Reported Speech

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1. Change the direct speech into reported speech.

1 ‘You must take these tablets twice a day.’

The doctor says I ………………………………………….
2 ‘I’m going to the gym tomorrow.’
Ben told me ………………………………………….
3 ‘You don’t have to wait for me.’
Liz said that I ………………………………………….
4 ‘I took my final exam yesterday.’
Jack told me ………………………………………….
5 ‘I haven’t told you the complete truth.’
Pablo said ………………………………………….
6 ‘I’ll meet you later today.’
Jim tells me ………………………………………….
7 ‘I prefer this café to the one opposite.’
Julia says ………………………………………….
8 ‘I’ll always remember meeting you.’
Ann told me ………………………………………….

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Do
not change the order of the words. Use a maximum of five words including
the words in brackets.
1 Will asked us …………………………… (time / game / start) the next day.
2 The assistant asked him if …………………………… (he / like / try) on a smaller jacket.
3 My teacher asked me …………………………… (I / finish) the exercise and I said I
4 I asked Maria …………………………… (which / film / seen) the night before.
5 The dentist asked …………………………… (me / why) never used an electric
toothbrush before.
6 She asked him if …………………………… (he / going) the park and he said he wasn’t.
7 I asked the policeman whether …………………………… (he / help / us) and he said he

3. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Begin with My mum asked me.
1 ‘Why are you home so late?’
2 ‘Did you leave school on time today?’
3 ‘You’ve got lots of homework to do, haven’t you?’
4 ‘When are you doing to tidy your room?’
5 ‘Have you seen your brother this afternoon?’
6 ‘Will you help me with the shopping tomorrow?’
7 ‘Would you like me to give you some money for a pizza?’

4. Report the dialogue using say or ask in the past simple.

Dan Are you going to the concert tomorrow evening?
Zoe No, I’m not. I haven’t got any money.
Dan I’ll lend you some. How much do you need?
Zoe That’s really kind of you, but I have to finish my homework too.
Dan Would you like me to help you finish it?
Zoe Do you speak German?
Dan No, I don’t. Your cousin does, doesn’t she?
Zoe Yes, she does. Perhaps I should ask her.

5. Write a second sentence that has a similar meaning to the first. Use the
words in brackets.
1 ‘Do you know the answer to these questions?’ Sally asked me. (if)
2 ‘I mustn’t be late for the trip tomorrow,’ said Bella. (next)
3 ‘Have you heard the band’s new album yet?’ asked Kostas. (me)
4 ‘I won’t be at school next week,’ said Mark. (says)
5 ‘Will you be getting a new phone soon?’ asked Harry. (whether)
6 ‘My plane arrives at ten in the morning,’ said Andrew. (tells)

6. Rewrite the sentences using reported speech.

1 ‘I’ll never wear this outfit again.’
Monica said ……………………………………..
2 ‘I don’t believe you.’
My dad told my sister ……………………………………..
3 ‘I’ve been talking to Frank.’
Susanna tells me ……………………………………..
4 ‘You mustn’t tell anyone.’
Harry told me ……………………………………..
5 ‘I’ll give you an answer tomorrow.’
Jenny told Tom ……………………………………..
6 ‘I was at a friend’s house yesterday.’
Lisa said ……………………………………..

7. Rewrite the questions using reported speech.

1 ‘Did you see the football match yesterday?’
Jimmy asked me ……………………………………..
2 ‘You’ve ordered the pizzas, haven’t you?’
I asked Eddie ……………………………………..
3 ‘What languages do you speak?’
The tourist asked me ……………………………………..
4 ‘You’re going out later, aren’t you?’
My dad asked me ……………………………………..
5 ‘Do you like Indian food?’ ‘Yes, I do’
They asked me ……………………………………..
6 ‘Where does your brother work?’
I asked Emma ……………………………………..
7 ‘Were you late for school this morning?’
My mum asked my sister ……………………………………..
8 ‘Are you tired?’ ‘No, I’m not.’
We asked him ……………………………………..

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