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Questions – skeletal system

Which one of the following is not a joint injury?

A Strain

B Dislocation

C Sprain

D Tennis elbow

Which one of the following statements is correct?
A Flexion, extension and abduction are all possible at the shoulder
B Tennis elbow, badminton elbow and athletes ankle are all types of joint injury
C Flexion, extension and abduction are all possible at the knee
D Compound, greenstick and brownstick are all types of fracture

Which statement correctly identifies the effect of calcium on the skeletal system?
A Keeps the skeleton free from disease
B Gives the skeleton strength
C Provides the skeleton with energy
D Assists the skeleton in the production of red blood cells

Identify an exercise activity that will result in an increase in bone density.

The shoulder is an example of a ball and socket joint. One possible range of movement at a ball and
socket joint is flexion to extension.

State the other two ranges of movement possible at a ball and socket joint.



Complete the following statement about hinge joints.
The range of movement possible at a hinge joint is
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Complete the following statement about hinge joints.
(i) The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is an example of a hinge joint in the body.
(ii) Give a specific sporting action where this range of movement is used at this joint.

Figure 4 shows a javelin thrower.

Identify the joint action at the elbow as the performer in Figure 4 moves the javelin from position A to
position B.
Figure 4 shows a javelin thrower.
Name a joint injury that could affect a performer's ability to throw the javelin.


The shoulder is an example of a ball and socket joint. One possible range of movement at a ball and
socket joint is flexion to extension.

Give an example of a specific sporting action that uses the range of movement flexion to extension at
the shoulder joint.


The athletes in Figure 5 take part in throwing events. Each athlete uses a weight training programme to
improve their performance.

With reference to the skeletal and muscular systems, explain how a weight training programme will affect
performance in an athletic throwing event.
























The skeletal system plays an important role in allowing for a healthy, active lifestyle. Figure 5 shows the
skeletal system of two basketball players.
In the table below:

 identify three functions of the skeletal system in use during physical activity (3)

 give one example of how each function is used during a game of basketball. (3)
Function of the skeletal system during
Example of use during a basketball game
physical activity

The skeletal system has a very important role to play in allowing us to lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
Give two examples to demonstrate how the role of the skeleton helps us to be active.

1 ....................................................................................................................................................

2 ....................................................................................................................................................
(Total for Question = 2 marks)

Figure 7 shows two basketball players. One player has flexed his arm at the elbow to control the ball.
His opponent has moved his extended arm away from the mid-line of the body to try to intercept the
next pass.
Name the joint action occurring at the shoulder as the arm moves away from the mid-line of the body.

Figure 1 shows a footballer kicking a ball.

Figure 1

* Explain how the skeletal and muscular systems work together to bring about the kicking action shown in
Figure 1 as the striking leg moves from Position A to Position B.


























(Total for question = 6 marks)

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