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different deferral which is

associated with different

medical condition.

1.State the minimum acceptable levels for the following tests in
MODULE 14: allogeneic and autologous donation: Weight, Temperature, Pulse, Blood
pressure, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit.
2.Differentiate between acceptable donation and permanent deferral
given to various medical conditions.
3.Describe the procedure for a whole donation, including arm
preparation, blood collection and post-phlebotomy care instructions for
the donor.
4. Differentiate among mild, moderate and severe donor reactions.

most important- valid id of donors

consent- if the donor is between 16-17
allogenic- with age restriction
number is important= in order to get in touch with the donor if ever na
magpositive sa mga specific na sakit

DONOR SCREENING • According to AABB Standards, blood collection facilities must confirm donor identity and
link the donor to existing donor records.
• The following is a list of information used by the collection facility in the registration

• It is the process of ensuring the safety of both the PATIENT and DONOR. - Name
- Date and time of donation
- Address
1.Donor registration
- Telephone number
2.Medical history of donor - Gender
3.Physical examination - Age or date of birth
- Consent to donate
4.Serological testing of donor blood
- Additional information such as the name of the patient for whom the blood is intended
(directed donor), race of the donor for unique phenotypes and cytomegalovirus status.

donor should be comfortable with the interviewer


• A thorough history is obtained each time

• Standardized universal questionnaire is used answerable by yes or no
• Questions are asked that are very intimate in nature but are critical in assessing HIV
or HBV risks

• Medications the donor taking are present in plasma, may cause deferral
• Infections the donor has may be passed to recipient, may be cause for deferral.

interview-very personal
deferral- not accepted

red flags in health ng patient = deferral

at risk ba si donor
sex life
allergy or skin disease

A. Permanent Deferral
- Prospective donor will never be eligible to donate blood for someone else. These
donors may be eligible to donate autologous blood. Some permanent deferrals may
result from the testing performed on a previous donation.

B. Temporary Deferral
- Prospective donor is unable to donate blood for a limited period of time.

C. Indefinite Deferral
- Prospective donor is unable to donate for unspecified period of time due to current
regulatory requirements
those with infectious disease. can also be a permanent

•From 1980 to 1996
o Spent a cumulative time of 3 months or more in any country in United Kingdom
• HIV, HBV, H C V positive o This is the time where Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) cases are high
• Received human pituitary growth hormone, Corneal Transplant
• Injected bovine insulin ( Creutzfeldt- Jacob disease) •From 1980 to Present:

• Drug ( Tegison ) o Received blood transfusion in Europe or France

drug for psoriasis. it has a teratogenic event
o Spent cumulative time of at least 5 years in Europe
• Hemophiliacs and can cause birth defect
o These individuals has an increased risk for CJD or vCJD which is also known as Mad Cow Disease
• Symptoms of viral hepatitis after age 11
• History of Babesiosis and Chaga’s disease
•From 1977 to Present:
• Most cancers. Leukemia, clotting factor deficiency o Born or lived in certain regions of Africa
• Severe heart and liver disease o Traveled in certain regions of Africa received a BT or medical treatment with blood products
• High risk sexual behavior o HIV-1 Group O infection is endemic in those certain regions

still depende pa din per

based on the book
• Certain immunization
- MMR,Yellow fever, oral polio, typhoid, Small pox (2 weeks ) • 12 months deferrals
- German measles, Chicken pox ( 4 weeks ) - Surgery received blood components
• Pregnancy - Tooth surgery (wisdom tooth)
- 6 weeks following termination of pregnancy
- Tattoo, body piercing, needle prick
- 12 months: Received transfusion after pregnancy
- Had close contact with HBV and HIV positive
• Certain medication
proscar- for prostate enlargement - In prison treated with syphilis or gonorrhea
- Proscar/ Propecia/ Accutane ( 1 month )
propecia- baldness
- Avodart ( 6 months ) accutane- acne - Person returned from malarial endemic area
- Soriatane ( 3 years ) for psoriasis - HB immune globulin
- Tegison ( permanent )
- Rabies
- Aspirin/ Proxicam ( 3 days )
- Rape victims
- Feldene (2 days)

anti inflammatory medication that affects the platelets

• Provides a general screening of health and vital signs to ensure good health on the day of
• 3 years deferral
• It includes the following:
- Immigrant from malarial endemic area
- General appearance
• 8 weeks deferral
- Age
- Recent blood donation - Weight
• 48 hours deferral - Temperature

- Whole blood donation after hemapheresis - Pulse rate

- Blood pressure
• 24 hours deferral
- Hemoglobin
- Alcohol intake
- Hematocrit

check id for paid donors


•The donor center representative should observe the •AUTOLOGOUS: No age requirement
prospective donor for presence of excessive anxiety, •ALLOGENEIC: 17-65 years old
drug or alcohol influence, or nervousness.
16-17 needs consent
•If possible, this should be done in a gentle manner so 60 and above- di na maconsider
as to not deter the donor from donations in the future.

equivalent for 1 whole blood donation
• AUTOLOGOUS: No weight requirement
•37.5 °C or 99.5°F
• ALLOGENEIC: 50 kilograms/ 110 pounds
•Donors asked not to drink coffee or hot
Volume to collect = (donor’s weight in kg/50) × 450 m L beverages while waiting to donate, as this may
Volume to collect/450 × 63 m L = reduced volume of anticoagulant
sometimes affect their temperature.
63 m L – above calculated volume = amount of solution to be removed

63 ml= anticoagulant
citrate toxicity= if di proportionate yung blood sa blood bag

•The donor’s pulse should be between 50 and 100 • SYSTOLIC B L O O D PRESSURE: 120 mmHg ( not more than 180 mmHg)

bpm. Often, a donor who is athletic will have a pulse • D I A S TO L I C B L O O D PRESSURE: 80 mmHg ( not more than 100 mmHg)

less than 50 bpm, which is not cause for deferral.

•The pulse should be counted for at least 15 seconds;
any irregularities should be evaluated by a blood
bank physician

copper sulfate 1.053

to determine volume of red cell


• AUTOLOGOUS: 11.0 g/dl
• A L L O GE N E I C : 12.5 g/dl •A L L O G E N E I C : 3 8 %

• The methods used for measuring hemoglobin include copper sulfate or point-of-care
instruments using spectrophotometric methodology. A hematocrit or packed cell
volume can be determined manually by centrifugation.

• The blood is usually acquired via a finger stick.

blood should sink within 15 seconds


• AABB Standards mandates that informed consent of allogeneic,
autologous, and apheresis donors be obtained before donation. The
• Allogeneic, “homologous” and “random donor” terms used
donor must be informed of the risks of the procedure and of the tests
for blood donated by individuals for anyone’s use.
that are performed to reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission
to the recipient. • Autologous – donate blood for your own use only.
• The donor must be able to ask questions concerning any element of the donor himself is a rare blood type
collection or testing process. kaso mahal to
will not be accepted if may bacterial contamination

1. Preoperative collection
Preoperative collection
•Orthopedic procedures, vascular surgery, cardiac or
2. Acute normovolemic hemodilution thoracic surgery, and radical prostatectomy
•The last blood collection should occur no sooner than 72
3. Intraoperative collection
hours before the scheduled surgery to allow for volume
4. Postoperative collection


Acute normovolemic hemodilution Intraoperative collection
•Involves removal of whole blood from a patient with • Involves collecting and reinfusion of blood lost by a patient
during surgery.
infusions of crystalloid or colloid before surgical blood
loss. • Contraindicated when pro-coagulants are applied to the
surgical field
•The “shed” blood is normally reinfused to the patient
• Used in cardiothoracic, major orthopedic, and cardiac
within 8 hours of collection.
surgery and vascular surgeries such as liver


Postoperative collection • Apheresis collection is an effective mechanism
for collecting a specific blood component while
• Blood is collected from a drainage tube placed at the returning the remaining whole blood
components back to the patient.
surgical site.
• Apheresis can be used to collect platelets,
• It is reinfused with or without processing via a plasma, white blood cells (leukocytes), red
microaggregate filter to screen out any debris. (not more blood cells, and stem cells.

than 1400 mL reinfused)

• Blood must be reinfused within 6 hours of collection or it is to
be discarded.
blood pressure cuff as torniquet= 40-60 mmHg
median vein- choice

open and close fist every

10-12 secs

ioopen lang ang lock if may

donation should not be as long as 15 mins
15 mins above- no cryoprecipitate
hindi agad pinapatayo si patient

Aseptic Technique • Syncope (fainting) cold compress on the head
• Remove needle immediately elevate legs above the level of the head
• iodine compound such as PVP-iodine or polymeriodine
• Hyperventilation
complex • Have donor rebreathe into paper bag.

• the venipuncture site is identified, and the area is scrubbed at • Nausea/vomiting

least 4 cm in all directions from the site for a minimum of 30 • Twitching/muscle spasms
• Hematoma
• Convulsions – rare, get immediate assistance
• chlorhexidine gluconate and isopropyl alcohol • Cardiac difficulties
( allergic donors )


•Disease testing include:
•ABO/D typing •HBsAG
•Antibody Screen – if positive, ID antibody, cannot •Anti-HBc (along with ALT)
•Anti-HCV and NAT
make plasma products •Anti-HIV 1&2
•Anti-HTLV I / I I
•Antibodies to other blood group antigens which are •R P R / V D R L for syphilis
present in the donor may react with recipient red cells •Malaria
resulting in a reaction. if isa man nagpositive- di na accepted ang blood

mother bag- main storage

OBJECTIVES: satellite bag- transfer of blood to
prepare for another set of component

► 1. Identify the storage conditions, shelf life,

quality control requirements and indications for
use of the different blood components used in


blood clotting
► Preservatives provide 1. Trisodium citrate – anticoagulant
nutrients for cells 2. Citric acid – prevents caramelization of citrate dextrose during
heat sterilization
3. Dextrose – ATP source
4. Monosodium phosphate – maximizes ATP generation
5. Adenine – improved survival of RBC for apheresis, 24 days.
6. Mannitol – stabilizes the membrane of red cells
Anticoagulant Preservative
Additive Solutions Additive Solutions

► A mixture of glucose, adenine, and normal saline

► Provide nutrients to stabilize the red cell membrane, maintain the level of
2,3 DPG, and increase the storage time for the unit of red blood cells.
► Extends storage to 42 days
► Remove platelet rich plasma within 72 hours
► Add additive solution to RBCs

Additive Solutions Rejuvenation Solutions

► It revives the red cells.

► It regenerate ATP and 2,3 DPG
► Red cells stored in liquid state for fewer than 3 days
after their outdated are rejuvenated for 1 to 4 hours at
37°C with the solution.
► REJUVESOL: only FDA approved rejuvenation

Storage lesions Shelf-life/Storage

► A loss of viability and function associated with certain biochemical changes that are
initiated when blood is stored in vitro.

► Sterility
► Viability during storage
► In vivo survival after storage: greater than
75% of transfused cells remain in
circulation 24 hours AFTER transfusion
► 24hours post-transfusion
► Hemolysis of ≤1%
more than 24 hours-red cell

tube sealant

Components Available for Transfusion

platelet concentrate
► Whole blood factor concentrate
► Packed red cells
► Leukocyte reduced red cells
► Irradiated red cells
► Washed red cells
► Deglycerolized red cells
► Fresh frozen plasma
► Cryoprecipitate

Heavy Spin
► 5000g for 5 minutes
► Packed RBC, Platelet Concentrate
► 5000g for 7 minutes
► Cryoprecipitate, Cell free plasma

Light Spin
► 2000g for 3 minutes
► Platelet-rich plasma

Component Preparation Whole Blood

► Collect unit within 15 minutes to prevent activation ► Contains RBCs and plasma
of coagulation system ► Hct of approximately 38%
► When the cryoprecipitated antihemophilic factor has
► Draw into closed system – primary bag with satellite
bags with hermetic seal between. been removed from the unit of whole blood, whole
blood is referred to as whole blood modified
► If hermetic seal broken transfuse within 24 hours if ► Storage temperature is 1 to 6C, and the shelf-life is
stored at 1-4C, 4 hours if stored at 20-24C
dependent on the preservative
associated with circulatory overload

Whole Blood
Shelf-life: Same as anticoagulant used Irradiated RBCs
Storage Temp.: 1-6oC
► Whole blood that has been irradiated to inhibit T-cell
proliferation in the recipient – GVHD
Quality Control: Hct. Approx. 40% ► Px who are immunocompromised, receiving
Volume: 450-500 mL stem or bone marrow, directed blood coming
from a relative, fetuses undergoing intrauterine
Indications for use: Symptomatic anemia with
large volume
deficit. ► Has an expiration date of 28 days from the date of
Contents: RBC, Platelets, Plasma,
WBCs ► Cesium-137, Cobalt-60
Dosage: Hgb 1g/dl, hct 3%

Irradiated RBCs Packed RBC

Shelf-life: 28 days
natanggal na yung plasma
Storage Temp.: 1-6oC

Quality Control: Hct. Approx. 40% ► Used to treat symptomatic anemia and routine
blood loss during surgery
Volume: 450-500 mL
► Hematocrit is approximately 80% for non-
Indications for use: Volume expansion, Prevent additive (CPD), 60% for additive (ADSOL).
GVHD, increase O2, BM
transplant, Congenital ► Allow WB to sediment or centrifuge WB,
immunodeficiency syndrome, remove supernatant plasma.
Immunocompromised patient
Contents: RBC, Platelets, Plasma open system- removal of tubing- 24 hours na lang pwede after ng
tube removal
Dosage: Hgb 1g/dl, hct 3%

for infant patients only

since hindi kakayanin ng infants ang packed red cells

Packed RBC RBC Aliquots

Shelf-life: Same as anticoagulant
used, If open system (24
hours) ► Transfused during the neonatal period or infants
Storage Temp.: 1-6oC younger than 4 months of age
► Anemia caused by spontaneous fetomarternal or
Quality Control: <80%
fetoplacental hemorrhage, twin-twin transfusion,
Volume: 250-300 mL obstetric accidents and internal hemmorhage.
Indications for use:
Iatrogenic anemia (10%) warrants transfusion.
Oxygen increase, acute or
chronic blood loss such as ► Twin-twin transfusion – disproportionate blood
in hemorrhage or supply aka feto-fetal transfusion syndrome
Contents: RBC

Dosage: Hgb 1g/dL, Hct 3%

RBC Aliquots Leukoreduced
Shelf-life: Same as RBCs
anticoagulant used,
If open system (24 ► Absolute WBC count is 5x10 6
Storage Temp.: 1-6oC ► Contain at least 85% of the original RBC
Quality Control: <80% mass
Volume: Varies ► Pre-storage and Post-storage
Indications for use: Oxygen increase
Contents: RBC
Dosage: Hg10 mL/kg, hgb 2

Pre-storage Leukoreduction Leukoreduced RBCs

Shelf-life: Closed system:
same, Open 24
► 1st method, in-line filter can be attached to whole blood unit hours
Storage Temp.: 1-6oC
and filter via-gravity
Quality Control: <5 x 106 WBCs
► 2nd method, plasma initially removed from WB then RBC
> 85% RBC recovery
passed through an in-line reduction filter
Volume: 250-300 mL
► 3rd method, sterile docking device can be used to
Indications for use: Febrile Reaction,
attach a leukocyte reduction filter
Contents: RBC, few platelets;
residual platelet
Dosage: Hgb 1g/dL, Hct 3%

Leukoreduced RBCs Washed RBCs

► Washing removes plasma proteins, platelets, WBCs and micro
aggregates which may cause febrile or urticarial reactions.
► Patient requiring this product is the IgA deficient patient with anti-
IgA antibodies.
► Prepared by using a machine which washes the cells 3 times
with saline to remove and WBCs.
► Two types of labels:
► Washed RBCs - do not need to QC for WBCs.
► Leukocyte Poor WRBCs, QC must be done to guarantee removal of 85% of WBCs.
No longer considered effective method for leukoreduction.
► Expires 24 hours after unit is entered.

binibigay sa patient na may severe allergic reaction

Washed RBCs Washed RBCs
Shelf-life: 24 hours

Storage Temp.: 1-6oC

Quality Control: Hct 70-80%

Volume: 180 mL

Indications for use: Symptomatic anemia with

severe allergic
or anaphylactic conditions
Contents: RBC, few platelets; residual

Dosage: Hgb 1g/dL, Hct 3%

expensive prep

glycerolized red cells

Frozen RBCs Frozen RBCs
► Blood is frozen to preserve: rare types, for autologous transfusion,
► Thaw unit at 37C, thawed RBCs will have high concentration of glycerol.
stock piling blood for military mobilization and/or civilian natural
disasters. ► A solution of glycerol of lesser concentration of the original glycerol is
► Blood is drawn into an anticoagulant preservative. added.
► Plasma is removed and glycerol is added. ► This causes glycerol to come out of the red blood cells slowly to prevent
hemolysis of the RBCs.
► After equilibration unit is centrifuged to remove excess glycerol and frozen.
► After a period of equilibration the unit is spun, the solution is removed and
► Expiration a solution with a lower glycerol concentration is added.
► If frozen, 10 years.
► This procedure is repeated until all glycerol is removed, more steps are
► After deglycerolization, 24 hours. required for the high glycerol stored units.
► Storage temperature ► The unit is then washed.
► high glycerol -65 C.
► low glycerol -120 C, liquid nitrogen.

-contains multiple antigen
-di masyadong effective

Frozen RBCs Platelet Concentrate

Method Frozen At Stored At Random Donor
► Used to prevent spontaneous bleeding or stop established bleeding
in thrombocytopenic patients.
High Glycerol -80C -65 ► Prepared from a single unit of whole blood.
► Due to storage at RT it is the most likely component to be
contaminated with bacteria.
► Therapeutic dose for adults is 6 to 10 units. of whole blood
Low Glycerol -196C -120 ► Some patients become "refractory" to platelet therapy.
► Expiration is 5 days as a single unit, 4 hours if pooled.
► Store at 20-24 C (RT) with constant agitation.
► D negative patients should be transfused with D negative platelets
Agglomeration -80C -65 due to the presence of a small number of RBCs.
main disadvantage= expensive
prepare from apheresis

Pooling Platelets Platelet Concentrate

► 6-10 units transferred into one bag Single Donor
► Expiration = 4 hours
► Used to decrease donor exposure, obtain HLA matched platelets for
patients who are refractory to RD-PC or prevent platelet refractoriness
from occurring.
► Prepared by hemapheresis, stored in two connected bags to
maintain viability.
► One pheresed unit is equivalent to 6-8 RD-PC.
► Store at 20-24 C (RT) with agitation for 5 days, after combining, 24
► D negative patients should be transfused with D negative platelets due
to the presence of a small number of RBCs

used in multiple coagulation factor deficiency

Platelet Concentrate Fresh Frozen Plasma

Shelf-life: 5 days with constant agitation
Storage Temp.: 20-24oC ► Used to replace labile and non-labile coagulation
Quality Control: >5.5 x 1010 (RD) plts, pH factors in massively bleeding patients OR treat
6.2 bleeding associated with clotting factor deficiencies
>3 x 1011 (SD) when factor concentrate is not available.
Volume: 50-70 Ml (RD) ► Must be frozen within 8 hours of collection.
200-400 ml (SD) ► Expiration
Indications for use: Thrombocytopenia, ► frozen - 1 year stored at <-18 C.
DIC, Bleeding ► frozen - 7 years stored at <-65 C.thawed - 24 hours
Contents: Platelet
Dosage: 5k-10k/uL (RD), transfusion of specific factor
30k-60k/uL (SD)

Fresh Frozen Plasma Thawing

Shelf-life & 1 yr (-18oC), 7 yr (-65oC)
Storage Temp. • 30oC & 37oC or in an FDA-approved
Quality Control: 8 hr CPD, CPDA-1, microwave device
CP2d, 6 hr ACD • If waterbath, protective lining
Volume: 200-250 mL
• After thawing, store in 1oC to 6oC for 24
Indications for use: Coagulation def. Liver hours. If not transfused store up to 5 days
dse. DIC, Massive
then change label “thawed plasma”
Contents: 1 U/mL clotting factors pero di na pwedeng ibigay sa patient

Dosage: Factor 20-30%, 10-20

galing sa FFP

Cryoprecipitate =first choice if said factors is deficient Cryoprecipitate

Shelf-life & Storage Temp. Frozen: 1 yr, -18oC
► Cold insoluble portion of plasma that precipitates when FFP is Thawed: 6 hr, 20-24oC
thawed at 1-6C. Pooled, 4 hr
► Cryoprecipitate contains high levels of Factor VIII and Fibrinogen, factor XIII
used for treatment of hemophiliacs and Von Willebrands when Quality Control: FVIII:C 80 IU
concentrates are not available.
Volume: 10-25 mL
► Used most commonly for patients with DIC or low fibrinogen levels.
► A therapeutic dose for an adult is 6 to 10 units. Indications for use: Hemophilia A, VWD FXIII
deficiency, Fibrin sealant,
► Can be prepared from WB which is then designated as "Whole Hypofibrogenemia
Blood Cryoprecipitate Removed" or from FFP
► Plasma is frozen. Contents: FVIII: C (80-120IU)
► Plasma is then thawed at 1-6 C, a precipitate forms. VWF: (40-70%)
► Plasma is centrifuged, cryoprecipitate will go to bottom. FXIII: (20-30%) Fibrinogen
► Remove plasma, freeze within 1 hour of preparation (150 mg/dL)
Dosage: Fibrinogen 5-10 mg/dL

pc= rd and sd
ppp- freeze= ffp= cs & cp


Cryoprecipitate 1. WHOLE BLOOD 1-6°C ACD – 21 days -Restore oxygen
CPD – 21 days carrying capacity.
-light spin-packed rbc CP2D – 21 days -Loss of red cell
&prp CPDA-1 – 35 days and plasma.
-hard spin- pc & ppp
Plasma cryoprecipitate, reduced
2. PACKED 1-6°C CPD – 21 days - Used to treat
(TTP, FII, V, VII, IX, X, XI) RED BLOOD CPDA-1 – 35 days symptomatic
Refrozen with 24 hrs of CELL CPD-AS – 42 days anemia and
Store at ≤18°C 1 yr
Heparin – 24 hours routine blood loss
5 day expiration at 1-6°C
Open System – 24 during surgery.
(VIII, vW)
within 8
FFP Thaw at 30-37°C 3. WHOLE Blood1-6Components
°C Original expiration or - To inhibit T-cell
hours Store at RT 4 hrs
BLOOD/PRBC 28 days from the date proliferation in the
IRRADIATED UNIT of irradiation, which recipient- GVHD.
ever is sooner.


4. LEUKOCYTE 1-6°C Open system – 24 - In patients who 6. Frozen: -65° Frozen: 10 years -In patients who
REDUCED hours require replacement of FROZEN/DEGLYCE C Deglycerolized: require replacement
RBC Closed system – red cell mass and R OLIZED RBCs Deglyceroliz 24 hours of red cell mass and
same as for WB have a history of who require reduced
ed: 1-6°C
reoccurring febrile exposure to WBC,
reaction due to white
platelets, plasma
cell autoantibodies.
5. WASHED 1-6°C Open system – 24 - In patients who -Long term storage of
RED BLOOD hours require replacement of rare units/ autologous
CELL red cell mass and
have a history of
plasma protein 7. 20-24°C with 3-5 days - Prevent
antibodies, diagnosis PLATELET continuous spontaneous
of PNH, history of (RANDOM gentle bleeding in
febrile reactions owing DONOR) agitation thrombocytopenic
Blood Components to leukoagglutinins. Blood Components patients.
8. PLATELET 20-24°C with 3-5 days - To correct
(SINGLE continuous thrombocytopenia in 11. -18°C Frozen – 1 year - Correction of
DONOR) gentle patients who CRYOPRECIPITAT Thawed – 6 hours Factor VIII, XIII and
agitation demonstrate E 20-24°C Pooled – 4 hours Fibrinogen
refractoriness to deficiencies
random donor
12. 20-24°C 24 hours -Correct severe
9. FRESH -18°C or -18°C - 1 year - Treatment for GRANULOCYTE without neutropenia
FROZEN -65°C -65°C - 7 years multiple coagulation CONCENTRATE agitation -Fever unresponsive
PLASMA Thawed – 6-24 deficiencies to antibiotic therapy.
10. SINGLE 1-6°C Liquid- up to 5 - Treatment for stable 13. Rho (D) 1-6°C 3 years - Prevent of Rho (D)
DONOR PLASMA days beyond clotting factor IMMUNE immunization
whole blood deficiencies GLOBULIN
Blood Componentsexpiration date
Blood Components
for mothers
(26-40 days)

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