPCR Percentage Serology/ Percentage qPCR/Parasitological Percentage
agreement agreement Parasitological agreement agreement

+ – + – + – + –

Polysymptomatic (19) 19 0 – 11 0 57.89 18 0 94.74 11 1 63.16

Oligosymptomatic (4) 4 0 – 2 0 50.00 3 0 75.00 2 0 50.00
Asymptomatic (11/10) 11 0 – 4 0 40.00 8 0 72.72 3 1 40.00

Total (34/33) 34 0 - 17 0 51.52 29 0 85.29 16 2 54.55

Kappa – – – 0.078
SE = 0.110
CI = −0.138−0.294

SE: standard error; CI: confidence interval. The animal which presented negative for the endogenous control (G3PD) was not considered in the analyzes. One sample
with a negative result for the quality control (G3PD) was excluded in the analyses involving the qPCR.

Between serology and parasitological investigation: POLY = 18 specificity, and thus, the ROC curve area and likelihood ratio” (De
(94.74%); OLIGO = 3 (75%); ASY = 8 (72.72%). In the three com- Mendonça et al., 2017). This may also explain at least in part our data,
parisons performed between the diagnostic procedures, the lowest since the rural area in Goiana city explored for this research presented a
percentage agreement obtained was with the asymptomatic animals high serological prevalence (EIE-LVC: 15.4%). From this information,
(Table 2). an important question arises: can a test with reduced efficacy in areas
with a high prevalence of VL be used for diagnostic screening?
4. Discussion The sensitivities found for EIE-LVC in literature vary from 72% to
100% (Alves et al., 2012; Lira et al., 2006; De Mendonça et al., 2017).
One of the challenges to control visceral leishmaniasis is the re- However, in relation to the specificity, the data among the works are
duction of the number of dogs participating in the biological cycle of more dissimilar. Corroborating with the manufacturer, Figueiredo et al.
the disease. The high parasite load that a dog may harbor in its skin (2010) evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of the same ELISA using
propitiates the infection of phlebotomine sand flies, which in turn may serum samples from dogs submitted to parasitological examination
infect other dogs or the humans (Borja et al., 2016; Travi et al., 2018). (with specie confirmation by isoenzyme electrophoresis), and the spe-
The Brazilian Ministry of Health orientates and recommends the culling cificity and sensitivity obtained were 100% and 96.6%, respectively. In
of dogs with reagent serology, independently of the clinical status of the contrast, using serum samples from dogs submitted to parasitological
animal, and using two methods with the same diagnostic principle: the and immunological tests, Ferreira et al. (2007) have found a specificity
search for anti-Leishmania antibodies in blood/serum (Brasil, 2014). and a sensitivity of 52% and 95%, respectively. According to the au-
The occurrence of false-positive results due to cross-reactions with thors, the EIE-LVC presented cross-reactivity with sera from dogs ex-
other phylogenetically related microorganisms is widely addressed perimentally infected with T. cruzi, Leishmania braziliensis and E. canis.
(Baneth and Aroch, 2006; Ferreira et al., 2007; Eloy et al., 2008). False- Alves et al. (2012) have found a specificity of 68% for EIE-LVC, and
negative results in asymptomatic dogs are also reported, since they may their data suggest cross-reactivity with samples from animals infected
present no detectable increase in anti-Leishmania antibody levels (De with Trypanosoma caninum. In the rural area of Goiana city, five dogs
Mendonça et al., 2017). were identified as serologically reagents in the IFAT for CD, and two of
In this context, this work aimed to compare different diagnostic them had suggestive co-infection. Nevertheless, 13 samples that were
protocols commonly used for CVL detection in different situations: re- reagent in the dilution between 1:40 and 1:160 were also reagent in the
searches, clinical/veterinary purposes and for the control program in EIE-LVC, and seven of these 13 were negative in the qPCR, confirming
Brazil. The comparisons were performed by evaluating/testing samples the absence of L. infantum DNA. Therefore, in this case we cannot rule
of clinically heterogeneous dogs from endemic areas from Pernambuco out possible cross-reactions in the ELISA with dogs infected with T.
state, and evaluating the possibility to indicate alternative set of criteria cruzi. Thus, the high sensitivity of TR-DPP® and variable specificity,
for a more reliable confirmation of infection. combined with the possibility of cross-reactions in the EIE-LVC re-
The percentage agreement between the TR-DPP® and the EIE-LVC inforce the concern about erroneous euthanasia of dogs following the
was 77.27%, with a k index considered moderate (Table 1). Considering scheme proposed: ICT as screening and EIE-LVC as confirmatory.
the specificity and the sensitivity of the enzyme immunoassay (94.54% One out of 57 no reagent samples in the TR-DPP® was reagent in the
and 91.76%, respectively) and of the TR-DPP® (93.8%–97.9%, and EIE-LVC, and six of these 57 samples were positive in the qPCR. Despite
89.7%–93.1%, respectively) informed by the manufacturer (Bio-Man- it represented only 12.28% of the analyzed samples, this is an important
guinhos/FIOCRUZ/MS), the agreement obtained was lower than the result when we consider it in the context of the control program of CVL,
expected, especially when we consider the number of reagent samples in which hundreds to thousands of animals are tested monthly, in some
in the TR-DPP® and in the EIE-LVC (34 and 14/91, respectively). Fur- Brazilian states. Besides, eight of the 13 TR-DPP® + EIE-LVC reagent
thermore, some works obtained different specificities and sensitivities samples had a negative result in the qPCR.
of both serological tests. As example, De Mendonça et al. (2017) eval- In short, when compared to the serology, the data obtained by the
uated the specificity of the TR-DPP® in samples from non-infected ani- molecular tool point out the possible occurrence of a significative
mals of two cities belonging to different states (57 dogs from Teresina, number of false-negative and false-positive results going on in the ac-
Piauí-BR and 100 dogs from Vitória, Espírito Santo-BR). Whereas the tive searches. The primer set employed in this work for qPCR assays was
specificity of the TR-DPP® found in Vitória was 98%, in Teresina it was developed by Paiva-Cavalcanti et al. (2009) and it has, according to the
60%. The authors suggest that this variation may be associated with authors, 100% of sensitivity and 83.33% of specificity (by using whole
differences in the prevalence of the disease: the higher is the pre- blood from dogs). The set was able to detect the equivalent of 0.07
valence, the lower is the test performance. The theory proposed by the parasites per reaction. Several works have employed this set for dif-
authors was that “when the prevalence of the disease increases, im- ferent applications (Gonçalves et al., 2012; Pessoa-e-Silva et al., 2016;
mune dogs generate false-positive results and decrease the serological Trajano-Silva et al., 2017). Reinforcing the high accuracy of the qPCR

R. Pessoa-e-Silva, et al. Experimental Parasitology 199 (2019) 9–16

but using other primer set, Ramos et al. (2012) demonstrated that the
tool was able to detect DNA from L. infantum in 100% (35/35) of the
naturally infected dogs, using lymph node aspirate and biopsy from
bone marrow and spleen as samples. The result showed that qPCR was
superior to the conventional PCR, which detected the DNA only in 40%
(14/35) of the animals, using the same samples. Nonetheless, it is im-
portant to be alert about limitations that persist in the molecular di-
agnosis (even in qPCR), especially false-negative results due to in-
correct storage or Taq-polymerase inhibitors.
In relation to the dogs obtained from the UCZ-Caruaru, all of them
presented a reagent serology, since they were animals collected for the
euthanasia procedure (by the Municipal Health Secretariat – Caruaru-
PE). Even using a highly sensitive PCR-based method, the set was able
to detect DNA from L. infantum only in 50% (17/34) of the samples
tested (Table 2). In this case, there is the possibility to have occurred
Fig. 3. Proposal of a set of actions to be performed for the accurate confirma-
small losses during the extraction process that were not enough to in-
tion of visceral leishmaniasis in dogs, at different situations, and also for the
terfere in the amplification of the endogenous control (G3PD), but that actual control of the disease. ICT: immunochromatographic test.
may have carried out some samples to a false-negative result, since the
DNA from the parasite is in a much smaller amount (Mumy and Findlay,
2004; Gonçalves-de-Albuquerque et al., 2014; Lebuhn et al., 2016). The In this work, the discrepancies in the number of dogs inserted in
fact that only 16 out of 29 animals with a positive parasitological exam each clinical status is a point that may be optimized afterwards.
were positive in the qPCR reinforces this possibility. Furthermore, the Another point to take in consideration was the lack of animals with
percentage agreement obtained between serology and the para- negative serology and with parasitological examination. In this case,
sitological was good (85.29%; 29/34) (Table 2). To overcome this the field conditions did not allow to perform the bone marrow/lymph
limitation, alternative samples which normally present higher parasite node puncture in the field searches. Nevertheless, by analyzing our
loads may be used, such as bone marrow or lymph node aspirate data, it was possible to observe that there is the possibility of the oc-
(Martínez et al., 2011; Solcà et al., 2014), however they are not feasible currence of false-negative and false-positive results, in a significative
for active searches. Alternatively, a quality control to verify the oc- number, in the serological protocol employed by the Brazilian control
currence of small losses during the extraction process may be employed, program of CVL. Despite the adoption of a PCR or a qPCR as con-
thus reducing the issuing of false-negative results (Gonçalves-de- firmatory test would require a high initial financial investment by the
Albuquerque et al., 2014). Furthermore, of the five negative results in laboratories (especially the qPCR), the implementation of a highly
the parasitological exam, one was positive in the qPCR, reinforcing that sensitive and specific molecular test would significantly decrease the
despite the high specificity of the bone marrow examination, the sen- chances of unnecessary culling, and all equipment acquired could be
sitivity is variable and depends on several factors (Sundar and Rai, explored by the laboratory for the diagnosis of other diseases or for
2002). other control programs.
Taking into consideration the clinical status, it was possible to ob- An important fact that needs to be considered is that the culling of
serve that among the polysymptomatic animals from Goiana city, the serologically positive dogs does not have an impact on the reduction of
highest percentage agreement obtained was between the TR-DPP® and human cases (Romero and Boelaert, 2010; Costa et al., 2013; Ribeiro
the EIE-LVC (93.33%; 14/15) (Table 1). Since the high levels of cir- et al., 2018). Research has shown several domestic, wild and synan-
culating antibodies are associated with the development of several thropic animals positive for VL (Quaresma et al., 2011); will culling the
clinical manifestations in dogs with CVL, it is expected a greater animals be the right way to go? In the face of the advances in the ve-
agreement between serological tests when applied for CVL diagnosis in terinary therapeutics and vaccinology against VL, old paradigms need
symptomatic animals. These animals normally have higher parasite to be overcome. The VL needs to be faced in a broader way; the natural
loads (hence, a greater number of antigenic epitopes), thus leading to history of the disease cannot be overlooked.
an increased production of anti-Leishmania antibodies (Fernandez-Perez In conclusion, it was possible to observe that there was no ‘good’ or
et al., 2003; Solano-Gallego et al., 2014). Considering a triple con- ‘excellent’ agreement between none of the diagnostic tools analyzed,
cordance between the results of the three techniques (TR-DPP®, EIE- and the percentage agreement tended to decrease according to the
LVC and qPCR), the higher percentage agreement was obtained with absence of clinical manifestations in the dogs. From our data, we in-
the polysymptomatic group (66.66%; 10/15) (Table 1). Considering tended to establish alternative sets of criteria, for different purposes
now only the dogs with positivity for at least one test, it was observed (Fig. 3). Nevertheless, it is important to be aware that molecular pro-
that 16.67% (2/12) of the asymptomatic, 47.37% (9/19) of the oligo- tocols and parasitological search may also have significant limitations,
symptomatic, and 62.5% (5/8) of the polysymptomatic animals had and their applicability as well as their requirement must be extensively
positivity in two or more techniques. These data clearly demonstrate evaluated, before their employment in a control program, or in re-
the clinical status influencing the serological and molecular results. search, or for clinical/veterinary purposes. Besides, it is important to
As expected, the greater agreement between serological and para- comment that maybe the answer for better results in the control pro-
sitological methods was obtained with polysymptomatic dogs (94.74%; gram is not in the choose of the tools for detection of CVL, but it may be
18/19). The same occurred between the qPCR and the parasitological in the strategy of culling itself. The applicability of this strategy must be
method (63.16%; 12/19) (Table 2). Da Silva et al. (2017) reported that rigorously reanalyzed and discussed. In this context, it is very important
the clinical score of sick dogs increased according to the positivity to invest in alternative control measures, such as mass vaccination and
obtained with serological (ELISA) and parasitological tests, thus cor- treatment of dogs, thus reducing the transmission to the vector and
roborating with our findings. In the context of the bone marrow/lymph helping to avoid new canine and human cases.
node examination, a higher parasite load reflects in the number of
amastigote forms found in these tissues, thus elevating the probability
of being found; in the context of the qPCR, the reasoning is similar, Competing interests
since the higher is the parasite load, the higher is the circulating
Leishmania DNA. The authors declare that they have no competing interest.

R. Pessoa-e-Silva, et al. Experimental Parasitology 199 (2019) 9–16

Declarations of interest visceral leishmaniasis in animals presenting different clinical manifestations. Vet.
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