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Alone Against Nyarlathotep

A Classic Call of Cthulhu investigation into Cosmic Horror,

For SOLO PLAY, set in 1925, Yorkshire.

Written & Illustrated by Lee Wade


Call of Cthulhu is a Trademark of Chaosium Inc. and is used with their permission via the OBS Community Content program.
For more information please visit Chaosium’s website:
The Miskatonic Repository Logo is used under license. Investigator Sheets also used under licence.

Alone Against Nyarlathotep, including illustrations ©2024 Lee Wade

Playtesting and PRE GEN support, K.J. Montgomery

Photographs are public domain. Copyright free. Credits Lee Wade & Frank Meadow Sutcliffe
Overview ................................................................... 4
Keeper’s Secret...................................................................... 4
Inspiration ............................................................... 4
W h a t y o u N e e d … … … … … ............................................4
Initial Handouts ....................................................... 5
The PARTY............................................................... 5

TTRPG Version ..................................................................... 5
First Aid.................................................................... 5
Medicine ………………………………….............................. 5
Logbook ................................................................... 6
Timekeeping ............................................................ 6

Equipment……………..………..….................................... 7
Maps. ........................................................................ 7
Sanity ………………………………………............................. 7
Luck ......................................................................... 7
Keeper Rulebook ..................................................... 8
Direct Access List …..……………..………..….................... 8
Reading Entries ......................................................... 8
Minimalist Option ................................................... 8
CoC Basic Dice Rolls ……….……………..………..…........... 8

Quick Definitions ...................................................... 9
Hints & Tips ............................................................. 9
The Game Begins ……………..………..…........................ 10
PRE GENS............................................................... 314
TIMESHEETS ……………..………..…........................... 336
LOG BOOK ..............................................................338
AUTHOR’S NOTES…………………………………………… 339

Trigger Warnings

May contain:
Horror, Mental Health Imprisonment, Witch Persecution, Loss
of Loved Ones, Self Harm, Murder, Paralysis, Police, Firearms,
Mutilation, Severe Weather, Military Conflict, Animal Death,
Hanging, Cannibalism, Supernatural, Body Horror, Possession,
Occultism, Human Sacrifice, Demonology & Cosmic Horror.

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For discussion, tips or help. Ideas, feedback, victories,
bug reports, or any other support of the game and author.
Alone Against Nyarlathotep

Alone Against Well, that would just spoil the mystery.

Nyarlathotep What is the Keeper’s Secret?

This campaign, can be played by a single player, without This SOLO CALL OF CTHULHU RPG supplement, was inspired

needing a Keeper, using Call of Cthulhu RPG 7th Edition. by an appreciation of Lovecraftian tales, combined with
Chaosium’s excellent 7th Edition RPG. As a forever Keeper, I
This massive investigation, will take several 3-4 hour
realised there are a great many other Keepers, out there, who
sessions, to complete and is no small undertaking.
wish they could play, a mysterious Mythos campaign, but don’t
Depending on the investigators actions, choices and their

have the opportunity. Be that, because of time constraints, or,
chosen lines of investigation, the story can develop a great
struggling to find a comfortable group. I also realised, there are
many different ways. There are hundreds of locations and
a great many newcomers, to the CoC system, that would like to
numerous outcomes, to explore. Dozens of items to find and
see the game in action and learn how to run, such events.
Allies to gain. Companions to join your Party of intrepid
investigators, modes of transport, to ride and dark secrets to This is the supplement, designed for such people and
learn. Even several conflicts, to win, versus mythos foes. to provide massive options and a free roam element, that is
The scenario starts in York, England, 3rd November 1925. present in multiplayer, theatre of the mind, style gameplays.
Attempting to write the perfect game is impossible, but I set out
trying to write something, I would love to play myself.

e Hopefully, you will enjoy the journey, this book will

take you on. However, be warned, you will have to use all your
wits, resources and sleuthing skills, to overcome the Mythos.
Along the way, you will get accustomed to using the
rules and making dice rolls, that teach you how the mechanics
of the CoC RPG System, are used in an actual game, to help
guide the dark story of your battle, alone, against Nyarlathotep.



Every story, about a mythos based investigation, always has a

notebook. Filled with scribbled notes, careful observations,
possible clues, rough maps and cryptic theories. You will make
such a notebook, while playing this SOLO Supplement.
You will need :
Notebook & Pencil

Dice, you will need 1D20, 1D12 4D10, 2D8, 5D6, 1D4.
You can choose to create up to 8 Characters, using the
7th Edition Call of Cthulhu RPG, KEEPER RULEBOOK.
If not use the 8 Stock PRE GEN’s provided on p.314
Reading glasses.
Comfortable chair.
Your imagination.
Quiet environment, or eerie/period background music



Outside of COMBAT, the PARTY may apply FIRST AID, to its
It is recommended to print out, the HANDOUTS 1 file, members, who have been harmed by a new injury (within the
before play starts. This file, includes the 8 stock PRE last hour). This action requires 1 TIME and allows a FIRST
Although, they are included at the back of this book. 2 Members of the PARTY may attempt to help, the patient. If
either FIRST AID Roll is a:

Success, the investigator HEALS 1 HIT POINT.
Although this is a Solo Game and your “Investigator” starts Both Fail, the investigator is simply bandaged.
out “alone”, during the gameplay, you may find other
characters join your group. This is called your PARTY.

The maximum size of your PARTY, is noted at
different stages of the game. Sometimes you GAIN members, Outside of COMBAT, and if at LOMBARD HOUSE, you may
to the PARTY, sometimes you LOSE them and they can often choose to put a wounded investigator, to bed and attempt to
REJOIN, as noted in the text. treat them with MEDICINE. There could be several patients.
This uses 1 Hour (+60 Minutes) at the end of which, anyone
You always select one of the PARTY, to be the
you choose, at the House (not necessarily in the PARTY) may
“MAIN INVESTIGATOR” that has the most part to play, in
that particular part of the story. You may choose to change
the MAIN INVESTIGATOR, before moving to a different page/ Hard Success, if an old injury, HEAL 1D3 HIT POINTS.
entry. Note, who is the current MAIN INVESTIGATOR, in Success, if todays injury, HEAL 1D3 HIT POINTS.

character sheet.
your notebook, or, by putting a coin, on that PRE GEN’S

Some Rolls, or Tests, apply to all investigators in the

PARTY. These often include SANITY Tests, from witnessing
Fail, recover 0 HIT POINTS.
Both FIRST AID and MEDICINE, can only be successfully
carried out, once per injury.
horrific sights. While a vision, that only affected the MAIN
INVESTIGATOR, for example, would not require each PARTY
member to Test. Consider this when applying Tests and Rolls,
throughout the investigation.
If you are attempting a non combat Roll, as a group,
choose which of the PARTY members has the best Skill and

only Test their skill. Do not roll for each member of the
PARTY. For example, only one person, can pick a lock.
During the investigation, you have opportunities to
replace members of the PARTY, with other PRE GEN’s. This
can be sensible if particular investigators, are badly injured or
low on LUCK or SANITY. Clever use of available manpower,

from the pool of PRE GEN’s is another tool, in your armoury

against the machinations of Cosmic Horror. Yet, you may still


If you enjoy this campaign and wish to run the Investigation, as a
Keeper, for a real PARTY of players, as a TTRPG, then consider the
game is available on MISKATONIC REPOSITORY as a SILVER

Also find other ALONE AGAINST NYARLATHOTEP fans, report

bugs, or provide feedback, HERE on FB



This game requires a certain degree of book keeping. It is At the beginning of the game, there is no TIMEKEEPING
important, that you document each ENTRY number, that you turn required. However, as the game progresses, it become
to, in your own NOTEBOOK. Along with ideas and observations. important to keep an accurate track of the time and date. This
is done with a new mechanic, that uses, a Dice called the TIME
At times, you may be asked to return to the previous ENTRY and
DICE, that moves across the TIMESHEET, to log time passing.
that is why it is important, to keep a log of ENTRY numbers, you
visit. Also, you may be asked if you have been to an ENTRY LONG GAME - Use a D8 as the TIME DICE.

before, which will change the outcome.
While anything you GAIN/LOSE, or changes to HIT POINTS,
The TIMESHEET is included in “HANDOUTS file 1.”
SKILLS, SANITY, or STATISTICS immediately, on the correct
investigator sheet. Mark off ammunition you expend, too. Print the file. The TIMESHEET is divided into squares, each

representing half an hour, (30 minutes). The TIMEDICE is
The LOG BOOK also tracks ELDRITCH POINTS , TITLES, placed in the current time square.
The number, the dice shows, indicates the progress
Also it logs any ALLY, you gain or lose. They are not specific to a through the half hour. If the TIMEDICE reads 1, it is on the
certain investigator and all members of the PARTY benefit. It can hour or half hour. Each number on the TIMEDICE
be a piece of information, animal, or person. Keep your LOG represents 4 or 5 minutes of actual time, depening on dice
BOOK up to date, if something changes and needs logging. type (D8 or D6).
Every time you turn to a new ENTRY, add 1 to

e the TIMEDICE. If the ENTRY states “COMBAT” then it

represents mere seconds and the TIMEDICE does not turn.
This is also true for reffering to any MAPS, or any ENTRY
number, marked with a * after the ENTRY number (eg 74*)
If the TIMEDICE is already on maximum dice value, it
is moved to the next square and reset to 1. Any excess TIME
is added on. If the TIMEDICE moves to a new square and
that box, has a number in it. This is called a SCHEDULED
EVENT. Turn immediately to that ENTRY, after resolution.
Some Entries denote a random TIME period, Roll a
seperate indicated dice and add this value to the TIMEDICE.

You may not undertake a task/ENTRY for which there

is not enough available time, before a SCHEDULED EVENT.
Do something else, or WAIT (move dice to event).
Some Entries indicate +30 minutes, in this case simply
move the TIMEDICE, to the next square on the TIMESHEET
and retain the same number on the DICE.

Some Entries indicate +60 minutes, or more, slide the

TIMEDICE 2 or more squares along the TIMESHEET, one
square per half hour. For example, 2 hours is 4 boxes.
Some Entries will indicate for you to move the
TIMEDICE to the next SCHEDULED EVENT, move directly
there and set the TIMEDICE to 1.
Some Entries, indicate to move the TIMEDICE to the
next DAY and the new set of squares. Set to 1.
You can choose to WAIT at any stage and add to
When you finish a session of play, write the number of
the TIMEDICE, in the square it is in, on the TIMESHEET.
Next session, you can easily see where to continue from.

Standard mode: Some MAPS, are just a visual aid, while the LOCAL MAPS, have a
Requires less paperwork and bookkeeping. Simply carry grid overlayed, with co-ordinate numbers. There is a mechanic in
unlimited items as a pool amongst the PARTY, with the the game, to allow you to visit the locations, using vehicles.
exception of weapons. Each Investigator may have a personal
If you wish to find a GRID REFERENCE, using a LOCAL MAP,
weapon, specific to them and also carry 1 large weapon.
remember to find the 3 figure co ordinates, by their order of :
Everything else is shared, amongst the PARTY.

Investigators are limited in how much equipment they can
carry. Each can carry only 1 LARGE item, such as a rifle, WHITE (X coordinate, ACROSS)
shotgun, or submachine gun and ammunition.
BLUE (Y coordinate, UP)
Hard Mode:

The number of additional smaller items, they can carry, is up to
the higher first digit+2, of STRENGTH or SIZE. Remember “RED, WHITE & BLUE”
eg STR 75 and SIZE 50, they could carry 9 ITEMS plus a SMG.
Investigators can have an unlimited number of items stored in SANITY
their LUGGAGE. Whenever, they return to their Bedroom, they
The story allows the investigators, to be exposed to mind bending
may leave items, or pick up items from the PARTY LUGGAGE.
experiences and revelations, that can threaten their sanity. The
character sheets, rate the investigators Sanity as a number. The
lower it gets, the more their faculties can fail them, or even

e become insane.

Each morning, note down what 20% less of an

investigators SANITY rating, would be. This is their snapping
point. Anyone, reduced to this level, before the next morning,
becomes INDEFINITELY INSANE. They will play no further part
in the story, as they are SECTIONED and admitted to the local
Asylum, where they will stay for weeks, until they make some form
of recovery.

For example, someone with 55 SANITY, would snap if they are

reduced to 44 or less SANITY, before the next morning.

Anyone, who loses 5 or more SANITY, in a single

encounter, runs the risk of TEMPORARY INSANITY. They must
Roll INTELLIGENCE and if successful, realise the true
ramifications of what they have witnessed. They GAIN
TEMPORARY INSANITY. It lasts, until instructed to remove it.

This TEMPORARY INSANITY, makes them incapable of


combat, or Skill Rolls. Their first time gaining TEMPORARY

INSANITY, gives them +5% CTHULHU MYTHOS Skill.
Subsequent, bouts of INSANITY, only add 1% each.

Investigators have a LUCK rating. Along with LUCK Rolls, you as
the player, may opt to spend LUCK points to lower dice results, by
1% for each point of LUCK expended. This can be done, to pass
Rolls you would have failed, with that investigator. However it
cannot be used in ENTRIES that are marked as COMBAT.

OPTIONAL PULPY RULE: If an investigator is going to die, from

an injury, they can expend 35 LUCK, to avoid ALL the damage.


The KEEPER RULEBOOK Minimalist Option

As you play through the SOLO “Alone” game, you can use If you wish to streamline the game, or playing it on the fly,
Chaosium’s KEEPER RULEBOOK, 7th Edition Rulebook, to you can opt for a minimalist rule to replace the dice.
read further. Or the BASIC Learn how the rules surrounding Simply flip a coin, for any SKILL/TO HIT Roll.
each aspect of the gameplay, have further nuances, to
Heads is a Success/Tails a failure.
explore, in a real multiplayer TTRPG version.
If the Skill% is over 50% then the first Fail, on a test, can
If an entry, demonstartes a game mechanic, you can
have the coin flipped a second time. Take that 2nd result.

look in the official CHAOSIUM Rulebook, for more info.
Investigators can carry all items in minimal play mode.
At times, the SOLO game, does deviate from the
nuance of the rules, to avoid complication and keep the
game moving smoothly. This can help you understand how

you can be a KEEPER and resolve game mechanics, for a
group of friends, round a table. Also showing more depth.

Direct Access List (DAL)

The DAL, is a game mechanic that, allows you to go directly
to a small amount of specific ENTRY numbers. However,
you must be INSIDE Lombard House, to use the Direct
Access List, unless accessing a MAP.

Some of the DAL ENTRIES detail other specific
RULES and can be referred to, at the correct moment due
to the DAL. This will become apparent, as you play the
Always read from the top of each entry, in order. If a line
instructs you to “Go to” a different ENTRY, do so
immediately, without reading the remaining text. Some
words, are in CAPITALS, to draw your attention to them as

game mechanics. At the bottom of most ENTRIES, there will

be game mechanics arranged in specific ways, on the page.
This is because you should read the ENTRIES from the top,
line by line, somewhat like a computer programme. If a
game mechanic applies on that line, do immediately what it If no investigator has the skill, use the [Base%] indicated.
says. The order is important. Roll SKILL - Roll 1D100.

If you come to a line, requiring a dice Roll, apply If the dice Roll is 96-00 it is classed as a Fumble.
the results that are indented beneath it, only if the first line (miss next turn/action/attack, while recovering).
applied to your story. Otherwise, skip the indented text.
If the dice Roll, is over the characters SKILL%, it is
You may be asked if you are carrying certain items, classed as a Fail or Miss.
have gained specific ALLIES, or have been to certain places.
If the dice Roll, is equal, or under the characters
This, will alter the gameplay and outcomes.
[SKILL]%, it is classed as a Success.
Most ENTRIES have choices to make, if no line
If the dice Roll, is equal, or less than half the
automatically applies. You may choose, to make a change to
characters [SKILL]%, it is classed as a Hard Success.
the MAIN INVESTIGATOR, before making a choice and
turning to the indicated ENTRY. If the dice Roll is equal, or less than a fifth of the
characters [SKILL]%, it is classed as an Extreme Success.
Remember, to do everything in order and pay
attention to detail. Remember to turn the TIMEDICE. If the dice Roll 01 is classed as a Critical Success.

Do not read ENTRIES that catch your eye, Resist! If you pass a SKILL Roll, tick the adjacent box with pencil.


Hints & Tips

Swap your MAIN INVESTIGATOR, if injured, or mentally
unstable. Also, substitute PARTY members, if they are looking
vulnerable, when you are offered a chance to do so. You can
always recover the Investigator, in a later swap. Wise use of
QUICK Definitions:
human resources, will make a difference, in this campaign.
ADVANTAGE DICE - Roll an Extra 10’s dice and take the
more favourable number, as the result of the D100.

Combat can be very dangerous in Call of Cthulhu RPG.
DISADVANTAGE DICE - Roll an Extra 10’s dice and take the
Especially against large cosmic horrors. Often, discretion is
less favourable number, as the result of the D100.
the better part of valour.
PRE GEN - The 8 playable investigators, you start with.

Roll TO HIT - Roll 1D100, compare to Weapon SKILL. Building relationships with people, can often lead to their
GAIN - Add to relevant STAT, SKILL, HIT POINTS, ALLY or assistance, or sharing their knowledge. This can take time.
LOSE - Deduct from relevant STAT, SKILL, HIT POINTS, Sometimes you miss clues, or are not at a location, at the
ALLY or EQUIPMENT. right time. A meticulous sleuth, could benefit from returning
HEAL - GAIN up to maximum/starting Value. to the same location, if they feel there is more to learn.

ELDRITCH POINTS - Mysterious Energy

HIT POINTS - Physical Health TIME management is important, as you only have so much

SANITY - Mental Health

GO TO - turn to the indicated ENTRYe
DEAD - the character is slain and out of the game for good.
available, in the game. Use it wisely. Choosing a D8 as the
TIMEDICE, gives you more chance to explore more of the
game. Vehicles are key modes of transport, for efficient travel.
RANDOM - Assign each PARTY member a number and roll. LUCK should be used wisely, to pass SKILL Rolls you deem
important. As you use it up, you will become less lucky and
GAME OVER - The game ends, unless offered a choice
once below 35, cannot save you from fate, if playing pulpy.
* - This page costs NO TIME to visit.
COMBAT - This page costs NO TIME. LUCK cannot be used.
Carry Equipment, you think will be required that day. Make
TIME - Location and number of TIMEDICE on TIMESHEET. sure each member of the PARTY is armed, when possible.

SCHEDULED EVENT - Square on Timesheet, with an ENTRY. Be sure to use FIRST AID and MEDICINE, after COMBAT.

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