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Over 100 delicious dishes

from across the nation

as seen on

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London, New York, Munich, Melbourne, Delhi

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This edition published in 201 1

First published in Great Britain in 2009
by Darling Kindersley Limited
80 St rand, London WC2R 0RL
First paperback published by Darling Kindersley in 2010
Penguin Group (UK)

Copyright© 2009 Darling Kindersley Limited

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Introduction 6

Starters 10
Mains 76
Desserts 152
Index 220
Langoustine and
spicy pumpkin soup
Prep time 20 minutes
Cooking time 1 hour
A colourful soup, with flavourful pumpkin
Difficulty Medium and a good kick of chilli and Thai spices

4509 (1 lb) pumpkin 1 Put the pumpkin in a baking tray, drizzle with half the oi l and
(prepared weight), sprinkle with sea sa lt. Roast in the oven at 200°C (400°F/Gas 6) for
deseeded and chopped 30 minutes or until tender. Leave until coo l enough to handle, then
2 tbsp olive oil
~ )J sea salt
pee l (disca rd the rind) and chop the flesh into cubes. Set aside.
~?!--_:;, 1kg (2 /41b) fresh langoustines 2 Bring a deep heavy saucepan of sa lted water (enough just to
(preferably Scottish)
14 cove r the she llfish) to the boil over a medium-high heat, then
1 onion, finely chopped
00 1 red pepper, deseeded add the langoustines. Reduce t he heat and poach for 4 minutes.

and finely chopped Plunge the langoustines into co ld water for a couple of minutes
1 fresh red chilli, f inely t o st op t he cooking process, then drain and peel, reserving both
1-3 chopped
ti;J the cookin g wate r and t he she lls (discard the heads and thoraxes).
~ 4 garlic cloves, finely
00 Set aside t he langousti ne tails.
• 1 tbsp Thai red curry paste
3 In another saucepan, heat the remaining oil over a medium
z 1 kg (2¼16) ripe tomatoes,
heat and add t he onion, pepper, chilli and garlic. Saute for
C) blanched, skinned and
0 chopped
5 m inutes until soft b ut not co loured, then add the curry paste
(f) 1 sma ll bunch of fresh and pumpki n and sti r until everyt hing is wel l coated. Add the
coriander, leaves picked rese rved langoustine shell s and their cooking water, then tip
and chopped in the tomatoes . Top up with water t o cover, if needed and
)> handful of toasted pumpkin
z leave to sim mer fo r 20 minutes.
0 seeds, to garnish
4 Remove from the heat, allow t o coo l slightly, then process in
n batches in a blender or food processor, unti l the shells have broken
cl into very sma ll pieces. Push the soup through a sieve back into
the rinsed-out pan, using the back of a spoon to press out as much
flavour as possible. D iscard the contents of t he sieve and gently
z reheat t he soup until piping hot . Check the seasoning.
0 5 Divide the soup among 4 warm bowls, adding the langousti ne
cl ta ils and coriander equa lly to each serving, then sp rinkl e wit h the
pumpkin seeds. Serve hot, with warm naan bread.
Sparkling •

fish risotto
Prep time 30 minutes
Cooking time 40 minutes
A unique sparkle and a flourish of seared
Difficulty Medium scallops make this a truly special dish

900ml (1½ pints) good- 1 Pour t he stock into a saucepan, place over a medium heat,
quality fresh fish stock and bring to a simmer.
50g (1¾oz) butter
1 sma ll red onion, finely 2 M e lt the butter in a large frying pan and add the onion and
chopped the saffron and its soaking liquid. Gently sweat for 10 minutes until
a few saffron t hreads, soaked soft but not co loured, then add the leeks, mushrooms and rice.
in a little hot water
Cook, st irring, for a few m inutes until the rice grains are well coated
6-8 baby leeks, finely
chopped and t he vegetables have softened. Pour in the wine and st ir until
handful of f resh shiit ake it has all b een soa ked up and the alcohol has evaporated.
mushrooms, finely sliced
300g (10oz) Vialone Nano 3 Add t he hot stock to the ri ce a little at a time, stirring constantly
risotto rice and all owing the liquid to b e absorbed each t ime before adding
2 g lasses of Camel Valley more. Cook for 15 minutes or until the rice is nearly tender. Add
• sparkling wine
(/') the cubed sa lmon fillets and coo k for 3 minutes, stirring gently.
~ 280g (10oz) Loch Dua rt
Now add t he cod and prawns and cook for a further 2 minutes.
;::o salmon fillets, skinned
r and cubed 4 Meanwhile, bring a pan of wat er to the boil. Add the asparagus
z 280g (10oz) cod fillet, and cook fo r 3 minutes, then quickl y refresh t he spea rs in cold
skinned and cubed
water and drain.
(/') 8 large prawns, peeled and
de-veined 5 When the rice is ten der but st ill retains some bite, remove f ro m
(./) 8 fresh asparagus spears,
0 the heat, add the cheese and a squeeze of lemon juice and season
t rimmed
-1 with sa lt and black pepper. Stir ve ry well, then cover the pan and
-1 100g (3½oz) English goat 's
0 cheddar, grat ed leave to stand.
a squeeze or two of lemon
juice, p lus 2 lemons, 6 Working quickly, heat a ridged cast- iron grill pan over a high
halved, to serve heat until searing hot, then lightly b rush the scallops with o il,
8-1 2 large hand-dived squeeze over a little lemon juice (if liked) and sear for 3 minutes,
Loch Fyne scallops tu rning once. Sear the asparagus spears in the same pan, turning
olive oil until colou red sl ightly.
4 slices smoked sa lmon such
as Bleiker's Apple Wood 7 Spoon the risotto onto warm plates and arrange 2 or 3 scallops
Smoked Romanov on top of each serving, along w ith a roll of smoked salmon and
sea sa lt and freshly ground
2 asparagus spea~s. Serve each plate with a lemon ha lf, wrapped
black pepper
in muslin, for squeezing over.
Smoked mackerel
souffle tart
Prep time 1 hour
A light, fluffy tart with a punchy flavour Cooking time 30 minutes
and enough for seconds Difficulty Medium

1 Preheat t he oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). To make the pastry, For the pastry C>

either rub the flour and butter together w ith yo ur f ingertips, or 200g (7oz) plain flour
whizz toget her in a food processor, until the m ixture resemb les f ine 100g (3½oz) butter or hard
margarine, d iced
breadcrumbs. G rad uall y add t he iced water, a very little at a t ime,
about 50ml (1¾fl oz) iced
unti l the mixture just comes together to form a dough. Wrap in water
clin g fi lm and leave t o rest in the refrigerator fo r 30 minut es.
For the filling
2 On a floured work surface, ro ll out the pastry and use it to line 2009 (7 oz) smoked mackerel
a non-stick 18cm (7in) or 20cm (Sin) fl uted ta rt t in. Li ne t he pastry fill et, skinned
case w ith greaseproof paper, f ill w ith baking beans and b lind-bake 1 tbsp mild horseradish
in the oven for 7 m inutes. Remove t he beans and paper and return sauce
25g (scant 1oz) butter
the pastry case to t he oven for a further 3 minut es. Leave t o cool.
25g (scant 1oz) plain flour
Do not tu rn off the oven. 300ml (1 0fl oz) whole milk


50g (1 ¾oz) Wensleydale ~

3 Flake the mackere l into a bowl and gent ly st ir in t he horseradish 0
cheese, crumbled 7'
sauce until we ll combined. Spread the m ixture even ly ove r the m
2 eggs, separated, plus
bottom of the coo led pastry case. 1 extra egg white
sea salt and freshly ground )>
4 Melt the butter in a saucepan, sti r in the f lour and cook for a n
black pepper 7'
minute or two. Slowly add the mi lk, a little at a time, sti rrin g we ll m
to prevent lumps. Simmer until thickened and smoot h . Remove To serve rn
f ro m the heat and add t he cheese and the 2 egg yo lks. Wh isk the 2 oranges, segmented U)

a large bunch of watercress 0

3 egg wh ites to firm peaks, then gently fold t hem into the cheese C
m ixture. Spoon t he cheese sauce on top of t he mackerel in the 77
pastry case, m aking sure that it cove rs th is filling complete ly. m,

Bake in the oven for 20 m inutes. ~

5 Mix together the orange and wat ercress and serve a slice
of the wa rm tart on each p late, w ith the salad on t he side.

''It's like eating smoked air.

It is very, very light and
the mackerel is delicious.''
-Ed Baines
Ham and
asparagus flan
Prep t ime 10 minutes
Cooking t ime SO minutes
A springtime flan using prime seasonal
Difficulty Easy-medium ingredients and fine Northumbrian cheese
Fo1 the pastry 1 To make the pastry, either rub the flour, sa lt and fat together
240g (9oz) p lain flour with your fingertips, or whizz together in a food processor, until the
pinch of salt
mixture resemb les breadcrumbs. Gradually add iced water, a very
60g (2oz) hard margarine,
little at a time, until the mixture comes together to form a dough.
60g (2oz) lard, diced Wrap the pastry in cling f il m and leave to rest in the refrigerator for
about 60m l (2fl oz) iced wat er 30 minutes. M eanwhile, preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F/Gas 5).
00 For the fi1ling· 2 Remove t he pastry from the refrigerator, roll it out on a floured
~ 10 fresh asparagus spears work surface and use to line a 20cm (Sin) flan or pie dish. Line th e

knob of butter
1 small onion, finely chopped
pastry case with greaseproof paper, fi!I with baking beans and ba ke
for 15 m inutes. Take out of the oven, remove the beans and paper
~ 60g (2oz) Northumberland
00 and return t he pastry case to the oven for 5 minutes until the pastry
Nettle cheese, grated
• 60g (2oz) Snowdonia Black is cooked and golden. Leave to cool for 10 minutes. Do not turn
)> Bomber cheese, grated off t he oven.
s 120g (4½oz) cooked ham,
)> 3 Meanwhile, to make th e fi lli ng, bring a large pan of water to
z finely sliced
0 5 whole eggs, plus 1 egg the boil, t ip in the asparagus and cook for 2 minutes, then refresh
<.n yolk in iced water. Drain, then cut each spear in half. Melt the butter
~ 140ml (4½fl oz) double cream in a sma ll pan and sweat the onions for a few minutes, stirring,
:::0 ½ red pepper, deseeded until soft and trans lucent.
C) and sliced
C fresh ly ground black pepper 4 Arrange the cheese, on ion, asparagus and ham in the pastry
case. Beat t he eggs with the crea m and season generously with
~ black pepper. Carefully pour half the egg mixture into the flan,
then arrange the red pepper eve nly over the fi lling. Pour over the
remaining egg mixture.

5 Bake the flan in the oven for 25 minutes and serve hot, with
a salad of lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber.
Red lentil soup
with lentil vadai
Prep time 35 minutes
Full of authentic South In dian flavour, Cooking t ime 1 hour
with savoury, doughnut-like vadai Difficulty Medium

1 Soak the lentils and rice for the vada i in warm water to cover For the vadai
for 30 minut es. 175g (6oz) urad dal
(black gram lent ils), picked
2 To make the soup, heat t he 1 t sbp su nflowe r oi l in a frying pan and rinsed
over a medium heat. Gently fry the curry leaves, dried ch illies, 1 t bsp basrnati rice
and mustard and cumin seeds for 2 minutes unti l the mustard p inch of bicarbonate of soda
pi nch of baking powder
seeds start to pop. Add the on ion and fry for a few minutes until
1 tsp asafoetida powder
softened. Now add t he garlic, fresh ch illi es, tomatoes and g inger salt
and st ir for 2 minut es. Add the sambar and ch illi powders and sunflower oil for deep-frying
the t urm eric. Stir th rough, th en add t he red lent il s and 2 lit res
(3½ pint s) water. Bring to t he boil and simmer, uncovered, for 20- 25 For the soup
1 tbsp sunflower oil
minutes until the soup has t hickened a little and the lentils are soft
2 spri gs of fresh cu rry leaves
but not too mushy. 2 dried red chillies

1 tsp must ard seeds m
3 To make t he vada i, drain t he lentil s and rice we ll, t hen whizz 0
1 tsp cum in seeds r
in a food processor or b lender until a th ick batter forms. Add t he 1 red onion, chopped
bicarbonate of soda, baking powder, asafoet ida powder and sa lt to
2 garlic cloves, finely -I
t ast e . Working qu ickly, take ladlefuls of the mixture and sh ape into chopped (/)

sma ll patties on a sheet of cling film, then use your finger 2 fresh green chillies, finely 0
to make a hole in the cent re of each on e, like a doughnut. chopped --0
4-5 vine-ripened tomatoes, ~
4 Meanwhi le, half-fill a large pan with oil and p lace over a chopped -I
medium-high heat unt il t he temperature reaches 170°C (338°F) 3cm (1 ¼in) piece of fresh
root ginger, finely chopped m
on a cook's thermometer. Gently slip t he vada i into t he hot oi l,
2 tsp sambar powder
and deep-fry for about 10 m inutes unti l golden on all sides, 1 tsp chi ll i powder r
tu rning ove r about halfway through cooking. Remove with a 1 tsp ground turmeric ~
slo tted spoon and d rain on kitchen paper. 200g (7oz) red lentils, picked 0
and rinsed
5 Spoon the soup into 4 warm bowls, sprinkle with the coriander 1 bunch of fresh coriander,
leaves and serve with the hot , crispy vadai on the sid e. leaves picked and chopped

''I'm blown away by this

delicious lentil soup.
The flavours are fabulous.
There's a bit of fire in
there, but I love that."
- Jilly Goolden
Smoked Arctic char I

r •p tir,e 15 minutes, p lus

pate with bannocks
1 hour's marinating
Cook nq time 45 minutes
A wonderful pate, scooped up with an old
Difficulty Easy-med ium Orkney speciality, beremeal bannocks
7I. ror ..:moki 1g the cha1 1 To smoke the cha r, first fillet t he fish and marinate in the sugar,
2 whole A rctic char, sca led, sa lt and sherry f or 1 hour. Using a smoker, hot-smoke the cha r over
\~ii \.,

~ ~
gutted and gi lled (if you
can't get hold of char, use
oak ch ips for 45 minutes . Keep in t he refrigerator until needed.

c;___.,.. j good-quality salmon) 2 To make the pate, sweat the o nion in a little butter fo r about
r_,-.,.. 1 tbsp soft brown sugar
"" 5 minut es unt il soft but not co loured.
1 t bsp sea salt
20 1 smal l glass of med ium- 3 Carefu lly re move the skin f rom t he smoked char and debone.
r:n sweet sherry Flake t he fish and put it in a food processor. Add the lem on juice,
~ cre me f ra'i'che and chives t o taste, along with t he cooked on ion .
l;d ro ,. the pate
1-3 1 medium onion, d iced Season with salt and b lack p epp er and b lend until smooth.
l;d a little salted butt er
r:n 4 To make t he bannocks, in a bowl, mix t ogether the beremeal,
smoked fillets of char

(./) (see above) p lain flou r, baking powder, cream of tartar and pinch of salt. Add
~ 1 t bsp freshly squeezed the milk and mix to a stiff but soft dough. D ivide into 2 or 3 pieces
0 lemon juice
?\ and ro ll out each on a floured board t o fo rm a long oval .
m 2 tbsp creme fraTche
)> sma ll handfu l of fresh chives, 5 Heat an unoiled griddle o r cast-iron grill pan until fai rly hot.
to taste, roughly chopped Cook t he bannocks for 5 minutes on each side, until both sides
:..-, salt and freshly g round are browned and t he middle is cooked. Practice will make perfect.
n black p epper
6 To serve, p lace a quene ll e o f pate on one side of each serving
For the bannochs p late. Cut the bannocks into small circles using a pastry cutt er.
230g (8oz) beremeal Serve 5 or 6 of t hese m ini bannocks wit h each servi ng of pate,
p, (a type of ba rley flour)
and garnish each p late with some chives and a wedge of lemon.
m, 11 5g (4oz) p lain flour
~ ½ tsp baking powder
I ½ tsp cream of tartar
CD pinch of salt
::t> 100ml (3½fl oz) whole milk
0 Tu r,e:-ve
?\ fresh chives, to garnish
lemon wedges
Scottish baked
pear cheesecake
Prep t ime 20 minut es
Sharp blue cheese, creamy mascarpone Cooking t ime 30 minut es
and luscious pears - culinary alchemy Difficulty Medium-easy

1 To make the oatcakes, preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7).

3 ripe Conference pears
Grease a baking t ray. Sift togethe r the flour, b ica rbonate of soda 80g (3oz) butter
110g (4oz) oatcakes ,~
and sa lt into a bowl. Mix t he oatmeal into t he d ry ingredients,
t hen add t he melted b utt er wit h a round-b laded kn ife. Pour in
(see below)
2 tbsp Poire W illiam liqueur
just enough boiling wat er, a litt le at a t ime, t o form a stiff dough. 100g (3½oz) cream cheese
Ro ll out t he dough th in ly, cut into rounds with a pastry cutt er, 50g (1¾oz) mascarpone
and arrange on the baking tray. Bake in the oven f or 15 m inutes, cheese 21
t hen leave to cool for 10 minut es. Do not tu rn off t he oven. 150g (S½oz) Lanark Blue 00
cheese ~
2 Peel, core and chop the p ears into small p ieces. Put in a pan 1 small bunch of fresh chives, ~
chopped, p lus a few extra t-3
with a little wate r and gently poach over a low heat until the p ears ttj
have softened and are starting to break down int o a puree. sta lks, to garnish ~
1 egg, light ly beaten
3 Meanwhile, m elt t he butt er in a pan. Crush the oatcakes with salt and fresh ly ground black


a ro lli ng pin and p ut in a bowl. When t he butter has melt ed, pour pepper n
over t he crushed oat cakes and mix together until well coated. -;
For the oatcakes (J)
Sit fou r 10cm (4in) or 12cm (Sin) meta l food rings on a baking tray 45g (1½oz) plain f lour I
lined w it h silico ne paper and press th e o at cake m ixtu re down into ¼ tsp bicarbonate of soda CD
the bottom of t he rings. Evenly spread about 2 t sp of t he m ixture pinch of salt A
across the bott o m of each one t o make a t h in base. 11 0g (4oz) mediu m oatmeal 0
30g (1oz) butter, melted -0
4 On ce the p e ars have softened, add the Poire Wi lliam li queur about 90ml (3fl oz) boiling )>
and reduce a little. Using a hand-held bl ender, puree until smooth. water
Spread so me of the pear puree on t op of the oatcakes in t he food I
For the salad m
rings, again making sure to sprea d the m ixtu re evenly. 1 tbsp Dijon mustard (J)
5 Next , put t he cream ch eese and mascarpone in a bow l and 1 tbsp whit e wine vinegar n)>
4-6 tbsp walnut oil A
mix until com b ined. Crum ble in t he Lanark Blue in sm alli sh b it s m
4 handfuls of lamb's lettuce
an d mix th rough. M ix in the chopped ch ives and beaten egg, Salt and fresh ly ground b lack
season with sa lt and black pep per and m ix again unt il we ll pepper
combined . Sp oon t he cheese mixt ure on t op of t he p ear p ure e,
fil ling right up to t he top . Bake in t he oven f or 10- 15 m inutes
until t he cheesecakes have b rowned slig htly on t op, b ut th e
m ixtu re still wobb les a little when nudged. A ll ow t o coo l sli ght ly.

6 To make the sa lad, wh isk toget her th e mustard, vinegar and o il,
season with salt and pepper and use to d ress the lamb's lettuce.
Put a cheesecake, in its ring, on each of 4 pl ates. Run a kn ife
around t he edges to loosen the rings and g ently lift o ff. G arnish
with a couple of ch ive st alks and serve with a small p il e of salad.
Aromatic green
chicken curry
Prep time 10 minutes
Cookinq time 25 minutes
F1·esh feI1ugreek leaves add an autl1entic,
Difficulty Medium slightly bitter taste to this fragrant dish
100g (3½oz) fresh coriander, 1 Put the fresh coriander, fenugreek, spring onions, garlic, g inger
including st alks, chopped and ch illies in a blender and wh izz t o a pu ree.
100g (3½oz) fresh fenugreek
leaves, chopped 2, In a large saucepan over a medium heat, dry-toast the cumin
6 spring onions, chopped, seeds, stirring, for a coup le of minutes until t hey become aromatic,
plus more to garnish then add t he butt er. Once t he butter has melted, t ip in the herb
4 garl ic cloves, chopped
22 pu ree and 1 tablespoon of the yogurt and continue cooking
2 tsp chopped fresh root
(JJ ginger until the fat separates and st art s to float on top .
~ 5 fresh hot green chillies,
3 Add t he ch icken, garam marsa la, turmeric and sa lt. Stir in the
1 tsp cumin seeds rema ining yogurt and the cream and simmer gently for 12 minutes.
~ 30g (1 oz) butter Lastly, add the prawns and cook for a further 2-3 minutes until
3 tbsp Greek-style yogurt t he prawns are just heat ed t hrough.

)> 4 skinless chicken breast
fillets, d iced 4 Serve sprin kled with chopped spring on ions.
~ 1 t sp garam masala
~ 1 tsp ground turmeric
n 1 tsp salt
C) 2 tbsp single cream
m 200g (7oz) peeled and
m de-vei ned cooked king
z prawns

''The sauce is fresh, gorgeous,

with a little piquance goin·g
on with it, but it's made
that chicken so tender that
it really melts.''
- Jilly Goolden
Prep time 30 m inut es, plus
and chutney tart
30 minutes' resting time
Cooking time 35-40 minutes
This silnple and delicious tart is lifted by
Difficulty Medium- easy tangy red onion chutney and goat's cheese
For the pastry 1 To make the pastry, sift th e flour and sa lt into a large bowl and,
225g (8oz) p lain flour using your fingertips, rub in the butter unti l the m ixture resembles
pinch of salt
b readcrumbs. Stir in the thyme leaves, then gradually t rickle
100g (3½oz) good-quality
in iced water, a very little at a time, until the mixture just comes
3 sprigs of fresh thyme, together int o a dough . Form into a bal l, wrap in cling fi lm,
leaves p icked and leave to chi ll in t he refrigerator for 30 minutes.
For the chut11ey 2 Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F/Gas 5) . Grease
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil four 10 (4in) or 12cm (Sin) individual tart tins .
4 red onions, finely sliced
4 garlic cloves, finely sliced 3 On a fl oured work surface, ro ll out the pastry and use it to
1 tsp coriander seeds line the ta rt t ins. Prick the bases with a fork and bake in t he
2 tbsp organ ic red wine oven for 5-8 minutes. Al low t o cool. Do not tu rn off the oven.

(/) vinegar such as Aspall
2 tbsp soft dark brown sugar 4 To make the chutney, heat the oil in a saucepan ove r a low
z)> sea salt and freshly ground heat and add the on ion, garlic and coriander. Cook gently for
n black pepper 10 minutes, then add the vinegar and sugar and cook for a further
5- 10 minutes, stirring occas ionally. Remove from the heat, taste
For the filling
and season with sa lt and black pepper.
Vl 3 field mushrooms, sl iced
;:o 150g (S½oz) butter 5 Meanwhile, make t he fillin g. Lay the mushrooms in a baking
0 5 garlic cloves, crushed
0 tray. In a sma ll bowl, mix together the butter, 3 of the garlic cloves,
~ squeeze of lemon juice
handful of fresh flat-leaf lemon juice and parsley and dot over the mushrooms. Bake in
z parsley, roughly chopped the oven for 15 minutes, then remove and all ow to coo l. Beat
1 large free-range egg togethe r the egg and cream in a sma ll bowl and season with sa lt
n 130ml (4 ½fl oz) single cream
I and black peppe r.
C 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
z 4 handfuls fresh spinach 6 Heat the o il in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Tip in t he
-< leaves spinach, thyme and remain ing garlic. Cook fo r 3- 4 minutes until
2 handfuls of fresh t hyme,
th e spinach ha s wilted. Dra in very we ll in a sieve, pressing the
leaves picked
--i spin ach with the back of a spoon to remove excess moisture.
1 small round of goat's
cheese, finely sliced
7 Brush th e pastry cases with a little of th e cream and egg m ixture.
sa lt and fresh ly ground black
Add a litt le chutney to each, then divide the spinach among them, ,
t hen the m ushroo ms. Pour the egg mixture over the top. Lay some
To serve cheese slices over the top of each ta rt and cook in the oven for
2 handfuls of fresh spi nach 15 minutes or until li ghtly browned .
4 leafy sprigs of fresh flat-leaf
parsley 8 Dress t he fresh spinach and parsley leaves wit h a little squeeze
squeeze of lemon juice of lemon and a drizzle of o live o il . Lay t he dressed leaves on each
extra virgin olive oil of 4 plates and t op wit h a warm ta rt. Serve immediately.
Prep time 30 minutes
Hearty spaetzle dumplings with a cheesy Cooking time 10 minutes
sauce and a crisp, fresh bacon coleslaw Difficulty Medium

1 To start the coleslaw, place a small dry frying pan ove r a medium For the coleslaw
heat and add the caraway seeds. Cook, stirring, for 2- 3 m inut es 1 tsp caraway seeds
until t hey b eco me aromat ic. Put the cabba ge in a large bowl and ½ pointed green cabbage,
t ip in t he toasted caraway seeds. Seaso n we ll and set aside.
100g (3½oz) speck, or fatty
2 For the spaetzle, in another large bowl, b eat the flou r and smoked pancetta or bacon,
chopped into lardons
a large pinch of salt wit h t he eggs, milk and 50m l (2fl oz) water 25
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
unt il everything is smooth ly blended. 1 tbsp white wine vinegar '(/1

3 Bring a large pan of sa lted water to the boil over a high heat. sea salt and freshly ground ~
Take a Spatzlhobel
or use a colander p ierced wit h quite big
black pepper
holes - and p ress the spaetzle dough thro ugh it into the water. For the spaetzle ~
When the d umplings float to t he top of the water, drain, refresh 200g (7oz) p lain flour
in cold water and drain again. large pinch of salt

2 eggs C
4 Slice half of t he wh ite on ion into rings and chop the rem aining 50ml (2fl oz) whole mi lk -i
onions. Melt a knob of t he butter in a sma ll frying pan over a low 1 large white o nion )>
to medium heat, add t he onion slices and f ry, stirring occas iona lly, 1 large red onion zI
60g (2oz) butter -i
until golden brown. Set aside to keep warm. Melt the remaining
butter in a large frying pan o r saut e pan over a medium heat.
150g (S½oz) strong hard r-<
cow's milk cheese, such m
Saute the chopped on io n for 5 minutes until soft and t ra nslucent . as Wrekin White from
Shropshire, grated ~
5 Add the spaetzle t o the chopped on ions and saute for another 1 small bunch of fresh chives, -i
minute, then add t he cheese and stir until melted. snipped r
6 At the same ti me, in another frying p an over a medium heat,
slowly f ry t he speck in the o il until crisp. Add t he vinegar to the
coleslaw, then tip in t he speck Wit h its fat. Toss t he co leslaw
together and check the seasoning.

7 To serve, divide the spaetzle among 4 warm plat es. Top with
th e golden brown onion sl ices and sprinkle with t he ch ives.
Serve the coleslaw on t he side.
North Sea fish soup
P ep t n 30 minutes
Cookir 2½ hours
fi,ull of clean, fresh flavol1rs. this soup
D,ff cu Medium be11efits from a good, home-made stock

To make the stock, put the white wine in a large saucepan

120ml (4fl oz) dry white wine over a medium heat and bring to the boil. Add the fish carcasses,
3 white fish carcasses,
reduce the heat and simmer for 3-4 minutes.
including heads
generous knob of butter Add 1.5 litres (2¾ pints) water, bring back to the boil and simmer
4 or 5 raw prawns with heads for 20 m inutes.
and shells
1 tbsp Calvados ' In a sma ll frying pan over a medium-high heat, melt the butter
2 onions, chopped and add the prawns. Stir, then add t he Ca lvados. Tip the prawns
2 celery sticks, chopped
into the stockpot and simmer for a further 20 minutes.
1 carrot, chopped
Sieve t he stock, push in g it through with the back of a spoon
-&. _ ..... l,...
to extract th e maximum flavour from t he bones and shells, then
200g (J oz) mussels
• 200g (7 oz} clams add the chopped vegetab les and discard the fishy detritus .
;::o 1 medium-large onion
)> ' Bring the li quor back to the boil and simmer for 45 minutes,
z 5 garlic cloves
then sieve once more t hrough a very fine sieve lined with muslin.
C) 2 celery sticks
m Refrigerate for up t o 24 hours or until needed.
1 bu lb of fennel
z 1 large leek
C 1 dried red chilli
Prepare the mussels. Pour them into a clean sink, then pull away
m 1 sma ll ora nge the frond of hairs protruding from each shell. This is called the
o live oil "beard". Scrub each musse l well to remove as many barnacles as
0 pinch of saffron threads, possible, then rinse very we ll . Remove and discard any mussels that
--l crumbled are cracked, or any which do not close when firmly tapped on the
I 1.2 litres (2 pints) fish stock
c.n side of the sink. Scrub the clams well and again discard any that
m (see above)
)> 3 sprigs of fresh lemon thyme have broken shells or do not close when firrnly tapped. Set aside.
c.n 2 sprigs of fresh lemon balm
Finely chop the on ion, garlic, celery, fennel and leek. Deseed
I 1 smal l bunch of fresh
c.n flat-leaf parsley, plus extra, and chop the chilli. Using a vegetab le peeler, pare the orange zest
0 away from the fru it.
C chopped, to garnish
2 fresh bay leaves
2 sprigs of fresh marjoram Add a little olive oil to a large pan and sweat the vegetab les,
2 tbsp dry vermouth, to taste chilli and orange zest with the saffron, stirring, for 5 minutes until
juice of 1 lemon starting to soften. Add the stock, herbs and vermouth and simmer
1 sma ll squid with tentacles, for 12 m inutes. Taste and add lemon and more vermouth, if liked. ·
cleaned and sliced Season with sa lt and black pepper.
400g (14oz) monkfish tail,
chopped into chunks Remove the herbs, whizz to a puree in a food p rocessor or
200g (7oz) halibut, chopped b lender - you may need to do th is in batches - then sieve, return
into chunks
to the rinsed -out pan and bring to a simmer, adding more stock
sa lt and freshly ground
black pepper if necessary to ach ieve the cons istency you prefer.
.. Add the squid, monkfish and halibut and cook for 5 m inutes. It
is very important to ensure that the fish is just cooked and remains
moist. Do not all ow it to overcook and dry out.

1 Add t he she llfish and simmer fo r another 5 minutes. Discard

any shel lfish t hat remain cl osed at t he end of th e cooking time,
as they should not be eaten .

• Pour the soup into 4 wa rm bowls, evenly distrib utin g the fish
and she llf ish between each servin g and sprinkle wit h t he parsley.




''Phenomenal flavour ... It's

very, very good. You'd be
pleased to eat this anywhere.
Absolutely beautiful.''
- Ed Baines
Trout mousse with
beetroot and wasabi
Prep t ime 20 minutes
Cooking time 1 hour
Balsamic beetroot is a mellow, sweet foil to
Difficulty Medium hot wasabi cream and smooth fish mousse

For the mousse 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Place the trout in a
1 la rge sea trout or farmed lightly oiled baking tray, season with salt and white pepper, then
trout, about 1kg (21/ilb),
put the bay leaves on t op. Loosely cover with foil and bake in the
or 2 smaller ones
oven for 30 minutes. Remove and, when cool enough to handle,
2 bay leaves
2 free-range egg yolks fl ake the fish, discardin g the sk in and bones.
200g (7 oz) cream cheese
1 x 284ml carton single
2 Put t he egg yo lks, cream cheese, cream and lemon juice in
cream a blender and season wit h salt and white pepper. Whizz the mixture
juice of 2 lemons until smooth. Add t he t rout and pulse until combined. Liberally
sea salt and freshly ground grease 6-8 ramekins w ith butter, t hen spoon the mousse evenly
white pepper into each o ne. Wrap each ramekin in fo il and place them in a
deep baking tray. Carefully pour enough water into the baking
For the beetroot

--j 1 large beetroot, julienned t ray to come about halfway up the sides of the ramekins and
:::0 coo k in th e oven for 15- 20 minutes unt il just set.
0 generous drizzle of balsamic
C vinegar
drizzle of extra virgin olive oil 3 M eanwhile, b ring a small pan o f wate r to the boil and add the
~ beetroot. Return to the bo il and cook for 3-4 minutes until soft.
To serve Dra in, return to the pan and add the balsamic vinegar and a drizzle
Ul 500rnl (16fl oz) creme fra1che of ext ra virgin olive o il, the n reduce over a medium-high heat until
wasabi paste, to taste t he j ui ces are syrupy.
6-8 slices good crusty white
I bread 4 To make the wasab i cream, mix together the creme fraTche
m 2 garlic cloves, halved
and wasabi paste, to t aste. (Add the wasabi sparingly and with
care, as it is very hot and pungent.)
0 5 Carefully remove the t rout ramekins from the oven and allow
)> to coo l for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, toast the bread and rub each
z slice with the cut side of a garlic clove.

6 Turn the mousse out onto individua l serving plates and spoon
)> the wasab i cream around. Arrange a sma ll p il e ba lsamic beetroot
on top of each mousse and se rve with the garlic toast for scooping
up the deli cate mousse.
Lime-chilli prawn
and scallop skewers Prep time 1 hour, plus
overnight soaking
Cooking time 1 hour
With a fantastic mint hu1nmus, this is a 40 minutes
feast of flavours to make your palate sing Difficulty Medium

1 The night before, put the ch ickpeas in a bowl and cover with For the mmt hummus C>

water to soak. The next mornin g, drain and rinse the chickpeas and 300g (10oz) dried chickpeas
put in a saucepan of fresh cold water. Bring to the boil and simmer 1 garlic clove
150ml (Sfl oz) olive oi l "
for 1 hour or until tender. If using bamboo skewers, soak
j uice of 1 lemon
in co ld water for at least 30 minutes. .
3 t bsp tahini paste,
2 To make the dressing, put t he balsamic vinegar and sugar in or to taste
1 tbsp Dijon wholegrain 29
a saucepan over a medium -high heat and reduce until syrupy.
mustard rn
3 To make the hummus, process the garlic with a little of the o il 1 bunch of fresh 1T1int, leaves ~
p icked and chopped, ~
in a b lender. Add the chickpeas, lemon juice, tahini and mustard, ~
p lus extra, to garnish t2:l
blend together, then taste and add more tahini if liked. Pour in the 1 tsp paprika, p lus extra, ~
remaining o il, b lend until smooth and transfer to a bowl. Stir in t o garnish rn
the mint and paprika, season we ll with black pepper and set aside. salt and b lack pepper r

4 For the marinade, pour the lime juice into a large bowl, grate in For the dressing m

the ginger, add the chil li and garlic and stir. Reserve a lit t le of the 300m l (10fl oz) ba lsamic n
marinade in a sepa rate sma ll bowl. Add the prawns and sca ll ops vinegar r
300g {10oz) cast er sugar
to the large bowl and toss in the marinade. Put both bowls in the -0
refrigerator and leave t he seafood to marinate for 15 m inutes . )>
For the marinade
5 Meanwhile, preheat the grill to its highest setting. Brush the ju ice of 3 limes z
thumb-sized piece of fresh )>
vegetables with o live oi l and cook under the hot grill fo r 5 minutes z
root ginger
or until golden brown, turn ing once. Set aside and keep warm. 0
1 1·ed chill i, finely chopped <.n
1 garlic clove, finely chopped n
6 Heat a rid ged cast -iron gri ll pan until very hot and brush with )>
salt and pepper r
a little o il. Thread the marinated prawns and sca ll ops alternately 0
onto 4 skewers, all owing 4 p rawns and 3 sca llops for each skewer. -0
For the skewers <.n
Quickly sear the skewers for a minute on each side, brushing with 16 raw king prawns, peeled 7'
a little extra marinade. and de-veined ~
12 raw king scallops m
7 To serve, place a skewer on each of 4 serving p lates and <.n

dress with the reserved marinade. Assemb le the vegetables For the vegetables
4 baby aubergines, sliced
on top of the sa lad leaves and drizzle with the dressing. Spoon
2 courgettes, sliced
some hummus on the side of each p lat e, sprinkle it wit h paprika
2 yellow peppers, sliced
and garnish with a mint leaf. Serve immediately. olive oil

For the salad

handfu l of young rocket
1 cos lettuce, chopped
1 oak leaf lettuce, chopped

Prep time 30 minutes, plus

Tomato medley
up to 6 hours' freezing time
Cooking time 1½ hours
Smooth soup, fresh-tasting sorbet, tangy
Difficulty Medium-ha rd salad - a culinary ode to the tomato

For the soup 1 To m ake t he soup, melt the butter in a large saucepan over a
knob of butter medium heat, t he n ad d t he onion and garlic. Sweat, stirring, until
1 onion, chopped softe ned. Add the t omatoes and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour in
1 garlic clove, f inely chopped
the stock and cook for 30 minutes o r until soft and pulpy. Whizz
800g (1¾lb) ripe tomatoes,
chopped in a b lender or f ood p rocessor until smooth, then push the soup
400ml (14fl oz) chicken stock t hrough a sieve back int o th e rinsed -o ut pan. Reduce the soup
pinch of caster sugar over a m edium heat unti l it is as t hick as you want it. Add the sugar
1-2 tbsp doub le cream and cream , season w ith salt and b lack pepper and set aside.
salt and freshly ground
black pepper 2 To m ake t he sorbet , p ut a litt le o il in a saucepan over a medium
heat, add t he o nion and sweat, st irring, until softened. Add the
For the tomato sorbet t o m atoes, basil, t omato pa st e and lemon juice and season we ll .
olive oi l

--j Y, small onion, chopped
Cook for 30 m inut es o r until soft, t hen add a little sugar. Remove
0 750g (1lb 10oz) t omatoes, f ro m t he heat and push t he mixt ure through a sieve into a clean
~ bow l. A ll ow t o cool complet ely, t hen freeze for 3-6 hours. Halfway
~ 1 tbsp chopped basil throu gh freezing, remove t he sorbet fro m th e f reezer, break up
1 tbsp t omato paste with a fork and p ut in a b lender. Bl end until smooth and re-freeze .
m juice of ½ lemon
0 cast er sugar, t o t aste 3 To make t he sa lad, mix togethe r all the ingredients and adjust
the season ing. Set aside to marf nate for at least 1 hour.
For the salad
450g (1lb) cherry tomatoes, 4 Pre heat t he oven t o 220°C (425°F/Gas 7). To make the flat breads,
halved mix together t he flour, sugar, yeast and sa lt, add a little water -
½ red onion, finely chopped
no m o re t han 150m l (Sfl oz) - until the dough comes together,
½ fresh green chilli, finely
chopped the n knead for 2 m inutes on a flou red work surf ace. Ro ll out t o
150ml (Sfl oz) extra virgin 1cm (½in) thick, cut into 10cm (4in) rounds, p lace on a baking
olive oi l sheet , cover w ith a clean tea towe l and leave in a wa rm p lace to
60ml (2fl oz) white wine rise for 15 m inutes. Bake for 15 minut es until risen and golden.
pinch of sugar 5 Put a handfu l of cheese into a d ry f rying pan over a very low heat
and spread it out. W arm unt il t he fat starts to run, t hen t urn off t he
For the flat breads heat. Invert a sma ll bowl and cove r with cling film. Place t he
125g (4½oz) strong wh ite
melt ing cheese sh~et ove r the bowl and gent ly p ush it down over
½ tsp sugar the sides. Leave t o cool , t hen repeat for t he re main ing b askets.
½ tsp dried yeast
pinch of salt
6 Gently reheat the soup. Scoop a little sa lad onto a flat b read and
put one on each of 4 serving plat es. Pour t he soup int o 4 small
For the cheese basket warm bowls and add one to each p late, along w ith a cheese
4 handfu ls of Lancashire basket. Scoop a little tomat o sorbet into each b asket and serve .
cheese, grated
Pan-fried sca.llops
with Noilly Prat
Prep tin,e 10 minutes
Cook ing time 40 minutes
Sensational scallop dish with asparagus
Difficulty Medium wrapped in bacon and a vermouth sauce

f,r~ For the fish stock 1 To make t he stock, sweat all the vegetab les until soft, then add
1 onion, chopped the garlic, herbs, salt and peppercorns. Cut up and break open
'a~ 1 head of fennel, chopped yo ur fish bones, then add them to the pot and allow to sweat for
3 celery sticks, chopped

f~ 1 leek, chopped
a few minutes. Pour in t he wine and add water until the bones are
2 garlic cloves, rough ly almost cove red. Bring to the boil as fast as possible, then reduce
chopped the heat and simme r gent ly for 20 minutes. Remove from the heat.
32 2 or 3 sprigs of fresh thyme Set aside fo r 20- 30 minutes to infuse. Strain through a fine sieve.
Ul 2 or 3 sprigs of fresh
~ rosemary 2 To make the Noi lly Prat sauce, in a heavy pan, gently sweat the
~ 2 or 3 bay leaves shall ots unt il t hey are as soft as p oss ible without colouring. Pour in
t-3 good pinch or two of herbes
t;,:j equal amounts of t he fish st ock you have just made and t he Noilly
~ de Provence
Ul Prat. Reduce unt il t here is no liquid left. Add t he cream, to taste
good pinch of salt
• 2 white peppercorns and whizz in a blender unti l smoot h, t hen pass th rough a sieve if
turbot and monkfish bones needed. Keep warm . Just before serving, wh isk in a little butter.
17 ' ½ x 75cl bottle of dry
;o 3 Cut off about 5cm (2i n) from the top o f t he asp aragus spears
white wine
and set aside. Chop t he re mainder and steam over the stock until
(f) For the N oilly Prat tender. Drain and refresh in iced water. Using a hand-held blender,
n sauce
)> puree, t hen push through a fine sieve. When needed, gently
r 2509 (9oz) finely sliced reheat, season with salt and pepper and whisk in a litt le cream.
0 shallots
275ml (9fl oz) fish stock 4 Put t he rese rved asparagus t ops in a pan with some fresh
~ (see above) chicken stock and cook until tende r but stil l with a bite. Drain.
-I 275m l (9fl oz) Noilly Prat
I Using your fin gers, stretch t he bacon on a chopping board until it
z whipping cream, to taste
0 knob of butter lies flat, t hen wrap t he asparagus in the bacon, from the bot to m
r until j ust below t he tip. Fry in a hot pan until the bacon is golden.
~ 12 freshly picked British
;o green asparagus spears 5 Break the muscle of the scallop she ll s, open and remove t he
~ fresh chicken stock, to steam content s. Separate out the firm white meat (you can reserve the
asparagus co ral fo r anot her use if you like), cl ean and pat dry wit h kit chen
a little cream paper. Pour a little o live oil into a hot (prefe rab ly cast-iron) pan.
12 Wi ltshire smoke-cured
Season the sca llops with sa lt and b lack pepper and add t o t he pa n,
streaky bacon rashers
12 Scottish hand-dived
moving t hem bac_k and forth in the pan initially to p revent t hem
sca llops sticking. Cook for 1½- 2 minut es on each side, depend ing
a little olive oil on th ickness. Allow t o rest for a few m inutes.
salt and freshly ground
black pepper 6 To serve, arrange 3 sca ll ops and 3 b acon-wrapped aspara gus
pea shoots, to garnish tips o n of each of 4 warm p lates. Garnish with pea shoots. A d d a
quenelle of asparagus puree t o each and drizzle aroun d t he warm
Noilly Prat sauce. Serve imn1ediately.
Full English
Prep time 20 minutes
All the flavours of the iconic breakfast Cooking time 40 minut es
transformed into an Italian classic Difficulty Easy

1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). In a large saucepan 1.5 litres (2¾ pints) vegetable
ove r a low heat, gently warm t he stock. stock
3 Yorkshire sausages
2 Split t he sausage skins and remove t he filli ng; discard the skins. 16 cherry t omat oes
Rol l the sausagemeat into litt le ba ll s, each slightly sma ll er than the olive oil
size of a Malteser. 1 onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely
3 Arrange the t omatoes over a baking tray. Season with sa lt and chopped 33
b lack pepper, drizzle with a little olive o il and roast in t he oven fo r 350g (12oz) Arborio rice r:n
10-15 m inutes until spotted wit h brown and starting to collapse.
150ml (Sfl oz) dry white wine ~
3-4 spring onions, finely
Set aside to keep warm. chopped t_:tj
4 Heat a sp lash of o live oi l in a large saucepan and gently sweat 4 dry-cured st reaky bacon ~
rashers with black t reacle, r:n
the on ion and garlic for a few m inutes until soft and translucent.
chopped int o lardons .,•
Tip in t he rice and cook, stirring, for 2 m inutes, making sure th at 1 slice white b read C
each grain is we ll coated . Add the wine and keep stirring until 4 quail 's eggs
the liqu id has been absorbed and the alcohol has evaporated. 75- 90ml (2½- 3fl oz) creme z
fra,che G)
5 Start adding the warm stock, a ladleful at a ti me, st irring salt and freshly ground b lack {./)

pepper I
continuously and making sure that the stock is absorbed between Al
each addition. Continue in th is way for 15- 20 minutes until t he ri ce {./)

is almost cooked, but sti ll with a bite. Add t he spring onions and -I
cook for 1 m inute more. 0
6 In a frying pan over a me d iu m heat, fry the sausage ba lls and
lardons, stirring, for 5 m inutes or unti l cooked . Remove from the
p an with a slotted spoon and add to t he risott o pan. Add th e
b read to t he bacon pan and fry, turning once, until golden and
crisp. Cut into quarters, keep warm and set aside.

7 Add a little more oi l to the frying pan and fry the quail's eggs
until t he whites are cooked and the yo lks are runny.

8 Stir the creme fra'iche into the risotto, t aste and season with
salt and bl ack pepper. Leave to stand for 5 minutes.

9 To serve, spoon a port ion of risotto into a small bowl, then

invert a bowl of the risotto onto each of 4 wa rm p lates. Place
the tomatoes on one side, the fried bread on t he other and top
each ri sotto mould with a fried quail's egg. Serve immediat ely.
Smokie in a pokie
Prep time 20 minutes
Cooking time 40 minutes
An elegant, full-flavoured starter usi11.g
Difficulty Easy wonderful smoked Finnan haddock
350g (12oz) Finnan smoked · Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4).
300ml (1 0fl oz) milk 2 Put the haddock in a deep fryin g pan, add the milk and a knob
45g (1 ½oz) butter of the butter and place over a medium heat until very gently
35g (1 ¼oz) plain flour simmering. Poach the fish for 6 minutes, then strain, reserving the
1 small carrot, grated milk. Remove and discard the skin and bones and flake the fish.
100g (3½oz) fresh sa Imon,
34 diced 3 Melt the re maining butter in a saucepan over a medium heat,
8 large slices Scottish then add the flour, stirring for 1- 2 minutes. Gradually add the fish
smoked sa lmon, cut
poaching liquor, stirrin g constantly to prevent lumps and simmer
in half lengthways
sa lt and freshly ground for 2 minutes, then add the carrot. Remove from the heat, add the
black pepper fresh sa lmon and haddock and season with salt and black pepper,
going easy on the sa lt .

Vl For the sauce
~ 50g (1 ¾oz) shallots, finely 4 To make the sauce, put the sha ll ots, vinegar and wine into
0 chopped a sepa rate sma ll saucepan over a medium heat and simmer
m 2 tbsp white wine vinegar until reduced to about 1 tab lespoon. Add the fish stock, then
z 3 tbsp dry white wine
whisk in t he butter, bit by bit, until the sauce is slightly thickened.
)> 2 tbsp good-qua lity fresh
7J fish stock Season with sa lt and black pepper and add a squeeze of lemon
0 50g (1¾oz) butter, diced juice and t he chopped dill .
m juice of½ lemon, or to taste
1 tbsp finely chopped dill,
5 Make pokes, or cornets, from the smoked salmon slices and fill
plus 4 extra sprigs, to with the haddock m ixtu re. Place on a baking tray. Transfer to the
garnish oven and bake for 2-3 minutes.
salt and freshly ground
black pepper 6 To serve, coat the bottom of 4 warm p lates with a little of the
sauce and place 2 pokes on each. Pour the rema ining sauce over
and garnish each plate with a sprig of dill. Serve immediately.
Crab, prawn,
and leek pasty
Prep time 10 minutes
A great pasty of rich seafood and pastry Cooking time 40 minutes
lifted by a tangy salad Difficulty Medium

1 For the pastry, put t he flour in a large bowl, cut in the butter For the pastry
and fat in small pieces and rub together with your fingertips until 450g (1 lb) self-raising flour
the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add iced water, a very little 11 Sg (4oz) salted butter,
at room temperature
at a time, mixing first with a knife, then with your hands, until the
11 Sg (4oz) white vegetable
mixture just comes together into a dough. Wrap in cling fi lm and fat, at room temperature
leave to chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or until ready to use. a little iced water
1 egg
2 To make the filling, melt the butter in a fryin g pan over a low 2 tbsp mi lk
heat. Add the leeks and cook for 4-5 m inutes until soft but not
coloured. Leave to cool. Lift into a bowl with a slotted spoon and For the filling
mix in the dill, soured cream, prawns and crab. Set aside. 80g (2¾oz) salted butter
250g (9oz) leeks (trimmed
3 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Butter four 10cm (4in) weight), f inely chopped
2 heaped tsp chopped fresh

mini quiche t ins. Remove the pastry from the refrigerator and roll n
it out on a floured work surface. Place a quiche tin onto the pastry di ll , plus 4 extra sprigs, )>
to garnish aJ
and cut out four rounds 5cm (2in) larger than t he t in. Carefully line '
100g (3½oz) soured cream ""'O
t he tins with the pastry, taking care not to make any holes, t hen fill ;::o
100g (3½oz) peeled and )>
each with the filling mixture. Using a pair of kitchen scissors, make de-veined cooked prawns ~
sma ll snips around the edge of the pastry, t hen fold the pastry (preferably Icelandic), z
over the mixture and pleat together the edges, pasty-style, leaving plus 4 extra, to garnish z
200g (7 oz) fresh Cromer 0
a smal l hole in the centre. Beat together the egg and mi lk and use
this to brush the pastry. Put the pasties on a baking sheet, in their
crabmeat (use both white 'mm
and brown meat) 7'
tins and bake for 20- 25 minutes. Leave to coo l for 5 minutes.
For the salad ~
4 To make the sa lad, put the li me juice in a bowl, wh isk in the o live juice of½ lime -I
oi l and season with black pepper. Carefu lly remove the pasties 25g (1 oz) olive oil
from the tins and decorate each with a prawn and sprig of d ill. Toss handful of watercress, rocket
the sa lad leaves with the dressing, and put a warm pasty and a and radicchio
fresh ly ground b lack pepper
sma ll pile of sa lad on each of 4 p lates.

''The pastry is phenomenal.

And that lovely leek, with
the cream and the dill, sort
of brings it all together. All
in all, it's a fabulous thing.''
- John Burton Race

Potato and ham cake

Prep t ime 10 minutes
Cooking time 1¾ hours
Crispy potato cakes lovingly served with a
Difficulty Medium vegetable liquor and a pork and cider jus
For the potato cakes 1 To make the potato cakes, preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/
4 unsmoked rind less Gas 4). Put the bacon on a baking sheet and cook in the oven until
streaky bacon rashers
crisp. Set as ide, retain ing the rendered fat.
11 Sg (4oz) butter
½ onion, f inely chopped 2 Melt a knob of the butter in a smal l pan over a medium heat,
½ leek, finely chopped tip in the onion and leek and saute, stirring, until the onion is soft
700g (1½lb) Maris Piper
36 and golden. Set aside.
00. 570ml (18fl oz) whole milk 3 Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil over a medium-high
~ 450g (1lb) cooked ham
heat. Pee l and roughly chop t he potatoes, add to the pan and
~ 1 small bunch of fresh parsley
1 small bunch of fresh chives simmer unt il tender. Drain and leave for 2 minutes, uncovered,
~ 1 tbsp p lain flour to dry out, t hen mash w ith the rem aining butter and the milk
2 eggs, beaten and season w ith salt and b lack pepper. Ch ill for 30 minutes.

-0 175g (6oz) toasted fine
0 breadcrumbs 4 When the mash has coo led, shred the ham and combine with
vegetable oil for deep-frying the potato, on ion and leek. Finely chop the herbs and add them,
0 salt and black pepper along with t he rendered bacon fat, to the potato mixture. Mix
z together. Form the m ixture into sma ll apple-sized ba lls, then
For the liquor
150g (S½oz) peas
sli ghtly flatten each one and smooth the edges.
)> 150g (S½oz) broad beans
~ 5 Put t he flour, egg and breadcrumbs into 3 separate bowls.
15g (½oz) butter
)> 15g (½oz) plain f lour
Coat each potato cake first in flour, then in egg and lastly with
7' 150m I (Sfl oz) vegetable stock t he breadcrumbs. Repeat th e p rocess for each cake to get an
150ml (Sfl oz) whole milk extra-crispy double-crumb coating . Set aside in the refrigerator.
1 small bunch of fresh curly
parsley, chopped 6 To make the liquor, b ring a large pan of water to the boil.
salt and black pepper Add the peas for 2 m inutes, then remove and refresh in co ld water.
Repeat the process for the broad beans. Pee l each bean and set
Forthejus aside. M e lt the butter in a saucepan over a medium heat, then
1 onion, roughly chopped
sprinkle in the flour, stirring for 1-2 m inutes. Add the stock and
1 carrot, roughly chopped
1 leek, roughly chopped
the milk gradua lly, stirring constantly to prevent lumps. Season,
1 t omato, roughly chopped t hen add the pars ley, beans and peas. Set as ide.
400g (14oz) bel ly pork
600ml (1 pint) cider
7 For the ju s, evE:nly spread the vegetab les over a roasting tin and

150ml (Sfl oz) vegetable stock p lace the pork on top. Roast in the oven for 1-1 ½ hours. Remove
½ tsp mustard powder the po rk from the roasting tin and put away fo r another t im e. Strain
1 tsp tomato puree the juices into a jug, remove the fat, then return the jui ces to the
1 tsp redcurrant jelly roasting tin. Pour the cider into the t in, m ixing w ith the b rowned
1 tbsp butter
vegetables and scraping at all the sticky b its below, to deglaze the
1 tbsp plain flour
salt and black pepper tin. Add t he vegetable stock, then stra in the j us into a bowl.
8 Mix the mustard powder, tomato puree and redcu rrant jelly to a
paste. Melt the butter in a sma ll pan over a medium heat, sprinkle
in the flour and cook, stirring, for 1-2 minutes. Gradua lly stir in the
pork jus unti l yo u reach the consistency of thin gravy. Stir in the
mustard paste and season with salt and black pepper. Keep warm.

9 Heat the vegetable oil into a large pan or deep-fryer until it

reaches 170°C (340°F) on a cook's thermometer. Deep-fry the
potato cakes until golden, turning once, takin g care not to crowd
the pan (you may need to do th is in batches). Drain on kitchen
paper and keep warm whi le you fry the remaining cakes.

10 Gently reheat the broad bean and pea liquor, t hen serve each
potato cake on a bed of li quor, surrounded wit h the roast pork and

cider jus and garnished w ith a rasher of the reserved streaky bacon.
Trio of Norfolk
Prep time 20 minutes,
seafood pots
plus overnight chil ling
Cooking time 30- 35 minutes
Delectable ramekins packed with punchy
Difficulty Easy flavours, with warm, oven-fresh soda bread

For the potted shrimp 1 M ake the potted shrimp. Gently melt the butter in a saucepan
75g (2½oz) salted butter over a low heat with both types of mace and the cayenne or black
6 blades mace pepper. Remove from the heat and leave to infuse for 5 minutes.
1 tsp ground mace
St ra in t he butt er to remove the mace.
pinch of cayenne pepper or
freshly ground b lack pepper 2 Put the shrimps in a bowl, add two-thirds of the melted butter
125g (4½oz) peeled brown
and combine. Pack t he shrimp into 4 small ramekins, then seal the
tops with a thin layer of the melted butter. Leave to chil l in the
refrigerator ove rnight.
For the mackerel pate
2 smoked mackerel fillets 3 To make the pate, flake the fish into a bowl. Add the cream
125g (4½oz) cream cheese cheese, lemon zest, horseradish and capers. Taste and season
grated zest of 1 lemon wit h sa lt and b lack pepper, adding more horseradish or capers if
• 1 tbsp horseradish sauce,
needed. Divide th e mixt ure evenly among 4 ramekins and leave
or to taste
0 t o chill in the refrigerator overnight .
1 tbsp capers, rinsed and
0 drained, or to taste
"TI 4 For the potted crab, t ip the shallot, vinegar, cayenne and
z salt and b lack pepper nutmeg into a saucepan. Bring to the boil over a high heat and
;o reduce until only 4 teaspoons of liquid remain. Strain into a clean
71 For the potted crab
0 1 banana shallot, finely bowl and whisk in the butter. A ll ow to cool slightly, then add the
chopped crab meat, anchovy essence, lemon j uice, salt and black pepper.
m 4 tbsp sherry vinegar Pack int o 4 ramekins and leave t o chill in the refrigerato r overnight.
"TI p inch of cayenne pepper
0 pinch of grated nutmeg 5 To make the walnut and sunflower seed bread, preheat the oven
0 140g (5oz) unsa lted butter to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7).
-0 2 dressed crabs
0 1 tsp anchovy essence 6 In a bowl, mix together all the dry ingredients for the bread,
1 tsp lemon juice then add enough of the butterm ilk t o form a soft dough. Turn
salt and black pepper out of the bowl and knead very gently unti l smooth and satiny.

For the walnut and 7 Shape into a loaf, cut a d eep cross on top and place on a
sunflower seed bread greased baking sheet. Bake in t he oven fo r 15 minutes, then
450g (116) wholemea l flour
reduce the temperatu re to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Bake for a further
125g (4½oz) p lain flour
15-20 minutes unti l the bottom of the bread sounds hollow when
35g (1 ¼oz) sunflower seeds
50g (1¾oz) wa lnuts, chopped tapped . Remove from the oven and turn out onto a wire rack.
1 tsp sa lt
8 Place a ramekin of each seafood on each of 4 serving p lates,
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
450ml (15fl oz) buttermilk and serve with slices of the warm soda bread and a lemon wedge .

1 lemon, cut into 4 wedges,

to serve
Caribbean spicy
Prep time 50 mi nutes, plus
vegetable soup 1 hour's proving for dough
Cooking time 1 hour
40 m inutes, plus 1 hour's
The sunny flavours of chilli, coconut and cooling for t he st ock
sweet potato, with bacon dough balls Difficulty Medium

1 Put the ch icken and vegetables for the st ock in a large saucepan. For the stock
Pour in enough water to cover and bring to a simm er over a low 2 chicken legs
heat. Simmer fo r 1 hour. Rem ove from the heat, st ra in and leave 2 chicken t highs
2 chicken wings
to coo l for 1 hour. Skim off and reserve t he fat. Meanwhile, p ut t he
2 carrots, roughly chopped
rinsed lentils in another pan. Pour in enough water to cover. Bring 1 onion, roughly chopped
to a sim mer over a med ium heat. Simmer fo r 1 hour, the n drain. 3 ga rlic cloves, halved
2 Chop the potato, yam , sweet potato, green banana and For the soup
carrots into sma ll, equal-sized p ieces and put in a large bowl, 60g (2oz) g reen lentils,
adding very cold water and a sp la sh of oil. Finely chop the on ion, picked and rinsed
chi lli, leek and garlic and mix with t he sugar. Pl ace a heavy 1 large potato
200g (7oz) yam
saucepan over a high heat, add the remaining sunflower oil,
200g (7oz) white sweet
and heat until quite hot. Add the on ion mixture and sti r briskly.
pot ato

1 green (un ripe) banana )>
3 Dra in the vegetables and pat dry with kitchen paper. Add to A)
3 organic carrots OJ
th e saucepan with the on ion, leek and chi ll i. Cook for 1 minute, OJ
4 t bsp sunflower oil m
stirring continuous ly. Add 400ml (14fl oz) of the stock, t he milk and 1 large Spanish on ion )>
the cooked lentils and season wit h the sa lt and pepper. Bring the 1 fresh green chilli
soup to the boil and simmer for 30 m inut es. Stir in the crea m and 1 leek u
coconut milk, t aste and adjust t he seasoning. Cook fo r a further 1 garlic clove
1 tbsp granulated sugar <
10 minutes. Liqu id ize with a stick blender, adding a litt le more m
200ml (7fl oz) skimmed mi lk Cl
stock t o achieve a smoot h cons istency. Set aside and keep wa rm. 1 tbsp fine sea salt rn

4 To make the dough ba lls, sift the flour and salt into a bowl. Add
1 tsp coarsely ground black ~
pepper I
a little pepper and the yeast. D ice in the butter and rub wit h your m
100ml (3½fl oz) single cream U1
fingertips until the mixt ure resembles b readcrumbs. Stir in the egg 150ml (Sfl oz) coconut milk 0
wh ite . In a sma ll bowl, add the vin egar to 100m l (3½fl oz) wat er, 2 smoked back bacon u
and slowly pour this into the flou r until it forms a dough . Knead rashers, finely chopped
handful of fresh call aloo or
for 5- 10 minutes, then leave to rise in a w arm p lace for 30 minutes.
spinach, very finely sliced
5 Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Put the unsmoked
bacon into a frying pan over a high heat, stirring, until crispy. Add For the dough balls
170g (6oz) plain flour
to the dough, m ix we ll , shape into bal ls and coat in the bacon fat.
pinch of salt
Leave to rise for a fu rther 30 minutes, then bake for 15- 20 minutes. 2 tbsp dried yeast
50g (1 ¾oz) butter
6 In anot her sma ll frying pan, heat t he reserved chicken f at with
1 egg white
the smoked bacon unti l crisp. Add th e cal laloo and stir until wilted. 1 tbsp vinegar
2 unsmoked bacon rashers,
7 Pour t he soup into 4 warm soup bowls, sprinkle ove r t he callaloo
'· very finely chopped
and serve the dough ba ll s on th e side. freshly ground b lack pepper
Somerset ti"'1'fl,.dy oggy
Prep fr ~
25 minut es
Marvellous cheesy pork and apple bites, Cookir c • Tlt: 40 minut es
with crab apple jelly and apple chutney Difficu ,y Medium-easy

1 Put the lard, butter, flour and sa lt in a food processor and whi zz ,:;,,... 1 th P, r .1ic;t:::-~
unti l the m ixture resembles breadcrumbs. Gradually add t he iced 100g (3½oz) lard
water, a very little at a t ime, unti l the mixt ure just comes together 100g (3½oz) butter
450g ('I lb) plain flour
into a ball. Remove from t he dough from the food processo r, wrap
pinch of sa lt
in cling f il m and leave t o rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. about 6 tbsp iced water
fl To make the filling, pee l, core and fine ly chop the apple. Melt 41
th e butter in a small saucepan ove r a mediu m heat and f ry the 1 medium cooking apple
onion, ce lery and apple until the onion is soft and transluce nt. such as Bramley
Transfe r t o a bowl. Put the m ince in the same pan and fry it in its knob of butter
own fat, stirring frequently, until lightly browned. Add to t he onion 1 onion, finely chopped
with the pars ley, season we ll wit h sa lt and black pepper and stir 50g (1 ¾oz) celery, finely
wel l. Allow to coo l, then ch ill in the refrigerator until needed.
225g (8oz) pork mince

1-2 tbsp chopped parsley 0
~ Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Remove the pastry ~
2 tbsp grated mature rn
from the refrigerator and allow it t o come almost back t o room :::0
Cheddar cheese (f)
temperature (this helps t o avoid cracking). Ro ll o ut the pastry 4 tbsp toasted b readcrumbs rn
o n a floured wo rk su rface and cut into 15cm (6 in) rounds . 1 free-range egg, beaten -I
sa lt and freshly ground bl ack 0
-¼ Pl ace a spoonfu l of the mince mixt ure in t he cent re of each pepper 0
p astry rou nd, brush the edges with water, then pull up the sides 0
and press together, leaving a hole at the top. Fill t he holes with To ~- ~ G)
the cheese and t op with breadcrumbs. Brush each of the pastries crab apple jelly (home-made -<
if possible)
with a little beaten egg t o glaze.
apple chutney (home-made
i::-Place the t iddy oggys on a baking tray and bake in the oven if possible)
for 30 minutes until the pastry is cooked and golden. Serve warm
o r cold with crab apple jelly and apple chutney.

''Delicious, light as a feather

and still very crumbly
i11side. Lovely. Very herby.
Very good little dish.''
- J illy Goolden
Trio of polenta
Prep time 10-15 minutes,
plus overnig ht soaking
Cooking time 2¼ hours
Imaginative and moreish toppings on
Difficulty Medium grilled polenta make fine-finger food

For the cod toppi.I1g 1 Soak t he cod in cold water for at least 24 hours, changing t he
500g (1 lb 2oz) sa lt cod water at least four t imes. Taste a sma ll piece before you begin
500ml (16fl oz) milk cookin g - if it's too sa lty, it will need longer soaking. At the same
1 garlic clove, crushed
t ime, soak the beans overnight in a large bowl of cold water.
2 tbsp chopped parsley
150ml (Sfl oz) mild olive oil 2 To make the bean topping, drain and rinse th e beans, put in
a larg e pot, cove r with fresh water and th row in the garlic, thyme,
For the bean, sausage
and scallop topping· 1 sprig of rosema ry, bay leaves, potato, tomatoes and cele ry. Bring
300g (10oz) dried borlotti slowly to the boil over a low heat, cover and simm er gently for
beans 1 hour until the beans are soft. Skim and top up with boiling water
3 garl ic cloves if needed. Drain, reserving enough liquid t o come halfway up the
a few sprigs of fresh thyme beans. D iscard the herbs and celery. Put the tomatoes, potato and
sprig of fresh rosemary,
-,• plus extra 8- 10 sprigs
garlic on a plate, remove the potato skin and mash together. Stir
3 bay leaves into the beans with the reserved cooking liquid and season with
0 1 smal l potato, halved salt and b lack pepper. M ix in a few generous g lu gs of oil and a few
0 3 cherry tomat oes sp lashes of vinegar, then chop and add the parsley. Set aside.
<J 1 celery stick
0 extra virgin olive oil 3 Remove the skin and bones from t he salt cod and break the fish
m balsamic or red wine vinegar
z into strips with your fingers, followin g the fibres of the cod (do not
:j;! handful of flat-leaf parsley use a knife) . Put in a large pan and add the milk and just enough
n 8-10 thin slices pancetta
water to cove r. Bring to the boil, t hen simmer for 30 minutes. Drain
:::0 8-10 king scallops
0 4 or 5 Italian sausages and t ra nsfer to a food processor. Blend at high speed for 1 minute

salt and b lack pepper or unt il the fish is sh redd ed. Add the garlic and parsley, then pour
z in the olive oil a drop at a t ime, as if making mayonnaise.
For the crostini
500g (1 lb 2oz) quick-cook 4 For the crost ini, b ring 1 litre (1¾ p ints) we ll -sa lted water to the
white polenta boil over a medium-h igh heat. Sprinkle in half the white polenta,
250g (9oz) quick-cook yellow slowly stirring with a whisk to p revent lumps. Reduce the heat to
polenta low and stir co nstantly to p revent sticking. It sho uld be soft; if it's
1Sg (½oz) dried porcini
too dry, add a little more water. Pour ont o a baking sheet, spread
mushrooms, finely chopped
a few drops of truffle oil out to about 1.5cm (¾in) thick and allow to coo l. Cook t he yellow
polenta in the sa me way. Repeat with the remaining white polenta,
For the mushroon1 addin g the p orcini to the boiling water befo re stirring in the grains
topping and st irring th roug h a few drops of t ruffl e o il before cooli ng.
a little extra virgin olive oil
handful of fresh porcini 5 When ready t o serve, make the mu shroom topping . Heat a little
mushrooms, sliced oil in a frying pan over a med ium heat. Saute the mushrooms and
2 garlic cloves, chopped
garlic, adding the dried ch ill i (if using), t hen remove from the heat.
1 dried chilli (optional)
1 tbsp chopped parsley
Stir th rough the parsley, season to t aste and keep warm.
6 Cut all t he polenta into small round, d iamond, or triangular
shapes. Grill them in a li ghtly oiled hot ridged cast-iro n g rill pan
until warmed through and with good cha r lines.

7 M eanwh ile, working qu ickly, wrap a slice of t he pancetta in

a ring around the side of each sca ll op and skewer in place with
the extra sprigs of rosemary. Cut each sausage into 4 sli ces and
f ry the sca ll ops and sausages in a litt le o live oil unt il golden .

8 A rrange the crostini on a large serving platter. Spoon some

beans onto the white sli ces, then arrange 2 sli ces of sausage and
a scallop on top o f each one. Generously spre ad the ye ll ow sli ces
w ith the sa lt cod mixture and se rve the mushrooms on the t ruffle
polenta crostini . Drizzle all the crostin i w ith olive o il and se rve. -,•

''Every single part of it is

executed beautifully ... The
salt cod is done brilliantly.
What a beautiful starter.''
-Ed Baines
Organic smoked
Prep time 10 minutes, plus
salmon tart
30 minutes' chilling time
Cooking time 25 minutes
Deceptively simple ingredients go to make
Difficulty Easy- medium a sophisticated and elegant starter
For the pastry 1 To make the pastry, sift the flour and salt into a bowl and rub
125g (4½oz) organic
plain flour
in t he butter with you r fingerti ps until the mixture resembles
breadcrumbs. Make a well in the centre and add the egg yolk,
~ \j pinch of Maldon sea salt
60g (2oz) organic butter,
then the iced water, a very little at a time, until the mixture just
..?!--~ diced comes together into a ball. (Alternatively, use a food processor.
1 organic egg yolk Whizz t he butter for a few seconds. Add the egg yolk and whizz
44 1 tbsp iced water again. With the motor running, add the salt and flour, then add the
CD iced water, a lit t le at a time, until the dough just comes together.)
~ For the filling·
Remove t he pastry from the bowl, wrap in cl ing film, and leave to
~ 2 orga nic garlic cloves,
crushed chill for 30 m inutes.
~ knob of organic butter
CD 2 Meanwhile, in a frying pan ove r a medium heat, fry the garlic
180g (6oz) organic smoked
• salmon, sliced into large in butter for 1 minute unti l softened , taking care that it does not
;:o strips brown. Add the smoked salmon and remove from the heat. In a
)> 1 organic egg sma ll bow l, beat the egg and mix in the double cream and parsley.
- 150ml (Sfl oz) organic double
cream 3 Preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F/Gas 5). Rem ove the past ry
~ 2 tbsp chopped organic from the refrigerator and ro ll out on a f loured work surface until it
0 f lat-leaf parsley is about 1cm (just under ½in) t hick. Cut out 4 circles with a pastry
m 4 tbsp freshly grated organic cutter to fit into 10cm (4in) non-stick individual ta rt tins. Press the
0 Parmesan cheese
(./1 pastry into t he tins and d ivide the smoked salmon m ixt ure evenly
For the salad among t hem. Spoon over the egg mixture and sprinkle with the
's Parmesan. Bake in the oven f or 25 minutes or until nicely browned.
0 juice of ½ organic lemon
z 2 tbsp organic olive oil Lift out and cool on a wire rack for 1 minute.
:j; handful of rocket and
wat ercress 4 To make the salad, whisk to gether the lemon juice and oil, then
handfu l of smoked prawns turn the salad leaves over in this dressing until coated . Serve a
warm tart on each of 4 serving plates, with a little salad on the side
and a scattering of smoked prawns.
Magic crab gratin
with Swiss chard
Prep time 10 minutes
A simple and delectable dish, packed Cooking time 30 minutes
with succulent greens aI1d tasty crab Difficulty Easy

1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). In a small fryin g pan For the topping
over a low heat, gently sweat the garlic in the oi l and butter for 1 garlic clove, chopped
1 minute or so. Stir in t he breadcrumbs and fry fo r a few minutes, 1½tbsp olive oi l
25g (scant 1oz) butter
then remove from the heat .
4 tbsp panko breadcrumbs
2 Separate the chard leaves from the stalks. Chop the sta lks and
sl ice the leaves. In a large frying pan ove r a medium heat, gently For the filling
200g (7 oz) Swiss chard 45
sweat t he shallot in the oi l. Add the chard sta lks and ch illi and 1 large shallot, finely rn
continue to sweat gently for 5-10 m inutes . Add the vermouth and chopped ~
allow to reduce until it has nearly al l disappeared and t he alcohol 1 tbsp olive oil
has evaporated. Add the butter and sprinkle in t he flour, stirring large p inch of red chil li flakes ti:J
2 tbsp extra-dry vermout h pj
constantly for 1-2 minutes. Remove t he frying pan from t he heat rn
S0g (1 ¾oz) butter
and gradua lly add the evaporated m ilk and enough semi-skimmed
30g (1oz) plain flour •
milk to form a thick sauce, stirrin g constantly to prevent lumps. 2 tbsp evaporated milk )>
Season w ith sa lt and black pepper. 200ml (7fl oz) sem i-skimmed
mil k
3 Return the frying pan to the heat, add the chard leaves and small handful of fresh parsley ;o
most of t he parsley and cook fo r 5-1 0 minut es, stirring consta ntly. leaves, chopped co
Add more milk if it get s t oo thick. Add the cheese, crab and the 3 tbsp Eng lish Parmesan- C)
rema ining parsley. style cheese, finely grated
150g (51/202) picked wh ite ~
4 Pour the crab m ixture into 4 small ovenproof serving dishes, crabmeat z
and sprinkle over the t opping. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes Maldon sea salt and freshly ~
ground pepper I
until golden and serve hot and bubbling.



''Absolutely stunning.
It's really lovely. I haven't
had a hot crab dish in ages.
This is a really good one ...
it's a delightful dish.''
- John Burton Race
Avocado and goat's
Prep time 25 minutes, plus
cheese tartlets·
1 hour's cooling and resting
Cooking time 25 minutes
Home-made red chilli sauce adds zing
Difficulty Medium to crea1ny tartlets served· with guacamole
For the pastry 1 Make su re that al l t he ingredients for the pastry are very cold.
2509 (9oz} plain flour Put t he flour, salt and cubed butt er in a food processor. Pu lse until
pinch of Maldon sea salt t he mixt ure resem b les breadcrumbs. Trickle in iced water, little by
180g (6oz} unsalted butter,
little, unti l the dough just comes together into a ball. Wrap in cling
a little iced water film and leave to rest in t he refrigerator for 30 minutes.

2 Remove t he pastry from t he refri gerat or and roll out on a ffoured

For the guacamole
1 large Hass avocado wo rk su rface until 5mm (¼i n) thick. Press the pastry gently into four
1 lime 10cm (4in) individual ta rt let t ins, making sure that there are no
4 spring onions, finely holes. Trim t he t artlets neatly, p rick the bottoms of the pastry cases
chopped wit h a fork and ret urn t o t he refrigerator to rest again for at least 20
1- 2 mediu m vine-ripened min utes, p referab ly longer.
tomatoes, finely diced
• 2 tsp mayonnaise 3 Preheat t he oven t o 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Put a baking sheet into
~ salt and a pinch of cracked
0 t he oven to heat up . Cut out circles of baking parchment sli ghtly
(') black pepper
)> b igger than t he past ry cases and use t hem to line the tartlet t ins.
0 For the chilli sauce Fi ll the lined cases wit h baking b eans and p lace on the hot baking
)> 2 fresh red chillies, deseeded sheet in the oven. Blind-bake for 20 minutes or until just light
z and finely diced golden in co lour, b ut cooked th rough.
Cl 1 fat garlic clove, finely diced
0 3 tbsp Japanese rice vinegar 4 Remove th e t art let t ins from t he oven and t ake out the beans
~ 1 tbsp red wine vinegar such and paper. Carefully remove t he past ry cases from their tins, then
(J) as Aspall organic p lace them back on t he baking sheet and ret urn to the oven for
3 tbsp golden caster sugar
I anot her 2- 3 minutes until slightly golden, watching closely to avoid
m t hem b urning . Remove f rom t he oven and p lace on a wire rack
(J) For the tart filling
m to coo l co mp letely. Do not t urn off the oven.
1 large Hass avocado
~ 1 li me
-I 2 mi ld goat's cheese logs, 5 M ake t he guacamole. Peel and rough ly chop the avocado,
m about 100g (3½oz} each squeezing over a lit t le lime juice to avoid d isco loration. Put in a
(J) small bowl and mash with a fo rk, leaving so me pieces chun ky. Add
For the salad t he sp ring onion and t omato, then sti r in the mayonnaise. Season
2 tbsp light, fruity extra virgin
with salt and cracked b lack pepper. Taste and adj ust the seasoning,
olive oil
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
adding more salt 9r lime if you prefer. Cover with cl ing film , making
¼ fat garlic clove, crushed sure th at the cl ing film t ouches t he surface of t he guacamol e to
large pinch of golden caster avoid d iscolo ration. Leave in t he refri gerator unt il need ed .
100g (3½oz) mixed leaves, 6 To make the chill i sa uce, put all the ingredients in a sm all
such as rocket, baby saucepan and add 1-2 tab lespoons wat er. If yo u prefer a hot sa uce ,
spinach and watercress leave in some or all of t he seeds, but wa rn your guest s b efo re
sa lt and black pepper
serving! Bring to a boi l over a medium heat, reduce the heat
slightly and simmer for 10- 15 m inutes until syrupy, stirring from
time to t ime. Decant into a sma ll bowl and set aside.

7 To make t he t art fi lling, pee l the avocado, d iscard the stone,

and slice the flesh into long strips lengthways. Squeeze over
a little lime juice to prevent discoloration and set as ide. 47

8 Slice t he cheeses into 8 cyl indrical portions. 00

9 Place t he cooled pastry cases on a baking sheet. Put a few ~
dollops of the guacamole int o the bott om of each one, add a t:tj
few avocado sli ces and place 2 circles of cheese on top. Bake in ~
the oven for 2-3 minutes unt il t he cheese is j ust starting to melt. •
10 Make the vinaigrette for the salad by whiskin g togethe r t he
olive oi l, vinegar, garli c and suga r and season w ith salt and b lack n)>
pepper. Toss with the salad leaves. 0
11 To serve, place a pi le of salad on each of 4 plates, top w ith z
a tartlet and drizzle with the ch illi sauce. 0

Crisp-fried whitebait
A new twist on an old favourite, served Prep t ime S min utes
Cooking time 10 m inutes
with crusty home-made breadsticks Difficulty Easy

1 Preheat t he oven to 240°C (475°F/Gas 9). M ix the yeast with For the breadsticks
120ml (4fl oz) of tep id water. Put the flou r and ½ tsp sa lt in a large 1 x 3g sachet dried yeast
bowl, add the yeast mixture and stir until combined. Knead t his 200g (7oz) strong white flour
dough on a floured board unt il smooth, then roll 12 sma ll p ieces ½ tsp sea sa lt, p lus extra for
int o th in st icks and lay on a baking sheet. Plait int o 4 slig ht ly larger
o live oi l
breadsticks, if you like. Drizz le the sticks with olive oil and sprinkle
with extra sea sa lt. Bake for 10 minutes until golden. Set aside. For the salad 49
1 garlic clove (optional) 00
2 To make the sa lad d ressing, p ut t he garlic (if using) in a sieve,
then juice the lemons th rough t he sieve into a bowl, to remove the
4 lemons
75m l (2½fl oz) extra virgin
lemon p ips and p ick up some garlic flavou r. D iscard the contents
of the sieve, add the oil to t he bowl and season with sa lt and
olive oi l
4 handfuls of rocket leaves
cracked b lack pepper. W hisk until we ll combined, t hen set aside 12 cherry t omatoes
½ cucumber, d iced •
in the refrigerator until needed. ()
sea salt and cracked black
pepper c.n
3 Arrange the rocket, che rry tom atoes and cucumber neatly 7J
on 4 serving p lates and set aside. ;;:o
For the fish m
4 Heat enough oi l for deep-frying in a deep-fat fryer until t he vegetable oil for deep-frying 0

t emperature of the oil measures 170°C (340°C) on a cook's

24 whitebait, preferably fresh ~
not frozen I
thermometer. Meanwh il e, wipe t he whitebait dry wit h kitchen 100g (3½oz) p lain flour
paper, place in a shallow d ish, toss over the flou r and season with OJ
salt and black pepper )>
salt and b lack p epper. Lift out the fish, shaking off any excess -I
flour, then deep-fry in batches for 3- 4 m inutes until golden and
crisp. Remove with a slott ed spoon. Drain on kit chen paper to
absorb the excess oil and keep warm whi le you cook the rest of
the wh iteba it.

5 Take the dressing out of the refrigerator and d rizzle lightly ove r
the sa lad on each p late. Place 6 fish on t op of each sa lad and serve
immediately, with the breadsticks .

Cullen skink
Prep tir 5-10 minutes
Cookir 35 minut es
A classic from tl1e Scottish Highlands,
D1ff cu , Easy this easy soup packs a .flavour punch
60g (2oz) slightly salted Melt the butter in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Add
butter the onion and gently sweat for 5-10 minutes until soft. Add the
1 onion, finely chopped garlic and smoked haddock. Cook for 2 minutes.
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
2 medium fillets of undyed Meanwhile, in another saucepan, add the potatoes to the milk.
smoked haddock, diced Bring to a simmer and cook slowly fo r 15 minutes or until tender.
5 Scottish Rooster potatoes,
50 Add the doub le cream.
peeled and cubed
00 285m l (9fl oz) whole milk Pour the potatoes, milk and cream into t he saucepan containing
~ 300ml (1 0fl oz) double cream
the smoked haddock and cook everything over a medium heat for
~ sea salt and freshly ground
b lack pepper
a furthe r 3 m inutes. Season with sa lt and b lack pepper and serve
:;:d handful of chives, chopped, in 4 warm so up bowls, sprinkled wit h chopped chives.
to garnish

Pea, ham and
watermelon verrine
Prep time 45 minutes
Layered in a glass, this summery dish is
Cooking time 3 hours
impressive to look at and very refreshing Difficulty Medium

1 Fill a large saucepan with enough w at er to completely subme rge 4009 (14oz} green ham,
the green ham and bring to the boil over a hig h heat. Add the cut into 2.5cm (1 in) cubes
cubed ham, reduce the heat and simmer for 2-2½ hours. 1 honeydew melon, halved
and deseeded
2 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). 1 watermelon, halved
4 leaves gelat ine
3 Using a melon ba ll er, ball the honeydew melon and leave in 200g (7 oz) sugarsnap peas
the refrigerator to chi ll . or garden peas
1 tsp mustard seeds
4 Juice the waterme lon flesh in a juicer or blender and sieve 8 th in slices black ham
out the seeds. In a bowl, soak the gelatine in 200ml (7fl oz) of the 6 thin streaky bacon rashers
watermelon juice for about 10 minutes. Put the gelat ine mixture 1 egg
in a sma ll saucepan over a low heat. Gently heat until the gelatine 20 baby tomatoes
sea sa lt
has dissolved, then add the rema ining waterme lon ju ice. Stir well •
wild rocket, to garnish 7J
and set aside to cool but not set. m
5 Bring a saucepan of water to the boil and add the sugarsnap I
peas. Cook for 5 minutes, then drain. ~
6 Pat the cooked ham dry with kitchen paper, t hen shred the meat z
using 2 forks. Add the mustard seeds and peas. Season with salt 0

and fold together. D ivide the ham m ixture among 4 g lasses, so that
each is a quarter full.
7 Cover these ham rillettes evenly with the watermelon m ixture m
and leave in the refrigerator to set for 30 minutes. 0
8 Using the same-sized glass as the verrines as a guide, cut a d isc <
from each slice of b lack ham. Set aside. ;::o
9 Put the bacon on a baking sheet and cook in the oven for rn
5 minutes or until crispy. Cool, then chop. Meanwhile, bring a
saucepan of water to the boil, add the egg and boil for 8 minutes.
Drain, she ll the egg and chop. Mix together the egg and bacon.

10 Once the verrines are set, place a disc of b lack ham on top
of each one, then a layer of honeydew melon ba ll s and baby
tomatoes. Add another disc of black ham with a scattering of the
chopped bacon and egg and scatt er each verrine with wild rocket.

Chicken tikk3, roll '

30 minutes,
with coconut sauce
p lus coo ling time
l 10 minutes '"'
FaI1tastic, sligl1tly bitter fenugreek, or
D ifficu \ Easy-med ium 1netl1.i, adds a special touq_h to this dish
For the cllicken tikka Preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7) .

...., -\' 500g (1 lb 2oz) skinless Rinse t he ch icken slices, dry the m on kitchen paper, sprinkle

chicken breast fillets,
thinly sliced
1 bunch of fresh fenugreek
with sa lt and set aside.

Pick the fenugreek and spin ach leaves off the stems and cl ean
leaves them thoroughly in four or five changes of co ld wate r. Drain, then
52 1 bunch of fresh spinach leave on kitchen paper t o d ry.
00 1 white onion, chopped
~ 6 garl ic cloves Put the on ion, garlic and ginger in a food processor and whizz to
~ 5cm (2in) piece of fresh a paste, adding a pinch of sa lt, the red ch illi powder and the garam
t.:tj root ginger masala. Rub t his paste onto the ch icken and set aside.
~ 2 tsp red chilli powder
2 tsp garam masala !5 Heat the oil in a saucepan ove r a low heat, and cook the
• 2 tbsp sunflower oil
n fenugreek and spinach fo r 1-2 minut es, adding a pinch of sa lt .
I 50g (1 ¾oz) plain yogurt
- Remove f rom the heat and allow to cool.
n 1 t bsp tandoori masa la
m salt Spread the chicken slices on a baking sheet. Stir the yogurt,
-l and paint it onto the ch icken. Sprinkle with the tandoori masala
• -.,A ll "O~c~ A' sauce
and cover each ch icken slice with a layer of fen ugreek and spinach.
S; 1 tbsp sunflower oil
Ro ll up each chicken sli ce and push a cockta il stick through to hold
;:u 1 bunch of spring onions,
0 chopped it toget her. Put the chicken rolls on a greased baking sheet, cover
r 5-6 fresh green chillies, wit h foi l and leave to marinate for 10 m inutes. Preheat the grill
~ sliced t o its highest sett ing.
-l 1 bunch of fresh coriander,
n leaves picked and chopped To make the sauce, heat the oi l in a saucepan over a medium
0 1 x 400ml can coconut milk heat . Add the spring onions and cook, sti rring from t im e to ti me,
n juice of 4 lemons
0 for 1-2 minutes. Add t he green chill ies and coriander and cook
z salt
C for a fu rther 1- 2 minutes . Remove the pan from the heat, cool the
)> " .. ~·· mixt ure for 5 minutes, then b lend to a paste with a stick blen der.
C 2 handfu ls of rocket Add the coconut milk, return the m ixt ure to the rinsed-out pan
n 2 red radishes, g rated and si mm er for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat, add the lem on
juice and a littl e sa lt, stir and leave to cool.

,... Put the chicken in the hot oven and cook f or 10 minutes, the n
remove t he foil and p lace the sheet under t he hot grill until t he
chicken is browned, turn ing so that it is evenly coloured. Carefu lly
cut each ro ll into sma ll slices, ta king ca re that they do not split.

Put the ch icken slices on a plate. Garni sh w ith a few leaves of

rocket and some ra d ish and serve the coconut sauce on the side.
Creamy cauliflower
and Sti ton soup
Prep time 25 minut es
With truly exceptional three-cheese scones, Cooking time 2 hours
this soup is a comforting winter warmer Difficulty Easy

1 To make t he stock, p ut the vegetab les in a large pan. Pour in For the stock
1.2 lit res (2 p ints) water, bring to the boil and simmer for 1 hour. 1 on ion, roughly chopped
Strain into a bowl. 5 celery sticks, rough ly
2 To make the soup, melt the butter in a large saucepan ove r 1 leek, roug hly chopped
a med ium heat . Add t he on ion and sweat, stirring, for about 3 carrot s, roughly chopped
5 minut es unt il soft and translucent. Pour in the cider and gent ly 53
For the creamy
simmer for 10 m inutes.
cauliflower soup 00
3 Put the leek, ce lery and 600m l (1 pint) of t he veget able st ock in 50g (1 ¾oz) butter ~
1 onion, finely chopped ~
an other pan over a medium heat. Bring to a simmer and cook until ~
600ml (1 pint) scrumpy cider l':1
t he liquid is reduced by a t hird, then add the cau liflower and cook 1 leek, chopped ~
until soft. Crumble in t he Stilton, then pour in t he on io ns and cider. 3 celery sticks, chopped 00.
Stir th rough. Using a stick b lender, pu ree t he m ixture until smooth, 1 cauliflower, cut into floret s •
taste and season with salt and black pepper. Re move the pan from 2259 (8oz) Stilt on cheese m
300m l (10fl oz) sing le cream )>
the heat, stir in t he cream and set aside. ~
salt and freshly ground b lack
4 To make the scones, preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F/Gas 5). pepper n
Put t he potatoes in a large pa n of boiling wat er and simmer unt il C
j ust cooked. Drain, then d ice and set aside. Sift t o gether the flou r
For the three-cheese

and b aking powder into a bowl and season with sa lt and b lack 5 new potatoes, peeled 0
pepper. Add the butter and rub togeth er with your fingertips until and halved ~
the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Mix in most of the cheeses, 150g (S½oz) self-raising flour
the cooked d iced p otato and the herbs. 1 tsp baking powder z
S0g (1¾oz) butter 0
5 In a sma ll bowl, beat together the mi lk, egg and mustard, 50g (1 ¾oz) Red Leicester (J)
cheese, grated
then add most of t his to the flour mixtu re, st irring wit h a kn ife until ~
S0g (1¾oz) double 0
the dough comes toget her. Ro ll out t he dough on a floured work z
Gloucester cheese, g rat ed
surface until 2cm (¾i n) thick, then cut out triangles for the scones. 50g (1¾oz) mature Cheddar

Brush t he scones with the reserved milk m ixture, sprinkle wit h cheese, grated C
the rema ining cheese and b ake in the oven for 15-20 minutes. 1 tsp finely chopped fresh
sage leaves
6 To serve, gently reheat the soup over a mediu m heat, then serve 1 tbsp finely chopped basi l
in warm bowls, accompanied by t he scon es and some butter. leaves
300ml (10ft oz) whole m il k
1 free-range egg
2 tsp gra iny mustard
salt and black pepper

Smoked troU.t··and
Prep time 10-15 minutes
watercress tart
Cooking t ime 1 hour
45 minutes
Showcasing the best Hampshire produce,
Difficu lty Med ium this is a gorgeous marriage of flavours

,, .r-
For tl1e pastry 1 To make t he pastry, rub the butter into the flour with your
-i! 100g (3½oz) butter fingertips until it resembles fine b readcrumbs, then season with a
~~\ 200g (7oz) wholemea l flour
1 egg, beaten
pinch of sa lt and a little b lack pepper. Add just enough iced water
.j \., until t he mixt ure comes together as a dough . W rap in cl ing film
salt and black pepper
t. '::-('
..,. J


For the beetroot

and rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat the
oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4).
4 uncooked baby beetroot
r:n 2 tbsp sour cream 2 Ro ll the pastry out on a flou red work surface and use it to line
~ 2-3 tsp fresh horseradish, a 20cm (8in) fl uted ta rt t in . Prick the base all over with a fork, brush
~ finely grated wit h the egg and bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes. Leave to
t_tj 4 sprigs of fresh lemon cool. Reduce t he ove n temperature to 150°C (300°F/Gas 2).
~ t hyme
r:n sa lt 3 M ea nwhile, bring a small pan of water to the boi l with a pinch of

sa lt, add t he beetroot , reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
~ For the filling
0 75g (2½oz) butter 4 To make the filling, melt the butter in a frying pan, add the
m 2 onions, chopped on ions and saute over a medium heat for about 5 minutes
-; 2 garlic cloves, crushed until golden. Add t he garlic and saute for a further 30 seconds
200g (7oz) watercress
0 until the garlic tu rns w hite and opaque. Turn off the heat.
C 200g (7oz) hot -smoked
t rout, flaked 5 Bring a saucepan of wat er to the boil, drop in the watercress for
z large bunch of chives,
1 minute, then p lunge int o iced wat er. Squeeze we ll and b lot on
0 chopped
~ 3 eggs kitchen paper, t hen chop and add to the cooling onions. Gently
200m l (7fl oz) double cream m ix in the trout and chives and season with salt and black pepper.
:::0 1 tbsp soured cream
:::0 4 tsp garlic and horseradish 6 Gently wh isk toget her the eggs, cream, soured cream and
rn mustard mustard. Season with sa lt and lots of pepper, then add t he trout
Maldon sea salt and crushed mixture, mix and gent ly pour into the tart case. Bake in the oven
black peppercorns for 55- 60 minutes until the centre is just set, but still has a slight
-; wobb le to it. Remove from the oven and leave to cool a little.
For the salad 7 To make the sa lad, in a small bowl, whisk together the sha ll ot,
1 sha llot, finely chopped vinegar, sugar, t arragon, garlic, mustard and 90ml (3fl oz) oil.
4 tbsp white wine vinegar
Toss the watercress in a little more oil to coat.
large pinch of caster sugar
4 sprigs of fresh tarragon, 8 To se rve, cut the warm tart into wedges . Serve a wedge on each
finely chopped
p late and place a beetroot next to it. Top t he beetroot with a
½ garlic clove, crushed
1 tsp honey mustard spoon of the vinaigrette, a little sou red cream, some grated
90ml (3fl oz) rapeseed oil, horseradish and a sprig of lemon thyme. Arrange the wate rcress
plus extra for t he leaves next to it and drizzle more vinaigrette around each p late. Serve .
1 bunch of watercress
West Country
pork tortellini
Prep time 15 minutes
Pasta is given a West Country twist with Cooking time 25 minutes
fine local ingredients - including scrumpy! Difficulty Medium- hard

1 Pile the flour onto a clean work surface and form into a vo lca no For the pasta
shape, wit h a central hole. Beat t he eggs together, then pour int o 200g (7 oz) '00' flour, plus
the well. Gradually incorporate t he eggs into the flou r until a more, to dust
2 free-ra nge eggs
dough fo rms. Knead for at least 10 minutes un t il it becomes silky to
the touch. Chi ll for 30 minutes, before rolling out, passing th roug h For the filling
a pasta machine and cutting into d iscs 4-Scm (1¾- 2in) across. 1 Gloucester Old Spot pork
2 Meanwhile, to make the torte lli ni filling, remove and discard 1 tbsp olive oil
any fat from the pork and cut t he meat into cubes. Heat the o il 1 Bram ley apple
in a pan over a medium-high heat and b rown the pork on al l sides 200g (7 oz) Somerset goat's
for about 10 minutes. Peel, core and chop t he apple and add cheese
to the pork for t he last 2 minutes of the coo king t ime.
For the scrumpy
3 Put the pork and apple int o a food processor and add t he goat's sauce •
cheese to taste. Process the mixt ure fo r about 30 seconds. Be 285ml (9fl oz) farmhouse m
carefu l not to process to a paste; you want the mixt ure to remain
scrumpy or cider -,

200ml (7fl oz) double cream n

slightly coarse. Set asid e to coo l. salt and fresh ly ground black 0
4 To make the sauce, pour the scrumpy or cider into a pan and pepper z-,
b ring to the boil. Reduce by one-t hird. Add the cream, stir through seasonal mixed leaves, to -<
and season w ith sa lt and black pepper. Set aside in a warm p lace. serve 0
5 Working as qu ickly as you can, put a sma ll amount of fi lling in -,
the centre of each of t he pasta disc (don't use too much fillin g - 0
you need to be able to fold the pasta wit hout breaking it). Take -,
one and wet the edge of the pasta with a little warm water. Fold
the pasta ove r the filling so that the edges almost meet and press
together firmly to seal, ensuring t hat no air is trapped inside. Hold
the filled pasta between you r t humb and index finger and fo ld it
around your finger to bring the two ends together. Press the two
ends t ogether, t hen fo ld the sea led edge down. Sit the shaped
past a, o r torte lli ni, on a clean tea towel and continue in the same
way unti l you have fil led and sh aped all t he to rt ellini. (You can coo k
t hem at once, o r leave to d ry for 40 minutes, tu rn ing once or twice
so t hat t hey dry evenly.)

6 Bring a large, deep pan of salted water t o the boil and cook t he
t ort elli ni fo r 2 minutes; drain. Serve on a b ed of the m ixed leaves,
with t he scru mpy sauce drizzled ove r the t op.
... .
Asparagus, h3.m
Prep time 30 minutes, p lus
and goat's cheese trio
chilling t ime
Cooking time 45 minutes
A beautiful spri11gtime dish filled with the
Difficulty Easy-medium flavours of the season
For the cannelloni 1 To make the canne ll oni, b lend the red pepper, goat's cheese,
. ) 2 roasted red peppers rocket, lemon juice and zest and salt in a food processor until

8 tbsp soft goat's cheese
4 handfuls of wild rocket
grated zest and juice of
smooth. In a small frying pa n, fry the asparagus in the olive oil until
al dente. Lay each ham slice on a small piece of cling film. Spoon
c.~ L
2 tablespoons of the cheese mixture on each. Place an asparagus
,J✓ ---/ 1 lemon
pinch of sa lt spear on top. Ro ll each ham slice lengthways over the filling, wrap
4 fresh asparagus spears t ight ly and ch ill for as long as possible, ideally a coup le of hours.
en 1 tbsp o live oil
~ 4 slices Parma ham 2 To make t he t arts, m ix together the flour and salt, dice in the
::.0 margarine and rub with you r fingertips unti l the mixture resembles
1-3 For the tarts
txJ breadcrumbs. Season with b lack pepper and the herbs. Stir in iced
::.0 125g (4½oz) plain flour
en pinch of salt
water, a very little at a tim e, until the dough comes together. Knead
• 60g (2oz) hard margarine light ly, t hen ro ll out on a flou red wo rk surface. Use to line four
-0 ½ tsp dried mixed herbs 10cm (4in) individual tart t ins. Cover each with cling film, then leave
;:;o a little iced water to chill fo r 30 minutes. Preheat the oven t o 190°C (375°F/ Gas 5).
)> 3 shallots, finely chopped
C 1 garlic clove, crushed 3 Remove t he t art cases from t he ref rigerator and t ake off t he
about 2 tbsp olive oil cl ing fi lm. Line the cases with greaseproof paper and fi ll them with
I 175ml (6fl oz) double cream
)> baking beans. Bake them for 10- 15 minutes, remove the beans and
~ 4 free-range egg yolks
paper and all ow to coo l. In a small frying pan over a medium heat,
)> 4 tbsp soft goat's cheese
z gently sweat the shallot and garlic in 1 tbsp o il for 10 minutes.
4 asparagus spears
0 Mix in the crea m, egg yo lks and goat's cheese and season. Cook,
½ roasted red pepper,
0 deseeded and finely sliced stirring, for 5 minutes. Fry th e asparagus spears for a coup le of
~- 4 thin slices Parma ham. minutes in olive oi l over a medium heat. Finely slice half of each
(./) chopped spea r (keep the t ips who le). Layer the asparagus slices, red
() freshly ground black pepper
I peppers and ham in the pastry cases, top with t he asparagus tips
m For the stack and cover with t he cream m ixtu re. Bake for 12 minutes.
m olive oil
--l 4 For the stack, heat a little olive oil in a small frying pan over a
::::0 12 fresh asparagus tips
0 handful of lemon thyme medium heat. Gently saut e the asparagus t ips and lemon thyme.
1 block soft goat's cheese, Preheat the grill t o its highest setting. To make the cheese crisps,
plus extra 4 tbsp, to serve cut 4 th ick slices of goat's cheese and place under the hot grill for
4 slices Parma ham 5-6 minutes unt il melted and turning brown. Fry the ham in a hot
1 red pepper, quartered pan until brown and crisp, then cool.
and roasted in olive oil
5 Place a ta rt and a cannelloni, sitting on a cheese crisp, on each
of 4 p lates. Make a stack of the Parma ham, red pepper and
asparagus tips . Form 4 quenelles by shaping the re main ing goat's
cheese between two spoons and place one on top of each stack.
The porkie pig pie
Prep time 10 minutes
Cooking time 4½ hours
A hugely satisfying version of a classic,
Difficulty Medium with a piquant home-made chutney

For the jelly 1 To make the jelly, pour 1.7 litres (3 pints) water into a very large
1 raw pork hock, split saucepan. Add t he hock and trotters, bring to the boil and simmer
2 p ig's trotters, split for 2 hours. Strain and set aside.

For the filling 2 To make the fi lling, put the pork mince in a large bowl, add the
450g (1 16) shou lder or belly salt, pepper and 3 tbsp water and mix well. Set aside.
pork, coarsely minced
58 1½ tsp salt 3 Wa rm the lard with 150ml (Sfl oz) water in a small pan over a low
CD ½ tsp freshly ground black heat until melted; do not boil. Remove from the heat, add the flour
~ pepper
and sa lt and mix together. Tip out and knead gently on a floured
~ For the pastry work surface. Leave to cool slightly, but do not allow to go cold.
~ 150g (5oz) lard
4 Cut t he pastry into three sections, one for each pie, then cut
4009 (14oz) p lain flour
• 1½ tsp sa lt
out and set aside a sma ll piece of each for the lids. Roll out on
I 1 egg, beat en a floured work surface until about 5mm (¼in) thick and drape
7J over the bottom of an upturned jam jar. Mould the pastry around
0 For the chutney the jar and trim the edges straight. Refrigerate for a maximum of
A ½ on ion, roughly chopped 30 seconds to all ow the mould to set a little. Using a sharp knife,
m 1 fresh red chilli, finely
7J very carefully lift the pastry f rom t he j ar, turn over and stand on a
1 t bsp vegetable oil baking sheet greased with a little lard. Preheat the oven to 220°C
m 400g (1 4oz) vine-ripened (425°F/Gas 7). Roll out the pastry pieces set aside for the lids into
tomatoes, chopped circles and cut a hole in th e centre of each one.
1 beef t omat o, chopped
85ml (3fl oz) red wine vinegar 5 Dvide the meat filling evenly among the pastry cases, ensuring
30g (1 oz) sugar that they are full almost t o the brim . Wet the edges of the pastry
pinch of salt li ds with water and p lace on top. Pinch together the edges all
½ tsp ground black pepper around to seal. Brush the p ies with beaten egg. Make a double-
60g (2oz) baby gherkins,
thickness band from foil and wrap it around each pie to help to
keep their shape in the oven. Cover each pie with more foil. Bake
for 20 m inutes, then remove from the oven, brush again wit h egg
and re-cover with foil. Retu rn to the oven fo r a further 20 minutes.

6 Reduce the oven temperature to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6) and cook

for a further 30 mir:iutes, checking at intervals to avoid any burning
to the crusts. Th e pies are cooked when the fi lling bubbles up well
through the top . Remove from the oven and all ow to cool slightly.

7 Using a funne l and the hole on top of t he pies, pour t he hot jelly
into the pies until each is three-quarters full. Never add hot j elly
to cold pies; in stea d, top up with cool gravy the next day to sea l.
8 Freeze the pies for 20- 25 minutes, then refrigerate.
9 To make the chutney, in a large pan over a medium heat, fry
the onion and chi lli in the o il for 1 minute or unti l softened. Add
the tomatoes and red wine vin egar and stir through. Do not allow
to boil. Add the sugar, seaso n wit h sa lt and black pepper and
simmer for 25-30 m inut es until reduced to a j am- like consist ency.

10 Final ly add the chopped gherkins, mix in we ll and remove

fro m the heat. Decant the chutney into a hot steri li zed jar with
a t ight-fitting lid, sea l and leave to cool on a wire rack. Store
in the refrigerat or until needed.

11 Serve the pies wit h lots of t he chutney. •

Monkfish, f e1 ·nel •

and tomato soup

Preptir ~ 10-15minutes
Cookir I i 1e 2 hours
Vibra11t Mediterra11ea11 tastes fill this soup,
Difficu Easy served witl1 a rl1stic home-made bread
Fo1 th.,. oli \'t o l '.>read To make the b read, sift the flour and half the sa lt into a bowl.
fJ~~ C>

3759 (13oz) strong white

,~ / Stir the yeast int o 250ml (8fl oz) lukewarm water and mix this into
bread flour th e flou r, stirring until the dough starts to come together. Knead on
n~.. . .
1 tsp sea salt
) a flou red wo rk surface for 15 minutes, then put into another, lightly
2 tsp dried yeast
<r 3 tsp olive oil oi led bowl, cover and leave to rise for 1 hour in a wa rm p lace.
Preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7).
60 For ,,.1e soup
00 2 tbsp olive oi l 2 Kn ead the dough again on a floured work surfa ce f or a further
;; 1209 (4¼oz) monkfish, 2 minutes. Ro ll out into a 1cm (½in) thick circle and transfer to an
~ trimmed, deboned, oiled baking sheet. Brush the bread with the olive oil and sprinkle
1-3 and sliced
t_:rj with th e remaining sa lt. Bake in the hot oven for 25 minutes or
~ 4 scallops, cut in half until golden brown.
00 crossways
• 8 vine-ripened t omatoes
~ 3 To make t he soup, heat ha lf the oil in a heavy pan over a
0 ¼ fennel bulb, sliced medium-high heat and f ry the monkfish and scal lops until
z 1 small onion, sliced
A b rowned. Remove from the heat and set aside. Put the tomatoes
17 6 garlic cloves, crushed
250m l (8fl oz) white wine in a large bowl and cover with boilin g water. Le ave to stand for
-17 250m l (8fl oz) chicken stock 1- 2 m inutes, then slip off t he skins and discard. Slice the flesh .
m 75m l (2½fl oz} sweet sherry
z 4 Heat the remaining oi l in a large pan over a medium heat. Add
z 2 tbsp fish sauce
r 2 tbsp sun-dried t omat o t he fenne l and on ion and sweat for 5 minutes or until soft but not
)> paste colou red. Add the garlic and sweat for a further 5 minutes. Add the
z pinch of saffron t hreads white wine, stock, sherry, fish sauce, tomatoes, tom ato paste and
8 fresh mussels, scrubbed
-i saffron and bring to the boi l. Simmer for 15 minutes, then puree in
0 and beards removed
~ 8 raw tiger prawns, peeled
a food processor or blender until smooth.
~ and de-veined
5 Retu rn t he soup to a clean pan and add all t he fish and she llfish,
0 1 lemon, quartered
along with the lemon, capers and marjoram. Simmer over a
0 1 tbsp capers, drained,
C rinsed and gently squeezed medium heat for 30 seconds or until the mussels have opened
dry (discard any t hat do not) and the prawns are p ink and cooked.
sprig of fresh marjoram,
chopped 6 Serve the soup in 4 warm bowls, with the bread on the side.
Smoked trout
and salami risotto
Prep time 20 min utes
Unusual flavours provide a great hit
Cooking time 25 m inut es
of flavour in this punchy risotto Difficulty Easy- medium

1 Pour t he stock into a saucepan, p lace over a low heat and bring For the risotto
to a slow simmer. 300ml (1Ofl oz} good-quality
vegetable stock
2 In a heavy saucepan, heat the o il and butter. When foam ing, 1 tbsp ext ra virgin olive oil
add the leek and sala mi and sweat for 2 m inutes. Add t he rice S0g (1¾oz} unsa lted butter
and stir until each gra in is well coated in the butter m ixture. Pour 150g (S½oz) organic leeks,
in the cider and keep st irring until it has all been absorbed and finely d iced
100g (3½oz} salam i, d iced 61
t he alcohol has evaporated.
int o 5m m (¼in) cubes 00.
3 Add the stock, one lad lefu l at a t im e, stirring constant ly and 200g (7oz} Carnaroli rice
4 tbsp dry cider ~
ensuring that the liquid is absorbed before add ing more. Continue ~
2 smoked trout fillets, flaked t_:cj
in this way for 15- 18 m in utes until t he rice is swo ll en and soft, but 4 quail 's eggs ~
st ill al dente and the risott o looks creamy. Ha len Mon sea sa lt and 00.
freshly ground black •
4 Rem ove from the heat and stir in the t rout. Taste and season pepper ~
w it h sa lt and b lack pepper, then cover and leave for 2 m inut es 0
for the trout t o warm through and its flavour to infuse t he risotto. For the salad m
selection of leaves, such -I
5 Meanwh ile, bring a saucepan of water to a simmer ove r a high as rocket or baby spinach ;::o
heat, then reduce the heat to medium . Swirl the water and crack 0
4 vine-ripened tomatoes, C
chopped -I
the eggs int o the eddy, one at a t ime. Poach the eggs for 1 m in ute, )>
then remove w ith an egg sli ce . Dra in on kitchen paper. 2 tsp capers, rinsed, gent ly z
squeezed dry and diced 0
6 M ix together the salad leaves, tomatoes and capers in a bowl. 2 tsp olive o il )>
4 t sp white wine vinegar r
In another small bowl, wh isk t ogeth er the o il, vinegar and mustard, )>
1 tsp Dijon musta rd ~
then toss w ith the sa lad.

7 A rrange a circle of leaves o n each of 4 serving p lates. Pl ace a (J)

mound of risotto on t op of t he leaves, top w ith a poached quail 's -I
egg and se rve immediat e ly. 0
Salmon tart3.:i-·e with
Prep time 20 minutes, plus
dill and horseradish
20 minutes' cooling
Cooking time 40 min utes
A very simple dish, witl-i beautiful fish
Difficulty Easy balanced by a sharp sauce
For the soda bread 1 To make t he soda bread, preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/
,i, 11 0g (4oz) plain flour Gas 6). Mix together all the dry ingredients in a large bowl and
11 0g (4oz) wholemeal flour make a well in t he centre. In a separat e bowl, whisk together the
6~ \
2' '\
50g (1¾oz) muesli
buttermilk, yogurt and egg and add to the dry ingredients.
25g (scant 1 oz) wheatgerm
r- -----
1 /2 tsp bicarbonate of soda Mix until well combined .

1 tsp sugar
62 2 Divide t he dough into 4 equal-sized portions and form into ba lls.
1½ tsp sa lt
rn 175ml (6fl oz) buttermilk Usin g a pair of kit chen scissors, chop int o the top of each one to

~ 100ml (3½fl oz) plain yogurt make crosses. Sit t he b alls of dough on a tray and bake in the oven
~ 1 large egg for 8 minutes. Reduce t he oven temperature to 190°C (375°F/ Gas
~ 5) and b ake f or a further 7 m inutes until golden. Remove from the
~ For the tartare oven and leave t o coo l slightly o n a wire rack.
rn 350g (12oz) royal fi llet of

(f) smoked salmon, cut into 3 To make t he tart are , mix tog ether t he sa lmon, d ill and chives.
::t> 1cm (½in) cubes Season wit h black pepper, then add the g in, to taste. It should not
'~ 1 large bunch of fresh dill,
b e pro minent, but st ill give a kick along with the horseradish. In a
0 finely chopped
z se p arate bowl, m ix tog et her t he ho rseradish cream , soured cream
2-3 tbsp finely chopped
;:;o chives and a pi nch of sugar. Season to tast e. Leave both mixtures to chill
~ 3- 4 tbsp Hendricks gin, in t he refrigerat or for 20 minutes, to allow the flavou rs to develop.
:::0 to taste Taste and adj ust t he seasoni ng once more as needed.
1-2 tbsp horseradish cream,
-I to taste 4 Peel, halve and deseed t he cucu mber. Sprinkle all over with salt
I 150g (S½oz) soured cream and leave t o st and for 30- 40 minutes. Rinse off the sa lt, pat dry the
0 pinch of sugar
cucumbe r with kitchen paper and cut into fine sl ices. Put in a sma ll
'::t>r 1 cucumber
dish and sprinkle ove r t he vinegar and lemon juice. Leave to stand
3 tsp white wine vinegar
z 1 tsp freshly squeezed until ready t o serve.
I lemon juice
0 salt and freshly ground
5 To serve, oil a 10cm (4in) or 12cm (S in) metal food ring.
(f) black pepper Use t o layer the sa lm on and horseradish mixture on each of
:::0 4 se rving p lates, caref ully removing the ring each time. A rra nge
::t> To garnish t he cucumber in a ring around t he b ott om o f t he sa lmon and
(f) lumpfish caviar t op each sa lmon tarta re wit h a spoonful of lumpfish caviar.
I chive flowers
Garnish with ch ive flowe rs and a sprig of d ill. Serve wit h the
sprigs of fresh dill
warm soda bread:
Pea and
shrimp -ravioli Prep time 50 minutes, plus
1 hour's resting time
The delicate flavours in this ravioli are
Cooking time 10 minutes
perfectly set off by rich parsley butter Difficulty Medium-hard

1 Pi le the flour onto a clean work surface and fo rm into a vo lcano For the pasta
shape, with a centra l hole. Add the salt, 2 of the who le eggs and 250g (9oz) '00' flour
the egg yolks to the well. Mix well unti l all t he flour is incorporated, pinch of salt
adding light sprinkles of water if the dough becomes too firm. 3 whole eggs, plus 2 egg
yo lks
Form into a ball, wrap in damp muslin and rest for 1 hour.

2 Split the ball into two. On a floured work surface, ro ll out t he For the fi1ling
200g (7 oz) peas
dough until it is just less than 1cm (½in) thick.
25g (scant 1oz) butter,
3 Pass the rol led dough through a pasta machine several t imes, slight ly salted
200g (7 oz) brown shrimps
at ever decreasing gauges: at each gauge, pass the pasta sheet
pinch of freshly grated
t hrough the roll er 3 times, then fo ld it over itself and tu rn the sheet nutmeg
90 degrees. You will end up passing the pasta through the roller sea salt and fresh ly ground
about 12 times in tota l. b lack pepper •
4 Using a pastry cutter, cut o ut discs 4cm (1¾in) in diameter )>
from the sheets of pasta. You shou ld be able to get 40-48 d iscs. For the parsley butter z
50g (1 ¾oz) butter (/)
5 Bring a saucepan of water to the boil, add the peas and cook 75g (2½oz) f lat-leaf parsley, I
fo r 2 m inutes, then drain and pulverize in a food processor, with finely sliced
seasoning, until smooth. 3 tbsp cider vinegar -u
p inch of granulat ed sugar :::0
6 Melt the butter in a frying pan, increase the heat to high, ~
and tip in the shrimps and nutmeg. Fry, stirring, for 1 minute. To serve 0
50g (1 ¾oz) pea shoots
7 To make each ravio li, put 1 teaspoon of the pea puree onto 2 radishes, finely sliced
a pasta d isc and add 1 teaspoon of shrimp. Beat the remaining
egg and use this to moisten the edge of each disc. Place a second
d isc on top of each, sea ling the edges and ensuring that no air
is trapped inside.

8 Bring a very large saucepan of salted water to the boil over

a high heat, then drop in the ravioli for 3-5 minutes.

9 Meanwhile, melt the butter for the parsley butter in a sma ll

frying pan . Add the pars ley, then the vinegar and sugar, t o taste.

10 To serve, arrange 5 or 6 ravioli, slightly overlapping, on each

of 4 warm plates. Drizzle over the pars ley butter, garnishing with
the pea shoots and radishes.
Vegetarian •

Prep t1r 10 minutes

haggis pakor s
1 hour
20 minutes
With a dt10 of chutneys. this is an enticing
Medium blend of Sc!ottish and Pur1jabi cuisines
For the fhubarb To make the rhubarb chutney, put all the ingredients in a large
pan with 2-4 tbsp water. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat slightly
2-3 sticks rhubarb, chopped and simmer for 5-6 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and
1 tsp nigel la seeds
leave the chutney to cool for 15-20 minutes, then decant into a
½ tsp freshly ground black
pepper sterilized jar. Set aside.
½ tsp red chill i powder
For the mint and apple chutney, peel and chop the apple and
½ tsp ground cumin
¼ tsp salt the onion. (If you like, heat the oil in a frying pan over a medium
½ tsp garam masala heat and gently sweat the apple and onion for about 5 minutes
2-3 tbsp granulated sugar until soft ; otherwise, omit both this step and the oi l to make a really
6 cloves fresh chutney.) Rough ly chop the herbs. Put the apple, onion and
herbs in a blender with the rema ining ingredients and b lend well.
For the fresh mi11t
• Decant into a sterilized jar and put in the refrigerator.

C) 1 large cooking apple

To make t he pakora batter, put all the dry ingredients in a large
m 1 large on ion
1 tbsp oi l (optional)
bowl and mix. Add the yogurt and stir, drizzling in water gradually,
1 bunch of fresh mint until t he batter is smooth but not th ick. Set aside for 5- 10 minutes.
z 1 bunch of fresh coriander
Steam t he haggis for 20 minutes, then leave to cool a little.
I juice of 1 lemon
C) 3 fresh green ch illies, Finely chop the chillies and cabbage. M ix these into the batter
C) chopped
<.n with t he grated potatoes and onion slices.
2 tomatoes, chopped
~ 1 tsp freshly ground black Heat enough oil in a deep heavy pan to come ha lfway up the
0 pepper
sides, until the temperature of the oil reaches 170°C (340F) on a
½ tsp salt
(.f) ½ tsp garam masala cook's thermometer. Scoop out a small spoonfu l of haggis and
drop it in the pakora batter to coat. Carefully lower the haggis
pakora into t he hot oil (the oil shou ld sizzle straight away) and
250g (9oz) gram flour deep-fry for 2-3 m inutes until golden brown, turning repeated ly
1 tbsp garam masa la
to ensu re even frying. Rem ove from the pan and leave to drain
1 tbsp dried fenugreek
leaves on kitchen paper. Keep warm while you fry the remaining pakoras.
pinch of salt
Serve the hot, crispy pakoras on a bed of fresh sa lad made with
1 tsp ajwan seeds
finely shredded carrot, cucumber, red onion and Iceberg lettuce,
chilli powder, to taste
3 tbsp plain yogurt with the chutneys in sma ll bowls as accompaniments.
1 sma ll vegetarian haggis
3 fresh green chill ies
2-3 green cabbage leaves
2 large potatoes, grated
1 large onion, sliced
sunflower oil for deep-frying
Whisky MacQuail
Prep time 10 minutes
Cooking time 3 hou rs
Gorgeous quail dish with a rich sauce
Difficulty Medium and stir-fried watercress
For the stock 1 To make the stock, put all the stock ingredients in a large
f. 1 whole roasted chicken saucepan, cove r with water and gently simmer for a 2- 3 hours.
J~i -\ carcass (meat removed) Skim off any scum that rises to t he surface. Strain the stock,
.. ~ \ .,...___
5 cooked bacon rashers
and leave to cool.
1 small roasted onion
-c.,___ "'
,... ... L 1-2 roasted carrots 2 Preheat the oven to 240°C (475°F/Gas 9).
a few bits sprigs of fresh
flat-leaf parsley 3 Smear t he quails libera lly wit h t he softened butte r o r o il, season
sprig of fresh rosemary with black pepper and wrap tight ly in the bacon rashers, especially
sprig of fresh thyme
over t he legs.
1 bay leaf
4 Put t he who le garlic cloves int o a heavy lidded casserole. Crowd
4 oven-ready quails the bacon-wrapp ed q uails into t he casse ro le, then add the thyme
about 60g (2oz) very soft
• salted butter or good
and ro sem ary. Pour in enough of t he stock to just cover the bottom
~ of the casserole by about 4cm (¾in), then pour in severa l good
I olive oil
c.n 16 rashers of streaky bacon g lu gs of whisky and t he juice o f 4-5 limes. Cover t ightly and cook
-< 10 large garlic cloves, left in the oven f or about 20 minut es.
~ whole and unpeeled
() a few sprigs of fresh thyme 5 When t he quails go into the oven, begin to boil the rest of the
p a few sprigs of fresh stock and add some more li me juice and honey to taste. Take care
)> rosemary that t he stock does not b urn or b oil dry.
about 1.2 litres (2 pints)
' ch icken stock (see above) 6 Check t he quails. W hen they are t ender and the bacon looks
several glugs of whisky, cooked but sti ll soggy, re move t he pot from t he oven and reduce
to taste
the oven temperature t o 220°C (425°F/Gas 7). Transfer the quails
juice of 10 limes
1½-2 tbsp clear honey
and garlic into an ovenproof dish and return them to the oven for
(preferably Scottish 15-25 m inutes until b rown. Check t hem regularly to ensure t hat
heather honey) they do not ove rcook .
freshly ground black pepper
7 Skim the excess oil off the juices left in the pot and add the
To serve stock t hat has already been b oil ing. Adjust the sauce wit h more
handfu l of watercress whisky, honey and lim e ju ice t o taste. Boil b riskly until t he sau ce
vegetable oil for frying has reduced and th icke ned. Check t he seasoning.
red pepper, to garnish
chopped spring onions, 8 To serve, quickly stir-fry t he watercress in a litt le o il for abo ut
to garnish 1 minut e, then divide between 4 wa rm p lates and garn ish wit h
some red pepper and spring onion. A dd a cooked quail t o each
p late, pour a little sa uce ove r t he quails t o glaze and serve t he rest
of the sauce in a jug on the side.
Pigeon with sweet
chilli butterbeans Prep time 15 minutes,
p lus overnight soaking
and marinating
A fabulous dish which melds Asian Cooking t ime 1hour
10 minutes
flavours with succulent pigeon Difficulty Easy-medium

1 Soak the butterbeans overnight in a large bowl of cold water. For the butterbeans
200g (7 oz) d ried butterbeans
2 At the same ti me, marinate the pigeon. Mix together the garlic, 1 garlic clove, crushed
ginger, five-spice, soy sauce and honey in a bowl. Add the p igeon 1 tbsp sweet chill i sauce
breasts and leave in the refrigerator to marinat e overnight . ¼ tbsp sesame o il
¾ tbsp soy sauce
3 Bring a pan of sa lted water to the boi l over a medium heat, add ¾ tbsp freshly squeezed
the drained butterbeans and simmer for 30-40 minutes untl tender. lime j uice 67
Drain, then mix together the garlic, sweet chilli sauce, sesame oi l, ½ red pepper, deseeded r.n
soy sauce and lime juice. Pour over the beans. Set aside to soak up and cubed
1 spring on ion, sliced
the flavours. t-3
1 small bunch of fresh t_:!j
4 To make the mayonnaise, take a ta ll, narrow m ixing jar and add, coriander, f inely chopped l;,:I
1 small bunch of fresh mint, r.n
in order, the egg, mustard powder, sa lt, lemon juice and vinegar. •
f inely chopped -u
Blend together, then slowly drop in the sunflower oil, still whisking, ½ chill i, deseeded and finely C)
until the mixture emu lsifies. Add the mint and chilli and set aside chopped m
for 30- 45 minutes. z
For the pigeon ~
5 To make the Melba toasts, preheat the oven t o 140°C (275°F/ 1 garlic clove, crushed -I
Gas 1). Toast the bread, cut t he p ieces in half d iagona lly, then slice I
2.5cm (1in) fresh root ginger, /J)
laterally to give fou r very thin triangles. Brush a little o live oi l on to grated ~
½ tsp f ive-spice powder m
each side, then put the slices in the oven for 30 minutes or until m
2 tbsp soy sauce -I
very crispy and dry. n
1 tbsp clear honey I
6 To cook the pigeon, heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan over a 4 pigeon breasts r
2 tbsp sunflower o il
medium heat. When the oil is hot, pan-fry the pigeon breasts for co
2- 3 minutes on each side, depending on the ir size. Leave to rest For the mayonnaise -I
for 5 m inutes. 1 egg, at room t emperature m
1 tsp mustard powder OJ
7 Add the red pepper, spring onion, coriander, mint and chi lli m
½ tsp salt )>
to the butterbeans. 1 tsp freshly squeezed z
lemon juice
8 To serve, pile a mound of the beans on each of 4 warm p lates 1 tsp white wine vinegar
and place a p igeon breast on top of each. Serve with the 300ml (10fl oz) sunflower oil
mayonnaise and Melba toasts. large handful of fresh mint
1 green chilli

For the Melba toasts

1 slice of stale wh ite bread
olive oil

Prep t ime 1 hour, plus

Medley of seafood
overnight for the bread
Cooking time 45 minutes
Flavours of monkfish, brown shrimps and
Difficulty Medium-hard smoked haddock with fresh


For the ciabatta 1 Make the st arter dough, or biga, the day before. Mix 7g (¼oz)
22g (¾oz} fresh yeast of the yeast wit h a ve ry little lukewarm water unti l it forms a cream.
350g (12oz) unbleached Sift the p lain flo ur into a large bowl. Gradually mix in the yeast
plain flour
m ixture and enoug h b lood-temperature water to make a firm
60ml (2fl oz} lukewarm milk
500g (1 16 2oz) unbleached dough. Turn out on to a lightly flo ured surface and knead for 5-10
white bread flour m inutes, o r until smooth and elastic. Retu rn the dough to the bowl,
2 tsp salt cover with lig ht ly o iled cling film and leave in a warm place for
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 12-1 5 hours until t he dough has risen and is st arting to collapse.

For the potted shrimp 2 Sprinkle 3 baking sheets wit h plain flour. M ix t he remaining yeast
150g (S½oz) unsalted butter with a very littl e lukewarm wate r until it forms a cream , then mix in
½ tsp mace 400ml (14fl oz) more water. A d d t his t o t he big a and g radua lly mix
½ tsp nutmeg
• pinch of cayenne pepper
in, t hen ad d t he milk. Using yo ur hands, gradually beat in the bread
m 200g (7oz} b rown shrimps fl our, lifting t he dough as you m ix. M ixing th e dough will take
0 15 m inutes or more. You will have a very wet mix. Beat in the salt
r sea sa lt
m a few sprigs of dill, to garnish
-< and olive oil. Cover with lig htly o iled cling film,and leave to rise
0 in a warm p lace for 1½-2 hours o r until doubled in bulk.
For the monkfish
4 sprigs of fresh oregano 3 W ith a spoon, ca refu lly t ip one t hird of the dough at a time onto
77 1 garlic clove bakin g sheet s, wit hout knocki ng back the dough in the process.
0 120ml (4fl oz} single-estate
0 Wit h fl oured hands, sh ape into ro ug h ob long loaf shapes ab out
0 olive oil
2 monkfish tails, 2.5cm (1 in} 2.5cm (1 in) th ick. Flatt en slight ly wit h splayed fingers. Sprinkle with
t hick and 15cm (6in) long, flou r and leave to rise in a warm p lace for 30 minutes. Meanwhil e,
boned and skinned preheat the oven t o 220°C (425°F/Gas 7).
4 rashers of smoked streaky
bacon 4 Bake the loaves fo r 25- 30 minutes unti l golden brown and
4 cherry tomatoes, halved sounding hollow when t apped on the bottom. Transfer to a wire
splash of balsamic vinegar rack to coo l.
1 t hick slice whit e bread,
crust removed 5 Make the potted shrimp. Warm t he butter gently in a pan ove r
juice of½ lime a low heat and add t he spices and a little sea salt. Add t he shrimps
and let them mix with the b utter, stil l ensuring that it does not b o il.
For the haddock
Spoon t he sh ri mps into 4 small ramekins, leaving some butter in
900g (21b) Maris Piper
potatoes, in even pieces the pan and p ut in the refrigerato r for 30 minut es. Remove, seal
100g (3½oz} olive oil spread each p ot with the remaining melt ed b utter and pl ace a sprig of d ill
2 tbsp double cream on top. Store in the refrigerat or for up t o 48 hours.
1½ tsp Eng lish rnustard
450g (116} undyed smoked 6 Start the monkfish. Crush t he o regano an d g arlic and mix wit h
haddock fillet 2 tbsp of the o il. Add the monkfish and ref rigerat e f or 30 minutes.
4 quail's eggs

7 Preheat the oven to 140°C (275°F/Gas 1). Drain t he monkfish,

reserving the marinade and wrap each p iece of fish in the bacon.
Pour the marinade into a hot frying pan and add the monkfish,
searing until the bacon browns. Place on a baking tray and put
in the oven for 15- 20 minutes until cooked but sti ll moist, adding
the cherry tomatoes, sprinkled with the balsamic vinegar, halfway
th rough the cooking time. 69
8 Meanwhile, start t he haddock. Place the potatoes in a pan of
lightly salted water and boil for 25 m inutes o r until tender. Drain,
add the olive spread and cream and mash. Gently mix in t he ~
mustard and keep warm. ~
9 Set up a steamer and brin g the water underneath to the boil; •
fi ll a saucepan with water and bring this to t he boil as well. Place m
the haddock skin-side down on a piece of fo il. Pl ace in t he steamer, r
cover and steam for 5 minutes. Swirl around t he boiling water in -<
t he saucepan and crack the quail's eggs into the eddy. Poach for '"TI
1 minute or until the white has set, but the yo lk is still runny. m
10 Finish t he monkfish: heat 4 tsp of the o il in a frying pan ove r 0
very high heat. When the o il is smoking-hot, fry the bread until 0
golden brown on both sides, then remove from the pan. Mix the
lime juice with t he remaining o live oil and spread this on one side
of the bread. Cut the bread into quarters.

11 Divide the mash equa lly among 4 ramekins, flake ove r the
haddock and top each with a poached quail's egg. Cut the
monkfish into pieces 2.5cm (1 in) long and divide equally among
the b read quarters, placing the che rry tomatoes on top.

12 Serve each of your guests with a ramekin of smoked haddock,

a ramekin of shrimps and a portion of monkfish, placing the sliced
ciabatta on the side.
Spicy chicken flautas
Prep time 10 minutes
Cooking time 30-35 minutes
A traditional Mexican dish, with a
Difficulty Easy-medium traditional chilli kick
For the tortillas 1 M ix the masa harina or maize meal with enough water to create
250g (9oz) masa harina a smooth dough. Make sure that it is not too dry, otherwise the
or fine maize meal tortillas will break. Rol l the dough into 8 small balls. Take a clean
plastic bag and insert a ball of dough. Roll the dough through
For the chicken
1 tbsp olive oil the bag into a very th in round. Repeat with the remaining dough.
2 red onions, finely chopped
70 2 Place each tortill a gently into a hot, dry frying pan, cooking for
4 garlic cloves, chopped
'(J'l 2 organic chicken breasts
a few minutes on both sides, or until browned. Set aside.

~ handful of fresh coriander,

3 Heat the oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat and add
3 tomatoes, chopped
half the on ion. Cook for a few minutes until soft, then add half the
pj 2-3 tbsp tequila garlic and the chicken . Stir fo r 10-15 minutes until cooked through,
salt and freshly ground black then add the coriander. Season with salt and black pepper.

(./) pepper Remove the chicken from the pan and leave until cool enough
() to handle. Shred the meat and return to the pan. Put the tomato
-< and the remaining on ion and garlic in a blender and season. Blend
n For the salsa
I 1 tbsp o live oil until smooth, transfer to a frying pan and cook for 5-8 minutes until
n 1-2 on ions, chopped thick. Add the chicken mixture and cook for 5 minutes more, then
m 3 garlic cloves, finely add the tequi la and simmer for another 5 minutes.
., chopped
3 tomatoes, chopped 4 To make the sa lsa, heat the oi l in a saucepan over a medium
£:C 1 chipotle chilli heat. Add the onions and sweat for a few minutes until soft, then
1 morita chilli add the garlic, tomatoes, onions and the chillies and cook for
3 tbsp red wine
10 minutes. Once all is soft and very slightly burnt, pour into
For the guacamole a blender and process until mixed together. Add the red wine,
1 avocado, finely chopped taste and adjust the seasoning.
1 tomato, finely chopped
1 onion, finely chopped
5 To make the guacamole, mix together all the ingredients.
1 fresh red chi ll i, finely 6 Put some of the chicken on a tortilla and roll it up, making sure
t hat the tort il la does not break. Repeat with the remaining ch icken
1 bunch of fresh coriander,
leaves picked and finely and tortillas. Heat enough oi l for sha ll ow-frying in a frying pan
chopped over a medium-high heat. When the oi l is hot, carefu lly add the
freshly squeezed lime juice, chicken-filled tort_illas, or f lautas, and f ry for 3-5 minutes until
to taste golden and crisp.

To serve 7 Divide th e hot flautas between 4 warm serving plates. Spoon on

olive oil for shallow-frying a little soured cream and sa lsa, garnish wit h lettuce and serve
soured cream
immediately, with guacamole on the side.
lettuce leaves, sliced
Warm savoury
Stilton cheesecake
Prep t ime 30 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes
A Dorset blueberry 1·elish adds bite to this
Difficulty Medium wonderful late-s1-1mmer dish
For the base 1 Preheat t he oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4).
f. 7 {
100g (3½oz) who lemeal flour
') ),.._,
1 tbsp chopped parsley
25g (scant 1oz) caster sugar
2 First, make t he b ase. Mix all t he d ry ingredients in a large bowl,
add the oil and a litt le wat er, as needed, to form a thick dough.
¼ tsp baking powder Roll out o n a flou red work surface until less t han 5mm (¼in) thick,
~ .. _j,
<t;- ¼ tsp poppy seeds then cut into pieces and p lace on a baking sheet lined with bakin g
2 tbsp vegetable oil
72 parchment . Bake in t he oven for 15 m inutes o r until golden and
75g (2½oz) b utter
00 salt and freshly ground crispy. All ow t o cool , t hen crush and season well with salt and b lack
~ black pepper pepper. Melt t he b utte r in a sma ll sa ucepan and mix with the
~ crushed b iscuits, com bining we ll . Do not turn off the oven .
t:i:J Fo1 the relish
~ 150g (S½oz) sugar 3 Tip t he mixture int o four 10cm (4in) individual tart t ins, pressing
juice of 2 lemons d own firml y with t he b ack of a sp o on and refrigerate.
• 400g (14oz) Dorset
)> blueberries 4 Meanwhile, p ut al l t he ing redients for t he relish in a heavy
~ sma ll slice of fres h root pan over a medium heat, add 50ml (2fl oz) wat er and simmer
(/) g inger for 15 minutes or unt il syrupy. Remove the g inger and rosemary.
< sprig of fresh rosemary
0 5 To make t he filling, whisk t he crea m cheese and stir in the
;o For the filling· so ured cream, lemon juice and eggs. Add t he herbs, Stilton and
-< 400g (14oz) full-fat cream
(/) flo ur, mixin g aga in t o comb in e t horoug hly. Pour ove r t he biscu it
-I cheese
~ 1 x 142ml pot soured crea m bases and d rizzle a spoonfu l of b lueberry relish over the top of
0 1 tbsp freshly squeezed each one. Bake in t he ove n f or 15 m inutes or until set, t hen leave
z lemon juice
() t o stand for a few minutes before removing f rom the tins.
I 2 eggs
m 6 Place a wa rm cheesecake o n each of 4 plat es and spoon over
m 1 tbsp chopped fresh chives
m 1 tbsp chopped parsley a good dollop more of the b lueberry relish. A crunchy fresh sa lad
)> 17Sg (6oz) Stilton cheese, makes a good accompaniment.
7'. cubed
1½ tbsp plain flour
Trio of jack
crab verrines Prep time 1 hour, plus 1 hour
for cooling the crabs
Layers of crab hide a myriad of goodies
Cooking time 40 minutes
in this palate-enlivening starter Difficulty Medium

1 Kill the crabs, then scrub them under a running tap and p lace For the verrines
in a large pan. Cover with water, bring to the boi l over a medium 4 fresh jack (cock) crabs f.
heat and add sea salt. Simmer for 15- 20 minutes, depending 2 red peppers
4 tomatoes
on size, then remove from the pan and allow to cool for 1 hour.
2 tbsp o live oil
Remove all the meat, keeping the brown meat, white meat and
juice of 1 lime
claw meat on 3 separate dishes. 2 ripe avocados
juice of 2 lemons
2 Preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7). Rub the red peppers dash of Tabasco sauce
and tomatoes with a little olive oil and roast in the hot oven for 100g (3½oz) unsalted butter
15-20 minutes, then chop, season and add li me juice to taste . 100g (3½oz) cashew nuts,
ln a separate dish, crush the avocado flesh with a little lemon juice. chopped
Add a dash of Tabasco and season to taste. Set aside. pinch of cayenne pepper
200ml (7fl oz) wh ipping
3 Heat the butter in a small frying pan, then saute the cashew cream •
nuts with sa lt, pepper and a pinch of cayenne. Leave to cool. 200ml (7fl oz) soured cream
4 tbsp whole milk 0
4 Beat the whipping cream with the juice of½ lemon. Beat in the 2009 (7 oz) soft cheese 0
soured cream to li ghten the texture. Add t he mi lk to the soft 1 sma ll bunch of fresh (_
cheese, stir, add a dash of Tabasco and season to taste . basil, chopped n
sea salt and freshly ground 7'

5 To make the granary straws, sandwich each sl ice of bread b lack pepper n;::o
between sheets of cling film and use a ro lling pin to roll out even CJ:J
For the granary <
more thinly. Take a drinking straw and ro ll the bread around the m
straws ;o
straw. Remove the straw and place the bread on a baking tray. 4 very t hin slices g rana ry ;::o

Bake in the oven for 15- 20 m inutes until crisp and golden. Allow to bread z
butter, softened c.n
cool, then pipe the butter down the middle o f the straws and leave
to set in t he refrigerator.
For the garnish
6 Take 12 sma ll g lasses. Put a layer of lemon cream in 4 of the 4 leaves of fresh basil
g lasses, then a layer of brown crabmeat, a layer of avocado, a layer 4 sprigs of fresh rosernary
of white crabmeat, another layer of avocado, a layer of claw meat
and top with a spoonful of lemon cream. Put a layer of red peppers
and to matoes in 4 more of the g lasses, then a layer of brown
crabmeat, a layer of chopped basil, a layer of claw crabmeat and
a spoonful of lemon cream. Top with bas il leaves and a grinding
of b lack pepper. Put a layer of soft cheese in the rema ining glasses,
then a layer of brown crab meat, a layer of cashew nuts and a layer
of claw crabmeat. Top with a spoonful of soft cheese and a sprig
of rosemary. Serve the verrines w ith the granary straws.
Ayrshire ham
Prep time 1 hour, plus
overnight cooling
and cheese tart
Cooking time 1 hou r, plus
4 hours the day before
A delicious homely tart, with second
Difficulty Easy helpings of both tart and ham for the cook

For the boiled 11am 1 To cook t he ham, soak it in co ld water for up to an hour to
1.8kg (41b) Ayrshire ham remove t he excess salt. It w ill t urn pale when ready.
500ml (16fl oz) extra-dry
cider or apple juice 2 Find a pan just large eno ugh to fit the ham. Add the ham and
1 bay leaf cider w it h a little water to just cover the m eat. Add the bay leaf,
2 or 3 black peppercorns peppe rcorns and honey and bring to a very gentle simmer over
1 tbsp clear honey
a low heat. Simmer for 4 hours, turn ing every so often. Turn off the
For the pastry heat and leave the ham in the cooking liquor to cool overnight.
225g (8oz) organic plain The next day, drain and discard the liquor.
flour such as Doves Farm
120g {4¼oz) very cold 3 Put the fl ou r in a food p rocessor and add the butter. Process,
unsalted b utter, grated, add ing just enough water, a very little at a t ime, until the mixture
plus more for the tin comes together as a dough. Wrap t he dough in cling fi lm and
• 1 free-range egg, beaten
leave to rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven
(f) to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6).
I For the filling
;:;o 175g {6oz) boiled Ayrshire 4 Grease a 30cm (12in) fluted flan tin with but ter. Roll out the
m ham, finely chopped
I pa stry out on a flo ured work surface and use it to line the flan
)> (see above)
s 3 free-range eggs, beaten t in. Prick the bottom of the pastry case with a fork. Line with
)> 85ml (2¾fl oz) milk greaseproof paper and fill with baking beans, then blind-bake
z 55ml {2fl oz) double cream
0 in t he oven for 15 minutes. Once cooked, remove the beans
n 2 shallots, finely sliced and pape r and brush the bottom of the pastry case with the egg.
I 85g {3oz) soft goat's cheese,
m Do not turn off the oven.
m sliced
m 85g (3oz) mature Dunlop 5 To make the filling, mix together all the ingredients and pour
cheese, grated
into the pastry case . Bake in the oven for 30 minutes, then leave
-, 1 tsp Arran grain mustard
to stand in the tin for 5 minutes.
sea salt and freshly ground
black pepper
6 To serve, drizzle the leaves w ith just enough strawberry vinega r
a dash of chilli oil
to coat Serve a slice of tart on each of 4 p lates, w ith a sm all pile
For the salad of t he salad on the side.
2 handfuls of mixed rocket,
lamb's lettuce and
strawberry vinegar
Harir with
herb flat breads
Prep time 20 minut es
Hearty and spice-laden North African soup Cooking time 1½ hours
designed to satisfy the keenest appetite Difficulty Easy

First soak the chickpeas in a small bowl of co ld water overn ight. For the soup
3 tbsp d ried chickpeas
~ The next day, put the oil in a heavy saucepan over a medium 3 tbsp vegetable oil
heat and add the on ion, celery, ras el hanout, black pepper, salt, 1 large onion, finely
paprika, cayenne and ginger and saute, stirring, for 5 minutes. chopped
2 celery stalks, finely diced
3 Add the chunk of lamb, reduce the heat and continue to sau te 1 tsp ras el hanout
for another 5 minutes. Next, add the drained chickpeas and the ½ tsp ground b lack pepper
lamb bone, pour in enough water to cover, put the lid on and leave 1 t sp salt
to simmer for 30 minutes. ½ tsp paprika
½ tsp of cayenne pepper
Add the carrot, turnip, courgette, potato, tomatoes and lentils ½ tsp of ground ginger
and top up with more water if needed. Simmer for 30 minutes. 400g (14oz) lamb, chunk cut
from the leg, plus the bone
5 Meanwhile, make the flat breads. Chop al l the herbs very finely 1 sma ll carrot, finely diced I

1 sma ll turnip, finely diced )>
and mix them with al l the other ingredients. :::0
1 sma ll courgette, finely
S Work the mixture together, adding enough water, a little at a d iced ~
t ime, until it comes together as a dough. Shape into sma ll ba lls 1 small potato, finely diced ~
4 tomatoes, skinned and -l
and ro ll each one out on a floured work surface, then f latten with I
finely chopped I
your fingers into a sma ll circle. m
3 tbsp lentils :::0
7 Heat a heavy cast-iron g rill pan or griddle over a high heat. Co ok 2 tbsp of flour
1 tsp chopped fresh

the bread on one side until we ll browned, then turn and cook the
other side. Finally, brush the breads wit h olive o il and keep warm.
coriander ~
1 tsp of chopped fresh mint, co
plus 1 tsp t o garnish m
8 Return to the soup: put t he flour in a small bowl an d add water, )>
1 garlic clove, crushed
whisking, until you have a smooth paste. Add to t he soup with the 0
1 tbsp t omato puree (./)

coriander, mint, garlic and tomato puree. Cook for 10 minutes, 1 lemon, cut into wedges
stirring, then remove the lamb bone from the soup.
For the flat breads
9 Serve in 4 warm soup bowls, sprinkled with the rema ining mint, 1 sma ll bunch each of fresh
w ith the lemon wedges and warm flat breads on t he side. mint, basil, coriander,
flat-leaf parsley and chives
2 spring onions, chopped
150ml (Sfl oz) olive oil , plus a
little ext ra for brushing
500g (1lb 2oz) mediu m
semolina flour
½ tsp salt
1 tsp ras el hanout
1 fresh red chil li, chopped
Prep time 35 minutes
pork belly
Cooking time 3 hours,
p lus 4 hours for the stock
A succulent, juicy roast with spiced roast
Difficu lty Medium apple and crunchy crackling

For the stock 1 Preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7). Make the stock:
2kg (4½Jb) chicken wings put the chicken wings in a baking tray and roast for 45 minutes,
2 ca rrots, roughly chopped
turning occas ionally, or until b rown. Remove from the oven and
1 leek, roughly chopped
put them in a stockpot. Add 4 litres (7 pints) water and bring to
1 onion, roughly chopped
2 celery sticks, halved t he bo il over a low heat, skimm ing off any scum that rises to the
4 garlic cloves surface. Add all the remaining stock ingredients and bring back
80 1 small bunch of fresh thyme to the boil. Skim again and simme r gently for 3-4 hours.
1 bay leaf
1 tbsp tomato puree 2 For the pork, trim off and discard the excess fat. Roll neatly,
small handful of peppercorns tie wit h kitchen string and place on a rack over a roasting tin
• conta ining a little water. Roast for 20-30 minutes until it starts
(./) For the pork
r to crisp up, then reduce t he heat to 160°C (325°F/Gas 3) and
1 boneless belly pork joint,
0 slow-roast for a further 2 hours. Remove from the oven and
~ about 1.8kg (4lb)
;o 1 banana shallot, finely leave to rest in a warm place for 30 minutes.
0 chopped
)> 3 Meanwhile, put the shallot in a saucepan with the cider,
(./) 300ml (10fl oz) Norfolk
-I bring to the boil over a medium heat and reduce for 15 minutes.
m dry cider
0 300ml (10fl oz) home-made Pour in the stock and return to a simmer to reduce further.
0 chicken stock (see above) Keep warm unti l needed.
OJ For the apples 4 To make the sp iced roast apples, melt the butter with the brown
rn 2 large knobs of butter
I sugar in a frying pan . Slice the apples in ha lf and p lace them in
~ 1 tbsp soft brown sugar
the pan, coating t hem in the mixture and cooking until they start
4 Cox's appl es
4 pinches of g round
to caramelize. Place them cut-side up on a baking tray, sprinkle
cin namon with the cinnamon and roast in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

For the mash 5 For the mash, peel and d ice the potatoes and put them in
1.3kg (31b) Maris Piper a pan of salted co ld water. Bring to the boi l over a high heat,
potatoes t hen reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes or until cooked.
60ml (2fl oz) mi lk Drain and mash, blending with the milk and butter, then season
60g (2oz) butter, or t o t aste w ith sa lt and black pepper. Set aside in a warm p lace.
salt and freshly ground
black pepper 6 Put the ca rrots,·suga r and butter in a sma ll saucepan and pour in
enough water to come halfway up the carrots. Bring to a si mm er over
For the vegetables
a medium heat and cook until the water evaporates, taking care not
4 large carrot s, cut into
batons to scorch. Bring a separate pan of water t o the boil over a medium
1 tsp white sugar heat and add the cabbage. Simmer for 5 minutes, then drain.
S0g (1 ¾oz) butter
1 spring or Savoy cabbage,
7 To se rve, p lace a mound of mash on each of 4 warm plates, add
t rimmed and shredded the cabbage and lay the sliced pork on top. Add some carrots and
a roast half-apple to each plate and spoo n the cider !:,auce around.
Pheasant with wild
rice and horseradish
Prep time 10- 15 minutes
Cooking time 3 hours
Hearty and delicious, slow-cooking keeps
Difficulty Medium this pheasant casserole deliciously juicy

brace of pheasant s 1 Skin and quarter the pheasants. Put the backs and necks in a
1 onion, quartered large saucepan and pour in 1.2 litres (2 pints) water. Add the onion,
1 celery stick, halved ce lery, bay leaf and carrot. Bring to a simmer over a low heat, then
1 bay leaf
cook gently for 1 hour or unt il reduced by half. Strain the stock into
1 carrot, roughly chopped
8 streaky bacon rashers a large bowl and set asid e.
2 tbsp butter
82 2 Preheat t he oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Wrap the pheasant
8 shallots, finely chopped
60ml (2fl oz) brandy pieces in the bacon and secure with cockta il sticks. Melt the butter
150g (S½oz) wild rice in a flan1eproof casserole ove r a med:um heat, then add the
~ 500m I (16fl oz) double cream sha ll ots and the p heasant, t urning unt il browned.
00 4 sprigs of fresh tarragon,
• chopped, plus extra, 3 G ently warm t he brandy in a sma ll high-sided pan or large ladle .
I to garn ish Pour into the casse ro le and ca refu lly ignite, standing well back.
)> sea salt and freshly ground When the flames subs ide, add 600ml (1 pint) of the pheasant stock,
)> black pepper
season with salt and b lack pepper, cove r and cook in t he oven
-I for up to 2 hours unti l tender. Remove th e cocktai l sticks.
For the horseradish
-1 sauce 4 To make t he horseradish sauce, grat e the horseradish into
I 60g (2oz) fresh horseradish
a small bowl. Add the remaining sauce ingredients and stir
~ root
r 150ml (Sfl oz) doubl e cream to combine. Leave to infuse for about 30 minutes.
;Q 1 tsp sugar
n ½ tsp mustard powder
5 Cook the wil d rice in wat er for 35-40 m inutes, then drain.
m ½ tsp salt
)> 6 For the veget ables, melt the butter in a saucepan over a medium
z ½ tsp ground white pepper
heat. Add the lett uces, on ions and suga r and season w ith salt and
0 2 tsp white wine vinegar
I b lack pepper. Cover and cook for 5 minutes. Add the peas and
;Q For the vegetables mint, then the stock. Cover and cook for 5 minutes more. Remove
m 60g (2oz} butter the lid an d heat unti l all t he juices have d isappeared.
)> 4 Little Gem lettuces, halved
0 2 bunches of spring onions, 7 To make the game chips, peel the parsnips into long ribbons.
I chopped Heat a large pan half-fill ed with vegetable o il (or a deep-f ryer) until
1 tsp suga r th e temperatu res reaches 170°C (340°C) on a cook's thermometer.
400g (14oz) green peas
Drop in t he parsnjp ribbons and deep-fry for 5 minutes, or until
3 sprigs of fresh mint
120ml (4fl oz) fresh vegetable crisp and browned. Remove f rom the oil with a slotted spoon,
stock d rain well on kitchen paper and season generously.
salt and black pepper
8 Remove the cassero le from th e oven, add 100ml (3½fl oz)
For the game chips horserad ish sauce (to taste), the cream, tarragon and wi ld rice.
2 or 3 large parsnips
9 Serve the pheasant on 4 warm plates with the vegetables
vegetable oil for deep-frying
and game chips (if using), garnished with the extra tarragon.
Creole salted cod
with rice and peas Prep time 30 minutes,
plus overnight soaking
A vibrant tomato and pepper sauce enlivens Cooking t ime 1 hou r
this tasty dish with piquant flavours Difficulty Easy

1 Soak the cod in cold water for 24 hours, changing the wate r For the salt cod
two or three times. Pour the milk into a large saute pan, add t he 500g (1 lb 2oz) salt ed
fish and p lace over a medium heat. Poach for 5 minutes, t hen cod fillet
200ml (7fl oz) mil k
allow to cool. Tear the cod into bite-sized pieces (do not use
1 tbsp plain flour
a knife) and season generously with black pepper. Sprinkle 2 tbsp olive oil
with the flour and set aside. 1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced 83
2 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Bake t he whole 1 red pepper, deseeded
sweet potato in the hot oven for 1 hour or until tender. and chopped
1 green pepper, deseeded
3 Meanwhile, pour the oi l into a heavy pan ove r a medium
and chopped
heat. Add the onion and garlic and saute until nicely brown. 1 small fresh red chilli •
Now add the red and green peppers and chi lli and saute for
deseeded and chopped :::0
a few more minutes unti l soft. 3 tomatoes, skinned, 0
deseeded and chopped r
4 Add the tomatoes, the prepared cod and the thyme. Pour in sprig of fresh thyme (./)
just enough water to cove r and simmer until it has red uced by fresh ly ground black pepper
half and the sauce has thickened. Taste and adjust the seasonings. m
For the sweet potato 0
5 To make the rice and peas, pour the stock into a medium 1 small white-fleshed sweet n
saucepan. Bring to the boil over a medium heat, add the rice and potato 0
beans and bring back to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer ~
For the rice a11d peas -f
for 20 minutes or until all the stock has evaporated. I
500m l (16fl oz) chicken stock :::0
6 Meanwhi le, make the braised cabbage . Place a sma ll frying pan 175g (6oz) basmati rice nm
1 x 175g can b lack-eye
over a medium heat and add the oil and butter. A ll ow the butter )>
beans, drained z
to brown a little, then add the onion, garlic and g reen and red 0
peppers. Cook, stirring, for 2 minutes, then add th e cabbage, For the cabbage -0
1 tbsp olive oil )>
season with salt and b lack pepper and add a little water to prevent (./)

it sticking to the pan. Reduce the heat, cover and all ow to sweat for 1Sg (½oz) butter
1 small onion, finely sliced
5 minutes, stirring once or twice.
1 garlic clove, crushed
7 Remove the sweet potato from the oven and cut into 8 slices. ½ green pepper, deseeded
and finely sliced
8 Measure out the rice into a sma ll cup and turn out in the ½ red pepper, deseeded
middle of each of 4 warm plates. Surround with the fish , cabbage and finely sliced
and a coup le of slices of sweet potato and serve immediately. ½ sma ll Savoy cabbage,
trimmed and shredded
sa lt and black pepper
Prep time 10-15 minutes,
tandoori masala
plus 24 hours' marinating
Cooking time 25-30 minutes
A subtle marinade and superb blend of
Difficu lty Medium-hard spices make this a classic curry favourite

For the chicken 1 Mix together t he lemon juice, nutmeg, a p inch of black pepper
1-2 tsp lemon ju ice and salt t o taste. Rub this mixture into the ch icken pieces and set
¼ tsp freshly ground nutmeg aside for 15-30 minutes.
500g (1 lb 2oz) skinless
chicken breast fill et, d iced 2 Combine all th e other ingredients for the chicken, except the
3 small white onions butter and lime, until even ly mixed, then scrape into the bowl of
4 garlic doves
84 a food processor and whizz unti l we ll chopped. Transfe r t o a clean
2.5cm (1 in) fresh root ginger
6 fresh green chillies bowl. Add t he chicken, mix until very well coated and leave to
handful of coriander leaves marinate in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
handful of mint leaves
200g (7oz) Greek-style yogurt 3 To make the ra ita, peel the baby cucumbers and chop into
• 1 tbsp single cream even d ice. Put th e yogurt in a bowl, add the cucumber and mix
I 11 Sg (4oz) butter, melted well. Set aside in the refrigerator until needed.
n salt and black pepper
m 1 lime, quartered, to serve 4 Prepare the masa la, wh ich is a blend of aromatic spices. Heat
z a large saucepan over a medium heat and add the vegetable oil
:j; For the raita and butter. When t he butter has melted, add t he who le spices and
z 2 baby cucumbers
0 fry until they begin t o make popping noises, stirring to avoid any
0 150g (S½oz) Greek-style
0 scorching. Finely chop the onions, ginger and garlic, add them
to the pan and fry until golden brown. Add all the ground spices
For the masala and st ir until blended. Remove from the heat and set aside.
1 tbsp veget able oil
knob of unsa lted butter 5 Preheat the oven to 240°C (475°F/ Gas 9), to replicate the fierce
1 tsp cumin seeds heat of an Indian tandoor oven, which is essentially a cera mic j ar
4 black peppercorns placed over white-hot charcoa l. (If you are lucky enough to have
2 whole doves access t o a tandoor, grill the chicken ove r a medium-high heat.)
1 bay leaf
2.5cm (1 in) cinnamon stick 6 Thread the marinated chicken onto metal skewers and cook
4 green cardamom pods in the oven (or tandoor) for 12-1 5 minut es. While the chicken
1 black cardamom pod
is cooking, melt the butter in a small saucepan over a low heat.
3 small onions
2.5cm (1 in) fresh root ginger Baste the chicken with th e melted butter and coo k for a further
2 garlic cloves 2 minutes.
½ tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp g round coriander
7 To make the rice, soak the grains in a bowl of water for 10 minutes,
1 tsp paprika then drain. Put th e oi l in a larg e saucepan and add the cumin and
ca rd amom . Add twice th e volume of water as there is rice , bring
For the rice it to the boil over a med ium heat, then tip the rice into t he pan.
250g (9oz) basmati rice Bring back to the boil and cover first with a wet tea towe l, then
1 tsp vegetable oil
with the li d. Reduce the heat to low and cook for 10-1 5 m inut es
1 tsp cumin seeds
4 g reen cardamom pods until the rice is tender.
8 Remove the cooked chicken from the skewers and - be ing
careful not t o burn your hands - transfer it to the pan of masa la f
sauce. Simmer fo r 5 minutes, add in g a little more water if you
prefer a sauce with a thinne r consistency.

9 Divide the rice between 4 warm plates. Spoon some hot chicken
tandoori masala ont o each p late and add a li me quarter, leaving 85
your guests to squeeze it over to taste. Serve the chilled ra ita in
a bowl on the side.



''Absolutely gorgeous.
The chicken is so tender and
there are so many layers of
gorgeous flavours there ...
really first-rate. ''
- Jilly Goolden
Duck breast, roast
potatoes and gravy
Prep time 30 minutes
Cooking time 1½ hours
Rich, flavourful duck combines beautifully
Difficulty Medium with classic sage and onion stuffing
125g (4 /,oz) duck fat 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Put the duck fat in
800g (1 ¾lb) Desiree potatoes a baking tray and place the tray on the highest shelf of the oven.
45g (1 /2oz) plain flour Peel the potatoes, cut into even chunks and put them in a saucepan
750ml (11/,1 pints) good-
quality chicken stock
of boil ing water to cover. Add a pinch of salt and simmer for
4 Gressingham duck breasts 10-1 5 minutes until the outer edges are fluffy. Drain, cover and,
salt and freshly ground hold ing t he li d firm ly, shake th e saucepan to rough up the edges.
86 black pepper
2 Put the potatoes in the hot duck fat, baste and season with
s= salt. Roast in the oven fo r 40-50 minutes. Check after 20 minutes,
::i> For the stuffing
~ 1 onion, finely chopped t urn and, if necessary, baste again.
rn 1 tbsp dried sage
• 1 small bunch of fresh sage 3 Meanwhile, to make the stuffing, put the onion in a small pan of
C 1 smal l Bramley apple, boiling water, add the dried sage and 3 or 4 leaves of the fresh sage,
n finely chopped
7' chopped. Boil for 5 minutes or until the onion is soft. At the last
CD 100g (3½oz) fresh white
::::0 minute, add t he apple. Stra in th rough a sieve and discard the liquid.
m breadcrumbs
(/) 45g (1 ½oz) butter, melted 4 Combine the breadcrumbs with the on ion mixture and add the
~-i 1 small egg, beaten
butter and some of the egg to bind, taking care that the stuffing
pinch of freshly ground
0 doesn't become too wet . Season with salt and pepper, then add th e
)> nutmeg
drizzle of truffle oi l (optional) nutmeg and remaining chopped sage leaves and mix together well.
7J salt and black pepper
0 5 Line a non-stick t ray with a sheet of greaseproof paper. M ake
j; 4 ba lls of the stuffing mixture, pressing them together firm ly, then
-, For the vegetables
0 350g (12oz) early East put them on the tray. Brush the tops with any remaining beaten
(/) Anglian carrots, peeled egg and a very small drizzle of truffle oil (if using). Cook in the
)> 2 tbsp caster sugar
z 2 large knobs of butter
oven with the potat oes for 25-35 minutes until crispy.
C) 1 pointed cabbage, 6 To make the gravy, mix t he f lour in a sma ll bowl with a little cold
finely sliced water, pouring it in graduall y to form a thin paste, whisking all the
~ salt and black pepper
-< while to ensure that there are no lumps. Add the stock, little by
little, until the mixt ure has the consistency of pouring crea m . Place
over the heat, cont inuing to stir. The gravy should t hicken . Continue
to add the re maining stock, stirring all t he time. Set aside.

7 Take t he duck breasts and remove any sinew from the flesh
side. Score the skin with a sharp kn ife, j ust penetrating the fat
and not th e flesh. Season with a little salt on the skin side.

8 Pl ace a non-stick frying pan over a high heat and wa it until

it becomes very hot.

continued ...
.. .continued from p.86
9 Place the duck breasts skin -side down in the hot pan . Season
the flesh side with salt and b lack pepper. Cook for 5 minutes t o
render the excess fat, turning the breasts over when t he skin is
crisp and golden. If there is too much fat in the pan, carefully drain
it off, standing well back and being carefu l that it does not splatter.

10 Meanwhile, put the carrots in a pan of boiling water with the

caste r sugar. Cook for 4-5 minutes. Drain off most of the water,
add a knob of butter and reduce unti l the little remaining liqu id
forms a glaze for the carrots.
• 11 Cook t he pointed cabbage in boiling water for 4-5 minutes,
C drain and season we ll w ith salt , black pepper and a knob of butter.
CD 12 Once the duck breasts have been t urned over, transfer to
m a baking t ray in the oven to finish cooking. Cover loosely with
(./') fo il and leave t o roast f or a further 4-5 minutes for pink duck,
;o or 2-3 minutes longer if you prefer well-done meat. Remove
0 from the oven and leave to rest for 5 minutes in a warm place.
-I 13 Reheat t he gravy and season to taste. Slice each duck breast
0 thinly across t he grain and p lace one b reast portion on each of
:j;! 4 warm plates. Serve with the stuffing, roast potatoes, carrots,
0 and cabbage. Serve the hot gravy in a jug on the side.



''I think this is sensational

British home cookery ...
I think it's brilliant. The
vegetables taste wonderful.
The gravy's spot-on."
-Ed Baines
Venison pudding
Prep time 35 minutes
Wonderfully succulent venison encased in Cooking time 40-50 minutes
suet pastry, served with sweet baby leeks Difficulty Medium

1 Lightly grease four 250ml (8fl oz) pudding basins with a little For the pastry
unsalted butter. Sift the flour and sa lt into a food processor, add the 225g (8oz) self-raising flour
suet and wh izz a couple of times. Transfer to a bowl and add iced pinch of sea salt
11 59 (4oz) shredded beef
water, little by little, stirring until it forms a dough. Divide int o 4 and
take a larger part of each one. Roll out each one on a floured work
surface to make 4 circles to line the basins. Reserve the remain ing For the filling'
pastry for the lid of each pudding . 3 t bsp p lain fl our 89
800g (1¾1b} venison fillet,
2 To make the fi lling, put the flo ur on a broad p late and season well d iced
with salt and pepper. Pat the ve nison dry with kitchen paper and toss 25g (scant 1oz) butt er
in the flour t o coat. Heat the butter in a saute pan over a medium 150g (S½oz) smoked
heat. Brown the ven ison on all sides to sea l; remove to a warm plate. bacon lardons •
1 large onion, grat ed
Brown t he bacon lardons in the same pan, t hen add t he onion, garlic,
2 garl ic cloves, very finely
carrot, mushrooms, thyme and bay leaf. Sweat for a few m inutes until grated 0
soft. Pour in the wine and stock and cook for 4-5 minutes. Return the 1 large carrot, very finely z
venison to the pan and remove from the heat. g rated C
100g (3½oz) field 0
3 Spoon the ven ison into t he lined pudding basins, making sure mushrooms, sliced
not to fi ll right to the top. Spoon over enough sauce to cover the 2 sprigs of fresh thyme C)

meat and tap each basin to settle the mixture. Rol l out the remaining 1 bay leaf
250ml (8fl oz) red wine
pastry into circles for the lids. Dampen the edges of the pastry lids,
300ml (10fl oz) fresh
d rape over the puddings and p ress together the edges to sea l.
beef stock
Place a double layer of pleated baking parchment and fo il over sea salt and freshly ground
the top of each basin and secure tightly with kit chen string. black pepper

4 Put the b asins in a large steamer over a low heat and steam For the roast potatoes
fo r 30-40 minutes. Pass the rema ins in the venison pan through 4 tbsp goose fat
a sieve, return to the rinsed-out pan and reduce. Keep warm. 4 large Maris Piper potatoes
2 lit res (3½ pints) fresh
5 Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7). Heat chicken stock
the goose fat in a heavy roasting t in in the oven. Peel and cut
the potatoes into roast potato-sized chunks. Bring the stock t o For the leeks
8 baby leeks
the boil over a high heat, d rop in the potatoes and par-boi l for
1OOg (3½oz) unsalted butter
8 minutes. Drain. Roast in the hot fat for 30 minutes until golden.

6 Cook the leeks in a saucepan of boi ling water for 5 m inutes.

Drain, add the butter and keep wa rm ove r a low heat.

7 To serve, out a pudding onto each of 4 wa rm p lat es and serve

with th e potatoes, leeks and the jug of warm sauce.
Prep t ime 30 minutes, plus
peppered beef fillet
resting and chil ling t ime
Cooking time 30 minutes
A slightly decadent dish,_with prime beef,
Difficulty Medium Yorkshire puds and bearnaise sauce

For the beef 1 Trim off any excess fat f rom the b eef fillet. Smear a little olive oil
1kg (2¼Ib) British beef fillet over t he meat. Spread th e peppercorns on a plate and roll the
3 tbsp olive oil
meat t hrou g h, makin g sure t hat the fillet is we ll covered. Set aside.
100g {3½oz) black pepper
corns, cracked 2 Put all t he in gredients for the Yorkshire puddings, except the
1 glass of whisky such as dripping, in a bowl and whisk, adding 2 tbsp water, then refrigerate
Bell 's or Famous Grouse
90 for 20 m inut es. Preheat the oven to 240°C (475°F/Gas 9).

~ For the Yorkshire 3 Put the remaining oil in a large frying pan over a high heat.
Once hot, sear the beef fillet on each side until nice ly browned.
zr:n 2 free-range eggs
Pour in t he whisky an d carefully ignite, standing well back. When
150ml (Sfl oz) milk
• 100g (3 ½oz) plain flour the flames subside, transfer the meat to a rack in a roasting dish,
I 2 tbsp fresh horseradish, pour ove r t he excess sauce from t he bottom of the pan and
CJ) finely grated roast in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
,< 50g {1¾oz) beef dripping
77 4 Meanwhile, put t he new potatoes in a pan of cold water with
')> For the vegetables 2 sprigs of the mint. Put the peas in a separate pan of co ld water
m 500g (1 lb 2oz) new potatoes
with the remain ing mint and t he sugar. Put the asparagus in a
0 3 sprigs of fresh mint
7J separate st eamer pan t hat can fit above the potatoes.
m 200g (7 oz) fresh peas
7J 1 tbsp sugar
5 Remove the beef from the oven, wrap it tightly in foil and leave
:;:o 500g (1 lb 2oz) asparagus,
m to rest fo r 20 minutes. Put a litt le beef dripping into each hole of
0 a Yorkshire pudding t in and place in the oven to heat.
m For the bearnaise
m 6 To make the bearnaise sauce, mix together the shallots,
77 sauce
2 shallots, finely chopped tarragon, bay leaves, thyme, tarragon vinegar and wh ite wine

''-Im 2 sprigs of fresh tarragon

2 bay leaves
in a sma ll pan and bring to the boil, all owing the liquid to reduce
by two-thirds; strain into a heat p roof bowl. In a separate pan,
2 sprigs of fresh thyme melt 300g (10oz) of the butter. Meanwhile, place t he potatoes
120 ml (4fl oz) tarragon
over a mediu m heat . Remove the Yorkshire pudding t in f ro m the
vinegar, or to taste
4 tbsp dry white wine
oven and pour in t he batter. Cook in the oven for 20 minutes.
350g (12oz) butter
7 Put the steamer of asparagus over the cooking pot at oes and put
3 free-range egg yolks
salt and freshly ground
the peas ove r a medium heat , then place the reduced vinegar
black pepper mixture, in its bowl, over a pan of simme ring wat er. Add the egg
yolks and whisk. Remove from the heat and slowly wh isk in first the
melted butter, then the rema inin g 50g (2oz) butt er, in smal l pieces
- the sauce shou ld th icken. Season.

8 Slice t he beef onto 4 warm plates with the Yorkshire puddings

and vegetab les, serving t he bearnaise sau ce on the side.
Sri Lankan
chicken curry
Prep time 20 min utes
Infused with exotic flavours, with Cooking time 1 hour
refreshing mango and cucumber salsa Difficulty Easy

1 To make the curry, heat the o il and butter in a large saucepan For the curry
over a medium heat, then add the garlic and ginger. Fry for 1 tbsp vegetable oi l
2 minutes, t hen add the sliced onion. Gently fry for about knob of butter
5 minutes unti l soft and t rans lucent. 4 garlic cloves, fi nely
2 Add 1 tsp o f t he ch illi flakes and 1 tsp of the curry powder, 2.5cm (1 in) piece of fresh
and fry for 2 minutes, then add the chicken pieces and brown root ginger, finely sliced
1 large onion, sliced 91
on all sides. Tip in the curry leaves, cum in and mustard seeds,
2 tsp red chil li flakes
and stir for 4 minut es, then add t he pepper, salt and rema ining 3 tsp Sri Lankan curry powder
ch illi flakes and curry powder. Leave to cook for 10 minutes, turning such as Jaffna
the pieces, then add the chi llies and tomatoes. Cook for 5 minutes. 1.4kg (31b) chicken pieces
handfu l of curry leaves •
3 Pour in 750ml (1 ¼ pints) water, cover the pan and reduce t he 1 tsp ground cumin :::0

heat slightly. Gently simmer for 35 minutes, stirring occas ionally. 1 tsp mustard seeds
½ tsp freshly ground black z
4 Meanwh ile, make the salsa. Put the mango, cucumber, sp ring pepper 7'
onions, chi lli, herbs and lime juice in a bowl,and m ix we ll . Season ½ tsp salt z
with salt and black pepper and dress with a splash of virgin o live oil 2 fresh green chi llies, finely n
and balsamic vinegar. Set aside. n
3 large tomatoes, chopped 7'
5 Bring a saucepan of salted water to the boil over a medium heat, 300g (10oz) basmati rice z
add the rice and reduce the heat to a simmer. Cook for 20 minutes 3 tsp chopped coriander n
p inch of sugar ;:u
or until tender. ;:u
4 poppadoms, to serve
6 Taste the curry and adjust the seasoning, t hen stir in the
For the mango
coriander and sugar. Serve hot on 4 warm p lates, with the rice,
and cucumber salsa
mango and cucumber sa lsa and poppadoms. 1 ripe mango, diced
½ cucumber, deseeded
and diced
2 spring onions, finely
1 fresh red chilli, deseeded
and finely chopped
2 tbsp chopped coriander
3 sprigs of fresh mint
juice of 1½ limes
splash of virgin olive oil
splash of balsami c vinegar
salt and black pepper
Best end of lamb
with pur6ed swede
Prep fr 45 min utes
Cook1 - 45 minutes
Served with a, port reduction. this 1nay be
D fficu '" Medium the tastiest Sunday lunch you'll ever eat
T" . , Preheat t he ove n t o 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Crush toget her t he
3 large garlic cloves, peeled garlic, sa lt, rosemary and t hyme t o make a paste. Put the lamb
1 tsp sea salt fillet in a b owl, add the herb p aste and a little olive o il and rub
sprig of fresh rosemary
all over t he meat. Cover and leave t o marinat e for 30 minutes.
sprig of fresh t hyme
500g (1lb 2oz) best end ' Put t he goose fat in a roast ing t in and p lace in the oven to
of new-season English
92 heat. Bring a large saucepa n of wate r to the boi l over a high heat.
lamb fi ll et
Peel th e pot at oes, chop int o chunks, add them to the water. Bring
~ a little olive oi l
freshly ground b lack pepper t o a simmer and p ar-boil for 8 minutes, then drain. Remove the
~ ro asting t in from the oven and p lace ove r a medium heat. Add the
pot at oes, t urn unt il co loured, t hen roast in the oven for 45 minutes .

co 500g (1 lb 2oz} goose fat
m 1kg (2¼16) King Edward To make the reduction, pour a little olive oi l into a saucepan
-! potat oes over a med ium heat . Fry the bones, carrot, celery and bacon until
m sprig of fresh rosemary, finely
z ca ramelized . Stand well back, ad d t he port and carefu lly ignite at the
0 chopped, or a little o live oil
edge of t he pan. When the fl ames subsid e, add the wine and reduce
77 - redttction by at least half. Pou r in t he ch icken stock and reduce again to a
s;: • I '

a little olive oi l consist ency yo u like . Check the seasoning, serve and keep warm .
co a few lamb bones
1 carrot, chopped Put t he swede in a p an, cover with wat er, b ring t o t he b o il ove r
-I 1 celery stick, chopped a high heat and cook for 10- 12 minutes. Drain. Mash or p ut th rough
I 1 streaky bacon rasher,
a p ot ato ricer, then whip t he sw ede with most of t he butter. Keep
C chopped wa rm . M eanwhile, in a small f rying pan ove r a medium heat, slowly
m, 100ml (3½fl oz} port
m carame li ze t he shall ots wit h a little o live o il for 20 m inut es, sti rring
150ml (5fl oz) good red wine
0 occas iona lly and ad d ing t he remaining butter at the end.
(/) such as Shiraz
~ 500ml (16fl oz} good-quality
Twe lve minutes before the potatoes are ready, add a little oil
m fresh chicken stock
m t o a frying pan over a high heat and sea r the lamb on all sides
For the vegetables for 3-4 m inut es. Transfer t o a baking tray and roast fo r 6 minutes.
Remove fro m t he oven and leave to rest . Sprinkle t he rosem ary
1 organic swede, peeled ove r t he roast pot atoes. M eanwhile, b rin g a small pa n of water to
and diced
t he b oil over a high heat. Using a vegetable peeler, slice the carrot
30g (1 oz} unsalted butter
into very t hin ri bbons. Plunge int o t he boiling water fo r 1 m inute;
4-6 organic shallots, peeled
a little olive oil drain. Steam the asparagus fo r 3-4 minut es until just co o ked. Make
I carrot, peeled 4 sm all asparagus b und les by wrap ping t hem in a coup le of carrot
1 bundle of fresh organic ribbons. Fry t he b lack pudding ove r a hig h heat unt il crisp.
200g (7oz) black pudding, Put a litt le swede on each of 4 wa rm p lates. Top wit h slices of t he
skinned and sliced lamb. Add t he b lack pudd in g and sha ll ot s and d rizzle wit h t he port
red uct ion. Serve wit h t he p otat oes and an asparagus b undle each.
Slow-cooked ·
pheasant casserole
Prep tim .. 20 minutes
Cookin~ t1r-1~ 4½ hours
Flavo·L1rful pheasant with wild 1nushrooms
Difficult~ Easy is cooked slowly for a tender, juicy result

brace of pheasants 1 Preheat the oven to 140°C (275° F/Gas 1). Tie the legs of
3 tbsp sunflower oi l each bird together t ightly with kitchen string. Pour the oil into a
225g (8oz) smoked bacon flameproof lidded cassero le set over a medium heat and add the
scraps, diced
pheasants. Brown t hem all over, remove and set aside. In the same
4 celery sticks, chopped
3 large onions, chopped casserole, fry the bacon, then add all the chopped vegetables and
1 whole head of garlic, the chorizo. Cook, stirring, until the onion is soft and translucent.
94 cloves separated, peeled
and crushed 2 Stir in the flo ur. Continue stirring for a minute or so, then add
3 carrots, chopped the stock, wine, elderbe rry or redcurrant jell y and Worcestershire
225g (8oz) swede, chopped sa uce and bring to the bo il . Return the pheasants to the casserole
1 large red pepper, chopped and cover with the lid. Cook very slowly in the oven for 3-4 hours
• 100g (3½oz) wild mushrooms,
r unti l the m eat is tender.
~ 100g (3½oz) soft or serni- 3 Lift the b irds o ut of t he cassero le onto a plate and leave until
() cured Spanish chorizo,
cool eno ug h t o handle. Pull all the meat off the bones, discard the
0 skinned and chopped
0 1 tbsp plain flour bones and return th e meat to th e casserole. Season with salt and
m 300m l (10fl oz) fresh b lack pepper and add the chopped parsley and thyme.
chicken stock
I 300ml (10fl oz) red wine
4 M eanwh ile, bring a large pan of water to the boi l. Add the
m potatoes to t he bo iling water and cook for 15 minutes or until
)> 1 tbsp elderberry or
)> redcurrant jelly tender. Steam the mangetout over another pan of boiling water
z 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce for 4-5 minutes unt il cooked.
() 1 tbsp chopped parsley
)> 1 tbsp chopped thyme 5 Serve the pheasant cassero le in 4 warm soup plates w ith the
(/) leaves mangetout and new potatoes, with the fine ly chopped parsley
;:o 500g (1lb 2oz) new potatoes libera lly sprin kled over th e top.
0 200g (7 oz) mangetout
m salt a nd freshly ground
black pepper
1 sma ll bunch of flat-leaf
parsley, finely chopped,
to garn ish

''It's delicious ... a great

depth of flavour. Yep,
lovely casserole, that one."
- John Burton Race
Blade steak with ,

tandoori tatties
Prep time 20 minutes
This lively, unusual dish combines Scottish Cooking time 45 minutes
flavours with sub-continental seasonings Difficulty Easy

1 Preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7). For the potatoes

900g (21b) Maris Piper
2 Peel and halve the potatoes and put in a large pan of water over potatoes
a medium heat. Bring to a simm er and par-boil for 5 minutes. 200ml (7fl oz) creme frai'che
1 tbsp fresh ly squeezed
3 Make the tandoori masala paste by b lending together all t he lemon juice
ingredients. Mix 2 tbsp of the paste with the creme fra1che, lemon Tabasco sauce, to taste
juice and Tabasco, to taste . 95
For tl1e masala paste
4 Drain the potatoes and pat dry. Put them in a non-stick ½ tbsp grated garlic
baking tray, cover with the masala past e and bake in the oven 1/ 2 tbsp
grated fresh root
for 40 m inutes. ginger
1 tbsp paprika •
5 Coat a heavy baking tray with olive oil and add the b lade steaks. 1 tsp ground cinnamon
Rub t he steaks with the Tabasco, balsamic vinegar and sa lt and 1 tsp ground cum in 0
½ tsp ground coriander m
black pepper to ta st e. Roast in the oven for 15 minutes, t hen (f)
¼ tsp chilli powder -I
remove and leave to rest in a wa rm place for 5 minutes. m
p inch of ground cloves :t>
6 To make the curried leeks, melt the butter over a low heat, 200ml (7fl oz) plain yogurt
add the leeks and gently sweat without colouring for 15 m inutes. -I
For the blade steak I
Once softened, add the curry powder and cream, stir through,
extra virgin olive oil :j;
and cook fo r a further 5 minutes. 8 s lices of b lade steak z
splash of Tabasco sauce 0
7 To make the mushrooms, melt the butter in a pan over a low 0
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar 0
heat and add the mush rooms and wh isky. Cook for 15 m inutes sea salt and fresh ly g ro und ;a
unti l the mushrooms have softened. black pepper :j;
8 Serve 2 slices of the b lade steak on each of 4 warm p lat es, For the curried leeks
accompanied by the mushrooms, leeks and tandoori tat t ies. 30g (1 oz) salted butter <.n
3 large leeks, trimmed
and chopped
1½ tbsp hot curry powder
3 tbsp double cream

For the mushrooms

1Sg (½oz) butter
8 button mushrooms
splash of single-malt
Scotch whisky
Roast beef and
Yorkshire pudding
Prep t ime 10-15 minutes
Cooking time 2 hours
Polishing perfection - a sumptuous rib of
Difficulty Medium beef with all the classic accompaniments

For the beef 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Heat a little olive o il
olive oil in a large roasting t in ove r a medium heat. Rub the beef with more
2.5kg (S½lb) 30-day-hung o live oil and season with salt and pepper. Put in the hot roasting tin
rib of sa lt-marsh beef
and sea l for a cou p le of m inutes on each side. Roast in the oven for
sea salt and black pepper
1 hour 10 minutes for rare meat, or until done to your liking.
For the Yorkshire
96 2 Meanwhile, for the Yo rkshi re puddings, wh isk together all the
2 eggs, plus 1 egg yolk ingredients, except t he oi l, in a bowl, until smooth, then set aside.
125g (4½oz) plain flou r Bring 2 large saucepans of water to the boil. Add the Maris Pipers
pinch of must ard powder to one and pa r-boil fo r 10 minut es. D rain in a co lander, then shake
250ml (8fl oz) whole milk to rough up the edges. Put t he caul ifl owers in the second pan and

;;o sunflower oil
par-boil fo r 4 minutes. Drain and set aside in an ovenproof d ish.
t/) For the vegetables 3 Remove the beef from the oven. Leave to rest for 30 minutes,
--l 900g (21b) Maris Piper
co covered with fo il . Increase the temperature to 220°C (425°F/ Gas 7).
m pot atoes, cut into chunks
m Half-fill a Yo rkshire pudding tin with sunflower oil, pour 5mm (½in)
77 8 mini cauliflowers
)> olive oil o li ve oil into a baking t ray and put both in the oven for 15 minutes.
z 1.35kg (31b) new potatoes Rub t he pa r-boiled Maris Pipers with olive oi l and place on the hot
-< 1 summer cabbage t ray. Pour the batter int o the pudding tin and cook for 30 minutes.
0 900g (21b) sma ll carrot s
4 For the cheese sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan over a
I For the cheese sauce low heat. Sprinkl e in t he fl ou r and m ix t o form a smooth paste.
::::0 1Sg (½oz) butter Gradua lly add the milk, stirring constantly to prevent lumps and
7J 15g (½oz) pl ain flour
C season. Add t he cheese and heat gently until it thickens. Pour
275m l (9fl oz) whole milk
0 ove r the caulifl o wers and bake in t he oven for 15-20 minutes.
0 85g (3oz) Mrs Kirkham's
z Lancashire cheese, grated Bri ng 2 saucepa ns of water to the boil. Add the new potatoes to one,
sa lt and black pepper cooking for 15 m inutes or until ten der; shred the cabbage and add
to the other pan for 5 minutes and steam the ca rrots until cooked.
For the gravy
½ bottle f ull-bodied red wine 5 Meanwhile, p lace t he beef roasting t in over a medium heat. Pour
2 red onions, chopped in a little red wine, scraping the t in, then sieve into a saucepan and
2 plum tomatoes, chopped
add the on ions qnd tomatoes. Cook for 10 minutes, t hen add t he
500ml (16fl oz) beef stock
2 t bsp p lain flour (opt iona l)
rema ining red wine and reduce fo r 5-10 minutes. Add the stock
and reduce again. Whisk in some plain flour to thicken (if using).
For the horseradish
6 For the horseradish sauce, put the creme fra'i'che in a bowl
150ml (Sfl oz) creme fra1che wit h the m ustard powder, season, t hen m ix with the ho rseradish .
pinch of musta rd powder
7 Slice th e meat and serve with t he vegetab les, Yorkshi re
60g (2oz) fresh horseradish
root, f inely grated p uddings, gravy and horseradish sauce.
Spicy cbicken with
roasted tomatoes Prep time 35 minutes,
p lus 24 hours' marinating
A fresh-tasting, aromatic dish using
Cooking time 1½ hours
the juiciest dark meat of the chicken Difficulty Mediu m-easy

1 Using a mortar and pestle, or a food processor, blend the For the spicy chicken
garlic, ginger and chi lli es w ith all the other ingredients for the 2 garlic cloves, chopped
chicken - apart from the chicken itself- to a smooth paste. Make 2cm (¾in) piece of fresh root
g inger, chopped
one deep lengthways cut in each p iece of ch icken and p lace in
2 small fresh green chillies,
the marinade. Leave to marinate in the ref rigerator fo r 24 hours.
2 Preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F/Gas 5). Put the marinat ed handful of fresh coriander
leaves, chopped 97
chicken in a shallow roasting d ish, cut-s ide up and roast in the
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil a::
oven for 50 minutes. Remove, set aside and keep warm. 1 tbsp white wine vinegar P>

3 Increase the oven temperature to 240°C (475°F/Gas 9). To make

1 tbsp plain yogurt z
2 tsp t andoori masala
the roasted potatoes and tomatoes, drizzle o live oil into a roasting 1 tsp ground coriander •
t in and add the shallots, tomat oes and garlic. Place in the oven ½ tsp chil li powder 7J

t o heat the oil. Bring a large saucepan of water to the bo il over ¼ tsp ground turmeric n
a h igh heat, add the pot atoes, pa r-boi l for 5 minutes, then drain. 1 tsp sa lt n
½ tsp sugar I
4 When the oil is sizzling, add the potatoes and turn to coat well 4 organic chicken thighs, n
skinned m
in the flavou rings. Roast in the oven for 30 m inutes o r until golden, z
4 organ ic chicken drumsticks,
basting at 10-minut e interva ls. ~
skinned -i
5 Stir the chives into t he soured cream and form it into 4 ovals, I
or quenelles, between two dessertspoons. For the roasted baby
potatoes and tomatoes )>
6 Arrange a chicken thigh and drumstick, crossed one over the extra virgin o live oi l -i
250g (9oz) shallots, sliced m
ot her, on each of 4 warm plates. Add a small mound of roasted 0
250g (9oz) cherry tomat oes, -i
potatoes and cherry tomatoes to each plate, together w ith a few 0
leaves of m ixed sa lad and o ne of the quenelles of sou red cream. 5 large garlic doves s
1kg (2¼16) baby potatoes, ~
halved m

To serve
small bunch of fresh ch ives,
3 tbsp soured cream
handfu l of mixed leaf sa lad
40 minutes, plus
6-12 hours' marinating time
Lamb biryani
1 hour
35 minutes
l{edole11.t witl1 f1--agrant s_pices and Persian
_ , Med ium-h ard influences, this is a feast worthy of effort

I tl l, Put all t he ingredients for the garam masa la in a spice grinder

32 green cardamom pods (or a coffee grinder set aside for the purpose). Grind until you have a
35 whole cloves fine powder. Alternatively, use a mortar and pestle, adding a few of
3 x 2cm (1/-1in) cinnamon st icks
t he spices at a time and being carefu l not to overcrowd the mortar.
1 star anise
½ tsp daagad phool Prepare a marinade for the lamb by heating 1 tbsp of the oil in a
98 frying pan over a medium-high heat. Add the onions and fry until
1 blade of mace
golden brown, then remove from the pan. Put half the onions into
a large bowl and set aside t he ot her half for garnishing the rice.
4 tbsp sunflower oil Add the garam masala to the bowl (reserving 1½ tsp), along with
450g (1 lb) on ions, sliced the yogurt, lemon juice, ginger, garlic, chillies, salt, ground spices
• 300g (10oz) Greek-style yogurt
and chopped herbs, and m ix we ll . Add the lamb and toss until well
')>~ juice of 2 lemons
coated in the marinade. Cover, and leave to marinate in the
lJJ 1 tsp grated fresh root ginger
lJJ 1 tsp grated garlic refrigerator for 6-1 2 hours.
:::0 3 fresh green chillies, slit
~ 1½ t sp salt
•· In a small saucepan over a very low heat, gently heat the milk
z 2 tsp chilli powder fo r the rice garnish until lukewarm, then crumble in the saffron,
½ tsp ground turmeric and leave to colour and infuse fo r 30 minutes.
2 tbsp finely chopped mint
leaves • Mix together all the ingredients for the rice in a large saucepan.
2 tbsp finely chopped Add 750m l (1 ¼ pints) water and place over a high heat. Bring to
coriander leaves the boil, then reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 10 minut es or
1kg (2¼16) lamb shoulder until the water is at the same level as the top of the rice . Remove
(trimmed weight), cubed
the pan f rom t he heat.
' 1 ·ice Put th e marinated lamb into a large heavy pan into which you
120ml (4fl oz) mil k
can also fit all the rice, then pour in the par-cooked rice. Careful ly
"/2 tsp saffron threads
juice of 2 lemons pour a li ne of saffron milk, running down the centre of the rice,
6 tbsp ghee, melt ed ove r the top, adding the lemon juice on either side of the line, then
handful of cashew nuts cover all the rice with the melted ghee. The rice shou ld be soaked
in a love ly lemon-butter mixture, wh ich sinks down into the b iryani.

500g (1 lb 2oz) basmati rice Sprinkle the top with the reserved fried onions and the cashew
8 green cardamom pods nuts, then cover with a t ight-fitting lid. Place the biryani pan over a
8 whole cloves high heat and cook fo r 10-15 minutes, then reduce the heat to
1½ tsp jeera seeds
medium and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Finall y, reduce the
2 x 2cm (¾in) cin namon sticks
3 bay leaves heat to low and cook for 5-1 0 m inutes more. While the b iryan i is
2 tbsp sunflower oil cooking, prepare the egg masala, ra ita, and lassi (overlean.
1½ tsp salt
l,Jl1.t1.n ued ...
1 black cardamom pod

,,-, of-.;....,., 1 '"'rl f'...,."~ ....,. no

To make the egg masala, heat the oi l in a frying pan over a
3-4 tbsp sunflower oil medium heat. Add the whole spices and f ry for 30 seconds.
4 green cardamom pods Add the onions and fry for a fu rther 4-5 minutes. Tip in the ginger
4 whole cloves
and garlic and cook for 30 seconds, then add all the powdered
1 cinnamon stick
2 bay leaves spices and saute for anot her 30 seconds to release the aromas.
1 tsp caraway seeds Lastly, add the to matoes and simmer for 4-5 minutes.
100 2 small onions, grat ed
¾ tsp grat ed fresh root Meanwh il e, bring a saucepan of water to the boil over a high
ginger heat, add the eggs and boi l for 8 minutes. Drain and, when cool
¾ tsp grat ed garlic enough to handle, peel.
½ tsp ground t urmeric
• 1 tsp chill i powder ~ Add the hard-boiled eggs, left who le, to the masala and cook
2 tsp ground coriander for 5-6 minutes, then add the cream, 200ml (7fl oz) water and
1½ tsp garam masala the chopped coriander. Reduce the heat to low and simmer
1 x 400g can chopped
gently for 4-5 minutes.
5 or 6 large eggs To make the ra ita, mix toget her the onion, mint, coriander,
200ml (7fl oz) single cream and yogurt in a bowl. Season, then top with the chillies . Set aside
2- 3 tbsp finely chopped
in t he refrigerator until needed.
coriander leaves
• _ For the mango lassi, put all the ingredients into a b lender
with 250ml (8fl oz) water and blend thoroughly until smooth.
1 onion, finely chopped
1 tbsp chopped mint leaves 1 To serve, d ivide the b iryan i among 6- 8 warm pl ates, sitting
1½ t bsp chopped coriander
a smal l ramekin of egg masala on each one, with a bowl of the
500ml (16fl oz) Greek-style ra ita on the side. Serve with a glass of mango lassi.
½ fresh green chilli, finely

... .... .. ..&. assi

6 tsp caster sugar
¼ t sp ground cardamom
500ml (16fl oz) Greek-style
1 x 850g ca n mango pulp
Roast rack of pork
with apricot stuffing Prep t ime 25 minutes
Cooking time 2 hours
Succulent roast pork is perfectly Difficulty Med ium
accompanied by fruity stuffing

1 Make the stuffing by mixing all the stuffin g ingredients with For the stuffing
1 tbsp co ld water. Season we ll with pepper. Ro ll into a sausage 100g (3½oz} coarsely minced
shape long enough t o extend almost the length of the pork j oint. belly pork
20g (¾oz} smoky bacon,
Wrap in cl ing film and put in the freezer for 30 minutes.
coarsely chopped
2 Preheat the oven to 240°C (475°F/Gas 9). Cut along the inside 20g (¾oz) dried apricots
20g (¾oz) dried b readcrumbs
of the pork's rib bones as far down as the spinal co lumn, to make 101
freshly ground b lack pepper
a cavity for the stuffing. Remove t he sausagemeat from the freezer
and use to stuff the cavity, fo lding the top of the pork over. Tie For the meat and
each end of the joint with string to help prevent stuffing escaping. potatoes
Loosely tie the joint together between each rib. Splash a little co ld 1.25-1 .Skg (2¾16-316 3oz)
wate r over the pork rind, sprinkle with salt and rub in thoro ughly. best end loin of pork, bone •
in, rind finely scored and 0
3 Put the pork in a roasting tin and roast for 25 minut es. Reduce French-trimmed U)

800g (1 ¾16) King Edward -I

the oven temperature to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6) and roast for 1 hour ::::0
pot at oes, peeled and cut )>
20 minutes. Meanwhile, put the potatoes in a saucepan. Cover wit h n
into chunks A
cold salted water, b ring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for salt 0
10 minutes. Drain and shake vigorous ly. Add to t he roa sting t in 77
with the pork. When the pork is cooked, remove it from the oven, For the honey-roasted 0
t ransfer to a warm p late and leave to rest for 10-15 m inutes. parsnips and carrots ::::0
2 large parsnips, cut int o
4 Put the parsnips and carrots in a saucepan of boiling water and bat ons -I
boil for 5 minutes. Drain. Measu re the oil and honey into a smal l 2 large carrots, cut into I
dish, then put the ca rrots and parsnips into a large p lastic bag, bat ons 7J
½ tbsp rapeseed oil :::0
and pour over the honey mixture, shaking wel l to coat the pieces.
1 tbsp clear honey n
Transfer the vegetab les to a roasting tin and roast in t he oven 0
for 20-30 minutes, turn ing once. For the sage gravy U)
1 tbsp p lain flour C
5 Fo r the gravy, remove excess fat, if any, from the pork roasting 450m l (1 Sfl oz) pork stock 77
ti n. Put the flour in the t in and gradually add the stock, stirring 1 tbsp finely chopped sage z
continuous ly to avoid lumps. Season and add the sage. Place over leaves
a medium heat and bring t o the boil, stirring continuously. Sim mer
for 20-30 minutes, then strain through a sieve. M eanwh il e, to make
For the greens
30g (1oz) butter
the greens, melt half the butter in a large saucepan or wok over S00g (1lb 2oz) curly kale or
a high heat. Add the g reens and stir-fry for 3- 5 minutes until just spring g reens, shredded
wi lted. Remove from the heat. Add the remaining butter, season salt and black pepper
with sa lt and b lack pepper and toss we ll .

6 To serve, carve the pork onto 4 warm plates and serve with the
potatoes, honey-roasted vegetab les, greens and sage gravy.
Caribbean •

Prep time 30 minutes,

curried goat
plus overnight marinating
Cooking time 2 hours
Heavenly flavours come to the fore in this
Difficulty Medium spicy curry with crisp-fried dumplings
For the curry 1 Pour the lemon j uice into a large bowl of water. Add the goat,
juice of ½ lemon swirl it around to rinse the meat, then drain and put in a clean
1kg (2¼16) leg of goat, cubed bowl. Add the curry powder, ginger, paprika, cardamom, half the
~ tbsp curry powder
garlic and half the chilli and season with salt and coarse black
5mm (¼in) piece of fresh root
ginger, finely chopped pepper. Cover with cling film and leave to marinate in the
1 tbsp paprika refrigerat or overn ig ht.
102 6 green cardamom pods,
crushed 2 Add the oi l to a large saucepan and place over a medium heat.
6-8 garlic cloves, crushed Add the onions and the rest of the garlic and chilli and gently saute
zr:n 2-3 fresh chillies, deseeded for a few minutes until soft. Add the meat, together with any
and finely chopped marinade and increase the heat to high. Turn and mix the meat in
• 3 tbsp vegetable oil
n all t he ot her ingredients. Cover, reduce t he heat to low and leave
)> 2-3 large onions, chopped
sprig of fresh thyme for 10 m inutes or until the meat has produced some liquid. Add
CCJ 2 good-quality lamb stock the thyme, st ock cubes, brown sugar and coriander and stir well.
)> cubes, crumbled Cover and cook for 1½-2 hours until tender, stirring occasionally
z 1 tbsp soft dark brown sugar and adding splashes of water if it threatens to dry out.
n handful of fresh coriander,
;:a chopped 3 Meanwh il e, make the crisp-fried dumplings. M ix togeth er the
m salt and coarsely ground baking powder, flour and salt in a large bowl and rub in the butter
0 black pepper
C) with your fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
0 Add ice-co ld wate r, little by little, combining first with a knife, then
For the dumplings
~ 1½ tsp baking powder your hands, until the mixture comes together into a dough. Pour
450g (1 16) self-raising flour enough oil into a large saucepan to come halfway up the sides - or
1 tsp salt use a deep-fryer - and place over a high heat until the oil measu res
knob of unsalted butter 170°C (340°F) on a cook's thermo1T1eter. Take small amounts of the
a little iced water
dough and roll between your hands to make dumpling-sized ba ll s.
vegetable oil for deep-frying
Fry the dumplings for 3 minutes on each side, turning with a slotted
For the rice spoon . Remove with the slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper.
550g (1 ¼lb) basmati rice
pinch of salt 4 To make th e basmati rice, wash the rice until the water runs clear.
Put into a non-stick saucepan, adding water t o cover - about 2.5cm
(1 in) above t he level of the rice - and a p inch of sa lt. Bring to the
boil ove r a high heat, then reduce the heat to a simmer, cover and
coo k until the water has evaporated.

5 To se rve, divide the rice and curry among 4-6 wa rm plat es,
adding dumplings t o each portion.
Fish and chips with
minty mushy peas Prep time 10 minutes,
plus overnight soaking
Cooking time 1 hour
A perennial favourite with a modern twist, 20 minutes
fresh from your own kitchen Difficulty Medium-hard

1 Soak the marrowfat peas overnight in p lenty of co ld water with For the minty
a good pinch or two of bicarbonate of soda. Drain the peas and mushy peas
rinse well in cold water. Put in a saucepan, add fresh cold water 450g (1 16) marrowfat peas
good pinch or two of
to cover and bring to the boil. Simmer for about 1 hour, topping
bicarbonate of soda
up with wat er if needed, until tender and mushy. Remove fro m 90g (3oz) unsa lted butter
the heat, stir in the butter and season with salt and black pepper. 250ml (8fl oz) ma lt vinega r
Set aside and keep warm. Pour the vinegar and suga r into a smal l 3 tbsp sugar 103
saucepan and p lace over a low heat. Stir until dissolved and leave 1 small bunch of fresh mint,
finely chopped
to cool for 30 minutes. Transfer to a small basin and add the m int.
salt and b lack pepper
2 To make t he batter, pour 500ml (16fl oz) water into a large bowl.
For the battered fish •
Add the flour, bicarbonate of soda and sa lt . Whisk with an elect ric 77
350g (12oz) pla in flour /J)
hand wh isk for 5 minutes o r until the re is p lenty of air in t he batter. I
1 tsp b icarbonat e of soda
It should be just pourab le. Set aside. }>
3 t sp salt z
4 fresh haddock fi llets, about 0
3 For the tartare sauce, put the egg yolks in a bowl and whisk until ()
2009 (J oz) each
pa le. Pour the vinegar and sugar into a small pan over a low heat. I
Stir until d issolved. Gradual ly pour this into the egg yo lks, wh isking, For the tartare sauce /J)

then season and pour in the oils very slowly, continuing to whisk 2 egg yolks ~
constantly. Add the gherkins, capers, pars ley, sha ll ot, mustard, 50m l (2fl oz) white wine I
vinegar s:
and lemon juice and stir th rough. Chil l unti l needed.
1Sg (½oz) caster sugar z
125ml (4fl oz) sunflower oil -I
4 Peel the potatoes and cut into chunky-sized ch ips. Heat the -<
125ml (4fl oz) ol ive oi l s:
o il in a deep-fat fryer until the temperature reaches 130°C (265°F).
3 gherkins, finely chopped C
Add the chips and fry for 5-6 m inutes until soft but not coloured. /J)
2 tsp capers, rinsed and I
Remove from t he pan and drain on kitchen paper. Increase the finely chopped -<
temperature of the oi l to 190°C (375°F). 2 tsp finely chopped parsley m
1 shal lot, finely chopped /J)
5 Wipe the fish clean with a damp cloth, then coat in the b atter, ½ tsp Dijon mustard
making sure t hat it is evenly coated. Put the fish in the hot fat, skin juice of½ lemon
facing upwards. Deep-fry, turning occasionally, for 5- 6 minutes.
For the chips
6 Remove the fish from the pan and d rain on kitchen paper. 1 large Maris Piper potato
A ll ow the o il to retu rn to 190°C (375°F). Carefu lly put the chips handful of Accord potatoes
into the hot o il once again and fry unti l they become a crispy groundnut oil for deep-frying
golden co lour. Remove from the pan and d rain on kitchen paper.
To serve
7 Put a fish fi llet on each of 4 warm plates. Add the ch ips and hot 2 lemons, halved and
wrapped in muslin
peas, drizzling the m int sauce over the peas. Serve with the tartare
4 slices bread, buttered
sauce, lemon wedges, buttered bread and p ickled on ions.
1 jar pickled onions
Jerk chicken ·
30 minutes, plus
overnight marinating
with rice and peas
3 hours
10 minutes
111e tnvigorat1ng flavc>urf; of Jama.ica shine
Medium th1 ()t1gl1 i11 this absolutely gorgeous dish

Joint and cut the chicken int o 8 p ieces. Put in a bowl, add the
1 large free-range chicken lemon juice and turn the meat over until well coated. Drain off
ju ice of½ lemon the excess lemon juice, then add the jerk seasoning (if making
2 tbsp jerk seasoning (or use
your own, crumb le together first) and flour. Cover t ightly with
2 tsp d ried t hyme, 2 tsp
anatto and 2 tsp pimento) cling film and leave to marinate in the refrigerator overn ight.
50g (1 ¾oz) plain flour
104 At the same time, soak the kidney beans overnight in a large
3 tbsp oil, preferably infused
with garlic and spices bowl of cold water, chang ing the water once or twice during the
1 large white onion, chopped soaking t ime if possible.
1 red onion, chopped
1 spring onion, chopped On the day of cooking, drain and rinse the kidney beans, then

L. 1 fresh Scot ch bonnet chilli , tip them into a saucepan of fresh water and p lace over a high heat.
rn deseeded and chopped Bring to the boil for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat and simmer
7\ 1 fresh tomato, chopped for 2 hours or until tender. It is important to ensure that the beans
n 1 x 230g can chopped
I are at a proper rolling boil for the first 10 minutes, to remove any
n tomatoes
res idua l toxins. Set aside.
7\ 1cm (½in) p iece of fresh root
z ginger, finely chopped
Heat t he oil for the chicken in a large, heavy frying pan over
~ 1 garlic clove, chopped
--l 100g (3½oz) red, yellow and
a medium heat. Add the chicken and turn it over in the oil until
I it is a lovely golden brown on all sides. Remove from the heat,
;;o green peppers, chopped
nrn 1/, tsp sa lt and set aside on a large p late.
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
)> Put the onions, sp ring onion, ch illi, fresh and t inned tomatoes,
z 1 tsp ground turmeric
0 1 good-quality veget able ginger, garlic, sweet peppers, sa lt, pepper and turmeric in a
m stock cube, crumbled blender and pu lse to a puree. Make sure you have removed
)> sprig of fresh thyme
(/) all the seeds from the Scotch bonnet, as they are scorching hot.
sprig of fresh rosemary
Transfer the puree to th e pan in which the chicken was b rowned.
Add t he stock cube and 120ml (4fl oz) water and bring to the boil
225g (8oz) dried kidney
over a high heat. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
½ x 400g can coconut milk Return the chicken to the pan and stir. Ensure that there is
pinch of sa lt
enou g h j uice to c9ver; if not, add a little more water, but don't
1 spring onion
sprig of fresh thyme
add too mu ch or you will d ilute the f lavour. Add the thyme and
250g (9oz) long-grain rice rosemary and si mmer over a very low heat for 15- 20 minutes
1 fresh Scotch bonnet chilli until very te nder and completely cooked thr_ o ugh.

Put the pan of kidney beans back over a low heat and add t he
3 tbsp vegetable oil coconut milk, pinch of sa lt, spring onion and thyme, mixing very
1 large, firm underripe w ell . The beans will soak up all the delicious aromatic fl avourings
p lanta in like a sponge, so take it slow.

conti11ued ...
Bring the beans to the boil, add the rice and stir. Sit the whole
Scotch bonnet pepper on top, making sure that it is intact and
not broken or pierced in any place, to avoid the rice becoming
too fiery, as Scotch bonnets are among the hottest ch ill ies. Ensure
that the li quid is just covering the rice (too much will make it
soggy). Reduce the heat to very low and simmer for 30 m inutes
or until the rice is tender and the liquid has been absorbed .
Remove t he Scotch bonnet, spring onion and thyme and stir.

1 To make the fried plantain chips, pour the oil into a large fryi ng
pan, p lace over a high heat and peel and slice the p lantain. Fry the

m p lantain in the hot oil on both sides until golden brown, then d rain
A on kitchen paper.
I 1 Serve the rice and peas on 4 warm plates, dividing the jerk
A chicken even ly among each and adding some crispy plantain ch ips.

''How good was that. I love

food, but I could marry that
dish - absolutely delicious.
It's a very, very special dish''
- Ed Baines
Stargazy pie
with Cornish Yarg
Prep time 45 minutes
Warm spiced rhubarb chutney enlivens Cooking time 1 hour
this version of a traditional Cornish dish Difficulty Medium

1 Put the cod and haddock in a saucepan and cover with t he milk. For the s targazy pie
Add the parsley and season with white pepp er. Bring to a simmer 200g (7oz) cod lo in
ove r a mediu m heat an d poach fo r 2 minutes. A llow to cool for 100g (3½oz) undyed smoked
5 minutes, then strain, reserving the poaching milk. Flake the fish
250m l (8fl oz) whole milk
and set aside.
sprig of fresh parsley
2 Cook the pot atoes in a large pan of salt ed water over a high 2 Ma ris Piper potatoes,
peeled and cut into chunks 107
heat for 15-20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4).
75g (2½oz) salt ed Cornish
3 In a small saucepan ove r a medium heat, melt 25g (scant 1oz) butter
1 on ion, finely chopped
of t he b utter and st ir in the onion. Cook for 1- 2 minutes, then add
11 Sg (4oz) plai n flour
15g (½oz) of the flo ur and stir. Gradually pour in t he cream, stirring 200m l (7fl oz) double cream •
to p revent lumps. Add a little of the p oachin g mi lk until you have 41eekleaves,chopped
a wh ite sauce wit h a creamy cons ist ency. Season and add t he leek. 6 fresh sardines, gutted
and boned )>
4 Mash the potatoes and lightly combine with t he f ish and sauce. 25g (scant 1oz) shredded N
Spread into a baking d ish and level off. Push the sardines into the beef suet -0

f ish mixture so that the heads stick up in a rough pattern. a little iced water rn
100g (31/202) Corn ish Yarg ~
5 For the pastry, tip the rema ining flou r into a bowl with a p inch cheese -i
of sa lt. Rub in the suet and remain ing butter with your fingertips 1 egg, beaten n
sa lt and grou nd white 0
unti l it resemb les breadcrumbs. Gradually ad d a lit t le iced water :;:o

and m ix unti l it fo rms a dough. Ro ll out on a floured work surface

pepper z
fresh crusty bread, to serve Ui
to about 3mm (¼in) t h ick and big enough to cove r t he pie d ish. I

For the spiced ~

6 Crumble the cheese ove r the fill ing, then put the pastry on top . rhubarb chutney
Trim the edges. Using a sha rp knife, cut slits in the pastry where the 200ml (7fl oz) d istilled white
sardine heads are and pu ll through. Brush the t op of the p ie with wine or cider vinegar
beaten egg. Bake in the oven fo r 35 minut es or until li ghtly golden. 1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp fresh ly ground nutmeg
7 To make the chutney, pour th e vinegar and 2- 3 tbsp water into 1 t sp cayenne pepper
a saucepan and b ring to a si mmer. Add the spices and 2 t bsp of 1 cinnamon stick
the sugar. Stir, then simmer fo r 10 minutes. Add the diced rhubarb 3-4 tbsp golden caster sugar
2 rhubarb stalks, diced, plus
and cook fo r 10 minutes. Melt the butter in a sma ll frying pan and
·1 ext ra, chopped into 2cm
gently saute the extra rhubarb chunks in the butter for 5 minutes. (33/4in) chunks
Sprinkle in the rema in ing sugar and allow to cara mel ize. Strain 50g (1¾oz) Cornish butter
the vinega r mixt ure and retu rn it to the rinsed-out pan with the 75g (2½oz) preserved stem
rhubarb ch unks and stem g inger. ginger in syrup, chopped

8 Serve the pie cut into large wedges on 4 warm plates,

accompanied by t he warm chutney and some crust y b re ad.
Roast chicken with
Prep time 10-1 5 minutes,
p lus chilling time
Scots bread sauce
Cooking time 1 hour
40 minutes
With its home-made cranberry sauce, this
Difficulty Medium is a delicious traditional family recipe

For the cranberry 1 To make the cranberry sa uce , tip the cranberries into a saucepan
sauce with the lemon juice and sugar. Place over a medium heat and
300g (10oz) fresh cranberries bring to t he boil, then reduce t he heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
juice of ¼ lemon
Remove from the heat and sprinkle in the thyme. Allow to cool,
250g (9oz) caster sugar
1 tsp lemon t hyme leaves then refrigerate for at least 1½ hours.

108 2 Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Stuff the ch icken cavity
For the chicken
1 chicken, about 1.35kg (316) with 1 onion, 1 lemon, quartered and t he lemon thyme. Rub the
2 onions ch icken all over with the butter and sprinkle very generously with
2 unwaxed lemons sa lt and f reshly ground black pepper.
20g (¾oz) fresh lemon t hyme

;o 40g (1 ¼oz) butter 3 A rra nge the remainin g vegetab les for the chicken in a roasting
0 2 carrots, sliced dish and p lace t he chicken b reast side-down on top. Pour in 200ml
c.n 200g (7oz) swed e, diced (7fl oz) water and roast for 30 minutes, th en stir the vegetables .
-i 200g (7oz) celeriac, d iced
n 2 tsp cornfl ou r
Roast for another 15 minutes, then t urn the ch icken over and baste.
Cut t he remaining lemon into wedges and push these between the
n 600ml (1 pint) chicken stock
A 50ml (2fl o z) d ry white w ine wings or legs. Roast fo r a further 30-45 minutes.
z salt and b lack pepper
4 To make t he roast potatoes, put the fat in a baking tray and sit
-i For the potatoes in the oven for 15 m inutes or until very hot. Meanwhile, chop the
c.n 85g (3oz) duck or goose fat potatoes to "roast-tattie"-sized chunks and boil for 8 minutes.
n 1kg (2¼16) p otatoes, p eeled Drain, then add to the hot fat in t he tray. Season with salt, spoon
-i salt over the fat and roast in t he oven for 30 minutes or until golden.
;o For the vegetables 5 For the vegetables, put the carrots in a baking tray. Drizzle with
)> 300g (10oz) Chant enay the oil, sp rinkle with the sugar and season with salt and b lack
0 carrot s, trimmed
c.n pepper. Roast in the oven for 40 minutes.
)> 1 tbsp olive oil
C 1 tsp soft b rown sugar
n 6 To make the b read sauce, put the whole garlic cloves in foil in
m 100g (3½oz) streaky bacon
a frying pan and soften over a medium heat for 10 m inutes. Melt
1 Savoy cabbage, shredded
sa lt and black pepp er
the butter in a saucepan over a medium heat, add the onion and
fry unti l soft. Se ason, then add the milk, cloves, garlic, oats and
For the bread sauce cream. Cook over a low heat for 15 minut es. Remove the cloves,
4 garlic cloves then b lend the remain ing ingredients in the pan using a han d -h eld
S0g (1¾oz) butter
blender. Add the b readcrumbs and cook for a fu rther 10 minutes.
1 onion, finely chopped
500ml (16fl oz) whole mil k 7 When the chicken is ready, remove it and the vegetables
8 whole cloves from the dish. M ix the cornflour with 200ml (7fl o z) water, add
30g (1 oz) porridge oats
it to the dish and place ove r a medium he at. Cook, stirring from
1 tbsp doub le cream
50g (1¾oz) white breadcrumbs t ime t o time, until the gravy thickens slightly. Keep warm.

8 To finish the vegetables, chop the bacon, place in a large frying

pan over a fairly low heat and fry gently in its own fat for 5 m inutes.
Add the cabbage and cook for a further 5-1 0 m inutes unt il tender
but not overcooked.

9 Pour the gravy into a jug or fat separator and remove and
discard the fat. Pour the gravy into a saucepan, add the stock, 109
wine and a little water. Reduce until it measures about 300ml
(1 0fl oz). Taste and season with sa lt and b la ck pepper.

10 Serve the chicken on a pool of bread sauce on each of 4 warm

plates, w ith the roast potatoes, cabbage and carrots, gravy and •
home-made cranberry sauce. 0


''Again, perfectly cooked

chicken. Lovely flavour of
the lemon and the thyme ...
I defy anyone to get a better
roast chicken than this.''
- John Burton Race
Dexter beef and
mushroom pie
Prep t rni 1 hour
Cookir 2 hours
S11cculent and utte1·ly irr_esistible,
Diff n... Medium-hard top-quality beef makes this dish sing
~ r·1; Heat a large fryin g pan over a medium heat and fry the
400g (14oz) 1T1ushrooms, m ushrooms in half the o il until crispy. Remove with a slotted spoon
sliced and drain on kit chen paper. Add the onion to the same pan and
150ml (Sfl oz) vegetable oil
sweat gently until soft but not coloured. Add the beef to the pan
1 onion, chopped
900g (21b) grass-fed Dexter and coo k, stirring, until nicely browned. Return the mushrooms to
beef, cut into large dice the pan and add the Worcestershire sauce, thyme, mustard and
110 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce ale. Reduce the heat to low and simme r for 1½ hours. Taste and
2 t bsp t hyme leaves season, remove from the heat and all ow to rest for 5 minutes.
1 tbsp English mustard
120m I (4fl oz) Hobsons Old While t he fillin g is cooking, make t he pastry. Sift the flour and
Henry or Town Crier ale salt into a bowl. A dd the butter and lard and "cut" the fat into the
• salt and freshly ground
0 flour with a knife, then ad d enough of t he lemon juice and some
m black pepper
-, iced water, litt le by little, to form a dough .
m -,
;o t ~
Ro ll o ut the dough into a square on a floured work surface.
(JJ 225g (8oz) plain flour
m Fold the b ottom t hi rd up and the t op thi rd down. Give the pastry
m pinch of salt
half a t urn so t hat t he folds are at the sides. Seal the edges with
}> 75g (2½oz) butter, diced
z 75g (2½oz) lard, d iced a ro lling pin. Ro ll out again int o a sq uare and repeat the process
0 juice of 1 lemon 4 times. Wrap in greaseproof paper and chi ll for 30 minutes.
~ iced water
C Preheat th e oven to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7).
Vl 1 egg, beat en
;o Remove the pastry from the refrigerator. Roll out 225g (8oz) of
0 I1, ~
0 it on a floured work surface until 5mm (¼in) thick. Pour the warm
1 Spanish onion, sliced
filling into a pie d ish. Brush the beaten egg around the rim. Top
-u 2 tbsp olive oi l
m 3 cou rgettes, sliced wit h t he pastry and crimp the edges. Cut a slit in the middle of the
6 large potatoes, peeled lid and decorate with the excess pastry, cut int o leaf shapes, then
and cut into chunks brush with beaten egg. Bake in the oven for 15- 20 mi nutes until
6 carrots, sliced golden brown, then all ow to cool for a few minutes.
115g (4oz) bu tter
freshly ground black pepper Wh il e t he p ie cooks, prepare the vegetables. In a frying pan
over a medium heat, fry the on ion in the o il until soft, t hen add t he
courgettes, redu ':e the heat to low and cook slowly for 20 minutes.
Bring 2 saucepans of water to the boil over a high heat . Add the
potatoes to one and carrots to the other. Reduce the heat under
both pans and simmer for 20 m inutes or unti l t ende r. Drain. Mash
the potato with most of t he butter and add black p epper. Add th e
rema ining butter to the carrots.

Serve a portio n of pie on each of 4 warm p lates with th e carrots,

bra ised on ions and co·urgettes and mashe d potato.
Corned beef pie
Prep time 1 hour, plus
duchess potatoes
5 days to corn the beef
Cooking time 4½ hours
This is the real deal -juipy, spicy and
Difficulty Hard worlds away from the tinned stuff

For the corned beef 1 Mix together all of the dry spices and seasonings for the
2 tbsp mustard seeds marinade. Reserve ha lf in a dry, airtight container. Marinate the
2 tbsp coriander seeds
beef in the ot her half of t he spice mixture. Put a weight on a saucer
1 cinnamon stick, crushed
2 tbsp whole cloves
and place on top of the meat to keep it under the surface of t he
1 tbsp grated fresh root liq uid that wi ll co me out. Marinate in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.
150g (S½oz) salt
2 The meat will be tender and still red. Wash it thoroughly to
remove t he ove rly sa lty taste.
~ 43g (1 ½oz) pink salt
1S0g (S½oz) sugar
3 Put the brisket in a large pot with the reserved spice mixture
10 bay leaves
and cover wit h water. A dd the Worcest ershire sauce, red wine and
2 tsp allspice
• 2.5kg (S½lb) beef brisket, beer. Bring to the boil over a low heat and simmer for 3-3½ hours
0 in 1 piece until really t ender. Remove from the stock and allow the meat to
z 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce rest and cool before sl icing.
m 200ml (7fl oz) red wine
200ml (7fl oz} light beer 4 Put the onion, ca rrot and stock in a pan and cook for about
m 5 m inut es until the onions start to soften.
71 For the pie filling
- 2 large onions, finely sliced 5 Slice t he corned beef into chu nks. Discard the carrot. Drain the
m 1 whole carrot, halved onions, reserving t he stock. Put the onions back into the pan and
~ 600ml (1 pint} beef stock
-I gently fold in t he corned beef. Remove from the pan and set aside.
I 1kg (2¼1b} home-made
0 corned beef (see above} 6 Now put the st ock in the rinsed-out pan, add the red w ine and
n 225ml (7½fl oz} red wine simmer t ogether over a medium heat until the wine has red uced.
I 3 tbsp chopped parsley
50g (1 ¾oz) butter 7 To make t he pastry, sift together the flour and sa lt into a mixing
--0 bowl and rub in the butter and lard with yo ur fingertips unt il the
0 For the pastry
i; mixture resemb les fine breadcrumbs. Add half the beaten egg and
225g (8oz) plain flour
--1 1 tbsp water and m ix to a firm dough. Wrap the dough in cling film
0 pinch of salt
m 60g (2oz} butter and leave to rest in the refrigerator for 30 m inutes.
60g (2oz) la rd
1 egg, beaten 8 Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 7).

9 Ro ll out ha lf th_e dough th inly and use it to line a 20cm (S in)

p ie dish. Add the corned beef and on ion filling. Spri nkle most
of the chopped parsley over the top of the fi lling.

10 Ro ll out the remain ing dough into a large round and use it
to cover the pie. Seal the edges and crimp with a f ork. Pi erce air
holes with the fork through t he pastry and d ecorate with past ry
leaves. Brush with the rema in ing egg.
11 Bake the p ie in the oven for 15 minutes, then reduce the oven For the duchess
temperature to 190°C (375°F/Gas 5). Bake for a further 45 minutes potatoes
or until golden. Meanwhile, return to the reserved stock. Heat once 1.3kg (31b) boiled potatoes
50g (1¾oz) butter
again in a pan over a low heat and gently wh isk in the butter until
2 la rg e eggs
thickened, to make a red wine jus. Keep warm. 1 tsp sa lt
p inch of g rate d nutmeg
12 To make the duchess potatoes, sieve and mash them, then 113
freshly ground b lack pe ppe r
add the remaining ingredient s, except for 1 egg and beat we ll .
Line a baking tray with non-stick paper. For the cabbage
1.3kg (31b) cabbage,
13 Using a forcing bag with a star nozzle, pipe the potato onto
shre dde d
the tray: form a 5cm (2in) base and p ipe the potato on top until 2 tbsp cream che ese •
you have a pyramid. Repeat with the remaining potato until it 175ml (6fl oz) single cream
has all been used and p lace in the refrigerator to firm up for 15 salt and pepper
minutes. Beat the remain ing egg and use it to g laze the pyramids. m
Cook in the oven for 20 minutes or until browned. OJ
14 Make the cabbage. Put a large saucepan of sa lted water over 77
a high heat and bring to the boil. Plunge in the cabbage, return m
to the boil and cook for 4-5 minutes. Drain, then gently mix in the ~
cream cheese and single cream. Season well.
15 Place a piece of pie on each of 4 warm p lates with the duchess C
potatoes and cabbage and pour over the warm red wine jus and
sprinkle with the remaining parsley. Serve immediately. Ul
Aromatic •

chicken curry
Prep tir 1 hour 15 minutes
Cookir 50 minutes
An exotic African-inspired dish with
D'fficu Medium- hard potato-filled roti and cucumber raita
'I.' 1 1 'iI1 l rice With a cleaver, cut and joint the chicken , taking the meat off
1 large boi ling chicken the bones and discarding the skin. Put in a bowl and sprinkle
2 tbsp white wine vinegar with the vinegar and salt. Set aside for 10 minutes.
a little sa lt
75g (2½oz) mild curry powder In a small bowl, m ix together 2 tsp of the curry powder, the
2 tsp ground cumin cumin, thyme, spring onions, garlic powder, half t he fresh garlic,
2 tsp dried t hyme
114 the bay leaves, turmeric, chicken seasoning and lemon juice.
(r8 spring onions, chopped,
plus extra to garnish Pour th is over the ch icken pieces and turn them until coated
1 tsp garlic powder in the mixture. Set aside for another 10-15 minutes.
1 head of garlic, chopped
3 bay leaves To make the roti, in another bowl, mix together the flours, salt

)> ½ tsp ground t urmeric and baking powder. Add warm water, little by little, until it comes
;::o pinch of chicken seasoning toget her as a dough. Cover with a damp, clean tea towel and leave
0 juice of 1 lemon
~ to rise in a warm p lace for 10-15 minutes.
3 tbsp vegetable oil
~ 1 tsp cumin seeds Mix the remaining curry powder with a litt le water to make a
n 300ml (10fl oz) chicken stock paste. Heat the oi l in a large pan over a medium heat, then add the
I 3 potatoes, diced cu min seeds, the remain in g fresh garlic and the curry paste. Cover
nA dash of coconut cream
rn 2 African seasoning stock
and cook for 2- 3 minutes, then add the chicken and stir w ell. Add
z cubes, crumb led 400ml (14fl oz) water, rep lace the li d and reduce the heat to low.
n 250g (9oz) basmat i rice Cook for 20 m inutes, checking and adding a splash of water if it
;::o shredded Iceberg lettuce, threatens to dry out. St ir in the stock, potato, coconut cream and
-< to garnish crumbled stock cubes. Cover and cook for a further 20 minutes.
• , h. J 1t..1 r ru1A For t he raita, mix together the cucumber, on ion and yogurt
500g (1 16 2oz) strong white in a sma ll bowl and season with salt and black pepper. Set aside
in the refrigerator until needed.
250g (9oz) self ra ising flour
1 tsp sa lt To make t he roti filling, bring a saucepan of water to the boil
1 tbsp baking powder
over a high heat. Add the potatoes and coo k for 5-10 minutes until
2 potatoes, peeled and diced
2 spring onions, chopped te nder, the n drain very well. M ash the boiled potatoes in a bowl
1 tsp curry powder using a fork, then add th e spring onions and mix we ll . Season with
1 tsp ground cumin salt and b lack pepper and add the cu rry powder and cum in.
salt and black pepper
vegetable oil for frying • Divide t he roti dough into 8 equal p ieces and ro ll each piece
out into a circl e on a f loured work surface. Spoon a quarter of the
/1 I I, I cl, I,'
potato mixt ure onto the centre of each one, then fo ld the dough
½ cucumber, diced around it, p ressing with the ro lli ng pin to seal the bal l comp letely.
½ onion, sliced
Carefu lly roll each out again into a circle, being very gentle so that
150ml (Sfl oz) p lain yogurt
salt and black pepper the fill ing does not break through the surface.
8 In a saucepan of boiling water over a medium heat, cook the rice
for 10 minutes, then drain. Meanwhile, put a little oil on a roti pan,
or a large frying pan, place it over a high heat and let it get very
hot. Add a roti circle, cook for just 1 minute, then tu rn over and
cook on the other side. Transfer t o greaseproof paper and keep
warm. Repeat with the rema ining roti.
R To se rve, p lace a mound of rice on each of 4 warm p lates. Spoon
on the curry. Fold the roti into triang les and p lace one on the side
of each plate, then garnish with lettuce and spring onions. Serve
the raita in a bowl on the table.


''This is a feast ... and it

is so cleansing. Really
- John B111·ton Race
Pan-fried sea bass ,

with saute potatoes

Prep time 15 minutes
Roasted fennel and crispy pancetta help to Cooking time 50 minut es
make this sophisticated and delicious dish Difficulty Med ium

1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/ Gas 4). Bring a large pan of 500g (1lb 2oz) Jersey
sa lt ed water to th e boil over a high heat, add the potatoes and Roya l potatoes
p ar-bo il f or 10-15 minutes. Drain, leave to coo l, then slice. 1 large bu lb of fennel,
2 Place t he f ennel on a b aking tray, toss wit h 60m l (2fl o z) of the 75m l (2½fl oz) olive oil
olive oi l and bake for 25 minutes. 1759 (6oz) unsalted butter
1 Spanish onion, finely
3 Heat a wok or large frying pan over a medium heat and add 30g chopped 117
(1 o z) butter, t hen add the onion, garlic and sliced potatoes. Cook, 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1 sma ll bunch of fresh curly
stirring, for 10 minutes or until turning crisp at the edges. Add the
parsley, finely chopped
cu rly parsley.
plain flour, for coating
4 Meanwhile, put t he flour on a large p lat e and season with sa lt 4 sea bass fillets •
2 tbsp baby capers, rinsed ~
and white pepper. Roll the sea bass fill ets in the flour and p at off
j uice of 1 lemon, plus
any excess. Melt 50g (1 ¾oz) of the butte r and t he rem aining 1 tbsp 2 lemons, halved, to serve ::::0
oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat, add the fish skin-side 75g (2½oz) thi nly sliced m
down and fry for 5 minutes. pa ncetta (./)

salt and ground white m

5 Melt the remain ing butter in a saucepan with t he capers and pepper CD
lemon juice, t ast e and seaso n. Put the pancett a on a baki ng sheet 1 small bunch of fresh (./)
and bake in the oven for 3 minutes or until crisp . flat -leaf parsley, finely
chopped, to garnish ~
6 To serve, put some potat oes on ea ch of 4 wa rm p lates, p lace t he I
sea bass on top and add the fenn el and pan cetta . Wh isk t he sauce (./)
until ama lgamated, t hen spoon it ove r, scatter wit h the flat-leaf C
pa rsley and serve each wit h a halved lemon.
Trafalgar steak
Prep time 55 minutes
and shallot pudding
Cooking time 1 hour
45 minutes
A rich, unctuous, old-fasb-ioned pudding,
Difficulty Medium-hard with a warming port wine sauce
For the port sauce 1 Preheat t he o ven to 160°C (325°F/Gas 3). Peel all the vegetables,
2 t bsp olive oil except t he potatoes for the mash and the parsnips, and trim the
4 celery st icks, chopped
meat for t he fill ing. Set the vegetables and meat aside. Make the
2 red onions, chopped
port wine sauce by heating the o live oi l in a pan over a medium
600ml (1 pint) fresh
veget able stock heat and adding all t he veget able and meat trimmings, along with
600ml (1 pint) fresh beef the chopped celery and red onion. Saute for 2- 3 minutes until soft
118 stock and browned. Set aside in t he pan.
350m l (12fl oz) red wine
250m l (8fl oz) port 2 Pour t he stocks, red wine, port and Worcestersh ire sauce into
2 tbsp Worcest ershire sauce a separate, large pan. Set ove r a med ium heat and b ri ng to a
4 banana shallots, peeled simmer fo r about 30 minutes unt il reduced to about half its original
• but left whole
-I volume. During this process, add all the who le shallots and poach
;o 12 small shallots, peeled
but left whole for 5 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
r salt and freshly g round
C) 3 Use a little of t he reduced liquid to deglaze the pan of sauteed
)> black pepper
;o vegetab les, t hen t ip t he co ntents of t he pan into the simmering
-I For the pastry reduced liquid. Continue to reduce the port sauce for 20 minutes
m 200g (7oz) plain flour or until about 600ml (1 pint) re mains. St rain the sauce through a
?'\ pinch of salt
fine sieve, season and set aside. Discard the vegetab le trimmings .
z 40g (1 ¼oz) lard
0 30g (1 oz) butter 4 To make the pastry, sift the f lour and salt into a bowl. Melt the
2 t bsp whole milk, t o glaze lard and butter in a small pan over a low heat. Add 2 tbsp water,
r then m ix into the flour until it co mes t oget her as a soft dough .
r For the filling
0 500g (1 lb 2oz) rump steak 5 Roll the dough into a b all , t hen sepa rate off one-th ird; set aside.
7J 4 tsp Eng lish mustard Ro ll out t he larger dough ba ll and use t o line a buttered and
0 4 tbsp plain flour, seasoned
flou red large pudding basin. Press into the bowl. Ro ll out the
0 with sa lt and fresh ly ground
z black pepper sma ller bal l of dough to make a li d for the pudding. Leave both
olive oi l lots of pastry to rest in t he refrigerator for 10 m inutes.

For the mash 6 To make the pudding fil ling, cut the steak into 5cm (2in)
4 baking potatoes squares, sandwich ea ch between cling film and pound unti l evenly
30g (1 oz) butter flat t ened and about twice the su rface area. Spread a lit tle mustard
4 tbsp single cream on ea ch meat square, add a p iece of poached banana shallot
sa lt
and f old the meat over it into a pa rce l. Spread the seasoned flour
onto a plate and pat the meat parce ls in it . lh a frying p an over a
medium heat , gently fry the meat in a little olive oil until golden
all over, turn ing occas ional ly. Add t he parcels to the past ry-lined
pudding bowl wit h 3-4 tab lespoons of the reduced sauce (don't
overfil l the basin).
7 Wet the edges of the pastry with water, t hen place the smaller For the vegetables
pastry circle on top; sea l the edges well. Pinch the li d li ght ly to 1 swede
form a peak, th en b rush with a litt le milk. Double up a piece of 2 baking p otatoes
a little o live o il
fo il and butter one side. Wrap it around t he top of the pudding
12 baby carrots, with
bowl and seal t ightly by twisting the foil. Sit the bowl in a t ray green tops
of hot water and cook in t he oven for 40-45 minutes, t opping p inch of b rown sugar
up t he water as needed. Take the fo il lid off t he pudding, increase knob of butter 119

the oven temperat ure to 195°C (380°F/G as 5½) and coo k th e 1 sma ll bunch of fresh
p arsley, fin e ly chopp e d
pudding for fu rther 10 m inutes or unt il golden.

8 Wh ile the pudd ing is cooking, prepare the vegetables. For the For the parsnip crisps
2 parsnips •
mash, bring a large saucepan of sa lt ed water to the boil, add the --1
4 tbsp vegetable oi l
unpeeled potatoes and si mmer fo r 10-15 minut es until coo ked. )>

Drain, peel and put t hrough a rice r. A dd the butter an d cream, For the horseradish ~
stir very w ell and set aside, keeping warm. sauce )>
2 tbsp white b readcru mbs ;o
9 Scoop out balls from th e swede and potato with a melon baller. 2 t bsp whole mil k
Bring a large pan of salted water to t he boi l. Gently b oil the swede 2 tbsp double cream m
and potato for 10 minutes until tende r. Drain. Heat a little olive oil 2 t bsp vinegar 7'
40g (1 ½oz} horseradish,
in an ovenproof frying pan over a medium heat. T ip in the potato z
g rated 0
and swede bal ls and the reserved sma ll shallots, saute until golden, t/)
salt and b lack pepper
t hen transfer t he pan t o the oven and roast for 10 minutes. I
10 Bring a pan of sa lted water to t he boil ove r a med ium heat. 0
Add the carrots and brovvn sugar, reduce t he heat and si mmer --1
f or 10 m inutes. Drain and add a knob of butte r and t he pars ley. C
11 Peel the parsnips and use a vegetab le peeler to create b road, z
t h in "crisps" . Slice into straws using a ju lienne cutter or a sma ll C)

sharp kn ife. Heat the oil in a sa ute pan over a high heat, drop in
the p arsn ip straws and fry for a coup le o f minutes. Blot on kit chen
pape r. Repeat t he process, f ry ing the thin crisps unti l golden.

12 To make the horseradish sauce, briefly soak the b readcrumbs

in the milk. Add the cream, vineg ar and horseradish and season
with sa lt and b lack pepper. Mix well and check th e seasoning.

13 To serve, t urn o ut the p udding and serve with the vegetables

on each of 4 warm plates. Decorat e each with parsnip crisps,
sprinkle all over with parsley and serve t he two sa uces alongside.
Prep time 45 rninutes
Cornish paella
Cookinq t,me 1 hour
30 minutes
With lobster, mussels, pr~wns and squid,
Difficulty Medium this is decadent and divinely moreish
For the paella 1 To make the stock, joint the chicken and set the meat aside.
f 1 free-range whole chicken, Put the carcass and giblets in a large pan, add the bouquet garni,
about 1kg (2¼1b), with
ce lery, on ion, carrots and garli c. Season, cover with water and bring
2 pork, garlic and black
to a simmer over a low heat. Cook for 1 hour, then strain into a
pepper sausages large bowl and set aside.
3 tbsp olive oil
120 2 Preheat the grill to its hi ghest setting, then grill t he sausages,
1 onion, diced
4 garlic cloves, finely turning to brown all sides, for 10 minutes or until cooked. Slice,
chopped and set aside.
225g (8oz) paella or
long-gra in rice 3 In a pae ll a pan or your widest frying pan, heat the olive oil over
• pinch of saffron a medium heat. Add t he ch icken joints and brown on all sides,
C 1 yellow pepper, sliced then t ransfer t hem to a plate. Add the on ion and garlic to the pan
C 450g (1lb) local mussels, and fry unt il soft. Add t he rice and t urn to coat it in oil. Stir in the
cleaned and de-bearded
0 saffron and retu rn the ch icke n t o the pan with t he yellow pepper.
C 1 squid, cleaned and sliced
2 tomat oes Add enough stock to cover the rice, reduce t he heat and simmer
n 225g (8oz) cooked prawns for 10 minutes. Keep topp ing up with stock from time to time.
::::0 in their shells
z 4 Put a separate pan w ith a li d ove r a high heat, tip in the
(/1 1 cooked lobster, meat
I extracted and chopped mussels and add a dash of t he stock. Rep lace the lid and steam
~ 225g (8oz) frozen peas, for 3-5 minutes, until t he mussels open, shaking the pan once.
m defrosted Pour into a colander and discard any that have not opened.
s; nam pla (Thai fish sauce), Add the mussels to the pae lla, keeping a few aside to garnish.
to taste
Add the squid. Cook for a further 10 minutes.
2 lemons, one juiced, t he
other cut int o wedges 5 Meanwhile, put the tomato es in a bowl, cove r with boiling
salt and freshly ground black
water and leave for a coup le of minutes. Plunge them into iced
4 granary buns or chunks of water, slip off and d iscard t he skins, then chop and add t o t he pan.
crusty wh ite bread, to serve Add the prawns, lobster, sausage and peas to the pan and heat
throu g h. Season and add the fish sauce and lemon juice to taste.
For the stock
carcass and giblets from the 6 Serve th e pae ll a in 4 large warm bowls garnished with lemon
chicken (see above) wedges and the reserved mussels, with the bread alongside.
1 bouquet garni
3 celery sticks with leaves,
1 onion, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
2 garlic cloves
sa lt
Chicken marinated
20 minutes,
in lemon and thyme
plus overnight marinating
, 45 minutes
A light a11d refreshing stJmmer dish with
Diff cul v Medium sparkling. lively flavours
c - , .1, - en The day before, marinat e the chicken. Pour the o live oil into a
6 tbsp olive oil large bowl and add the thyme, garlic and lemon zest. Season, add
2 tsp dried t hyme the chicken and t urn to coat . Cover and leave to marin ate in the
4 or 5 garlic cloves, crushed
refrigerator. At the same ti me, make the dressing. Shake all the
grated zest and juice of
4 small lemons ingredients in a screw-t op jar and keep refrigerated until needed.
4 organic chicken t highs
122 .-. Wash the rice t horoug hly and soak in plenty of cold water
4 organic chicken breasts,
on the bone for 1-2 hours. Add the lemon juice to t he marinating chicken,
250g (9oz) basmati rice and m ix t horoug hly. Return to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
600ml (1 pint) chicken stock
Malden sea sa lt and freshly
Preheat t he oven t o 190°C (37 5°F/Gas 5). Remove the chicken
• ground black pepper th ighs from t he marinade and p lace skin-side down in a baking
n tray. A dd half the stock and cover wit h foil. Repeat for the chicken
n r ,11 V4AI, ~.Ceu~ing b reast s, using a sepa rat e baking tray.
m juice of 1 small lemon
z 2 tbsp white wine vinegar .. Cook t he thighs for 20 minutes in the top of the oven, then
~ 8 tbsp sunflower oil
)> remove t he foi l, t urn the thighs over and add a little stock. Return
;::o 2 garlic cloves, crushed to the oven for a further 25 minutes or until the skins are golden
z 2 bay leaves
b rown. Cook the breasts in the same way, but for only 15 minutes
2 heaped tsp Dijon mustard
before removing t he fo il and 15 minutes afterwards.
z i Meanwh il e, put the rice in a pan with twice its volume of water
r 200g (7 oz) cherry tomatoes
m and p lenty of salt. Bring to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes, then
on the vine
0 4 endives remove from t he heat. Keep covered, all owing t he rice to absorb
z the water complete ly.
z t
Add the cherry tomatoes on the vine to the chicken-breast
0 12-16 cherry t omatoes
-l 2 handfuls of rocket baking t ray and roast for 10 minutes. Remove the chicken f ro m
-< 2 handfuls of watercress t he oven and allow to rest. Gently reheat the juices from both
~ 2 sha llots, finely sliced
m baking t rays in a small saucepan.
2 avocados, sliced
I M eanwhi le, bring a saucepan of water to the boil over a high
heat. Slice the en.dives lengthways, plunge them into the pan for
2 minutes, then drain. Place a ridged cast-iron g rill pan over a high
heat and char the endives for a couple of minutes on each side.
Dress and season th e salad and arrange in a side d ish .

Serve the chicken on each of 4 warm plates, wit h t he chicken

juices, charred end ives, roast cherry tomatoes, rice and sa lad.
Pork Wellington
with a cider sauce Prep time 30 minut es, plus
50 minutes' resting t ime
A new twist on an old favourite, with flaky Cooking time 1¼ hours
pastry hiding juicy apples and mushrooms Difficulty Medium- hard

1 To make the pastry, m ix the flour with the salt. Cut the butter For the puff pastry
into cubes and fo ld through the flour with a kn ife, without breaking 250g (9oz) plain flou r
up the butter too much . Gradually add up to 150m l (Sfl oz) of iced p inch of salt
2509 (9oz) butter
water until it comes together as a dough, wrap in cling film and
place in the refrigerator fo r 30 m inutes. Ro ll out the pastry on a
For the Wellington
floured surface int o a rectang le, fol d one of t he short sides one- 2 Bramley apples
third of the way over, the n b ring in the other side to cover. Ro ll 25g (scant 1oz) sugar 123
again, trying not to break up the butter pieces. Repeat, wrap in 1 tbsp olive oil a=
cling fi lm and refrigerate for 20 minutes. 3 smoked bacon rashers, >
diced ~
2 Peel and slice the apples, put into a saucepan over a moderately 1 onion, diced Cll

low heat and b ring to a gentle boil, adding 80ml (2½fl oz) water 4 field mushrooms, diced 7J

50g (1¾oz) breadcrumbs 0
and the sugar. Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring. ;:o
knob of butter 7'
3 Preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7). Pour the oi l into a 8009 (1¾1b) pork t enderloin ~
1 egg yolk, beaten m
frying pan over a medium heat. Tip in the bacon and on ion and r
sea sa lt and cracked b lack t
f ry for 5 minutes, then add t he mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes pepper z
more. Remove from the heat, season and add the breadcrumbs. -I
For the cider sauce 0
4 Melt the butter in a frying pan over a medium heat, add the z
300ml (1Ofl oz) doub le crea m
pork and turn to seal. Remove t he past ry from the refrigerator, ~
100m l (3 ½fl oz) loca l -I
and ro ll it out so that it is big enough to wrap around t he pork. Somerset cider I
Place the mushroom stuffing in the middle of the pastry and top salt and pepper
with the pork. Spread with the apple and wrap the pastry right 0
For the vegetables m
arou nd, sea ling the edges very well with the egg. Turn over so that ;:o
750g (1lb 10oz) Maris Piper <.n
the fold is on the bottom and brush with the remaining egg. Cook potatoes )>
in the oven for 45 minutes. 25g (scant 1oz) butter ()
250g (9oz) green beans m
5 To make the cider sauce, pour the double cream into a saucepan sa lt
ove r a medium heat, season and reduce for 5 minutes. Add the
cider and reduce for another 20 minutes until thick. Keep wa rm.

6 Bring the potat oes to the boil in sa lted water for 25 minutes or
unti l tender. Mash and beat in the butter. Keep warm. Plunge the
beans into boiling water for 5 minutes, drain and keep warm.

7 Put some mash on each of 4 warm plates and top with a slice
of the We lli ngton. Add a serving of beans to each plate and serve
the sauce on the side.


Prep time 10 minutes,

Lamb tikka masala
plus 24 hours' marinating
Cooking time 45 minutes
An intriguing contemporary interpretation
Difficulty Mediu m with a fruity raita and potato pancakes

For the tikka masala 1 Mix together all t he spices for the t ikka masala.
2 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp smoked paprika 2 To make the lamb, in a large bowl, mix together 2 tsp of t ikka
1 tsp ground cumin masala, a pinch of sa lt and b lack pepper, the smoked paprika, chilli
pinch of salt powder, 5 of t he garlic cloves, t he soy sauce and o live oil. Coat the
1 tsp garlic powder lamb in t he spices, cover and leave in t he refrigerator for 24 hours.
1 tsp fenugreek
124 ½ tsp ground cinnamon 3 When ready to cook, bring a large pan of water to the boil and
1 tsp ground ginger add t he rice, t urmeric, salt and cumin. Simmer for 10 minutes or
2 tsp mi ld chilli powder
unt il cooked, t hen d rain and set aside.
1 tsp hot chil li powder
1 tsp black pepper 4 Prepare the potatoes for the pancakes: quarter the potatoes
• 1 tsp ground cardamom
r and add them to a large pan of salt ed wate r. Bring to the boil over
)> 1 tsp ground cloves
~ a high heat, then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes or
DJ 1 ½ tsp ground turmeric
--j unt il t end er. Drain and all ow to dry, t hen mash.
7' For the lamb
)> 1 tsp smoked paprika
5 For t he raita, put t he mango, soured cream , cucumber, yogurt,
~ 1 tsp mild chilli powder sprin g onions and ch ives in a bowl and mix well. Set aside.
(/) 6 garlic cloves, roughly
)> 6 Remove the lamb from t he refrigerator and bring it to room
~ 1 tsp soy sauce t emperature. Heat th e veget able oil in a heavy f rying pan unti l
2 tbsp o live oil smoking hot. A dd t he lamb and q uickly sear it on both sides for a
500g (1 lb 2oz) good-quality minute or two. Remove to a warm p late, leaving the oi l in the pan.
lamb steaks
2 tbsp vegetable oil 7 A dd t o t he pa n 2 large tsp t ikka masala, t he onions, remaining
2 onions, finely sliced garlic clove, red pepper and tomatoes and fry for 2-3 minutes.
1 red pepper, f inely chopped Pour in t he coconut milk. Add t he lamb to the pan with the sauce
2-3 tomatoes, finely
and fry for about 5 m inutes on each side. Remove the meat and
1 x 400ml can coconut milk
allow to rest. Bring the sauce to a simmer unti l it thickens.
handfu l of finely chopped 8 Meanwhile, make the pancakes. Mix t he potatoes, plain flour,
fresh coriander
egg yolk, turmeric, chilli powder and a p inch of salt, add t he b lack
salt and b lack pepper
peppercorns, garlic powder and smoked paprika and mix until it
For the raita comes together as a dough, adding a lit t le more flour if the m ixt ure
1 mango, finely chopped seems t oo sticky. Divide the dough into sma ll p ieces, then ro ll each
284ml tub soured cream one out on a floured surface t o fo rm round pancakes. Set asid e,
1 cucumber, chopped
interleaved with greaseproof paper.
250m l (8fl oz) plain yogurt
4 spring onions, finely 9 Fry the rice. In a large non-st ick fry ing pan, heat t he oil and
butter. Add the rice, st irring constant ly, for 8-10 minut es unti l real ly
sma ll bunch of fresh chives,
chopped we ll heated t hrough with each grain d istinct and shin y with oil.

10 At the same time, cook the potato pancakes. Pla ce another For the rice
large non-stick frying pan over a high heat and add the vegetab le 250g (9oz) basmati rice
oi l. When hot, add a potato pancake, cook for 2 minutes, then turn 2 tsp ground turmeric
2 tsp sa lt
and cook for 2 minutes more. Remove and keep warm wh il e you
2 tsp cumin seeds
cook the remaining pancakes, adding more oil if needed.
1 tbsp olive oi l
11 Sprinkle the masala sauce with the f resh coriander. knob of salted butter
12 Using a lightly oiled g lass, pack in a quarter of the rice, then a:
tip it out onto each of 4 warm p lates, leaving a neat pile. Arrange For the pancakes
200g (7oz) Maris Piper
slices of the lamb on each p late, spoon over some masa la sauce 00
and serve with the pancakes and raita on the sid e. handful of plain flour •
1 egg yolk )>
pinch of turmeric s
pinch of chilli powder -I
pinch of salt 7'
pinch of b lack peppercorns )>
1 tsp garlic powder s
½ tsp smoked paprika IJ)

vegetable oil, for frying )>

''This raita is really lovely.

Really fresh flavours.
Complements the lamb
beautifully. I think the
spice mix is excellent.
I like this dish very much.''
- Jilly Goolden
Pigeon wrapped
Prep time 10-15 minutes
in bacon
Cooking time 1 hour
40 minut es
Stuffed with pepper-walnut pesto,
Difficulty Medium this is a wonderful dish for autumn

For the pesto 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°C/Gas 6) . To make the pesto,
2 red peppers, deseeded put the red peppers on a baking t ray, drizzle with the oil, pop
1 tbsp olive oi l a garlic clove in each and ro ast for 15 minutes, then remove,
2 fat garlic cloves
put in a sma ll p lastic bag and seal. Spread the wa lnuts in a small
75g (2½oz) walnuts
45g (1 ½oz) flat-leaf parsley ovenproof d ish and coo k fo r 5 minutes or until golden, watching
juice of 1 lemon closely so they don't burn. Slip the skins f rom the peppers and
1 26 4 sun-dried tomat oes in oil d iscard, then add the flesh with its garlic and juices to a blender.

Add the nuts, parsley, lemon juice and tomatoes and blend to
For the pigeon a puree, adding enough of the tomato oil to make a stiffish paste.
8 pigeon breasts
00 8 local dry-cured streaky 2 For the p igeon, make an incision into each breast and place
• bacon rashers
-0 a spoonful of the pesto inside. Carefu lly wrap each with bacon,
Cl olive oil
rn and set aside in the refrigerator to firm up.
1 glass of red wine
z 3 To make the red cabbage, place a saucepan over a moderate
~ For the red cabbage
;:o heat, then cook the onions in the o il until soft. Add the red wine,
2 red onions, chopped
l> jelly, cloves, juniper, cabbage and prunes, mixing well and reduce
-0 1 tbsp vegetable oil
rn 200ml (7fl oz) red wine the heat to low. Cover the saucepan with foil, then with its lid and
0 2-3 tbsp smoked pepper cook for 1-1 ½ hours, stirring every 20 minutes.
z jel ly or redcurrant jelly
co 2 whole cloves 4 Meanwh il e, p repare t he rosti. Put t he porcini in a smal l bowl,
n 2 juniper berries and cover with boi ling water. Leave for 10 minutes, then drain and
0 1 red cabbage, shredded
z chop. Boil the potatoes fo r 5 minutes, then grate coarse ly, adding
6 Agen prunes, chopped
the mushrooms and lemon thyme . Mix gently and season. Heat
red wine vinegar, to taste
large knob of butt er the oil and butter in a large frying pan over a medium heat, add
salt and black pepper a large spoonful of rost i mixture and fry for 5-6 minut es on each
side until golden b rown. Set aside and keep warm .
For the rosti
10g (¼oz) dried porcini 5 To make the carrots, bring a pan of water to t he boil, add
700g (116 9oz) potatoes, t he carrots, g inger and honey and sim mer for 8-9 minutes.
scrubbed, skins left on
leaves from 2 sprigs of fresh 6 Heat a lit t le o live oil in a frying pan over a high heat and
lemon thyme add the pigeon. Fry for 3 minutes on each side, then rest in a
3 tbsp rapeseed oi l wa rm place. Pour th e wine into th e pan and reduce until syrupy,
large knob of butter then seaso n.

For the carrots 7 Add a little vinegar to t he cabbage and taste; you want a good
bunch of baby carrots ba lance of sweet and sour flavours. Add the butter and stir.
2.5cm (1in) piece of fresh
root ginger, sliced 8 Serve 2 pigeon breasts on each of 4 warm p lates with the rosti,
1 tbsp clear honey red ca bbage, ca rrots and sauce.
Squirrel pie
Prep time 45 minutes
with vegetables
Cooking time 1 hour
20 minutes
The subtle, nutty taste of squirrel is a
Difficulty Mediu m delight - ask your butcher for the meat
For the filling 1 Pour the o il into a saucepan and place over a medium heat.
3 tbsp olive oi l Add the onion, garlic and bacon and cook, stirring, until lightly
1 small onion, finely chopped co loured. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon, leaving the
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
fat behind. Toss t he cubes of squirre l in plain flour and pepper,
2 or 3 bacon rashers, sliced
3 squirrels, jointed, deboned then shake off any excess. Add the meat to the pan and brown
and cubed on all sides. Po ur in the red wine and reduce by half, then add the
128 a little plain flour beef stock. Return the onion, garlic and bacon to the pan and add
100ml (3 ½f1 oz) red wine the tomato puree, mushrooms, herbs and juniper berries. Reduce
500ml (16fl oz) beef stock
the heat and simmer fo r 45 minutes. Taste, season and set aside.
1 tsp tomato puree
6 button mushrooms, sliced 2 Meanwhile, make the pastry. Put the flour in a large bowl,

V> 1 bay leaf
and dice in all the fats. Rub together with your fingertips until it
0 sprig of fresh thyme
6 juniper berries resembles fine breadcrumbs, then gradually add iced water until
;;o salt and pepper it comes t oget her as a dough. Wrap in cl ing fi lm and refrigerate
for 30 m inutes. Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/ Gas 4).
For the pastry
m 3 Pour the filling into a pie d ish. Roll out the pastry on a floured
11 Sg (4oz) plain flour
30g (1oz) hard margarine work surface until slight ly larger than the dish, then cover the pie.
I 30g (1oz) white vegetable fat Brush with the egg, then cook for 30- 35 minutes until golden.
m 30g (1oz) unsalted butter
C) 1 egg, beaten 4 Bring a large pan of water to the boil over a high heat and add
the potatoes. Boi l for 15 minutes or unt il tender, then drain and
~ For the potato cakes
co crush with a fork. Melt the butter in a saucepan over a medium
4 large new potatoes
heat and add t he spring onions. Cook gently, stirring, until soft,
knob of butter
bunch of spring onions, t hen add to the potatoes with the chives. Season. Shape the
chopped mixture into 4 ca kes . Put the egg and breadcrumbs on 2 separate
bunch of fresh chives, finely p lates. D ip each cake first in the egg, then in breadcrumbs.
1 egg, beaten 5 For th e vegetab les, heat the o il in a small roasting tin in t he oven
60g (2oz) white breadcrumbs for 15 minutes. Add the parsnips and roast for 30 m inutes or until
knob of butter golden brown. Put the butter and oil for the potato cakes in a large
60ml (2fl oz) olive oi l
frying pan and fry the potato cakes for 5 minutes on each side
For the vegetables o r until golden and cooked through. Keep warm.
ol ive oil
6 Bring 2 small saucepans of water to the boil and put the
2 parsnips, sliced
4 small t urnips
turnips in one and the carrots in another. Simmer for 10 minutes
2 handfu ls of carrots, sliced or unti l just tender, then drain and add a knob of butter to each.
2 knobs of butter
7 Serve the pie hot on 4 warm plates, adding a potato cake and
2 tsp clear honey
vegetab les to each.
Lamb in hay
Prep time 10 minutes
Cooking in hay was once common, Cooking time 3 hours
and it gives a deliciously aromatic result Difficulty Medium

1 Preheat the oven to 240°C (475°F/Gas 9). Rub the lamb al l ove r For the lamb
with salt, then cover with butter. Evenly sprinkle over the chopped 1 leg of Welsh spring lamb,
herbs. Lay half the hay on a trivet in a large roasting t in. Sit the about 2.7kg (6Ib}
sea salt
meat on top, t hen pack more hay around t o cover the lamb
125g (4½oz} butter
completely. Sprinkle with water.
2 tbsp mixed chopped herbs
(rosema ry, mint or t hyme}
2 Cover with fo il, making sure that the roasting tin is comp letely 129
bag of hay
sealed and put in the hot oven for 30 minutes. Reduce the oven
1 tbsp cornflour
temperature to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6) and cook for 2 hours.
For the spiced
3 Remove t he lamb from th e oven, take off the foi l and hay, cabbage with carrots
and t ransfer the meat to a carving board. Keep warm and all ow 4 tbsp vegetable o il •
to rest for 15 minutes. Strai n the juices from the bottom of the 1 t sp black mustard seeds £:
t in into a bowl, then remove the fat. Put this gravy in a saucepan ¼ fresh red chilli, finely sliced co
over a medium heat. M ix the cornflour in a small bowl with 350g (12oz) carrot s, grated
350g (12oz) Savoy cabbage, :r::
enough water to make a smooth paste, then add t o t he ju ices .
Heat, stirring occasionally, until th ickened.
trimmed and shredded
½ fresh green chill i, finely
4 Heat the oil in a wok or large saucepan over a medium-high
2 tbsp chopped coriander
heat. Add the mustard seeds and, when they finish popping, 1 tsp salt
the re d chill i. Stir once, t hen add the carrot, cabbage and green pinch of organic white sugar
chi lli. Stir-fry for 30 seconds, then add the coriander, sa lt and dash of freshly squeezed
sugar. Stir-fry for a further 5 minutes, then add the lemon juice . lemon juice

5 Carve the lamb onto 4 warm plates and serve with the spiced
cabbage and carrots.

''I love this whole concept

and I love that rather
curious hay-ey flavour
that goes into the meat
and comes into the gravy.''
- Jilly Goolden
Prep time 15-20 minutes,
p lus 24 hours' soaking
Bangers and mash
Cooking tirne 3 hours
35 minutes
Traditional, hearty and warming, with
Difficulty Medium-hard superb home-made sausages

For the sausages 1 Soak t he hog casings in a large bowl of water for at least 24 hours,
salted hog casings cha nging the water a few times, the n rinse and dry very well.
300g (10oz) pork shou lder
125g (4½oz) belly pork 2 To make the stock, put the chicken carcasses in a large pan
20g (¾oz) runny honey with the onions, carrots and celery and pour in 2 litres (3½ pints)
185g (3oz) fresh white wat er. Bring to the boil over a moderately low heat then simmer
130 for 2- 3 hours. Cool, chi ll overnight, then skim off and discard the
sprig of fresh sage, chopped
45g (1 ½oz) b lack pudding fat . Put back in a large pan over a high heat and reduce until
1 tbsp vegetable oil it measures half its original vo lume. Set aside.
sa lt and freshly ground
black pepper 3 Make the sausages. Dice, then mince the pork shoulder

and be lly. Add the honey and 110ml (3¾fl oz) cold water, the
)> For the stock breadcrumbs and sage. Season and mix together. Finely dice
z 2 chicken carcasses
Cl the black pudding and gently stir into t he mixture, trying to
m 2 onions, chopped
;:o keep the dice intact. Fill the hog casings with the mixture,
U1 2 carrots, chopped
)> and tie off at intervals into sausages.
2 celery sticks, chopped
0 4 Put a wide, shallow pan over a low heat, half-fill with water,
~ For the onion gravy
)> and bring to a simmer. Drop in the sausages and poach for
20g (¾oz) salted butter
I 4 onions, sliced 5 minutes, then drain and set aside.
20g (¾oz) plain flour
5 To make the onion gravy, melt the butter in a frying pan over
For the ::nash a low heat, add the onions and fry very gently for 1 hour or until
6 Maris Piper potatoes, diced caramelized. Add 500ml (16fl oz) of the reduced chicken stock,
50g (1¾oz) sa lted butter and bring to a si mm er. Cook unti l the stock has reduced again
200ml (7fl oz) milk by half its volume, to intensify the flavour.
salt and black pepper
6 Remove a little of the onion li quor f rom the pan and put
Fo..· the n1ushy peas in a small bowl. Add the flour and mix into a smooth paste.
300g (10oz) frozen peas
30g (1 oz) salted butter 7 Wh isk the paste back int o the onion pan until the gravy has
salt and black pepper thi ckened and cook for another 3 minutes, whisking. Set aside.

b To make the mash, bring a large saucepan of sa lted water to the

boil over a high heat and add the potatoes. Simmer for 15 m inutes
o r until soft. Drain and pass through a potato ricer back into the
rinsed-out pan, or mash with a potato masher. Add the butter and
milk, season and stir to co mbine.

9 Meanwhile, make t he mushy peas. Bring a saucepan of sa lted

water to the boil, add the peas and simmer for 5 minutes. Drain.
10 Remove a fifth of the peas and set aside in a bowl. Pou r the
remaining peas into a blender and whizz, or process w ith a stick
blender, until they make a puree. Transfer the pea puree and
reserved whole peas to a saucepan over a gentle heat and add t he
butter. Stir everyth ing together and season to taste.

11 Put the vegetab le oil for the sausages in a large frying pan 131
and place over a medium-high heat. Add the sausages and fry
for 15-20 minutes, turning, or unti l we ll coloured and thoroughly
cooked. Meanwhile, gently reheat the onion gravy.

12 Serve the sausages on warm plates with the mash, mushy peas •
and onion gravy. J>


''I love the sauce, I love the

onions ... It's a very good
bangers and mash.''
- John Burton Race
Lamb with chicken
Prep time 25 minutes
Cooking time 3 hours
A horseradish and chick~n mousse
Difficulty Medium elevates this lovely spring-time dish

For the mousse 1 Put the chicken breast, egg wh ite and salt in a b lender or
100g (3½oz) eh icken breast food processor and mix to a puree, then pass the mixture through
1 sma ll egg white
a sieve to remove any sinew.
pinch of coarse sea salt
100ml (3½fl oz) double cream 2 Slowly add the cream, stirring, until it reaches the consistency
10g C/4oz) horseradish, grated of a light mousse, then season. Add t he horseradish and capers
1Sg (½oz) capers, rinsed
132 and mix careful ly. Set aside in the refrigerator until needed.
salt and black pepper
3 Cut off t wo cutlets from t he lamb to make a canon and trim off
For the lamb
the fat and sinew. Take the rest of the meat from the bones and
350g (12oz) 5-bone rack
of new-season lamb trim off the sinew. Reserve all the trimmings.
• a little olive oil
£: 4 Season the trimmed canon and cutlets. Put a large frying pan
1 sheet of caul fat
~ over a high heat, add a little oil and lightly sear the meat on all
OJ salt and b lack pepper
sides. Set aside.
-, For the jus
I 1 or 2 lamb bones
5 To make t he jus, place a saucepan over a medium-high heat
I 200g (7oz) lamb trimmings and add the lamb bones, trimmings, carrot, onion and celery until
() 1 carrot, finely diced we ll browned.
A 1 onion, finely diced
z 1 celery stick, finely diced 6 Add the tomato puree and stock, herbs and peppercorns. Bring
~ 1 tsp tomato puree gently to the boi l, t hen reduce the heat and simmer for 2- 3 hours.
0 1.2 litres (2 pints) lamb stock
<.n 1 bay leaf 7 Strain the jus and pour into a sma ll saucepan set over a medium
m sprig of fresh thyme heat. Reduce until syrupy, remove from the heat and set aside
'z 5 peppercorns until needed.
For the vegetables 8 Preheat the oven to 210°C (410°F/Gas 6½).
300g (10oz) new potatoes
a few fresh mint leaves 9 When the meat has cooled, spread a layer of mousse evenly
o live oil on the top of the canon and over the lamb chop. Gently wrap both
2 shallots, finely sliced with the cau l fat.
45g (1 ½oz) asparagus
45g (1 ½oz) peas 10 Place a large frying pan over a high heat, add a little o il and
45g {1 ½oz) broad beans sear the meat once more, then roast in the oven for 4 m inut es for
salt t he chop and 7 minutes for the canon. Th is will g ive medium-rare
meat. If you prefer your lamb more well done, leave each p iece
For the dressing
100ml (3½fl oz) olive oil
in the oven for 1- 2 minutes more. Allow to rest for 10 mi nutes.
1 tbsp tarragon vinegar
11 Meanwhi le, bring a large pan of sa lted wate r to the boi l, t hen
1 tsp sugar
add the potatoes and m int. Simmer fo r 20 minutes o r unt il cooked .
handful of fresh mint leaves
handful of fresh basil leaves Drain and slice the potatoes.

continued ...
... continued from p .132
12 Heat a little olive oi l in a fryin g pan over a medium-high
heat and add the sha ll ots and potatoes. Saute for 5 minutes.

13 Bring another pan of salted water to the boil. Add the

asparagus, coo k for 1 minute, then add th e peas and beans,
and cook for 1 m in ute more. Drain.
14 Mix toget her the oil, vinegar and sugar for the dressing,
and warm gently in a pa n.

15 Drizzle the vegetab les wit h the dressing and season.

Add the mint and basil, finely chopped .

')> 16 Gent ly reheat the pan of lamb jus.
17 Slice the canon and divide it and the cutlets among 4 warm
-j p lates, adding a stack of potatoes and pouring on the jus.
n Arrange the veget ables around the edge of the plate.

''Absolutely delightful ...

the sweetness - the lamb
was perfectly cooked.
Fantastic effort.''
- John Burton Race
Torbock's pie with
pheasant and ham Prep t ime 20 minutes
Cooking time 2 hours day
A winning combination of game, ham before, 1 hour on the day
and vegetables served as a hearty pie Difficulty Medium

1 Soak the ham shank in plenty of cold water overnight. The For the filling
next day, put the pheasant and ham shank in a large pan. Add the 1 ha m shank
ca rrots, leeks, onion, ce lery and bouquet garni. Pour in enough 1 p heasant
2 carrots, roughly chopped
co ld wate r to cover. Bring to the boi l over a low heat and gently
2 leeks, roughly chopped
simmer for 2 hours. Cove r and leave in a cool p lace overnig ht. 1 onion, roughly chopped
1 celery stick, chopped
2 To make the pastry, sift the flour and sa lt into a bowl. Rub in the 135
1 bouquet garni
veget able fat and the unsalted butter with your fingertips unt il the
2 sprigs of fresh tarragon
mixtu re resembles b readcrumbs. Gradually add enough iced water, S0g (1¾oz) sa lted butter
litt le by little, unt il t he mixture just comes to gether 50g (1¾oz) plain flour
into a dough. Wrap in cl ing film and leave to chi ll for 30 minutes. 250ml (8fl oz) double cream
11Sg (4oz) button mushrooms •
3 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Remove the pheasant salt and freshly ground black 0
and ham from the cooking liquor and ta ke t he meat off the bones. co
Cut it into bite-sized pieces. Stra in the liq uor, reserve 600m l For the pastry 0
225g (8oz) p lain flour
(1 p int) and add the tarragon . (Freeze the rest to use in soups.)
pinch of sa lt Vl
4 Melt the butter fo r t he fi lling in a saucepan over a medium heat. 11 Sg (4oz) veget able fat,
60g (2oz) unsalted butter,
Add the flour and cook fo r 2-3 minutes, sti rring. Gradually add th e ~
1 egg, beaten, for egg wash -I
cooking liquor, st irring constantly to prevent lu mps. Bring to t he I
boil, reduce the heat and simmer until slig htly thickened. Season For the vegetables \J
and stir in the cream . Put t he f il ling in fou r 10cm (4in) d iameter p ie 1 Savoy cabbage, shredded rn
dishes, cover with the sauce and arrange the m ush rooms on top. large handful of green beans Vl
16 Chantenay carrots z
5 Roll out the rested pastry to around the thickness of a pound 1 onion, finely chopped -I
co in. Cover each pie with pastry and brush with the egg. Decorate 2 or 3 garlic cloves z
with a thistle cut from the t rimmings. Bake for 15-20 minutes until 50g (1¾oz) butter 0
splash of dry white wine I
the pastry is golden, then brush the tops with a litt le melted butter. )>
pinch of ground cum in ~
6 Meanwhile, in 3 separate pans of boiling water, blanch the splash of double cream
1/2 tbsp Dijon mustard
cabbage, green beans and carrots for a few minutes. Drain and
1 tbsp olive oil
refresh in cold wate r. Sweat the onion and garlic in a litt le butter 1 tbsp groundnut oil
until soft . Add the wine, cum in and cream. Season, then stir in the pinch of sugar
cabbage . Cook until the sa uce has red uced . Whisk together the dash of lemon juice
mustard, o ils, a splash of water, a pinch of sugar, the lemon juice, sprig of fresh thyme
1 small shallot
t hyme and shallot. Gently reheat the beans, pour in the dressing
1 tsp sugar
and toss to coat. Di ssolve 1 tsp sugar in a wa rm pan over a medium 1 tbsp white wine vinegar
heat. Add the vinega r, a knob of butter and t arragon. O nce the sprig of fresh tarragon
butter has melt ed, add t he st ock and carrot s and season. Serve 2-3 tbsp ch icken stock
one pie on each of 4 wa rm p lates wit h t he wa rm vegetab les. salt and black pepper
Boozy beef with
roasted vegetables
Prep time 15 minutes
Cooking time 1½ hours
Gorgeous, rich, alcohol-l~ced beef with
Difficulty Medium roast vegetables and fluffy mash

For the beef 1 For the beef, melt the butter in a large pan over a medium-high
knob of unsalted butter heat. Season the beef with a little rock salt and black pepper, put
600g (116 5oz) fillet of beef
in the pan, brown all over. Rem ove to a warm plate.
1 onion, diced
100g (3½oz) unsmoked 2 Add the on ion to the same pan and saute until soft. Add the
streaky bacon, chopped bacon, garlic and mushrooms and fry until the bacon is cooked.
3 garlic cloves, sliced
100g (3½oz) button 3 Put the Cognac in a smal l pan and heat gently, then tilt the pan
mushrooms to one side, light the brandy and all ow the alcohol to burn off.
4 tbsp Cognac
Once t he flames have subsided, add to the main pan ingredients.
1 x 75d bottle red wine
2 or 3 carrots, peeled 4 Return t he beef to the pan with the bacon, onions, garlic and
• and sliced
co mushrooms. Increase t he heat and add enough wine to cove r half
0 2 bouquet garni
0 1 tbsp tomato puree the beef. Let it bubble for a few minutes, then add the carrots and
-< 600ml (1 pint) beef stock bouquet garni. Mix the t omato puree with the stock and add it
m rock salt and black pepper t o t he pan, reduce t he heat, cover loosely with a lid and leave to
""Tl simmer gently fo r 1½ hours or until the beef is very tender. Keep
~ For the roasted t urning t he beef in the wine and basting the top with the li quid.
-l vegetables
I 3 sma ll organic courgettes
;::o 5 Remove the beef from the pan and leave to rest for 5 minutes.
0 1 red pepper Slice the beef and put in a se rving dish. Pou r over the juices and
)> 1 orange pepper
-l 1 onion, chopped
spoon t he contents of the pan into the serving d ish. Season with
m sa lt and black pepper. Leave to rest for 30 minutes.
0 1 red onion, chopped
1 garlic bulb, cloves
6 Whi le the beef is simmering, to make the roasted vegetables,
G) separat ed and peeled
m 1 sweet potato, chopped preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Cut the vegetables into
~ into 1cm (½in) cubes chunks and put them in an ovenproof dish. Drizzle with olive oil
1 banana shallot, sliced
6 sma ll Chanterelle carrots
and p lace on th e top shelf of the oven for 40-45 minutes, stirring
occasiona lly to stop them sticking, until t he vegetables are soft.
good-qua lit y o live oil
7 To make the mash, pee l t he potat oes and boil in a pan until
For the mash soft. Rem ove from th e pan and drain. Add 2 kn obs of butter and
4 large organic potatoes
a little milk and m_ash until fluffy. Add a little cream and continue to
2 knobs of butter
milk mash. Tast e and add more cream and season to suit. For the green
cream beans, cook in a saucepan of boiling water until tender.
salt and pepper
8 To serve, put t he roasted vegetables on the plate at one end
To serve and the slices of beef an top of the vegetables. Put t he mash on
350g (12oz) green beans, t he opposite side of the plate, t hen put a portio n of green beans
trimmed in the centre of t he d ish between the beef and pot atoes. Spoon
chopped parsley, to garnish the sauce over the beef and sprinkle with a little chopped pars ley.
Rack of roe venison
with barley risotto
Prep time 30 minutes
A stunning centrepiece dish with a rich
Cooking time 1 hour
red wine sauce and earthy, sweet barley Difficulty Medium- easy

1 Preheat the oven to 200°( (400°F/Gas 6). For the barley

100g (3½oz) pearl barley
2 Rinse the barley we ll . Put in a pan and cover with water. Bring
1 tbsp sunf lower seeds
to the boil over a medium heat, then drain and rinse again. Return 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
the ba rl ey to the rinsed-out pan, cover again with water and bring 1 onion, chopped
to the boil. Half-cover, reduce the heat and simmer for 45 m inutes 100g (3½oz) celery, finely
or until tender. Season with the sa lt, then drain and set aside. sliced, with leaves, to
ga rnish 137
3 Trim the racks of venison and set aside the trimm ings. To make 17 Sg (6oz) carrots, coarsely
the sauce, melt th e butter in a frying pan over a moderat e heat and grated
100ml (3½fl oz) eh icken stock
t ip in the sha ll ot, carrot, ce lery, garlic and herbs and cook, stirring,
2 tsp unsalted butter
until coloured. Remove the vegetab les to a d ish . 2 tbsp chopped parsley •
sea salt and freshly ground )>
4 Add the o il t o the pan and co lour the meat trimm ings on all n
black pepper 7'\
sides. Return the vegetab les to t he pan and st ir. Add t he wine,
increase the heat and boi l until almost dry. Add the ch icken stock For the venison "'Tl
and simme r gently for 15 minutes. Remove t he bay leaf and thyme 2 x 500g (1lb 2oz) racks 0
of roe venison, each m
and pour the sauce into a blender. Blend the sauce, then pass the
with 6-8 bones <
mixtu re through a sieve. Season and set aside.
1 tbsp o live oi l z
5 Return to the risotto. Toast the sunflower seeds in a dry frying 0
pan over a medium heat, stirring, for 1-2 minut es. Set aside. Heat For the wine sauce z
the oi l in a deep frying pan over a medium heat. Cook the onion
2 tsp unsa lted butter, ~
plus a knob to finish -,
slowly unt il golden yellow. Add t he celery and cook for 5 minutes, I
1 shallot, finely sliced co
then add the carrots and cook for a fu rther 2- 3 minutes. Add the 1 small carrot, finely sliced )>
barley, then add the chicken stock, a little at a t ime, until yo u have ½ celery st ick, finely sl iced
the cons istency of a risotto. Set asid e. ½ garlic clove, crushed
1 bay leaf
6 Cover each rack of venison with a little oil, then season w ith sprig of fresh thyme 0
black pepper. Place a frying pan over a high heat and sear the dash of olive oil -,
venison until browned all over. Lightly sa lt, th en transfe r t o a b aking 200ml (7fl oz) red wine 0
300ml (10fl oz) chicken stock
t ray. Roast in the hot oven for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven
1 tbsp redcurrant jelly
and all ow to rest in a warm place for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile,
reheat the barley, stirri ng in the butter and p arsley. Reheat th e
sauce, st ir in the redcurrant j elly and wh isk in the knob of butt er.

7 Place a ring o f risotto on each of 4 warm p lat es and scatter

with roasted sunflower seeds and cele ry leaves. Cut each rack into
ind ividual chops and place t hese against each barley mound.
Pour the sauce around the plate.
Beef Wellington
Prep time 1 hour, p lus
with red wine gravy
overn ight chilling
Cooking time 40 minutes
A deserved classic, served with rosemary-
Difficulty Medium- hard roasted new potatoes and asparagus
For the puff pastry 1 To make t he pastry, sift the fl our and salt into a bowl. Add the
450g (1 lb) strong p lain flour margarine and lard and pour in the lemon juice. Gradually add
pinch of salt up t o 275ml (9fl oz) iced wat er little by little, making cuts across
225g (8oz) hard margarine,
t he mixture with a p alette knife and turning the bowl all the time,

225g (8oz) lard, diced
squeeze of lemon juice
until it forms a dough. Put in the refrigerator to chill for 30 minutes.

2 Remove the past ry and roll into a rectangle on a floured work

275ml (9fl oz) iced water
surface. Fold one of the sho rt sides a thi rd of the way over the
For the Wellington recta ng le, the n f old in t he other short side to cover. Press together
375g (13oz) organic beef fil let t he edges wit h the rolling pin. Chill again.
olive oil

3 large shallots, chopped 3 Repeat t his roll ing, folding and ch ill ing four times, then rep lace
m 10 chestnut mushrooms, the pastry in t he refrigerator and leave overnight.
"TI chopped
~ 60g (2oz) soft brown 4 Season t he beef f il let . Heat a litt le oi l in a large frying pan over
m a hig h heat, t hen seal t he meat on all sides. Remove from the pan
r breadcrumbs
2½ g lasses of red wine and set asid e, reserving t he f at.
600ml (1 p int) beef stock
-i 1 tsp cornflour 5 T ip t he shallots and mushrooms into the same pan and f ry
z 1 tsp wholegrain must ard unt il soft . Add t he b readcrumbs and fry for another 30 seconds,
~ 1 egg, beaten the n pour in 1 g lass of the wine. Transfer to a bowl. Preheat the
-i sa lt and freshly ground
:c oven t o 200°C (400° F/Gas 6).
b lack pepper
m 6 To make the gravy, pour t he stock into a pan set over a high
For the vegetables
~ heat, b ring t o t he boil, add t he remaining red wine and reduce
20 new potatoes
z olive oil by half. In a bowl, m ix t he co rnflou r with just enough wate r to
C) 1 small bunch of fresh make a smooth past e, then add this to the gravy, st irring, until
rosemary, chopped it has thickened enough to coat t he back of a spoon. Set aside.
~ 6 fresh asparagus spears,
-< 7 On a floured work surface, ro ll out a third of the past ry to the
size of t he beef and spread it with the mustard.

8 Place the beef on top of the mustard-coat ed pastry and cover

the beef all over with the shallot and mushroom mixture.

9 Ro ll out another p iece of pastry big enough to cover t he fill et .

Place it over the fillet to make a parcel, sealing t he edges carefully
and brush the pastry ~ ith the egg.

10 Place the Wellington on a baking t ray and cook in t he oven

for 15- 20 minut es until t he pastry is gold en and cooked t hrough.
continued ...
.. continued from p 138
11 Meanwhile, bring a saucepan of water to the boil, add the
potatoes and cook for 10 minutes.

12 At t he same time, heat a little oil in an ovenproof dish.

Add t he cooked potatoes to the d ish and return the dish to
t he oven for 6 minutes.
13 Sprinkle the rosema ry over the potatoes and roast for a further
10 minut es.

14 Brin g a saucepan of water to th e bo il and plunge in the

asparag us fo r 3 minutes, then drain .

15 Gently reheat t he gravy and serve slices of the Wellington on
"T1 the 4 warm p lates w it h the potatoes, asparagus and red wine gravy.

''Beef is perfect. Absolutely

excellent. Mushrooms
gorgeous ... Pastry brilliant
on top. Overall, it's a pretty
fab-o dish.''
- Jilly Goolden
with oxtail gravy
Prep time 1 hour
This rich suet pudding takes its name
Cooking t ime 3¾ hours
from an old country term for spring onions Difficulty Medium

1 Preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F/Gas 5). Season the oxtail, put For the gravy
in a baking tray with the on ions and roast for 1 hour or until nicely 1 oxtai l
browned and it has given up its juices. Take the meat off the bones. 3 or 4 onions, ch opped
Let the juices in the bottom of t he pan cool, then skim off and discard 150ml (Sfl oz) real ale,
preferably Teignworthy
t he fat. Simmer the bones with the juices and enough co ld water to
High Tide
cover in a saucepan over a low heat for 1 hour, then strain, add the ale sa lt and freshly ground black
and simmer until the liquid has reduced to a tasty gravy. Set aside. pepper 141

2 To make the pastry, mix the ch ipole (spring) on ions in a bowl with For the suet pastry
the flou r and suet. Add t he egg and thyme and gradually mix in 125g (4½oz) chipole (spring}
enough iced water to make a firm dough. Divide into four and ro ll onions, chopped
out each piece on a floured work surface until about 1cm (½in) th ick. 500g (1lb 2oz) self-raising •
3 Make the fil ling by mixing the beef and chipole onions. Season 250g (9oz) shredded ""'O

veget able suet 0

with salt and black pepper and form the m ixture into 4 ba lls.
1 egg yolk 'm
4 Lay 4 pudding cloths on a clean surface and line each cloth with 1 tsp chopped fresh thyme C
greaseproof paper. Place each piece of pastry on th e paper and heap 0
a ba ll of the meat mixture into the middle. Gather the pastry and cloth For the filling z
500g (1 lb 2oz) of Holberton G)
up to cover the meat an d, before closing, use a funnel to pour some
beef mince ~
of the gravy into the pudding. Close the hole and tie the cloth as 250g (9oz) chipole onions, -l
tightly as possible with kitchen string. chopped
600m l (1 pint) roast oxtail X
5 Put the puddings in a large pan of boiling water over a medium gravy (see above) ~
heat, making sure that the water comes no further than three quarters salt and black pepper r
of the way up the sides of the p uddings and maintain a rolling boil for ;o
For the vegetables
1 hour. Watch the water level and top up with boiling water if needed.
340g (12oz) new potat oes ~
6 Meanwhile, boil the potatoes with a sprig of mint for 15 minutes. sprig of fresh mint
Drain and keep warm. Sprinkle a little rosemary over the baby carrots sprig of fresh rosemary
12-16 baby carrots
and steam them for about 15 m inutes or until tender. Drain and mix
knob of butter
with the butter and orange zest. Plunge the brocco li into boiling wat er
grat ed zest of 1 orange
for 3-5 minutes. 2 heads of broccoli , broken
into florets
7 To serve, p lace a p udding on each of 4 warm p lates with the
vegetables and lashings of roast oxtai l gravy.
Wild Norfolk ·
Prep time 40 minutes,
venison Nelson
p lus overnight marinating
Cooking time 50 minutes
A luxuriol1s dish with chicken liver pate
Difficulty Medium-hard and home-made Cumberland sauce

For the venison 1 Put al l the ingredients for the venison, except the meat, in a
250ml (8fl oz) tawny port large bowl. Stir, add the meat, cover and leave to marinate in the
1 tsp juniper berries, crushed refrigerator for up to 24 hours.
1 tsp peppercorns, crushed
1 bay leaf 2 Make t he pastry the night before. Put the butter in the freezer
pinch of salt for an hour. Sift the fl our and a pinch of salt into a large bowl,
2 sprigs of fresh rosemary
142 then coarse ly g rate in the firm butter. Add the lemon juice and
4 sprigs of fresh thyme
4 sprigs of fre sh parsley just enough iced water, little by little, to make a dryish dough.
500g (1lb 2oz) loin of venison Wrap in cling fi lm and chil l ove rnight.
vegetable oil
3 Roll out the pastry until it is 5mm (¼in) thick and big enough to
• For the puff pastry wrap the ve nison. Return t o the refrigerator to rest until needed .
r 2009 (7oz) unsalted butter
0 225g (8oz) plain flour
4 To make t he pate, melt half the butter in a saucepan over a
z pinch of salt low heat, tip in t he o ni on and garlic and gently sweat, stirring, for
0 juice of½ lemon 10 minutes, t hen add the livers. Season and add the port and wi ld
1 egg, beaten mush rooms. Simmer for 4 minutes, t hen remove from the heat,
7'. and leave to cool. Pour into a blender, add the remaining butter
< For the pate
m and blend to a puree. Set aside in t he refrigerator until needed.
125g (4½oz) butter
z 1 onion, finely chopped
U") 5 Remove the ve ni son from t he marinade (reserve the marinade)
0 1 garlic clove, crushed
z and dab dry with kitchen paper. Place a frying pan over a high heat
300g (10oz) free-range
z chicken livers, chopped and add a little vegetab le oil. When very hot, flash-fry the venison
for a few seconds, turning, then reduce the heat to medium and
(./") 1 small g lass of port
60g (2oz) mushrooms, sl iced continue to cook for 5 minutes. Set aside to coo l.
z sa lt and black pepper
6 Make the Cumberland sauce. Melt the butter in a saucepan
For the vegetables over a medium heat, add the shallot s and sweat for 5 minutes
450g (1 lb) new potatoes unt il soft but not coloured . Add the lemon and orange zests and
1 head of broccoli, in florets juices, the redcurrant j elly, mustard, g inger and cayenne. Reduce
t he sauce for 5 m inutes, then add the reserved marinade and
For the Cumberland
sauce simmer until reduced to the consistency you prefer.
50g (1¾oz) unsalted butter
7 Preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7).
1 shallot, finely chopped
zest and juice of 2 oranges 8 Remove the pastry from the refrigerato r and sp read t he mid d le
zest and juice of 1 lemon
generously with ha lf the chicken liver pate. Place the venison on
2 tbsp redcurrant jelly
½ tsp mustard powder top, then sp read the remaining pate over the meat.
2.5cm (1 in) piece of fresh
9 Brush the edges of the pastry with beaten egg, then draw t he
ginger root, finely chopped
pinch of cayenne pepper
sides of the pastry over the venison, sealing well t o make a parce l.
10 Decorate the Nelson w ith leftover pastry trimmings.
11 Cook the Nelson in the oven for 20 minutes until the pastry
is cooked th rough, then remove and leave to rest for 10 m inutes.

12 Wh il e the Ne lson is resting, steam the vegetables over

a saucepan of boiling water unti l tender.
13 To serve, put 2 slices of the venison onto each of 4 warm
p lates. Add the vegetables and drizzle w ith Cu m berland sauce.



Craster smoked '

Prep tir 10 minutes

fish pie
, 1 hour
20 minut es A fabulous dish that harnesses the
Medium gorgeous flavours of smoked fish
Put the fresh salmon and smoked haddock in a wide saute pan,
300g (10oz) sa lmon f illet add the milk and poach over a gentle heat for 10 minutes. Leave
300g (10oz) natural smoked
to cool, then sieve. Set the poaching milk aside in the refrigerator.
Craster haddock
360m l (12fl oz) milk Flake the fish into large pieces with your hands, being careful
3 large free-range eggs
not to break it up too much. Put in the refrigerator until needed.
350g (12oz) peeled and
de-veined cooked prawns Bring a saucepan of water to the boil over a high heat, add
300g (10oz) smoked salmon
the eggs and boil for 8 minutes. Drain, shell the eggs, cut into
fillet, cut int o chunks
quarters and set aside. Do not boil the eggs for any longer than
r .,. th is, or they will dry out in the pie. It is best if the yo lks remain
• 600g (116 5oz) Desiree
slightly moist and soft .
potatoes, peeled
IJ) and quartered • For t he topp ing, bring a large saucepan of water to the boil
m 50g (1¾oz) butter over a high heat, add the potatoes and cook for 15 minutes or
50ml (1 ¾fl oz) milk until tender.
s 50g (1¾oz) breadcrumbs
0 salt and white pepper Dra in t he potatoes, mash them with the butter and milk, then
m season with salt and white pepper.
IJ) 50g (1¾oz) butter ,. To make t he cheese sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan
I ½ leek, chopped over a medium heat and tip in the leek and celery. Cook, stirring,
m 1 celery stick, chopped for 5 minutes, or until soft but not co loured.
50g (1¾oz) pl ain flour
200m l (7fl oz) white wine ' Add the flour and cook, stirring, for 3 minutes, then slowly add
150ml (Sfl oz) double cream the fish poach ing milk, stirring constantly to prevent lumps, until
sprig of fresh tarragon, plus
you have a sauce with a creamy consistency.
extra 1 tbsp, chopped
sprig of fresh flat-leaf parsley, Stir in a little of both the wine and cream, the whole and
plus extra 2 tbsp, chopped
chopped tarragon, whole and chopped pars ley and the mustard.
1 tsp Dijon mustard
150g (S½oz) Cuddy's Cave
Heat very gently, adding more wine and cream to taste, until you
cheese, grated achieve a silky-textured sauce that is thick enough to coat the back
of a spoon.

75ml (2½fl oz) avocado oil Remove from the heat, add 100g (3½oz) of the cheese and stir
2 tbsp white balsamic until melted. Discard the herb stalks and set aside until needed.
freshly squeezed lemon Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Put the cooked fish
juice, to tast e and prawns in an ovenproof d ish. Carefully arrange the smoked
1 x 110g bag of spinach, sa lmon and eggs in a layer over the top, being carefu l not to b reak
watercress and rocket up the eggs, as they are best kept in quarters.

continued ...
.. .-,n+ir•,04. f . . .01'Yl r 1A A
Pour over the cheese sauce and carefully lay the mashed
potatoes on top. Sprinkle with the rema ining cheese and the
breadcrumbs, making sure that they are evenly spread over the
top of the pie.

• Bake in the oven for 20- 25 minutes until golden and bubbling,
146 then remove from the oven and leave to rest for 5-10 minutes.

Meanwhile, pour the avocado oil into a small bowl and whisk
in the ba lsam ic vinegar and a little lemon juice. Season with salt
and black pepper, adding more lemon to taste, and toss with the
• sa lad leaves .
(./) • Serve t he fish p ie on 4 warm p lates, with the salad alongside.


''The thing I like about this·

pie is that it has lots of fish
in there, bound with a little
bit of sauce. That's lovely."
- Ed Baines
Toad in the hole Prep time 10 minutes
Cooking time 1 hour
A fantastic take on a classic, served with 40 minutes
mustard mash Difficulty Medium

1 To make the batter, mix togethe r the flour, eggs and mi lk For the batter (>

unti l they form a smooth batter. Add a little water if needed, 150g (5oz) p lain flour
season with sa lt and black pepper, then allow t o stand at room 2 large free-range eggs
150ml (Sfl oz) mi lk
temperature for 30 minutes.
salt and freshly ground
2 Preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7). black pepper

3 Skin the sausages and wrap each in smoked streaky bacon. For the toad
in the hole
4 Pour 1 t bsp rapeseed o il into each of 4 individual ovenproof 8 pork sausages
serving d ishes and heat in t he oven fo r 10 m inutes. Remove 8 t hin-cut oak-smoked
the dishes from the oven and pour in the batter. Place 2 sausages streaky bacon rashers
in each, return to the oven and cook for 30 m inutes.
4 t bsp rapeseed oil -,•
5 To make the gravy, melt the butt er in a frying pan over a low For the gravy 0
160g (S¾oz) salt ed butter
heat, add the onions, cove r and sweat until soft. Add the flour and z
cook, stirring, for 2-3 minutes, then add t he stock, Worcestersh ire
4 red onions, chopped -,
2 tbsp plain flour I
sauce and ale and stir. Set aside. m
360ml (12fl oz) good qualit y I
beef stock 0
6 Boil the pot atoes in a large pan of salted wat er for 10 minutes splash of Worcestershire
or until tender; drain. Mash with the milk, butter and mustard. sauce
splash of Hobsons Postman's
7 Set up a steamer ove r a h igh heat, add the asparagus and
Knock rea l ale
cabbage and steam for 5 minutes.
For the vegetables
8 Serve a d ish of t oad in the hole on each of 4 warm p lates with
4 medium potatoes, peeled
t he mash and veget ables and offer a jug of gravy on the side. and cut into chunks
splash of m il k
large knob of butter
2 t bsp wholegrain mustard
with malt whisky
2 bunches of fresh
asparagus, trimmed
½ red cabbage, shredded

Sussex partri_d ge
Prep time 45 minutesr
with berry stuffing
Cooking time 1 hour, p lus
20 minutes' resting Arguably the best game bird of the lot,
Difficulty Medium here served with sticky roast vegetables
For the stuffing 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Make the stuffing.
4 slices white bread
Toast the bread, then whizz it in a food processor to a fine crumb.
1 apple
Put in a bowl. Core and grate the apple (leave the skin on) into
3 Medjool dat es, stoned
and roughly chopped the bowl and add the dates.
1 tbsp o live oil
1 red on ion, finely sliced
2 Pour the oil into a small frying pan over a medium heat, t ip in
148 the onion and fry until just brown on the edges. Add to the bowl
grated z.est of 1 lemon
100g (3½oz) mixed dried with all the other stuffing ingredients and mix. Form into 4 flattened
berries balls each the size of a tangerine. Put in a non -stick baking tray and
large handful of chopped bake in the oven for 20- 25 minutes until lightly browned.
sage, thyme and parsley
• ½ tsp cayenne pepper 3 To make the bread sauce, pour the milk into a heavy pan. Stud
C p inch of ground cinnamon
(/) the onion with the cloves and place in the milk. Over a low heat,
m splash of apple juice
bring very slowly to the boil, then remove the onion and stir in
enough breadcrumbs to make a thick sauce. Season with nutmeg,
~ For the bread sauce
:::0 450ml (15fl oz) milk a pinch of cayenne and salt to taste. Stir in the cream and set aside.
:::0 1 sma ll onion
0 4 whole cloves
4 For the potatoes, bring a large saucepan of salted water to the
m 85-11 0g (3-4oz) fresh boil, add the potatoes and par-boil for 8-10 minutes. Drain and
~ white breadcrumbs leave in the colander to steam dry. Put the goose fat in a baking
--1 freshly grated nutmeg, tray and warm in the oven until melted. Carefully put the potatoes
to taste in the goose fat and toss liberally. Season with salt and black
m pinch of cayenne pepper
:::0 pepper and sprinkle over the rosemary. Roast in the oven for
:::0 2 tbsp double cream
-< salt 30-40 minutes until golden, turning occasionally.
For the potatoes
5 Turn to the partridge. Stuff each bird with 1 garlic clove and
2kg (4½16) potatoes, peeled some thyme and place in a large roasting dish, breast-side up.
G) and cut into chunks Cover each bird neatly with 2 bacon rashers. Season and drizzle
350g jar goose fat with o live oil. Roast in the oven for 18-20 minutes, then remove
large handful of chopped and reserve the juices and bacon. Rest the birds on a warm plate,
breast-side down and wrapped in foi l, for about 25 minutes.
salt and black pepper
6 Meanwhile, make the gravy. M elt the butter in a large saucepan,
For the partridge add the shallots and fry gently until softened. Add the reserved
4 oven-ready Sussex
ba con and fry for a minute, then add the partridge juices, the stock
4 garlic cloves, slightly and thyme. Bring to the boi l, reduce the heat and cook
crushed wit h a knife for 10 minutes, stirring. Strain through a fine sieve, return to the
large handful of fresh t hyme saucepan and reduce the heat. Mix the cornflour with enough
8 streaky bacon rashers water to make a paste, then add this to the gravy. Cook until thick
olive oil
enough to coat the back of a spoon. Set aside and keep warm.
7 Put the parsnips in a large non-st ick roasti ng ti n. Pour over For the gravy
the olive oi l and use yo ur hands to toss the bato ns until liberally knob of unsalted butter
coated in the oil. Sprinkle over the t urm eric and use a spoon to 3 shal lots, finely chopped
500ml (16fl oz) fresh chicken
mix until well coated. Drizzle ove r the honey and roast in the oven
for 20- 30 minutes unti l slightly blackened and very sticky, stirring 1 tbsp chopped t hyme
halfway throu gh coo king. leaves
2 tsp corn flour
8 Drop t he carrots in a saucepan of water and bring t o the boil.
Simmer for 10 m inutes, then refresh in co ld water. Melt t he butter For the parsnips
in a saucepan, add t he carrot s, sugar, orange zest and j uice, 4 parsnips, cut in batons
ground cinnamon and cinnamon stick. Stir over a high heat 2- 3 t b sp ol ive oil
2 tsp ground turmeric •
until the ca rrots are coated in a sticky glaze and ca rame lized. (/)
2- 3 tbsp clear honey C
9 Boil t he beans for about 3 m inutes, refresh in cold wat e r to rn
halt t he cooking process and drain . Melt the but t er in a pan until For the carrots X

foa ming. Add the mustard seeds and fry until they start to pop,
500g (1 lb 2oz) Chantenay ~
carrot s
then stir th ro ugh the beans and chilli flakes and heat through. -I
knob of unsalted butter ;o
2- 3 tbsp soft lig ht brown 0
10 Place a stuffing ba ll on each of 4 warm plates and perch G)
sugar rn
a partridge on top . Arrange the vegetab les on each p late, grated zest and juice ~
and serve t he gravy in a jug on the side. of 1 large orange -I
1 t sp grou nd cinnamon
1 cinnamon stick rn
For the beans -<
handful of fi ne French beans -I
knob of butter 77
pinch of bl ack must ard seeds z
pinch of red chilli flakes G)

Prep time 15- 20 minutes
Christmas lunch
Cooking time 1 hour
40 minutes A new take on the ultimate festive 1neal,
Difficulty Medium complete with all the tr~mings
For the bread sauce 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4).
600m l (1 pint) whole mil k
1 large onion, peeled 2 To make the bread sa uce, pour the m ilk into a saucepan and
4 bay leaves place over a low heat. Cut the onion in half and fix bay leaves to
10 whole doves it, using the cloves. Add it to the milk, along with the peppercorns.
p inch of black peppercorns
Bring the milk to the boil and simmer fo r a few minutes. Remove
115g (4oz) fresh white
150 from t he heat, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 30 minutes,
50g (1¾oz) butter t hen strain into a bowl and set the contents of the sieve aside.
4 tbsp double cream Place the saucepan back over a low heat and add the breadcrumbs,
stirring, unti l they have absorbed all the milk. Add half the butter,
For the cranberry mix well and cook very gently for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
• sauce
n Remove from t he heat, retu rn th e onions and spices from the sieve
0 150g (5oz) era nberries
z 2 clement ines to the sauce, cover and set aside.
rn 100g (3½oz) caster sugar
2 tbsp port
3 For t he cranberry sauce, put the berries in a saucepan. Add
"::::00 the juice, pulp and a little zest from the clementines with half the
)> For the roast potatoes sugar. Stir well and taste, adding more sugar if needed. Bring to
-< 4 large potatoes a simmer over a low heat. Cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes
n 2 tbsp goose fat until the cranberries are soft and splitting, stirring now and then.
::::0 Remove from t he heat, add the port, cover and set aside.
(f) For the gravy
~ olive oil 4 To make the roast pot atoes, bring a large saucepan of salted
)> a few t urkey bones
U") water to the boil over a medium heat. Peel the potatoes and
1 rasher streaky bacon, sliced
2 shallots, chopped cut into large chunks. Add th em to the water and boil for 6-8
n 2 large garlic cloves, sliced min utes. Meanwhile, put t he goose fat in a heavy oven tray and
1 celery stick, sliced place it in the oven. Drain the potatoes very well and shake in
5 baby carrots, chopped the pan to rough up the edges. Remove the tray of fat from
500m l (16fl oz) good red wine the oven, p lace over a med ium heat and add the potatoes.
3 tbsp port
Co lour the potatoes on each side, then roast in the oven for 25
1 litre (1¾ pints) best-quality
fresh chicken stock minutes, turning once.
knob of butter
5 To make the gravy, add a little ol ive oil to a frying pan over a
salt and black pepper
medium-high heat. When hot, add the tu rkey bones and begin
For the roast turkey to brown. Add the bacon and fry gently for 1-2 minutes. Add the
1 turkey leg sh allots, g arl ic, celery and carrots and season with salt and b lack
1 t urkey breast peppe r. Once the ingredients are all browned, pour in the red wine
olive oil
and p ort and reduce by half. Add t he chicken stock and reduce
knob of butter
4 good-quality streaky by half again. Pass this sauce t hrough a fi ne sieve and into
bacon rashers a saucepan. Cover and set aside.

6 Season the turkey p ieces well. Place a large ovenproof frying For the parsnip crisps
pan over a medium heat and, when hot, add a little o il and the 1 large parsnip
olive oil
turkey, skin-side down. Colour on all sides, adding t he butter, then
knob of butter
roast in the oven for 25-30 minutes. Remove, cover and leave to
1 tsp honey
rest. Lay the bacon on a baking sheet. Cover with another sheet to
prevent curling and cook in the oven for 5- 10 minutes until crisp . For the stuffing
20g (¾oz) good-qua lity
7 To make the parsnip crisps, using a vegetab le peeler, peel th in sausagemeat a=
slices from the parsnip. Brush lightly with o live o il, butter and 1 shallot, finely chopped >

honey and curl each slice around a cocktai l stick. Roast in the oven handfu l of fresh thyme leaves ~
handful of fresh parsley, 00
for 10 minutes or until crisp. Careful ly remove t he cocktai l sticks.
chopped •
8 To make the stuffing, put all the ingredients, except the oi l grated zest of 1 lemon, p lus 0
and butter, in a large bowl and mix wel l. Form into a ball, then a squeeze of lemon juice z-,
60g (2oz) fresh white m
flatten into two discs 10-12cm (4-5in) in diameter and 1cm (½in) ~
breadcrumbs -0
th ick. Put the o il and butter in a frying pan over a medium heat, 1 egg, beat en 0
add the discs to colour, then cook in the oven in a baking t ray pinch of paprika )>
for 10 minutes. olive oil -<
knob of butter n
9 To make the g lazed carrots, bring a saucepan of water to the boil, I
add the carrots and simmer for 5 minutes. Plunge immediately into For the carrots -,

iced water, to prevent fu rther cooking and reta in the co lour. Put in 3 or 4 Chantenay carrots ~
1 tsp clear honey )>
a small frying pan with a drop of water, the honey and a knob of (/)
knob of butter r
butter and place over a very low heat, stirring, to glaze. C
10 To make the cabbage, bring a saucepan of salted water to For the cabbage n
1 Savoy cabbage, shredded
the boil, add the cabbage and simmer for 5- 6 minutes until just
knob of butter
cooked. Strain, retu rn to the p·an and add a knob of butter.

11 Remove the onions and spices once more from the bread
sauce, add the remaining butter and th e cream and warm through.
Gently warm the cranberry sauce. Add the juices from the cooked
tu rkey to the gravy, rehe at gently and whisk in a knob of butter.

12 To serve, arrange the roast potatoes and carrots on opposite

sides of 2 warm p lates. Put a circle of Savoy cabbage in the middle.
Carve the turkey leg and place slices on top of t he cabbag e, sit the
stuffing d isc on t hese, then arrange slices of turkey breast on top.
Scatter parsnip crisps over the carrots. Put the crispy bacon on top
of the turkey stack and pour over the gravy. Happy Christmas !

Strawberry and
lime hazelnut stack
Prep t ime 15 minutes
Cooking t ime 30 minutes Hazelnuts, strawberries and lime meld in a
Difficulty Easy moreish blend of textures and flavours
For the stacks 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4).
17 Sg (6oz) hazel nuts, plus
30g (1 oz) extra, to garnish 2 Grind the 175g (6oz) hazelnuts in a blender or food processor
17 Sg (6oz) strong white flour until fine . Transfer to a bowl with the flour, sugar and butter and
17 Sg (6oz) caster sugar m ix t ogether.
175g (6oz) butter
250ml (Bfl oz) extra thick 3 Li ne a baking sheet with baking parchment and arrange four
double cream
10cm (4in) metal food rings on t op. Press the hazelnut mixture
t::1 250ml (8fl oz) creme fra1che
t;rj evenly int o t he bottom of each ring to make t he b iscuits for your
r.n 500g (116 2oz) strawberries,
r.n hulled and sliced stack. (If you want t o use 2 biscuits in your st ack, make 8 biscuits
about 1cm (½in) t hick; if you are usin g 1 biscuit only at the bottom
For the lime glaze of t he stack, you can make them slightly thicker.) Bake in the
300g (10oz) caster sugar oven for 15- 20 minutes until li ght gold en b rown.
• grated zest and juice of
;u 3 limes 4 Meanwhi le, to make t he lim e glaze, gently heat t ogether
~ t he sugar and lime zest and juice in a pan for 10 minutes until
m t he suga r has dissolved. Leave t o coo l.
-< 5 Spread t he extra hazelnuts over a baking sheet and toast under
z a hot g rill until golden b rown, t urn ing t hem f requently. Put the
0 hazelnuts in a cl ean tea t owel and rub off t he skins. Roughly chop.
~ 6 In a bowl, whisk together t he double cream and creme fra1che
I until t hick. Spread a little of the cream mixture over the hazelnut
N bases, then top wit h a layer of strawberries, followed by a layer
r of lime glaze. (If you are using 2 hazelnuts biscuits in your stack,
alig n a biscuit on top of the cream at th is point .) Finish with a layer
(/) of cream, a layer of strawberries and a layer of lime glaze. Sp rinkle
:; the chopped hazelnuts over t he top and serve.
' .

Summer pudding •
Prep t ime 20 minutes, plus
2 days' to set and churning
with creme de .cassis
t ime for the ice cream
Cooking time 25 minutes Quintessentially summer, this classic oozes
Difficulty Easy soft fruits laced with blackcurrant liqueur
For the summer 1 Put all the fru it in a large pan with a little sugar to taste and
pudding a hearty glug of creme de cassis . Cook gently over a low heat
200g (7oz) blackcurrants
for 2 m inutes until the currants have burst and released t heir juice .
2009 (7 oz) redcurrants
200g (7 oz) fresh raspberries A ll ow to coo l and add more cassis to taste.
200g (7 oz) strawberries
200g (7oz) b lueberries
2 Slice the bread th inly and remove the crusts. Line a large
158 pudding basin or g lass or ce ramic bowl with the bread slices.
200g (7 oz) fresh gooseberries
t; about 2 tbsp caster sugar,
l:tj 3 Strain the fruit sli ghtly and reserve the extra syrupy juice in a jug.
00 to taste depending on
00 t he acidity of t he fruit
l:tj 4 Spoon t he fruit into the bread- lined basin or bowl and cover
about 300ml (10fl oz) creme
de cassis
with more bread. Cover with a plate and p lace a heavy we ight on
1 loaf slight ly stale white t op to compact t he fruit; leave in the refrigerator for 2 days to set
• bread and soak up all the liquid. Top up with more cassis or j uice syrup
as needed and leave to be absorbed. Turn out the pudding onto
~ For the vanilla and a serving plat e and drizzle extra sauce ove r any white patches.
m Cognac ice cream
-0 1.2 litres (2 pints) double 5 To make the custard base for the ice cream, sca ld the cream
C cream
0 with the van ill a pods in a pan 1 then allow to cool.
0 2 va nill a pods, split
z lengthways 6 Using a teaspoon, scrape out the vanilla seeds into the hot
sp lash of Cognac cream mixture and discard the pods. Add a splash of Cognac,
~ 4 large egg yolks
-I and stir through. Using an electric mixer, beat the egg yolks until
I 1509 (S½oz) muscovado or
smooth and mousse-like.
n;:o other soft light brown sugar
m· 100g (3½oz) sugar 7 In a clean pan, mix together the sugars and 150ml (Sfl oz) water.
m Bring to the boil and, once the sugar has d isso lved completely,
0 simmer for 2- 3 minutes until th ickened slightly, then remove from
the heat. A ll ow to coo l for 1 minute.
8 Slowly pour the sugar syrup into the egg yo lk mixture, beating
all the time. Now add the cream mixture and beat until the mixture
is smooth and custard-like.

9 Transfer to an ice-cream machine and churn according to

the manufacturer's instructions for 20 minutes or until frozen.

10 To serve, turn out the summer pudding onto a serving plate.

Cut into sli ces and serve with a scoop of the van illa and Cognac ice
cream on the sid e.
Canary pudding and
home-made custard
Prep time 15 minutes
A very traditional and wonderfully light
Cooking time 1 hour
steamed pudding that is nigh ir1..esistible Difficulty Easy

Grease a pudding basin. For the canary C>

~ In a bowl, cream together the butter and suga r until very light
pudding f.
50g (1 ¾oz) butter
and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a t ime, beating we ll aft er each 75g (2½oz) caster sugar
addition until thorough ly combined . 2 eggs
100g (3½oz) plain flour
a Sift in the flour and baking powder and fold through gently, 1 tsp baking powder
adding sufficient m il k to give the m ixture a dropping consistency. 2 tbsp whole milk 159
<z Pour the mixture into the prepared pudding basin and cover For the home-made l:?:J
w ith greaseproof paper with a pleat across the middle. Tie down C'-4stq,rd 00
the paper with string and steam for 1 hour. 1 egg
1 tbsp caster sugar ~
5 To make the custard, whisk together the egg, sugar and 1 tsp cornflour
cornflour. Heat the milk in a saucepan to just below boiling point. 300m l (10fl oz) whole mi lk •
d Pour the milk into the egg mixture, wh isking all t he t ime, t hen 1 sma ll t in golden syrup,
return the m ixture to the pan and cook gently for about a m inute to serve
until th ickened, stirring continuous ly. "iJ
,.. Turn out the pudding into a deep d ish or plate. Pour a generous 0
help ing of golden syrup over the top and serve warm with a jug z
of custard on the side for pouring over. )>



''It's delightful. It's delicious.

It really is one of those great
British puds."
- John Burton Race
Bramley apple crump
Prep time 15 minut es
Cooking tirne 1 hour A cross between a crumble and a pudding,
Difficulty Easy its si1nplicity belies the sublime results
Fo. the cr11n1p 1 Preheat t he oven to 160°C (325°F/Gas 3).
4 heaped tbsp organic
p lain flour 2 To make the crump topp ing, put the flou r in an oven proof
100g (3½oz) white bowl and add the sugar and butter. Transfer the bowl to the
gran ulated sugar oven for 10-15 m inutes until the butter has melted.
100g (3½oz) butter

(at room temperature) 3 Meanwh ile, fo r the filling, pee l, core and slice the apples.
450g (116) Bramley apples Place in another ovenp roof d ish and put in the oven for 5 minutes.
rn For the vanilla 4 Remove the crump mixture from the oven and stir together
rn custard t he ingredient s. Spread over t he pa rt-cooked apples and bake
300ml (10fl oz) whole milk
rn 2 tbsp single cream
in t he ove n for 40 m inutes until golden.
1 vani lla pod, split 5 To make t he cust ard, put t he milk, cream and vanilla pod in a
• lengthways
;::o sma ll p an and b rin g to t he boil. Remove from the heat, discard
)> 1 tbsp soft light brown sugar
~ 1 tsp cornflour
the vanilla pod and add the sugar. Stir for 30 seconds.
m 2 egg yolks, at room 6 Add t he cornf lour to t he egg yolks. Whisking the egg yolk
-< temperature
)> mixt ure contin uously, slowly add the m ilk and cream mixture.
m 7 Pour the cust ard int o a heatproof bowl, place over a pan of
;::o simmering water ahd st ir wit h a wooden spoon until the custard
C has t hickened and coat s the back o f the spoon . Remove from
-0 t he heat and pour into a se rving jug.

8 Serve spoonfu ls of t he apple crump in bowls, with the custard

poured ove r t he t op.

''It is like a butter biscuit -

a very, very rich, rustic butter
biscuit - with beautiful apple.
And the custard's fantastic."
-Ed Baines
carrot pudding Prep time 10 minut es, plus
overnight soaking
Lighter than Christmas pud, this steamed Cooking time 1½ hours
pudding is no less flavoursome Difficulty Easy-medium

1 Put the currants and raisins in a sma ll bowl and pour over For the pudding
the cider. Add t he grated ginger and leave to soak overnight. 70g (2½oz) currants
70g (2½oz) raisins
2 T he next day, sift together the flour, b ica rbonate of soda, 150ml (Sfl oz) cider
and mixed spice . Stir through t o make su re that they are we ll ½cm (¼in) piece of fresh
combined. Add all the other ingredients except t he egg and root ginger, grated
100g (3½oz) p lain flour
m ix everyth ing together thorough ly. Lastly, mix in the egg. 161
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
3 D ivide the m ixt ure among 4 we ll-greased sma ll pudd in g basins, 1 tsp m ixed spice t1
100g (3½oz) suet, shredded t.:cJ
leaving space at t he t op t o all ow the mixt ure to expand during 00
100g {3½oz) potato, grated 00
cooking. Cover each basin w ith a double layer of greaseproof 100g (3½oz) carrots, grated t.:cJ
paper with a p leat runn ing across the m iddle and t ie in place 100g {3½oz) demerara sugar ~
with kitchen st ring . Steam fo r 1½ hours. 100g {3½.oz) fine
breadcrumbs r

4 To make the custard, heat the cream, van ill a pod and scraped- 25g (scant 1oz) chopped z
out seeds in a saucepan over a medium heat fo r 5-1 0 minutes. glace cherries n
Remove from the heat, d iscard the van ill a pod and le ave t o st and 60g (2oz) apple, grated r
1 large egg
for 20 minutes. I
5 In a separate bowl, whisk toget her the egg yolks and caster For the custard m
suga r until pa le and fluffy. Ret urn t he cream mixture to a low- 500ml {16fl oz) single cream n
1 vanilla pod, split ;o
m edium heat and slowly wh isk in the egg yolk mixture. Continue ;o
wh isking ove r a medium-low heat for 10 m inutes until the custa rd 0
5 egg yolks -1
has th ickened. Serve hot w it h slices of the steamed carrot pudd ing. 1 tbsp caster sugar 7J
Christmas tre·e
P·ef i"lte 30 minutes, plus
and lime grailita
several hour's freezing time
Co"lk1r1g tir,e 15 minutes This 11n11sttal granita, served with mulled
Difficulty Easy-medium wine trifle shooters, makes a festive treat
For the Christ1nas 1 To make the granita, grind the pine needles using a mortar and
~r e a., d lime granita pestle . In a food processor, blend the lime juice, 250ml (9fl oz)
2 "twigs" from a pine t ree,
water, sugar, pine needles and some of the lime zest.
needles picked and rinsed
pared zest and juice of
£ Strain the liquid th rough muslin into a bowl, then transfer to a
2 limes
shallow freezerproof container and freeze. After 1 hour's freezing
75g (2½oz) caster sugar
162 t ime, scrape the granita with a fork to create the ice crystals. Return
t, For the mulled wine t o the freezer and repeat until you have the correct grainy texture.
00 trifle jelly shooters
00 50g (1 ¾oz) golden 3 To make the jelly shooters, in a small saucepan, heat the sugar,
~ caster sugar half the pared lemon zest and 150m l (Sfl oz) wate r until the sugar
1-3 pared zest of 2 lemons has dissolved. Simmer for 2- 3 minutes until thickened slightly.
2 p lums
• 1 cinnamon st ick 4 Rough ly chop 1 of the plums. Put in a separate saucepan with
I 3 star anise the cinnamon stick, star anise, mixed dried fruit, cloves, red wine,
(f) 1 heaped tbsp mixed sugar syrup and the remaining lemon zest. Bring to the boil, then
dried fruit
pour into a bowl and allow to coo l slightly.
)> 5 whole cloves

-I 375ml (13fl oz) red wine 5 Remove t he spices from the p lum m ixture and puree the fruit
::::0 4 fine leaves gelatine,
m using a stick blender before passing through a muslin-lined sieve
m soaked in cold water
for about 10 minut es
into a bowl. Squeeze out the gelatine and whisk into the pureed
z plum mixture. Allow to cool.
r For the vanilla
~ custard 6 Skin, stone and fine ly dice the rema ining plum. Put a little of
m the d iced p lum into the bottom of each of 8 shot glasses, reserving
C) 142ml (Sfl oz) single cream
::::0 1 vanill a pod, split the rest for decorating. Pour over the plum jelly mixture, leaving
z lengthways a space at the top and chill until set (this wi ll take up to 4 hours).
3 egg yolks
~ 40g (1½oz) caster sugar 7 To make the custard, heat the cream, vani ll a pod and scraped-
out van ill a seeds in a saucepan, making sure that it does not boil.
For tl1e Space Dust
flOt>i:s 8 In a heatproof bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and sugar,
100g (3½oz) white then gradually whisk in the heated cream. Place the bowl over
granu lated sugar a pan of simmering water and heat gently, stirring constantly
2 packets Fizz Wiz until thickened. Remove from the heat and all ow to cool.
Space Dust
9 Make the floss using a candy-floss maker according to the
instructions. Wrap around a stick with a filling of Space Dust.

10 To serve, pour some of the custard over t'he jelly shot and top
with a little more diced plum. Serve with the granita in 8 separate
shot glasses, each with a stick of Space Dust-filled candy floss.
Orange liqueur tart
with chocolate sauce Prep time 10 minutes, p lus
30 n1inut es' freezing t ime
A mouth-watering melding of chilli-spiked Cooking time 50-55 minutes
pastry, rich chocolate and creamy filling Difficulty Medium

1 Preheat the oven to 200°( (400°F/Gas 6). Lightly grease a 25cm For the chilli
(1 0in) deep flan tin and line the bottom with greaseproof paper. chocolate pastry
75g (2½oz) unsalted butter
2 To make the pastry, cream together t he butter and icing sugar 60g (2¼oz) icing sugar
until pa le. Using a mortar and pestle, grind the chilli to a paste with 2 fresh red b ird's-eye chi lies,
a drop of water. Add t o the butter and icing sugar mixture. Add halved and deseeded
1 egg
the egg and continue m ixing until the mixture is pale and li ght. 163
100g (3½oz) plain flour
3 In a separat e bowl, sift together the flour and cocoa powder. 25g (1 oz) cocoa powder t,
Combine with the butter and icing sugar mixture until it on ly just 1 egg yolk, beaten,
for egg wash 00
comes together into a soft, sticky dough. Wrap in cling film and t_:rj
rest in the freeze r for 15 minutes, to all ow the chilli to infuse. For the orange ~
liqueur filling
4 Ro ll out the pastry onto a lightly floured work surface and gently
200g (7oz) caster sugar

fit into the prepared t in. Retu rn to the freezer for 15 minutes. 0
4 large free-range eggs ;:o
5 Remove the pastry case from the freezer, line wit h greaseproof
175ml (6fl oz) double cream z
50m l (1 ¾fl oz) orange liqueur C)
p aper and baking beans and blind -bake on a t ray in the oven fo r m
such as Cointreau
15 minutes. Remove the beans and paper and glaze t he bottom grated zest of 2 large '0
of the pastry case with the beaten egg yolk. Retu rn to the oven oranges C
125ml (4fl oz) freshly C
for a further 10 minutes until the pastry is cooked and the bottom ;;o
squeezed orange juice
is dry. Reduce the oven temperatu re to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4).
1 tsp natural orange essence ~
6 In the meanti me, make th e fill ing. Whisk together the sugar and -I

eggs in a bowl. Slowly stir in the cream, orange liqueur, o range zest
For the chocolate
and juice and orange essence until t horoughly mixed.
100g (3½oz) good-qua lity
dark chocolate (at least
7 Very carefu lly pour the filling into the pastry case while it is sti ll
70% cocoa solids), broken
in the oven, to reduce spillage and bake fo r about 25 minutes
into sma ll chunks
until the filling is set, but still with a sli ght wobble in the middle. 15g (½oz) unsalt ed butter,
Remove from the oven and allow to coo l in the tin. cubed
1 tbsp clear honey
8 To make the choco late sauce, put the choco late in a heatproof 60ml (2fl oz) whole milk
bowl. Set the bowl over a pan of simmering water over a low heat.
Heat gently, stirring occasiona lly, until t he choco late has melted. icing sugar, to dust
Add the butter and honey, stirring from ti me to t ime, unti l the fresh raspberries, to serve
butter begins to melt. Gradually whisk in the m il k to form a smooth
sauce and warm through.

9 To serve, remove th e tart from the tin, dust the top wit h icing
suga r and serve with t he chocolate sauce and fresh raspberries.

Creamed rice with
red fruit compote
Prep Tirne 15 minutes
Nu1"sery food gI·ows up in this delectable Cookinn Tim... 45 minutes
dessert with f1•uit compote and crisp tulles Difficultv Easy-medium

To make the tui les, preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). F·or tl1e tuiles
Cut out round or t riangu lar tuile shapes from acetate sheets 100g (3½oz) unsalted butter
to make stencils. Arrang e the tui le templates on a non-stick 130g (4½oz) icing sugar
baking sheet. 3 egg whites
100g (3½oz) plain flour
., Cream together the butter and sugar, wh isk in the egg white,
then fold in the flour. Spread the mixture over each template F 01 the c1 ~amei, rice
500m l (16fl oz) double cream 165
to make the tuile shapes, then carefully remove to leave t he 1 litre (1¾ p ints) semi- ~
tui les on the tray. Bake in the oven for 3-5 minutes. Once cooked, skimmed milk t.:i:J
remove from the oven and shape whi le sti ll warm, curving the 2 Madagasca n vanil la pods, Ul
split lengthways t.:i:J
tuiles over a ro lling pin until cooled. Increase the oven temperature
to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). pinch of ground cinna1non ~
150g (5oz) caster sugar
., To make t he creamed rice, in a large saucepan, heat t he double 500g (1lb 2oz) Arborio rice

cream, milk, vanilla pods and cinnamon for a coup le of minutes. 100g (3 ½oz) unsa lted butter rn
Add the caster suga r, then the rice and butter. Bring to the bo il, ~
For the red fruit rn
reduce the heat and simmer gently, uncovered, for 25- 30 minutes, e;0n1pote 0
stirring frequently, until the rice is creamy and tender, but the ;::o
5009 (1lb 2oz) fresh rhubarb,
grains are still holding their shape. Remove from the heat and peeled and cut into 2cm
d iscard the van ill a pods. Allow the rice to coo l slightly. (¾in chunks ~
grated zest and juice of -I
... For the compote, gently mix the rhubarb, orange juice and 2 oranges ;::o
zest and 500ml (16fl oz) water in an ovenproof d ish and roast 500g (1 lb 2oz) fresh rn
raspberries 0
in the oven fo r 15 minutes. Turn off the oven and all ow the 77
250g (9oz) soft light brown ;::o
compote to coo l slightly. C
sugar -I
f Meanwhile, in a pan, gently heat t he raspberries and light n
brown sugar. Add the roasted rhubarb and stir through. ~
.,. To serve, briefly warm the tu iles in the oven. Pour a layer of 0
rhubarb and raspberry compote into 6- 8 glass tumblers and
top up w ith the creamed rice. Serve w ith the crisp tui les.

Prep T ime 10 rninutes
ginger parkin
Cooking Time 1 hour
45 min utes Moist, treacley, spicy ginger cake served
Difficulty Medium with that other Yorkshire classic: rhubarb
For the ginger parkin Ginger parkin
170g (6oz) self-raising flour
1 Preheat the oven to 140°C (275°F/Gas 1). Grease a deep baking
4 tsp ground ginger
t in, about 20cm x 30cm (Sin x 12in) and line with baking paper.
½ tsp mixed spice
pinch of ground nutmeg 2 Sift together t he flo ur and dried spices into a bowl and stir in
11 Sg (4oz) medium oatmeal
the oatmeal.
6 heaped tbsp golden syrup
2 tbsp black treacle (the 3 Gently heat the golden syrup, black t reacle, brown sugar and
t, combined quantity of syrup
t_:cj b utter in a sma ll heavy saucepan until the sugar has dissolved.
00 and black treacle shou ld
00 measure 285ml/9fl oz) Add to the dry ingred ients in the bowl and beat until combined.
~ 170g (6oz) soft dark brown
4 In a separate bowl, whisk together t he eggs and milk and add
i-3 sugar
00 to the flour and syrup mixture, the n add the ginger wine . Stir well.
170g (6 oz) unsalt ed butter
• 2 medium free-range eggs, Pour into t he prepared cake tin and sprinkle with the chopped
beaten stem ginger. Bake in t he oven for 1-1 ¼ hours until firm t o the touch
A 1 tbsp whole milk
(/) in the centre . Remove from the oven and leave to cool in the tin for
I 1 tbsp ginger wine 15-20 minutes before serving.
:::0 2 large pieces preserved
C) stem g inger, finely chopped 5 To se rve, cut into squares and serve warm with the vanilla
z custard ice cream, baked rhuba rb and ginger syrup.
C) For the vanilla
;::o custard ice cream
Vanilla cus tard i ce cream
~ 340ml (11fl oz) whole milk
:::0 1 x 284ml (9fl oz) carton 1 Put t he milk and cream in a saucepan with t he vani ll a pod,
z whipping cream and b rin g slowly to t he boil. Remove from the heat just before
1 vanilla pod, split it reaches boiling point and set aside to infuse for 15 minutes.
8 large free-range egg yolks 2 Beat together t he egg yolks and sugar until thick and creamy.
150g (5½ oz) golden caster
sugar 3 Usin g a teaspoon, scrape out t he seeds f rom the vani lla pod into
the cream and milk mixt ure. D iscard the pod. Pour the milk and
For the baked rhubarb cream m ixture into the egg yo lk mixture, stirring all the time, then
3 sticks rhubarb, cut into 5cm
return to the pan . Heat gently, stirring const antly with a wooden
(2in) pieces
spoon. Do not allow to boil.
golden caster sugar, to taste
4 Wh en the custard has th ickened and coats the back of a spoon,
For the ginger syrup
remove the saucepan from the heat and plunge into a bowl of
2 tbsp golden syrup
1 tbsp ginger syrup from cold water for a few minutes. Set aside for about 30 minut es
a jar of preserved stem to coo l comp letely.
1 tbsp ginger wine 5 Pour t he coo led custa rd into an ice-cream machine and churn
according to the manufacturer's inst ruct ions for 20- 25 minutes until
frozen. Alt ernatively, pou r into a plastic freezerp roof container and
p lace in the freezer. Take out after 2 hours and stir w ith a whisk.
Repeat this f reezing- whi sking p rocess two more ti mes, t hen leave
until thoroughly frozen .

6 Transfer the ice cream to the refrigerator 20 m inutes befo re

serving t o allow it to soften. 167
Baked rhubarb t_:g
1 When t he ginger pa rkin is cooked, set aside until ready to serve 00
and increase the oven temperatu re to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4).
2 Put the rhubarb in a small frying pan wit h sugar to cover and add
a sprinkling of wate r.

3 Cook until the rh ubarb st arts to soften, then transf er to A
an oven proof dish. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes unt il I
the rhubarb is soft and tender, but still holding its shape. m
4 Serve hot w ith the warm ginger parkin. z
Ginger syrup
1 Combine all ingredients and heat gently in a sma ll saucepan ~
until wa rm. A
2 Serve drizzled over the warm ginger parkin.

''The flavours here are

phenomenal. The ginger's
absolutely knockout ... It is
a very cleverly thought-out
pudding and very, very
-Ed Baines
Frangipane ·and
raspberry tart _
Prep time 20 minutes
Cooking time 50 minutes Almonds and soft raspberries complement
Difficulty Medium each other divinely in this summery tart
For the Amaretto 1 To make the Amaretto cream, in a b owl, mix t o g ether the
cream Amaretto, sugar, masca rpone and soured cream until well
splash of Amaretto liqueur
comb ined. Leave to ch ill in the refrigerator.
1 tbsp caster sugar
250g (9oz) mascarpone 2 To make the tart, preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/ Gas 4).
Grease a 23cm (9in) tart tin .
150ml (Sfl oz) soured cream
3 Sift the fl our into a bowl, add 2 tbsp of the caster sugar and the
t::, For the pastry
t.%J salt and stir through. Using your fingertips, rub in th e b utter until
00 225g (8oz) plain flour
00 3 tbsp caster sugar the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add the egg to b ind the
t.%J mixture and fo rm into a ball.
pinch of Maldon sea salt
~ 170g (6oz) salted butter,
00 4 On a floured work surface, roll out the pastry and use t o line the
cut into cubes

77 1 medium egg p repared tart t in. Line the pastry case with greaseproof p aper and
)> fill with baking beans. Blind-bake in the oven for 10 minutes, then
z For the filling remove t he beans and paper. Retu rn the pastry case t o the o ven
2 medium eggs
fo r about 10 m inutes until coo ked. Do not turn off t he oven .
~ 50g (1 ¾oz) icing sugar
zm 50g (1¾oz) caster sugar, plus 5 To make the filling, using a hand-held b lender, m ix together
)> a little extra for sprinkling
z t he eggs, icing sugar, caster sugar and butter until light and fluffy.
100g (3½oz) salted butter,
Add t he ground almonds and stir thoroughly.
;o roughly chopped
(f} 100g (3½oz) ground almonds 6 Pour the filling into the tart case and push in the whole raspberries.
-0 225g (8oz) ripe English
c:o Top with th e f laked almonds and a sprinkling of caster suga r. Bake
;o 25g (scant 1oz) flaked in t he oven for 30 m inutes, than remove and allow to coo l in the tin.
-< almonds
i; 7 Serve t he ta rt in wedges with doll ops of the Amaretto cream.
Spotted dick with
fruit and custard
Prep time 25 m inutes
An old standard receives star treatment Cooking time 1 hour
with a fruity filling and liqueur custard Difficulty Medium

1 To make the fruit filling, peel, core and slice the app les. For the fruit filling
Put in a saucepan with the butter, su ltanas or currants, raspberries, 2 Pink Lady app les
marmalade and sugar. Add a sp lash each of cider and cider vin egar 1 Bramley apple
50g (1¾oz) b utter
and cook over a medium heat until carame lized.
50g (1¾oz) sultanas o r
2 To make the spott ed dick, sift together the flour and baking dried currant s
50g (1¾oz) fresh raspberries
powder into a large bowl. Add the shredded suet, sugar, currants 169
1 x 454g jar good-q uality
and lemon zest. Add the milk to the dry ingredients and combine orange marma lade t::,
to make t he pastry. 50g (1 ¾oz) sugar t_%j
splash of dry cider rn.
3 G rease 4 dariole moulds we ll w ith the butt e r. Press the past ry splash of cider vinegar
into the greased mou lds, reserving some for the lids. ~
For the spotted dick
4 Fill the mou lds w ith the carame li zed fruit f illing and top each one
300g (10oz) organic p lain

w ith a pastry lid. Cover the moulds in greaseproof paper, then wrap flour ""'CJ
in foi l and t ie w ith string to secure. Steam the pudd ings for 50 10g (¼oz) baking powder
m inutes. 150g (S½oz) shredded suet
75g (2½oz) caster sugar
5 To make the custard, gently heat the milk and cream in a pan 0
100g (3½oz) dried currant s
until just below boiling point. finely g rat ed zest of 1-2
lemons ~
6 In a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering wat er, mix 225ml (7½fl oz) whole rnilk --l
together t he egg yo lks, sugar and vanilla. Cook, stirring, for 50g (1 ¾oz) b utter, for -n
g reasing :::0
5 minutes, then add the G rand Marnier or other orange liqueur. C
Gradua lly pou r the hot cream and milk mixture into the egg --l
For the custard ::t>
m ixture and continue stirring for about 10 minutes until thickened. 300tTII (1 0fl oz) whole m ilk z
300ml (10fl oz) doub le cream n
7 To serve, turn out each spotted dick onto an individua l serving
8 egg yolks C
p late and cut open to allow some of th e f illing to spill out. Serve U)

w ith the custard pou red around the sides of each pudding.
150g (S½oz) caster sugar
2 van illa pods, spl it
lengthways 0
1 glass of Grand Marnier
or other orange liqueur

''This is an old British

classic, brought up to date.
- John Burton Race
Best of British
cupcakes •

Prep time 30 minutes

Cooking time 1 hour Sensational cupcakes with seriously
Difficulty Easy- medium delicious toppings
For the basic vanilla Basic cupcakes
c11pcakes 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4) and line 1 or 2 cupcake
170ml (6fl oz) organic
tins with paper cases .
soya milk
½ tsp apple cider vinegar 2 Whisk together t he soya milk and cider vinegar and leave to
80rnl (2½fl oz) rapeseed oil
stand fo r 5 minutes. Add th e o il, agave syrup and vanilla extract
170ml (6fl oz) agave syrup
170 and beat until smooth .
2 tsp Nielsen-Massey organic
t, vani lla extract
t_,:j 3 In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, bicarbonate of soda,
rn 185g (6½oz) self-raising f lour
rn ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda baking powder and vanilla sea salt. Slowly incorporate the dry
1 tsp baking powder mixture into the wet, mixing unt il only a few little lumps appea r.
~ ¼ tsp vanilla sea salt such Divide the m ixture evenly among the cupcake cases.
rn as Halen Mon
• 4 Bake in t he oven fo r 20-22 m inutes - if a toothpick inserted into
(./) For the basic the centre co me out clean, they are ready. Cool slightly in the pan,
-I chocolate cupcakes then leave t o cool completely on a wire rack. Decorate as desired.
0 17 5ml (6fl oz) organic
soya milk Note Make the choco late cupcakes as above, adding the caster
-I 1 tsp apple cider vinegar suga r instead of agave syrup. Bake in t he oven for 18-20 minutes.
(./) 80ml (2½fl oz) rapeseed oi l
180-2009 (6-7 oz) caster
() Vegan buttercrea1n icing
C sugar
1½ tsp Nielsen-Massey 1 Beat t he fats together unti l light. Add the icing sugar (and
)> organic vanilla ext ract cocoa, if usin g) and continue beating for about 3 minutes.
m 1 tsp chocolat e essence
or extract 2 Add the soya milk, vani ll a extract and any oth er flavourings. Beat
185g (6½ oz) self-raising f lour for a further 4-5 minutes until the icing looks like the fluffiest clouds
30g (1 oz) cocoa powder you've ever see n! Use to ice t he cupcakes.
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp baking powder Note For a chocolate version of the buttercream icing, use
¼ tsp vanilla sea sa lt such 250g (9oz) icing sugar and 50g (1 ¾oz) cocoa powder.
as Halen Mon
For the vegan
buttercrea1n icing 1 For the van ill a cupcakes, make 1 quantity vanilla cake batter,
50g (1 ¾oz) pure dairy-free and divid e the mixture into 4 equal portions. M ake 1 quantity
soya spread vani ll a buttercream icing and d ivide the icing int o 4 equal portions.
50g (1 ¾oz) white vegetable Each portion make·s about 12 petit four-sized cupcakes.
fat such as Trex
300g (10oz) icing sugar 2 For the chocolate cupcakes, make 1 quantity o f chocolate cake
splash of soya milk batter and divide the m ixture into 3 equal parts. Make 1 quantity
2 tsp vanilla extract of choco late buttercream icing and divide into 3 equa l parts.
Each portion makes about 16 petit four-sized cupca kes.

continued ...
... continued from p.170
Lovely Lyle

4-6 tbsp golden syrup
3 For Lovely Lyle cupcakes, spoon vanilla batter into 12 petits fours
cases. Add a small b lob of golden syrup on top of each cake, bake
School fete and coo l. Cover in buttercream icing and drizzle with golden syrup.

pink or blue gel food 4 To make School Fete cupcakes, spoon the vanilla batter into
12 petits fours cases, bake and coo l. Ice the cupcakes with the
sugar flowers
172 van illa icing mixed with a litt le p ink or blue gel food co louring. Top
hundreds and thousands
t, coloured sugar, to sprinkle with sugar flowers, hundreds and thousands and coloured sugar.
rn 5 To make Cherry Bakewell cupca kes, chop half the almonds and
rn Cherry Bakewell
10g (½oz) sliced almonds, mix into the vanilla batt er with ¼-½ tsp almond extract. Spoon into
1-3 toasted 12 petits fou rs cases, bake and cool. M ix ½ tsp almond extract into
about 1 tsp almond extract t he vanilla icing. Put a dollop of raspbe rry jam on t op of each cake,
• a little raspberry jam
m cover in almond icing and decorate with toasted almonds,
(J) marzipan, to decorate
-l marzipan flo urishes and a g lace che rry.
12 undyed glace cherries
,,0 6 To make Lemon Drop cupcakes, mix t he grated lemon zest and
co Lemon drop
1½ tsp g rated lemon zest
¼- ½ tsp lemon extract into the van ill a batter. Spoon into 12 petits
(J) 1 tsp lemon extract fours cases, bake and cool. Mix ¼ t sp lemon extract and a little
I yellow gel food colouring into the vanilla icing. Put a dollop of
yellow gel food colouring
C vegan lemon curd or lemon lemon curd o r marmalade on top of each cake, cover in lemon
() marmalade icing and decorate with lemon zest.
)> strips of lemon zest, to
decorate 7 To make Birmingham Bli ss cupcakes, spoon chocolate batter
into 16 petits fours cases . Add 1 or 2 chocolate chunks to each one,
Birmingham bliss
bake and cool. Top with chocolat e icing and choco late chunks.
good-quality dark chocolate,
broken into chunks 8 To make Ke ndal m int cupcakes, bare ly cover 5 peppermint
teabags with boiling water. Add 1/2 t sp peppermint extract. Reduce
Kendal mint
5 peppermint teabags the liqu id to about 1½ tsp. M ix with t he chocolate batter. Spoon
1 tsp peppermint extract into 16 petits fours cases, bake and coo l. Cover the cupcakes with
green gel food colouring choco late icing mixed with½ tsp pepperm int extract. Add a sma ll
silver and green dragees amount of va ni ll a icing co loured with a couple of drops of green
chocolate shavings
gel food co louring. Decorate with d ragees and chocolat e shavings.
Death by Jaffa 9 To make Death by Jaffa cupcakes, m ix the grat ed orange zest
1 tbsp grated orange zest and ½-1 tsp orange extract into t he choco late bat te r. Sp oon
1 tsp orange extract
into 16 petit fours cases, bake and coo l. Put a dollop of orange
orange marmalade, to tast e
fresh orange zest or candied marma lade on the t op of each cake. Ice with chocolate icing
orange peel, t o decorate m ixed with about½ tsp o range ext ract and top with zest or p eel.
Strawberry souffles
with panna cotta Prep time 25 minutes, p lus
2 hours' chi lli ng time
Light-as-air souffle, vanilla panna cotta Cook time 20 minutes
and strawberry coulis - who could resist? Difficulty Medium- hard

1 To make the panna cotta, heat the cream with the van ill a pod in For the vanilla panna
a heavy saucepan over a medium heat until sma ll bubbles appear cotta
around the edge of the pan. Remove from the heat and set aside 300ml (1Off oz) double crearn
to infuse. 1 van illa pod, split
lengt hways
2 Grease 4 dario le mou lds with vegetab le oil. Pour the m il k into a 300m l (10fl oz) whole mi lk
4 leaves gelatine, soaked in
sma ll saucepan. Squeeze the excess liquid out of the gelatine and 173
a little cold water for about
add to the milk in the pan. Heat the milk and gelatine over a low
10 minutes ~
heat until the gelatine has dissolved; do not all ow to boil. Add the 1OOg (3½oz) cast er sugar t%j
sugar and wh isk briefly. 00
For the strawberry
3 Remove the vanilla pod from the cream mixture. Scrape out the souffle ~
vanilla seeds into the pan; discard the pod. Gradually add t he milk 750g (1lb 10oz) strawberries
m ixture to the warm cream, gently wh isking all the time. Carefu lly juice o f 1 lemon


17Sg (6oz) cast er sugar, plus

pour the mixt ure into the prepared mou lds. Tap the moulds on the ;;a
a little ext ra, to coat the )>
work surface to level and ch ill for about 2 hours. ~
ramekins OJ
4 large egg whit es m
4 To make the souffles, preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7). ;::o
Grease 4 ramekins we ll with butter. Pour a little extra caster sugar
For the strawberry
into each one and ro ll around to coat; tip out any excess. coulis 0
about 2 tbsp st rawberry "Tl
5 Blend the strawberries and lemon juice in a food processor until "Tl
liqueur r
smooth. Press 500g (1 16 2oz) of the pu ree through a sieve into a m,

heavy saucepan, and stir in 11 Sg (4oz) of the caster sugar. Heat ~

until the sugar has melted, then increase the heat and cook for -,
about 5 minutes, stirring, until the mixture has reduced .
6 In a clean bowl, wh isk the egg wh ites with the remaining 50g z
(2oz) of sugar until they form stiff g lossy peaks. Then, ca refu ll y fold
the egg m ixture into the strawberry puree until we ll mixed.
7 Divide the souffle m ixture between the ramekins and use you r ~
thumb to make a rim around the top of each souffle, to help them
rise . Bake for 7-8 minutes, or until we ll risen and golden on top .

8 To make the cou lis, push the rema ining liquidized strawberries
through a fine sieve until smooth . Add the liqueur.

9 To serve, invert the panna cottas onto serving p lates. Once the
souffles h9 ve risen, take out of the oven, sit on the p lat es with t he
panna cotta and serve immediately. Serve the coulis in a sm all jug.
Orange '
Prep tin1e 10 minutes, p lus
50 minutes' chi ll ing t ime
Bakewell tart
Cooking time 1 hour
20 minutes
Classic Bakewell tart with a twist - using
Difficulty Medium home-made orange curd _
For the orange curd 1 To make the orange curd, combine the orange zest and juice,
grated zest of 2 oranges butter and sugar in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering
and Juice of 1
water. When the butter has melted, add the eggs. Stir until the
60g (2oz) unsalted butter
125g (4½oz) cast er sugar mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon (this can take
2 eggs, lightly beaten up to 30 minutes). Pour into hot sterilized jars with t ight-fitting lids,
cool for 5 minutes, then seal. Cool on a wire rack, then refrigerate.
For the pastry It will keep for up to 1 month; use within a week once opened.
t, 225g (8oz) p lain flour
00 150g (S½oz) unsa lted butter, 2 To make the pastry, put the flour and butter in a food processor
00 diced and pulse until the m ixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add the egg
~ 2 egg yolks yolks and pu lse again. The mixture should come together into
For the frangipane b igger clu mps; if not, add a few drops of ice-cold water, but be
• 1259 (4½oz) unsa lted butter sparing. Pul se again . Tip out the mixture onto the work surface
125g (4½oz) cast er sugar and draw together into a ball, kneading lightly until smooth.
z 2 eggs, lightly beat en Be carefu l not to overwork, as this wi ll make the pastry tough .
m 1259 (4½oz) ground almonds Flatten into a disc, 'Nrap in cling film and chill for 30 minutes.
CD 2 tbsp plain f lour
60g (2oz) flaked almonds 3 To make the frang ipane, cream together the butter and sugar
m in a medium bowl. Little by little, add the eggs, then fo ld in the
~ For the zesty orange
m ground almonds and flour. Set asid e.
r cream
125g (4½oz) mascarpone
;o cheese
4 Lightly flour t he work surface and rolling pin and roll out the
--1 pastry to fit a 25cm (10in) round loose-bottomed tart tin. Line
150ml (5fl oz) double cream
2 tbsp icing sugar with greaseproof paper and fill with baking beans. Chill again
grated zest of 1 orange for a further 20 minutes.
and juice of½
a few drops of orange
5 Preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F/Gas 5). Blind-bake the pastry
flower water case for 10 m inutes. Remove the paper and beans and return the
pastry case to the oven for a fu rth er 10 minutes. Cool slightly.
Do not turn off the oven.

6 Spread half a jar of the orange curd over the bottom of the tart
and top with the frangipane, spreading it carefu lly to cover the
curd. Sprinkle with. the flaked almonds and bake for a further
30 minutes until golden brown. Remove f rom the oven and allow
to cool sli ghtly.

7 To make the zesty orange cream, usin g a hand-held m ixer,

beat together all the ingredients in a bowl until soft peaks fo rm.

8 Serve slices of the warm ta rt with the zesty orange cream.

Toffee Bakewell tarts
Prep time 10 minutes
Indulgent toffee Bakewell tarts, served
Cook time 45-50 minutes
with clotted cream and a lemon rnartini Difficulty Medium

1 To make the pastry, divide the butter into four portions. Leave For the flaky pastry
three-quarters in the refrigerato r; rub the remainin g quarter into 175g (6oz) chilled unsalted
the flour. With a knife, add t he salt, lemon juice and co ld wat er, butter, cut into cubes
little by little, until it just comes together int o a dough. Knead on a 225g (8oz) plain flour
pinch of salt
floured work surface for 5 minutes, then chill for at least 15 minutes.
2 tsp freshly squeezed lemon
2 For the toffee filling, melt t he butter and suga rs in a non-stick juice
90-120ml (3-4fl oz) cold 175
pan over a low heat. Add t he conde nsed milk and bring to the boil,
water t:i
stirring constantly. Re move from the heat and leave to coo l. t.:r.l
For the toffee filling 00
3 On a floured work surface, ro ll out the pastry into a rectangle. t.:r.l
17 5g (6 ¼oz) unsalted butter
Dot the top two-thirds wit h one portion of the chilled butter. Fold 85g (3oz) cast er sugar ~
up in thirds and seal the edges with a rolling pin. Turn the dough 85g (3oz) soft dark brown
around and roll into a rectangle again. Dot the third port ion with a sugar •
portion of the butter as before; ro ll into thi rds. Seal t he edges with 1 x 400g can condensed milk 0
a rol ling pin. Wrap in cling film and ch ill for at least 20 minutes. rn
For the lemon syrup rn
grated zest and juice of ClJ
4 To make t he lemon syrup, put t he lemon zest and juice and )>
the sugar in a small saucepan over a low heat. Once the sugar has 3 unwaxed lemons A
85g (3oz) caster sugar
dissolved, bring to the boi l for 4-6 m in utes until slightly thickened. ~
Remove from the heat and allow to coo l. r
For the almond r

5 To make the frang ipane filling, cream t he butter and suga r

frangipane ~
125g (4½oz) unsalted butter
together in a food processor. On a low speed, add the eggs and 125g (4½oz) caster sugar ul
the almond essence and stir in the g round almonds. 2 eggs
a few drops of almond
6 Take out the pastry and repeat as per the last ro lling, using the essence
last of the butter. Repeat a fina l t ime without adding b utter; ro ll 2 tbsp ground almonds
again if still streaky. Wrap in cling film and chill fo r 15 minutes.
For the champagne
7 Prehe at the oven to 180°C (350°C/Gas 4). Lightly grease a muffin lemon martini
t ray. Ro ll out the pastry thinly, cut into roun ds with a pastry cutter crushed ice, to serve
and gently place in the muffin t ray holes. Put 1 tsp o f t he toffee equal parts of vodka and
filling on the bottom of each one and top with 1 tbsp of the
Champagne, to top
frangipane. Bake in th e oven for about 20 minutes until risen and
golden. Leave in the tin for 5 minutes before gently removing. clotted cream, to serve

9 To serve, make lemon martinis by adding crushed ice to each

g lass with equal parts of vodka and limoncell o. Top up with
Champagne. Serve the ta rts with clotted cream, a drizzle of the
lemon syrup on the cream and, of course, the lemon martinisl
Pear tarte Ta in •

with pear schnapps

Pr p tir 25 minutes
Cookir 40 minutes
In a twist 011 tl1e Fr·ench classic, luscious
Ditficu Easy-medium pea,rs combine witl1 irre~istible carainel
, -, 1 1 1 Using your hands, m ix together the sifted flour, sugar, cinnamon
225g (8oz) p lain white flour and butter; do not ove rwork. Add 1-2 tbsp water, a very little at a
75g (2½oz) caster sugar
time, until the pastry just comes together into a dough and form
pinch of ground cinnamon
11 0g (4oz) butter, cut into
into a bal l. Flatten slightly into a d isc, wrap in cling film and leave
rough cubes to chill fo r 30 minutes.

176 ~ 1 1 l ~ IT.._
Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°C/Gas 4).
0 150g (S½oz) butter r.iTo make the caramel, smear the butter over the bottom of a
r:n 200g (7 oz) cast er sugar
r:n tarte tatin pan or ovenproof cast-iron frying pan . Sprinkle over the
8 ripe pears
t_,.j caster sugar and dissolve over a medium heat until the sugar starts
pinch of ground cinnamon
1-'.3 dash of pear schnapps to carame lize. Keep turning the pan now and again, so that the
r:n 200ml (7fl oz) doub le cream, sugar does not catch. Stir until the butter just starts to separate
• whipped until firm, t o serve
m and t he sugar has started to turn a light golden toffee colour.
Meanwhile, pee l, core and cut the pears into quarters. Remove
;;o the pan from the heat and carefu lly add the pea rs to the butter
-I and sugar m ixture in the pan, arranging them in a layer over the
bottom of the pan and packing them in tightly. Return to the heat
-I and cook for 10- 15 minutes until rea lly golden. Sprinkle with the
cinnamon and add a few drops of pear schnapps. Leave to cool
-I for 10 m inutes.
m - On a flou red work su rface, roll out the pastry into a round large
;;o enough to cover t he pan. Carefully lay the pastry on top of the
pears, tucking the edges down in between the f ruit and the edge
I of the pan. Bake in th e oven for about 30 minutes until the pastry
z is crisp and golden. Leave the t art to coo l in the pan for 10 m inutes,
7J then ca refu lly invert onto a serving p late.

To serve, cut into slices whi le stil l warm and serve with a generous
dollop of whipped cream.

- John Burton Race
Apple plum' crumble
-:,rep time 25 minutes, p lus
1 hour 10 minutes' chi lling
with hazelnuts
and churning t ime
Cooking t rme- 40 minutes
Traditional crumble featuring seasonal
Difficu lty Medium fruit and set off by plum ripple ice cream
For the ice cream 1 To make the ice cream, scald the cream, milk, vanil la pod and
500ml (16fl oz) double cream 1 tablespoon of the cast er suga r in a pan; do not allow to boil.
500ml (16fl oz) semi-skimmed
milk 2 Using an electric whisk, wh isk together the egg yolks and
1 vanilla pod, split remaining sugar, then slowly whisk in the hot milk m ixture. Strain
the ice-cream mixture into a clean pan and heat gently until it coats
150g (5 ½oz) golden caster
t he back of a spoon. Tran sfer to a bowl and chill for 30 m inutes.
t:I 10 egg yolks 3 To make the p lu m ripple for the ice cream, heat the plums
rn with the sugar, lemon juice and 100ml (3½fl oz) water until the
rn For the plum ripple
t%j fruit breaks down. Using a hand-held b lender, puree the hot
500g (1lb 2 oz) p lums, halved
t-3 and stoned p lum m ixture until smooth. Pour half of the mixture into a bowl
rn 150g (5½oz) golden caster
• and ch ill for 20 minutes. T ip the other half into another bowl, and
)> sugar leave to stand at room temperat ure. Set aside.
-0 juice of 1 lemon
m 4 Pour t he ice-cream mixture int o an ice-cream machine and churn
-0 For the crumble fo r 20 minutes according to the manufactu rer's instructions. Stir the
C 3 Granny Smith apples
ch illed plum ripple into the ice-cream mixture and churn again
150g (S½oz) golden cast er
n;;o sugar, p lus a little extra
briefly. Transfer to the freezer
C for coating
~ 5 Meanwhile, to make the crumble, preheat the oven to 180°C
OJ 200g (7 oz) butter, plus a
r (350°F/Gas 4). Peel, core and d ice the apples and coat the m in
m little extra for pan-frying
150g (5½oz) p lain flour a little caster sugar. Pan-fry the diced apples in a little butter until
--j 50g (1 ¼oz) hazelnuts, just starting to carame lize.
I chopped
6 To make the crumble topping, blend together the 200g (7oz)
m butter, 150g (S½oz) caster sugar and flour in a food processor
r until the mixture forms a crumble; be carefu l not to overwork.
U') 7 Add the pan -fried apples to the bowl of unchilled ripple sauce
and divide the mixture equally among 4 ra mekins. Top with the
crumb le mixture. Bake in the oven for 20 m inutes. Sprinkle the
hazelnut s over the crumbles and return to the oven for a fu rther
5 minutes.

8 Serve the hot crumbles in the ir ramekins, with a spoonful of the

p lum ripple ice cream on the side.
Cloutie· dumpling
Prep time 10-15 minutes
A very Scottish suet pudding packed Cooking time 3 hours
with the flavours of dried fruit and spices Difficulty Easy- medium

1 Soak a pudding cloth or square of muslin in boiling water. For the dumpling
1509 (5½oz) self-ra ising flour
2 To make the dumplin g, sift t he flour into a bowl and rub in the 150g (5½oz) suet, shredded
suet. Add the breadcrumbs, bicarbonate of soda, spices, su ltanas, 150g (5½oz) brown
raisins and sugar and mix with a wooden spoon . Make a we ll in t he breadcrumbs
centre and add the treacle or golden syrup and pour in t he milk. 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
2 tsp ground cinnamon
M ix together to form a fairly soft batt er. 179
1 tsp ground gi nger
3 Remove the cloth from the water, wring out and lay out flat. 1 tsp m ixed sp ice tl
150g (S½oz) sult anas t.:r.l
Dredge we ll with flou r. Smooth the flour over the cloth with your (JJ
11 0g (4oz) raisins (JJ
hands so that it is evenly spread. Put the dumpling batter in the 11 0g (4oz) soft light b rown t.:r.l
centre of the floured cloth and draw the cloth together evenly sugar ~
around the batter, leaving a little room for t he p udding to expand; 2 tbsp black t reacle or
tie the top of the cloth with kitchen string. golden syrup

375ml (13fl oz) whole mi lk
4 Put a plate in the bottom of a large pot (you will need one plain f lour, t o dredge C
big enough to cover the dumpling generously with water, so that rn
there is no need to top up the water level during cooking). Sit the For the custard 0
1 vani lla pod, split C
cloth-wrapped dumpling on the p late and cover complete ly with ~
lengt hways -0
boiling water. Simmer the dumpling for 2- 3 hours. 570ml (18fl oz) sing le cream I

6 large egg yolks

5 Remove from the pot and put in a co lander in the sink. Unt ie the
2 tsp cornflour
string and gently pu ll the corners of t he cloth apart. Put a plate 50g (1¾oz) caster sugar
over the dumpling whi le in the co lander and turn over. Carefully
pull t he c loth off the dumpling.

6 To make the custard, use the end of a teaspoon to scrape out

the seeds from the van ill a pod .. Put the pod and seeds in a small
saucepan along with the cream. Pl ace the pan over a gentle heat
and heat to just below simmering point.

7 While the cream is heating, whisk together the egg yol ks,
cornflour and sugar in a bowl. Remove t he van ill a pod from the
hot cream, then gradually add the hot cream to the egg mixture,
whisking al l the t ime.

8 Pour the mixtu re back into a clean pan and, over a very low heat,
continue whisking until the custard is th ick and smooth . Pour into
a serving jug and serve hot with the dumpling.
Chocolate ail.d boozy
Prep time 30 m inutes, plus
raspberry puddings
20 minutes' marinating t ime
Cooking time 15 minutes
Enticingly decadent, these puddings will
Difficulty Med ium satisfy even the most ardent chocoholic
For the boozy 1 Put the raspberries in a bowl, cover with the liqueur and leave
raspberries to marinate fo r about 20 minutes.
200g (7 oz) fresh raspberries
100ml (3½fl oz) raspberry 2 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Butter and flour
liqueur such as framboise 4 individual pudding mou lds.

For the hot chocolate 3 To make the hot chocolate puddings, melt the butter and
puddings choco late in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water.
t1 125g (4½oz) unsalted butter
t.:i;j Stir until smooth and allow to coo l slightly.
(Welsh if possible)
00 200g (7oz) Green & Black's 4 Now make the chocolate kisses. Gently melt the m ilk choco late
organic dark chocolate
~ and white choco late separately, then carefully marble the two
1-3 4 medium orga nic eggs, p lus
00 together. Pipe crosses onto a t ray lined with baking parchment
2 extra yolks
• 100g (3½oz) Fairt rade caster and put in the refrigerator to set .
I sugar
0 5 In a clean bowl, whisk t he eggs, extra egg yolks and 100g (3½oz)
n 25g (scant 1oz) plain flour
0 caste r sugar until t hick, pa le and fluffy. Fold the coo led chocolate
For the chocolate mixture into the eggs and sugar. Sift in the flour and fo ld gently
m kisses until combined.
)> 1 x 100g (3½oz) bar Green
z & Black's orga nic milk 6 Divid e the mixture equa lly among t he prepared moulds and
OJ chocolate drop 3 boozy raspberries into each one. Place on a baking sheet
0 1 x 100g (3½oz) b ar Green and bake in the oven fo r 15 111 inut es. Allow to cool sl ightly before
0 & Black's organic whit e
N turning out to serve.
-< chocolate
7 Meanwhile, to make the raspberry cream , wh isk the caster sugar
7J For the raspberry and the creme fra'r'che unt il t hick. Use a spatula to fold most of
m cream
;;o the rema ini ng liqueur-soaked raspberries (reserve a sma ll handful
;;o 150g (5oz) Fairtrade caster
-< suga r for t he coulis) into the creme fra,che mixture . Chill until needed.
C 500m I (16fl oz) creme fra,che
0 8 Take t he last of the boozy raspberries and mash down with
0 a fork t o make a cou li s. Push throug h a fine sieve until smooth.
z To serve
C> unsweet ened cocoa powder,
(f) 9 To serve, dust each serving plate with a little cocoa powder.
to dust
icing sugar, to dust
Tu rn out a chocolate pudding onto each plate. Use a stencil
to create a heart-shaped dusting of icing sugar on top of each
pudding. Place a quenell e o f raspberry cream at a jaunty angle
on each p late, with a swirl of coulis on t he other sid e. Garnish
each pudding with a choco late kiss and se rve.
Lemon tart with
margarita ice cream , "P ~·mr 45 minut es, plus
30 minutes' chilling t ime
'-- c eking ume 55 min utes,
Tangy citrus and a touch of tequila prevail plus 25 minutes' cooling time
in this delicious and refreshing dessert ...,rt11c1 I "t Medium

To make the pastry, sift the fl our, salt and icing sugar into a food ,llP i,a. t1:,
• t _.

p rocessor. Pulse with half the but te r until t he mixt ure resembles 150g (5½oz) p lain flour
b readcrumbs. Add the rest of the butter; pulse again until m ixed . ¼ tsp salt
25g (scant 1oz) icing sugar
Gradually add enough of the co ld egg liquid so t hat t he pastry
100g (3½oz) ch ill ed butter,
starts to come togethe r. Knead lightly o n a floured work surface cubed
until smooth. Wrap in cl ing fil m and chi ll for 30 m inutes. 1 egg yolk, mixed wit h 2 tbsp
ice-cold water 181
_ Preheat the oven and a baking tray, to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). t:,
Lightly g rease 6 individua l fl an t in s wit h softened butter. .1.1 . , 1 · ,..., e filling t%j
5 eggs rn
Divide the past ry into 6, ro ll out and use to line the flan t in s, t%j
200g (7 oz) caster sugar
leaving some surp lus hanging over the edges. Gently p ress the 250ml (8fl oz) double cream ~
pastry into the co rners; do not t rim. Line with greaseproof paper grated zest of 3 lemons
and juice of 5 r

and fill wit h baking beans. Blin d-bake in the ove n for 10 m inutes . m
25g (scant 1 oz) icing sugar ~
Remove the beans and paper and return the tart cases to the oven
for 6-7 m inutes until li ghtly co loured. Leave to coo l for 5 minutes. r '1" 1,'1 h.:-n" ..?auce z
Reduce the oven temperature t o 120°C (250°F/Gas ½). juice of 2 limes ~
juice of½ lemon -I
To make the fill ing, lig htly whisk t he eggs to break up t he yo lks.
75g (2½oz) sugar ~
Gent ly whisk in the sugar, then add the cream and lemon juice. 150ml (Sfl oz) white Zinf andel -I
Pass the mixtu re th ro ugh a sieve, then add the zest. Carefu lly pour 1 rounded tsp arrowroot, :c
blended with 1 tbsp cold ~
the fi lling into the tart cases. (Any surp lus can be poured int o )>
ramekins, baked and served as lemon pots.) Bake the tarts in the water to make a paste ::::0
thinly pared zest of 1 li me, )>
oven for 30- 35 minutes until just set. Trim off the pastry edges to ::::0
blanched in boi ling water
neat en . Leave to coo l for 20- 25 m inutes, then dust with icing sugar. for 1 minute ~
To make the sauce, heat the citrus juices, sugar and 150m l n
For the Margarita
(Sfl o z) water until the sugar has dissolved. Add t he wine , bring n
to the boil and simmer for 2 minutes. Briskly st ir in the arrowroot 120ml (4fl oz) freshly rn
paste until glossy. Add t he b lanched li me zest. Leave to coo l. squeezed lime juice ~
4 tbsp tequila
To make the ice cream, put the li me j uice, tequ il a and tr ip le 4 tbsp triple sec
sec in a bowl. Stir in the icing suga r unt il it has dissolved. Add t he 165g (6oz) icing sugar
crea m and wh isk until the m ixt ure is thick and smooth. Churn in 500ml (16fl oz) double cream
an ice-cream mach in e according to t he manufacturer's inst ructions .
1\1 1

• Dip the rim o f 6 martini g lasses into the egg white, t hen the p ink 1 egg white, whisked
suga r. All ow to dry. Serve th e tarts with a quenell e of ice cream in a 55g (2oz) caster sugar,
coloured pink with a few
martini glass, a quenell e of creme fra iche on the side and lime
drops of red food colouring
sauce drizz led around. Garnish wit h redcurrants. creme fra,che, to serve
fresh redcurrants, to garnish
Chocolate alld
Prep time 1 hour, plus
chilli cheesecake
cooling and setting t ime
Cooking time 25 minutes
Heavenly chocolate cheesecake with
Difficulty Medium a honeycomb base and a touch of chilli
For the shortbread Shortbread biscuits
biscuits 1 Preheat t he ove n t o 160°C (325°F/Gas 3).
11 0g (4oz) unsalted butter
50g (1 ¾oz) cast er sugar 2 Beat t he butter until creamed, t hen add the sugar and beat
175g (6oz) plain f lour until pa le and fluffy. Sift in t he flou r and mix together until smooth.

For the honeycomb 3 Place the shortbread mixture on a b oard and ro ll out until about
biscuit base 1cm (½in) thick. Cut into sma ll pieces. Place on a baking tray and
t:, 2009 (7 oz) caster sugar
bake in the oven for 25 minutes until golden. Remove from the
100g (3½oz) golden syrup
Ul oven and leave to coo l on a wire rack.
r:n 40g (1 ½oz) butter
½ tsp vinegar
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda Honeycomb biscuit base
• 60g (2oz) melted butter 1 Line a sma ll baking t in with greaseproof paper.
n 11 0g (4oz) shortbread
:r: biscuits, crushed (see 2 In a heavy pan, heat together the sugar, syrup, butter and 1 tbsp
n above) water and stir until all the sugar has dissolved. Bring to the boil
0 and heat until a teaspoon of t he syrup becomes a soft ba ll when
For the cheesecake
m 18g (2 sheets) gelatine
dropped into a cup of cold water, or until the temperature of the
)> 250g (9oz) cream cheese
syrup reaches 120°C/280°F on a sugar thermometer.
z 60g (2oz) caster sugar
0 3 Remove from the heat and ca refully add the vinegar and
n 200g (7oz) plain yogurt
bicarbonate of soda to the t offee mixture. Stir we ll with a wooden
I 120g (4½oz) Venezuelan
r spoon and pour straight into the b aking tin . A llow the honeycomb
r dark chocolate (86 per cent
n cocoa solids), melted to set comp letely.
:r: 1 whole home-grown fresh
rn red chilli , finely chopped 4 Meanwhile, gent ly melt the butter in a sma ll saucepan. Using
rn 120g (4½oz) white chocolate, a rolling pin, crush the shortbreads biscuits. Put in a bowl, add
)> melted t he melted butter and stir until we ll mixed.
For the whisky ice 5 Once t he honeycomb has set, smash into small p ieces with
cream a wooden rolli ng pin and add t o t he b iscuit base. Stir through.
250ml (8fl oz) single cream
225g (8oz) soft brown sugar
1 x 397g can condensed milk
50m l (2fl oz) whisky 1 Put the gelatine and 3 tbsp water in a heatp roof bowl and p lace
ove r a pan of simrriering wat er to disso lve t he gelatine. Sti r wel l.
For the raspberry
coulis 2 Put t he cream cheese and sugar in a food processor an d p rocess
300g (10oz) fresh raspberries until smooth and creamy. Add the yogurt and continue to beat
100g (3½oz) icing sugar unt il the mixtu re is comp letely smooth. Blend in the d isso lved
1 tbsp lemon juice gelatine and mix well.
3 Divide the cream cheese mixture equa ll y between 2 bowls.
Add the dark choco late and ch illi to one bowl and the white
chocolate to the other.

4 Arrange four 10cm (4in) metal food rings on a p late, f ill each with
a quarter of the biscuit base and press down firm ly. Add a layer of
the dark choco lat e mixtu re, then add a layer of the wh ite choco lat e 183
mix. Leave to set in the refrigerator for 15- 20 minutes. t:,
Whisky ice cream 00
1 Whisk the sing le cream with the soft brown suga r until smooth.
Add the condensed milk and wh isky and mix until well b lended.

2 Pour the cream mixture into an ice-cream machine and chu rn nI
according to the manufacturer's instructions. 0
Raspberry coulis '~
1 Put the raspberries, icing sugar, lemon j uice and 4 tbsp water m
in a saucepan and heat gently fo r 5 m inutes. z
2 Transfer to a food processor and b lend until smooth. Push the nI
coulis through a fine sieve. Serve the individual cheesecakes with
a spoonfu l of ice cream and a drizzle of coulis. ''
Chocolate roulade
with passion fruit
Prep time 10 minutes
Mouth-watering dark chocolate roulade Cooking time 30 min utes
using local eggs, with a dash of brandy Difficulty Medium

1 Preheat the oven to 160°C (325°F/Gas 3). Line a Swiss ro ll tin 200g (7oz) dark chocolat e
with baking parchment . (at least 70% cocoa solids)
5 free-range organic eggs,
2 Melt the chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water. separated
Leave to coo l slightly. 17Sg (6oz) golden cast er
3 Meanwhile, beat together t he egg yolks and sugar until thick, 1 tbsp brandy
about 1 tbsp icing sugar 185
pa le and creamy. Mix in the brandy.
300ml (1 0fl oz) fresh organic ~
4 Whisk the egg w hites until stiff and f orm ing soft peaks. doub le cream, softl y t_:tj
whipped 00.
5 Combine the melted chocolate with the egg and sugar m ixture . 4--6 passion fruits, chopped

Add 2 tbsp of the egg whites t o the chocolate mixture to slacken chil led organic pouring ~
it slightly, then carefu lly fo ld in the rest of the egg wh ites. single cream, to serve

6 Pour the mixtu re into t he prepared tin and bake in the centre I
of the oven for 12- 18 minutes. Al low to cool in the t in, on a wire rack, 0
for 1 hour, then cover with baking pa rchment and a damp cloth. 0
7 When ready to fil l, turn the choco late sponge out onto dean m
baking parchment covered with a light sprinkling of icing suga r.
Spread w ith the softly wh ipped cream and drizzle most of the C

passion fruit over the top. Ro ll and serve wit h ext ra passion fru it £:
and the ch ill ed pouring cream . m



'' ... the three elements

together form a really
beautiful whole and I think
it's a very good dessert.''
- John Burton Race
Iona's tipsy tart
Prep time 10 minutes, plus
with whisky Sauce
overnight soaking time
Cooking time 40 minutes
Made with traditional ingredients, this
Difficulty Medium gorgeous sticky tart is packed with flavour
For the tipsy tart 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°C/Gas 4). Grease and flour
250g (9oz) Medjool dates, a round or oval ovenproof dish.
p itted and roughly
chopped 2 Pour 250ml (8fl oz) boiling water over the chopped dates,
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda and add the b icarbonate of soda. Leave to cool.
2 tbsp slightly salted butter
250g (9oz) golden caster 3 Meanwhile, cream together the butter and sugar. Add the egg
sugar and beat again. In another bowl, sift together the flour, salt and
tJ 1 large egg
baking powder, then add to the egg mixture. Beat until combined,
00 250g (9oz) plain white f lou r
then mix in the water from the soaked dates.
1 t sp sa lt
~ ¼ teaspoon baking powder 4 Stir in t he dates, nuts and cherries and mix well . Pour into the
~ 65g (2oz) pecan nuts, roughly
00 prepared dish, scatter some ext ra chopped nuts over the top and
chopped, plus extra, to
• garnish bake in the oven fo r 30 m inutes. Test with a skewer to ensure that
0 the tart is cooked all the way throug h.
z 65g (2¼oz) undyed glace
~ cherries, soaked in whisky
Vl 5 To make the whisky sauce, put the butter, sugar and vanilla
-, overnight
-u thick double cream, to serve extract in a saucepan and add 125ml (4fl oz) water. Bring to the
-< boil. Continue to boil for 5 minutes, then add the whisky and
For the whisky sauce
~ a pinch of salt. Bring to t he boil again.
-, 1 tbsp slight ly salted butter
250g (9oz) golden caster 6 Prick t he p udding in severa l places with a metal skewer and
~ sugar
-, spoon the sauce all over. Serve warm with thick double cream.
I a few drops of van illa extract
~ 125ml (4fl oz) whisky
I pinch of salt
Bread and butt r
meringue flan
Prep tirn 10 min utes
Irresistible desse1·t with summer fruits, Coo1<i J 1- ~ 50 minutes
shortcrust past1..y and airy 1neringue Dif icul Med ium

To m ake t he pastry base, combine the flou r and b utter in a food I '
. l e
processor and pulse until the mixture resemb les breadcrumbs. Put 200g (7oz) p lain flour
100g (3½oz) butter
in a b ow l, making a well in t he centre. Add t he 1 who le egg and
1 egg plus 1 egg yolk
the sugar and work together with a kn ife, adding a litt le water to
50g (1¾oz) caster sugar
comb ine into a d ough. W rap in cling film and ch ill for 30 minutes.
For the bread and
Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°C/Gas 6). On a floured work I , - ~ ll ..1:.. 187
surface, ro ll out the past ry and use to line a greased tart t in (or use 250ml (8fl oz) mi lk tj
fou r 10cm (4in) individua l tart t ins). Line with greaseproof paper, l:tj
125ml (4fl oz) cream
fill wit h b aking beans and b lind-bake for 12 minutes. Remove 1 tbsp butter 00
the beans and paper, b rush the bottom of the pastry li ghtly with 60g (2oz) brioche

t he egg yo lk and bake for a furt her 2 minutes.

breadcrumbs ~
25g (scant 1oz) caster sugar
2 egg yolks

To make the fil ling, heat toget her the m il k, cream and butter CCJ
1 vanilla pod, split m
o ver a m edium heat unt il t he butter has melted. Remove f ro m )>
the heat and mix in the b readcrumbs and sugar. Leave to cool 0
50g (1 ¾oz) sultanas )>
for 10 m inutes, then add t he egg yo lks, van il la and su ltanas. Pour z
t he mixture into the p astry case or cases and b ake in the centre ~~ 11 . t ~~1, ~ _~ , ts 0
of t he oven for 15 minutes until set. Do not tu rn off the oven. 250g (9oz) summer fruits C
such as raspberries, -j
In a saucepan, gently heat the summer fruits, red wine and sugar strawberries and m
for 10 minutes until t he sugar has d isso lved. Remove from the heat. blackcurrants ~
2½ tbsp medium red wine m
To make the meringue topping, wh isk the egg wh ites with an
i:.. 35g (1 ¼oz) caster sugar z
electric whisk until soft peaks form. Add t he suga r, va nilla essence G)
For the meringue
and cornflour and whisk again until st iff and g lossy.
To finish the flan , spread the su m mer fruits over the bread-and- 3 egg whites £:z
butter fi lling, then pipe the meringue over the fruit. Bake in the 75g (2½oz) caster sugar
1 tsp vani lla essence
oven for 10 minutes until the meringue is lightly g o ld en. Serve
1 tsp cornflour
warm, cut into wedges.

''A very, very good pudding

and if I wasn't so full I could
probably finish it off."
Ed Baines
Prep fme 30 minut es, plus
apple strudel·
resting time for pastry
Cooking time 25 minutes
Local produce and East Anglian white
Difficulty Medium-hard wine make this a very British incarnation
Fo1 the strudel pastry 1 To make the strudel pastry, sift the flour into a b owl and add
2509 (9oz) st rong white f lour the lukewarm water and oi l. Knead briefly to combine into a
175ml (6fl oz) lukewarm water
dough. Brush the dough with o il and leave to rest fo r 30 minutes.
2-3 tbsp veget able oil
about 100g (3½oz) butter, 2 To make the apple filling, pee l, core and chop t he apples.
Put in a large bowl and mix wit h the icing sugar and cinnamon.
For the strudel filling Leave to marinate for 5 minutes. Combine the b readcrumbs and
t:, about 400g (14oz) eat ing nuts in another bowl.
tc.1 apples
r:n 3 Once t he pastry has rested, cut t he dough into 8 equal portions.
r:n 50g (1¾oz) icing sugar
tc.1 Roll into a rectang le shape on a f loured work surface, then lift
::,::, 1 tsp g round cinnamon
~ 50g (1 ¾oz) dried t he pastry rect angle onto a floured t ea towe l. Using your hands,
r:n breadcru mbs
• carefully start pulling and stret ching the pastry from each of
m S0g (1 ¾oz) nuts such as the edges until it is about 30 x 30cm (12 x 12 in) and as thin as
z hazelnuts or Brazil nuts,
C) possible, but still comfortable to work with . Be ca reful not to
t chopped
VJ make it too thin, as it tears easily. Trim the edges to make a neat
)> For the East Anglian rectangle once again .
-cl white wine mousse
t 1 vanilla pod , split 4 With a short edge facing you, brush the pastry with melted
VJ lengt hways butter. Spread a quarter of the breadcrumb and nut mixture evenly
:::0 70ml (21/zfl oz) apple ju ice on the front th ird closest t o you, t hen cover with a quarter of the
0 70ml (2½fl oz) East Anglian apples, keep in g a border of pastry clear of filling .
m white wine
2 eggs, separated 5 Lift the towe l, roll up t he strudel away from you - remembering
1 tbsp cornflour to fold in the edges - and transfer it to a greased baking tray.
2 tbsp runny honey
Brush with a little more melted butter and p lace in the refrigerator
to rest. Repeat the process to produce 8 individual strudels.
To decorate
some caster sugar, to make 6 To make the mousse, using the end of a teaspoon , scrape out
caramel threads
the seeds from the vanilla pod into a small bowl. Add the apple
icing sugar, to dust
ju ice and wine and leave to marinate for 5 minutes.

7 In a clean bowl, cream together the egg yo lks, a litt le of the

wine and apple juice mixture and the cornflour. Add the remaining
liquid and the hon~y and whisk well . Pour the m ixture into a
saucepan and thi cken over a low heat, whisking all the time.
Remove from t he heat and t ransfer to a bowl to coo l.

Q Whisk the egg wh ites until stiff and fo ld ge'ntly into the wine
mousse. Place th e bowl in the refrigerator until ready to serve.
9 Preheat the oven to 200°( (400°F/Gas 6). Bake the st rudels
for 15 minutes, brushing with melted butter twice during cooking.

10 Meanwhil e, prepare the carame l threads: ta ke extra care when

handling hot sugar. Disso lve the sugar in a pan over a medium heat
until caramelized. Using a metal spoon, carefu lly drizzle the molten
sugar ont o a non-stick baking tray and all ow to coo l. When cool 189
enough to handle, gently shape into ba ll s. t:I
11 To serve, halve each strudel and arra nge 2 ha lves on each 00
serving plate, with 1 slice pointing upwards. Dust with a little icing ~
sugar. Make a quenell e of about 1 tbsp of the mousse for each 1-3
serving and place next t o the strudel, then arrange the cara mel

threads on each plate. Serve immediately.

''I love the balance of the

tastes and the contrasts,
with the nuts and the apples
together. Great texture.
The pastry's heavenly."
- John Burton Race

Prep time 30 minutes, plus

panna cotta
setting and chilling t ime
Cooking time 30 minutes
A celebration of creamy subtlety, enlivened
Difficulty Medium-hard with tart raspberries and oat1neal tulles
For the sauce 1 Rinse and drain t he raspberries in a sieve. Reserve the largest
150g (5 ½oz) raspberries for and best-shaped fruits to garnish, leaving 150g (S½oz) in the sieve.
sauce, plus extra 15-209
(½- ¾oz), to garnish 2 Set t he sieve over a saucepan and, using a ladle, squeeze the
50-659 (1 ¾-2oz) caster sugar raspberries through t he sieve to extract all the juice. There should
juice of 1 lemon
be about 100g (3½oz) juice, but you need to weigh it so that you
For the panna cotta know how much sugar to cook it with.
tl 400ml (14fl oz) double cream
3 Return the weighed raspberry juice to the saucepan and add
rn 100ml (3½fl oz) milk
rn 2-3 leaves gelatine, soaked
between 50% and 60% sugar (by weight of the raspberry juice) and
t_%j the lemon ju ice. You need the sauce to soft-set, but do not want
in a little cold water
about 100g (3½oz) caster it too sweet, so do not add too much sugar.
• 4 Heat gently until the sugar has dissolved, t hen bring to the boil
about 3 tbsp clear honey
}> (the sugar-honey split and boil rap idly for a few minutes until just set into a very soft j e lly.
z}> depends on t aste - it To test, take out a teaspoon of the jelly every minute or so, place
n should be at least ha lf and it on a cold plate and, when fairly cold, prod it with a finger - it is
I half, but up to t hree-
}> rea dy when it just starts to crinkle. Remove the pan from the heat
z quarters honey works,
while testing to ensure that you do not overset the sauce. If not
depending on how strong ly
~ flavoured the honey is) ready, ret urn the pan to the heat and keep testing.
z 3-4 tbsp ma lt whisky, t o t ast e
)> 5 When th e sauce is ready, skim off any scum. Decant the sauce
n For the oatmeal tulles into a cold bowl or jug, cover w ith cling film and allow to coo l.
-, 25g (scant 1oz) roll ed oats,
~ plus a little extra, to garnish
6 When cool, check for consistency- you want it to be very
50g (1 ¾oz) unsalted butter, soft-set so that it oozes out when the panna cotta is opened:
softened reme mber th at the panna cotta wi ll be served ch ill ed, so the
S0g (1¾oz) caster sugar sauce w ill be at its coldest/th ickest. If the sauce is too th ick, add
pinch of ground cinnamon a little water and/or wh isky and stir to loosen it slightly.
/4 tsp sa lt
1 egg white, lightly whisked 7 To make the panna cotta, gently heat the cream and milk in
30g (1oz) sifted plain flour a pan until b ubbles just start to fo rm around the edge of the pan.
Reduce the heat and simme r slowly until redu ced by a quarter
to a th ird. Remove the pan from the heat.

8 Gently squeeze out t he excess water from the gelatine.

Mix together the sugar and honey to taste, depending on the
sweetness desired. Add the gelatine to the cream and milk
mixture, together w ith the honey/sugar mixture. Stir until the
gelatine and sugar have dissolved. Leave to coo l, but not set.

continued ...

. .con ti11ued from p 190 -

9 Add the wh isky to t aste (it shou ld be noticeable, but not
overpowering). Pour the mixture into 4 lightly oiled dariole moulds
until about two-thirds full. Sit the mou lds on a baking tray and put
the tray in the freezer to ch ill rapidly for 10-15 minutes until set.

10 Remove t he mou lds from the freezer and, with a teaspoon,

192 scoop out a hollow in each panna cotta large enough to ta ke
t:l a large raspberry and a good helping of raspberry sauce. Place
a raspberry, pointed end down in each hollow and carefully spoon
00 in some of the cooled raspberry sauce until full. Return the moulds

t o t he freezer for 5-1 0 minut es unti l the sauce is firm enough to
support t he remainin g pa nna cotta mixtu re. Fill with the rema ining
• m ixtu re and chi ll in the refrigerat o r until set, but still a little wobbly.
)> 11 To make the oatmeal tu iles, preheat the oven to 220°C (425°/
)> Gas 7). Lig ht ly t oast the ro ll ed oats in a dry frying pan; set aside
I all but 25g (scant 1o z). Lightly chop t he 25g (1 oz) toasted oats.
z 12 Put the softened butter, sugar, cinnamon and salt in a small
:i!; bowl. Cream with a wooden spoon until smooth. Add the egg
white and wh isk lig ht ly until smooth, then stir in the flour and
n chopped oatmeal until we ll m ixed .
13 Evenly sp read small quantit ies (about a rounded teaspoon)
of the m ixture on a non-stick si licone sheet into small flat rounds
of about 6cm (2½in) diameter. Set the silicone sheet on a baking
sheet. Bake in the centre of the oven for 7-9 minutes; you may
need to turn the tray a few times to ensure even colouring.

14 Remove from the oven, leave to cool for a few seconds, then
ca refull y remove from the silicone sheet with a metal spatula and
place on a flat surface. Using a 6cm (2½in) cutte r, press firm ly on
each tuile, then all ow to coo l completely and crisp. Carefu lly break
off the dark brown edges around the cut mark. If you like, you
can also shape them around a ro ll ing pin or simi lar as t hey coo l.

15 To serve, toss the remain ing raspberries in the remaining

sauce. Turn out the panna cottas onto 4 p lates. Sprinkle with t he
reserved oatmeal and se rve with the tuiles and g lazed raspb erries.
Chilli and chocolate
deep-fried ice cream Prep t ime 20 minutes,
p lus 4 hours' cooling
and freezing t ime
A delicious and unusual deep-fried ice Cooking time 25 minutes
cream, served with a chilli chocolate cake Difficulty Mediu m

1 To make the ice cream, beat together the egg yo lks and sugar For the vanilla ice
until pa le and fluffy. Scrape out t he van ill a seeds into the milk and cream
bring slowly to the boil in a sma ll saucepan. Pour into the egg 3 egg yolks
75g (2½oz) cast er sugar
mixt ure, whisking const antly. Return the m ixtu re t o the pan and st ir
1 vanilla pod, split
constantly until it coats the back of a spoon; do not all ow to boil. lengthways
Leave to cool for 1 hou r. 225ml (8fl oz) m il k
225ml (8fl oz) double cream 193
2 Whip t he cream t o soft peaks, add to the custard mixture, t:,
then pour the mixture into the ice-cream machine bowl and churn For the ice cream t:rJ
to the desired consist ency. Place in t he freezer to set further.
4 eggs, beaten ~
3 For the ice-cream balls, take a freezer bag and make a ba ll of 125g (4½oz) white ~00.
ice cream as quickly as possible. Immediat ely p lace back in the breadcrumbs

freezer for 2 hours. Remove, dip in the beaten egg, crumb with 125g (4½oz) desiccated n
coconut I
the breadcrumbs and coconut quickly and put back in the freezer
for an hour. Repeat the crumbling and freeze again for 1 hour. 15g (½oz) chilli chocolat e, '')>
grated z
4 Melt the 1Sg (½oz) grated chi lli choco late in a bain-marie and 0
paint onto g reaseproof paper. Leave to harden. n
For the chilli I
chocolate cake 0
5 For the cake, preheat the oven to 150°C (300°F/Gas 2). Grease n
2 medium organic eggs, 0
and line a Swiss roll tin. Whisk the egg whit es to stiff peaks. In a
separate bowl, cream the butter and suga r well and add the egg
separated '~
50g (1 ¾oz) softened unsalt ed m
yolks one at a t ime. Double-sift the flour and cocoa power and add butter 0
to the m ixture. Melt the grated chi ll i chocolate and stir through the 50g (1 ¾oz) caster sugar m
60g (2oz) self-raising flour 7J
m ixture wit h the chi lli flakes and 3 tbsp water to make a batte r. I
2 tbsp cocoa powder ;o
Gently fo ld the egg whites into the batter, then pour into the t in.
100g (3½oz) chilli chocolate, m
Bake in the oven for 17 minutes. grated
½ tsp dried red chilli flakes nm
6 For the chi lli choco late sauce, slowly melt the chocolate, butter
and cream in a heatproof bowl set over simmering water. Smear
For the cl1illi m
a layer of chocolate sauce over the top of t he cake, reserving any cL.ocolate sauce )>

leftover sauce and ro ll up while still warm. Cut into 4 slices each 100g {3½oz) chilli chocolate,
about 2 fingers thick. Place the hardened chocolate on top . grated
knob of unsalted butter
7 In a deep, heavy saucepan, heat enough oil for deep-fry ing to 50ml (1¾fl oz) crearn
175°C (350°F). Coat the ice cream ba ll s one last time in the egg
and crumb m ixture; deep-fry for 10- 20 seconds. Remove with a veget able oi l for deep-frying
handfu l of strawberries,
slotted spoon. Place straight onto the chocolate ca ke slices, pour
sliced and fanned, to
over any left over sauce and garnish with t he strawberries. Serve. garnish

Prep time 30 minutes, plus
renaissance •

overnight chilling t ime

Cooking time 35 minutes
A veritable celebration of humble rhubarb,
Difficulty Medium- hard with rhubarb jelly, ice cream and crumble
For the rhubarb 1 To make the rhubarb compote, gently cook the rhubarb, sugar
compote and ginger in a pan fo r 10-15 minutes until softened. Allow to cool.
500g (1 lb 2oz) rhubarb,
chopped int o 2cm (¾in) 2 To make the rhubarb and ginger beer jelly, push about half of
chunks the cooled rhubarb compote through a sieve into a bowl to
50g (11/,,oz) caster sugar
obtain a syrup (reserve severa l large chunks of the cooked
2cm (¾in) piece of fresh root
ginger, grated
rhubarb). Squeeze out any excess water from the gelatine. Mix
t:1 with 100ml (3½fl oz) of the g inger beer, stirring until dissolved.
~ For the rhubarb and Combine the rest of t he g in ger beer wit h 100ml (3½fl oz) water
00 ginger beer jelly and t he rhubarb syrup, then stir t hrough the gelatine mixture.
250g (9oz) rhubarb compote Pour into 4 dariole moulds and leave to set in the refrigerator
1-3 (see above}
00 overni g ht. Add a chun k of t he cooked rhubarb once the jelly has
6 sheets gelatine, softened

;o in a little cold water for set enough to hold its weight. Tu rn t he set jellies out onto a board
I about 5 minut es and carefully t ransfer to a pl ate.
OJ 250ml (8fl oz} Old Jamaica
;o ginger beer 3 To make the rh ubarb and g inger crumble, preheat the oven
OJ to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Put t he rhubarb in a saucepan and add
m For the rhubarb and the caster sugar and a sp lash of wate r. Gently cook for about 10
z ginger crumble
)> minutes until ju st soft, then p lace into 4 individual ramekins with a
t/) 300g (10oz) rhubarb,
t/) handful of chopped strawberries. To make the crumble topping,
)> chopped into 2cm (¾in}
z chunks
sift the fl our into a large bowl. Add the pinch of sa lt, ginger, sugar,
m 25g (scant 1oz) caster suga r g round almonds and butter. Crumb le until the right consistency is
2509 (9oz} strawberries achieved. Layer t he crumb le mixture over the fru it. Cook for about
100g (3½oz} plain flour 10-15 minutes in t he hot oven. Cool slightly before serving.
pinch of salt
1 tbsp ground ginger 4 To make the rhubarb ripple ice cream, scrape out the vanilla
100g (3½oz) demerara sugar seeds into a pan with the single cream and milk. Bring just to
100g (3½oz) ground almonds boiling point, remove from the heat and leave to infuse for 10-15
100g (3½oz) unsa lted butter,
minutes. Pour the cream mixture o nto the egg yolks, whisk well t o
blend, t hen return to the pan. Continue wh isking over a low heat
For the rhubarb ripple until the mixture th icke ns. Add the vanilla sugar and leave to cool.
ice cream
1 vanilla pod, split 5 Whisk the double cream until st iff. Gently but thorough ly fo ld
lengthways in the van ill a mixtl:lre. Churn in an ice-cream machine according
200ml (7fl oz) single cream to the manufacturer's instructions. For the rhubarb ripple effect,
200ml (7fl oz) whole milk add 2-3 tbsp rhubarb compote at the last stages of chu rning.
4 egg yolks, beaten
90g (3oz) vani lla sugar 6 Serve the ramekins of crumble on plates, w ith the j ellies on the
200ml (7fl oz) double cream side. Put a scoop of ice cream in each of 4 sma ll serving dishes and
sit on t he plat e with the other desserts.
Almond tarts with
Amaretto ice cream ..., ep t r,e 45 m inutes,
plus 1¾ hours' resting t ime
and churning time
The ultimate almond indulgence, ~ 00 ng r rl'e 15 minutes
right dow11. to the Amaretto ice cream Difficu L) Medium

- First make the pastry. Whizz the flour, butter, sugar and almond .1. ,.,r iL.e l ".,.., _

extract in a food processor until the mixture resembles large 170g (6oz) plain f lour
breadcrumbs. Add the egg yo lk to bind together into a dough. 11 Sg (4oz) butter, as cold
as possible, cubed
Wrap the pastry in cling film and leave t o rest at room temperature
30g (1oz) caster sugar
for 45 minutes. a few drops of almond
., Preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F/Gas 5). 195
1 egg yolk
: Roll out the pastry to about 3mm (1/sin) t hick and cut o ut circles 2 tbsp raspberry jam t:I
about 7.5cm (3in) in diameter. Grease a 12-hole Yorksh ire pudding t p--. 00
- l _......_Jg 00
tin sitting on a piece of kitchen paper with olive oi l, then line t he t_tj
2 egg whites ~
holes with t he pastry. Put a dab of raspberry jam in the bottom 230g (8oz) cast er sugar 1-3
of each pastry case. 170g (6oz) ground almonds
a few drops of almond

To make the filling, whisk the egg whites until stiff, then fo ld extract r
in the sugar, ground almonds and almond extract. Beat for 2 split blanched almonds, 0
minut es, then spoon the mixt ure into th e pastry cases. Pl ace a split to decorate z
almond on top o f each tart and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. :i;
For the Amaretto ice ;;o
a To make the Amaretto ice cream, whisk the egg yo lks and caster -I

sugar together with the salt until pale and creamy. Heat the m ilk 4 egg yolks
11 0g (4oz) caster sugar -I
and cream to ju st below boi ling point, then slowly pour the hot
pinch of salt I
mixture irito the egg and sugar m ixtu re , stirrin g constantly. Pour 285ml (9fl oz) whole m ilk )>
the m ixture back into the pan and stir over a low heat until ~
285ml (9f1 oz) double cream )>
thickened. Add the Amaretto. 1 tbsp Amaretto liqueur m
Churn in an ice-cream machine for 45-60 m inutes or according For the raspberry 0
to the manufacturer's instructions. nm
250g (9oz) raspberries
7 To make the raspberry coulis, whizz together the ingredients 2 t sp clear honey n;;o
in a blende r, then push t hrough a sieve. Chill until ready to se rve. 1 t sp freshly squeezed m
lemon juice ~
To serve, place 2 tarts on each serving plate with 2 scoops of grated zest of ½ lemon
th e ice cream on one sid e and the raspberry coulis on the other.
Arrange 3 raspberries at the side of the ice cream and serve. handful of raspberries,
to decorate
Trio of lavender
and orange desserts Prep t ime 1 hour, plus
overnight chilling t ime
Orange almond cake, creme brulee and ice Cook ing time 40-60 minut es
cream are laced with fruits and flowers Difficulty Medium-hard

Orange almond cake For the orange

1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Butter a 18cm (6in) almond cake
3 medium eggs, separated
round cake or pie tin, lining the bottom with greaseproof paper.
150g (S½oz) golden caster
2 Beat the egg yolks with a wooden spoon, gradually adding sugar
160g (S½oz} ground almonds
130g (4½oz) of the sugar, until pale and creamy. Fold in the
zest and juice of 1 small
almonds, zest, juice and cinnamon to make a stiff paste. unwaxed orange, p lus extra

3 Whisk the egg whites until they fo rm soft peaks, t hen gradua lly 1½ tbsp fresh ly squeezed t,
beat in the rema ining sugar. Keep wh isking until the mixture is 00
¼- ½ tsp ground cinnamon 00
g lossy and the peaks are stiff when you remove the whisk. t_:cj
icing sugar, to dust

4 Stir one-thi rd of the whisked whit es into the almond mixture to

For the lavender
loosen it slightly, then, using a metal spoon, fold in t he rema ining creme brulee

m ixture in two batches. 570ml (17fl oz} double cream
6 medium free-range egg
5 Pour t he mixture into the prepared tin and bake in the oven for 0
yolks 77
35 minutes. It shou ld be slightly risen, with a chewy crust, but sti ll 4 level tbsp cornflour r
soft in the inside. Leave t o coo l slightly before turning out. Remove 2 tbsp lavender sugar ~
t he greaseproof paper and flip the cake ont o the p late so that the 11 0g (4oz) granulated sugar z
unsprayed lavender flower, 0
brown side faces upwards. Sift some icing sugar over the top and m
to decorat e :::0
serve whi le sti ll sli ghtly warm. )>
For the lavender ice 0
La vender crem e b rftl ee cream 0
1 Heat the cream to boiling point. 600ml (1 pint} double cream )>
10 g (1¼oz) unsprayed z
2 Whi le the cream is heating, in a bow l, b lend together the egg lavender flowers, plus extra, m
yo lks, cornflour and lavender sugar. Pour in the hot cream, stirring t o garnish (optional} (if 0
flowers are not available, rn
al l the t ime w ith a wooden spoon. Vl
use unsprayed leaves) rn
3 Return the mixture to t he saucepan. Heat very g ently, stirring 4 tbsp Scottish ru nny honey -I
al l the t ime, until the custard has th ickened. It is ready when the
mixture coats the back of a spoon . Divide the custard between
6 ramekins or espresso coffee cups and leave to cool. Cover with
cl ing film and chi ll for 2 hours or preferably overnight until set.
continued ...

.continued from p 197

4 To make the caramel, put the g ra nulated sugar in a heavy pan
over a very low heat and allow t he sugar to dissolve gently and
carame lize, without sti rring. Whe n the sugar has completely
dissolved, remove the pan fro m the heat and pour immediately
over the set custards, covering the surface of each one. Leave
for a few minutes for the ca rame l to harden.
t1 5 A lternat ively, if a t hinner caramel is preferred, dust the creme
r:n brulees w it h icing sugar and ca ramelize using a blowtorch o r put
r:n under a hot grill for 2-3 minutes. Decorate with lavend er flowers.

r:n Lavender ice cream

-l 1 Bring half the cream slowly to the boil. When the cream starts
to bubble, remove from the heat .
0 2 Put t he 10g (¼oz) lavender flowers or leaves in a wide jug,
r and pour t he cream over them. Allow t o cool, stirring often.
z 3 Once cooled, strain into a bowl and refrigerate the cream until
0 very cold. A dd the remain ing cream t o the lavender cream and
w hisk together unt il soft peaks form . Gently fo ld in the honey.
z 4 Either pour into a sha ll ow freezer conta iner without stirring,
0 sea l and freeze fo r 4-5 hours until firm, or churn in an ice-cream
)> machine for 40 minutes, the n freeze for 20 minutes. Soften slightly
z in t he refrigerator, before serving with a sprinkling of ext ra f lowers
m or leaves (if using).
Chocolate mud
cakes with truffles Prep time 1 hour, plus
overnight chilli ng t ime
Rich, moist cake, alcohol-laced truffles Cooking t ime 40 minutes
and creamy mousse - a recipe for sinners Difficulty Med ium

1 To make the truffles, heat the double cream in a heatproof bowl For the truffles
set over a pan of simmering water, until the cream is almost boiling. 180ml (6fl oz) double cream
D ivide the cream into t hree smaller bowls. Add the milk, dark and 200g (7oz) milk chocolate
200g (7oz) dark chocolate
wh ite chocolates separately to each bowl. Stir unt il thickened.
200g (7oz) white chocolat e
2 Add the T ia Maria to the dark ch oco late ganache, t he Baileys 2 tbsp Tia Maria
2 tbsp Bai leys
to the milk chocolate and the raspberry liqueur to t he white 199
2 tbsp raspberry liqueur
chocolate. Leave all three in the refrigerator overnight to chill . cocoa powder and/or grated t:,
chocolate, to decorate
3 To make t he mud cakes, preheat t he oven to 160°C (325°F/Gas 00
3). Lightly grease a 6-hole muffin t in. For the mud cakes
225g (8oz) butter, plus extra 1-3
4 In a heatproof bowl set over a pan of si mmering wat er, melt 00
140g (5oz) for t opping
together the butter, dark chocolate, coffee and 170ml (6fl oz) •
hot wate r. In a jug, wh isk t ogether the buttermilk, eggs and o il .
225g (8oz) dark chocolate n
(70% cocoa solids), p lus I
extra 140g (5oz) for topping
5 In a sep arate bowl, mix toget her th e flours, cocoa powder, n
2 tbsp freeze-dried coffee 0
bicarbonate of soda and sugar. Make a well in t he centre and granul es '~
pour the contents of t he jug int o it. Stir to comb ine. Now add th e 11 5ml (4fl oz) butt ermilk m
melted choco late mixture and stir to co mbine. Pour t he m ixture 4 eggs ~
2 tbsp light olive oil C
into the holes of th e muffin tin . Bake in the o ven for 30 m inutes. 0
140g (5oz) self-raising flour n
6 To make the chocolate mousse, in a heatproof bowl set over 140g (5oz) plain flour )>
a pan of simmering water, gently heat the suga r, egg yolks, 55g (2oz) dark cocoa powder rn
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
wh ipping cream and cocoa powder until the sugar has d isso lved. ~
5009 (1lb 2oz) sugar -I
Add the butter and chocolate and stir unt il th e mixture looks like I
mud. Beat the egg whites to soft peaks and gent ly stir into the For the mousse -I
mixtu re. Ch ill until ready to assemble the cakes. 55g (2oz) sugar C
6 egg yolks 77
7 To make t he chocolate t opping, place a clean bowl over a pan 200m l (7fl oz) whipping 'm
of simmering water. Melt togeth er t he extra 140g (5oz) butter and cream
140g (5oz) chocolate, t hen leave to cool until the m ixture t hickens. 1 tbsp dark cocoa powder
1OOg (3½oz) butter
8 Wh en the t ruffle mixtures have firmed, rol l each one out into 250g (9oz) dark chocolate
ba lls. Roll in cocoa powder and/or grated choco lat e and ch il l unti l 3 egg whites
needed. Wh isk togeth er the double cream and creme f ra1che. 100g (3½oz) sugar

9 When th e cakes are cool , slice each one t hrough the mi ddle To serve
horizonta lly. Spread the choco late mousse on t he lower halves, 125ml (4fl oz) double cream
2 tbsp creme fra1che
and sandwich together again. Smooth the topp ing over t he top
and sides of the cakes and decorate with the truffles.
r, t. J-i r e 1 hour, plus drying
English trifle
t ime for rose petals
-ookrn ,r-,, 40 minutes A pretty and delectable version from
Difficu Medium- hard the pantheon of traditional British puds
For the crystallized (' y-t li...- ro~ ta .-;
~ose pe ;~ls To crystallize the rose (or other flower) petals, lightly whisk
unsprayed rose peta ls
togethe r the egg white and 1 tbsp water until a few air bubbles
1 large egg (whit e only}
55g (2oz} cast er sugar st art to appear. Put the caster sugar into a smal l dish.

9 Dip a paintbrush into the egg white and gently pa int the peta ls
For the rhubarb and
200 --..;'lrl G1·ey jam until they are comp letely covered (make sure the petals are
t::, 450g (1 16} rhubarb scupulously dry first). Holding the petals over the sugar d ish,
r::n 450g (1lb} caster sugar gently sprinkle sugar evenly over both sides.
r::n zest and juice of 1 lemon
125ml (4fl oz) Earl Grey t ea 3 Place t he petals on ba king parchment or waxed paper to dry.
½ vanilla pod, split and (You ca n put t hem in a low oven t o accele rate the drying process.)
seeds scraped out

;:a Rhubarb and Earl Grey jam
)> For the strawberry
0 jelly
1 Slice the rhubarb into 2cm (¾in) pieces and put in a heavy
---1 125g (4½oz} caster sugar saucepan. Sprinkle over the sugar, lemon juice, Earl Grey tea,
0 325ml (12f l oz} rose sparkling and van illa seeds. Cook over a gentle heat, stirring continuously,
)> wine, preferab ly English until the sugar has dissolved. Stir in the lemon zest.
m 4 leaves gelat ine
z 350g (12oz) ripe English 2 Increase the heat and boil t he jam for 10 minutes, then remove
r strawberries, hulled the pan f rom t he heat. Spoon the j am into a bowl and all ow to
I cool. Alternatively, pot straight int o hot sterilized jars with tight-
---1 1 ·01 t 1.e sponge
;:a fitting lids, seal and leave on a w ire rack to coo l. Store in a cool,
11Sg (4oz} unsalted butter
r 11 Sg (4oz} golden caster
dark place and keep refrigerated once opened.
2 large free-range eggs ~~rawber ·y jelly
a few drops of vanilla extract Prepare a sugar syrup base. Put the caster sugar and half of
11 Sg (4oz) flour
the w ine in a saucepan and p lace over a gentle heat to dissolve
splash of milk
the sugar. Simmer gent ly for 2 minutes. Leave to cool.
ror the custard 2 Soft en the gelatine leaves in a d ish of co ld wate r for 5 minutes .
570ml (1 pint} whole mi lk
Remove t he softened leaves, squeeze out t he excess water, then
55ml (2fl oz} single cream
4 large free-range egg yolks stir the gelatine into the sti ll -hot sugar syrup. Allow to coo l at room
30g (1 oz) golden caster sugar temperature, until j ust beginning to set, then continue with the
a few drops of vani lla extract second stage of the jelly method.
2 level tsp cornflour
'l T ip th e st rawberries into the setting jelly m ix. Stir to d isperse
1 g lass of Rutherglen Muscat t he fruit eve nly w it hout break ing up t he fruit, then gently stir
300m l (10fl oz) double cream in the rema ining sparkling w ine. Put the j e lly layer into a bowl,
and carefu llly sit t he bowl in iced water. Allow to set.
1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Grease a 20cm (Bin)
sponge t in and line with baking parchment.

2 Using an electric mixer, cream together the butter and sugar

until pa le and fluffy. With the mixer running on a slow speed, add
the eggs one at a time, beating well between after each addition 201
until well blended. Add the vani ll a extract and flour and a touch tj
of milk and b lend until smooth and creamy. tr-:1
3 Pour the sponge mixture into the prepared t in and bake in tr-:1
the oven for about 20 minutes until golden and slightly springy ~
to the touch. Leave in the tin for 5 minutes, th en turn out onto 00

a wire rack to coo l completely. -I
Custard -I
1 In a saucepan, slowly bring the milk and cream to simmering 0
point over a low heat.
2 Meanwhile, in a bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, sugar and z
cornflour unti l smooth and creamy. Cl
3 Pour the hot milk and cream mixtu re onto the eggs and sugar, I
wh isking all the time. Return the custa rd to the pan, add the vanilla :;o
extract and keep stirring over a very low heat unti l thick. r
4 Cover the surface of the custard with cl ing f il m to prevent a skin
forming and leave to coo l over a bowl of iced water.

To assemble
1 Once the sponge has cooled, cut out rounds using a small
pastry cutter. Spread the rounds thickly with th e coo led rhuba rb
and Earl Grey jam, arrange in the bottom of the serving d ish (or
individual dishes) and drizzle with the Muscat.

2 Arrange the jelly fru it layer over the sponge layer, then pour
the cooled custa rd over the top. Chill for 10 minutes.

3 Wh isk the double cream to soft peaks and carefully spread over
the custard layer. Decorate with sp rinklings of the crystallized rose
petals and serve.
Chocolate brOwnie
Prep time 20 m inutes
with creme caramel
Cooking time 45 minutes, Gooey brownie temptation to the max,
p lus 2 hours chilling
Difficulty Medium
with silky caramel and s?ft summer fruits
For the chocolate Chocolate brownies
brownies 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Line a 4-hole Yorkshire
250g (9oz) unsalted butter
pudding ta rt pie tin with g reaseproof paper.
250g (9oz) dark chocolat e
(at least 70% cocoa solids), 2 Melt the butter and chocolate together in a heatproof bowl
broken into p ieces
set over a pan of barely simmering water.
4 large eggs
202 350g (12oz) granulated sugar 3 Beat together the eggs, sugar and van ill a extract until the
t:l 1 tsp vanil la extract
mixture is thick and creamy and coats the back of a spoon.
00 175g (6oz) plain flour
00 pinch of salt 4 Once the butter and choco late have melted, remove from
~ the heat and beat into the egg m ixtu re.
t-3 For the creme
caramels 5 Sift t oget her t he flour and salt, add to the egg mixture and

() 350g (12oz) caster sugar continue to beat until smooth.
I 840m l (28fl oz) double cream
0 1 vanil la pod, split
() 6 Pour the mixture into the holes of the prepared tin and bake
0 lengthways for 20-25 minutes until the top has formed a light brown crust that
'~ 4 free-range eggs
has started to crack. The brownies should not wobb le, but rema in
m 100g (3½oz) caster sugar
OJ a little gooey on the inside. Leave in the tin to cool complete ly.
0 For the blueberry and Do not turn off the oven.
~ strawberry coulis
z 200g (7oz) blueberries Creme caramels
2009 (7 oz) strawberries
~ 1 Meanwhile, to make the creme caramels, put the sugar and 90ml
-j juice of 1 lemon
I 4 tbsp icing sugar
(3fl oz) wat er in a pan and bring to the boil. Cook for 4-5 minutes
() until the sugar has d issolved and t urned a carame l colour. Be
m, To finish carefu l not to burn .
m 400m l (14fl oz) double cream
() 4 tbsp cocoa powder 2 Pour a little of the caramel into the bottom of each of 4
)> ovenproof ramekins , carefully swirling the caramel up the sides.
4 tbsp icing sugar
)> 4 sprigs of fresh mint,
~ 3 Put the cream and sp lit vanilla pod into the pan that the caramel
m to garn ish
was made in and bring to a simmer.
4 In a bowl, wh isk together the eggs and sugar until smooth, then
pour t he hot cream over the egg mixture, whisking all the time.
St ra in into the caramel -lined ramekins.

5 Sit t he ramekin s in a deep roasting tin. Car~fully fil l the roast ing
ti n with hot water until it comes two-thirds of the way up the sid es
of t he ramekins. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until j ust set.
continued .. .

.. .continued from p 202 -

6 Remove from the oven and lift the creme caramels out of the
roasting ti n. A llow to coo l comp letely before leaving to chill in
the refrigerat or for 1-2 hours.

Blueberry and strawberry coulis

1 Pu ree all the ingredients in a blender or food processor for
about 30 seconds until smooth.
t.'-:1 2 Sieve int o a bowl and set aside.
To finish
00 1 Wh ip the double cream with the cocoa powder and icing sugar
• until smooth .
0 2 Remove t he brownies from the tin and place one in the middle
n of each of 4 serving plates. Spread some of the chocolate cream
ove r t he top of each b rownie.

3 Carefu ll y t urn out a creme ca rame l on top of each of the cream-

0 cove red brown ies and liberally pour the coulis around the edges,
~ t rying t o avoid touching it.
4 Garnish each creme caramel with a sprig of fresh mint. Serve.
Apple batter cake Prep t ime 20 minutes
Old-fashioned apple batter cake, served Cooking t ime 1 hour
15 minutes
hot, warm, or cold - perfect comfart food D ifficult y Medium

1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Lin e the bottom of a For the apple batter
20cm (8 in) round cake t in with greaseproof paper. Butter the sides, cake
2 mediu m eggs
dust with flour and shake off t he excess.
70g (2½oz) caster sugar
2 To m ake the apple batter cake, ta ke out half of 1 egg yo lk and 1 va nill a pod, split
b eat t he eggs unti l fluffy. Add t he sugar and wh isk for about
100g (3½oz) unsa lted butter,
3 m inutes until pa le and creamy. Scrape the seeds from t he vanilla 205
pod into the egg and sugar m ixture and put the pod in the melted 600g (1lb 5oz) eating apples t1
butter to infuse . Peel, core and slice the apples very thin ly. l'!lj
(whatever is in season)
25g (scant 1oz) plain flour 00
3 Remove t he va nill a pod from the butter and stir the butter into l'!lj
2 tsp b aking powder
the egg and sugar mixture. Sift the flour, baking powder and sa lt ¼ tsp salt ~00
into the batter, adding alternat ely with the m ilk and stir unti l it is 125ml (4fl oz) whole milk

all combined. Pop the apples into the batter, ensuring that every )>
For the cinnamon ice -0
piece is wel l coated . Pour t he batter into t he prepared tin and bake -0
cream m
in the oven for 50 m in utes, turning once halfway through. Test with 225ml (8fl oz) whole milk OJ

a skewer to check whether it is cooked; if it comes out clean, it's 1 cinnamon stick
ready. Remove from the oven and leave to sit for 20 minutes. 2 egg yolks m
65g (2oz) caster sugar
4 To make the cinnamon ice cream, put t he m il k and cinnamon 1 tsp ground cinnamon
stick in a pan and bring ju st to the boil . Whisk together the egg 300ml (10fl oz) doub le cream A
yo lks, sugar and ground cinnamon unti l pale and fluffy. D iscard t he
cinnamon stick and strain the milk o nto the yo lk mixture, whisking For the tuiles
55g (2oz) plain flour
as you go. Pou r the mixture back into t he pan and cook over a low
55g (2oz) unsalted butter
heat, stirring const antly, for about 8 minutes until thickened. Whisk 11 0g (4oz) caster sugar
the custard into the cream, cool and churn in an ice-cream machine 2 egg whites, light ly whisked
according to the manufacturer's instructions. ½ tsp vanil la extract

5 To make the tuiles, tu rn up t he oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). For the rhubarb coulis
Mix together all the tu ile ingredients in a bowl. Spread very thin ly 100g (3½oz) rhub arb,
in the shape of circles on a baking t ray lined wit h non-stick baking cut into smal l chunks
1 tbsp caster sugar
parchment. Bake in the oven for 5- 7 minutes until the edges are
a drop of cochineal
golden. Quickly drape on an upturned glass or rol ling pin, pushing
the edges of each tu il e over to form a curve. Leave to coo l.

6 To make the cou li s, bring the rhubarb, sugar and 1 tbsp water to
a sim mer in a pan. If it's not pink enough, add a drop of cochinea l.
Sim mer for 3- 4 minutes until soft, then pass t hrough a sieve. Serves
slices of the cake, dusted with icing sugar, with a scoop of ice
cream and a tuile, surrounded by a little of the cou li s.
Trio of afterilOon
Prep time 1 hour, plus 2
tea desserts
hours' soaking time
Cooking time 2 hou rs Lemon Victoria sponge, fruity tea bread
Difficulty Medium ice cream and strawberry tarts, anyone?
For the tea bread 1 To make the tea bread, soak the dried fruit, ginger and dates
200g (7oz) mixed d ried fruit in the tea for at least an hour, preferably much longer.
50g (1¾oz) crysta ll ized
g inger 2 Add the d ifferent sugars and spices and leave for another hour.
50g (1¾oz) dates
450ml (1 Sfl oz) strong 3 Preheat the oven to 150°C (300°F/Gas 2). Add the spiced fru it
black tea and sugar to the flour, eggs, honey, golden syrup and orange zest
75g (2½oz) soft light brown and mix thoroughly. Spoon the mixture into a loaf tin and bake
t:, sugar
t_:i:j in the oven for 1½ hours.
rn 75g (2½oz) cast er sugar
rn 1 tsp grou nd cinnamon 4 To make the lemon cu rd, wh isk the egg in a medium saucepan.
1 tsp g round nutmeg
250g (9oz) self-raising flour
Add th e remain ing ingredient s. Cook over a low heat, whisking
2 eggs
co nt inu ous ly. Let t he mixt ure si mmer for about a minute or so on

-I 1 tbsp clear honey the lowest heat. Once it st arts t o thicken, wh isk constantly until
1 tbsp golden syrup about t he cons ist ency of home-made mayonaisse. Set aside to
grated zest of 1 orange coo l t o room temperatu re, t hen chill for at least 10 minutes.
,,)> For the lemon curd
1 egg
5 To make the tea bread ice cream, heat the milk, cream and
m vani lla essence over a medium heat, but not to boiling point. Whisk
::::0 grat ed zest and juice of t he egg yolks wit h t he sugar and cornflour until pale and fluffy.
z 1 lemon
0 40g (1½oz) caster suga r 6 Slowly add t he hot milk to t he egg mixture, whisking
z 25g (sca nt 1oz) butter cont inusouly, unt il combined. Ret urn the mixture to the pan and
-I 1 tsp cornflour
m heat slowly unt il it t hickens to the consistency of thick double
0 For the ice cream cream. Remove fro m the heat and leave to cool completely.
<.n 80ml (2½fl oz) semi-skimmed
7 Chu rn in an ice-cream machine according to the manufacturer's
::::0 in structions until the ice cream is nearly ready and set.
-I 300m l (10fl oz) double cream
½ t sp vani lla essence
8 To make the Victoria sponge, preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/
2 egg yolks
60g (2oz) caster sugar
Gas 4). Beat together the margarine, but ter and caster suga r unt il
1 tsp cornflour lig ht and fluffy. Gradual ly add t he eggs, flour and baking powder
unti l everything is combined, b ut rema ins as light as possible.
Pour the m ixtu re into a greased mini sponge t in and bake in t he
oven for about 20 r:ninutes until cooked through. Leave to cool
comp letely before turning out of the tin .

9 For the butter icing, beat the butter until soft. Gradually m ix in
the icing sugar until comb ined, keeping it as light as possib le. A d d
the honey to taste. Chill until 30 minut es before needed. Re move
fro m the refrigerator to allow it t o ret urn t o roo m tempe rat ure.

10 To make the pastry for the strawberry tarts, put the flour in For the lemon
a bowl and rub in the butter with your fingertips until t he mixture Victoria sponge
50g (1¾oz) margarine
resembles breadcrumbs. Add half the caster sugar, then the egg
50g (1¾oz) unsa lted butter
yolk, then gradually add the co ld water, a very little at a time, unti l
100g (3½oz) caster sugar
the mixture just comes together into a dough. Leave to rest in 2 eggs, beaten with a couple
the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, preferably longer. of drops of vanilla extract
100g (3½fl oz} self-raising
11 To finish the ice cream, remove t he nearly ready ice cream flour t:,
mixture from the machine and mix in the crumbled tea b read until 1 tsp baking powder t.:rJ
evenly distributed. Transfer to a freezerproof container and keep 2 tbsp home-made lemon 00
in the freezer until needed. curd (see opposite}
icing sugar, to dust ~00
12 To finish the tart, preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F/Gas 5).
Hu ll all of the strawberries to remove the stalks. Cut off the bottom For the butter icing -,•
50g (1 ¾oz) unsalted butter
of 10 or 12 of the strawberries, so that they are a 11 of the same 0
100g (3½oz} icing sugar
level, then cut the rest of them into sma ll pieces. Mix together all 1 tbsp clear honey ,,
of the strawberries with the remaining 25g (scant 1oz) sugar and )>
leave to marinate for about 10 minutes. For the -,

strawberry tart ;;o
13 Take the pastry out of the refrigerator and roll out with 100g (3½oz) plain flour z
a dusting of icing sugar to prevent it sticking to the board. 0
50g (1 ¾oz) butter, diced 0
Use to line in four 10cm (4in) individual tart tins. 50g (1 ¾oz) caster sugar z
1 egg yolk
14 Mix together the whole egg and milk and brush over the 3 tbsp cold water )>

pastry, then blind-bake in the oven for about 20 m inutes until 100g (3½oz) small, ripe 0
golden brown and cooked through. Leave to coo l. strawberries IJ)
1 egg m
15 Spread the clotted cream qnto the base of the pastry cases 3 tbsp whole milk -,

and arrange the chopped strawberries over the top, with the 1 tbsp dotted cream
icing sugar, for rol ling out
uniform-height strawberries arranged neatly with points upwards.
the pastry
16 To finish the sponge, trim th e sponge to a neat and dainty
size using a 5cm (2in) diameter pastry cutter. Slice the cake in half
and spread over the lemon curd and some of the butter icing.
Sandwich the sponge back together. Dust with some icin g sugar.

17 Serve the desserts on a sing le round p late, with each of the

components of the d ish set as a trio in a triang le. Serve th e ice
cream w ill be served in 4 sma ll bone-china cups, as a way of
continuing the afternoon tea theme of the d ish .

Steamed ku1 uat •

50 minutes, plus
freezin g and soaking t ime
marmalade p _..,.dding
1 hour
45 minutes
Fruity spor1ge pudding witl1 a duo of ICf'
Medium-hard crea1ns, bisc!uit Cltrls a11d c1t111s sauce
For the kumquat To make the marmalade, slice the kumquats into rou nds and
I •
remove all the p ips. Put the pips in a bowl with some of the water.
900g (216) kumquats
1 litre (1 ¾ pints) water Put the kumq uats, lemon juice and t he rest of the water in
juice of 1 lemon a large bowl and leave overnight.
900g (216) granulated sugar
225g (8oz) pectin sugar The next day, boil the pips in the wat er for a few minutes, then
strain, pushing t he pectin that has formed through the sieve.
tj For the marmalade Add this t o the kumquats and put in a large stainless-steel pan.
l:_:tj ... ... l,L., I • ,.
r:n Let the fruit si mmer for about 30 minut es until the peel feels soft.
r:n 284m l (9fl oz) Channel Island
~ W arm t he sugar in a low oven, then add to the fruit, ensuring
i-3 4 egg yolks (reserve wh ites
r:n for the cigarette biscuits)
th at it has dissolved co mp letely. Now boil rapidly and start testing

(/) 11 0g (4oz) caster sugar for setting point afte r about 10 minutes .
m 284ml (9fl oz) double cream
)> • W hen the sett ing point is reached, pot the marmalade into hot
½ tsp vanilla extract
sm 120ml (4fl oz) warmed sterilized j ars, seal and cover with wax so that it seals immediately.
0 marmalade A llow to coo l on a wire rack and label. The marrnalade will keep for
C up to 6 mont hs; refrigerate once opened.
s For the Coi11treau ice
0 - r. . . To make the marmalade whi m wham ice cream, gently heat
~ 11 Sg (4oz) caster SLIgar t he m ilk in a pan unt il just below boiling point. In a bowl, whisk
11 Sg (4oz) Cointreau or toget her t he egg yo lks and sugar until pale and creamy, then
)> to taste
:::0 gradually add t he hot milk, wh isking constantly. Pour the mixture
s 570m l (17fl oz) whipping
into a clean pan and heat gent ly, stirring, until the mixture coats
)> cream
£: 2 tbsp dotted cream the back of a spoon. Transfer to a bowl and all ow to coo l. Stir in the
0 or to taste cream and vanilla and leave to chi ll in the refrigerator. Churn in an
--0 ice-cream machine for about 10 minutes or according to the
For the kun1quat manufacturer's instructions. When the ice cream has th ickened,
z swirl t hrough the wa rmed marmalade. Transfer the ice cream t o a
11 Sg (4oz) unsalted butter
11Sg (4oz) caster sugar
freeze rproof conta in er and put in the f reezer to firm .
2 free-range eggs, light ly
To make the Cointreau ice cream, put the sugar and Cointreau in
a few drops of vanilla extract
a saucepan and heat gently unt il the sugar has dissolved ; allow t o
or grated zest of 1 orange cool. Pour the sugar syrup and wh ipping cream into a bowl and
about 140g (5oz) self-raising whisk until the m ix starts to thicken. Add the clotted cream and
flour chu rn in the ice-cream machine for about 30 minut es until t h ick.
about 2 tbsp kumquat
Transf er to a freezerproof container and p lace in t he freezer.
mi lk (if needed) c011.t111.t1ed .. .

,r +i r 1 • ~ri. f'..,.,..........., I .... no

For th.e cigarette To make the kumquat pudding, lightly grease a 600ml (1 -pint)
pudding basin or four 150ml (Sfl oz) pudding ba si ns.
2 egg whit es
11 Sg (4oz) caster suga r ~ Cream together the butter and sug ar until light and fl uffy.
1 t sp vanilla ext ract or Add the beaten eggs, a little at a time. Now add th e va nill a ext ract
grated zest of 1 orange
or orange zest and fold in the flour. If the mixture is t o o st iff,
210 use a little m il k.
55g (2oz) unsa lted butter,
t:, melted
Spoon the marmalade into the prepared basin(s) and spread
55g (2oz) p lain flour, sifted
rn over the bottom. Fill the basin(s) with the pudding mixture and
rn (or a m ixture of f lour and
l:!j cover with greaseproof paper and foil with a p leat. Tie with kitchen
cocoa p owder)
string and steam for about 1¼ hours for a large pudding or about
40 minutes if making 4 individual puddings .

(J) For the mar1nalade
--l Meanwhile, t o make the cigarette b iscuits, p reheat the oven
2 tbsp kumquat marma lade to 200°C (400°C/Gas 6). Li ne a baking sheet with sil icone paper,
m ab out 200ml (7fl oz) wat er or grease and flour a baking sheet.
0 zest of 1 lemon
C arrowroot , to thicken Whisk the egg whites until stiff, add the caster sugar and wh isk
~ until t he m ixture is smooth. Add t he vanilla now, if using, then add
C t he melted butt er to the m ixture with the sifted flour (or sifted flour
~ and cocoa). For an orange alternative, fold in the orange zest.
:::0 .. Spread t he mixture in long oval shapes onto the prepared
~ baking sheet and bake in the oven for 5-6 minutes. When cooked,
r remove carefu lly from the baking sheet and wrap aro und the
0 handle of a wooden spoon to shape.
C To make the marmalade sauce, put the marmalade, water,
0 and lemon zest in a p an. Bring slowly to the boil and taste. Adjust
z the flavour, adding arrowroot if necessary to th icken.

• Serve t he hot steamed pudding with the sauce and a scoop

of each ice cream on the side with a cigarette b iscu it .
Trio of Scottish
Prep time 35 minutes
Another delicious melding, with French Cooking time 1 hour
pastry meeting Scottish ingenuity Difficulty Medium-hard

1 Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Grease a mini muffin For the profiteroles
tin well and wet with a little water. 50g (1¾oz) unsalted b utter f.
60g (2oz) plain flo ur
2 To make the profiteroles, b rin g t he butter and 150ml (Sfl oz) 2 free -range e ggs
water to the boil in a saucepan. Remove fro m t he heat and add the ½ tsp va nilla extract
sifted flour all in one go. Beat for a m inute or so, leave to cool for 300m l (10fl oz) whipping
cream, whipped unt il soft
about 5 minutes, then beat in the eggs. Beat in t he vanilla extract. 211
peaks fo rm
3 Put teaspoons of t he pastry mix in t he muffin t in. Bake fo r t,
For the Cranachan
7 m inutes. Increase the te mperature to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7) and 00
filling 00
bake for a furthe r 12 minutes until puffy and golden brown. Leave 3 t bsp p inhead oatmeal,

t o cool on a wire rack - p rick a hole in each to let steam escape. otasted in a dry frying pan ~
100g (31/202) fresh
4 To make the cranachan filli ng, fold the toasted oatmea l, raspbe rries, p lus a few

raspberries and Drambuie into one-thi rd of the whipped cream. ;;a
extra, to d ecorate
about 1 t bsp Drambuie , 0
5 To make the tab let filling, put butter, milk and sugar in a pa n o r to taste 0
over a low heat. Once the suga r has dissolved, bring to t he boil for V)

10 minutes. Add the condensed milk and b rin g to the boi l again For the tablet filling
11 0g (4oz) unsa lted b utter --l
until j ust under 118°C (244°F), stirring all the t ime. Rem ove from --l
the heat, add the vani ll a essence and beat until very th ick. Pour 285ml (9f1 oz) whole m il k V)

1kg (2¼16) g ranulated sugar I

into a g reased baking tray. Once set, cut or crumble some t ablet 7J
450g (1 lb) condensed milk :::0
into small p ieces; fold t hrough one-th ird of the whipped cream. 2 tsp vanilla essence 0
6 To make the Athol Brose filling, mix the oatmea l and 150ml (Sfl m
For the Athol Brose ;;a
oz) water to fo rm a paste. Leave to stand for 30 minutes, then strain filling 0
through a fine sieve, squeezin g out as much liquid as possible. 3-4 tbsp Alford pinhead m
Discard the oatmeal. Mix t he Ocltmeal liquid with honey, orange oatmea l
zest and wh isky in a small pan. Bring to the boil and simmer for 2- 3 3-4 tsp heather honey
1 tsp g rated orange zest,
minutes unt il thick. Leave to coo l. Fold the th ickened Athol Brose
plus extra g rated or strips
into the remain ing whipped cream. of zest, to decorate
7 To make t he chocolate sauces, melt the m ilk and white 3 tbsp whisky
1 tbsp granulated sugar
choco lates sepa rately, each with 1 tsp of the cream, in heatproof
bowls set over pans of simmering wate r. Mix thorough ly unti l For the chocolate
smooth and leave t o cool slightly. sauces
100g (3½oz) good-quality
8 Fi ll the profit ero les with each of the different fillings. Serve one milk chocolate
of each type of profiterole on each p late, wit h the white chocolate 100g (3½oz) good-qua lity
sauce poured ove r the Cranachan profiteroles and the milk white chocolate
choco lat e sauce over the other two va riations. 2 tsp double cream
' .
Chocolate stollt '

ice cream
Prep time 10 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes
Moreish ice cream with zesty shortbread -
Difficulty Easy-medium pair with chocolate stout of the liquid kind
For the ice cream 1 To make the ice cream, usin g the end of a teaspoon, scrape
1 vanilla pod, split out the seeds from the vani ll a pod. Add to a pan with the double
cream and bring to the boil.
250ml (8fl oz) double cream
1½ tbsp dark cocoa powder 2 In a large bowl, mix together the cocoa powder or grated
or grated dark chocol ate
choco late and the egg yo lks and sugar, blending thoroughly. Add
4 egg yolks
212 17 Sg (6oz) granulated sugar
a small amount of the cream, whisking quickly to temper the eggs.
~ 250ml (8fl oz) Titanic stout Add the egg mixture to the pan and cook until thick, whisking
constantly. Mix in the stout. Allow to coo l, then churn in an ice-
00 For the orange cream machin e acco rding to the manufa cturer's instructions.
125g (4½oz) plain flour 3 To make the shortbread, preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas
40g (1 ½oz) caster sugar 4). Mix together the flour, sugar and orange zest in a bowl. Rub

n zest of 1 orange in the butt er unt il the mixture rese mbles fine breadcrumbs, then
I 90g (3oz) unsalted butter,
0 knead t ogether until it f orms a dough. Roll out the dough and
n softened
cut into shapes. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes.
strips of orange zest,
to decorate
4 Serve scoops of the ice cream decorated with fin e strips of
tn orange zest and a coup le of pieces of the shortbread alongside.
Sticky toffee and
date pudding
Prep time 20 minut es
This may be the ultimate in sticky toffee Cooking time 35 minutes
puddings - light as air but fondly familiar Difficulty Easy-medium

1 Preheat the oven to 180°F (350°F/Gas 4). In a sma ll bowl, soak For the pudding
the dates in the boiling wat er and vanil la extract for 5 m inutes, 100g (3½oz) chopped dates
then drain and mash. 90ml (3fl oz) boiling water
½ t sp va nil la extract
2 Cream t ogether t he butte r and demerara sugar until light and 35g (1 oz) softened butter
fluffy. Add the egg to the butt er mixture and beat thoro ug hly, t hen 65g (2oz) demerara sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
beat in the b lack treacl e. 213
1 t sp b lack treacle
3 Fold in a thi rd of the flou r and all the b icarbo nate of soda. 75g (2½oz) self-raising flour t:,
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
Add half the m ilk, then repeat, adding the m il k and the rest of the 00
60ml (2fl oz) milk 00
flour in batches. Stir in t he mashed dates. t_:i:j
4 Spoon the date and t reacle mixture into 4 ra mekins and bake For the toffee sauce 1-3
25g (scant 1 oz) b utt er
in t he oven for 20-25 minutes. 75g (2½oz) soft dark brown

5 To make the sauce, heat the butter, sugar and ha lf the cream n
120ml (4f l oz) double cream A
in a pan unt il the butter has melted. Bring t o the boil, reduce the 1 tbsp black t reacle -<
heat slightly and simmer for about 5 minutes until the sugar has 0
d issolved comp letely. For the triangle 11
drizzle m
6 St ir in the b lack t reacle, increase the heat and all ow the mixture 2 tbsp g ranu lated sugar )>
t o simmer for 2- 3 minutes, stirring occas io nally. Remove fro m the z
heat and sti r in the rest of the cream. To serve 0

7 For the t riangle drizzle, d isso lve the gran ulated sugar in a litt le
creme fraTche, frozen
cold water and boil for 4 minutes until golden in co lour. Drizzle 4 C
triang le shapes o nto a Bake-O -G lide or other non-st ick silicone 0
sheet and leave for about 10 seco nds to set. z
8 To serve, turn the puddings out onto a p late, pour the toffee
sauce over the top and serve with a doll op of frozen creme fraTche
and a t riangle drizzle to garn ish.

''It's a real sort-of nursery-

time treat ... The flavours
are very good ... It's perfect.
What a great dessert."
-Ed Baines

;-- ·E.. 15 minut es, plus

ti 1t:.
Lemon meringue pie
overnight chilling t ime
C "ll 11q 11r1e 45 minutes Gorgeous lemon filling topped with fluffy
Diffcu't Medium me1·i11.gue - little bites of _heaven
;, tl1e p."'st1 y - Preheat t he oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Lightly grease four
25g (1oz) icing sugar 10cm (4in) individua l tart t ins.
100g (3½oz) p lain flour
60g (2oz) salted butter, '? To make the pastry, put the icing sugar and flour into a large
chopped into cubes bowl. Add t he butter and rub together with your fingertips,
1 egg yolk
squeezing the mixture together, until the mixture resembles
214 ::,or 1.l1P len101. filling breadcrumbs. Make a we ll in the centre, add the egg yolk and
t, finely grated zest and juice continue to mix with your fingers until a smooth pastry forms.
of 3 lemons Leave to ch ill for as long as possib le, preferably overnight.
00 100g (3½oz) salt ed butter
t_,!j 3 To make t he lemon filling, put al l t he in gredients except the
~ 1759 (6oz) caster suga r
1-3 2 eggs p lus 2 egg yolks double cream in a saucepa n, heating slowly over a low heat until
4 tbsp double cream the butter has melted. Remove f rom the heat and set aside fo r

m a m inute to cool, before adding the cream.
~ For the me1 'ingue
0 6 egg whites 4 Ro ll o ut the pastry to the req uired thickness, about 3mm (1/ain),
z 100g (3½oz) caster sugar and use to line the individual tart t ins. Line the pastry cases with
m greaseproof paper and fill with baking beans. Blind-bake in the
z oven for 4 minutes, t hen remove the beans and paper and bake
C the pastry cases for a further 4 m inutes or until golden .
7J 5 To finis h t he lemon fil ling, push the lemon mixture through
a sieve; retu rn to the pan and heat slowly until it thickens.
Sieve the mixture aga in, then pour into the pastry cases to set.

6 To make t he meringue, put t he egg whites in a clean, dry bowl.

Usin g an electric m ixer, whisk the egg whites on a low to medium
speed until t hey start to turn white, then increase the speed to
high. Whi le the egg wh ites are whisking, put the sugar and 4 tsp
cold water in a saucepan over a low heat and heat until the mixture
reaches a temperature of 110°C (225°F) on a cook's thermometer.
Carefully swirl an extra 1 tbsp cold wate r around the edge of th e
saucepan to prevent sugar crystals forming.

r, Slowly pour the ·sugar syrup into the egg wh ites while t hey are
wh isking. Keep wh isking until the m ixture coo ls and soft peaks
form. Pla ce t he meringue on top of the lemon tarts, using a chef's
blowtorch to crisp the outer shell (o r lightly b'rown the tops under
a hot gri ll). Decorate wit h sift ed icing sugar if desired.

8 These t arts are best se rved co ld, but can also b e enjoyed warm.
Prep time 1 hour, p lus
cooli ng t ime for conserve
and rose tart ·
and overnight dryi ng t ime
Cooking time 50 minutes Summertime flavours and floral aromas
Difficulty Medium temptingly combine in this luscious tart
For the crystallized Crystallized rose petals
rose petals 1 Make the crystallised rose petals the day before. Carefully
1 unsprayed red or p ink rose
pee l o ff t he rose pet als and choose t he best-shaped ones for
1 egg white
100g {3½oz} cast er sugar crystall izing. They should not be damaged and must be dry.

2 D ip a p etal in t he egg whit e and use a clean paintbrush to

For the strawberry
216 sp read the egg wh ite even ly all over it . Now dip the petal straight
t:, 1kg (2¼16) strawberries int o the su gar and make sure t hat it is wel l coated on both sides.
l1.1 1kg (2¼16} j am suga r Place on a sheet of baki ng pa rchment. Continue until all the petals
00 juice of 2 lemons have b een coated and leave to dry overnight .
For the vanilla and 3 The cryst allized rose p et als will keep stored in an airti ght tin
strawberry ripple for 3-4 days. Do not st ore th em in t he refrig erator o r leave them

V) ice cream
-I in a humid pl ace, as t hey will go sogg y.
;o 250m l (8fl oz) Jersey whole
mi lk
~ Strawberry conserve
OJ 250ml (8fl oz} Jersey cream
;o 2 vanilla pods, split 1 Wash and hu ll t he strawberri es, t hen pat dry with kitchen paper.
-< 2 Put in a d ish and cover wit h t he sugar. Cover the dish with cl ing
)> 1 tsp vanilla paste
z 4 egg yolks film an d leave to st eep ove rnight. The suga r will extract t he juice
;::o 75g (2½oz} sugar fro m th e st rawberries.
2 tbsp liquid glucose
m 200g (7oz} home-made 3 Strain off t he juice and sugar and put in a saucepan; rese rve
j; strawberry conserve t he st rawberries. Bo il unt il t he li quid has red uced by ha lf.
;o (see above)
4 Add the reserved strawberries and the lemon juice. Simmer
for 10- 15 minutes unt il t he f ruit is soft and has reached setting
point. To check for sett ing point , have a co ld saucer ready in t he
refrigerat or. Take out and p lace a little o f t he j am onto t he co ld
saucer. Ret urn t o t he refrigerat or for a few seconds. A wrinkly skin
should fo rm o n t he t op when setti ng point has b een reach ed.

5 Cool a little, t hen pour into hot steri lized jars wit h tight-fit ti ng
lids. Seal and leave to cool compl ete ly. (Sterilize t he j ars and li ds
on a baking tray in .a very low oven fo r 15 minut es, or run through
a hot cycle on t he d ishwasher.)

Vanilla and strawberry ripple ice cream

1 In a heavy saucepan, heat t he milk and cream wit h the van ill a
pods and va nill a past e. Sim mer gently for 3 minutes.
2 In a bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, sugar and liquid glucose For the strawberry
until thick and glossy. and rose tart
90g (3oz) cold unsalt ed
3 Gradually add the hot m il k and cream mixture to the egg butter
mixture, stirring constantly. M ix we ll . Pour t his custard mixture back 40g (1½oz) white vegetable
into the saucepan and gently heat, stirring, until the custard coats fat such as Flora White
250g (9oz) plain flour
the back of a spoon. Strain through a sieve into a bowl, cover with 217
2 tbsp icing sugar
cling f il m and coo l rapid ly in the freezer for 10 m inutes. 55g (2oz) soft unsalted butter t,
55g (2oz) caster sugar
4 Pour the coo led custard into an ice-cream machine and churn 00
25g (scant 1oz) ground 00
according to the manufacturer's instructions for 40-60 minutes. ttj
30g (1 oz) self-raising flour t-3
5 Using a food processor, whizz the strawberry conserve until 00
1 large egg, p lus 1 egg white
almost smooth, but sti ll with a few pieces of strawberry throughout. 4 tsp rose water

Fold the pureed conserve through the churned van ill a ice cream 120ml (4fl oz) fresh strawberry -I
just before the ice cream has set comp letely. Freeze until needed. conserve (see opposite)
To decorate m
Strawberry and rose tart ;;:o
2 tbsp icing sugar
1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). -<
2 tbsp rose-scent ed sugar )>

2 To make shortcrust pastry, pu lse the butter, vegetab le fat, f lour cryst all ized rose pet als z
4 small st rawberries, sliced ;;:o
and icing sugar in a food processor until the mixture resemb les
and shaped into fans 0/J)
breadcrumbs. Add just enough cold water to form a dough.
3 Roll out the pastry to around 3mm (1/sin) thick and use it to line ~
four 10cm (4in) individua l fluted ta rt tins. Line the pastry cases with -I

greaseproof paper and fill with baking beans. Blind-bake in the

oven for 15 minutes. Take out of the oven and remove the b eans
and paper. Do not turn off the oven.

4 To make the fi ll ing, beat the butter, sugar, ground almonds, flour,
who le egg and rose water until creamy. In a separat e, clean bowl,
whisk the egg wh ite until stiff; fold into the cake mixture.

5 Spread strawberry conserve over the bottom of each tart case.

Spoon over the cake mixture and bake for 10~15 minutes. Remove
from the oven and dust with icing sugar and rose-scented sugar.

6 To serve, p lace a tart on each of 4 plates. Decorate each tart

with crysta ll ized rose petals and a strawberry fan and serve with
a scoop of strawberry ripple ice cream on the side.
Traditional 3.J)ple pie
with whipped cream
Prep time 20 minutes
Cooking time 35 minutes The pastry for this apple pie is simply
Difficulty Medium extraordinary and well worth the effort
Fo ~ the filling 1 For best resu lts, all ing redients and equ ipment, including the
9009 (2Ib) Bramley apples rollin g pin, should be we ll chi ll ed in the refrigerator before use.
(or use other old varieties
Ouantit ies of quince marmalade, sugar and lemon juice wi ll
such as Bascombe Mystery
and Lane's Prince Albert) depend o n t he apples used, so make sure that you taste the filling
2 tsp quince marmalade, bef ore p utt ing it in t he p ie.
or to taste
freshly squeezed lemon
2 Preheat t he oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Peel, core and chop
t1 juice, to taste t he app les. Put in a pan of salt ed wat er until to ready to use, to
00 caster sugar, to taste for p revent t hem t urning b rown. Wh en ready, d rain off the salted water
00 the filling, plus a little more and p ut t he apples in a pan over a med ium heat. Add the quince
to sprinkle over the pie
marma lade and part-coo k fo r about 10 m inutes, then add the
lemon j uice and sugar to t ast e. Dra in and set aside to cool.
For the pastry
• 175g (6oz) self-raising flour
-l 3 To make t he past ry, sift t he fl our into a bowl. Add the margarine,
)> 85g (3oz) hard margarine
lard and salt . Cut the m ixture wit h a knife until it combines, then
such as Stork, plus a little
extra for rolling pastry lid g rad ually ad d about 200m l (7fl oz) of the soured milk until the
0 85g (3oz) lard m ixture just comes t oget her int o a dough; do not use your hands.
)> pinch of salt The dough should be elast ic and not be too wet or too dry.
)> 300ml (1 0fl oz) soured milk
-c, (leave out fresh milk for 4 On a fl ou red wo rk surface, ro ll out two-t hirds of the past ry into
2-3 days in a warm kitchen) a rectang le. Fold in t hree by folding th e ends into the middle.
Turn t he p astry 90 d egrees and repeat the p rocess twice more.
m To serve
Keep yo ur rolling movements very light . Roll out the pastry again
~ 300ml (1 0fl oz) double cream,
-l and use t o line a greased p ie p late. Cut off t he trimmings and set
I whisked with a little caster
sugar, to serve aside for t he lid. Arrange t he apple over the bottom of the pastry
I case, leaving a clea r edge around and b rush with soured milk.
m 5 For t he lid, roll out t he rema ining th ird of pastry (but not the
0 t rimm ings). Fo ld in the ends and t urn 90 degrees. Cut a lit tl e extra
:::::0 margarin e int o small pieces and dot ont o the pastry. Ro ll out t he
)> t rimmings and place on t op of t he rolled-o ut dough. Dot mo re
margarine on two-thi rds of t he past ry. Fold the non-marg arin e-
dotted end int o the m iddle; fo ld t he ot her end ove r it. Tu rn and
repeat twice more.- Ro ll out and place on t op of the pie. Cut a vent
hole in t he top and work around the edges, lifting and p inching
toget her to seal. Glaze with soured m il k and sprinkle with sugar.

6 Bake in the oven fo r 20-25 minut es until the past ry is a ri ch

golden b rown - it is important not to undercoo k it. Serve t he
warm p ie cut into slices, wit h a dollop o f t he whip ped cream .
Plum and blueberry
upside-down cake
Prep t ime 30 minut es
Caramelized plums and blueberries make Cooking time 1¼ hour
a fine pairing in this warm pudding cake Difficulty Medium

Honey ice cream For the honey ice

1 Put the cream and milk in a pan and heat until almost boi ling. At cream
300ml (10fl oz) clotted cream
the same time, wh isk together the egg yolks and caster sugar unt il
150ml (Sfl oz) sem i-skimmed
thick, pa le and creamy. mil k
2 Slowly add the hot cream mixture to the egg m ixture, wh isking 5 egg yolks
75g (2½fl oz} cast er sugar
all the time. Pour the mixtu re back into the pan, stirring constantly 219
3 t sp clea r honey
until it is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Add the honey. t:;
For the caramelized l:t:t
3 Pour the custard into an ice-cream machine and churn according r:n
fruit topping r:n
t o the manufacturer's instructions until frozen. 150g (5½oz} cast er sugar
90ml (3fl oz) Dalwhinnie ~r:n
Upside-down cake whisky

1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Grease a 20cm (Sin) 4 large plu ms -cJ
100g (3½oz) blueberries C
round cake t in.
For the sponge )>
2 To make the carame lized topping for the upside-down cake, put z
100g (3½02) caster sugar 0
t he sugar, wh isky and 150ml (Sfl oz) wat er in a heavy pan and slowly
100g (3½oz) hard baking OJ
bring to the boil. Continue cooking until the sugar has d isso lved r
margarine, softened C
and is start ing to ca rameli ze; this usually takes 10-15 minut es. m
2 medium eggs OJ
100g (3½oz) self-ra ising flour m
3 Meanwhile, p repare t he fru it by cutting the p lums in half and ;;:o
a little milk
removing the stones. When the carame l is ready, tran sfer to the -<
cake tin and carefu lly arrange the p lums cut-side down in t he -0

ca ramel, in a ci rcle around the edge of the t in. Fill the centre 0
and any gaps wit h the blueberries. 0

4 Next, make the sponge. In a. b owl, cream together the sugar ~
and margarine until light and fluffy. Add t he eggs, one at a time, z
beating we ll after each addition. Add t he flour and a little mi lk )>
alternately and mix until we ll comb ined. Pour the sponge mixture rn
over the caramel fruit and spread even ly. Bake in the oven for
40- 45 m inutes until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake
comes out clean. Leave to coo l in the t in for a m inute or so, then
run a knife around the edge of the tin. Sit an inverted serving plate
on top of the cake, carefully f lip over and rem ove t he tin .

5 Serve the cake, cut into slices, as a warm pudding, accompanied

by the honey ice cream. It also w orks well co ld as a t ea ca ke.
A Blade steak with tandoori Sponge, for trifle 200-1 Chilli chocolate pastry 163
Afternoon tea desserts trio tatties 95 Tea bread 206 Chilli chocolate sauce 193
206-7 Boozy beef with roasted Yorkshire ginger park1n 166-7 Chilli sauce 46-7
almonds vegetables 136 Canary pudding & home-made Chocolate & chilli cheesecake
Almond tarts with Amaretto Chipole pudding with oxtail custard 159 182-3
ice cream 195 gravy 141 carrot pudding, Lincolnshire 161 Lime-chilli prawn & scallop
Frangipane & raspberry Corned beef pie with duchess cauliflower skewers 29
f.(2-l tart 168 potatoes 112-13 Cauliflower cheese 96 Pigeon with sweet chilli

-~\ Orange almond cake 196-8

Rhubarb & ginger crumbles
Dexter beef & mushroom pie
Roast beef & Yorkshire
Creamy cau liflower & Stilton
soup 53
Champagne lemon martinis 175
butterbeans 67
Chipole pudding with oxtail

gravy 141
see also Bakewells
apples (savoury)
pudding 96
Trafalgar steak pudding with
chard, Magic crab gratin with
Swiss chard 45
Chilli chocolate cake 193
"'" Mint & apple chutney 64-5 port 118-19 cheese Chilli & chocolate deep-fried
220 Pork Wellington with a cider Whisky-flamed peppered Austrian-style spaetzle 25 ice cream 193
sauce 123 beef fillet 90 Ayrshire ham & cheese tart 74 Chilli chocolate pastry 163
1-4 Sage & onion stuffing 86-8 Beremeal bannocks 20 Cauliflower cheese 96 Chilli chocolate sauce 193
~ Somerset tiddy oggy 13, 40-1 biscuits see Shortbreads; Tu iles
t:, Cheese baskets 30-1 Chocolate & boozy raspberry
t_:r:j Spiced roast apples 80 b lueberries Cheese sauce 96, 144 puddings 180
West Country pork torte II in i SS
~ Blueberry & strawberry coulis Craster smoked fish pie 144-6 Chocolate brownie with
apples (sweet) 202- 4 Creamy cauliflower & Stilton creme caramel 202-4
Apple batter cake 205 Dorset blueberry relish 72 soup 53 Chocolate buttercream icing
Apple plum crumble with Plum & blaeberry upside- Stargazy p ie with Cornish Yarg 170
hazelnuts 178 down cake 219 107 Chocolate & chilli cheesecake
Bramley apple crump 160 Summer pudding with creme Three-cheese scones 53 182-3
East Anglian white wine de cassis 158 Trio of jack crab verrines 73 Chocolate cupcakes 170-2
mousse 188-9 bread, in recipes see also cheesecakes; goat's Chocolate kisses 180
English apple strudel 188-9 Bread & butter meringue flan cheese; mascarpone Chocolate mousse 199
Spotted dick with fruit & 187 cheesecakes Chocolate mud cakes with
cust ard 169 Bread sauces 108-9, 148-9, Chocolate & chi lli 182-3 truffles 199
Traditional apple pie with 150-1 Scottish baked pear 21 Chocolate roulade with
whipped cream 218 Granary straws 73 Warm savoury Stilton 72 passion fruit 184-5
asparagus Melba toast 67 chicken Chocolate sauce 163
Asparagus, ham & goat's Summer pudding wrth creme Aromatic green chicken curry Chocolate stout ice cream 212
cheese trio 56-7 de cassis 158 22-3 Milk & white chocolat e sauces
Ham & asparagus flan 18 breads Chicken marinated in lemon 211
avocado Breadsticks 48-9 &thyme 122 Orange liqueur tart with
Avocado & goat's cheese Ciabatta 68-9 Chicken tandoori masala 84-5 chocolate sauce 163
tartlets 46-7 Dough balls 39 Chicken tikka roll with Truffles 199
Guacamole 46-7, 70-1 Flat breads 30-1, 75 coconut sauce 52 Christmas lunch, Contemporary
Trio of jack crab verrines 73 Olive oil 60 Jerk chicken with rice & peas 150-1
Soda breads 38, 62 104-6 Christmas tree granita with
B brownies, Chocolate, with creme Lamb with chicken mousseline wine shooters 162
Bakewells caramel 202-4 132-4 chutneys
Cherry Bakewell cupcakes 172 butter, Parsley 63 Luxurious Cornish paella Mint & apple 64-5
Orange Bakewell tart 174 Butter icing 206-7 120-1 Red onion 24
Toffee Bakewell tarts 175 buttercream icing, Vegan 170-1 Roast chicken with Sects Rhubarb 64-5, 107
Bannocks 20 bread sauce 108-9 Tomato 58-9
Barley risotto 137 C Spiced chicken flautas 70-1 Cloutie dumpling 179
beans cakes Spicy chicken with roasted Coleslaw 25
Bean, sausage & scallop Apple batter 205 tomatoes 97 compotes
polenta crostini 42-3 Best of British cupcakes 170-2 Sri Lankan chicken curry 91 Red fruit 164-5
Creole salted cod with rice Chilli chocolate 193 stocks 39, 66, 80, 120, 130 Rhubarb 194
& peas 83 Chocolate brownie with Chicken liver pate 142-3 condensed milk
Jerk chicken with rice & peas creme caramel 202-4 ch ickpeas Malt whisky ice cream 182-3
104-6 Chocolate mud, with truffles Harira with herb flat breads 75 Tablet p rofiteroles 211
Pigeon with sweet chilli 199 Mint hummus 29 Toffee Bakewell tarts 175
butterbeans 67 Lemon Victoria sponge 206-7 chilli Corned beef pie with duchess
beef Orange almond 196-8 Chilli chocolate cake 193 potatoes 112-13
Beef Wellington with red Plum & b laeberry upside- Chilli & choco late deep-fried coulis
wine gravy 138-40 down 219 ice cream 193 Blueberry & strawberry 202-4
Raspberry 180, 182-3, 195 Orange-infused N orth Sea Strawberry & lime hazelnut Lemon curd 206
Rhubarb 205 fish soup 26-7 stack 156-7 Lemon drop cupcakes 172
Strawberry 173 Pan-fried sea bass with saute Honeycomb 182 lemon meringue pie 214-15
Cranberry sauce 108- 9, 150-1 potatoes 116-1 7 Horserad ish sauce 92, 96 Lemon syrup 175
creme b rulee, Lavender 196-8 Salt cod polenta crostini 42-3 hummus, Mint 29 lemon tart with margarita ice
Creme caramel 202-4 Sparkling fish risotto 16 cream 181
crostini, Trio of polenta 42-3 Stargazy pie with Cornish Yarg I Lemon Victoria sponge 206- 7
crumbles 107 ice creams lentils
Apple, plum, & hazelnut 178 stocks 26, 32 Amaretto 195 Caribbean spicy vegetable
Rhubarb & ginger 194 Trout mousse with beetroot Chocolate stout 212 soup 39
crump, Bramley apple 160 & wasabi 28 Cinnamon 205 Harira with herb flat breads 75
Crystallized rose petals 200, 216 see a/so smoked f ish Cointreau, with clotted cream Red lentil soup with lentil
cucumbers flans see tarts 208-1 0 vadai 19
Mango & cucumber salsa 91 flautas, Spiced chicken 70-1 Deep-fried 193 limes
Raita 84-5, 11 4- 15 fruit Honey 219 Lime sauce 181
Cullen skink 50 Bread & butter meringue flan l avender 196-8 Lime-chilli prawn & scallop
Cumberland sauce 142-3 187 Malt whisky 182- 3 skewers 29
cupcakes, Best o f British 170-2 Creamed rice with red fruit Margarita 181 Strawberry & lime hazelnut
curd compote 164-5 Marmalade wh im wham stack 156-7 221
Lemon 206 Summer pudding with creme 208-10 Whisky MacOuail 66
Orange 174 de cassis 158 Plum ripple 178 Xmas tree granita with wine
curri es see also specific fruit Rhubarb ripple 194 shooters 162
Aromatic chicken 114-15 (eg strawberries) Tea bread 206-7
Aromatic green chicken 22- 3 Full English risotto 33 Vanilla 193 MN
Caribbean cu rried goat 102 Vanilla & Cognac 158 mango
Chicken tikka roll with G Vanilla custard 166-7 Mango & cucumber salsa 91
coconut sauce 52 Game chips, parsnip 82 Vanilla & strawberry ripple Mango lassi 100
Curried leeks 95 Ginger syrup 166-7 216-17 Mango raita 124-5
Lamb biryani 98-100 goat, Caribbean curried 102 icings 170-1, 206-7 marmalade
l amb tikka masala 124-5 goat's cheese Death by Jaffa cupcakes 172
Sri Lankan chicken 91 Asparagus, ham & goat 's JK Kumquat marmalade 208-10
see also tandoori dishes cheese trio 56-7 jam, Rhubarb & Earl Grey 200 Marmalade sauce 208-10
custard 159, 161, 179, 200-1 Avocado & goa t's cheese jellies Marmalade wh im wham ice
Orange liqueur 169 tartlet s 46-7 Mulled wine tri fle jelly cream 208- 10
Vanilla 160, 162 Ayrshire ham & cheese tart 74 shooters 162 Spotted dick with fruit &
see also ice creams; panna Sparkling fish risotto 16 Rhubarb & ginger beer 194 custard 169
cotta West Country pork tortellini SS Strawberry 200 Steamed kumquat marm alade
granitas, Xmas tree, with wine Jerk chicken wi th rice & peas pudding 208- 10
DE shooters 162 104-6 martinis, Champagne lemon 175
dates gratin, Magic crab, with Swiss kumquat marmalade pudding, masala blends 84-5, 95, 98-100,
Berry stuffing 148-9 chard 45 Steamed 208- 10 124-5
lona's tipsy tart with whisky Gravy 86-8, 108-9, 148-9 mascarpone
sauce 186 Onion 130- 1, 147 L Amaretto cream 168
Sticky toffee & date pudding Oxtail 141 lamb Scottish baked pear
213 Red wi ne 96, 138-40, 150-1 Best end of lamb with pureed cheesecake 21
Dough balls 39 Sage 101 swede 92- 3 Zesty orange cream 174
Duck breast, roast potatoes, Guacamole 46-7, 70-1 Harira with herb flat breads 75 Mayonnaise 67
& g ravy 86-8 lamb biryani 98-100 Melba toast 67
dumplings H Lamb with chicken mousseline meringue
Austrian-style spaetzle 25 haggis pako ras, Vegetarian 64-5 132-4 Bread & butter meringue
Cloutie dumpling (suet ham lamb in hay 129 flan 187
pudding) 179 Asparagus, ham & goat's Lamb tikka masala 124-5 Lemon meringue pie 214-15
Crisp-fried dumplings 102 cheese trio 56-7 Lavender & orange desserts mint
Egg masala 100 Ayrshire ham & cheese tart 74 trio (cake, creme br0lee Kendal Mint cupca kes 172
Ham & asparagus flan 18 & ice cream) 196-8 Mint & apple chu tney 64-5
F Pea & ham verrine in a leeks M int hummus 29
fish watermelon jus 51 Crab , prawn & leek pasty 35 Minted peas 90
Creole salted cod with rice Potato & ham cake 36-7 Curried 95 Minted potatoes 90, 141
& peas 83 Torbock's pie with pheasant lemons M inty mushy peas 103
Crisp-fried wh itebait 48-9 & ham 135 Canary pudding & home- mousses
Fish & chips with minty mushy Harira with herb flat breads 75 made custard 159 Chicken mousseline 132-4
peas 103 hazelnuts Champagne lemon martinis Chocolate 199
Medley of seafood 68-9 Apple plum crumble with 175 East Anglian white wine 188-9
Monkfish, fennel & tomato hazelnuts 178 Chicken marinated in lemon Trout, with beetroot and
soup 60 English apple strudel 188- 9 & thyme 122 wasabi 28

mushrooms Beef Wellington with red Mulled wine trifle jelly Summer pudding with creme
Dexter beef & mushroom pie wine gravy 138-40 shooters 162 de cassi s 158
110-11 Chipole pudding with oxtail Plum & blaeberry upside• Red cabbage 126-7
Mushroom polenta crostini gravy 141 down cake 219 rhubarb
42-3 Crab, prawn & leek pasty 35 Plum ripple ice cream 178 Baked, with Yorkshire ginger
Spinach, mushroom & English apple strudel 188-9 polenta crostini, Trio of 42-3 parkin 166-7
chutney tart 24 Pork Wellington with a cider pork Creamed rice with red fru1l
Mushy peas 103, 130-1 sauce 123 Pork & cider jus 36-7 compote 164-5
nuts see specific types (eg Somerset tiddy oggy 13, 40-1 Pork Wellington with a cider Rhubarb chutney 64-5, 107
almonds) Trafalgar steak pudding with sauce 123 Rhubarb coulis 205
port 118-19
(),r:7 0 Trio of Scottish profiteroles
Porkie pig pie 58-9
Roast rack of pork with apricot
Rhubarb & Earl Grey jam 200
Rhubarb renaissance

afo1 -\ oatmeal 211 stuffing 101 (compote, 1elly, ice cream

Athol Brose profiteroles 211 Venison pudding 89 Slow-roasted pork belly 80-1 & crumble) 194
Cranachan profiteroles 211 Wild Norfolk venison Nelson Somerset tiddy oggy 13, 40-1 rice (savoury)
V) Oatcakes 21 142-3
qr-- "-,
?=! West Country pork tortellini 55 Chicken marinated in lemon
Oatmeal tuiles 190-2 see also pies; tarts see a/so sausages &thyme 122
Scots bread sauce 108-9 pates Port reduction 92-3 Creole salted cod with rice
222 Yorkshire ginger parkin 166-7 Chicken liver 142-3 Port sauce 118-19 & peas83
.... Onion gravy 130-1, 147
Smoked Arctic char, with
bannocks 20
Chips 103
Jerk chicken with rice & peas
~ Red onion chutney 24 Smoked mackerel 38
tj Craster smoked fish pie 144-6 Luxurious Cornish paella
oranges pears Duchess 112-13 120-1
Cumberland sauce 142-3 Pear tarte Tatin with pear
~ Mash 80, 110, 118-19, 123, Pheasant with wild rice
Death by Jaffa cupcakes 172 schnapps 176-7 130-1, 136,147 & horseradish 82
Orange almond cake 196-8 Scottish baked pear Minted 90, 141 see also curries; risotto
Orange Bakewell tart 174 cheesecake 21 Mustard mash 147 rice (sweet), Creamed rice with
Orange curd 174 peas Potato cakes 128 red fruit compote 164-5
Orange liqueur custard 169 Mushy peas 103, 130-1 Potato & ham cake 36-7 risotto
Orange liqueur tart with Pea & ham verrine in a Potato pancakes 124-5 Barley risotto 137
chocolate sauce 163 watermelon jus 51 Potato roti 114-15 Full English risotto 33
Orange shortbread 212 Pea & shrimp ravioli 63 Roast 86-8, 89, 92-3, 96, 101, Smoked trout & salami risotto
Orange-infused North Sea pesto, Pepper-walnut 126 108-9, 138-40, 148-9, 150-1 61
fish soup 26-7 pheasant Roast baby potatoes Sparkling fish risotto 16
Trio of lavender & orange Pheasant with wild rice & tomatoes 97 rose petals, Crystallized 200, 216
desserts 196-8 & horseradish 82 Rosti 126-7 rosti, Potato 126-7
Zesty orange cream 174 Slow-cooked pheasant Saute 116-17, 132-4 roti, Potato 114-15
oxtail, Chipole pudding with casserole 94 Tandoori tatties 95 roulade, Chocolate, with passion
oxtail gravy 141 Torbock's pie with pheasant Three-cheese scones 53 fruit 184-5
& ham 135 prese,ves
P Q pies (savoury) Kumquat marmalade 208-10 s
paella, Lux.urious Cornish 120-1 Corned beef, with duchess Rhubarb & Earl Grey jam 200 salami, Smoked trout & salami
pakoras, Vegetarian haggis 64-5 potatoes 112-13 Strawberry conserve 216 risotto 61
pancakes, Potato 124-5 Craster smoked fish 144-6 see also chutneys; curds salsas 70-1, 91
panna cotta Dexter beef & mushroom profiteroles, Trio of Scottish 211 sauces (savoury)
Cranachan 190- 2 110-11 pumpkin, Langoustine & spicy Bearnaise 90
Vanilla 173 Porkie pig 58-9 pumpkin soup 14-15 Bread 148-9, 150-1
parkin, Yorkshire ginger 166-7 Squirrel, with vegetables 128 quail, Whisky MacOuail 66 Cheese 96, 144
Parsi ey butter 63 Stargazy, with Cornish Yarg Chilli 46-7
Parsnip crisps & game chips 82, 107 R Cider 123
118- 19, 150-1 Torbock's, with pheasant raitas 84-5, 100, 114-15, 124-5 Coconut 52
partridge, Sussex partridge & ham 135 raspberries Cranberry 108-9, 150-1
with berry stuffing 148-9 pies (sweet) Chocolate & boozy raspberry Cumberland 142-3
pasta Lemon meringue 214-15 puddings 180 Horseradish 82, 96
Austrian-style spaetzle 25 Traditional apple, with Cranachan panna cotta 190-2 Lamb jus 132--4
Pea & shrimp ravioli 63 whipped cream 218 Cranachan profiteroles 211 Mayonnaise 67
West Country pork tortellini pigeon Crea rned rice with red fruit Neilly Prat 32
55 Pigeon with sweet chilli compote 164-5 Pepper-walnut pesto 126
pastry butterbeans 67 Frangipane & raspberry tart Pork & cider jus 36-7
Chilli chocolate 163 Pigeon wrapped in bacon 168 Port 118-19
Choux 211 126-7 Raspberry coulis 180, 182- 3, Port reduction 92- 3
Flaky 175 Plantain chips 104-6 195 Scots bread 108-9
Puff 123, 138, 142 plums Raspberry cream 180 Scrumpy 55
Strudel 188 Apple p lum crumble with Spotted dick with fruit Tartare 103
pastry d ishes hazelnuts 178 & custard 169 Vegetable liquor 36-7
Wine 137 Smokie in a pokie 34 Cloutie dumpling 179 Tomato chutney 58-9
see also Gravy ' Soda breads 38, 62 Lincolnshire carrot pudding Tomato medley (salad, sorbet
sauces (sweet) sorbets, Tomato 30--1 161 & soup) 30-1
Chilli chocolate 193 scuffles Spotted dick with fruit & Tortillas 70-1
Chocolate 163 Chocola te roulade with custard 169 trifle, Traditional English 200-1
Lime 181 passion fruit 184-5 Venison pudding 89 truffles, Chocolate 199
Marmalade 208-10 Strawberry, with panna cotta Summer pudding with creme Tuiles 164-5, 205
Milk & white chocolate 211 173 de cassis 158 Cigarette biscuits 208- 10
Toffee 213 soups Swiss chard, Magic crab grat in Oatmeal 190--2
Whisky 186 Caribbean spicy vegetable 39 with Swiss chard 45 turkey, Contemporary Christmas
see also coulis; custard Creamy cauliflower & Stilton lunch 150- 1
Bangers & mash 130--1
Bean, sausage & scallop
Cullen skink SO
Harira with herb flat breads 75
Tablet profiteroles 211
tacos, Spiced chicken flau tas
Vadai, lentil 19 \:
polenta crostini 42-3
Full English risotto 33
Luxurious Cornish p aella
Langoustine & spicy pumpkin
Monkfish, fennel & tomato 60
Orange-infused North Sea
70- 1
tandoori dishes
Blade steak with tandoori
tatties 95
Van illa & Cognac ice cream
Vanilla cupcakes 170-2

Sausagemeat stuffing for fish 26-7 Chicken tandoori masala 84-5 Vanilla custard 160, 162 223
turkey 150--1 Red lentil, with lentil vadai 19 Spicy chicken with roasted Vanilla custard ice cream
Toad in t he hole 147 To mato 30-1 toma toes 97 166-7 .....
scones, Th re-e-cheese 53 Space Dust floss 162 tarts (savoury) Vanilla ice cream 193 ~
Asparagus, ham & goat's Vanilla panna cotta 173
seafood spaetzle, Austrian-style 25 t_:rj
Bean, sausage & scallop Spinach, mushroom & chutney cheese 56-7 Vanilla & strawberry ripple
polenta crostini 42-3 tart 24 Avocado & goat's cheese ice cream 21o-17
Crab, prawn & leek pasty 35 Sp otted dick with fruit & custard 46-7 Vegan buttercrearn icing 170--1
Langoustine & spicy pumpkin 169 Ayrshire ham & cheese 74 Vegetable liquor 36-7
soup 14-15 spri ng onions, Chipole pudding Ham & asparagus flan 18 Vegetable stock 53
Lime-chilli prawn & scallop with oxta iI gravy 141 Smoked mackerel scuffle 17 vegetables, Roasted 136
skewers 29 Squirrel pie wi th vegetables 128 Smoked salmon 44 Vegeta rian haggis pakoras 64-5
Luxurious Cornish paella Stargazy pie with Cornish Yarg Smoked trout & watercress 54 ve111son
120--1 107 Spinach, mushroom & chutney Rack of roe venison with
Magic crab gratin with Swiss Sticky toffee & date pudding 213 24 barley risotto 137
chard 45 stocks tarts (sweet) Venison pudding 89
Medley of seafood 68- 9 chicken 39, 66, 80, 120, 130 Almond, with Amaretto ice Wild Norfolk venison Nelson
Monkfish, fennel & tomato fish 26, 32 cream 195 142-3
soup 60 oxtail 141 Bread & butter meringue flan verrines
Orange-infused North Sea vegetable 53 187 Pea & ham, in a watermelon
fish soup 26-7 strawberries Frangipane & raspberry 168 jus 51
Pan -fried scallops 32 Blueberry & strawberry coulis lona's tipsy, with whisky sauce Trio of jack crab 73
Pea & shrimp ravioli 63 202-4 186
Potted crab 38 Rhubarb & ginger crumbles Lemon, with margarita ice w
Potted shrimp 38, 68 194 cream 181 walnuts
Sparkling fish risotto 16 Strawberry conserve 216 Lemon meringue pie 214-15 Pepper-walnut p esto 126
Trio of jack crab verrines 73 Strawberry coulis 173 Orange Bakewell 174 Walnut soda bread 38
Trio of Norfolk seafood 38 Strawberry jelly 200 Orange liqueur, with watercress, Smo ked trout
shooters, Mulled wine trifle Strawberry & lime hazelnut chocolate sauce 163 & watercress tart 54
jelly 162 stack ·1 So-7 Pear tarte Tatin with pear wa termelon, Pea & ham verrine
Shortbreads 182, 212 Strawberry & rose tart 216-17 schnapps 176-7 in a watermelon jus 51
smoked fish Strawberry scuffles with Strawberry 207 whisky
Craster smoked fish pie 144-6 panna cotta 173 Strawberry & rose 21o-17 Athol Brose profiteroles 211
Cullen skink 50 Strawberry tarts 207 Toffee Bakewell 175 Cranachan panna cotta 190--2
Medley of seafood 68-9 Summer pudding with creme Toad in the hole 147 Malt whisky ice cream 182-3
Salmon tartare with d ill & de cassis 158 toffee Whisky MacOuail 66
horsercidish 62 Vanilla & strawberry ripple Honeycomb 182 Whisky sauce 186
Smoked Arctic char pate with ice cream 216-17 Sticky toffee & date p udding Whisky-flamed peppered
bannocks 20 strudel, English apple 188-9 213 b eef fi llet 90
Smoked mackerel pate 38 stuffings Toffee Bakewell tarts 175
Smoked mackerel scuffle tart Apricot 101 Toffee sauce 213 XY
Berry 148-9 tomatoes Xmas tree grani ta with wi ne
Smoked salmon tart 44 Sage & onion 80-8 Monkfish, fennel & tomato shooters 162
Smoked trout & salami risotto Sausagemeat 150--1 soup 60 Yo rkshire puddings 90, 96
61 suet puddings Salsa 70- 1
Smoked trout & watercress Chipole pudding with oxtail Spicy chicken with roasted
tart 54 gravy 141 tomatoes 97

Britain's Best Dish
This is the ITV series that aims to track down the best cookery
happening in t he UK today. One hundred and sixty-eight hopeful
chefs are selected from regiona l auditions to appear in studio
heats, before a tense fina l week in which twenty-one fina lists are
whittled down to three to see who can win the votes of ce lebrity
judges and the audience.

224 The Judges

Ed Baines is a classically trained chef and owner of a string of
~ exclusive restaurants. He began his career at The Dorchester,
z moved o n to The River Cafe, and now runs champagne and oyster
~ bar Randall & A ub in, with branches in Soho and Chelsea. He
l'.1.1 makes regu lar appearances on TV and contributes to a number
t1 of food and cookery magazines.
s= John Burton Race describes himself as"mad as a hatter, sharp
l'.1.1 as a knife, a culinary genius and a big softie at heart". A Michelin-
zt-3 starred chef, he has fou nded esteemed eateries such as L'Ortolan,
and now manages The New Angel in Devon. His TV credits include
French Leave, wh ich documented his move from a hectic London
career to a slower pace of life in the French co untrys ide.

Wine expert Jilly Goolden presented TV programme Food

and Drink for 18 years, and has made numerous appearances
on other TV shows, incl uding I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out
Of Here. She is a pro lific author and journalist.

Publisher's Acknowledge1nents
DK wou ld like to thank Emma-Jane Frost fo r food sty ling,
Helen Finch for fo od styling assistance, Jim Smit h,
Saskia Janssen and Kat M ead for photography d irection,
N aomi Waters for proofreading and Susan Bosanko fo r
indexing. Th anks also to Kevin Morgan and his team at ITV

ITV would like to thank Mike Harris, Ju liet Leith, Tim Miller,
Jeanette Moffat, Jo Scarratt and Putul Verma.

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