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How to Lower Platelets

Step by step

Max. D Gray

Platelets or thrombocytes, play a very important role in our

body and influencing the blood clotting process. They help to
prevent bleeding wounds and injuries and allow for proper blood
circulation in the body. A normal platelet count ranges
from 150,000 to 450,000/mcL, but different health conditions
can cause it to increase, affecting your health. At oneHOWTO
we'll give you some tips about how to lower platelets to a
normal count.
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Steps to follow:
Visit a specialist to know why you have a low platelet
count. If, after a full blood panel the results indicate an increase
in platelets, it's crucial to consult a hematologist. They will be
able to establish the cause of the increase. There are
several reasons for platelets to increase. It's important to be
informed about them, to seek the most appropriate treatment.
These suggestions help to lower high platelets to a normal level.
But, under no circumstances are they substitutes for professional
medical treatment. Before taking any of the medicinal plants and
natural remedies listed, it's wise to consult a doctor.

Take Ginkgo Biloba tablets. One of the best plants to lower
platelets and bring them down to normal levels is ginkgo
biloba.Due to its high content of antioxidants and terpenoids, it
can prevent clots and reduce blood viscosity.
However, this powerful medicinal plant shouldn't be taken without
consulting a doctor. It can influence the effect of certain pain
medications such as Ibuprofen and aspirin. Can affect anti-
depressives such as Xanax, hepatic medication, anti-convulsive
and fluoxetine medication. Moreover, it has several
contraindications, which is why it should not be taken by:
 Pregnant or lactating women.
 Children under the age of 12.
 People with anxiety, nervousness or insomnia.
 Patients that take anti-coagulant pills.
 People with external or internal ulcers.
 Women with heavy periods, as bleeding could increase due to its
vasodilatory properties.
 Epileptic people or those who suffer from convulsions.

Take ginseng supplements. Ginseng, in addition to fighting
fatigue and increasing energy, is also indicated to lower high
platelets. This is due to its anticoagulant effect and antioxidant
content. Like ginkgo biloba, you should consult a doctor before
taking it and can be taken in pills. Take a look at the
contraindications of this remedy to lower platelets so you know
who should not be taking it:
 Pregnant or lactating women
 Children under 12 years of age.
 People who suffer from anxiety, nervousness or insomnia, as it's
a stimulant.
 Patients with varicose veins or vascular diseases.
 People who suffer from hypertension or cardiovascular
conditions,. as this plant can increase blood pressure and affect
 Diabetics, as it can interfere with insulin levels.
 Patients with thyroid problems.
 People who suffer from migraine or strong headaches.
 Those who have autoimmune diseases such as lupus or HIV.
 Have had organ transplants.
 Those who take other stimulants such as tea or coffee.

Add raw garlic to your diet. Garlic is a popular home remedy
to lower platelets in the blood due to its allicin content, which is a
vasodilator and anticoagulant. To maximize its effects, it should
be consumed raw, which is why we give you all the keys to eat
raw garlic in one of our oneHOWTO articles.

Take omega-3 supplements. They are not only beneficial for
healthy skin and to increase good cholesterol levels. Omega-3
rich foods are also great allies to inhibit the production of
platelets, helping you reduce their levels. This nutrient canbe
 Cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines trout or
 Shellfish such as prawns and crab.
 Egg yolk.
 Vegetable oils such as canola, nut, soy or hazelnut.
 Nuts.
It's recommended to eat cold-water fish three times a year as
well as adding several other ingredients that are rich in omega-3
to our diet.

Choose ingredients that are antiplatelet agents. There are
other foods that function as antiplatelet agents and prevent clot
formation. These include the following:
 Raw onion
 Pineapple
 Kiwi
 Soybeans
 Red grapes
These ingredients should be added to your diet to lower platelet
levels in the blood. Moreover, the antioxidant effect
of pomegranates also makes this fruit very useful to lower
platelet levels. Take pomegranate juice once a day and this will
help you reduce levels or add it to your diet.

Get rid of bad habits. If you want to raise platelet levels, it's
also highly important to quit some of the bad habits that may be
causing this condition. Start by quitting smoking to reduce the
chances of blood clot formation.
Add cinnamon to your diet. Did you know that this spice has a
compound known as "cinnamaldehyde" that can also prevent
blood clot formation? Try adding a teaspoonful to your oatmeal
breakfast or use the benefits of chai tea to increase your intake in

Drink red wine to reduce clot formation. Red wine contains
flavonoids, which comes from the skin of red grapes during
production. These flavonoids prevent the overproduction of cells
in the lining of artery walls (a process caused by too many
platelets in the blood). This protects you from clot formation.
Of course, you must not exceed your daily alcohol
allowance. There is only one unit of alcohol in about 175ml of
wine, and it is important that men do not exceed 4 units per day.
Women should limit their drinking to 14 units of alcohol a week.
Moreover, it is important that you have at least two alcohol-free
days every week.

Foods rich in Vitamin K are not recommended for patients with
high platelets, since they can affect the efficacy of anticoagulant
medications and also promote platelet aggregation. Avoid eating
the following:
 Broccoli
 Spinach
 Lettuce
 Cabbage
 Leafy greens
 Beef
Don't forget that diet has a significant impact on your overall
This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO doe not have the
authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a
diagnosis.We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type
of condition or pain.
If you'd like to read similar articles to How to Lower Platelets,
we recommend you browse around our Diseases & secondary
effects category.

Platelets (thrombocytes) are small cytoplasmic fragments that circulate in the blood and
whose function is to form blood clots, i.e. they help the blood to the coagulation process to
maintain a balance in the cardiovascular system and prevent bleeding when injured, forming blood
clots that help to stop bleeding while the damaged vessel is repaired.

When the number of platelets is too low could result in excessive bleeding, and if the
platelet count is too high it will come together to form blood clots that can potentially
cause what is known as thrombosis, which occurs when blood vessels become clogged by clots
causing severe reactions as stroke, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, or blockage in any
part of the body.

Any imbalance or platelets disease is calledthrombocytopathy, which can be either a reduced

number of platelets (thrombocytopenia), a deficit in function (thrombasthenia) or an increase in the
number (thrombocytosis).

Platelets are produced during the process of blood cell formation (thrombopoiesis) in bone marrow.
The physiological range of platelets is of 150-400 x 109/litre. A platelet has a life of 7 to 10 days,
and a healthy adult produces 1 x 1011 platelets per day. This production is regulated by a
hormone called thrombopoietin, which is usually secreted by the liver and
kidneys. Platelets are destroyed by phagocytosis in the spleen and Kupffer cells in the liver. The
spleen stores a number of platelets, which are released when needed by splenic contraction,
regulated by the sympathetic nervous system.

 Thrombocytosis (high platelets)
 Emotional causes
 Natural Remedies
 Medicinal Food
 What foods help to regulate high platelets?
 Other natural remedies

Thrombocytosis (high platelets)

Thrombocytosis, as explained, is the increase of platelets in the blood. The causes of increased
platelets may be:

 Infections (most common cause: viral, bacterial, etc.)

 Poor diet and
 Iron deficiency, anemia (due to poor diet and poor absorption of iron or lack of it)
 Nephrotic syndrome
 Trauma
 Tumors
 Kawasaki disease
 Splenectomy post-syndrome
Emotional causes

High platelets are related to factors such as stress, anxiety and depression, attitudes that
create wear and imbalances both in the nervous system and throughout the
body. Anxiety or depression, in this case, can be generated by a failure to fin deep hapinness in
life, closing the way to feel joy only with fixed or obstinate ideas.

Natural Remedies

The body has its own self-healing capacity, designed to self regulate and self-repair, you only need
to be given the necessary elements to return to the state of balance and optimal

Medicinal Food

A diet is the foundation of all healing process as it helps the body repair damaged tissue,
nourish and invigorate organ systems, and removing stagnant toxic and unnecessary
stuff in the intestines which impairs the blood throughout the body, causing a number of
imbalances that are known as diseases.

It is necessary to maintain a high quality diet, trying to avoid all products containing
sugar or refined flour products based on cow's milk, refined grains lack any nutritional value as
well as junk food like soda, fast food, sausages and red meat, which only hinder the functioning of
the body, filling it with toxic matter and acidifying the blood.

What foods help to regulate high platelets?

 You must include in the diet 2 liters of pure water per day, beginning the day
drinking on an empty stomach a glass of warm water with a squeezed lemon.
 Include Omega oils that nourish the nervous system.Extra virgin olive oil, oily fish
and whole grains are very beneficial.
 Shiitake fungus is one of the best natural remedies for this condition.
 Consumption of raw garlic, aloe juice, seeds of grapes, oranges,plums and papaya are very
beneficial in the diet. You should eat for day only a fruit such as papaya and grapes.

Other natural remedies

 In addition to diet, you should consider exercise, as exercise helps to circulate blood,
oxygen, and vitalize, helping to distribute nutrients evenly throughout the body.
 Acupuncture, reflexology and bioenergy are therapies that help regulate the smooth
flow of energy in the body, they serve as strong support for a healing process.
 The emotional attitudes are important, often essential.People can come to heal
simply by changing their ways of acting and thinking.

How to Lower Platelet Count

Thrombocytes or platelets are essential to carry out the blood clotting process.
Without enough platelets in the body, it would be difficult to stop bleeding. Platelets
not only prevent bleeding injuries but they also promote proper blood circulation in
the body. You need to have your platelet count anywhere between 150,000 and
450,000/mcL, but certain health conditions can push your platelet count up, which
can cause serious complications. You may have to take medications and learn how to
lower platelet count to manage your condition better.

8 Easy Ways to Lower Platelet Count

Your platelet count could be too high or too low due to several medical conditions.
You can try some natural remedies to lower your platelet count. Here are some

1. Try Ginkgo Biloba

Marketed as a memory enhancer, ginkgo biloba is an increasingly popular herb used

in China and many other parts of the world. Its leaves contain terpenoids that help
improve blood circulation. It has a thinning effect on your blood that lowers your risk
of developing internal blood clots. Regular use of this herb helps remove excess
platelets from your system. Be sure to talk to your doctor before using gingko biloba
if you are already taking anticonvulsant medications.

2. Enjoy Ginseng
Wondering how to lower platelet count? Try ginseng. Known as energy-boosting
supplement in the U.S., ginseng also plays a role in preventing internal blood clots. By
creating a thinning effect on your blood, it lowers your risk of stroke and heart attack.
It keeps platelets to clump together to form a clot. Talk to your doctor before you
take ginseng because it may interact with your medications and contribute to
stomach discomfort or insomnia.

3. Eat Raw Garlic

Raw garlic helps lower your platelet count because it contains a compound called
'allicin'. This compound decreases the number of platelets in your blood and your
body responds to this change by boosting your immune system. Be sure to eat raw
garlic only because the allicin content goes down quickly with cooking. You should eat
it with some food though because eating it alone can cause stomach upset in some

4. Include Pomegranates in Your Diet

Your diet should include plenty of fruits and veggies, but you should eat
pomegranates in particular because of their anti-platelet effect. They contain
polyphenols that reduces the production of platelets in the body. Including
pomegranate in your diet is one simple way to learn how to lower platelet count. You
can simply add pomegranate extract while cooking your food or eat a whole
pomegranate. Its juice is equally beneficial.
5. Increase Omega-3 Intake

Your diet should include omega-3 fatty acids to limit platelet activity in the body.
Regular consumption of such foods leads to thinning of the blood, which in turn
lowers your risk of developing blood clots. You can find loads of omega-3s in seafood
such as salmon, tuna, sardine, scallops, herring, and sardine. Be sure to eat at last
two servings of fish per week or take a 3000-4000mg of fish oil supplement every day
to meet your recommended daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

6. Enjoy Red Wine

Knowing how to lower platelet count can protect you from several cardiovascular
diseases, and one simple way to accomplish the task is to drink red wine. It is
beneficial mainly because it contains flavonoids, which limits the production of
platelets in the lining of artery walls. This protects you from clot formation. There is
only one unit of alcohol in about 175ml of wine, and it is important that men do not
exceed 4 units per day. Women should limit their drinking to 14 units of alcohol a
week. Moreover, it is important that you have at least two alcohol-free days every

7. Include Certain Fruits and Veggies in Your Diet

To help lower your platelet count, it is important to eat vegetables and fruits that
contain salicylates that create a blood-thinning effect and prevent clotting. At the
same time, they increase your body's immunity and keep infections at bay. Some of
the best veggies to include in your diet are mushrooms, cucumber, radish, zucchini,
and alfalfa, whereas cherries, berries, oranges, and raisings are some of the best
fruits packed with salicylates.

8. Quit Smoking

You increase your risk of developing blood clots when you smoke. Cigarettes contain
several harmful compounds that lead to thickening of the blood. This causes the
platelets to clump together and form clots. Overtime, this can lead to problems such
as strokes and heart attack. You need to take steps to quit smoking in order to keep
your platelet count low. While it is hard to quit overnight, you should look for
whatever ways available to help you overcome this habit.

Some of the common conditions include,

 Essential Thromobocythemia: A condition characterized by overproduction of

megakaryocytes, the processors of thrombocytes is associated with elevated levels of
platelets. This may result in increased risk of formation of blood clots and also results in
excessive bleeding and bruising. Individuals with essential thrombocythemia are at a
higher risk of developing leukemia or cancer of the bone marrow
 Polycythemia Vera: A relatively less common condition, this condition is characterized
by excessive production of Red blood cells in the bone marrow. Often this condition is
associated with excessive production of platelets. The other symptoms associated with
the condition include chest pain, dizziness, fatigue and breathlessness coupled with
headaches and change in skin complexion.
 Cancer: Cancer of the bone marrow tends to result in abnormal production of the platelets
which may be responsible for elevated levels of platelets. The cancer may be primary in
nature (i.e. cancer of the bone marrow) or secondary (i.e. metastasis of cancer of the
colon, stomach, lung or breast).
 Iron Deficiency anemia: As per the Mayo’s Clinic, hemolytic anemia is often associated
with secondary rise in the levels of platelets. Though the precise mechanism of the
interrelationship is not defined as yet, there is substantial evidence to support this claim.

How To Reduce Elevated Platelet Count?

Treatment of the condition depends upon the underlying cause of condition. Effective treatment
for cancer is mandated in cases that are associated with cancer. However here are a few diet tips
that can help reduce the levels of platelets in the blood,

 Gluten is considered to increase the levels of platelet in the blood. A gluten free diet is
recommended in the management of the condition and also in the treatment of celiac
disease. Gluten is a complex protein which is present in wheat. Increase the intake of
barley, oats and maize which are free from gluten.
 Eliminate foods like cabbage, turnips, cucumbers, wheat and rye from your diet
 Increase the intake of green leafy vegetables, nuts like almonds and apricots, figs and
fresh fruits to increase the intake of iron. Iron supplements can also help in the
management of iron deficiency anemia, but may be associated with constipation,
especially if you suffer from intestinal disorders.

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