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Name: Katherine Melissa Tordecilla Gonzalez Date 06 / 11 / 2023

1. Title of the reading Count Dracula Author: Bran Stoker

2. All readings teach a lesson (theme/moral). What did you learn from this one?

That not everything we believe to be wrong in wrong, sometimes we get carried away by appearances.

3. Setting (Where the reading takes place?). At Dracula’s hotel

4. Main Characters (Give a brief description of each character).

 Count Dracula: An old man, clean-shaven whit a white beard, dressed entirely in black,
carried with him a silver lamp.

 Mr. Harker, who was the tenant who had arrived at Dracula´s hotel whit a suitcase.

5. Plot (Write a summary about the story).

From the summary, I think it deals with stories of Count Dracula about his mansion or hotel,
which welcomes guests who are asked to enter freely and of your own free will! This leads us to
understand that the person who enters may do not go out, besides the count is a courteous and
kind person with his guests.

6. Did you like the reading? Why or Why not?

Yes, I liked how he said it seems interesting to me how the story unfolds, and, in this case, what
could count Dracula do with his guests.

7. On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) where would you rate this book? Why 8. The fragment That he

gives us is intriguing and full of mystery, I would love to read it.

8. Write a list of new vocabulary and expressions that you learnt (at least 15).

 Chinks
 Gleam
 Rattling
 Clanking
 Grating
 Stood
 Moustache
 Throwing
 Holding

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