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1. Given: U={1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, A= {1, 3, 5, 7}, B= {2, 4, 6, 8} and C= {1, 2}

Find: a. A’

b. A U C’

2. Simplify 4-3[4-2(6-3)]÷3

3. 4(3X-8)+5 = X-5, Solve for the equation for X

4. Anne has a certain amount of money in her bank account on Friday morning. During the day she
wrote a check for Php 24.50, made an ATM withdrawal of Php80 and deposited a check for Php 235. At
the end of the day, she saw that her balance was Php 451.25. How much money did she have in the bank
at the beginning of the day?

5. Find the mean of the following data set.

Ungrouped Data:

24, 25, 33, 50, 53, 66, 78

Grouped Data:

Weight of the Cubs f

201-210 3
191-200 8
181-190 12
171-180 11
161-170 9
151-160 2

6. John got 76 marks in his Statistics test. If the marks of the whole class had a mean of 52 and a
standard deviation of 8, what was John’s standard score?

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