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How do we report an act of violence against animals?

Violent manifestations can be detected by the police by calling 112, or by filing a complaint with the
Prosecutor's Office attached to the Court of the place where the crime was committed. Any violation of
this law is qualified as a crime, the most appropriate means of evidence being thus that of witness
statements. The criminal complaint must also include the evidence, i.e. photos, video recordings, or
witnesses must be indicated to attest to the facts of the persons, i.e. the condition of the injured animal.

Going to a local register, we learn from a press release of the Timișoara Local Police that, following
citizens' complaints, the checks provided for in the modified HCL 371/2007, regarding the walking of
dogs on the public domain without a leash or muzzle, have been intensified, but and regarding walking
dogs without cleaning their physiological excrement, fines between 800 and 1,000 lei being applied. In
the last year, a total of 131 contraventional sanctions in the amount of 40,800 lei were applied to pet
owners within the radRomanian legislation on animal protection

According to the Civil Code, the animal is considered to be a movable, tangible asset, as it appears from
art. 539 regarding movable property: (1) Goods that the law does not consider immovable are movable
property. (2) They are movable goods and electromagnetic waves or assimilated to them, as well as
energy of any kind produced, captured and transmitted, under the law, by any person and placed at his
service, regardless of the movable or immovable nature of their source." [2]

However, the regulation of some aspects regarding the protection of animals has its basis in Law no. 205
of May 26, 2004 regarding the protection of animals, published in the Official Gazette no. 320 of April 30,
2014.[3] In this law it is mentioned, from the beginning, from art. 4, the fact that those who own animals
have the obligation not to behave brutally with them, to provide them with the necessary conditions for
the purpose in which they are raised and not to abandon them. Also, the owners of animals must
provide them, depending on the needs of the animal, an appropriate shelter, food and water, care,
medical assistance, the possibility of movement.

Regarding the sanctions applied in the matter, according to art. 25, killing animals, with intent, without
right, practicing shooting at domestic animals or captive wild animals, organizing fights between animals,
injuring or strangling them, using them to train animals or to control their aggression, surgical
interventions that have as a result, changing the appearance of an animal or other non-curative
purposes, as well as using them in circus performances, etc., constitute crimes, punishable by
imprisonment from 3 months to one year or a fine. In addition, along with a conviction for one of these
crimes, the court can order a ban on keeping animals for a period of between one and five years.
Regulation also exists in the case of two major issues related to the protection of animals: euthanasia and the use of anim
for experimental purposes. Regarding the first issue, art. 9 para. (1) of this law prohibits the euthanasia of animals with no
compliance with the procedure. The exception to the rule is animals with incurable diseases that will be euthanized
immediately.ius of the Municipality of Timișoara.

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