2024 March Minutes

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TUESDAY, MARCH 19th, 2024, at 7:30 P.M

For approval on April 16th, 2024

The regular meeting of the Etna Borough Council was held on March 19h, 2024. Chairman Becki
presided and called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called, and members present were Mr.
Iannuzzi, Ms. Semler Ms. Schaefer, Mrs. Tuñón (via Zoom), Chairman Becki, Mrs. Gabriel, Mr. Trader,
and Mr. Burke. Also present were Mayor Tuñón, Manager Ramage, Police Chief Rodman, Assistant
Manager DeSantis, Public Works Director Joe Balistrieri, Assistant Fire Todd Lunn, Shaler Hampton
EMS Executive Director Eric Schmidt, Junior Council Member Yarnot, and Solicitor Rushford. Mrs.
Rothmeyer-McElhaney was absent. Engineer Rick Minsterman was absent, Robert Maher was present as
a substitution.

Mayor Tuñón led everyone the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chairman Becki asked if there were any questions, suggested changes, or corrections to the
February Meeting Minutes. There were none, Minutes stood as written.

Chairman Becki stated that Council received a copy of the Treasurer’s Report and asked if there
were any questions. There being none, the accounts are reported as follows:

Fund 01 General Account $ 685,445.36

Fund 05 Education Account $ 692.35
Fund 03 Payroll Account $ 265.60
Fund 04 Police Fund $ 12,627.03
Fund 21 Hockey $ 1,448.91
Fund 30 Capital Improvement $ ---------------
Fund 33 Christmas $ 7,684.43
Fund 34 Etna Senior Center Fund $ 733.52
Fund 35 Liquid Fuels Account $ 99,074.25
Fund 36 War Memorial Fund $ 5,043.21
Fund 38 Sanitary Trunk Line Account $ 159,584.38
Fund 39 Middle Street Escrow Account $ 6,488.16
Fund 42 Capital Reserve $ 327,952,25
Fund 44 Sewer Account $ 86,025.32
Fund 45 Project Escrow Account $ CLOSED
Fund 46 Riverfront Park & Trail $ 474.55
Fund 48 Etna Green Streetscape $ 21.48
Fund 50 GI Account $ 1,168.99
Fund 51 Fire Escrow Account $ 60,452.28
Fund 52 Infrastructure Account $ 95.54
Fund 53 Youth & Recreation Fund $ 4,387.45
Fund 54 American Rescue $ 373,618.00

A motion to accept and file the Treasurer’s Report was made by Mrs. Gabriel, seconded by Mr.
Trader. Motion carried.

A check register by fund (bills already paid) as well as outstanding accounts payable (bills due)
were given to each member of Council.

Total Owed $ 514,411.88

Total Bills Paid $ 375,397.20
Total Balance Due $ 139,014.68

A motion to pay the bills was made by Mr. Trader, seconded by Ms. Schaefer. Motion carried.

Chairman Becki stated that he will allow the Public Audience requests to move up in the meeting
to speak now.

Public Audience

1.) Eric Raabe-CONNECT - Solar PA Presentation

Mrs. Gabriel stated that Mr. Raabe is here to speak about the Solar Program. Mr. Eric Raabe is
the Director of Infrastructure and Resilience at the Congress of Neighboring Communities (CONNECT).
Mr. Raabe stated that CONNECT works with local governments and will brief Council on a solar project
he has been working on with Etna and other municipalities. It was started to see if solar power could save
the Borough any money and there have been several options. Mr. Raabe stated that he is looking for a
commitment to continue exploring options for the project. It has been projected that funds will be saved
over the course of the next twenty-five (25) to thirty (30) years depending on the decision. Mr. Raabe
introduced Mr. Jon Bunyaratapan, Senior Project Manager for the Pennsylvania Solar Center. Mr.
Bunyaratapan stated that they have been working with CONNECT on these projects, and that they are
focusing on two (2) of the developer proposals. Each has proposed Power Purchase Agreement, where the
developer would install and own the solar PV systems on the rooftops of the municipal buildings.
Developer BAI proposed systems on the Municipal Building, Public Works building, and Fugh Hall, and
developer Infinity proposed only the Municipal Building. The current rate for the municipal and public
works buildings are approximately ten ($.10) cents per kilowatt hour (kWh), BAI's proposal would be
around nine ($.09) cents per kWh. This would be an immediate ten (10%) percent savings immediately.
Currently Fugh Hall's cost is approximately nineteen ($.19) cents per kWh, this would be a significant
immediate savings. With BAI's proposal, it is projected to save approximately one hundred and fifty
($150,000) thousand dollars over the life of the system. The proposal from infinity would increase costs
by approximately fifty thousand ($50,00) dollars over the life of the system. Mr. Bunyaratapan stated that
he would like to begin working with BAI to refine the numbers, and they are here to request the
commitment from Council to do so. Mr. Raabe stated that if a smaller municipality were to go out on their
own and purchase solar systems, the costs are typically directly related to the purchase and installation on
their own. However, with a Power Purchase Agreement, that removes the cost burden as the system is
leased through the developer. This typically is not available to smaller municipalities due to economies of
scale, however, with Etna being a part of the larger group, this was made possible. All other
municipalities involved, except for Etna and Bellevue, have given them the votes to proceed with BAI up
to this point.

Chairman Becki asked if the estimated savings would be returned to Etna. Mr. Raabe replied in
the affirmative. Chairman Becki asked how BAI makes their money. Mr. Bunyaratapan stated that BAI
will sell the borough the power, take the tax credits, and writing off the depreciation of the systems.
Manager Ramage stated that they have looked at other purchase options, and this seems to be best vehicle
as far as operations and maintenance. Mr. Raabe stated that the presented information is basement values
and could increase once they dig deeper into the funds and apply for grants, which would lower the cost
even more. Chairman Becki asked if there will be backup battery storage for the facilities, or simply
electricity generation. Mr. Bunyaratapan stated it would just be electricity generation. Battery backups
would be an option if desired, which would increase the cost. Chairman Becki stated that there was an
emergency where the power grid was shut off, and Manager Ramage, Former Chairman Peter Ramage,
and Former Mayor Rengers were working in the dark in the municipal building. Mr. Raabe stated that
there are options.

A Motion to move allow this group to move forward with negotiations on behalf of the Borough of
Etna with BAI for solar systems was made by Mrs. Gabriel, Seconded by Ms. Semler. Motion carried.

Chairman Becki stated he will ask for the various reports from department heads before
permitting Ms. Judith Koch's Public Audience time request.

Police Chief’s Report

Police Chief Rodman provided a report regarding: February Stats; Mandatory In Service Training
(MIST), Officer Dominytus, Officer Glock, Police Committee Meeting, Advertisement for Police Officer

Chairman Becki asked if there were any questions or additional comments regarding this report.
There were none, report was accepted.

Public Works Director Report

Public Works Director Joe Balistrieri submitted a report regarding: Concession Stand;
Playground; Parking Meters; Cleaned basins; Checked Runs; Parker Street Debris; CSO Meter Reporting;
Inspection Log; Garbage and Street Sweeping; Street Skate; 811 Calls; Parker Street Landslide; Potholes;
Dougherty Field; Creek Banks; Safety Meeting Results; Lids for Route 8 Project; Riverfront Park Plaque;
Expansion Tank in Borough Office.

Chairman Becki asked if there were any additional questions regarding this report. There were
none, report was accepted.
Engineer’s Report

Engineer Richard Minsterman provided a report regarding: Source Flow Reductions Consent
Order Compliance; CDBG Year 49 Grant Applications; CDBG Year 50 Grant Applications; Dewey
Street and Spring Street Sewer Separation Project; Etna Streetscape Phase 4; Etna Streetscape Phase 5.1;
Catherine Street Emergency Demolition; Etna 2023 MS4 Program.

Chairman Becki asked if there were any questions or additional comments regarding this report.
There were none, report was accepted.

Fire Department Report

Etna Volunteer Fire Department (EVFD) Chief Porter provided a report regarding: Breakdown by
Major Incident Types, All Zones – 2/1/2024-2/29/2024; Detailed Breakdown by Incident Type; Personnel
and Events for Event Type for Event Category – 2/1/2024-2/29/2024.

Chairman Becki asked if there were any questions or additional comments regarding this report.
There were none, report was accepted.

Shaler Hampton EMS Report

Mr. Eric Schmidt stated that there were fifty-one (51) calls in Etna for February, a total of five
hundred seventy-one (571) calls total for their service. There was a reported E-0 with a thirteen (13)
minute response time, which was caused due to all ambulances being in service at the moment of the call.
There was no bad outcome from this delay.

Chairman Becki asked how the subscription drive was going. Mr. Schmidt stated that it has been
mailed and that SHEMS has been receiving payments both via mail and online. They also received a letter
from someone purchasing their subscription commenting on the costs of an ambulance, stretchers, and the
like. Mr. Schmidt stated that the costs are due to there being so few companies who make them,
specifically the stretcher system being made by only one (1) company who can dictate the price as there is
no competition. Mr. Schmidt stated that he will call this subscriber personally and explain the
information, but wanted to explain it to Council in the event it comes up. Mr. Schmidt congratulated ECO
on being awarded the funds for the library, and they may implement programs like those in other libraries
in their service area. Mr. Schmidt will also be presenting at the Allegheny League of Municipalities
conference regarding the importance of EMS services.

Public Audience (cont.)

2.) Gaza Resolution - Judith Koch

Resident Ms. Judith Koch stated that she is speaking regarding the issue of a ceasefire in Gaza.
Ms. Koch stated this was started by European counties and Israel's false promise of safety for Jewish
people, and that European countries would not pay the price for what was done, but that the people of
Palestine are paying that price. Palestinian homes and land have been taken away, and that she made a
promise to a Holocaust survivor to never allow what the Germans did, to happen to anyone ever again.
Ms. Koch stated that she is non-confrontational or brave, but it was her responsibility to speak up. Forty
thousand people have died, and thirteen thousand children have been murdered within the last six (6)
months. This is more children that have died, than in all world conflicts combined over the previous four
(4) years. One million one hundred thousand people are on the brink of starvation with food sitting in
trucks that are not being permitted in the area to starve the population. Ms. Koch stated that this is a war
on children, and the Israeli government is not permitting infant formula, diapers, and medicine to enter
Gaza, and she has no doubt that this is genocide. Ms. Koch stated that she is not here to ask for a solution,
but that she is asking for a ceasefire to allow the children to live. Over fifty (50%) percent of all Jewish
people are in favor of a ceasefire, as are the families of those being held hostage by Hamas. The Israeli
government does not have peace in mind have said they want to 'finish them off'. The United States is
sending an endless number of weapons and money to Israel, and what is thought of those who survive
this. Everyone will suffer the consequences of this, as silence and neutrality will come home to haunt us.
Ms. Koch stated that anti-Semitism also needs to be addressed, as it is rising, and Jewish people are less
safe. We must stand up to hate now more than ever, or it will continue to grow. They are being blamed for
things done by the Israeli government. Ms. Koch stated that Jewish people are not responsible for the
actions of the Israeli government, and that if there is a ceasefire resolution to include that. Ms. Koch
stated that she will be called anti-Semitic for speaking up, which is why a majority would also not speak
up and why this Council does not want to pursue a ceasefire resolution. However, this is a deliberate act
of the war machine as a tool to silence people, and let the genocide happen. Ms. Koch stated that it is a lie
to state that criticism of the Israeli government is anti-Semitic, and they have hijacked the Holocaust and
the Jewish community to follow through with their plan, and are misusing fear based on generations of
marginalization, to commit a genocide without consequences. Ms. Koch stated that she is aware the Etna
Council has no say in what the Federal Government does, but she has been contacting those who do have
the power to stop this, and she has been ignored. Ms. Koch stated that seventy-five (75%) percent of
people in the United States support a permanent ceasefire. Ms. Koch stated that "we say 'not in our name"
and she wishes President Biden would listen when it is stated that no more arms should be sent to Israel,
and wishes Senators Casey and Fetterman would listen when the United States should use its influence to
allow the much needed help into Gaza and stop forced starvation, and wishes Congressman Deluzio
would listen when there should be a permanent ceasefire as it is the only way for the hostages to come
home alive. Ms. Koch stated that a singular voice is powerless, and so she must turn to local governments
to represent us and speak up in hopes that their voices will be heard. She asks and urges Council to pass a
resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, as this is the bare minimum that can be done to speak
up against injustice. Ms. Koch stated that failure to pass this resolution will result in her losing her trust in
Council. As how can she trust Council to keep brown, Jewish, black, and queer communities safe, if they
cannot do a minimal thing to try and have fewer innocent children die.

Chairman Becki thanked Ms. Koch for her passionate speech and wished Etna could do
something but is unsure if Council can pass the resolution and not sure how to proceed. Ms. Semler stated
that over one hundred (100) municipalities across the country have passed similar resolutions, and that
while municipal officials may not have a say in international affairs, those in higher elected offices are not
listening to their constituents or explaining their positions, and therefore it does fall on municipal elected
officials to speak up. While there may not be a tangible difference made individually, the more
municipalities that do this the more powerful the message to those in higher levels of government. Ms.
Semler stated that she and Sen. Lindsey Williams went to the Muslim Association of Pittsburgh and heard
from people there. They thanked Sen. Williams for signing onto a similar resolution and that Ms. Semler
met with a man who has lost twenty-two (22) direct family members. These are members of our
communities too, and they matter, and it is important to show that we care about them. At a minimum, it
can be stated that they are not okay with tax dollars going towards this. There are roads that need paved,
people that need to be fed, and other issues, and those funds are going towards this instead. Chairman
Becki thanked Ms. Semler for her statement but stated that he is not sure how Council can speak for the
entire community on issues this diverse. Ms. Semler asked if it was that diverse, as over seventy (70%)
percent of Americans support a ceasefire. Chairman Becki stated that he is not sure how the residents of
Etna feel about it, and does not have enough information, and is unsure of the legality of passing a
resolution of the like. Solicitor Rushford stated that this is like an Expression of Intent of Council, and if
it is Council's will to do so, it can be expressed in that way. He has experience in doing similar things that
are the expressions of Council and can be done as a representative body. This is done from time to time
on various issues and is within the lane of Council. Ms. Gabriel stated that when the time for Public
Comment comes, there may be more people who wish to speak on this issue as well. Chairman Becki
stated that they are all welcome to speak now. What Ms. Koch said hit home with him but is questioning
Council's role in what is permitted and that they do not speak for the people of Etna on these types of
issues. Ms. Gabriel stated that they act as elected officials, in the sense that they were elected and
entrusted to make these decisions. Mr. Iannuzzi stated that he does not think anyone can disagree on a
humanitarian crisis and that the people of Etna would agree with this, and that this should be a non-issue.
Chairman Becki stated that as proposed, Borough Council would like a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Ms.
Gabriel stated that adding a statement regarding anti-Semitism is important and appropriate as well.
Mayor Tuñón stated that he is not a voting member, but that since October there has been a spike in anti-
Semitism. Some of his closes friends and colleagues are Jewish, and he hears regularly about how the
community is feeling. He would implore Council to speak to Jewish residents, as a wide poll would not
be understanding of what the Jewish voice is. He has spent the last five (5) years working on the rebuild
of the Tree of Life Synagogue, walking through the facility with survivors, and he feels as though
someone in the room needs to express how uncomfortable it is for Jewish people at this moment. Mayor
Tuñón stated that Ms. Koch said it very well and thanked her for her comments. Chairman Becki stated
that if Council is in favor of some type of resolution, then it is suggested that Solicitor Rushford develop
one and post it on the Facebook page for feedback. Mayor Tuñón stated that received a message that the
Borough re-focus on the Nazi flag in West Etna, as nothing is in an isolation bubble and the feelings of
anti-Semitism in the context of this and a Facebook post, that there is still a Nazi flag flying in the
community and the political and social ramifications are being put on the table here. Also, Manager
Ramage manages the Facebook page and that is a lot to request. Manager Ramage stated that she is
uncomfortable with that route. Solicitor Rushford stated that it should be focused similarly to any other
Agenda item, and it is not encouraged to have public discourse anywhere except Council Chambers.
Chairman Becki stated that the advice is appreciated as this is uncharted territory, and that a message that
they can speak neutrally but powerfully. Ms. Semler stated that there are several example resolutions that
can be looked at regarding this. Ms. Schaefer stated she would have no reservation moving forward with
this. Ms. Gabriel stated that there are other people in the audience who would like to speak on this issue.
Chairman Becki stated that they are here to gather input, and if anyone else would like to speak to please
introduce themselves and where they're from.

Mx. Jesse Dubin from Cherry Street stated that he is here in support of Council calling for a
ceasefire. Mx. Dubin stated that to be Jewish is to think deeply and critically, and to be weary when
believing that all Jews will agree on Israel. They are here to advocate for others as they do not wish to
only advocate form their self, and regardless of political belief we are witnessing tragedy occurring in real
time before our eyes, and this is a mass death event. More than thirty thousand (30,000) people are gone,
and more than a million at risk of death due to starvation. Each day without a ceasefire, more die
preventable deaths. They are calling on a ceasefire and read from a poem they wrote dedicated to the
children of Gaza. Manager Ramage and Chairman Becki thanked Mx. Dubin for their comment.

Bailey Brown of Ward 1 stated he's lived in Etna for six (6) months, and they are here to ask
Council to pass a ceasefire resolution. He is asking Council for this as, except for Representative Summer
Lee, no federally elected official has called for one. He has been attempting to meet with Rep. Deluzio,
and has been unsuccessful, Senator Fetterman waived an Israeli flag at protestors, and he is gutted by this
violence. Mr. Brown stated that he is Jewish, and anti-Semitism is scary to him, and he came upon the
Nazi flag in West Etna and is a reminder of how jarring anti-Semitism can feel. Mr. Brown stated that he
challenges the narrative that Israel's existence and perpetuation of genocide makes Jews safer, and fears
for the opposite and bring more violence to Jews worldwide. He is also here as County Council would not
call for a ceasefire resolution, despite there being approximately one hundred forty (140) at the meeting in
favor of it. He cannot say more than what has already been said, but would love to see Etna join
municipalities, including Cleveland and Chicago, to call for a ceasefire. Chairman Becki thanked Mr.
Brown for his comment.

Mr. Trader asked if anyone knows of what neighboring communities have done regarding similar
resolutions, and why County Council did not do anything and their reasoning behind that. Ms. Semler
stated that County Council's reasoning was that it was not their role to do this, whereas she believes it is
their role, as it is Borough's role.

An unnamed resident stated that Council is their elected official, and they are asking Council to
do this. Another unnamed resident seconded the previous comment. Mrs. Karen Tomaszewski stated she
would also support this. Chairman Becki stated that Council will be pursuing this. Ms. Semler stated that
she is grateful to the residents who spoke and wrote letters asking Council to pass a resolution calling for
a permanent and lasting ceasefire, a bilateral end to hostilities, and return of all hostages and unlawfully
detained persons. She would also like to thank Sen. Lindsey Williams, Rep. Lindsay Powell, and County
Councilwoman Anita Prizio, for supporting a ceasefire. Elected officials should be leaders, not mirrors,
and supporting a ceasefire is the right thing to do and what constituents ask for. Ms. Semler stated that she
is disappointed in President Biden, Congressman Deluzio, and Senators Fetterman and Casey, for not
showing similar courage. This is why speaking out at the local level is of growing importance and why
she will continue to speak out about this at every meeting. It is discussed about grants and funding for
municipal projects, and the Federal Government could take care of all of these. However, billions of tax
dollars are tied up in the slaughter and starvation of citizens, and this is a local issue. Etna rejects bigotry
and the violence of white supremacy that threaten marginalized communities, recognize signs of bigotry
in the Borough, including the flying of the Nazi flag. Ms. Tuñón, Ms. Gabriel, and herself, organized
around to make sure their neighbors felt safer. She is disappointed that County Council voted down a
ceasefire resolution. This is not anti-Semitic, as most Jewish people want this ceasefire, and continuing to
do so in their names is morally reprehensible and makes them less safe. As elected officials and
community leaders, it falls to them to stand against this and ensure the safety of the residents. Ms. Semler
stated that a right-wing, autocratic, Israeli government that has overseen the massacre of more than thirty
thousand (30,000) people, is not one that anyone should be supporting. Most citizens do not support the
use of funds going to the Israeli government, and the blatant disregard of the Leahy Law by providing this
aid despite credible evidence of war crimes. Chairman Becki thanked Ms. Semler for her comment.

Ms. Gabriel stated that four (4) letters were received in support of a ceasefire.

Mr. Bryan Putze asked if the Nazi flag being referred to is the one at the corner of Greeley and
Dewey. Ms. Gabriel stated that as far as is known, this is the only one in town. Mr. Putze stated that this
resident will state that he is not in support of being a Nazi. Manager Ramage stated that this resident is
stating that the government are Nazis, not himself, which has been explained previously. He is against
Nazis, but that this is in reference to government. Chairman Becki stated that this resident was spoken to
several years previously. Ms. Semler stated that while this resident may be unwell in certain ways and not
thinking clearly, for those who see it this context is not needed, and they know what it means and makes
them feel unsafe. It is unfortunate that nothing can be done. Manager Ramage stated that this resident had
a pet raccoon he was nursing back to health, was turned in by his neighbors, and the pet was taken away
from him. Police and animal control came and took it, and this is why the flag is up. While this is not an
excuse, that is this resident's reasoning. Solicitor Rushford stated that to fight speech that we dislike, but
is permitted under the First Amendment, the cure is a commerce of ideas and meaningful discussion
regarding these issues. While nothing can be done about the flag, much can be done in terms of education
and discussion. Chairman Becki stated that when this flag first appeared, Mrs. Tuñón spearheaded a
webinar and that even though this person is using it as a personal objection to something that happened to
him, it reflects hatred, but it would not be able to change this person's mind. The community came
together with over one hundred fifty (150) people logged in, but it does not make this problem go away.
Ms. Semler and Mrs. Gabriel also assisted in organizing the ‘Etna is for Everyone’ signs that are still
prominently displayed throughout town today. Ms. Semler stated that that in addition to people feeling
unsafe, the FBI is looking at similar river towns with spiked activity for white supremacy, and there many
white supremacy stickers and flags throughout the Borough. She is also concerned about other neighbors
feeling empowered when they see that flag. Chairman Becki stated that this includes driving down Little
Pine Creek Road or next to the Parking Lot of All Saints Church, and that it is his opinion that there are
too many people putting up offensive materials up in public, under the guise of the First Amendment, that
he disagrees with.

Chairman Becki stated that Solicitor Rushford will work up a resolution and it will be presented
to Council at the next meeting for discussion.


1.) Department of Labor and Industry - 5 Year Audit

Chairman Becki stated that an audit of Code Enforcement has been conducted to determine if
accessibility requirements that had not been properly enforced, and based on review they found Etna is in
compliance with this.

A Motion to accept and file this report was made by Ms. Gabriel, Seconded by Mr. Burke. Motion

2.) Dillon Dominytus -Resignation/New Hire

Chairman Becki stated that Officer Dillon Dominytus has resigned to accept another position, and
a job ad has been prepared. The Civil Service commission has been advised of the need to create an
eligibility list and the procedures are on the way. The deadline for applicants will be April 8.

A Motion to accept the resignation of Dillon Dominytus and send him a thank you letter for his
years of service was made by Ms. Schaefer, Seconded by Ms. Semler. Motion carried.

Mr. Iannuzzi stated that with this resignation, he believes it would be in the best interest to do exit
interviews. There is a high rate of turnover within the Borough, and input would be excellent. It will be
stated that it will be for financial reasons, but he believes there may be more reasons. Perhaps the Mayor
could do this for the Police department and Council for the Administration. Mr. Iannuzzi stated that if the
Manager had this level of turnover, Council would question her. Manager Ramage stated that she does for
her staff. Mr. Iannuzzi stated that, moving forward, it should be investigated and reviewed.

3.) Actuarial Valuation 2023 - Accept & File

Chairman Becki stated that this is Mockenhaupt's actuarial valuation of the Police Pension plan,
and it is funded at over one hundred twenty (120%) percent. This is an indication of the increases in the
stock market and how well the funds have been managed. This report was based on PNC providing
account balances and Manager Ramage providing the names of participants.

A Motion to receive and file this report was made by Ms. Schaefer, Seconded by Mrs. Gabriel.
Motion carried unanimously.

4.) 18 Catherine Street - Emergency Demolition

Chairman Becki stated that Manager Ramage was made aware of a potentially catastrophic
situation in that a house had started to collapse. It could have potentially fallen into the street or onto
neighboring houses or properties. All the necessary and proper steps were taken. Manager Ramage stated
that an RFP for the emergency demolition was drawn up to protect the life, safety, and welfare of the
community, she ran it through the Solicitor and placed ads in the paper. The lowest bid was accepted,
which was approximately twenty-four thousand ($24,000) dollars, and she is happy to report that it was
done today and done incredibly well. The resolution that has been presented to Council states the support
and authority for the actions that were taken. Chairman Becki stated that under emergency conditions,
which this was, there are set procedures that were followed. This disastrous home has been demolished,
and when this happens funds need to be spent to prevent any harm caused.

A Motion to adopt Resolution 1395M was made by Mr. Trader, Seconded by Mr. Burke. The
Resolution reads as follows:
Motion carried.

5.) PennDOT Route 8 - Reimbursement Agreement

Chairman Becki stated that at the previous agreement, Council passed a resolution, as required by
PennDOT, for them to do some work on Route 8 on behalf of the Borough. PennDOT has agreed to do
this repair provided Etna pay for the materials, which in this case is a manhole cover. Public Works
Director Balistrieri stated that this is correct. Chairman Becki stated that Council has been presented with
an agreement that must be signed for them to complete this work.

A Motion to allow the proper officials to execute the agreement with the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania was made by Mrs. Gabriel, Seconded by Mr. Trader. Motion carried.

6.) Handicap Parking Space - a.) 69 Locust Street, b.) 18 School Street

Chairman Becki stated that Chief Rodman has visited these locations and asked for his
recommendation. Chief Rodman stated that neither property has off-street parking and there are no other
handicapped spots on the same block of either property, and he is therefore recommending both be

A Motion to allow handicapped parking spots to be installed at 69 Locust Street and 18 School
Street was made by Mrs. Gabriel, Seconded by Ms. Schaefer. Motion carried unanimously.

7.) Riverfront Park - Yoga Class

Chairman Becki stated that a request to use the Riverfront Park for yoga classes again this year
has been presented to Council and would be every Thursday evening from May through September.
Similarly, to other requests it must be approved by Council.

A Motion to permit Riverfront Trail and Park to be used for Yoga classes from May 2 to
September 12 was made by Ms. Schaefer, Seconded by Ms. Semler. Motion carried.

8.) D.C.E.D. Grant Letter - Finance Program

Chairman Becki stated that a grant will be received for sixty-five thousand eight hundred fifty
($65,850) dollars, for the implementation of the new financial systems. The Borough will be working
with Mt. Lebanon to implement an update computer program and financial system, and the DCED, which
is in favor of communities joining together in similar manners, is providing this grant. These funds will
not replace any employee in the Borough, but improve performance, enhance security, modernize ways to
pay bills, and create a more traceable and auditable financial system. Manager Ramage stated that this is
to pay for the software and programming, as the Borough will have CPAs performing accounts payable
and receivable. Payroll will still be done in house. There will be a shifting of duties, but this is more
sustainable to provide and more professional services. Mrs. Gabriel thanked Manager Ramage and the
office staff for this and the additional work in the meantime. Chairman Becki stated that the funds have
been received.

A Motion to allow the proper authorities to execute this grant was made by Ms. Schaefer,
Seconded by Mrs. Gabriel. Motion carried.

9.) Swimming Pool Proposal - R.F.P.-Painting

Chairman Becki stated that the pool, every so often, needs painted and caulked. Manager Ramage
has asked Engineer Don Newman to prepare an RFP for this and review them. With Council's permission,
once these bids are received, reviewed, and approved, they would like to proceed with executing the
contract as any delays to later meetings would not bring it closer to the opening of the pool.
A motion to allow the proper authorities to execute a contract, once received and approved by the
Engineer, to paint and caulk the pool, was made by Mrs. Gabriel, Seconded by Mr. Trader. Motion

10.) Sewer Transfer Agreement- Signed Reporting

Chairman Becki stated that this ALCOSAN Transfer Agreement will transfer Etna's sewers to
ALCOSAN, and any costs or burdens that come with it. Manager Ramage stated that Jared Cohen, former
dean of CMU, passed away, and he was Chair of the first regionalization report, and she had the distinct
pleasure working with him for various projects, and he was an advocate of regionalization of this due to
the economies and inequities in the lower watershed regions. The resolution authorizing the agreement
has been passed, the agreement has been passed through Solicitor Rushford. There were many years
where resident's basements backed up with sewage for decades, including multiple times per year to
residents of Dewey Street, and she is proud of the work done to prevent that. Etna has invested millions of
dollars in the sewer system, and is now in a place where ownership, maintenance, and operation of any
sewer line larger than ten (10) inches will be transferred. However, several eight (8) inch pipes will be
included in this. This is ready, and Etna's share of repairs needed on the trunk line alone is over one
hundred and ninety-one thousand ($191,000) dollars. This is without the ability to camera the sewer line
due to the heavy flow, and it is unknown what else could be wrong with it. ALCOSAN is willing to
accept funds that have been in an account that she has managed since the development of Bennington
Woods. There will be an additional share by several neighboring communities, but if when it is televised,
any additional repairs are needed, they will not be able to request more funds from these municipalities.
She is proud of this moment. Solicitor Rushford stated that there were multiple wins, including the
mentioned funds, the transfer without Etna having to incur the costs of putting a camera on those lines,
and the agreement to accept those funds. Chairman Becki stated that there are several municipalities
whose sewer lines run through Etna, and this is an example of Manager Ramage's negotiating abilities.
Manager Ramage stated that without the support of Shaler, Ross, and Indiana Townships, this would not
be happening. The relationship with those communities, as they have invested hundreds of thousands of
dollars in their communities, due to what has occurred in Etna. Manager Ramage stated that this is an
honor and privilege to work with them and be in this place now.

11.) Holiday Policy - Employee Handbook

Chairman Becki stated that sick leave had previously been implemented for non-union
employees, and this holiday policy is an update to things that should have previously been in writing. This
should have been done decades ago and will include 11 federal holidays including Juneteenth.

A Motion to update the Employee Handbook to include additional paid holidays was made by Mr.
Burke, Seconded by Mr. Trader. Motion carried.

Manager Ramage stated that, on behalf of the administrative staff, this is the first time there has
ever been a policy for them. Between the sick policy, like those contractually provided to Police and
Public Works for decades, and a holiday policy for administrative staff, including herself, she would like
to thank Council.

12.) Riverfront Park - Earth Day

Chairman Becki stated that Mrs. Tuñón has spearheaded the Earth Day event for the last several
years, and Council is in receipt of a request to use the Riverfront Trail and Park on April 20 from 10:00
p.m. - 2:00 p.m. for the after-cleanup celebration.

A Motion to allow the use of the Etna Riverfront Trail and Park on April 20 from 12:00 p.m. -
2:00 p.m. for an after-cleanup party was made by Mrs. Gabriel, Seconded by Ms. Schaefer. Motion

Council/Committee Members Reports

Mr. Burke stated that he has nothing additional to add.

Mr. Trader stated that he would like to thank Manager Ramage for getting the house down on
Catherine, as the entire side of the house had caved in, and it is nice that it was taken care of. Also, he
stopped down at the Senior Center, and there were approximately twenty-five (25) people in attendance
for the St. Patrick's Day party. This goes along with Manager Ramage's report that they may be going
back up to five (5) days per week. Manager Ramage stated that she is hoping this is done by July 1.
Chairman Becki stated that Mr. Trader had asked Manager Ramage about getting it back to five (5) days
per week, and Manager Ramage spoke with the proper officials who provided an explanation that there
were staffing issues coming out of COVID, but that they plan to return to five (5) days in July.

Mrs. Gabriel stated that winter yoga finished in February, and they averaged fifteen (15) people
per adult class, and six (6) per kids’ class. This will be continuing at Riverfront Park on May 2. Thanks to
ECO for the use of the library space and funding, which will continue throughout the summer. Etna filled
out an interest form for an EV charging station. The one at the Garden of Etna gets a lot of use, and there
is a possibility of getting funding to identify sites and additional funding for this charging station. She
attended the kickoff meeting for this and will be attending another meeting to discuss possible sites, so
please provide ideas. Ideally this would be a public space with overhead power lines. There had been a
series of meetings with the core group regarding the DCED Heart & Soul Program, and they are looking
for volunteers and to gather stories about what residents would like to see in the future for Etna. Interested
parties can email etnaheartandsoul@gmail.com and a more formalized training session is upcoming.
Chairman Becki stated that a Comprehensive Plan is a plan for a community's next ten (10) years, and this
program is assisting with the funds for some of the outreach for this information. Mrs. Gabriel thanked
Manager Ramage for the work on the sewer transfer, and thanked those who came tonight and sent letters
regarding the ceasefire.

Ms. Schaefer thanked those who participated in Public Audience and Public Comment. It is
refreshing to hear from constituents, and she is always open to discussion to make change, and she
believes action is required. She also wanted to thank Manager Ramage for her efforts on the sewer
transfer, she is an incredible manager and a pillar of the community.

Ms. Semler stated that the Human Relations Commission had training from the state
Commission. There were many delays, but they now have a much clearer blueprint about how to deal
with complaints and the management of them. Including being proactive and not reactionary to
complaints and looking at several options to address this. The HRC will be hosting Board Game Fridays,
more info will be given on this and keep your eye out for it. The property tax and rent rebate program is
wonderful, for income eligible residents who are 65 or older, widows aged 50 and older, and people with
disabilities aged 18 and older. The program only calculates half Social Security income, and new people
are now eligible as the income cap has increased to forty-five thousand ($45,000) dollars, the maximum
rebate has increased to one thousand ($1,000) dollars, and the cap will continue to go up with inflation
every year. Sen. Williams office is available to assist with this process. After some discussion, Ms.
Semler stated that only half of Social Security income is counted towards a participant’s income.

Mr. Iannuzzi stated that he has nothing additional to report.

Mayor's Report

Mayor Tuñón stated that Mr. Iannuzzi's suggestion of exit interviews will be taken to the Police
Committee. The Public Audience was refreshing to have that level of engagement, especially on such a
difficult topic. He wants to recognize what the Police Department and Public Works Department have
been doing recently and thank them for their hard work. Deck Hockey is up and running, and thanks to
Mrs. Rothmeyer-McElhaney for all her hard work and dedication to this, and congrats to her on the birth
of their child. Baseball is right around the corner, and will be hosting the Pitch, Run, Hit this year through
Major League Baseball. There are great recreational assets here in Etna, including the pool as well. Etna
will be receiving three million ($3,000,000) dollars, thanks to Congressman Deluzio, through the federal
budget process, to build the library. Manager Ramage is the capital campaign chair, and congrats her on
reaching this goal. This is a relief, and now other things can be done. Council has supported programming
which has demonstrated proof of concept, and hundreds of people use the space as a pop-up, through
programs sponsored by Council. This proves that the library is necessary. While ECO may have written
the grant, the money will go to the Borough, due to the great place the finances are in and the
responsibility with other grant funding. A brewery has opened in Etna, and congrats to all involved with

Chairman's Report

Chairman Becki stated that there will be an Earth Day cleanup in Etna on April 20, and
there will be many announcements to come but this was spearheaded by Mrs. Tuñón for the last
several years.

Solicitor's Report

Solicitor Rushford provided a report regarding: Emergency Demolition 18 Catherine

Street; Heart & Soul Grant.

There were no questions regarding this report.

Manager’s Report

Manager Ramage provided a report regarding: Code/Zoning Updates; Update on Fire; Property
Cherry Street; Greenhouse Gas Inventory; CRS/Flood Warning System; CDBG Demolition; 151 Dewey
Street; Heart and Soul; Finance Staff Update; TRICOG Land Bank/City of Bridges; North Hills
COG/SWM Committee; A68 Sewer Transfer; ALCOSAN; Swimming Pool/Recreation Updates;
Streetscape IV; MRM Insurance Updates; CRS/Mini Sirens; Little Pine Creek Connector Trail; Part Time
Office Personnel; Etna Senior Center; Consent Order/Agreement; Chapter 94 Annual Wasteload
Management Report; CONNECT.

Manager Ramage stated that the part-time Administrative Assistant has started, and thanks to
Council for this. It has been difficult with the retirement of Sue Brown, and the transition with the new
finance systems, so her starting is a welcome assistance. She is meeting with the Manager of Sharpsburg
to interview candidates for the Code Enforcement and Rental Inspector position, and she is hoping to
relieve herself of these duties soon. She and Mrs. Gabriel have been meeting with Duquesne Light and
PennDOT to work with 51 Bridge Street on traffic and other things they had in their letter.

Public Comment

Chairman Becki opened the floor for public comment. There were none.

A Motion to move into Executive Session for a legal issue was made by Ms. Schaefer, Seconded
by Mr. Burke. Motion carried unanimously.

Regular Session reconvened at 9:34 p.m.

A Motion to Adjourn the March 2024 Regular Session was made by Mr. Burke, seconded by Ms.
Schaefer. Motion carried.

Regular Session adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

_____________________________ Date: ___________________________

Mary Ellen Ramage, Manager

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