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̳Labbaik la shareeka laka labbaik!‘ She was repeating the words with
him. The voice came from his left, from behind him, a few steps away.
He looked at his feet, now completely wet. Then he looked up at the
Kaaba—the door had opened and the interior was filled with a glowing
white light. He fell to his knees in prostration, his forehead touching the
ground. The light began to fade and when he lifted his head off the ground,
the light had paled further. When he stood up, the door of the Kaaba was
closing and once again, he heard the feminine voice whisper near him, and
this time he turned around to look.

Salar woke up. He had fallen into a trance-like sleep, sitting in the
verandah of the Haram Shareef, resting his head against a pillar.
That was Imama—without a doubt, it was Imama—standing behind him
in a white ahram. He had seen just a glimpse of her but even that fleeting
glimpse was enough to convince him that it was none other than her.
Sitting there, absentmindedly watching people move around the place, he
felt his heart brim with emotion.
It had been more than eight years since he had seen that woman who
now appeared to him in a dream in the precincts of the Kaaba. A wound
seemed to have been scratched afresh. He took off his glasses and hid his
face in his hands. Rubbing away the warm tears, he had a thought: this
was the Haram Shareef—he had no need to hide his tears from anyone.
People came here to cry out their hearts. He removed his hands from his
face as a fit of weeping swept over him. For a long time, he wept, his head
bent low.
He remembered then that he had been coming here for Umra every year
and he used to perform one round of the pilgrimage on behalf of Imama
Hashim. He prayed for her long life, for her safety. He prayed that she may
be protected against all anxiety and woes. In all those years, he had prayed
for all that he could think of for himself and for Imama Hashim. But standing
there, in that very holy place, he had never asked Allah for Imama Hashim
for himself. It was quite strange that he had never prayed that she may be
granted to him. His tears ceased and he stood up.
After the ablutions, he wore the ahram to perform the Umra. As he went
around the Kaaba, he incidentally found a place near the Station of
Multazim—where he had found himself in his dream. He lifted his hands in

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̳Your messengers and prophets stood at this spot and prayed to you.

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