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Hello Disney team!

We are Johan and Gladis, and we are excited at the possibility of joining
your incredible entertainment team. Gladis has a strong background in
acting, participating in theater productions and community events. His
passion for emotional connection with the audience and his ability to
improvise unforgettable moments are unmatched. On the other hand, I
am Johan, a lover of music and creative production, specialized in
designing multisensory experiences. Together, we have formed a team that
fuses the theatrical with the innovative.
In our daily routines, Gladis begins each day with voice exercises and
rehearsals to perfect his craft. His afternoon is filled with musical
exploration and character study. In my daily life, I immerse myself in
musical composition and writing scripts for interactive events. My day
includes creative and collaborative sessions to develop concepts that
captivate the audience. We both share a love of researching new trends in
entertainment to ensure our performances are always fresh and exciting.
Gladis immerses herself in nature and detailed observation of human
behaviors to enrich her performances. His afternoons are filled with jam
sessions and studying iconic Disney characters. As for my preferences, I
find inspiration in the emotional connection and magic of stories, which is
reflected in my dedication to composing music that resonates with the
Disney essence. We both share a love for researching trends in
entertainment, ensuring our performances are always fresh and exciting.

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