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Project 2

2. All business have to deal with ethical issue . One way to address these issues is to create a code of

Three core principle our business will follow are:

1. Provide and issue quality of produce are good to customer in using produce for everything
need. Our business must to avoid to sale fake produces for customer at all times. We want
customer positive feedback about our produce of business can received by them
2. Keep honesty to customer in corporation to run business such as: Wage, reward, bonus ,and
3. Respecting the laws or business rules to run business. We avoid act of corruption and

13. A business so social responsibilities by respecting of its stakeholders. We will take steps to create
a socially responsible business

+toward responsibility of environment

 Blocker contaminate on the ground

 Arrange slurry that make in business
 Arrange trash bin to put rubbish
 Blocker water smelliest in business
 Joints activities for good environment
 Plant the tree to make Scenery
 Take care public-healthy

+ To education

 Help poor students

 Contributes to provide scholarship for students
 Uplift education activities
 Provide experience and working for students


 Provide job in our business

 Reduce unemploy
 Building reputation for society
 Help building infrastructure
 Give money for supporting lack person
 Try to enhance society’s economic
 Our business obey and follow the society’s rule
 Corporation with Government.

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