Miss Peregrine's Homme For Peculiar Children Vintage Photograph Project

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Who is the main character (backstory)

Antoine Deveraux was a young French man, he lived his whole life in a
small village, never seeing anything else but his home and its
surroundings. He lived humbly with his parents and young sister. From a
young age, he showed a talent for art and spent much of his free time
drawing and painting. As Antoine grew older, he became increasingly
serious about his art, he wished he could make a career out of it. He
wanted to open a workshop and teach other people the wonders that his
passion made him discover. This beautiful activity was unfortunately cut
short when the first world war came.
One day while Pierre was working in the fields with his father, the local
gendarmes arrived. They informed Pierre that he had been conscripted
into the French army and that he would have to report for duty within the
same week. He was shocked and didn’t know how to react, his father tried
to plead with the officers, but it was no use.
Pierre spent the next few days getting his affairs in order. He had to leave
his family and comfort forcefully to go to war, and that took a huge
emotional toll on him.
After five days he was ready, the young man had packed a small bag with
few of his belongings and said his goodbyes to his family and friends.
Pierre was filled with a sense of dread; he knew he might never see his
family again.

Present day (enlistment)


There he was, gambling away his last bit of money and losing it all when he
heard a cry of pain. It wasn’t unusual and didn’t worry too much about it until he
heard it again. It sounded like his friend’s voice, he went to see were it came from
and was horrified by what he saw. His friend, Flavio Moretti was shaking
relentlessly. He was sick from malaria. Antoine was scared that his friend might
not live for long and he feared for his life. Flavio was an Italian medic born and
raised in Florence. His mother died of the yellow fever. He assisted her funeral
and later vowed to save the needy. Several years later, his father passed leaving
him alone. He eventually turned 19 and got enlisted. Antoine saw Flavio being
led to the medical facility


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