Lesson Plan - Kindwood Township - Erinn Vanauken

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Student Name: Erinn VanAuken Date: 12/8/23

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Howarth Allotted Time: 1:25 - 1:40
Group Size: 15 Grade Level: Kindergarten
Subject or Topic: Social Studies / Holidays

6.1.2.EconET.2: Cite examples of choices people make when resources are scarce.
K.CC.B.5: Count to answer “how many?”
K.CC.C.6: Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the
number of objects in another group.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes, what students are expected to learn; written in
measurable terms students will be able to…(SWBAT) ** Note- the objectives should encompass
thinking skills from Bloom’s Taxonomy. Students will be able to act out the sounds of different
transportation sources such as a train saying “Toot! Toot!”. Students will be able to categorize
what forms of transportation other students use over the holidays. Students will be assessing what
form of transportation was used the most over the holidays.

II. Instructional Materials/Resources:

- New Jersey Learning Standards
- Scholastic
- Pencils
- Smart Board

III. Essential Questions/Subject Matter/ Content

- What are some ways can we travel?
- What did students use most for transportation over the holidays?

IV. Procedures/Strategies/Methodology

A. Introduction - As my introduction, as a class we will look over the cover of the scholastic
article and make out what is on the cover and what we think we will be learning about.

B. Development - Social Studies

- As a class, we will read the Scholastic Article: Let’s Find Out: All Aboard for the
Holidays! After we read the article, the students will be able to follow the tracks
with their fingers to find the destination of the train. Independently, the students
will then complete the graph on the back of the article and answer the questions.
For example, “How many kids rode in a car?”. They will then circle the correct
number of how many kids rode in a car.
C. Closure - As my closure, the students will be able to build a gingerbread house together
on the scholastic website. This is a game that they will be able to play.

D. Accommodations / Differentiation - An accommodation that I might use during this

lesson includes simplifying or repeating directions as needed. A differentiation strategy
that I might use during this lesson is having the students quietly talk in their groups and
have them discuss what forms of transportation they might use during the holidays.

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan - As my assessment, I will have the students quietly talk in

their groups and have them discuss what forms of transportation they might use during
the holidays. I will give them 2 minutes to discuss with their groups and then they will
each share what they use with the entire class.

V. Reflective Response

A. Report Students’ Performance in Terms of States Objectives

B. Personal Reflection

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