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Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Anggota Kelompok :

1. Alexander Agung/3
2. Ardhian Yusuf/5
3. Dava Fadila/ 13
4. Devin Immanuel/15
5. Yusuf Ricky H/36

Activity 4
Words and meaning

- Utilisation:

- Digital assistant:

- Data reminder machines:

- Data information: processing devices:

- Unmanned car:

Activity 5
Check whether you have understood the words. Make sentences using the words below.

1. Efficient -->

2. Accurate results -->

3. Algoritma -->

4. Chatbots -->

5. Embedded -->

Activity 6
Read the text in Activity 4 one more time and answer the questions. Compare and discuss your
answers with your seatmate.

1. What is the issue being discussed in the text?

2. What is artificial intelligence?

3. How does the writer of the article present his/her arguments?

4. Is there any recommendation from the writer about the topic being discussed?

5. How do humans utilise artificial intelligence in the health sector?

6. What can artificial intelligence do with big data (large amount of data)?

7. If you are working in a packaging company, do you think you need the help of artificial
intelligence? Explain your answer.

8. How does artificial intelligence help humans as individuals?

9. Do you think that utilising artificial intelligence in education would be a good idea? Why or why

10. How do you feel when you go somewhere and you can't find someone to ask about the location?
Do you think finding information from an application on your smartphone would help?

11. Did the text have a significant impact on your perspective about artificial intelligence? Explain
your reason.

12. What will you do in your daily life after reading the text about artificial intelligence? Do you think
that artificial Intelligence is something you really need in your life?

Activity 4
1. Utilisation: the action of making practical and effective use of something.

2. Digital assistent: also known as a predictive chatbot, is an advanced computer program that
simulates a conversation with the people who use it, typically over the internet.

3. Data reminder machines: data reminder machine, a machine whose job is to remember the data

4. Data information processing devices: The processing devices are the computer hardware
components that help to handle the processing of the information, storage and retrieval process of
the information. In computers, processing devices play a key role in the processing of information
with the help of programs.

5. Unmanned car: a car with an engine set with artificial intelligence that allows the car
to drive by itself.

Activity 5
1. (Especially of a system or machine) achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort
or expense.

2. Answer and Explanation: Accurate results mean that the results are valid or correct, meaning they
are statistically near the true mean or value of the system. Reliable results mean you consistently get
the same results after repeating an experiment, meaning the results are precise.
3. A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations,
especially by a computer.

4. A computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the

5. (Of an object) fixed firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass; implanted. "a gold ring with nine
embedded stones"

- (Of a journalist) attached to a military unit during a conflict. "embedded journalists were scrutinized
for their ability to report with independence"

Activity 6
1. The text discusses the *advantages and potential challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various
aspects of human life*.

2. The text describes AI as technology that can *analyze data, adapt, and perform tasks*, similar to
how humans do.

3. The writer presents a *positive outlook on AI*, highlighting its benefits in making tasks more
efficient and accurate. They acknowledge concerns about job displacement but focus on the
potential for AI to improve human productivity.

4. The writer suggests *continued development of AI with good controls* to address social inequality
and job market changes.

5. AI can help with *personalized medicine, analyzing medical scans, and medication reminders*.

6. AI can *analyze large amounts of data* to identify patterns, trends, and insights that humans
might miss.

7. Yes because In a packaging company, AI could be used for tasks like *optimizing box sizes,
managing inventory, and predicting demand*.

8. AI helps individuals in many ways, including *personalized recommendations, scheduling

assistance, and digital companionship*.

9. Yes because AI could be a valuable tool in education, personalizing learning experiences and
providing additional support to students. However, it's important to consider the potential
drawbacks, such as over-reliance on AI and the need for human interaction in education.

10. Yes because Smartphone apps with AI can definitely help you *find information and navigate
unfamiliar locations*.

11. Yes, The text can broaden my perspective by showing the wide range of AI applications and its
potential impact on society.

12. Yes because I likely already interact with AI in daily life through search engines, recommendation
systems, and virtual assistants. Whether you "need" AI depends on your preferences and how you
find it helpful.

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