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Community Ambulance

Policies and Procedures

Complaint Resolution
Effective Date: 12-16-20 Section: Policy #
Supersedes Date: 03-12-18 Admin 107


A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction that requires a response. Complaints may come in the form of
comments or suggestions and can be extremely helpful to the performance of the company and it is
important that they need to be handled as such.


Any person or agency can complain about any matter connected with the provision of Community
Ambulance Services. Complaints may be made by:
• A patient or client
• Former patients or clients
• Someone acting on behalf of existing or former patients or clients
• Parents or guardians on behalf of a minor
• Agencies and healthcare facilities that use the services of Community Ambulance
• Professionals that have any direct exchange with Community Ambulance

Complaints can be made verbally or in writing, this includes complaints made via telephone or electronically.
The complainant should be asked to put the complaint in writing, or assisted to do so. The written complaint
helps to illustrate the clear intent of the complainant. All complaints are to adhere to policies of

Options for Addressing a Complaint

Initially, complaints may be addressed to someone within the organization that was not involved with the
care provided. This can be the Vice President of Administration, the EMS Training Officer or Designee.
Alternatively, the complainant can also address his/her complaint to the Chief Executive Officer, if he/she
does not feel comfortable addressing the aforementioned.

Timelines for Making a Complaint

A complaint should be made as soon as possible after the action that gave rise to the complaint, no longer
than six months after the action. There is an option for the Chief Executive Officer to extend this time limit
where it would be unreasonable in the circumstances of a particular case for the complaint to have been
made any earlier, and where it is still viable to investigate the facts of the case.

The end accountability for the handling of complaints rests with the Chief Executive Officer. The CEO is
responsible for full investigation, compliance, and action that take part on behalf of Community Ambulance,
in light of the findings of the investigation.

With H.E.A.R.T CAAS: 102.03.01/105.02.02 Page 1 of 3

Community Ambulance
Policies and Procedures
Complaint Resolution
Effective Date: 12-16-20 Section: Policy #
Supersedes Date: 03-12-18 Admin 107
Performance Indicators
Community Ambulance regards its performance indicators as a serious strategy to assure excellence.
Complaints should be used to inform and make improvements. For this reason, documentation needs to
demonstrate that action has been taken as a result of complaints and that whatever knowledge for
improvement is gained from the events has been integrated into further risk management actions. This
improves all future performance and services.

Open Complaint Policy

Community Ambulance must ensure service users are aware of their right to comment or write a complaint
and their options for pursuing a complaint.

Investigation Process
All complaints received should be treated with equal importance, regardless of how they are submitted or
who submitted them. Complainants should be treated courteously and sympathetically and must be
reassured that their concern will be treated with confidence and sensitivity.

It is acceptable for the EMS Training Officer or Designee, the VP-Admin, or Chief Executive Officer to
informally address the concerns of the complainant before it enters the investigation stage. It is possible that
the entire resolution may be conducted informally.

Where a formal investigation is necessary, the following procedure should be followed:

• A complaint should be acknowledged in writing, within 2 working days of receipt.
o The acknowledgement should always thank them for drawing the matter to the attention of
o Express sympathy over the incident
o Assure them that the concern will be properly and expeditiously addressed.
o NOTE: These are statements of common courtesy and not admissions of responsibility.

• The first acknowledgement should state that a full response will be provided within 3 weeks (21
days) from the receipt of the complaint.

• Community Ambulance will use a range of investigation techniques that are appropriate to the
nature of the complaint and appropriate for the needs of the complainant. Those responsible for the
investigation are empowered to choose the method that they feel is the most appropriate to the

• The investigator should establish the facts relating to the complaint and then assess the quality of
evidence. Depending on the complexity of the investigation, the investigator may wish to call upon
the executives.
• Once the investigator has reached their conclusion, they should draft a response to record and
explain the conclusions reached during the investigative process.

With H.E.A.R.T CAAS: 102.03.01/105.02.02 Page 2 of 3

Community Ambulance
Policies and Procedures
Complaint Resolution
Effective Date: 12-16-20 Section: Policy #
Supersedes Date: 03-12-18 Admin 107
• Where the complaint involves clinical/professional issues, the draft response must be shared with
the relevant clinicians/professionals to ensure the factual accuracy and to ensure that the
clinicians/professionals agree with and support the draft response.

• All correspondence and evidence relating to the investigation must be retained to ensure that a
complete record of each consideration is kept and properly handled. Complaint Records should be
kept separate from health or social care records.

• After the completion of the investigation, a written response must be made.

• A written or oral response must assure the complainant that proper measures have been taken to
correct any service issue and that any organizational learning from the complaint will be embedded
in all further assurances. The response should include:
o Address the initial concerns expressed by the complainant and show that each concern has
been fully and fairly investigated
o Include an apology, if the investigation involved any wrong-doing
o Report the action taken or proposed actions to prevent recurrence
o Advise them of their right to follow up if they remain dissatisfied with the outcome
o Ask for their direct feedback as to the resolution so that complaints may be tracked or

• All complaints shall be maintained by the VP-Admin so that trends can be identified and addressed.

• In some cases, the Chief Executive Officer may forgo a written response and respond to a complaint
by conducting a formal meeting, where all parties involved with meet and mediate to a complete
resolution and agreement.

Community Ambulance will regularly review their investigative processes to ensure the effectiveness of the


Vice President of Administration Date

With H.E.A.R.T CAAS: 102.03.01/105.02.02 Page 3 of 3

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