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Name: ________________________

Butterfly Life Cycle

1. Please identify the 4 stages of the monarch butterflies life cycle by matching the
picture to the correct stage name. (Caterpillar, Egg, Adult, Pupa)

2. Why do birds or other predators fear the Monarch Butterfly?

3. What do Monarch Caterpillars eat?

4. Where do Monarch Butterflies go for the winter?

5. What does the term migration mean?

6. What colors are the Monarch caterpillars and how does this help the butterfly?

7. True or False: The word metamorphosis means to make a change from one
stage to the next in a life cycle.
Name: ________________________

8. On what type of plant do Monarch Butterflies lay their eggs?

9. Compare the butterfly life cycle to the frog life cycle. Name one way it is similar
and one way that they are different.

10. Label the stages of the frog life cycle. (Eggs, Tadpole, Froglet, Frog)

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