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MSc in Dental Disciplines/CoMD-Ulster University

Research Protocol Guidance

Module: Research Methodology II module (10 and 20 credits variants)

Assignment Level: Level 7

Assignment type: Summative assessment

Protocol assignment: A Research Protocol is required as part of the summative assessment for Research Methodology II module. It is an essential expansion for your
research proposal and represents a planning-type document that marks the start of the process of your research. The Research Protocol should be approximately 2000
words excluding figures, tables, references, and appendices. The assessment of your Protocol follows the marking guidelines for level 7 illustrated in the table below. The
document should be submitted with completed Ethics Review Form. Failure to do so can result in an inevitable failure.

Your protocol should be clear and easy to understand. The protocol overall purpose is to enable you to present a scientific argument for your study, to think through your
methodology and to anticipate the outcomes (negative and positive). It is important that you follow the below subheadings:

1. Introduction: to justify the project (rationale) and finish it with statement of the Research Question (RQ).
2. Literature Review (for primary research) OR Background (for secondary research): summarised literature review for primary research OR background of the topic
for secondary research (reviews).
3. Methodology: sufficient details to enable an assessment of the feasibility of the project and its ethical acceptability
4. Possible/Expected Outcomes: This section should explain the benefits that will be achieved from your research and how to avoid things go wrong. This section
should be subdivided into feasibility, contingency and impact assessment subheadings. The feasibility subsection should be subdivided into cost analysis, time
management, practicality and ethics considerations.
5. Reference list
6. Appendices: ethics approval letter, Supervision agreement and a minimum of one supervision record.

Marking Descriptors: your protocol will be assessed according to the descriptors below:
Section Fail (<45%) Marginal Fail (45-49%) Pass (50-59%) Commendation (60-69%) Distinction (70%+)
Introduction • No clear introduction • Some evidence of introducing the • Sound introduction to project. • Focused introduction to the • Clear identification of the focus of
(10%) • Unclear research question. project • Research question stated with project project and a logical original RQ
• Poor communication of ideas. • Research question justified by some justification. • Good understanding of the topic posed
• No use of referencing. some limited analysis • Demonstrates a sound area. • Excellent evidence informed rational
understanding of topic area. • Evidence informed rationale & & justification of the RQ.
justification to RQ.
Literature Review • Very limited. • Basic in range or depth • Moderate range and depth • Good range and depth • Extensive range and depth of
OR Background • Little evidence of reading. • Limited range of reference sources appropriate to topic. appropriate to topic. sources judiciously selected.
(30%) • Unsubstantiated generalisation • Evidence of critical appraisal, but • Evidence of wider reading. • Evidence of logical & analytical • Thorough critical review of
of research evidence. in a limited or descriptive manner. • Evidence of linking literature into thinking. literature, well integrated into study.
• Poor range of reference sources. • Some use of evidence to support study with some criticism • Literature integrated well with • Clear knowledge of limitations of
• Poor degree of critical appraisal. comments, but not consistent in apparent. sound degree of critical review. literature base.
• Lack of attempt to analyse or interpretation. • Emergent appreciation of • Accurate communication of • Exploration of other ideas and
evaluate literature. alternatives. ideas and concepts. contradictions.
Methodology • Inappropriate and unclear • Clearly outlined method of data • Clearly outlined method with a • Focussed method of data • Demonstrates originality in the
(30%) methodology and / or not collection but not wholly correctly degree of reflection. collection with critical reflection choice or development of methods.
correctly applied in practice. applied in practice. • Methods generally correctly on design. • Provides evidence of understanding
• Lack of appreciation of research • Lack of detail. applied. • Demonstrates competency in of complex methods.
methodology. • Basic appreciation of research • Shows a good appreciation of research methodology. • Evidence of high-quality analysis
methods. research methodology. • Evidence of considered including reliability & validity.
reliability and validity.
Possible Outcomes • Inadequate / incomplete • Adequate predictions of possible • Good predictions of possible • Very good predictions of • Excellent predictions of possible
(15%) discussion of possible outcomes. outcomes both positive and outcomes both positive and possible outcomes both positive outcomes both positive and negative
• Only covered positive negative. negative. and negative. • Clearly shown impact of the
predictions. • Simple feasibility • Some feasibility assessment. • Sound feasibility analysis with research in the context of current
• No evidence of impact of the • Limited evidence of the • Generally, shows the potential mitigation. knowledge.
research in the context of prospective value of the research impact of the research in the • Clearly shown impact of the • Evidence of extensive personal
current knowledge. in the context of current context of current knowledge. research in the context of research & evaluation.
knowledge. current knowledge.

Presentation • Poor structure & meaning. • Borderline quality of presentation • Satisfactory quality of • Sound presentation quality. • Excellent presentation quality.
& • Poor referencing with many • Clear meaning but unclear presentation. • Clear meaning and fluent • Articulate & fluent.
Research skills. errors. language. • Clarity of meaning & language. language. • Precise, full & appropriate
(15%) • Inconsistencies or omissions in • Competent referencing but with • Sound referencing with minor • Full, appropriate & correct use referencing.

referencing. errors and inconsistencies. errors or inconsistencies. of the Harvard system. • Consistent & correct use of Harvard
• Academic conventions used • Academic conventions largely • Appropriate academic skills. • Sound uses of academic system.
weakly or ignored. evident. • Correct use of Harvard system. convention. • Consistent & accurate use of
• Incorrect use of Harvard • Limited use of Harvard system. • Evidence of research ability under • Successful demonstration of academic convention.
referencing. • Some evidence of research ability limited guidance & supervision. research skills with minimal • Successful demonstration of
• No evidence of required but with substantial guidance & • Able to identify problems and plan guidance & supervision. research skills with a significant
research skills. supervision. mitigation. • Takes initiative in identifying degree of autonomy.
problems and planning • Identification of problems and
mitigation. effective planning of mitigation
using a range of resources.

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