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SIA GRADE Grade 10

Diones AREA

DATE and 3

I.OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

A. Identify the conjunction in argumentative text

B. Use conjunction in composing argumentative text
C. Show appreciation of the value of conjunction in argumentative text.

II.SUBJECT Topic: Connecting Ideas Using Conjunction in an Argumentative Text


 Text Book

A. Preliminary Activities

III.LEARNING  Good After noon class!

 Who wants to lead a prayer?

 Checking the Attendance

 Collecting of the notebooks

Alright yesterday, we tackled about the different kinds of conjunction


Our previous lesson we tackled about the different kinds of conjunction

What are the three types of conjunction?

B. Motivation Activity

What I Can Do

ACTIVITY 4: CONJUNCTION LOCATOR: Look for the conjunctions in


A series on localization: How the Philippines is quietly implementing a

humanitarian response
Considering the limitations in resources and capacities to sustain the p
humanitarian assistance to the affected population in the Central Visay
of Cebu City-based local non-government and civil society organization
urgent financial support from the United Nations (UN), International No
Organizations (INGOs), donors and other Humanitarian Funding Group
present in the country.
Hence, more than four months since the declaration of the lockdown an
quarantine last March 2020, the Zero Extreme Poverty (ZEP) 2030 Ceb
LNGOS/CSOs warned that COVID-19 exacerbated existing vulnerabili
communities, which are receiving but minimum support and, in most ca
nothing at all. Furthermore, if this situation continues in the next coming
joint statement, there will be a humanitarian crisis across hard lockdow
Pertinently, As of 04 August 2020, there are 16, 145 confirmed cases i
Visayas, with Cebu City alone recording 9, 075. Thus, the spike in num
other at-risk areas in Central Visayas as a new hotspot of COVID- 19 c
City now has more cases than Manila's largest city, Quezon City, which
also outpacing other cities in terms of the number of cases according to
(DOH). Since July, the DOH, supported by the World Health Organizat
more doctors and other resources to Cebu City as many patients are o
all major hospitals are close to reaching full capacity. Even big hospital
coronavirus cases are now facing challenges in managing the surge of
In the last week of June, Cebu City, with a population of nearly 1 million
strict stay-at-home orders.
However, the dwindling provision of lifesaving aid, limited access to fin
livelihood opportunities prompted seven LNGOS/CSOs and one private
ZEP Convergence to call for action to support as they struggled to sup
government's response and recovery interventions to support isolated
said convergence is comprised of the following organizations: Central V
(CENVISNET), Fellowship for Organizing Endeavors, Inc. (FORGE), A
Group for Alternatives to Development, Impact, Coalition for Better Edu
University of Southern Philippines Foundation Community Extension S
FundLife Philippines and Ramon Aboitiz Foundation, Inc. (RAFI).
With a development goal of uplifting one million Filipino families from e
Convergence was established in Cebu last August 2019. However, ear
the most of the LNGOS and CSOS members has dramatically shifted t
of emergency support to the COVID- 19 severely affected communities
other urban cities in Central

So what did you observed from it?

Very Good! From the activity that we made, we are being directed to ou
which is Argumentative text.


.What is argumentative text?

Argumentative text refers to text that takes a position abou

position can be for or against an idea, and the author of the te
her position with extensive evidence. Some ideas to keep in m
argumentative text are the claims, the evidence, and the au

A claim is the position an author takes in an argumentative t

referred to as the main argument or the thesis. A claim is not
statement of fact.
How to Identify a Claim

 A claim will take a clear and specific position.

 A claim can be debated; the opposite position can also b

 The claim of an argumentative text will usually be found

the introduction. It serves as the thesis and will help re
purpose and direction of the text

Types of Evidence

 Facts are true, proven statements that cannot be disput

 Examples refer to instances or objects that represent a

 Expert opinions are judgements passed by those who a

experienced in a particular field or topic.

 Anecdotes refer to people's personal, firsthand experien

They will usually be presented as a story.

The audience refers to the people that the author of a text is

style of writing, and structure of a text may all change depend
intended audience is.
How to Determine the Audience of a T

 Topic — different topics may appeal more to certain aud

 Language — More casual language usually indicates the

general public, but if the language is more technical, the
those in academics.

 Interest & impact — Consider the people or organizatio

interested in, affected by, or capable of influencing a spe

Below is an excerpt of an argumentative text with the topic of

moment to read the text before moving on. As you read, cons
made, the evidence that the author has included, and the like

A Remarkable Arachnid

Spiders are phenomenal creatures. An air-breathing clas

legged invertebrate arthropods — spiders are a misunderstoo
creature. They are not insects, as some people believe, and th
real threat to humans. In fact, spiders contribute to the world
They also provide a source of natural beauty and wonder, and
new medicines to treat debilitating diseases.

While all spiders are venomous, only 9 or 10 species of t

species of spiders pose any threat to humans. Furthermore, e
dangerous spiders do not seek to hurt humans; it is only thro
that spider bites occur. Spiders do, however, pose a real threa
those that are truly dangerous to humans. For instance, spide
cockroaches, two insects that are known to spread deadly dis
pesky insects like earwigs and flies. Spiders are a real boon in
large farms, too, because they serve as a natural form of pest
aphids, moths, and beetles that can be devastating to flowers

Topic — The general topic of this text is spiders.

Claim — The author is for spiders, believing that they are "phenomenal
the world.

Evidence —

 Only a tiny portion of all the spider species in the world are venom
those that do bite humans do so by accident.

 Spiders eat insects, such as mosquitoes and aphids, that could harm
and crops.

What is an argumentative text?

An argumentative text is one of the most common types of te
characterised by trying to persuade the reader of an idea by
arguments. Writing such a text is a common task in language-lea
is widely used as an assessment tool in official exams. Normall
guidelines have to be followed, although these may change acc
the context. The general features of an argumentative text are:

 It champions a specific position.

 It offers data and arguments to defend that position.
 It takes opposing arguments into account, and discusses the
 It can deal with a wide variety of topics.

How is an argumentative text structured?

The aim of an argumentative text is to put forward a viewpoint c

simply, supported by data and a logical conclusion to back it up. T
follow the structure below:

 Introduction: briefly explain the subject matter dealt with i

and provide the necessary background, so the re
understand your position. The introduction presents the the
is the main idea argued for in the text.
 Body of the argument: this usually consists of three
paragraphs where the reasoning and data that support you
view are outlined. Each paragraph should focus on a diffe
and should begin by clearly establishing the theme you
develop. The opposing arguments that you'll be refuting
included here along with your own, although the order will d
the approach you take.
 Conclusion: this last paragraph should focus on
argumentation underpinning the thesis, synthesizing
important arguments as developed in the preceding pa
Here, you should avoid including new ideas, and instead hig
fundamental points in favor of your argument.

How to write an argumentative text in English

1. Introduction
The introduction should be concise. This is not the time to develo
arguments or contrast different points of view. The main purpose
establish a state of play (a summary of the current situation), wh
us to understand the text without entering into too much detail,
clarifying the subject matter and stance to be taken. Key featur
opening paragraph are:

 Precision
 Brevity
 Effectiveness

In the introduction, you should provoke a reaction from the reade

this be to predispose them towards your argument, generate in
anything else. There are many ways to generate interest in th
from opening your text with a question and its answer (at the sta
to beginning with a specific fact and outlining the reasons
important. There is a wide range of tools that can be useful to ac
desired effect. It is also highly recommendable to use short
sentences when you still haven't mastered the language.

2. First paragraph of the body

The first paragraph sets out the opinion that you're going to try
Although there are other ways to organize an argumentative te
one of the most common. It's important to focus only on the issue
be discussed in the text itself and not to leave any loose ends,
purpose of these opposing arguments is to spark a dialogue with
ideas you intend to develop.
One common approach to outline these ideas is to use conju
opposition such as although or even though. The key to this first p
is to present the arguments in order of priority (and bearing in
they relate to one another) to later discuss them in the same orde

3. The second and subsequent paragraphs

The second paragraph is where arguments presented in the

refuted. If the paragraph is too long or you need new arguments
for your discussion, you can separate it into as many paragraph
need. Here, the important thing is to present the arguments and
you will use to support your opinion.
Any paragraphs following this one should also include arguments
without the need to contrast them with others. Look for new
include in support of your stance, and continue the discussion in
and successive paragraphs. Remember to always follow a logi
maintaining the order of ideas set out previously, connecting
themes to one another and opening new paragraphs for each c
4. Conclusion and closing

Here, you will need to make another major impact like the o
introduction. Although this time you can write a little more, try to r
reader emotionally and highlight the most important points develo
main body of your text. This is not the place to include new ideas
focus on summarizing and creating the desired effect on the read
your argument is better established and the main points stand

Following a structure is the first step to writing a sound argumenta

an essential practice in the process of learning any new language
English. To properly organize a text, you will need to work on lear
essential vocabulary as well as developing your communication sk
language concerned.

Example of argumentative sentence

He was in an argumentative mood and appeared disagreeable

assignment in Denver.

She changes from a loud, happy and bubbly person into being
argumentative and aggressive.

Ordinarily, you'd have a quick comeback for anybody in an

argumentative mood.


Make an argumentative essay that conjunction may apply here ar

topics below.

Underline the Conjunction in the sentences.

Argumentative Essay

Warning! Warning! Alarms go off inside your head. You're at the m

walking around with one of your best buds looking at CDs, when a
sudden you look up and see this drop dead gorgeous girl, whose
CDs in the next aisle. You grasp the CD case you were looking at
and use the reflection quickly to make sure none of your pimples a
to burst, and that your hair is fixed right. You take a breath and loo
She gives looks at you out of the corner of your eyes and you feel
you chest. She looked at you!

That was only a brief glimpse into the complicated life of a teenag
boy who reads magazines, wants a car, plays video games, and w
lot of TV. His ultimate goal is to look as good and cool as possible
those guys in the Gap commercials on TV, with their perfect smile
their arm always around that really hot girl.
Why have we as males become more concerned about our looks
body? It seemed that only twenty years ago it was just the girls re
worrying about their make up and nails, but times are changing. C
for the worst.

Most of the men and guys on TV and in magazines look good or h

bodies. They most likely wear the clothes that are in style. In the m
these guys often get the girl or are the hero of the picture. As of la
such as Friends and The Real World - shows where the relationsh
shallow and mostly based on looks - have become more and more
A lot of times the reasons that they dump a guy are because he n
lose fat around some areas.

Shows like these only make guys more self-conscious about their
because they think that the girls expect us to be a rippling Arnold
Schwarzenegger with a perfect body. A lot of times we also think t
us to look like the guys in the Mark and Spencer's ads, holding a h
What they're really saying is, 'Hey guys! Look like me even though
probably won't be able to. If you do though, you'll get lots of hot gi
puts a lot of pressure on having 'in' clothes and being cool.

Another source that has altered the male thinking is the magazine
Because girl magazines, like Cosmopolitan, encourages women u
power to choose and be ahead of the relationship, it also places s
guys to look better for girls.

These magazines are read by a majority of the male population, a

anything that gets published in them is sent out to a couple million
couple of million. The opinions stated in these magazines therefor
become public opinion. Both magazines and the television have h
effect on why we as males are more concerned about our looks n
fifty years ago. The real struggle is to not let these materials confli
what we really know. What we consider important. What we really

When you consider it in the long run, these things do not matter: p
money, and what you do. Focus more on what matters, like relatio
that are not based on whether your hair looks good, or if your face
of acne.

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