Mixed Tenses - Texts 2 - Funny Stories

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My exam nightmare

I (wake up) 1_____________________ on the morning of the maths exam with a horrible

feeling in my stomach. I knew that I (not study) 2_____________________ enough the night

before and that I was going to fail.

When I left home It (rain) 3_____________________ and there was a lot of traffic. I

(arrive) 4 _____________________ five minutes late and the exam (already / start) 5

_____________________. I sat down quickly and looked at the questions. I (can – not answer)

6_____________________ of them! It was the most difficult exam the teacher (ever / give)

7_____________________ us.

I (sit) 8_____________________ next to one of my friends called Sophie and I could see

that she (write) 9_____________________ very quickly. She was great at maths. Suddenly I

had an idea. I (look) 10_____________________ at the teacher, Mr Everitt. He (stand)

11_____________________ by the window and he (not look) 12_____________________ at

us. I wrote a message on a piece of paper and (throw) 13_____________________ it to Sophie.

It said “I need help.” Sophie (already / finish) 14_____________________the exam. She

copied the answers on a piece of paper and just when I was about to...

My worst dream ever

Last night I (have) 1 ____________________ a very strange dream. When the

dream (begin) 2_______________, I (sit) 3_____________________ all alone in a restaurant.

Suddenly, I (notice) 4 _____________________ that the other people (look)

5___________________ at me. Some of them (point) 6______________________ at me. I

(not understand) 7_____________________ why. Just then, the waiter (come) 8________

over. He (smile) 9_________________, too, just like everyone else. I (not finish) 10

__________________ my meal yet when he (ask) 11 _______________ me if I (enjoy)

12_____________________ it. I (tell) 13_________________ him that it was really very good

and that I (have) 14_________________ an ice-cream later. I wanted (ask) 15____________

him why he and the other people (smile) 16________________________, but something (stop)

17_________me. Then the waiter asked me if I (forget) 18___________________ anything. At

first I (not understand) 19_________________ his question, but then I (look) 20

__________________ down at myself and immediately (realize) 21 ___________________

why he (ask) 22_______________ me. I (forget) 23_________________ to put my trousers

on!! That was why everybody (laugh) 24 ___________________ at me.

On my last birthday I (decide) 1____________________ to invite a few friends to

dinner. My two closest friends, Tim and Fiona, (bring) 2____________________ their dog Jock

with them as they (not be able) 3____________________ to find anybody to look after him.

We (leave) 4____________________ him in the garden while we ate.

At midnight we (sit) 5____________________ telling jokes when we (remember)

6____________________ the dog. Fiona went to see if he was all right. Suddenly we (hear)

7____________________ the dog scream and we all (run) 8 ____________________ to see

what (happen) 9____________________. Jock (lie) 10____________________ on the grass

with a dead rabbit, which he (lick) 11____________________. To my horror, I (recognise)

12____________________ the rabbit as belonging to the little girl next door. It was obvious

that Jock (get) 13____________________into their garden and he (take)

14___________________ the rabbit from its hutch.

Fortunately, the family (go) 15 ____________________away for the weekend. So, the

next morning I (go) 16____________________to the pet shop and (buy)

17__________________ a new rabbit. When I (get) 18____________________ home, I put

the new rabbit in the hutch.

That afternoon, I (sit) 19____________________ in my garden when I heard my

neighbours return. A few minutes later I (hear) 20___________________ the neighbour’s

little girl calling for her father, ”daddy, daddy, come quickly”. I then heard the father gasp in

surprise. “I (not believe) 21___________________ it!” I heard him exclaim. “That rabbit (die)

22_______________ a week ago and we buried it. How on earth did it get back in the hutch?”


One Sunday morning, while I (make) 1_______________________ my breakfast, I (hear)

2__________________ a knock at the door. So I (put on) 3_______________ a pair of

trousers and a shirt and (go) 4___________________ to (open) 5_______________it. It

was Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, my neighbours. They (look for) 6 ________________________

their cat and (want) 7 _______________ me to help them find it. I (tell) 8 ____________

them that I (can not) 9_________________ because I (make) 10 ___________________

my breakfast. When I (go) 11_________________ back to the kitchen I (see)

12_________________ smoke. The kitchen (be) 13________________ full of smoke! My

toast and eggs (burn) 14__________________________.

Justin’s chips and eggs.

One Saturday morning Justin (be) 1................................ at home with two friends, Kelly and

Phil. His parents (be not) 2...............................at home. They (go) 3................................ to visit some


The three children (watch) 4.....................................................TV when Kelly said, “Let’s go to

the cinema this afternoon!”. But Justin and Phil (not have) 5......................................... any money.

They (forget)6 .................................. to ask their parents for some. When the children (talk)

7........................................................., the telephone (ring) 8 .................................... It was Justin’s

father. He said, “Buy some pizzas for your lunch, Justin. Mummy and I (not come back)

9................................................. home because our friends (just invite)10..................................... us to

have lunch here with them. There is some money in my desk’s drawer”. “OK, dad,” said Justin,

“don’t worry, we’ll be alright, bye, bye.”

But Justin (decide – cook) 11 .................................................... some chips and eggs and he

didn’t buy the pizza, “so we’ll have money to go to the cinema this afternoon”. “Justin, that’s not

very honest,” said Phil. “Come on, it’s alright,” said Justin.

Phil (peel) 12.......................................................... the potatoes, and cut them while

Kelly (heat) 13 ........................................ the oil in a frying pan. When Phil finished

cutting the potatoes and the oil (be) 14 ..........................................hot, Justin (throw)

15..................................... the potatoes into the frying pan. The oil caught fire and

the curtains next to the cooker caught fire too...!

Fortunately Justin and his friends (manage / put out) 16......................................... the fire because
they (learn) 17.................................................. how to do that at school the month before. The
problem (be) 18.......................................... when Justin’s parents (return)
19....................................................... because....
Every Tuesday Alison (make) ____________ a cake. Last Tuesday while she

(make) ____________ the cake, her five - year old son, Andrew (watch)

_______________ her. She (just / put) ____________ some flour, butter,

sugar and two eggs into the bowl when the phone (ring) ____________. She

(tell) ____________ Andrew (not / touch) ____________ anything and (go)

____________ to answer it. It (be) ____________ her husband, Stuart, on

the phone. He said that he (be) ________________ home early as he

had very little work that day.

Andrew (like / help) ____________ in the kitchen and he wanted to help with the cake

that his mother (make) _______________, so he (pick) ____________ a large jar

from the shelf. While his mother (still / talk) __________________ to her husband,

Andrew (empty) _______________the whole jar into the bowl and (mix)

____________ everything together. His mother (come) ____________ back and (ask)

___________ if he (touch) ____________ anything. He said he (not) _________.

Alison (put) _____________ the mixture into a baking tin and (put) ___________ it

into the oven.

When Stuart (come) ____________ back from work, Alison immediately (make)

_________ him a cup of tea. She (say) ____________ she (make)

____________ his favourite cake and (go / get) _________________ it. Stuart said it

(smell) ______________ really delicious, and Alison added that Andrew (help)

____________ her to make it.

Stuart smiled. When he (try) ____________ the cake his smile (disappear)

_________________. Alison (ask) _____________ him what the matter was and then

(ask) ____________ Andrew why he (laugh) ______________. Andrew never confessed

that he (take) _____________________ a jar of salt and put it all in the cake

1. 1 woke up
2. 2 hadn’t studied
3. Was raining
4. arived
5. had already started
6. couldn’t answer
7. had ever given
8. was sitting
9. was writing
10. looked
11. was standind
12. wasn’t looking
13. threw
14. had already finished


1. had
2. began
3. was sitting
4. noticed
5. were looking
6. were pointing
7. didn’t understand
8. came
9. was smiling
10. hadn’t finished
11. asked
12. had enjoyed
13. told
14. would have
15. to ask
16. were smiling
17. stopped
18. had forgotten
19. didn’t understand
20. looked
21. realised
22. was akink / had asked
23. had forgotten
24. were laughing / had been laughing


1. decided
2. brought
3. hadn’t been able
4. left
5. were sitting
6. remembered
7. heard
8. ran
9. had happened / was happening
10. was lying
11. was licking / licked
12. recognised
13. had got
14. had taken
15. had gone
16. went
17. bought
18. got
19. was sitting
20. heard
21. can’t believe / don’t believe
22. died


1. 1 was making
2. Heard
3. Put on
4. Went
5. Open
6. Were looking
7. wanted
8. told
9. couldn’t
10. was making
11. went
12. saw
13. was
14. were burning / had burned


1. was
2. were not / weren’t
3. had gone
4. were watching
5. didn’t have
6. had forgotten
7. were talking
8. rang
9. won’t
10. have just invited
11. decided to cook
12. peeled
13. heated
14. was
15. threw
16. managed to put out
17. had learnt 7 learned
18. was
19. returned

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