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Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines: An International Journal

Assessment of Structural Integrity under Dynamic Loading using Path-
Independent Integral # ASSESSMENT OF...

Article · February 2013

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4 authors, including:

Debashis Khan Awani Bhushan

Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) Varanasi VIT University


K. Biswas
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


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Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines: An

International Journal
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Assessment of Structural Integrity under Dynamic

Loading using Path-Independent Integral
a a a b
Debashis Khan , A. Bhushan , S. K. Panda & K. Biswas
Mechanical Engineering Department , Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu
University , Varanasi , India
Mechanical Engineering Department , Indian Institute of Technology , Kharagpur , India
Accepted author version posted online: 28 Feb 2013.Published online: 16 Jul 2013.

To cite this article: Debashis Khan , A. Bhushan , S. K. Panda & K. Biswas (2013) Assessment of Structural Integrity under
Dynamic Loading using Path-Independent Integral , Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines: An International
Journal, 41:4, 434-451, DOI: 10.1080/15397734.2013.774659

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Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 41: 434–451, 2013
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1539-7734 print/1539-7742 online
DOI: 10.1080/15397734.2013.774659



Debashis Khan1 , A. Bhushan1 , S. K. Panda1 , and K. Biswas2

Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology,
Downloaded by [Banaras Hindu University BHU] at 03:30 25 November 2013

Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur, India

In the present work, the integral  JF , originally developed for a 2D stationary circular
arc crack in a homogeneous and isotropic material subjected to multiple loads,
has been implemented into a finite element postprocessing program for examining
the path-independence behavior under elastic deformation while employing rapidly
varying mechanical load. Under different loading rates, the integral has been computed
on several contours in order to describe the invariant property of the integral

JF . Numerical results reveal that, within the limits of computational accuracy, the
path-invariant property is well preserved over the integration contours for the present
loading rates. The variation of the integral JF with respect to time has also been studied
for both plane strain and plane stress conditions. The numerical investigations confirm
that the performance of the integral is sufficiently impressive and therefore suggest
applicability in fracture-related studies.

Keywords: Circular arc crack; Finite element method; Path-independent integral; Rapidly
varying load.

Failures in modern engineering structures, made of materials with high
toughness and low strength, may occur due to pre-existing flaws/defects or through
nucleation of a crack and its subsequent growth into defect-free regions with
disastrous consequences to human lives, often involving large-scale financial loss. It
is therefore essential to characterize quantitatively the residual strength of material
in the presence of cracks, as the presence of a crack reduces the structural strength.
Over the years, the development of methodology and criteria for accurate failure
prediction has been the focus of quantitative fracture mechanics, which is based on
the energetic concepts correlated to crack extension.

Received February 10, 2012; Accepted February 4, 2013

Communicated by K.-H. Chang.
Correspondence: Debashis Khan, Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of
Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, India; E-mail:


Since the work of Eshelby (1956), Cherepanov (1967), and Rice (1968) the
subject of the so-called path-independent integrals has received much attention
both in linear elastic and more complex nonlinear elastic plastic fracture mechanics
applications due to its many advantages. In this case, the Eshelby-Cherepanov-Rice
J integral has played a very significant role in the advancement of static fracture
mechanics. From the theory and computational point of view, the static J integral
comprises the salient features like it has the physical meaning of energy release
rate; it has the property of path independence; and it can be related to the stress
intensity factors by shrinking the integral path to the crack tip (Nishioka, 1998).
Over the years numerous extensions of J integral have also come out in order
to undertake various loading conditions on different geometries; however, all such
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extensions are mainly restricted to straight or arbitrarily kinked crack geometry. On

the other hand it is very well-known that the crack geometry is one of the major
factors that influence the overall resistance against fracture for many engineering
structures. The nature of construction and use of various engineering components
under various modes of nonuniform loadings make the appearance of curved cracks
more likely than that of straight cracks. Curved cracks are also found when the
cracks lie along the interfaces of inhomogeneous materials with distinct interfaces.
The curved cracks may as well be frequently encountered in the propagation of
straight cracks subjected to mixed mode loading. Even though, extensive research
has been carried out on the path-independence character of J for a straight crack,
only limited work has been reported so far to bring forward stress intensity factors
and conservative integrals for curved cracks commonly encountered in practical
engineering problems (Cotterell and Rice, 1980; Beom et al., 1994; Lorentzon and
Eriksson, 2000; Eriksson, 2002; Gosz and Moran, 2002; Khan and Biswas, 2006,
2007, 2010; Wei et al., 2010).
Contrary to the advances in static fracture mechanics, significantly fewer
reliable facts with established criteria and solved problems (for both stress intensity
factors and J integral) are found in dynamic fracture mechanics. The two kinds
of problems, which are generally dealt under the domain of dynamic fracture
mechanics, are fast fracture mechanics and impact fracture mechanics. Fast
fracture mechanics treats various behaviors of fast propagating crack tips such as
growth initiation, propagation, arrest, kinking and curving, branching, and in such
conditions the effects of crack velocity play significant roles. On the other hand,
impact fracture mechanics deals with various fracture behaviors under impact or
dynamic loading, wherein the effects of material inertia and stress wave interactions
play significant roles (Kanninen and Popelar, 1985; Nakamura et al., 1986, 1989;
Freund, 1990; Guz and Zozulya, 1994; Ramamurti and Neogy, 1998; Nishioka,
1998; Dodds et al., 1999; Kuntiyawichai and Burdekin, 2003; Zaho and Burdekin,
2004; Hussein, 2011; Anderson, 2005). In the case of a sudden or impact loading,
fracture can occur unexpectedly, which may be the main concern for a failure
analysis. In the past, the effects of dynamic loading have frequently been estimated
by using equivalent static load, or incorporating impact factor, or by modifying the
factor of safety value.
It has been observed in literature that rapid loading of a structure can come
from a number of sources and it affects not only the structural behavior but also
may affect the material properties. In reality, an inertia effect from dynamic load
can cause plastic behavior (Kuntiyawichai and Burdekin, 2003). In many cases,

dynamic loads give rise to high stress levels near cracks and fracture takes place
so rapidly that there is insufficient time for large-scale yielding to develop. With
increase in strain rate, it has been noticed that there is increase in yield stress and
ultimate tensile stress. Also under high loading rate, the fracture toughness for
cleavage fracture is reduced. Typical situations where it is necessary to consider
more precisely the response produced by dynamic loading are vibrations due
to equipment or machinery, impact load produced by traffic, snatch loading of
cranes, impulsive load produced by blasts, etc. For such problems, the solution is
represented as the sum of solutions determined by incident and reflected waves.
The solution corresponding to the incident waves is regular and it does not usually
draw out any difficulties, whereas, the solution for reflected waves is singular and
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reduces to the solution of the problem of loading of the crack faces in the case
of cracked structures. The fracture toughness parameters are determined by the
reflected wave solution, which is therefore of greatest interest in fracture mechanics
(Guz and Zozulya, 1994).
As determining a fracture characterizing parameter like stress intensity factor
or the J integral for rapid loading can be very difficult due to several factors,
it seems challenging to investigate the dynamic fracture mechanics concept under
rapid loading conditions to obtain practically meaningful crack tip parameters. In
spite of a large number of publications in the area of mechanics of fast and impact
fracture for straight crack problems no attempt has been reported in the context of
curved crack under dynamic load, to the best of the authors’ knowledge. Moreover,
the use of path-independent integral as a fracture characterizing parameter under
rapidly varying load is also limited in the literature even for straight crack. In
the present work, an attempt has been made for examining the path-independence
behavior of the integral JF (Khan and Biswas, 2006), which was developed for a 2D
stationary circular arc crack in a homogeneous and isotropic material subjected to
rapidly varying load.


The purpose of the present study is to examine the performance of integral

JF under rapidly varying mechanical load for a center circular cracked plate
undergoing elastic deformation (Fig. 1). Recalling the path-independent integral
JF (Khan and Biswas, 2006), the energy release rate is given by

JF = W n̂ − 
Ti ûi d − ˆ i ûir dA
A A r
+ ˆ 
ˆ ij ˆ ij dA + ˆ ij ˆ ij dA + üi ûi dA − i ûi dA
th o

In the above equation, the capped (ˆ) quantities with subscript (i.e., n̂ ,  Ti ,
i , ˆ ij , üi , and 
 Bi  represent the corresponding physical components of the tensors
(i.e., n , T i , i , ij , üi , and Bi  while the quantities with cap (ˆ) and subscript
semicolon (;) (i.e., ûi , ûir , ˆ th ˆ oij  represent the physical components of the
ij , and 
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Figure 1 Configuration of a crack tip. AP , fracture process region; P , boundary of AP ; A , arbitrary

curve surrounding A; S± , curves along the crack surfaces.

covariant derivatives (i.e., ui  , ui r , th o

ij  , and ij  . The superscript corresponds to
contravariant, and subscript, the covariant tensor properties. Further, W represents
the strain energy density, n represents the unit outward positive normal vector on
d in  direction, T i the surface traction, i and ij the stress tensors, Bi the body
force vector, ui the displacement vector, üi material acceleration,  the density, and
ij the strain tensor.
The first two integral expressions on the right-hand side of Eq. (1) represent
the F -integral for circular arc crack (Lorentzon and Eriksson, 2000). For infinite
crack radius, the area integral vanishes leading to the well-known Rice’s J −integral
(Rice, 1968). The area integral expressions within the square brackets in Eq. (1)
represent the correction terms to preserve path independence of  JF integral due to
thermal strain, initial strain, material inertia, and body force effects.
For the numerical investigation of path independence under rapidly varying
mechanical load (only), neglecting thermal or initial strain and body force effects,
the JF turns into


JF = W n̂ − 
Ti ûi d − ˆ i ûir dA + üˆ i ûi dA (2)
A A r A

It may be noted that in the present study, transient dynamic response of the
specimen was considered incorporating the effect of material inertia via the second
area integral term in Eq. (2).
The expression for  JF has been developed in the polar coordinate system.
Generally, the finite element commercial packages provide output data in the
Cartesian system, which can directly be used in the estimation of  JF when this
integral is expressed in the global Cartesian form. The details of transformations are
available in Khan and Biswas (2007).

The line integral in Eq. (2) on transformation to Cartesian coordinates


W n̂ − 
Ti ûi d
ux u uy uy
⇔ − W cos  − xy sin  − x cos  + yy sin  − cos  dx
A x y x y
ux u
uy uy

− W sin  + xx cos  − x sin  − xy sin  − cos  dy (3)
A y x x y
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The first area integral in Eq. (2) becomes

 1  1 
ux uy

ˆ i ûir dA ⇔ xy cos  − xx sin  cos  + sin 
A r A r x y
uy uy
+  cos  −  sin 
yy xy
cos  + sin  dA (4)
x y

The second area integral in Eq. (2) becomes

ux x ux
uy uy
üˆ i ûi dA ⇔  − ü x
sin  + ü cos  − ü y
sin +ü y
cos  dA
A A x y x y


The numerical test on the performance of the integral  JF has been carried
out under rapidly varying mechanical load with center circular cracked plate, as
for this plate, analytical stress intensity factor values are available in a simplified
condition (Fig. 2). The material properties used in all the analyses correspond to a
structural steel with Young’s modulus, E = 210 GPa; Poisson’s ratio, = 0 3; and
density,  = 7850 kg/m3 . The dimensions of the plate are same which was used by
Lorentzon and Eriksson (2000).
Due to symmetry only half section of the plate considered in this investigation
has been illustrated in Fig. 3. In this figure rc = 0 12 m and  = 45 while the
symmetry conditions have been imposed on the boundary AB.
General purpose finite element program ANSYS has been used in order to
obtain stress and displacement quantities. As this software generally provides output
data directly in Cartesian coordinate system, the integral expression in (2) was
converted to Cartesian system. For discretization purpose the present numerical
studies employ eight-noded iso-parametric element PLANE82 and this element
models the curved boundaries very well—the details of which are available in
ANSYS user’s manual 2009.
The problem was solved using equation of motion of the dynamically loaded
specimen, with a stationary crack, i.e., MẌ + KX = Ft, where K and M are
the assembled stiffness and mass matrices, respectively, and Ft is the external
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Figure 2 Centrally located circular arc crack in a 2D body with rc = 0 12 m and  = 45 .

Figure 3 Half section of centrally located circular arc crack in a 2D body with rc = 0 12 m and  = 45 .

force vector. X and Ẍ are the displacement and acceleration of any selected point
at a particular time with respect to the reference system. The above equation was
solved for transient dynamic condition via the Newmark time-integration method
as it takes less computing time. Time increment was set to 0.01 sec. For the present
analysis the damping effect was neglected and full model was considered for the
analysis. Although damping is not considered in many applications concerning
dynamic analysis, it may be a useful addition for some problems where numerical
noise appears and the results excessively oscillate. Inclusion of the damping term
without significantly decreasing the peak amplitude of the response filters out the
numerical noise and tends to provide much smoother results. The other solution
control functions are implicit to ANSYS, and default parameters have been used in
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the present study.

For the numerical estimation of the integrals, the values of W, , x=
xi+1 − xi , y, üx , and üy are directly available from conventional ANSYS outputs
while, r and  at any node may be obtained from the corresponding x- and
y-coordinates. The calculation procedure for the derivatives of the displacement
vector is based on the node shifting technique available with the postprocessing part
of ANSYS. A flow chart in Fig. 4 illustrates the overall numerical procedure used in
the analysis.
As the formulation of Rice’s J in ANSYS does not include crack curvature
and dynamic loading, a separate postprocessing code using FORTRAN has been
prepared for the computation of line and area integrals in Eq. (2). Dynamic
analysis requires much more time as compared to the static one. The line integral
calculation procedure is based on the standard linear integration scheme and
therefore, comprises summing up of the quantities of each portion of d between
two adjacent nodes i and i + 1, lying on a contour. The area integrals have been
computed based on nodal averaged values and therefore, comprises summing up
of the nodal quantities for each element, then averaged and multiplied by the
elemental area dA. These quantities are then summed over all the elements lying
within an individual integration loop (Fig. 5). The area of each element has been
computed from nodal coordinates of the un-deformed geometry, available from
ANSYS solution.


The reliability of the present numerical model is initially tested by mesh
convergence study. It is then further established by comparing the Stress Intensity
Factor (SIF) results derived from the numerically calculated contour integral values
with the available analytical SIF solution.

4.1. Mesh Convergence Study and Comparison with

Analytical Solution
A mesh convergence study with respect to maximum equivalent stress against
increasing mesh fineness has been carried out for the specimen. No crack tip singular
elements have been chosen. Sharp crack tip model was employed in both static and
dynamic analyses. However, there was no difficulty in getting converged solutions.
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Figure 4 Flow chart of the overall numerical solution process to compute 

JF .

Here, the numerical results are obtained for the plate geometry under the following
load in plane strain condition.

yy = 1000 MPa on BC and AD;

xx = 1000 MPa on CD.
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Figure 5 A portion of the mesh around the tip along with typical integration contours.

Stable solutions were obtained with a grid of 20,290 elements with 60,733
nodes for the above ramp load applied within 0.25 sec. An identical grid was used
in static solution. As a point of reference, the problem of a circular arc crack in an
infinitely extended plate subjected to equi-biaxial static tensile load (Fig. 6) has been
considered. The analytical solution of an infinite plate subjected to a uniform stress
field has been obtained in Cotterell and Rice (1980). For equi-biaxial tensile load,

Figure 6 A circular arc crack in an infinite plate subjected to equi-biaxial tensile load.

equations for the SIF are

√ cos/2
KI =  a
1 + sin2 /2
√ sin/2
KII =  a
1 + sin2 /2

Here, a = R sin , the projected half length of the curved crack and the
effective value of SIF is defined as Keff = KI2 + KII2 .
Using the procedure described in Section 3, the path-area combination in
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Eq. (2) has been computed on 10 defined contours under static tensile load for
plane strain case, neglecting the second area integral in Eq. (2). Solutions obtained
have been employed to compute the SIF values using the standard Rice–Irwin
JF = 1−v
K 2 . Also, the effective SIF (Keff  has been obtained directly from
the available exact solutions of KI and KII for a bi-axially loaded plate specimen
(Fig. 6), and our numerically computed results have been normalized with respect
to Keff . These normalized results on various contours have been presented in Fig. 7.
The outer contours show better results while the solutions diverge for the
contours near the tip. Close to the crack tip the high strain gradients along with
inaccurate field quantities may explain the discrepancy between the results. The
difference in numerical results may also be attributed to the infinite nature of the
body used to obtain the reference SIF solution. It is also apparent that selecting
larger integration contours away from the tip and using a larger specimen size may
further improve the numerical accuracy of the present model. This close agreement
has been considered sufficient to continue further investigations for the dynamic
loading cases.

Figure 7 Normalized stress intensity factors on different contours.


4.2. Effect of Dynamic Loading on Circular Arc Cracked Specimen

In order to investigate the influence of dynamic effects on the mechanical
behavior of circular arc crack, the stress condition at the tip of a stationary crack
was analyzed. Theoretically it is already established that for dynamically loaded
curved crack Rice’s J loses its path independence. In case of dynamic loading if
two distinct contours are chosen around the curved crack tip and the stress wave
passes through one but not the other, the J values are expected to be different.
Additionally, there are two other significant limitations when using the J -integral.
The first limitation states that there should be monotonic loading with no unloading
(applicable for elastic–plastic analysis). The second limitation is the assumption of
small deformation theory, which was used in deriving the relationship between the
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J -integral and potential energy and also in deriving the relationships between J and
the crack tip stress fields and the crack tip opening displacement (CTOD).

4.2.1. Comparison of JF with Rice’s J. In the current study, before

evaluating the performance of the new integral  JF under various conditions it may
be interesting to scrutinize numerically the applicability of Rice’s J in the present
study. Therefore, the line integral, line plus area integral due to crack curvature, and
the total integral 
JF in Eq. (2) have been estimated separately on different contours
for the case when equi-biaxial tensile load of 1000 MPa was applied within 0.25 sec
and the computed results are compared in Fig. 8. Here, the normalization for the
individual contour values has been carried out with respect to the average value of
seven contours of total JF .
The striking aspect is that the line integral (or equivalently Rice’s J ) shows
noteworthy level of path dependence even in case of the outer contours. On
the other hand, addition of the correction terms due to crack curvature effect

Figure 8 Comparison of normalized line integral, line plus area integral due to crack curvature, and
total integral 
JF in Eq. (2) under plane strain conditions.

and dynamic loading provides a well-behaved domain-independent character of  JF

throughout the computational range at least for the outer contours. Addition of the
two area integrals has been shown separately in order to illustrate their effect one
by one. It is observed that contribution from the area integrals due to curvature and
dynamic loading effect is sufficiently high and thus ascertaining that the integral  JF
is significantly different from the Rice’s J -integral. This numerical study justifies the
necessity of the correction terms in the formulation of  JF .
In order to study again the role of inertia integral only in making the integral
path independent, one straight crack example has been studied (Fig. 9). In such
a case the total integral is combination of the line integral and the area integral
due to the inertia effect. Here, similar geometry as shown in Fig. 2, with a straight
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crack whose length has been assumed equivalent to the curve crack length, was
considered. Loading and boundary conditions remain identical to the previous
case. Normalization procedure also follows the same route. It is observed from the
figure that contribution from the area integral due to dynamic loading effect is
sufficiently high and thus ascertaining once more that the Rice’s J -integral alone
cannot produce the path-independent result when a cracked specimen is subjected
to rapidly varying load.

4.2.2. Dynamic Response Studies on Crack Curvature for Various

Conditions. Now, the path-invariance character of Eq. (2) under elastic
deformation subjected to equi-biaxial dynamic tensile loads of 1000 MPa is
examined here for three different loading rates applicable for both plane strain and
plane stress in Fig. 10. Here, the normalization for the individual contour values
has been carried out with respect to the average value of seven contours for each
loading rate. From this illustration it is observed, as in previous solutions, that

Figure 9 Comparison of normalized line integral and line plus area integral due to dynamic loading
for a straight crack under plane strain conditions.
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Figure 10 Comparison of normalized integral  JF against integration contour for different loading rates
under equi-biaxial load for (a) plane strain and (b) plane stress.

there is no oscillation in the present numerical results. Overall path independence is

well preserved though, outer contours yielded the best results for all cases. It may
be noted that in the present analysis, transient dynamic response of the specimen
was considered, however strain rate was neglected. Result on the inner contours
may be bad due to the reflected stress waves coming from the crack surfaces. It has
also been observed that for some initial time steps the results were not so good.
Such kind of observations have been found in earlier literature (Anderson, 2005).
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Figure 11 Time variation of normalized integral 

JF with ramp load applied within 1.0 sec, 0.5 sec, and
0.25 sec under plane strain condition.

Figure 11 compares time variation of plane strain normalized values of

path-area form of integrals—Eq. (2) on outermost contour for various loading rate.
For this illustration, the nondimensional  JF for each loading rate has been spline
interpolated as a function of time and the normalization of the results has been
carried out with respect to maximum  JF value evaluated at ramp load applied
within 0.25 sec. It is clearly observed that the integral values depend largely on
the loading rate. Immediately when a ramp load is applied, the specimen starts to
vibrate effectively. Increased loading rate leads to an increase in the amplitude of
vibration of the values of the integral JF . In this numerical test the contour results
increase with increase in time, and the rate of rise in the integral value is maximum
for the highest loading rate. Similar results have been obtained in works of Biswas
and Narasimhan (2002). This numerical evidence ascertains the usefulness of the
JF for dynamic loading situation.
The stress–strain results of dynamic fracture problems, in which the inertia
effects are taken in account, can be much higher than the corresponding static
solutions. These differences between the dynamic and static fracture problem results
may be much more in the case of rapid loading. To check this proposition, the
influence of dynamic effects was evaluated by comparing the dynamic  JF integral
values with equivalent static values in Fig. 12. The plane strain normalized values
of path-area form of integrals in Eq. (2) on outermost contour for both static and
dynamic loading have been plotted against normalized load. Here, normalization
JF values and load has been obtained with respect to maximum 
in  JF value and
maximum applied load, respectively. At this time the peak load was applied within
0.25 sec. In this numerical test the contour results increase monotonically with
increase in load and the rate of rise in the integral value is more for the dynamic
loading case. Differences between the dynamic and the static  JF curves become
smaller for lower loads. This is in accordance with the earlier studies (Saribay, 2009).
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Figure 12 Comparison of normalized integral 

JF for static and dynamic loading.

Figure 13 illustrates the time variation of normalized and spline-interpolated

values of 
JF computed on outermost contour for both plane strain and plane stress
deformation. Here the  JF values have been evaluated at ramp load applied within
0.5 sec. The normalization of the results has been carried out with respect to the
maximum  JF value. In the plane stress condition the integral value is increasing with
higher rate as compared to the plane strain, however, oscillation is also more in the

Figure 13 Time variation of normalized values of 

JF on outermost contour for (a) plane strain and
(b) plane stress.

case of plane stress. In the small time range the oscillations are less, however, the
oscillations become higher with increasing time and it is more for the plane stress
case. This behavior may be attributed to the less overall stiffness of the geometry in
case of plane stress. However, it seems further investigation is required toward this

Analysis of curved crack under rapidly varying load is almost absent in the
literature to the best of the authors’ knowledge. The numerical solution of the
equation of motion of the circular arc cracked specimen subjected to dynamic
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loading together with the postprocessing scheme provide attractive facets of the
JF presented in this article. The reliability of the numerical model is first
tested by convergence studies and then by comparing with analytical solution. The
comparison is quite satisfactory, despite the potential sources of error. A number
of interesting observations that emerged from a careful study of the results under
various loading rates may be useful as guidelines for future research. The integral

JF has been found to maintain nearly domain independence for both static and
dynamic loading conditions and in some cases marginal path dependence has been
reflected for higher loading rate. The reasons for such limited path dependency
though explained at the appropriate places may also arise due to inherent numerical
errors in computations. The effect of strain rate has been neglected in the
formulation of  JF . The effects of strain rate should be investigated for enhanced
solution. Some of the reasons for path dependency have been described in Anderson
(2005). Furthermore, it may be pointed out that introducing refinement in the
computational techniques may bring about improvement in the accuracy, and the
evaluation of the performance of the integral on other types of contour paths is also
possible with additional efforts. Also, contrary to the present computational scheme,
the results will be more accurate if the integration is carried out through the gauss
points where the products of stress and displacement gradients are more accurate.
Nevertheless, the results from these analyses suggest that the integral  JF may be
conveniently correlated to establish material failure criteria based on crack initiation
or crack instability. In our next analyses, different geometries with a variety of
loading conditions considering elastic–plastic material behavior should be tried to
extend the current dynamic fracture-related studies.

The authors are most grateful to the reviewers of this article, particularly
for some positive comments and constructive criticism, thereby leading to a more
improved presentation.

Anderson, T. L. (2005). Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications. Boca
Raton, FL: CRC Press.
ANSYS (2009). ANSYS User’s Manual. Version 12.0. USA: ANSYS Inc.

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A Arbitrary region around the process zone
Bi Body force vector

Bi Physical component of body force vector Bi
J Rice’s path-independent integral

JF Crack driving force for circular arc crack under multiple loads
n Positive unit outward normal
n̂ Physical component of positive unit outward normal n
r Plane polar coordinate
rc Radius of the crack
Ti Traction vector

Ti Physical component of the traction vector T i
ui Displacement vector
üi Material acceleration
üi Physical component of material acceleration üi
ui j Covariant derivative of ui with respect to j
ûij Physical component of ui j
W Mechanical strain energy density function

Greek Symbols
ij Contravariant stress tensor
ˆ ij Physical component of the stress tensor ij
ij Strain tensor
ij  Covariant derivative of ij with respect to 
ˆ ij Physical component of ij 
thij Thermal Strain Tensor
oij Initial strain tensor
A Arbitrary curve surrounding A
 Material density

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