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Content – Purpose – Audience

If you can’t run you can’t hide.

Food Chain by M. P. Robertson
Main Idea Key Details
Prey can avoid capture in a variety of ways.
Each species depends on the services provided by Some use speed to escape.
other species to ensure survival. It is a type of Others can smell or taste bad or use camouflage.
cooperation based on mutual survival and is often However some animals group together for protection,

what a “balanced ecosystem” hunting or cleaning.

Animals that are predators in one situation are prey in
Organisms in the open ocean interact in terms of another. This predator/prey relationship comprises
predator and prey. nature’s food chain.
In the continual goal of finding food while at the same
time avoiding being preyed upon they use natural
instincts and adaptations to successfully hunt. At the
same time they avoid capture by something bigger,
smarter or stronger!
Think Do

To describe the relationship between predator/prey in

one moment in time using literary devices. The purpose of the piece expressed in terms of
Described through the senses needed by both prey what the author would like the audience to do after they

and predator. have finished reading.

Text is constructed by an author with a purpose and

audience in mind with meaning created through word
choices, structure and the conventions of language.
Whose perspective will be taken? The prey or
What will be the
People Questions
What do they know about the relationship between
People who need to understand the importance of predator and prey?
the relationship to ecosystem balance. What skills does a predator need to be successful in a
People who like to read dramatic events in stories. hunt?

People who like descriptive, dramatic detail that What skills does the prey need to avoid capture?
builds suspense. What senses do they heavily rely upon?
People who appreciate a way of knowing about the How do some prey avoid capture from natural enemies?
world. How might the smaller fish protect itself from the bigger
People who are fascinated by the world. fish?
People who understand that science concepts are What will happen if the bigger fish is unable to eat the
relevant and useful in our lives. smaller fish?
People who like storytelling to understand the world. What may happen to the smaller fish tomorrow?

Why would you use this process?

How would you use this process?
What would you need to know and do to use this process?
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What theme? Survival, perseverance
Main Idea? Senses can aid animals to survive
The theme and main idea are different but closely related.

Literary descriptions

Words Figurative language Senses

Predator Movement In pursuit How could we describe the Feeling powerful,
Pursue Stealthily teeth? controlled, strong
Stealth Pursuing like a steel trap the mouth Listening for their hunt
chasing, opened in anticipation of
following, devouring its prey.
tracing How could we describe their
trailing, movement?
tracking Like a stealth bomber it
dogging furtively pursued its prey
synonyms for

Prey Elude Eluded Hiding like Feeling alone,

Casualty Detecting the solitary.
chased danger Detecting the
dupe Avoid shadowy presence of
game the hunter I darted

Detailing –. Use Show not tell strategy to add descriptive ‘showing’ detail – One from each
Tell Show
The fish was scared. Feeling alone and solitary he detected the
immense, shadowy presence of something
lurking nearby ready to devour him.

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