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Sidi Mohamed ibn Souleïman Mana’i Tounsi

(May Allah agree with him)

He was a learned man, who mastered disclosed and secret sciences, and who gathered in
himself the merits and good deeds. He was dear to Seidina Ahmed Tidjani (May Allah
sanctify his precious secrets) who covered him with special attention by reason of his sincere
love and elevated aspiration. He steadfastly held onto the cords of the Sunna by his jaws, and
he would not keep silent when he noticed some innovations and their authors in Islam.

Seidina Ahmed Tidjani (May Allah sanctify his precious secrets) once asked him the
following question: “what do you think about me?” He answered: “What I see in you is in
alignment with the Law, I accept and practice it and whenever I notice anything contrary to it,
I stay away from it.” Seidina Ahmed Tidjani (May Allah sanctify his precious secrets) said to
him: “Keep at that, however, do not pass a judgment on things that you do not comprehend by
thinking that you are operating in the truth whereas you are not.” Seidina Ahmed Tidjani
(May Allah sanctify his precious secrets) used to watch him, both in his presence and absence,
with an agreeing eye. He covered him with his love. He was among the special learned men of
the Tariqa, which he embraced in Fez.

The following shows how his espousal of the Tariqa came about. He went to study in Fez
along with a student from among the companions of Seidina Ahmed Tidjani (May Allah
sanctify his precious secrets). He went up to the Zaouiya and he sat away from his brothers in
wait for his companion. It was of the habits of Seidina Ahmed Tidjani (May Allah sanctify his
precious secrets) to stay and dine with those present. However this time around, just once,
Seidina Ahmed Tidjani (May Allah sanctify his precious secrets) said to him: “O you, the
man from Tunisia, you are our companion in the Tariqa.” He answered: “O Sidi, I am the
companion of the couscous and meat.” Then Seidina Ahmed Tidjani (May Allah sanctify his
precious secrets) said to him: “Why would not you take our wird?” He answered: “As far as I
am concerned, I take from my Lord that which reads ‘The prayers of Allah and His angels are
upon the Prophet; O you who believe, pray upon him and hail him.’” And Seidina Ahmed
Tidjani (May Allah sanctify his precious secrets) did not say a word afterwards.

When Sidi Mohamed ibn Souleïman Mana’i Tounsi (May Allah be pleased with him)
returned to his chamber in the Madrasa, he could not rest nor sleep. He put the blame on
himself for thus answering to Seidina Ahmed Tidjani (May Allah sanctify his precious
secrets) fearing that he misbehaved, and most of all that the prayer formulas and other things

that were obtained by way of a special authorization were of a lesser importance than those
that were granted out of general authorization.

He was thinking: “ It is as though I never read the word of Ibn ‘Achir which reads ‘he who
associates with a Sheikh that knows the way preserves himself against perdition.’” In the
middle of the night he woke up and went to the Zaouiya, which he found closed. He slept in
front of the door till the morning-prayer (Subh) time. When Seidina Ahmed Tidjani (May
Allah sanctify his precious secrets) arrived, he took the Tariq from him. Then Seidina Ahmed
Tidjani (May Allah sanctify his precious secrets) put his own hand on Sidi Mohamed ibn
Souleiman Mana’I Tounsi’s chest and spoke the following words: “O Allah! Make him one
that is versed in the sciences of your religion.” From that day on, he never ceased gaining
more openings in the sciences.

This is the letter that Seidina Ahmed Tidjani (May Allah sanctify his precious secrets) wrote
to him:

“Then, we ask Allah to heap upon you kindness and respite with regards the things that you
complain about, and we ask Him to watch over you with an eye of kindness, mercy and
protection against any evil, and we ask Him to help you fulfill all your dreams and to help you
satisfy all needs, and to heap on you oceans of His agreement and graciousness on Earth and
in the Hereafter. Ameen!

As for what you wrote me about the reactions and deeds of the Walis in the past face to the
trials and tribulations, and your asking me to act likewise to deflect the evils that befall you,
my answer is as follows: ‘The situation of the Walis does not obey a single rule, neither does
it follow one path, nor do the Walis achieve everything they wish. They entrust Allah with
their affairs, follow the rules of Allah’s Will (Machiya). Therefore, no Waly ever solved his
problems by himself, or acted upon some thing by his own choice and will. None of this is
possible without the decree of Allah’s Will, for only He does what He wills.

There are countless Walis who can make prodigies happen under the eyes of the people
whenever and however they please. There are also many of the distinguished and elevated
Walis did Allah make turn their back on the world to the point of accepting none but Allah.
And yet when they want to perform miracles as the Walis are capable of, Allah forbids it for
reasons that only He knows.

Djounaid (May Allah be pleased with him) said: ‘Some men have walked with assurance on
water when some men better than them have died of thirst.’

As regards your request that I act upon your pain, I ask you to know that I have no means,
ruse, and means outside the Decree of Allah and His predestination. Allah speaks the truth.
He says that only He guides on the right path, and all the elites with their special condition
have no power whatsoever; the Decree belongs to Allah through His own Will in all situations
and hardships that human beings live through. May Allah’s prayer be upon the Prophet.
Salam (Peace).”

When Sidi Mohamed ibn Souleïman (May Allah be pleased with him) was recalled by Allah,
he was buried in Tunisia and Allah be merciful unto him.


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