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The eras used in MM and MHQ can be modified by using the EraEditor or changing the

file data/universe/eras.xml.

Each Era consists of the following fields:

- Code: The unique key (String) for the era.
- Name: The full (display) name of the era.
- End: The end date for the era. This can be in the formats "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy-MM"
(assuming last day of the month),
and "yyyy" (assuming last day of the year).
- Flag: Internal flags that denote the canon era an era belongs to.
- Mulid: A number that is used on the Master Unit List to identify the era. Used to
link to the MUL.
- icon: A path to an era icon (png, jpg) relative to data/images/universe/

Eras can be customized, added and removed. When doing this, note the following:
- make sure to use a unique code for each era
- the names need not be different from each other
- you may use the flags to signify what canon era any era belongs to (this may
affect modifiers and other behavior)
- multiple flags may be used for an era by using one complete tag line for each
(each line having <flag>THEFLAG</flag>)
- only the end dates determine the order of eras, not the order in this file
- make sure to keep exactly one era without an end date; this will be the last era
- the MUL ID can be omitted
- the icon path can be omitted

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