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Rego: On such a day as today with so many athletes gathered, I want to share the words of golf great

Jack Nicklaus who said “Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation.”
Vic: I can see that all of you carry that spirit.
Rego: The most awaited event of the school is now happening.
Vic: And we will start with the colorful parade right now
Rego: Here at the moment at this time, live here at Aglalana Integrated School, School Ground.
Vic: Acknowledging the arrival of: The cutest and bubbliest pupils from the Kindergarten
spearheaded by their Adviser ___________________.
Rego: And of course, they are also excited walking with pride the enthusiast pupils from Key stage 1
spearheaded by their grade level advisers.
Vic: Make some noise, the mighty and strong pupils from the key stage 2 spearheaded by their grade level
Rego: And they are also eager to win the game, the vivacious students from Grade 7 and 10 Council
spearheaded by their year level advisers. Ang nagabagabaga nga mga tinuga, Hirinugyaw PYRE
Vic: Yell and shout! Its your time to shine The spirited students from Grade 8 and 9 council spearheaded
by their year level advisers.
Rego: Make way for the Ates and Kuyas, the courageous students from Grade 11 and 12 Council
spearheaded by their year level advisers.
Vic: There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, the students and teachers from different grade levels.
Rego: Make some noise and let your powerful voices be heard!
Vic: I can truly feel the energy and hype of everyone right now. So let us get this started.
Vic: Goodmorning Capiz !
Rego: Magandang Umaga Dumarao!
Rego & Vic: Maayong aga Aglalana !
Rego: Intramurals or sports competition is essential to the well-being of the students. Sports instill how to
win, how to accept defeat, how to interact with other people and how to mold them to have desirable
character traits that are vital in achieving success in the future.
Vic: We are here once again in another festival of strength, power and camaraderie in this Intramurals.
Rego: So fire up Aglalanians, growl like a Tiger….
Vic: This is
Vic: To formally start our program, let us put ourselves in the spirit of patriotism as we sing the Philippine
National Anthem to be played on air. Then to bless this momentous occasion let us all ask the divine
intervention through a prayer to be led by Ms. Annie Rose D. Hallarda.
Rego: Afterwards, Let us sing the Capiz Hymn followed by the singing of Dumarao Hymn to be played
also on air.
Vic: Everyone please stand.
Vic: Before we put our game faces on, let us listen first to the opening remarks of our very own School
Principal II about the essence and reason for this magnanimous event. Let us warmly welcome, Dr.
Ernesto J. Fulgencio Jr.
Rego: Thankyou Sir for your warm welcome.
Rego: At this point, let us witness the ceremonial Lighting of torch by the 3x3 Basketball Girls, Division
Meet Delegates, bringing with them a commitment to friendship and peace.
Vic: The torch-lighting ceremony links the modern games with ancient Greece conveying a sense of
continuity and an air of respectability and authority. It also represent a sacred truce and the flame in the
cauldron would burn throughout the games as a sign of purity, reason and peace.
Rego: At this Juncture, May I call on Mrs. Stephanie Shadda H. Llamado, Sports Coordinator of
Elementary Department for the Oath of Tournament officials.
Rego: Thankyou maam.
Vic: And now, May I call on Chim Leong, Team Captain Basketball 3x3 Girls Division meet player to
deliver the oath of sportsmanship.
Vic: And now may we call on the team captains coming from the different participating schools for the
pinning of banners.
Vic: There you have it Ladies and gentlemen. Around of applause please.
Rego: At this moment let us lend our ears to our secondary sports coordinator, Mrs. Mela Joy R. Yap-
Gonzales for her closing remarks.
Rego: To officially declare the opening of this years’ Paindisanay 2023, Let us have our School Principal II
Dr. Ernesto J. Fulgencio Jr.
Rego: Ladies and gentlemen the Paindisanay 2023 has been finally declared.

And now ladies and gentlemen we have come to the most awaited part of this event, The Galaw Pilipinas
Dance Contest.
Let me call on ________________________ to introduce to us our panel of judges both in elementary and
secondary category.
To hold again the thrill, let me read to you the criteria and mechanics for judging.
At this juncture, let us witness an intermission number coming from our bubbly kindergarten pupils.
So now ladies and gentlemen, without so much further ado let’s start the Dance Competition on with the
the key stage 1.
Key stage 1 is composed of 207 lovely and handsome dancers. Choreographer Mrs. Stephanie Shadda
H. Llamado. Let’s give them a round of applause.
There you go ladies and gentlemen. What a fantastic performance.
Next performer we have the Key stage 2. The Key stage 2 is composed of 191 alive and kicking
participants. Ladies and gentlemen the key stage 2. Choreographer Ms. Annierose D. Hallarda
Wow, that was indeed a very fascinating battle round.
And now are you ready for the next set of performers? ...
I can’t hear you, are you all ready? Great! Now without so much dilly-dally let’s call on the performer
number 1 coming from the Grade 7 and 10 council. A round of applause to the strong 152 warriors of the
Pyre phoenix. Grade 7 and 10 council Fire it up!!!
Wowwww this ground is on fireeeeee. Lets give them a round of applause. Thankyou Pyre Phoenix.
Next performer is coming from the team of Grade 8 and Grade 9. The grades 8 and 9 Council is
composed of ____ mighty and competitive dancers. Lets give it up for the Grade 8 and 9.
That was an amazing performance. let’s give them a resounding round of applause.
and now let us give the spotlight to our last but definitely not the least performer, Our Seniors Team. Our
senior council is composed of ____ passionate and world class performers.
Wow, that was a jaw dropping performance coming from your manangs and manongs. A thundering
applause everyone!
Thank you so much students for that breath- taking round. For sure our judges will find it hard to score
each of your performances.
And we’ll find out the winners of this competition during the awarding ceremony.

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