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WRITING and LAYOUT: Robin Fjärem

PLAYTESTERS: Lindsay Belton, Raphael Falk, Will Mitchell,
James Matthews, John C Park

MAPS: Created with Dungeondraft, using the following 3rd

party assets: Sci-fi Assets 01 and 02 by White Fox Works
(CAL-BY-NCR), Sci-Fi Floors, Portals, Walls, Paths, Lights
and Terrain by Feed the Multiverse (CAL-NA-NCR)

IMAGES: Pixabay

This product was created under license. Coriolis and its logo, are
trademarks of Fria Ligan AB.

This work contains material that is copyright Fria Ligan AB and/or other
authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community
Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2023 by Robin Fjärem
and published under the Community Content Agreement for Free
League Workshop.

The ocean is scalding hot and steamy making
This is an open-ended scenario and a toolbox set in the navigation without instruments difficult. The incredibly
Aiwaz-B system. It features a seaweed harvesting and salty seawater turns to steam and comes down as rain.

processing facility on an oceanic planet where the It rains all the time during the day on Saediri, except for
humanite Nerids are exploited as divers. The main plot the segment of the Merchant when the ocean surface is
is a conflict between the Colonial Agency management cool enough to not instantly turn into steam. During the
and the Free League workers. The Colonial Agency has night, the sea shines with an awe-inspiring
sent for Legion mercenaries to stop a suspected bioluminescent shine from the jellyfish that comes up to
uprising before it begins. The goal of the scenario is to the surface. Together with the starry sky, this turns into
a display few visitors will ever forget in their lifetime. A

help the workers and figure out a solution to the
ensuing siege by negotiation, force, or cunning escape. thermostatic suit is needed because of the high surface
You can choose to run the scenario as is or leave out temperatures. Most settlements are built underwater
the parts about the siege and simply use it as an since it’s cooler down there than on the surface.
interesting location in your own campaign.

SAEDIRI Saediri seaweed is an incredibly rare material only
This scenario takes place on Saediri, a hot oceanic found on this planet and is mainly used to make
planet in the Aiwaz-B system. Feel free to change the luxurious Aiwaz rugs. The Colonial Agency runs the
name and place it in a system that suits your game. seaweed industry here and they have 13 facilities
across the planet. The corporate administration is
located on the main facility, SWPF-1, where they
KNOWN FOR: Saediri seaweed

SIZE: 7900km

e monitor and manage the harvesting and processing of
seaweed. There are dozens of smaller facilities as well.

The majority of the population is Zenithian, mainly
IN ORBIT: Small space station, three moons working with seaweed and logistics. About 5% of the
population belongs to a humanite group called Nerids.
ATMOSPHERE: Breathable They have gills and organs suited for living underwater
on Saediri, making them ideal for harvesting the
seaweed beds. All of the seaweed divers are Nerid.
TEMPERATURE: Hot (60-80 degrees) They have been brought here from off-world under
terrible conditions to be exploited by the Colonial
GEOSPHERE: Oceanic Agency. Only thanks to the Free League presence are
they granted workers’ rights. The Zenithian workers

FACTIONS: The Colonial Agency, Free League have come to accept the Nerid as their peers and share
meals, pray together, and even mate.
POPULATION 37,000 (95% Zenithian, 5% Nerid)


Created from the incredibly resilient Saediri seaweed
TRADE: Import machinery, chemicals. Export seaweed that has a beautiful luster which shimmers and reflects
light when out of water. The seaweed is just a dull

green/gray underwater but shows its true iridescent

nature above the surface. Careful extraction and
CONTENT WARNING & SAFETY TOOLS processing is required to allow the seaweed to keep
these properties as it’s woven into beautiful rugs. Only
This scenario depicts many dark themes and includes content the best seaweed is able to withstand prolonged use, so
that may touch on the following sensitive subjects: it must be picked and sorted by hand as machines are
Asphyxiation, colonization, exploitation of marginalized groups, not able to distinguish between high and low quality
fascism, and xenophobia. Consider using safety tools such as
the X-card and Lines and Veils to adjust the content to a seaweed. The seaweed is then transported to the
comfortable level for your group. And remember, this is a Aiwaz-A system to be woven into rugs. All of the above
scenario about fighting the good fight. It’s a story of makes Aiwaz rugs outrageously expensive.
oppression and exploitation, and it’s your players’ duty to make
things right.

◆ The Night hands, the paramilitary wing of the Free This scenario plays out in 3 acts. If you have limited
League, pays the group to deliver a disk to Zewad time, Act 1 takes 30 minutes, Act 2 takes 1.5 hours, and

Karali at SWPF-1. The encrypted disk contains Act 3 takes 2 hours. Adjust encounters accordingly.
blueprints of the facility and plans for overthrowing
the Colonial Agency overlords since they have ACT 1: Calm Before the Storm. The workers are
overstepped their boundaries for too long. A discontent and the Colonial Agency knows it. The Free
Colonial Agency spy overhears the conversation League rep Zewad is starting to organize the workers.
with the Night Hands and immediately sends a ship Legion mercenaries are en route. It’s a frail peace.
of Legion soldiers to intercept. Optionally, the disk
contains a data djinn virus, trying to replicate itself
ACT 2: The Siege. With the arrival of the Legion
mercenaries, the facility goes into lockdown and
◆ The Night Hands wants to assassinate Mehrak

nobody is allowed in or out. Legion mercs occupy the

Shahidi, the operating officer of the seaweed upper floors and the workers set up defensive positions
industry on Saediri. Deliver a “gift” to Mr. Shahidi in the basement floors. The Colonial Agency orders the
mercs to arrest the dissident leaders and force the rest
◆ The Free League wants the group to mediate in a of the workers to get back to work. The workers refuse.
conflict between the Colonial Agency and their
workers in the facility ACT 3: Hell Breaks Loose. All it needed was one spark.
Open conflict and gunfights between the mercs and the
◆ A wealthy trader in the Spire on Coriolis offers a workers begin. The workers must figure out how to
lucrative seaweed shipping contract defuse the situation or fight their way to safety.
Optionally, if negotiations between the Colonial Agency
◆ Doctor Noushi Halaby sends an urgent message to and the Free League go too well, the GM can spend 2
one of the characters, asking for assistance DP to have Captain Bahim go rogue and let loose his
trigger happy soldiers, storming the basement.

SITUATION There are several ways to solve the situation depending
on what the crew wants to achieve. Here are some
The workers in the SWFP-1 facility on Saediri are
unhappy about their working conditions. The Colonial
◆ Persuade the Free League rebels to try and

Agency is demanding harder work for less pay every
cycle that passes. In addition, terrifying and aggressive overthrow their overlords by fighting the Legion and
fishlike creatures have started appearing near the make a break for the administration offices on the
seaweed beds, attacking the Nerid divers. The divers top floor. If word gets out, this will trigger a
demand protective gear and escorts when working, but diplomatic crisis in the Council. The Colonial Agency
management refuses to budge, citing budget cuts from will not stand idle and will keep chasing the group
until the end of the Third Horizon

the Colonial Agency. Because of this, the divers and
workers are planning to overthrow the executives, steal
their ships, and escape for a better life in another ◆ Act as an intermediary to try and negotiate a deal
system. The Colonial Agency headquarter at Coriolis between the Free League rebels and the Colonial
learns about this just before the rebellion begins, and Agency. Even if a deal is struck, there is a high
sends a platoon of Legion mercenaries to lay siege to chance that it will end up with the Colonial Agency
the facility and snuff out the insurgency before it has a firing the workers or sending them to labor camps in
chance to start. All areas except floor 2 and 3 are some of their less civilized colonies
locked down and guarded by the mercs. Negotiating or
fighting is the only way to get out, but the Colonial ◆ Help the Free League rebel leaders escape the
Agency drives a hard bargain and will settle for nothing planet and come back with reinforcements to save
less than complete obedience and imprisonment of the the rest of the workers. However, this will give the
alleged insurgency leader, Zewad Karali, and anyone Colonial Agency plenty of time to prepare, and it will
who aids him.

It is up to the GM when Act 2 (the siege) begins, but
not be easy to carry out such an operation

Hideous creatures called twilight terrors appeared after
here are two suggestions: a new, deeper, seaweed bed was exploited due to
depleting the more shallow fields. The Colonial Agency
◆ When the characters have delivered the disk to does not want to look into the attacks, they just want
Zewad Karali, the Night Hands representative production to go on. Doctor Noushi Halaby desperately
tries to convince them that the monsters constitute a
real threat and to do something about it, but they don’t
◆ A few hours before the characters arrive at SWFP-1, want to listen to such nonsense. Unknown to everyone
airspace closing shortly after the characters land so far, there is a cave where the twilight terror queen
resides. If the group decides to try and do something
Legion mercenaries have been sent by the Colonial about this, there are some possible solutions below, but

Agency to strike down the rebellion but the workers are be creative and try to play along with the group’s ideas if
holding out. They are currently stuck in floors B1F and they seem plausible.
B2F in the facility. Since there are families and kids
down there, the Legion soldiers cannot go in with full ◆ Persuade the Colonial Agency to stop farming the
firepower to beat down the rebellion. Instead, they will new seaweed bed and search for a new location
try to recruit scabs to infiltrate and possibly execute the
rebel leaders. They will also send small elite groups to
work behind enemy lines. They will set up positions in ◆ Persuade the Colonial Agency into providing safety
the work area on the first floor, keeping their sights on measures such as armored suits, defensive fences,
the ramps. and escorts for the divers

Communications are scrambled and a no-fly zone is ◆ Dive into the deep sea cave and kill the queen or
imposed just after the Legion lands. If word gets to the force her to move (GM gains 3 DP)
Free League leadership in Coriolis, they will certainly
intervene, but news travels slowly across systems. It is Most of the seaweed beds are located at a depth of
a delicate matter, since both the Colonial Agency and around 160 meters, just deep enough for sunlight to
Free League depend on each other. penetrate. Since the seaweed beds at that level are now
depleted, the harvesting has moved down into the
twilight zone (200 meters depth). Light is needed to
navigate at these depths and the water is only about 5
°C. Diving gear or artificial gills are required for humans
but the Nerid are perfectly adapted to this environment
and need no special gear. Note: Movement rate for non-
Nerids is halved when swimming underwater.

Saediri Seaweed Processing Facility 1 (SWPF-1) is a floating structure anchored with grav stabilizers. Seaweed beds
are harvested until depleted, then the facility moves to find another seaweed bed to exploit. Disgusting green/gray

smoke from the facility covers the sky above. There is a landing platform attached to it, open to the sky with waves
crashing below. The seaweed is harvested by divers and then processed in the facility before being shipped off-
world. Cargo ships come from the orbiting spaceport twice per segment. Other than the locations detailed in this
section, there are also several maintenance units and shafts as well as a recycling area at the bottom of the
structure. The other seaweed procession facilities are hundreds of kilometers away.

NOTE ON THE MAPS: These maps are not to scale or created for tactical combat on a virtual tabletop. They are
mainly used as a reference for the GM, but feel free to use them however you deem suitable.

Roll on the Conversation tables on each floor if the group asks around or succeeds on an OBSERVATION roll when
walking around the facility. Many of the overheard conversations are just rumors. It is up to the GM to decide
whether they are true or not. Roll on or choose from the Random Events table below when you want to up the pace
of the game during the siege. The associated DP cost must be spent to trigger the event.

2D6 Event

A legionnaire strike team rappels down the ramps, guns blazing. D6 workers get hit by the gunfire and the legionnaires
run for the closest leader, trying take them hostage (3 DP)
A mob of workers accuse a man of being a traitor and starts lynching him, pushing him towards the ramp saying “Go
be with your own people!”. Whether this is true or not is up to the GM (2 DP)
4 A group of 2d6 workers armed with industrial tools make a desperate break for the ramp, using ground loaders as
cover (2 DP)
5 One of the workers fires a shot by mistake towards the Legion mercenaries. One of them is hit (1 DP)
6 A child is separated from their parents and stuck on floor 2. The parents beg the group for help (1 DP)
7 A worker called Rashid wants the group to deliver a tag with a voice message to his lover Inez, who is part of the
administrative staff on floor 3. If the group doesn’t help him, he will try to escape through the ventilation shafts to be
with her (1 DP)

8 A Nerid is caught red handed trying to steal food from the cafeteria to feed his family (1 DP)
9 An old lady in one of the worker habs screams with agony. She needs urgent medical care (1 DP)
10 An explosion is heard from the landing platform. Someone has sabotaged the Legion’s shuttle (1 DP)
11 A Legion elite mercenary has snuck down and set fire to one of the piles of seaweed in the basement. Smoke is
spreading rapidly and he seizes the moment of confusion to attempt to take one of the worker leaders hostage (2 DP)
12 The Legion convinces the Colonial Agency to turn off the life support systems in the basement area. Oxygen drops
rapidly and it becomes incredibly hot. 1 hour: People start to become drowsy and have trouble concentrating. 2 hours:

People breathe heavily and start sweating profusely. 3 hours: People feel nauseous and vomit, some even faint. Panic
breaks out. 4 hours: There are convulsions and people lose consciousness. They will die unless they get oxygen
immediately (3 DP)


3.2 3.5




The administration offices of the Colonial Agency on Saediri are located on this floor.



D6 Conversation
1 Those legion mercs scare the living hell out of me. I hope they will finish their business and leave soon, Icons willing
2 I know profits are important and everything, but those workers have families just like us. Is this really necessary?
3 I heard Naomi from accounting is starting to organize the admin staff. Says the workers downstairs are fighting the
good fight. If you ask me, all it will do is get her fired and put on the blacklist of the Agency
4 I could swear I saw one of those Nerids last night, skulking around on the office floor rummaging through stuff
5 Lana and Nura down by the worker habs are such sweethearts. They patched up my beagle after he stepped on a
nail and didn’t even ask to be paid
6 I swear, if I have to attend another meeting where the executives are talking about metrics, charts, and forecasts I will
go crazy. How I would love to go for a vacation on Kua. Only two more cycles left…

Dull cubicles illuminated with flickering light armatures A small office with a few jail cells. The job of the sharif
occupy this crowded space. The entrance of the office Farukh Bakshi is mainly taking care of drunk workers.
has a large Aiwaz rug with the Colonial Agency logo For any more serious crimes, the Colonial Agency will

woven into it and there’s a digital plaque on the wall send for Guard investigators from Coriolis. Farukh is
with a picture of the employee of the month, smiling very pleased with his cushy job and will do his utmost
reluctantly. Some of the staff have made attempts to to deny any wrongdoings of the Colonial Agency, he is
make their cubicle slightly more personal by decorating completely in their pocket. There is an arms locker here,
them with keepsakes from their home planets and shiny and Farukh is the only person able to open it with his
trinkets, but no amount of Icon talismans can change transactor.
the fact that this office is soul-draining. If anything, it

feels like the office was designed by a follower of The
Faceless One, sucking every bit of energy from its 3.4 LIVING AREA
This is where the admin staff lives. A clean and tidy
area kept spotless by cleaning robots. There is a small
recreational area with some holo games and a ping
3.2 EXECUTIVE OFFICE pong table that is barely used since the staff is too
Adorned in gold, jewels, exotic fabric, lanterns and stressed to relax. Sometimes people are seen staring at
lamps hanging from pearl-adorned chains, and the wall with a hollow expression. It seems like a
comfortable seating areas attended by courtesans favorite pastime. Many of the staff decorate their rooms
carrying platters with heavenly sweets and beverages. with holograms of their loved ones from off-world, but
No expense was spared when making this office, which know better than to put up anything that might be seen
as “disloyal to the company” such as art created by the

resembles more of a sultan’s playground than a place
where actual work is carried out. There is not a single
desk to be seen other than a huge, almost vulgar, desk
made of exotic wood inlaid with rare metals. Behind the
desk is a throne-like chair — the seat of Mehrak Shahidi,
the Colonial Agency operating officer on Saediri. He can
access all the systems and cameras in the facility
workers in the basement floor.


Only Mr. Shahidi and the resident data djinn, Qadir (who
through his terminal. A large safe containing top-secret sleeps in a hammock in a dark corner of this room)
documents and an ornamental urn containing a trapped have access to this area. It’s filled with racks of blinking
djinn is here. It requires a roll of DATA DJINN (-2) to computers, terminals, cables all over the floor, and a
open. If it fails, the alarm throughout the whole building ventilation system that keeps acting up, though Qadir
sounds and guards are called to the office. If released, has given up on asking management to fix it. All of the
the djinn reacts differently depending on the Icon of the SWPF-1 systems, such as elevators, lights, cameras,
character who released it. The Djinn also acts defense drones, and life support, are controlled through
according to the values of that particular icon. the terminals in this room. A DATA DJINN roll is
required to access the simpler systems. To access the
defense drones and life support systems, a roll of DATA

DJINN (-2) is required or the alarm will go off.

Icon Djinn Reaction
Messenger, It helps the character with one problem
Dancer, before escaping. It may take a liking to the
Gambler, group and possess their ship’s AI, giving a
Deckhand bonus of +1 to Science when calculating
portal jumps
Merchant, It deceives the character into thinking that

Judge, it will help them, just to betray them when

Traveler, given the chance. An attentive character
Lady of Tears may try a Manipulate roll VS the djinn. If
successful, it will reluctantly join the group
in their endeavors
Faceless One It tries to possess the character, claiming it
as its vessel. The possession is detectable
with an Observation roll. Subash, the priest
on floor 2, can perform an exorcism








This is the recreational area of the facility where both the workers and administrative staff from floor 2 come to do
their errands and eat their meals.



D6 Conversation
1 I wish they’d allow the art from the workers up here. I’m so sick of these corporate propaganda posters
2 I found Reva passed out on the floor of the general store again. She’s been doing way too much kambra
3 I heard a Nerid sing once. It was hauntingly beautiful. I wonder if we can ask them to arrange a concert?
4 Ugh... Another day of algae porridge. Can you believe they’re already out of bread too? Budget cuts they say
5 No I swear it’s true! Yawazi’s Market back in Aiwaz-A is really run by Yawazi from here! I heard he used to be a big
boss in the Syndicate. No wonder he seems so carefree when the rest of us are struggling to make ends meet
6 I swear, if I have to watch another re-run of the Bulletin’s dramas, I’m going to throw myself into the ocean

Comfortable sofas and chairs line the walls of this Attended by doctor Noushi Halaby, this is a fairly
room. A stand of company pamphlets is next to a advanced medical facility. Most common diseases can
hologram showing divers harvesting seaweed from the be treated here. The waiting room has posters of

ocean floor. At daytime, visitors are greeted by a smiling different kinds of aquatic creatures on the walls. A
receptionist that kindly asks people to wear their visitor framed award saying “For Doctor Noushi Halaby’s
badges at all times. The elevator is behind the reception groundbreaking contributions to the field of Marine
and the restrooms are located at the end of a corridor to Biology” hangs over an aquarium with colorful fish.
the south. There are at least two patients at any given time in here.
Most of them work-related injuries from the industrial
area below. Noushi takes good care of them and she’s

2.2 HOLO CINEMA very popular among the workers. She is also a specialist
in Nerid anatomy, making her incredibly valuable.
Holo films are shown here on the last day of every
workweek. Visitors who ask the reception nicely may
watch one of the films from the collection. The newest
movies currently in stock are from the last cycle, but 2.7 HOTEL HELLO
they do have some rare pre-Zenithian classics, such as Exotic plants and avant-garde art adorns the entrance
Raiders of the Lost Barge and Edge Runner. of this surprisingly high end hotel. The manager looks
distraught as the hotel is fully booked by Legion mercs.
If bribed or persuaded with a MANIPULATE roll, she
2.3 CHAPEL may be able to “move things around” and get a room for
the group. While waiting they may partake in a selection

This is a fairly standard chapel with nine alcoves
containing statues, except for the ninth which is left
empty to represent The Faceless One. The statue of The
Merchant carries several scars and traces of graffiti. It
looks like it has been repainted many times. The chapel
is run by Subash, a priest appointed by the Colonial
of Miran sweets and delicate glass carafes of dream
wine, containing arrash.


Agency who is paid well to stay loyal to the company. Beautiful cushions and rugs made of Saediri seaweed
His only duty is to keep the worship as civil as possible. cover this almost psychedelic bar. The smell of thick
As such his services are usually about the importance incense lulls all visitors into a drowsy, dreamy, state. Tall
of being a devout follower and accepting one's place in hookahs are placed by piles of cushions, where patrons
life. Any incriminating confessions are promptly sit and puff billowing clouds of smoke. The bartender,
reported to management, and on several occasions he an old man called Yawazi, is a retired Syndicate
has been seen carrying valuable donations to his member. He still remains in contact with the Syndicate
personal quarters. Safe to say, he is not popular and the though, and forwards intel to them on a regular basis.
workers despise the man. He has some illicit drugs behind the counter available
for sale to the right person. A character knowledgeable

about the Syndicate will recognize Yawazi’s affiliation by

2.4 GIFT SHOP his tattoos. Anyone else may do a CULTURE roll to
deduce the same information.
Seashells and miniature Aiwaz rugs are sold here. You
can also buy an “I visited Saediri” t-shirt and an
iridescent hookah with “Saediri SWPF-1” printed on it.
The shop owner is a conspiracy theorist who believes 2.9 CAFETERIA
that the Emissaries are actually Bulletin talk show hosts This is where the workers and administrative staff
disguised with special effects. gather to eat. It’s one of few places where the two
groups mingle together, though they mostly keep to

their own. Kitchen workers are seen running in and out

2.5 GENERAL STORE of the kitchen with bulging steel trays filled with
unappetizing food. The food is cheap and nutritious but
A fairly well-stocked store that also rents out diving leaves a lot to wish for when it comes to taste. It
gear. There’s a 2 in 6 chance that they sell an ordinary features mainly fish and algae. Most of the people
non-weapon item the crew is looking for. The proprietor working here are sick of it after eating similar food for
Reva is an aloof woman constantly watching Bulletin months on end, so off-world snacks are always
dramas behind the counter. There is a stand with welcome and may bring someone to talk about more
tabloids magazines from the Bulletin. than they should.

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