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Submitted to Fulfill One of the Requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree at

English Education Department Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teachers’ Training
Siliwangi University






HILMA AMALIA, 2020. “Teaching Writing To Junior High School Students:

A Focus On Challenges And Solutions”. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas
keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP). Universitas Siliwangi. Tasikmalaya.

Mengajar menulis di sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) menjadi sebuah tantangan

bagi guru, terutama di kelas bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing. Menulis
merupakan kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang cukup kompleks, karena dibutuhkan
aspek kompetensi meliputi tata tulis, kosa kata, konten, organinasi dan mekanisme
tulisan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan tantangan dan solusi
mengajar menulis bahasa Inggris untuk siswa sekolah menengah pertama (SMP).
Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik wawancara kepada tiga partisipan di salah satu
sekolah menengah pertama di Kota Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Data di
analisis dengan menggunakan analisis tematik. Temuan hasil dari penelitian ini
menunjukan bahwa tujuh tantangan yang dihadapi guru saat mengajar menulis
bahas Inggris yaitu: (1) peserta didik kekurangan dalam kompetensi tata bahasa
Inggris, (2) ketidakmampuan dalam mengembangkan ide untuk menulis bahasa
Inggris, (3) kurangnya pengetahuan kosa kata bahasa Inggris, (4) kurangnya
motivasi peserta didik untuk belajar menulis bahasa Inggris, (5) keterbatasan
mengatur waktu guru untuk mengajar menulis bahasa Inggris, (6) terbatasnya
sumber materi belajar menulis bahasa Inggris, dan (7) terbatasnya fasilitas untuk
mengajar menulis bahasa Inggris. Di samping itu, temuan penelitian ini juga
mengidentifikasi solusi untuk mengatasi tantangan-tantangan tersebut,
diantaranya: (1) pengajaran kosa kata yang eksplisit, (2) aktivitas belajar bahasa
Inggris secara kolaboratif dan (3) latihan menulis bahasa Inggris. Dengan
mengetahui tantangan dan solusi tersebut, guru dapat menyelesaikan tantangan
dalam proses mengajar menulis bahasa Inggris di sekolah menengah pertama
secara lebih efektif.
Kata kunci: Pengajaran menulis bahasa Inggris, siswa sekolah menengah
pertama, tantangan dan solusi mengajar bahasa Inggris.

HILMA AMALIA, 2020. “Teaching Writing To Junior High School Students:

A Focus On Challenges And Solutions”. English Education Department.
Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teachers’ Training. Siliwangi University.

Teaching English writing in junior high school becomes a challenge for English
teachers especially in EFL countries. Basically, writing is a complex English skill
due to its requirement of mastering several components such as grammar,
vocabulary, content, organization, and mechanism. The aim of this study is
elaborating the challenges and solutions in teaching English writing to junior high
school students. In attempt for collecting the data, this study conducted an
interview to three participants in one of junior high schools in Tasikmalaya, West
Java, Indonesia. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke,
2006). The findings from this study discovered that there are seven challenges
faced by teachers when teaching English writing. Those challenges involve: (1)
students’ poor English grammatical competence, (2) students’ incapability of
developing ideas for English writing, (3) students’ inadequate English vocabulary
knowledge, (4) students’ demotivation to learn English writing, (5) insufficient
time management to teach English writing, (6) limited sources of English writing
materials and (7) limited facilities to teach English writing. In addition, the
findings of this study also identified the solutions to overcome those challenges
which are: (1) explicit teaching English vocabulary, (2) collaborative English
writing activities, and (3) exercises of English writing. By knowing these
challenges and solutions, teachers are expected to be more effective in the process
of teaching English writing to junior high school students.
Keywords: Challenges and Solutions of Teaching English Writing, Junior High
School Students, Teaching English Writing.

This thesis is filled with the background information on why this research

is carried out, literature review, methodology, findings, and discussions,

conclusion and suggestion. The first chapter contains background information that

provides the context of the research that is about writing, the gap, the formulation

of the problems, the significances of the research, and the aims of the research.

The literature review consists of a brief about teaching writing, teaching writing in

EFL contexts, EFL teachers’ challenges and solutions to overcome the issue in

teaching writing are explained in the second chapter. The third chapter presented

research design, setting and participants, data collection, and data analysis. The

results of this study come out in the fourth chapter, it includes the data findings

and discussions. The last chapter consists of the conclusions based on the data

findings and other ideas for the next researcher dealing with teaching English

writing to junior high school students’ area.

Tasikmalaya, August 2020

The writer


Allhamdulillahirabbil’alamiin, I express my gratitude to Allah swt, for

blessing, love, opportunity, health and mercy to complete this thesis. In arranging

this thesis, a lot of people have provided motivation, advice and support me. In

this valuable chance, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to:

1. The honorable Head of English Education Department, Faculty of

Educational Sciences and Teachers’ Training, Siliwangi University,


2. The honorable Dr. Yusup Supriyono, M.Pd., as the first supervisor who

has given guidance, revision, suggestions, and motivation until the

completion of this thesis.

3. The honorable Santiana, S.S., M. Pd., as the second supervisor who has

given revision, suggestion, guidance, and motivation in writing this thesis.

4. All lecturers of English Education Department, Faculty of Educational

Sciences and Teachers’ Training, Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya.

5. My beloved parents Mr.Amin Jaelani and Mrs.Iis Aisyah who always give

support and pray for me, and for my lovely Sister Riris Rismayanti, S. Pd

who always helps and accompanies me in the night during write this


6. My greatest thanks to English A 2019, my lovely family in this university.

7. My lovely Haris Family who always support me in every singleday.

8. My best friends Indra Ramadhan, S.Pd who always hear me when I was

confused to write, helped, and always support me to finish this thesis .

9. All people who have helped and supported me to finish this thesis

Finally, I would like to thank everybody who was important to the

successful realization of this thesis. They cannot mention one by one in this

page, but they always be in my heart and my pray day and night.


TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................vi
ENCLOSURES LIST..........................................................................................vii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................1
1.1. Background...................................................................................................1
1.2. Formulation of the Problems.........................................................................3
1.3. Operational Definitions.................................................................................3
1.4. Aims of the Research....................................................................................5
1.5. Significances of the Research.......................................................................5
1.5.1. Theoretical Contributions......................................................................5
1.5.2. Practical Contributions...........................................................................5
1.5.3. Empirical Contributions.........................................................................6
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................................7
2.1 Teaching Writing in EFL Contexts: A Brief Overview...............................7
2.2 EFL Teachers Challenges in Teaching Writing...........................................9
2.3 Possible Solutions for Teaching Writing Challenges in EFL Contexts.....10
CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH PROCEDURES.....................................................12
3.1. Research Design..........................................................................................12
3.2. Setting and Participants...............................................................................12
3.3. Data Collection...........................................................................................13
3.4. Data Analysis..............................................................................................14
3.4.1. Familiarizing With the Data.................................................................15
3.4.2. Generating Initial Codes......................................................................15
3.4.3. Searching for Themes..........................................................................16
3.4.4. Reviewing Themes...............................................................................16
3.4.5. Defining and Naming Themes.............................................................17

3.4.6. Producing the Report...........................................................................17
3.5. Research Schedule......................................................................................18
CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS...............................................19
4.1. The Challenges in Teaching English Writing to Junior High School
4.2. Teachers’ Solutions to Overcome The Challenges in Teaching Writing to
Junior High School Students......................................................................35
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS...................................42
5.1. Conclusions.................................................................................................42
5.2. Suggestions.................................................................................................43

Table 3.1 Generating initial codes.........................................................................15
Table 3.2 Grouping the codes................................................................................16
Table 3.3 Defining and naming themes.................................................................17
Table 3.4 Research Schedule.................................................................................18


Enclosure 1 Consent Form.....................................................................................47

Enclosure 2 Lembar Penetapan Proyek Tugas Akhir S-1.....................................50
Enclosure 3 Interview Protocol..............................................................................55
Enclosure 4 Transcript of Interview.......................................................................56
Enclosure 5 Surat Keputusan.................................................................................70
Enclosure 6 Kartu Bimbingan Skripsi....................................................................71



1.1. Background

Writing is one of the important skills in teaching English to ESL and

EFL students in all educational levels including to junior high school students.

Moreover, it is crucial for students as one of the communication tools in

written form (Dombey, 2013; Salma, 2015, and Nassi & Nasser, 2018).

Additionally, the process of writing can support students to develop their

ideas. Hammadi and Sidek (2015) noted that writing in education is the way

how students communicate with peers and instructors professionally, to

participate in learning and teaching activities. Therefore, writing is pivotal to

be taught to students.

In teaching writing, the teachers should consider grammar, vocabulary,

mechanics, organization, and content. Widiawati and Cahyono (2006) noted

that teaching writing can support to reinforce grammar, reading, and

vocabulary to use for communicative purposes. Therefore, the implementation

of teaching writing to junior high school students in EFL context remains


Contextually speaking in Indonesian context, as the researcher

experienced in the school-based internship in one of the junior high schools in

Tasikmalaya, West Java, she observed that there was insufficient exposure to

teaching writing. Based on the preliminary interview on December 02, 2019,

she found the challenges faced by the teachers when teaching writing. The

preliminary interview indicated that three of the participants agreed that writing

is the most difficult skill to be taught to junior high school students.

Studies about writing have been well-investigated almost in decades.

Dueraman (2012) found that the teachers in one of the Southern colleges of

Technology in Thailand encountered difficulties when teaching writing related

to lack of teachers’ inadequate writing skills, insufficient English language use,

lack of available writing resources, and absence of feedback from peers. In

addition, Adas and Bakir (2013) noted that teaching writing has developed

skills for second and third-year students at conventional universities in

Palestine through blended learning integrated with traditional methods.

Moreover, Seyabi and Tuzlukova (2014) portrayed in Omani school and

university context, the students’ problems when writing in English. As the

examples, the students encountered problems while using lexical and content

aspects of writing. The next research was conducted by Badi (2015) showing

the main factor of teaching writing difficulties related to students’ lack of

experience, and prior knowledge of students. Another research is Almubark

(2016) discovering the problems faced by the teachers in developing English

writing and various approaches used to develop teaching English writing in

terms of grammatical, sociolinguistic strategic and discourse competences.

Further Ibrahim, Yunus, & Khairi (2017) have investigated students’

difficulties when academic writing in terms of structure, content, and language.

In a similar vein Nassi & Nasser, (2018) scrutinized when teaching writing, the

teachers have challenges related to differences of linguistic and cultural


background among the students and teacher and the teaching context. The last

research was conducted by Karki (2019) indicating the main challenges in

teaching writing viewed from the aspect of large classes, low proficient

learners, pressures of course completion, lack of writing practices, and

insufficient resources (ICT facilities in the context of classrooms).

There have been growing studies focusing on teaching and learning

writing in EFL and ESL contexts. Nevertheless, a few studies emphasized on

exploring the challenges while teaching writing in university. Moreover, there

is not yet a study focusing on challenges encountered by English language

teachers in teaching writing to junior high school students. Even, a very scarce

investigation on the way how the teachers overcome their challenges during

teaching English writing. Therefore, this study aims at examining the teachers’

challenges when teaching writing and how they overcome such challenges to

junior high school students.

1.2. Formulation of the Problems

In particular, two questions are addressed in this study:

1.2.1 What challenges do the English teachers encounter when teaching

writing to junior high school students?

1.2.2 How do the English teachers overcome their challenges during

teaching writing?

1.3. Operational Definitions

1.3.1 Teaching English writing : It is the teaching process where the


: teachers teach the materials

involving grammar, vocabulary,

mechanism, content, and

organization, and the process of

teaching students to generate and

develop their ideas through written


1.3.2 Junior high school students : Junior high school is a secondary

education continuation of

elementary school. It is a school

for students from 7th through 9th

grade. They learn to write

sentences, paragrapgh, text, and

learn to generate ideas through

written form.

1.3.3 Teachers’ challenges in teaching : It is the process of teaching writing

writing where the teachers faced the

problems in the classroom, for

examples students’ lack of

grammar, vocabulary, and lack of

technology in the classroom.

1.3.4 Teachers’ solutions in teaching : It is the process of the ways to

writing overcome teachers’ challenges


during teaching writing, for

examples make writing materials to

be more creative, and use internet

during teaching English writing.

1.4. Aims of the Research

This research aims at describing the challenges encountered by the

teachers in teaching writing to junior high school students and the solution to

overcome the challenges.

1.5. Significances of the Research

1.5.1. Theoretical Contributions

This research provides the development of theories in teaching

English writing in EFL context (Hyland, 2003) focusing on challenges and

solutions in teaching writing to junior high school students to make the

learning process in the classroom more effectively.

1.5.2. Practical Contributions

This research provides to investigate the challenges and the

solutions of English language teachers when teaching writing to junior

high school students to improve teachers’ performances in teaching


1.5.3. Empirical Contributions

This research expands about the research dealing with the

challenges and the solutions when teaching writing to junior high school



2.1 Teaching Writing in EFL Contexts: A Brief Overview

Writing is a process of communicating with others in which a writer

sends and expresses the ideas and also information through written forms.

Hidayati (2018) noted that writing is a communication tool in written

form. Additionally, in teaching writing there is English competence

including learners’ grammatical competence, vocabulary mastery, and how

to organize a good paragraph of English (Brown, 2004, p. 233 as cited

Hidayati, 2018).

Similarly, teachers should provide guide to students when they write

ideas and information. In effective teaching writing, the teacher needs

several things, such as an organization to develop and build ideas,

arguments and information (Ahlsén & Lundh, 2007). Moreover, the

teachers should know and pay attention to rhetorical patterns in writing

English as a foreign language to help facilitate the teaching writing process

to students in the classroom (Nassi & Nasser, 2018).

Hyland (2003) states, as a basic language structure in teaching writing

there are 4 stage-process, namely:

a. Familiarization: the learners are taught certain grammar and

vocabulary usually through a text.


b. Controlled writing: the learners manipulate fixed pattern from

substitution tables that have been made.

c. Guided writing: the learners imitate model texts.

d. Free writing: the learners use patterns they have developed to write an

essay, letter, and others.

In teaching writing, the teachers need to complete themselves with

knowledge and skills of teaching writing because most of the teachers found

that writing is a complex skill to be taught (Almubark, 2016). In the foreign

language classroom, teaching writing involves linguistics knowledge,

vocabulary choices, syntactic patterns, and cohesive devices that comprise

the essential building blocks of texts (Hyland, 2003).

In Indonesia as EFL contexts, English is a foreign language that

is only taught in schools as subjects, in secondary education students

are only given the exercises to make some sentences, then make

paragraphs to manipulate the words grammatically (Widiati &

Cahyono, 2006). Moreover, they noted that writing in Indonesia is taught at

various levels in educational institutions. Meanwhile, teaching writing

applied in Indonesia nowadays is the teacher being the center attention of

students in the classroom, which is called teacher-centered, teachers become

more active, and students are less to develop their ideas in writing skills

(Ariyanti, 2016).

Liaghat and Biria (2018) showed that in EFL context writing can be

studied in English language course institutions to demand students for

learning English. They also stated several approaches to support the learning

process of writing English in the classroom, such as teacher-student

cooperation, feedback, collaboration, and mediation. In addition, teachers

need to get access to resources available such as printed materials, electronic

sources, peers, English teachers, or English native speakers (Dueraman,

2012, p. 261).

2.2 EFL Teachers Challenges in Teaching Writing

In EFL classroom, teachers faced challenges related to lack of the use of

technology in the classroom, classroom management in the large class, and

different learning styles of students (Ali & Ramana, 2018). On the other hand,

another challenge of teaching writing in EFL context is feeling unconfident,

doubt and use traditional methods. For instance, the teacher uses a single

method to teach writing skills (Nassi & Nasser, 2018). Moreover, the teachers

faced difficulties in developing English writing related to students lack of

grammar and vocabulary knowledge, motivation, the topic in the text book is

not interesting, mother tongue interference among students is a disruptive

factor in teaching writing (Almubark, 2016).

In addition, the teachers faced challenges related to have a big class who

made the learning process not effective, the time for teaching writing is less

which makes students difficult to understand the materials that have explained

(Ariyanti, 2016). Adas and Bakir (2013) stated that there are causes of writing

problems such as English language learners who have limited vocabulary and

less creativity.

Rovikasari, Suparno & Supriyadi (2019) noted that as an EFL teacher,

teaching writing is very challenging assignment. For instance, lack of

students’ motivation, vocabulary, language use, organization, and give

feedback as a reflection for students’ writing assignment related to different

students’experiences when they write the assignment. Moreover, Hidayati

(2018) found that internally, the teachers faced difficulties related to

vocabulary mastery, grammar knowledge, students’ motivation, and reading

habits. On the other side, externally the teachers faced challenges such as the

large classroom form, physical discomfort, intimidating atmosphere, and

unbalance attention and feedback.

2.3 Possible Solutions for Teaching Writing Challenges in EFL


There are two factors to identify the problems in teaching writing, that

are Internal and external factors. In internal factors, to overcome challenges

when teaching writing the teachers can try to instruct their students to use

the internet for learning English and make more creative exercises.

Externally, parents should support their children to use English at home,

buy some English books, magazines and newspapers to make their children

learn English regularly (Muhammad, 2018).

According to Adas and Bakir (2013) blended learning method can be

one of the solutions to teach writing, they noted that blended learning is a

flexible approach that provides online English courses and it can support to

improve students' writing skill to keep learning with their teacher and

classmates outside of the classroom. Moreover, Reid-Young as cited Adas

and Bakir (2013) reported that using various activities such as students may

get online sessions for example students were asked to upload their written

materials online in a well-organized way.

Rovikasari, Suparno, and Supriyadi (2019) noted the solutions for

the indicator of writing related to vocabulary the teachers can provide the

collection of vocabulary and meanings, ask students to translate words in a

text drilling vocabulary and meanings. They also reported the solution for

language use such as the teachers can give an explanation of tenses related

to a text, give the feedback for students’ writing assignment and for

students who have lack motivation, the teachers can give discussion and

feedback and give the appreciation to students who do not cheat

(plagiarism from the internet). In addition, the collaborative strategy

among students may help to improve teaching writing, intensive writing

exercises to identify students’ weaknesses, using devices learning in the

classroom and teachers need to be trained consistently in teaching writing

(Almubark, 2016).


3.1. Research Design

Grounded in descriptive case study, the present study aims at

depicting detailed and contextualized picture of a particular phenomenon, it

is used to describe a phenomenon and contexts that occur in real life (Yin,

2018). This research design was selected because this study described and

focused on the phenomenon of the challenges faced by English teachers and

the solutions in order to overcome the challenges when teaching writing to

junior high school students.

3.2. Setting and Participants

The research was conducted at one of state junior high schools in

Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia. In this school, English is taught during

4 hours for two meetings in a week. This place was selected because first,

the researcher followed pre-service teacher program in that school, therefore

there is accessibility to the research site. Second, the phenomenon of

challenges in teaching English writing occurred in there, and agreement of

the English teachers to be participants.

In this research, the participants were three English teachers in one of

junior high schools in Tasikmalaya. The reasons why the participants are

three because they taught at the same junior high school in each grade level.

They are Indonesian EFL teachers who teach in seventh to ninth grades.

They were recruited since they agreed to participate in this research. They

were chosen from each level of class and they have long experiences in

teaching English writing. Their ages ranged from 48 to 59 years old with

ranged of teaching experiences from 21 to 33 years. In general, they

communicate in local language (i.e. Sundanese), national language (i.e.

Indonesian), and foreign language (i.e. English). Based on gender, they are

categorized into male (N = 2) and female (N = 1).

3.3. Data Collection

The data collection of this study used semi-structured interview. It

carried out through voice recording using a cell phone to investigate the

challenges and the solutions of English teachers in teaching writing. In

practiced, the interview addressed to three participants (N = two males and

one female). Further, the interview guidance was designed by several

numbers of topics for posing questions. The topics are related to the

challenges encountered by the teachers and the solutions to overcome their

challenges during teaching writing to junior high school students. In fact

“interviewing is a tool for professional development in which language

teachers engage in research that examines classroom realities drawn from

teacher stories” (Widodo, 2014, p.102). Semi-structure interview is used to

explore participants' thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about a particular topic

(DeJonckheere & Vaughn, 2019).

Technically, the researcher performed some steps to conduct this

interview, namely:

1. Contacting the teachers as non-participant via telephone to confirm

availability to be a participant.

2. Confirming to school to ensure the availability of the institution as the

research site.

3. Making interview guidance.

4. Making consent form to be given to non-participant.

5. Doing the interview process.

As the guidelines to make the interview protocol, the researcher

adopted the interview protocol framework from Castillo-Montoya (2016)

comprising of four-phases:

1. Ensuring interview questions align with research questions

2. Constructing an inquiry-based conversation

3. Receiving feedback on interview protocols

4. Piloting the interview protocols

3.4. Data Analysis

The researcher analyzed the data from the interview transcripts used

thematic analysis. Braun and Clarke (2006) stated, “thematic analysis is a

method for identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns (themes) within

data” (p. 6). The reason why this analysis is adapted because it was identified

the challenges and solutions in teaching writing frequently arose from the

results of the interview data and made into several themes to report the

results. Using thematic analysis can make active choices about the particular

form of analysis they are engaged in (Braun & Clarke,2006, p.5). They noted

the steps to conduct a thematic analysis are:

3.4.1. Familiarizing With the Data

The researcher transcribed the data from the interview, and then

read and re-read the data transcript related to the topic of this research about

the challenges and the solutions in teaching writing to junior high school


3.4.2. Generating Initial Codes

The researcher categorized the data by using the initial codes that were

colored to highlight the challenges faced and the solutions made by the

teacher during teaching writing in junior high school.

Table 3.1 Generating initial codes

P :Kendala ada, terkait dengan seperti ketika Students’

memberikan tugas ke anak-anak itu kan demotivation to learn
tidak semua mengerjakannya, dan English writing
keterbatasan anak memiliki perangkat- Limited facilities to
perangkat pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, teach English writing
misalnya di rumah tidak mempunyai kamus Students’ inadequate
kadang-kadang anak juga malas kan gitu English vocabulary
untuk menulis karena mereka tidak knowledge
mengetahui kosakata bahasa Inggris apa Insufficient time
yang ingin mereka tulis. Nah itu tantangan management to teach
bagi saya tentang bagaimana anak-anak English writing
didik itu termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa
Inggris seperti itu. Gini, kalo pembelajaran
writing kadang-kadang kan ya tidak tuntas
nya materi yang harusnya pada waktu itu

3.4.3. Searching for Themes

The researcher grouped the codes into possibly in the same themes

from the data that has been categorized and highlighted earlier in the

second step.

Table 3.2 Grouping the codes

Students’ English Writing Teachers knowledge and

Skills competences in teaching English
 Students’ poor English 7  Insufficient time management 6
grammatical competence to teach English writing
 Students’ incapability of 9  Limited sources of English 4
developing ideas for English writing materials
 Students’ inadequate English 10 Students’ psychological
vocabulary knowledge factor
Limited of facilities  Students’ demotivation to learn 15
English writing
 Limited facilities to teach 7
English writing

Teaching English Writing Style

 Explicit teaching English vocabulary 2
 Collaborative English writing activities 3
 Exercises of English writing 5

3.4.4. Reviewing Themes

The researcher re-examines the themes that have been identified about

the challenges and solutions of teachers in teaching writing to junior high

school students to ensure the placement of the code has been grouped into

the appropriate theme.


3.4.5. Defining and Naming Themes

The researcher determined and given the name of the theme based on

the data that has been obtained, namely about the challenges faced by the

teachers and their solutions in teaching writing to junior high school


Table 3.3 Defining and naming themes

Sub themes Themes

1. Students’ poor English grammatical The challenges in
competence teaching English writing
2. Students’ incapability of developing to junior high school
ideas for English writing students
3. Students’ inadequate English
vocabulary knowledge
4. Students’ demotivation to learn
English writing
5. Insufficient time management to
teach English writing
6. Limited sources of English writing
7. limited facilities to teach English
8. Explicit teaching English vocabulary Teachers’ solutions to
9. Collaborative English writing overcome the challenges
activities in teaching writing to
10. Exercises of English writing junior high school

3.4.6. Producing the Report

The researcher reported the result of this research that is about

challenges encountered by the teachers and the solutions when teaching

writing to junior high school students.


3.5. Research Schedule

Table 3.4 Research Schedule

Descriptions Oct No Dec Ja Feb March Ap May June July Augt

v n r
Making the
the literature
Deciding the

the data
the data
the data and
Final thesis


The research aims at describing the teachers’ challenges and solutions

during teaching English writing to junior high school students. The findings of

this study cover two main themes, namely (1) the challenges in teaching

English writing to Junior high school students and (2) teachers’ solutions to

overcome the challenges in teaching writing to junior high school students.

More technically, the first theme is specified into several sub-themes, namely

students’ poor English grammatical competence, students’ incapability of

developing ideas for English writing, students’ inadequate English vocabulary

knowledge, students’ demotivation to learn English writing, insufficient time

management to teach English writing, Limited sources of English writing

materials and limited facilities to teach English writing. The second theme

encompasses explicit teaching English vocabulary, collaborative English

writing activities, and exercises of English writing.

4.1. The Challenges in Teaching English Writing to Junior High School


4.1.1. Students’ poor English grammatical competence

Based on the results of the interview, the researcher found that

teacher faced some challenges when teaching writing to junior high

school students. One of them is the students’ poor English grammatical

competence. The students found it difficult to write and understand the

sentence structure due to their lack of English grammatical competence


for example when the teacher said “I will go to school by motorcycle”,

and asked students to write that sentence, they did not understand

what to write, as shown by one of the participants (participant 2) as


Excerpt 1

Participant Extract

P2 One of the challenges of teaching writing is due to how the

way they write. Commonly, they applied spoken language to
written in English. For instance, when I said “the word
division” of a sentence, for example, “I will go to school by
motorcycle” and I requested them to write it, they
encountered obstacles to write. This may be caused by their
difficulties to understand the sentence structure in
English. Moreover, the participant argues that the students
have difficulties in grammatical competences include they
were difficulties in understanding the structure to write their
ideas in written form, then the participant said that the most
difficulties in teaching writing were teaching the structure
such as they were difficulties to change the tenses when
writing. In English, there are past tense, present tense,
future, present continuous tense (study, studies, studied,
studying), students encounter difficulties to apply the tenses.

(Interview transcript, February 7th 2020, Participant 2, translated by the


Excerpt 1 indicated that the students’ lack of grammatical

knowledge was portrayed as one of the students’ difficulties in teaching

writing. For instance, the word “study” in English has several forms

when it is used in past (studied), present (study or studies), future (will

study), and continuous (studying) tense. They felt complicated to write

their ideas due to a lack of applying and understanding the sentence


structure. It made them confused when they were asked to write the

assignment in English because they were difficult to understand the

sentence structure and differentiate the tenses.

Copland, Garton, and Burns (2013) found that many teachers

identified grammar as a challenge in teaching writing because when

they explained grammar, such as about the present perfect and simple

past tense, the students seemed bored and did not pay attention to the

teachers. Moreover, Almubark (2016) asserted that teachers often find

students who lack grammar knowledge and writing skill is one of the

most complicated skills related to grammar as in writing. There are a lot

of aspects that need to be considered so that the writing result can be

readable. For instance, grammar in writing determines how a paragraph

should be constructed and how their ideas can be understood, and also

the teachers found that the students lacked in this respect, it made their

writing result unreadable (Ali & Ramana, 2018).

For these reasons, guiding the students to understand and utilize

English grammar during classroom writing activities remains pivotal to

mitigate the impacts of their poor English grammatical competence on

their writing performance.

4.1.2. Students’ incapability of developing ideas for English writing

Second, another finding demonstrated that the teachers

encountered the challenges during teaching writing to junior high


school students related to students’ incapability to develop ideas for

writing. Students were confused when they wrote the sentences, for

examples “I went to Bandung last week, I went to the zoo yesterday”

after they wrote those sentences, they did not know the next sentence

that will they write and when they develop the ideas in writing about

their experiences in English, many students lacked of vocabulary and

grammar knowledge, it made them difficult to write, such as

participants’ statements below:

Excerpt 2

Participants Extracts

P1 Students could not develop their ideas for writing. In

addition, their confusion on English sentence structure
became one of the most influential factors inhibiting them to
write for example “I went to Bandung last week, “saya
pergi ke kebun binatang kemarin (I went to the zoo
yesterday” after they wrote those sentences, they were
confused to write the other’s sentences in English.

P2 Students are incompetent or difficult to determine the

main idea in each paragraph in the text. They find it
difficult to develop ideas when they write the text and
sentences it makes them look confused.

P3 Moreover, in our culture, it is hard to deliver ideas

through writing, and it becomes harder when we use
English. Therefore, students always find it difficult when
they are asked to do the writing task. For example, when
they were asked to make a sentence, they seem confused
and difficult to do it. Moreover, when they were asked to
write their experiences or to write their past activities in
English, they found it even harder. Even when they were
asked to write in a simple form of language, they still find
some difficulties. They are confused so they become lazy
to do the writing task.
(Interview transcript, February 7th and 10th, 2020, Participant 1, 2 and 3
translated by the author)

The data of the interview results above indicated that students were

difficult to develop ideas in English writing. For instance, when the

teachers asked them to write some sentences related to their experiences

and daily activities, they were difficult to write because they do not

know how to write ideas in English. They could not determine the main

ideas in the textbook and also felt difficult to write the text, such as

descriptive and narrative text. They were difficult to develop their ideas

for instance writing sentences into paragraphs related to the text. This

matter made the students lacked creativity in writing because many

students seemed confused to write the ideas, determine the sentence

structure, and word choices in English.

Adas and Bakir (2013) found that the teachers had some

problems in teaching writing such as students’ difficulties in writing

and developing their ideas which made them less creative. Copland,

Garton, and Burns (2013) stated that when the students were asked to

write stories or to compose sentences, many of them cannot express

themselves in their writing. A lot of students were less creative in

writing English stories such as many students were unable to complete

the assignment, and they could not even begin to do the writing


Students’ incapability to develop ideas for their English writing

became a challenge for the teachers. The teachers should pay attention

to their students conscientiously because many students felt confused


when they were instructed to write some text. The students were lazy to

write due to their confusion in developing ideas. Therefore, guiding

students during teaching English writing process, especially guiding

them in developing ideas is important to direct them in producing

readable writing and to help them in understanding how to convey their

ideas in writing assignments.

4.1.3. Students’ inadequate English vocabulary knowledge

Vocabulary is the most important aspect and basic component in

writing skills (Ali & Ramana, 2018) because it is a comprehensive

aspect of all four English skills and grammar. On the other hand,

vocabulary became one of the challenges in teaching writing to junior

high school students. It can be seen from the interview result that the

teachers also faced difficulties in teaching writing to junior high school

students related to students’ inadequate vocabulary knowledge. As

shown in the transcript of the interview:

Excerpt 3

Participants Extracts

P1 The first challenge is vocabulary. In this school, the

students are varied in terms of vocabulary mastery.
Students’ difficulties in learning vocabulary and their
inconsistency in understanding the vocabulary make
teaching writing challenge. For example, the students
found it difficult to understand that the past and
present form of the word ‘pergi’ (going) in English is

P2 When I asked the students to write their daily

activities, which tells the time they wake up, the time
they go to school, and others. They are willing to do it.
The challenge is in their vocabulary. They do not

know how to write some words in English. For

example, they do not know the words “bangun”
(waking up) and “mandi” (taking a bath)’ in

P3 The process of writing implementation is also difficult,

such as when the students asked to make a sentence
like ‘I go to school by bicycle’. They are confused
because they do not know such word ‘pergi (going)’
and ‘sepeda (bicycle)’ in English. Moreover, the
students here are rarely exposed to English vocabulary.

(Interview transcripts. February 7th and 10th, 2020, Participant 1, 2 and 3

translated by the author)

The data of the interview result indicated that many students in

that school lacked of vocabulary knowledge and were lazy to

understand the use of English vocabulary in the sentence or text. They

did not know the vocabulary that they would write. For instance,

students did not understand the main idea of the text because they

lacked of vocabulary knowledge, and sometimes they did not know the

meaning of each word. The implementation of writing activity also

became challenging, for example when the teachers gave the students

assigned to write about their daily activity, there were some words such

as “pergi (going), sepeda (bicycle), bangun (waking up), mandi (taking

a bath)”, and then when they asked to write the sentence, many students

did not know the English vocabulary. The students found it difficult to

write the sentence and to understand the contents of English texts

because they were lacked vocabulary knowledge. It made them have a

problem to understand the meaning of some words.


The finding above is supported by Nakagawa and Leung (2020)

who found that the majority of challenges faced were students' lacked

of English vocabulary, such as in writing, students had difficulty in

writing longer and full sentences so that they tended to produce very

short sentences. Furthermore, Rovikasari, Suparno, and Supriyadi

(2019) reported that in teaching writing, a lot of teachers had problems

related to students’ vocabulary. For example, students were not able to

put the appropriate verb, noun, and noun phrase.

In other words, students’ lack of vocabulary is a challenge for the

teachers, because when the students confused to write some words in

English, the teachers should help them translate those words into

English. There is a factor that becomes another challenge related to

students' lack of vocabulary knowledge that is students’ laziness in

interpreting the English vocabulary. Meanwhile, vocabulary is one of

the basic aspects of writing skills, if students do not know the English

vocabulary they will find it difficult to write. Therefore, the teachers

should pay more attention to guide students in understanding English

vocabulary such as in translating the word one by one to make teaching

and learning writing process effective.

4.1.4. Students’ demotivation to Learn English writing

The next finding is students’ demotivation to learn English writing.

Motivation is one of the factors that students should have in learning

English including in writing. Students who had good motivation wanted


to do the English writing assignment, but students having low

motivation were lazy to do it. Based on the interview result, the teachers

had difficulties related to students’ laziness to write in English and they

were less of participations in learning English writing in the classroom

because when given the assignments in the class, there were only a few

active students and wanted to write, many students lacked a desire to

write, such as the participants’ statements below:

Excerpt 4

Participants Extracts

P1 Indeed, in this junior high school, most students lack

motivation in writing. For example, when they were
asked to do a writing task, not all of them do it.
Sometimes, they also seem lazy to do it. The challenge is
in how to improve and maintain students’ motivation,
which is varied, also in the variability of students’
comprehension. This is indeed a heterogeneous class,
and it needs an enrichment program.

P2 Students’ learning style in writing is also different so

that for them who have high motivation, they tend to pay
attention, but for them who have low motivation, they
tend to not pay attention. Nowadays. there are mostly
reading tasks, such as whether the students comprehend
the text or not, so there is no special task for writing.
There is just information regarding the characteristics of
each text. For example, the characteristics of recount,
descriptive text, narrative text, procedure text.

P3 Sometimes there are tasks where the students are asked

to re-write the main idea of the text. It truly helps
students to write in English. However, in one class, only
one or two students who can do the task while the others
feel so difficult to do it. I find it difficult to teach writing
under that situation when the students struggle, and they
are also lazy to write. Then, when I ask them to ask me
questions, no one wants to ask.

(Interview transcript, February 7th and 10th, 2020. Participant 1, 2 and 3

translated by the author)

The interview result indicated that students with a lack of

motivation made English learning became not interesting. This situation

led to less of students’ participation in the classroom during learning

English writing. There were just a few students who were willing to

accomplish the assignment in the classroom, and it made the teachers

difficult to give motivation to students because most of them were lazy to

write in English. Miftah (2015) reported that students who did not have a

strong motivation in writing, they just kept silent and looked confused

when they did the assignment, and when the teacher asked them. It was

because they were difficult to understand the instruction given by their

teachers, such as when they should write the outline of recount text, they

were lazy because they lacked English vocabulary and grammar. So that

they did not know what should do with their writing assignments.

Yu, Zhou, Zheng, Zhang, Cao & Li, (2019) reported that lack of

motivation factors negatively influence such as failure or avoidance of

performance. This situation could be seen when students worked on the

assignments. If students lacked of motivation in writing, they became lazy

to write and avoided participating in the classroom. Moreover, Ali &

Ramana (2018) pointed out that a lot of students think that writing skill is

one of the most complex skills because it involves better grammar. In the

writing process, a lot of aspects need to be considered to make the result of

writing readable. Therefore, it becomes challenging for the teacher to give

students the motivation to do writing assignments.

In other words, students who lacked motivation in learning

English writing were challenging for the teachers. This situation made

the learning process in the classroom not enjoyable because many

students did not pay attention to the learning process and they lacked of

participations in doing the assignment. The data above indicated that

the school had a low understanding or low scores in English writing, so

they should join the remedial programs. This situation made the

teachers difficult to give each of them motivation because the teachers

could not treat those who got low scores specially or even could not

give them remedial programs since the class was heterogeneous.

4.1.5. Insufficient time management to teach English writing

In teaching writing, there are stages of writing process related to

pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing (Tompkins &

Hoskisson (1995, p.231) as cited in Miftah (2015). Therefore, it needs a

long time to teach writing in the classroom. However, based on the

interview result, teachers have a problem in teaching writing related to

insufficient time to teach English writing. Such the participants’


Excerpt 5

Participants Extracts

P1 Based on the current curriculum, students are only focused

on learning the themes discovered on that day. Teachers
sometimes do not have sufficient time to teach writing, the
students only have a brief opportunity to comprehend the

P2 Especially, the time to teach writing is limited, even though the

writing is a lot of stages such as first, students were to practice
for writing words into sentences, from the sentences into

P3 However, sometimes I am challenged by the limitation of the

time. Due to the time constraints for teaching writing, the
writing activities sometimes become homework.

(Interview transcript, February 7th and 10th 2020, Participant 1, 2, and 3

translated by the author)

The data of the interview result indicated that the teachers have a

problem in teaching writing related to insufficient time to teach English

writing. It made the process of writing not clear in the classroom

because when students did writing English assignments, there were a lot

of processes such as the teacher asked the students to do the writing

topic, then students wrote an outline that will be developed by them and

also should write their ideas and the teachers should give the feedback

to the results of students' writing assignment. Aryanti (2016) noted that

time also became a big challenge for the teachers in teaching writing

because to improve students’ writing, they should do several complex

steps of writing such as brainstorming, prewriting, drafting, and editing.

Those made time to teach and do writing assignments were hampered.

Meanwhile, the teachers only have a brief opportunity to explain the

materials of writing, and many students could not finish their writing

tasks in the classroom and took it as the homework.

According to Graham, Harris, and Beard (2018), writing is

complex and challenging assignment because in writing there are a lot

of basic aspects related to time for goal setting, planning, monitoring,

evaluating, and revising. Furthermore, the teachers also needs the time

for checking sentence construction skills, handwriting, and spelling,

therefore, teachers should have more time for teaching writing.

Moreover, Leki (2001) stated that one of the challenges faced by

teachers in teaching writing is correcting text assignments and giving


feedback to many students who could not be done due to lack of time in

teaching writing.

Consequently, insufficient time to teach English writing became

another challenge for the teachers. This situation only allows teachers

to explain the material briefly, and the time for students to practice

writing and to develop their ideas is not sufficient, and they also

cannot finish the assignment in the classroom due to the limit of time.

4.1.6. Limited sources of English writing materials

In exploring writing materials, the teachers should have many

sources as a guide for teaching writing in the classroom. However, the

researcher found that one of the teachers’ challenges in teaching writing

to junior high school students was limited sources of English writing

materials. The teachers should be more creative in creating English

writing materials and should make some materials attractive to students.

While, in the textbook, there were a lot of uncompleted writing

materials, such as the following interview transcript of participants:

Excerpt 6

Participants Extracts

P1 Deciding teaching materials is challenging because it

requires teachers’ creativity to attract and to motivate
students in learning English.

P2 It is difficult to explain the materials. For example, in

explaining each paragraph of the text, and then asked the
students about the main idea of each paragraph, such as the

first or the second paragraph. Sometimes, they do not have

any idea about the text.

(Interview transcript, February 7th 2020 Participant 1 and 2 translated by the

The teachers argued that in English writing, there were fewer of

English materials as well as a multiple-choice exercise in the textbook.

When the teachers explained the types of texts such as descriptive,

recount, narrative, and procedure text, they lacked of materials to explain

and give examples of those texts. For example, in the procedure text, the

teacher asked the students to find how to make fried rice. The challenge

was the lacked materials in the textbook. Therefore, teachers should be

more creative in creating English writing materials.

Leki (2001) reported that the objectives of teaching writing were

difficult to achieve because the lack of materials accessing the target

language in students’ environments, such as teaching materials that came

from the central government had to be adjusted to the students' situation.

For example, make copies of student texts for peers to read, this material

may not always be appropriate to be used. Moreover, Almubark (2016)

stated that the topics in the textbooks for writing skills that are not

interesting and persuasive enough become the other challenges for the

teachers to teach writing in the classroom.

Therefore, the finding above portrayed as a challenge for the

teachers. They should find interesting materials from other sources in


order to increase students’ motivation in learning English writing in the


4.1.7. Limited Facilities to Teach English Writing

Another obstacle of teaching English writing based on the

interview result was the lack of supporting media such as the

availability of a projector to display text for all students to see. It caused

difficulty for teachers to explain the correct form of writing by using

technology. The following interview transcript below:

Excerpt 7

Participants Extracts

P1 The students do not bring a dictionary, and their parents

do not pay attention to it. Unfortunately, the availability of
dictionaries provided by the school is also limited.
Furthermore, mobile phones are banned in this school so
that it is difficult for students to find out examples of
sentences and text, also material which is not provided in
the textbook, for their writing task, from the internet.

P2 The projectors are also limited and sometimes there is

power outage. Only several classes provide projectors.

P3 One of the challenges related to the facility is when the

projectors provided in the classrooms do not work
anymore. Another challenge is found in the computer lab.
The computers are often in trouble accessing the
internet so that students are not able to find information
from the internet such as the examples of particular tasks.
Furthermore, in this school, the students are not allowed to
use a mobile phone. They, of course, are not willing to take
risks from bringing their mobile phone to school. Therefore,
it is difficult when I asked the students to find some
sources to learn writing or to find an example of writing
English text from the internet.

(Interview transcript, February 7th and 10th 2020, Participant 1, 2 and 3,

translated by the author)

From the data transcript of the interview, limited facilities became

a challenge for the teachers when they teach writing in the classroom. In

their school, there were limited projectors and computers. Not all classes

had and could use a projector, and many computers could not be used. It

gave an impact on the teaching writing process such as when it needs to

display text or video using a projector, it spent a lot of time to prepare.

Therefore, the process of writing practice was hampered due to the length

of the projector installation process. This problem forced the teachers to

use the traditional method in their teaching of English writing and it made

students bored with learning in the classroom.

Graham and Hebert (2011) noted that " writing about a text should

facilitate comprehending it, as it provides students with a tool for visibly

and permanently recording, connecting, analyzing, personalizing, and

manipulating key ideas in the text" (p.712). Therefore the lack of facilities

in school became a challenge in teaching writing because the teachers

would be difficult to explain materials by using technology in the modern

era and the students were also bored with learning by using the traditional

method. Ali and Ramana (2018) found that the teacher faced challenges in

teaching writing, one of which related to lack of the use technology in the

classroom. Therefore, the teachers only taught by using a traditional

method such as explaining and writing the materials on the whiteboard.

In this modern era, this condition made the teachers difficult to

assist students to improve their ability in English writing. For instance,


students were difficult to find out the materials which are not available in

the textbook, and the teachers were difficult to explore materials such as

displayed pictures book or video due to the limited projectors in the


4.2. Teachers’ Solutions to Overcome the Challenges in Teaching Writing to

Junior High School Students

4.2.1 Explicit Teaching English Vocabulary

Teaching English vocabulary became one of the solutions to

overcome the challenges in teaching writing. It made the students

memorize the vocabulary every day and helped them to improve their

ideas when they wrote because they already know the vocabulary that

will be written in their assignment, such as the participants’ statements:

Excerpt 8

Participants Extracts

P2 For the solution, sometimes I teach autodidactic to make

the students understand. I asked them to memorize
vocabulary, for example, they use bahasa (Indonesian
language) at first and then they translated into English in
written form. For instance, the sentence ‘saya sedang
belajar’ is translated into ‘I am studying’, using present
continuous form.

P3 Related to vocabulary, for example, the students were given

a text. Then, they were asked to read a fairy tale and
collected also to memorize the vocabulary from it, two to
five words per day with their meanings.

(Interview transcript, February 7th and 10th 2020, Participant 2 and 3,

translated by the author)

The solution for the challenges on vocabulary was the teacher

asked their students to memorize English vocabulary by writing two or

five words such as writing words from Indonesian into English or from

the text or story that they had collected. It made the students understand

to use English vocabulary in writing sentences or text.

Rovikasari, Suparno, and Supriyadi (2019) stated that the

solutions to overcome the writing issue related to vocabulary. The

teachers can provide the collection of vocabulary and meanings, ask

students to translate the words in a text, drill vocabulary, and meanings.

Gu and Johnson (1996) as cited in Goundar (2015) noted that there

were some strategies for learning vocabulary, one of them was

memorizing vocabulary. This strategy was classified into two categories

namely rehearsal and encoding. The example of rehearsal strategies was

word lists and repetition. While, for the example of encoding strategies

includes included an association, visual, auditory, imagery, semantics,

and contextual coding and word structure including word analysis.

Therefore, collecting and memorizing vocabulary were the

solutions for teaching writing to junior high school students. The teachers

can help students to improve their vocabulary knowledge and to develop

the ideas when they have a writing assignment.

4.2.2 Collaborative English writing activities


Collaborative English writing activities can be one of the solutions for

the challenges in teaching writing to junior high school students. Learning

English writing through group discussion activities could assist students to

motivate each other, and also help students who were lazy to be more

motivated to learn because through group discussion they shared their

ideas, more creative, and also given feedback. Such participants’

statements below:

Excerpt 9

Participants Extracts

P1 The solution is such divided the students into some

groups. First, we analyzed them based on their
comprehension of writing materials, and then we mix
them in the groups so that a group consists of students
with a high and low level of comprehension. In this
heterogeneous group, they can help each other to do the
task such as they can give feedback to each other.

P2 For the division of the groups, the students are categorized

into lazy and diligent students. Then, they are divided
into several groups consisting of those two categories in
each group. The two categories are mixed in one group so
that the lazy students can be motivated to do tasks, and
those who are diligent can also help the lazy students to
do the task to be creative.

P3 Well, for the groups the students are usually and always
divided based on their motivation in learning English
or based on their quality of English writing. They are
divided into several mixed-level motivation groups.
Students with a high level of motivation in learning
English are expected to help them who have a low level
of motivation.

(Interview transcript, February 7th and 10th 2020, Participant 1, 2 and 3,

translated by the author)

From the findings above, the teachers taught English writing trough

collaborative English writing activities such as making group discussion

in the classroom by dividing students into some groups consisting of

students with different learning style to make them actively engage in

peer correction, to motivate students each other in learning English

writing they give their peer correction. For example, when the teachers

asked their students to write a text, they can write in longer sentences and

paragraphs because they can share their ideas to be more creative by

giving feedback to each other.

Storch (2005) found that collaborative writing is better conducted

in the form of writing task fulfillment, complexity, and grammatical

accuracy. It helps the students to expand their ideas and allow them to

provide feedback with each other. Biria and Jafari (2013) found that in

Iranian EFL learners, collaborative writing exercises improved the

overall quality of the student writing, such as an improvement in students

writing skills, where the students could write a text by using more clauses

and be more creative. Therefore, collaborative English writing activity is

one of the solutions for teaching writing to junior high school students.

In other words, there are many benefits from collaborative

English writing activities such as the teachers can help students to

combine their ideas into writing assignments in a group. The students can

also learn to give corrective feedback related to their ideas in written


form, improve their motivation in learning to write in English, and also

improve their creativity in developing ideas.

Therefore, collaborative English writing activities by considering

aspects of motivation and students' understanding of learning English

writing can be the solution to deal with difficulties in teaching English

writing. Furthermore, the students can explore their ideas in written form

in a group so that they can motivate each other and can also share their

understanding of English writing assignments.

4.2.3 Exercises of English writing

Exercises of English writing can be the solution to make the

students improve their writing skills. Based on the interview result, the

researcher found that the teachers have this solution to overcome the

challenges in teaching English writing because students not only improve

their competences in writing skills but they were also practicing to make

sentences, and learn more about tenses inside and outside of the classroom,

such as the participants’ statements below:

Excerpt 10

Participants Extracts

P1 They are trained to make sentences by using

grammar that they have learned before and to
motivate the students in learning writing.

P2 When we teach present continuous tense, we can

relate it to the context, for example, ‘what are you
doing?’ or ask the students in Indonesian language
(bahasa) first, like “sedang apa kamu sekarang?”

They probably respond “Belajar bahasa Inggris”

Then, we asked the students to translate it into
English. Therefore, the English practice could be
based on the current situation.

P3 Related to grammar, it is based on the teaching

learning context. For example, we give an example
for present tense materials from daily activity.
Then, they are asked to practice for making

(Interview transcript, February 7th and 10th 2020, Participant 1, 2 and

3, translated by the author.

Giving exercises to students was one of the solutions to overcome

the challenges in teaching writing to junior high school students. The

teachers give the exercise to students to train their grammar knowledge

and also to give them motivation so that want to write the sentences. It

can be done by using picture storybooks, then match the picture with

the sentence, fill incomplete sentences, and make more creative writing


Muhammad (2018) stated that to overcome challenges in

teaching writing, the teachers can try to ask their students to use the

internet and make more creative exercises for them to learning English

writing. Therefore, through a lot of writing exercises, the teachers can

help students improve their grammar and develop their ideas in written


In other words, giving English writing exercises can be the

solution to overcome the challenges because when the teachers give

writing exercises after they explain materials in the classroom, students


are trained to develop their writing skills regularly, such as practicing to

make sentences based on the tenses. In present continuous tense, for

instance, the teachers can ask the students to make sentences based on

what they do at the moment. Another example that the teachers give to

the students’ picture story and list of activities, and then they are asked

to match the picture with the sentence, and also to fill in the incomplete



5.1. Conclusions

The study aims to identify and describe the challenges and solutions in

teaching English writing to junior high school students. Based on the

findings, there are seventh challenges faced by the teachers and three

solutions to overcome their challenges during teaching writing to junior high

school students. Those challenges are: 1) students’ poor English grammatical

competence, 2) students’ incapability of developing ideas for English writing,

3) students’ inadequate English vocabulary knowledge, 4) students’

demotivation to learn English writing, 5) insufficient time management to

teach English writing, 6) limited sources of English writing materials, and 7)

limited facilities to teach English writing. The solutions to cope with those

challenges are: 1) explicit teaching English vocabulary, 2) collaborative

English writing activities, and 3) exercises of English writing.

Therefore, by knowing the challenges encountered by the teachers in

teaching writing and the solutions to overcome the challenges during teaching

writing to junior high school students, it is recommended to improve

teachers’ performances in teaching writing such as the teachers are able in

identifying, preparing for improvement and evaluating for teaching and

learning English writing process. However, the solutions to overcome the

challenges can make the learning process in the classroom more effectively.

5.2. Suggestions

The limitations of this study were a single data collection technique

(semi-structured interview), focusing on in-service teachers’ perspectives,

describing the challenges and solutions in teaching English writing. First, this

study was only focused on challenges and solutions during teaching English

writing to junior high school students. For further research, it should be

covered the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) to obtain more

representative to describe the teachers’ development in teaching writing to

junior high school students. Next, this study only used a single data

collection technique namely interview. The next study should use triangulated

data collection such as document analysis, questioners and observation to

gain more confirmable data. In another limitation, this study only focused on

in-service teachers’ scope. For further research, it should expand the scope

such as to pre-service teachers and students. The last limitation, this study

simply described the challenges and solutions in teaching writing to junior

high school students. For the next study, using a critical analytical framework

should be an option.

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Enclosure 1 Consent Form

Participant 1


Participant 2

Participant 3

Enclosure 2 Lembar Penetapan Proyek Tugas Akhir S-1


Enclosure 3 Interview Protocol

A. Challenges of Teaching writing

1. Students’ prior knowledge (Latar belakang pengetahuan peserta didik)

2. English writing competences knowledge (Pengetahuan kompetensi

menulis bahasa Inggris)

3. Instructional Media (Media pembelajaran)

4. Types of English writing tasks (Jenis tugas menulis bahasa Inggris)

5. Students’ motivation in learning English writing (Motivasi siswa dalam

belajar menulis bahasa Inggris)

6. Resources of teaching English writing (Sumber daya pengajaran menulis

bahasa Inggris)

7. Classroom management (Manajemen kelas)

8. Teachers’ corrective feedback (Umpan balik korektif guru)

9. Technological use (Penggunaan teknologi)

B. Potential solutions of teaching English writing

1. Consulting to smart phone-based English dictionary (Merujuk kamus

bahasa Inggris di ponsel)

2. Explicit teaching English vocabulary (Mengajarkan kosakata bahasa

Inggris secara eksplisit)

3. Designing a small group discussion of students (Merancang kelompok

diskusi kecil peserta didik)

(Adapted from, Ali & Ramana, 2018 ; Almubark, 2016)


Enclosure 4 Transcript of Interview

Interview Transcript of First Participant
Date : February 7th , 2020

Participant : An English Teacher in Eight grade

Utterances Initial Codes

I : Assalamu’alaikum bapak
P : Wa’alaikum salam
I : Terimakasih atas kesediaannya waktu bapak
untuk melakukan wawancara dengan saya. bisa
kita mulai proses wawancara nya pak?
P : Ya, bisa
I : Bapak, sudah berapa lama mengajar bahasa
P : Saya sudah mengajar 22 tahun
I : Dimana bapak pertama kali mengajar?
P : Di SMP ini, langsung disini sampai sekarang
I : Baik bapak, Terkait pengajaran Bahasa Inggris
bapak, Apakah ada tantangan saat mengajar
keterampilan menulis bahasa Inggris di SMP?
P : Tantangan mengajar writing satu terkait dengan Students’ inadequate
kosakata yang kedua tentang struktur atau English vocabulary
grammar dan motivasi anak-anak disini itu knowledge
bervariaitif, seperti pertama tantangan mengajar Students’ poor English
writing itu kan vocabulary, tantangan nya itu grammatical
kurang motivasi, di SMP kita sangat kurang competence
motivasi dan terbatasnya anak untuk memahami Students’ demotivation
kosakata, anak-anak itu tidak konsisten dalam to learn English writing
menghafal kosakata, seperti anak sulit Limited facilities to
memahami kata “pergi” kan itu beda bahasa teach English writing.
Inggrisnya sebelum pergi dan sesudah pergi.
karena memang itu rananhnya, disekolah itu kan
terbatas untuk mengahafal kosakata. Kemudian
juga terbatasnya kemampuan konsistensi guru
didalam hal memantau kebiasaan-kebiasaan
anak, misalnya menciptakan lingkungan
berbahasa Inggris dikelas itu kan, nah itu yang
menjadi tantangan-tantangan utamanya. Err dan
terbatasnya anak membawa kamus. Orang tua
juga kurang memperhatikan hal itu, karena dari
sekolah untuk ketersediaan kamus itu terbatas.
Sebetulnya, motivasi itu tergantung kita ya,
bagaimana kita memotivasi siswa untuk belajar

menulis bahasa Inggris.

I : Selain itu, apakah dalam mengajarakan menulis
dari segi grammar bapak memiliki tantangan
khusus? Jika iya, bisa dijelaskan.
P: Ketika kita mengajar itu tidak fokus ke masalah Insufficient time
struktur. Jadi tidak fokus seperti dulu, kalo management to teach
sekarang itu tergantung teks yang diterangkan English writing
pada hari itu, tema nya tidak runtut kalo saat ini.
Ketika mengajarkan procedure teks kan anak Students’ poor English
belajar menggunakan present tense, ketika masuk grammatical
materi narrative kan past tense seperti itu. Dari competence
kurikulum juga sekarang siswa hanya difokuskan
untuk belajar terhadap tema yang ditemukan Limited sources of
pada hari itu, guru kadang-kadang juga English writing
terlewatkan waktu untuk mengajar menulis, jadi materials
hanya pada cukup anak-anak memahami materi
itu dan hanya sepintas tentang itu. Euu, mencari Students’ incapability of
bahan ajar seperti kreativitas guru itu juga developing ideas for
menjadi tantangan karena guru harus bisa English writing
menarik siswa supaya termotivasi untuk belajar
bahasa Inggris. Seperti mencari buku cerita Students’ demotivation
bergambar yang menarik untuk supaya euu anak to learn English writing
itu termotivasi untuk menulis. Permasalahan juga
ada saat siswa membuat teks, seperti ketika saya
menjelaskan terkait coba anak menceritakan
kegiatan sehari-hari saja dengan menggunakan
simple present tense kan, kembali lagi ya
kedalam kurangnya pengetahuan kosakata itu
kan, jadi anak juga tidak bisa mengembangkan
ide mereka untuk menulis, memahami form
penulisannya anak-anak itu bingung. Walaupun
saya sudah menjelaskan intruksinya, saya sudah
kasih clue tentang contoh kata kerja yang bisa
digunakan ini itu ini itu, tetap saja anak itu
bingung dan terlihat sulit untuk menulis. Untuk di
SMP ini ya memang kurang motivasinya, tidak
semua siswa hanya kebanyakan siswa itu kurang
motivasi dalam writing seperti siswa kesulitan
saat diperintahkan untuk merancang ide mereka
seperti membuat outline itu misalnya teks
recount, saya menyuruh siswa atau anak-anak
gitu ya menulis misalkan tentang holiday dan
dari kata itu anak-anak menulis kata untuk
dikembangkan menjadi kalimat seperti “I went to
Bandung last week, saya pergi ke kebun binatang
kemarin “I went to the zoo yesteday” nah kan

setelah itu anak-anak itu sulit lagi

mengembangkan ide dalam bahasa Inggris itu
sebelum ke teks itu kan ya, dari sana juga anak-
anak itu kesulitan malas gitu siswa itu untuk
mengembangkan ide karena ya motivasi mereka
anak-anak itu kecil.
I : Selanjutnya, bagaimana tantangan yang dihadapi
bapak saat mengajar menulis jika dilihat dari
latar belakang siswa?
P : Nah, kalo dari latar belakang siswa jelas, kalo Students’ demotivation
ini kan apa, di kota tetapi berada di daerah to learn English writing
pinggiran yang notaben nya keluarga
menengah kebawah. Sehingga, untuk belajar
bahasa Inggris itukan minimal anak itu punya
kamus dan dia mau istilah nya mencoba belajar
dari teks-teks harus mandiri. Dan karena
keterbatasan waktu mengajar disekolah itu,
partisipasi anak kurang, karena menulis bahasa
Inggris itu dianggap pelajaran yang sangat
sulit, kan harusnya enjoyable kan gitu, fun.
Beda dengan listening, kalo saya mengajar
listening bisa dengan menguunakan sing a song
sehingga anak merasa tertarik untuk belajar,
tidak seperti writing siswa kurang
berpartisipasi dan motivasinya juga kurang.

I : Dari jenis tugas yang diberikan kepada siswa

dalam pengajaran menulis, apakah ada jenis
tugas teks atau topik dalam teks yang sulit untuk
diajarkan kepada siswa? Jika ada bisa
P : Kalo tugas-tugas saya kira kan kita itu tugas itu Limited sources of
seperti cerita bergambar, sebetulnya siswa bisa English writing
menggunakan internet untuk mencari bahan ajar materials
atau istilah nya tema yang diajarkan pada waktu
itu. Tantangan nya, ketika saya umpanya saya Students’ demotivation
menjelaskan procedure teks. Misalnya, to learn English writing
memberikan arahan kepada anak untuk coba cari
cara membuat nasi goreng, nah tantangan nya
seperti dari kurang nya materi dalam textbook Limited facilities to
dan kemauan anak-anak untuk mencari contoh teach English writing
step-step itu kurang, karena disekolah itu ada
aturan tidak boleh membawa handphone jadi Students’ inadequate
siswa itu kesulitan juga kan untuk mencari English vocabulary
contoh tulisan di internet. seperti mencari contoh knowledge
kalimat, text atau materi yang tidak tersedia di

buku paket, jadi kalo dibiarkan belajar mandiri

saat menulis itu sulit karena ya anak-anak
bingung sedangkan kan dizaman yang serba
canggih ini hp bisa digunakan untuk proses
pembelajaran kan sebenarnya. Karena terkadang
anak-anak itu salah memanfaatkan saat
membawa handphone, seperti saat belajar ada
yang malah main game kan seperti itu. Hal ini
juga berpengaruh kan saat memberi instruksi
dalam memberikan tugas menulis menggunakan
bahasa Inggrispun menjadi tantangan, karena
siswa tidak kadang fokus bermain handphone
apalagi bahasa Inggris kan merupakan bahasa
asing ya di kita itu jadi sulit dipahami siswa
seperti itu anak-anak menulis kalimat atau
membuat teks recount mereka itu terlihat pusing
karena asing sekali bahasa Inggris itu di kita.
Seperti ketika saya menerangkan atau menyuruh
untuk menulis tugas menggunakan bahasa
Inggris ya anak-anak itu siswa kan ya tidak
paham jadi harus pake bahasa Indonesia dulu
atau bahasa Inggris langsung diartikan sama
saya saat dikelas itu ya biar anak-anak paham
karena mereka itu disini ya bahasa Inggris itu
kosa kata ya kurang jadi banyak terlihat
kebingungan anak itu saat saya menggunakan
bahasa Inggris dikelas itu .

I : Selain memberi instruksi, apakah ada kendala

saat bapak memberikan umpan balik terhadap
tugas siswa dalam menulis?
P : Kendala ada, terkait dengan seperti ketika Students’ demotivation
memberikan tugas ke anak-anak itu kan tidak to learn English writing
semua mengerjakannya, dan keterbatasan anak
memiliki perangkat-perangkat pembelajaran Limited facilities to
bahasa Inggris, misalnya di rumah tidak teach English writing
mempunyai kamus kadang-kadang anak juga
malas kan gitu untuk menulis karena mereka Students’ inadequate
tidak mengetahui kosakata bahasa Inggris apa English vocabulary
yang ingin mereka tulis. Nah itu tantangan knowledge
bagi saya tentang bagaimana anak-anak didik
itu termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris Insufficient time
seperti itu. Gini, kalo pembelajaran writing management to teach
kadang-kadang kan ya tidak tuntas nya materi English writing
yang harusnya pada waktu itu tuntas, tapi
karena kendala-kendala itu anak-anak itu Students’ demotivation

bervariatif gitu ya, ada yang memang tuntas to learn English writing
dikerjakan pada waktu pembelajaran bahasa
Inggris ada juga yang memang tertinggal.
Kesulitannya, harus pandai-pandai
bagaimana mengsiasati memberi motivasi
anak ketika anak yang low dan high
pemahaman dalam memahami tugas tersebut
ada yang cepat ada yang lambat, ini memang
yang kelas heterogen ini harus ada
pengayaan. Sulitnya konsisten dalam
mengadakan program pengayaan itu, karena
kan tidak merata.

I : Selain itu, untuk perbedaan cara belajar siswa

dikelas, apakah ada beberapa hal yang menjadi
tantangan saat mengajar menulis bahasa
P : Ya kalo bicara terkait dengan tantangan dan Students’ demotivation
kemampuan anak dalam menangkap to learn English writing
pembelajaran itu sendiri ya, sebetulnya kalo di
urai itu panjang. Karena memang target nya Insufficient time
anak itu mengerti dan paham materi saja ya management to teach
seperti itu dan indikator nya diuji dengan nilai English writing
jadi tidak ada tantangan khusus dalam hal ini.
Jadi kita hanya, ketika menjelaskan materi dan Students’ inadequate
diakhir saya uji paling cuma tantangan nya itu English vocabulary
bagaimana anak yang low nilai nya itu bisa knowledge
mengikuti anak-anak yang diatasnya dengan
remedial dan pengayaan. Cuma keterbatasan kita
dalam waktu, misalkan ketika pulang kemudian
anak yang low itu dipisahkan dan diberikan
pengayaan juga kan anak sekarang itu kan ikut
bubar. Yang jelas memang culture dan disini
serba pas-pasan yang menjadi tantangan khusus
itu. Pengalaman siswa juga kurang, karena
bahasa Inggris itu menjadi bahasa yang sulit
dipelajari kan, apalagi untuk menulis susah
banget. Karena minimnya kosakata yang
dikuasai. Di kurikulum sekarang juga kurang
untuk praktik belajar menulis bahasa
Inggris.Kalo sekarang kan hanya yang 5M itu
apa seperti mengamati, menanya, mengumpulkan
informasi, mengasosiasi dan mengkomunikasikan
I : Berdasarkan tantangan-tantangan yang sudah
disebutkan tadi. Bagaimana solusi yang dapat

mengatasi masalah tersebut?

P : Untuk solusi, harus sinergik antara kebutuhan Exercises of English
siswa dan sarana yang disediakan sekolah, writing
pertama dari pihak sekolah sudah
menginformasikan bahwa setiap anak itu
harus membawa 1 kamus dan orang tua
mengupayakan untuk menyediakan fasiltias
seperti kamus manual maupun elektronik.
Kemudian ada juga, dilatih untuk membuat
kalimat dengan menggunakan grammar yang
dipelajarinya dan memberikan motivasi
kepada siswa terkait pembelajaran writing

I : Apakah diskusi kelompok menjadi salah satu

solusi untuk mengatasi tantangan proses
mengajar writing dikelas?
P : Ya, itu merupakan solusi seperti pembagian Collaborative English
kelompok nya kita deteksi dulu siswa yang writing activities
paham dan yang tidak terhadap materi menulis
itu kan ya, kemudian dicampur dari yang high
sampai low itu ada agar siswa yang low dapat
terbantu pemahaman nya seperti itu, jadi bisa
saling membantu dan memberikan feedback gitu.
I : Apakah penggunaan kamus elektronik dan
menggunakan internet saat proses belajar bahasa
Inggris bisa menjadi solusi untuk mengatasi
tantangan tersebut?
P : Oh ya. Saya membolehkan siswa untuk
menggunakan kamus di handphone saat
pelajaran bahasa Inggris, walaupun dari
lembaga belum dibolehkan. Tapi baru-baru ini
saya memperbolehkan siswa untuk menggunakan
kamus dan internet saat belajar bahasa Inggris,
khususnya dalam proses menulis, kalo sebelum-
sebelumnya saya tidak mengizinkannya. Karena
sudah berkembangnya teknologi, aplikasi sudah
banyak di hp. Makanya untuk pelajaran saya,
baru-baru ini dijadikan untuk membawa hp yang
penting bisa digunakan untuk pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris kan gitu.
I : Apakah ada solusis khusus yang dapat dijadikan
saran untuk guru-guru masa depan dalam
mengatasi tantangan mengajar menulis?
P : Untuk guru, solusi nya itu bisa dari seperti tadi Exercises of English
cerita bergambar itu, kemudian ada kegiatan writing

mencocokan gambar dengan kalimat, mengisi

kalimat yang belum lengkap dan lebih kreatif
dalam membuat atau memilih materi penulisan
yang lebih menarik seperti itu.
I : Baik bapak, terimakasih sudah bersedia menjadi
partisipan dan melakukan wawancara hari ini.
Mungkin, cukup sekian untuk pengambilan
data ini pak. Terimakasih banyak.
P : iya, mangga. Sama-sama.

Interview Transcript of Second Participant

Date : February 7th , 2020
Participant : An English Teacher in Ninth grade
Utterances Initial Codes
I: Assalamu’alaikum, ibu. Sebelumnya,
terimakasih atas ketersediaan waktu ibu untuk
melakukan wawancara hari ini. Bisa kita
mulai wawancara nya, bu?
P : Wa’alaikumsalam. Ya, boleh silahkan.
I : Ibu sudah berapa lama mengajar bahasa
Inggris di SMP ini?
P : Pertama ngajar mulai ngajar bukan hanya di
disini. Pertama di SMP Imanuel, terus di
SMP 4, terus SMP Galunggung. Cuma di
angkat di SMP ini, jadi mulai lagi kuliah teh
udah mulai ngajar.
I : Perihal, mengajar menulis. Apa saja
tantangan yang ibu hadapi selama mengajar
di kelas pada siswa SMP?
P : Tantangan nya dari cara menulis, karena Students’ poor English
cara menulis itu pengucapan. Pengucapan grammatical competence
misalnya saya mengucapkan kata “division”
atau kalimat seperti “I will go to school by Students’ incapability of
motorcycle” kemudian meminta anak itu developing ideas for
untuk menulis kata itu. Nah itu kan sulit English writing
mereka itu jadi harus tahu nulis nya dulu.
Pola struktur nya, anak-anak itu sulit
mengingat pola struktur tersebut jadi nulis
juga sulit kan suka terlihat bingung anak-
anak kalo saya meminta menulis kalimat
atau kata itu, seperti itu.
I : Selain itu, jika dilihat dari segi latar belakang

siswa, apakah ada tantangan saat mengajar

menulis bahasa Inggris?
P : Iya pasti, kalo anak misalnya di lesin sama
orang tuanya, tidak terlalu sulit untuk
mengajar, di SD nya yang sudah ada
pelajaran bahasa Inggris pasti tidak terlalu
sulit. Tapi kalo gak ada, sekarang kan
apalagi tahun sekarang tidak ada pelajaran
bahasa Inggris di SD dihilangkan.
Bagaimana nanti di SMP belajar bahasa
Inggris, khususnya menulis akan menjadi
masalah dan sulit untuk diajarkan ke anak-
anak, langsung ke belajar writing begitu.
I : Selain itu, dari segi metode, apakah ada
metode yang sulit ketika ibu mengajar menulis
bahasa Inggris?
P : Ya, ada yang paling sulit satu terkait dengan Students’ poor English
struktur. Karena kalo nulis itu kita harus grammatical competence
tahu struktur. Kalo structure nya gak tahu,
susunan nya susah karena dalam bahasa
Inggris susah nya apa dalam belajar anak,
kata kerja itu ada 4. Seperti ada past tense,
present tense, future, present continuious
tense kan susah itu anak berubah-rubah gitu.
Misalnya, saya belajar bahasa Inggris, saya
sedang tetep belajar bahasa Inggris, saya
sudah belajar bahasa Inggris. Kalo Inggris
kan study, studies, studied, studying, nah itu
susah nya itu susah untuk mengaplikasikan
nya. Jadi anak mah kalo pengen bahasa
Inggris nya pinter satu harus euu apa euu
ada kemauan terus ada kemauan untuk
belajar bahasa Inggris itu apa ya harus mau
dulu belajar nya gitu, ya kalo tidak suka
terus tidak suka. Harus ada motivasi untuk
belajar. Saya senang pelajaran bahasa
Inggris, itu pasti dia bisa.

I : Selanjutnya ibu, selain dari metode. Dari segi

media pembelajaran dikelas. Bagaimana
media pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang
digunakan disini? Apakah ada tantangan nya
dalam penggunaan media tersebut?
P : Ya media, media itu kalo menerangkan. Kalo Limited facilities to teach
menerangkan kalo ditulis dengan pake English writing
media. Kalo media kan cuma dilihat, tapi

kalo menulis dipapan tulis misalkan

penggunaan structure nah gampang gitu
dihapus sama kita nya, tapi kalo pake media
harus anu anu, apalagi kalo apa mati lampu
ada apa nah itu. Tidak semua, nah
bagaimana tergantung apa bahan pelajaran
mau diajarkan dilihat dulu, ini bagus nya
pake media atau pake whiteboard ditulis itu
gitu. Proyektor juga ada yang kurang, terus
ya kadang mati listrik terus ini kurang anu
kurang anu. Tidak semua kelas ada dan bisa
menggunakan proyektor.
I : Selain itu,ketika ibu memberikan tugas kepada
siswa. Apakah ada jenis tugas yang ibu rasa
sangat sulit diberikan kepada siswa, seperti
dari segi teks dan topik menulis nya? Jika ada,
bisa dijelaskan.
P : Yang paling sulit itu, yang paling susah ya itu Students’ poor English
kalo yang ngajar bahasa Inggris yang paling grammatical competence
susah itu apa saya mengajarkan structure.
Misalkan, jenis teks itu kan ada 5 sekarang. Limited sources of English
Dulu mah waktu ibu ngajar di SMP belum writing materials
ada yang itu. Sekarang mah report, ada euu
apa ada descriptive ada recount ada Students’ incapability of
procedure ada narrative nah sekarang mah developing ideas for
itu. Jadi mengajar menulis sekarang mah English writing
harus tahu ciri-ciri nya lalu di terangkan ke
anak teh itu jadi terangkan nih ciri nya Insufficient time
narrative gini, pokonya dongeng narrative management to teach
cukup itu saja. Jadi ya udah, kalo dongeng English writing
itu teks narrative itu udah pasti nah harus
sekarang. Sulitnya itu dalam menjelaskan Students’ inadequate
materi. Contohnya menjelaskan paragraph English vocabulary
dalam teks dan bertanya kepada anak satu knowledge
tentang apa itu nah anak-anak kan gak tahu,
paragraph dua menceritakan apa itu. Main
idea, masih belum bisa anak-anak susah
untuk menentukan main idea setiap
paragpragh itu apa nah itu susah untuk
mengembangkan ide juga kan berdampak
jadi terlihat pusing anak itu.Dari ke 5 teks itu
ya hampir sama, cuma beda tenses nya aja.
Kalo misalkan descriptive menggunakan
present tense, kalo narrative itu pasti past
tense nah gitu udah aja gitu cara ke anak
ngajar mah. Sulitnya itu tenses itu anak itu

gak tau cara menggunakan kata kerja gitu.

Hampir kelemahan anak itu gak tau kata
kerja, ini harus kalimat ini menggunakan
kata kerja keberapa. Kan sekarang mah saya
juga tidak boleh ngajar seperti yang dulu
guru-guru. Sekarang mah harus
menerangkan tenses harus ada yang ada
didalam teks, begitu saja, dulu mah ibu gak
pernah. Jadi sekarang mah sesuai tema yang
diajarkan misalkan tentang apa nah
langsung disitu ada ini teks menggunakan
present tense atau past tense, nah itu jadi
kadang-kadang tidak fokus present tense
sekarang gak gitu, kalo dulu mah ibu waktu
di sekolah guru ibu menerangkan belajar
menulis bahasa Inggris teh sampai ingat
sekarang cara nya teh begitu. Jadi dulu mah
tidak menggunakan diteks. Langsung,
misalkan past tense adalah pekerjaan yang
sudah dilakukan, kata kerjanya harus
menggunakan kata kerja ke dua, to be nya
hanya satu yaitu did, dulu mah gitu.
Sekarang mah anak-anak susah, coba ini teks
apa gak tau, karena apa tidak seperti itu,
guru tidak boleh menerangkan seperti itu,
karena langsung ada teks nya tidak
menerangkan tenses terlebih dahulu. Apalagi
waktu mengajar menulis sedikit sekarang itu,
padahal menulis itu kan banyak tahapan-
tahapan nya seperti siswa harus latihan dulu,
menulis kata menjadi kalimat, kalimat
menjadi paragraph kan ya gitu. Sekarang
hanya bertanya kepada siswa “ini teks
apa?” dan menjelaskan kalo ada kata did
dalam teks itu oh berarti past tense.
Sekarang anak-anak misalnya kata kerja
pertama drink kata kerja ke dua nah itu anak
gak tahu. Anak-anak gampang lupa apa yang
sudah diberi tahu tentang kata kerja itu.

I : Berhubungan dengan pemberian tugas

menulis ibu, apakah ada kesulitan ketika ibu
memberikan umpan balik atau feedback
terhadap tugas siswa?
P : Udah aja suruh apa euu satu anak-anak Students’ inadequate
sekarang mah susah di suruh PR, dikerjakan English vocabulary

disekolah. Jadi susah anak apalagi ada hp, knowledge

jadi susah diberitahu. Di kurikulum sekarang
kan anak-anak gak boleh dikasih PR, jadi Students’ poor English
saya bingung kan. Tapi saya suka grammatical competence
memberikan PR, tapi tidak terlalu banyak
dikasih PR untuk melatih dan mengingat
kembali materi. Sulitnya, memberikan umpan
balik dari tugas yang diberikan ke anak
dalam bentuk PR, karena ya itu kadang-
kadang tidak bisa, kadang-kadang
dikerjakan sama teman nya disekolah jadi
susah sekarang mah. Ya jadi mengartikan
main idea dari tulisan anak itu kadang-
kadang bingung, karena kosa kata dan
struktur penulisan mereka kurang jadi
kurang dipahami juga hasil tugas nya.
I : Dari pemberian umpan balik tersebut, jika
kembali dilihat dari tujuan pembelajaran
dalam RPP, apakah ada kesulitan saat ibu
memberikan tugas dengan tujuan
pembelajaran yang harus dicapai siswa?
Jika ada bisa dijelaskan.
P : Oh tentu saja. Ada banyak hal dalam writing Students’ incapability of
ya satu writing itu apa. Satu misalnya dalam developing ideas for
ujian ada menyusun kalimat menjadi English writing
paragraph, jadi jarang ulangan writing,
paling latihan. Menulis ya, misalnya
menyusun kata menjadi kalimat, menyusun
kalimat menjadi paragraph jadi itu harus tahu
ciri-cirinya, nah dalam menyusun kalimat
menjadi paragraph kesulitan anak-anak itu.
Jadi ketika menerangkan materi itu basic
pengetahuan anak-anak dalam writing itu
kurang. Jadi gini, tujuan belajar bahasa
Inggris itu apa, untuk memahami teks bacaan,
untuk bisa menulis, apa supaya bisa ngomong.
Sekarang mah jadi langsung, tujuan
pembelajaran itu gak dikhususkan writing
siswa harus bisa ini ini gak gitu, jadi tidak
spesifik sekarang mah tujuan pembelajaran
nya gitu.
I : Selanjutnya, apakah ibu suka memberikan
peluang kepada siswa untuk latihan menulis
bahasa Inggris untuk mengembangkan ide
dan apa tantangan yang ibu hadapi saat
memberikan peluang latihan tersebut?

P : Iya, suka. Misalnya seperti daily activity kan Students’ inadequate

menulis, jam berapa bangun, mandi, terus English vocabulary
pergi ke sekolah jam berapa, suka ngasih. knowledge
Tantangan nya itu, cara nulis nya yang gak
bisa misalnya bangun itu apa sih, mandi itu Students’ demotivation to
apa sih nah itu mereka tidak tahu kosa kata learn English writing
nya. Gaya belajar siswa dalam menulis juga
beda, jadi ya yang siswa motivasi nya bagus Students’ poor English
dia memperhatikan, tapi yang gak suka ya grammatical competence
cuek gitu, sekarang mah gitu. Dalam
grammar juga kurang, karena anak sulit
memahami structure untuk menuliskan ide
mereka dalam tulisan karena sekarang
banyak nya reading misalnya siswa mehami
isi teks ini itu, gak ada khusus writing, cuma
ada cirinya misal nya descriptive apa,
dongeng narrative menggunakan apa,
procedure ciri nya apa menggunakan apa
I : Berhubungan dengan latihan menulis tersebut,
dari segi fasilitas apakah ada yang menjadi
hambatan untuk ibu saat mengajar dikelas?
P : Untuk fasilitas itu tergantung mata Limited facilities to teach
pelajarannya, misalkan anak di suruh bawa English writing
handphone di pelajaran bahasa Inggris, itu
akan mengganggu ke pelajaran lain karena Limited sources of English
tidak semua guru memperbolehkan siswa writing materials
membawa handphone. Kalo ibu tergantung
subjek nya, misalnya kalo subjek nya
tentang things around us nah silahkan kalo
gak ada yang gak tahu bisa buka
handphone, kalo yang betul-betul perlu
bawa handphone itu bawa, tapi kalo gak
mah tidak saya tidak pernah mengizinkan
mereka membawa hp kalo tidak perlu. Dari
fasilitas buku sudah memadai, cuma
sekarang buku nya gini banyak nya essay
kalo ujian semua multiple choice, kalo buku
latihan multiple choice itu sedikit buku-
buku sekarang. Ujian kita multiple choice
gak ada essay.
I : Selain tantangan-tantangan mengajar menulis
bahasa Inggris, bagaimana solusi yang ibu
lakukan untuk mengatasi tantangan –
tantangan tersebut?
P : Ya kadang-kadang solusinya, kalo ibu Exercises of English

kadang-kadang ngajar secara otodidak. writing

Untuk supaya ngerti. Coba hafalkan
kosakata, misalnya nih siswa pake bahasa
Indonesia dulu lalu dibahasa Inggriskan
ditulis, misalkan saya sedang belajar tinggal
dirubah satu persatu, misalkan “sedang”
pake present continuous jadi “I am studying”
sekarang saya lagi diterangkan sedang
makan, tidur, bermain, menulis, jadi I am
sleeping, I am eating, I am playing, I am
writing. Jadi gitu, secara otodidak, jadi oh
kalo sedang teh semua harus pake ing ini to
be ny itu kalo I itu am kalo you, we, they itu
to be nya are. Kalo udah gitu, ngomong
apapun kalo sedang dilakukan itu yang harus
di pakai itu kosa kata menggunakan ing, jadi
itu termasuk kedalam pembelajaran kosa
kata secara langsung. Misalkan saya sedang
bermain, tambah lagi kata nya misalnya
kamu mau main apa, itu vocab untuk
menambah pengetahuan vocab anak,
misalnya kamu lagi makan, makan apa, mau
bubur mau bakso tambahkan aja tambahkan
lagi nah itu untuk menambah vocab.
Misalnya saya sedang makan bakso, anak
bertanya bu bakso itu apa, meatball. Nah itu
kan nambah pengetahuan vocab anak. Jadi
caranya itu, diberikan latihan-latihan untuk
mengembangkan kosa kata siswa.
I : Selain solusi tersebut, apakah diskusi
kelompok bisa dijadikan solusi untuk
mengatasi tantangan – tantangan tersebut?
P : Ya, tentu saja bisa, tapi kadang-kadang tidak Collaborative English
semua anak bekerja. Untuk pembagian writing activities
kelompoknya dibagi-bagi misalnya anak itu
kan ada yang malas ada yang tidak. Itu
digabungkan agar yang malas terbawa
semangat termotivasi untuk mengerjakan
tugas dan yang rajin bisa membantu mereka
memberi motivasi ke yang malas itu gitu
agar lebih kreatif.
I : Apakah menggunakan kamus juga menjadi
salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi tantangan
dalam mengajar menulis bahasa Inggris?
P : Ya, dulu mah kalo yang remidial ibu suka
memerintahkan beli kamus 1, 1 kamus 5 Exercises of English

orang. Hanya sekarang mah tidak boleh writing

seperti itu. Jadi kalo anak yang tidak
mempunyai kamus, ibu memperbolehkan Explicit teaching English
mereka untuk membawa dan menggunakan vocabulary
kamus yang ibu bawa. Yang penting itu lihat
dulu topiknya, misalnya things around us,
suruh aja keluar semua, cari benda apa
inggriskan, yang ada diperpustakaan, di
kantin, yang ada diruang guru apa. Anak
disuruh cari tahu dulu apa bahasa Inggris
nya misalnya batu apa nah anak disuruh cari
dulu, kalo mereka gak tau bisa lihat dikamus
yang dibawa ibu. Jadi tidak selamanya
ngajar writing harus didalam kelas,
tergantung topik pembelajaran. Kalo ngajar
present continous tense langsung aja misal
“what are you doing now?” atau dalam
bahasa Indonesia dulu “sedang apa kamu
sekarang?” belajar bahasa Inggris, ayo
Inggriskan jadi kejadian waktu itu kita di apa
euu di inggriskan nya gitu. Jadi euu biar
cepet ngerti. Terus euu misalnya ada anak-
anak lagi bermain. Kita berkata “look at
outside”, oh they are playing football, jadi
berikan latihan yang berhubungan dengan
kejadian pada waktu itu. Berikan anak-anak
motivasi, misalnya kamu harus bisa bahasa
Inggris, nanti kalo bisa bahasa Inggris kamu
bisa ini, kamu bisa bekerja di perusahaan
luar negeri, misalnya.

I : Baik ibu, terimakasih sudah bersedia menjadi

participant dalam penelitian saya dan
terimakasih sudah menjawab pertanyaan
penelitian saya. Mungkin, cukup sekian ibu.

Enclosure 5 Surat Keputusan


Enclosure 6 Kartu Bimbingan Skripsi


Name : Amelia Nurbani Amin

Place and Date of Birth : Tasikmalaya, 12th of Desember 1999
Sex : Female
Hobby : Traveling and watching movies
Religion : Islam
Nationality : Indonesia
Address : Kp. Nagrak RT/RW 003/008
Kelurahan Sindangraja
Kecamatan jamanis Kabupaten
Tasikmalaya 46461
Education : 1. Elementary School graduated
from MI Sindangraja (2012)
2. Junior High School graduated
from SMPT Darussalam Islamic
Boarding School (2014)
3. Senior High School graduated
from SMAT Darussalam Islamic
Boarding School (2018)
4. English Education Department
Siliwangi University (2023)


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