Final 3 4 Official Resume Ahraz Kibria

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Ahraz Kibria

437-286-2786 | | |

Toronto Metropolitan University - (formerly Ryerson University) Toronto, ON
Bachelor of Computer Engineering, speciality in Software Engineering Aug. 2021 – May 2025
Administrative Assistant June 2022 – Jan. 2024
Kibria Telecommunications Inc Milton, ON
• Managed day to day office operations, including filling paperwork, answering phone calls, and preparing documentation for
meetings, to ensure the smooth function of the office
• Utilized excellent communication and interpersonal skills to build relationships with team members, clients, and vendors,
fostering a positive and collaborative work environment.

Engineering Competitions Competitor Dec. 2023 – Jan. 2024

Toronto Metropolitan University Toronto, ON
• Developed and implemented innovative AI Smart Assistive Glasses utilizing YOLOv8, Python, and Arduino, securing a
commendable 4th place among 14 teams in the Innovative Design Competition.
• Demonstrated exceptional proficiency in articulating intricate technological concepts, skillfully responding to judges’ queries
with clarity and confidence, significantly contributing to the project’s success in the competition.

AI Smart Assistive Glasses | YOLOv8, Python, Arduino Dec. 2023 – Jan. 2024
• Led the design and implementation of innovative glasses that leverage neural networks, AI, and ultrasonic sensors, resulting in a

breakthrough in real-time environmental awareness with 99% accuracy in detection due to advanced training, promoting social
inclusivity, and creating employment opportunities for individuals with visual impairments.
• Spearheaded the development of AI-driven assistive technology, seamlessly blending neural networks and 3D sound for

heightened visual perception and spatial awareness, ensuring real-time updates for users.

StreamFlix: Full-Stack Streaming Website | DHTML, MySQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Jan. 2024 – Present
• Spearheaded the development of StreamFlix, a robust movie streaming platform, leveraging Spring Boot, Docker, Kubernetes,

and Google Cloud. Implemented both synchronous (REST APIs) and asynchronous (messaging) communication methods in a
microservices architecture, enhancing scalability and maintainability.
• Crafted a user-friendly demo website offering a suite of services including browsing, watching, and managing subscriptions.

Engineered each microservice following a layered architecture approach, segregating responsibilities into persistence, business
logic, helper, and endpoint packages.
• Utilized Google Cloud’s database service for efficient management of user accounts, subscriptions, and movie metadata. Ensured

secure communication and user authentication through HTTPS and OAuth2 protocols.
• Deployed the application on Google Cloud using Kubernetes, ensuring high availability and scalability. Managed environment

variables and service configurations for seamless deployment across different environments. Leveraged the microservices
architecture for effective Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), enabling frequent updates and
independent deployment of individual services.

Full-Stack SQL Patient Database Management System | SQL, Oracle, Oracle APEX Sept. 2023 – May 2024
• Led the development of a sophisticated patient database management system leveraging SQL, Oracle, and Oracle APEX

technologies. Designed and implemented a visually engaging website using Oracle APEX, integrated seamlessly with JavaFX, to
provide users with a user-friendly interface for accessing and managing patient data. This initiative significantly enhanced
accessibility and ensured a seamless user experience, aligning with the company’s commitment to empowering users in
controlling their financial information.
• Executed meticulous normalization procedures to optimize data structures, ensuring compliance with Boyce-Codd Normal Form

(BCNF) and guaranteeing unparalleled data integrity, scalability, and robustness for the SQL database system.

Technical Skills
Languages: Java, C/C++, SQL, Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, MATLAB, VHDL, Verilog, Unix/Linux Shell Scripting
Developer Tools: Django, React, CodeWarrior, Oracle, Oracle APEX, Git, VS Code, Visual Studio, PyCharm, IntelliJ,
Eclipse, JavaFX, Kubernetes, Docker, Google Cloud, AWS
Coursework: Software Systems, Digital Systems, Data Structures and Adv. Algorithms, Object-Oriented Analysis, Database
Systems I, Software Design Architecture
Certifications: Software Engineer Role Certification, Python (Basic) Certification, SQL (Basic) Skills Certification

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