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Computer networks

● Wide Area Network (WAN)

○ eg. Internet
○ covers large geographical areas
● Local Area Network (LAN)
○ connects devices within a small geographical area
○ eg. home network
● Client/ server network
○ devices connected to a centralized system
○ used mostly in large organizations
Client/ server network P2P network

User management better

Security control better

centralized backup ✓

setup cost lower

technical skills required ✓ ✕

in set up

● Cellular network
○ eg. data: 3G, 4G, 5G
○ ☓ subscribed -> alternative ways
■ share file via Bluetooth connection
■ connect phone to free wireless network (eg. WiFi)
■ connect phone to the Internet by enabling the personal hotspot function of
the another person’s phone
Free Wi-Fi at public hotspot 5G network

capacity of concurrent users higher

coverage larger

security better

● Advantages of constructing network

○ Devices (eg. Printer) can be shared
○ Files in different devices can be shared
● Network configuration
Networked computer Server

Cost Less

Configure setting of device ✓

(eg. printer) within network

save electricity ✓ (computer can be turned


○ disadvantage of set-up: PC-B turned off -> PC-A can’t use printer
○ improved by connecting network printer to switch
● network constructed w/ additional hardware, labelled cables etc.

Connecting devices
● Network Interface Card (NIC)
○ must be installed in a computer -> connect to a network
● Router
○ hardware for accessing the Internet at home with WiFi
○ Connect LAN to internet
● Firewall
○ can be implemented (實施) as a software + hardware
○ has routing function
○ prevents illegitimate (非法) access from or to a computer on the Internet
○ screens every message transmitted through the network + filter harmful ones
● Modem (數據機)
○ provided to users by Internet Service Providers (ISP) for Internet connection
● wireless methods for sharing photos to others at the same place
○ Bluetooth
○ Airdrop

Wired network transmission

● Cables
○ STP cable
■ protected by an additional metal shielding -> reduces EMI + crosstalk
■ less affected by EMI than a UTP cable
■ usually connected with an RJ45 connector
■ easier to set up than optical fibre cable
○ Optical fibre cable
■ supports the greatest data transmission at a time (among telephone,
shielded twisted pair and coaxial cable)
■ advantages
● high bandwidth
● fastest data transfer rate
● no interference

Wireless data transmission

● RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)
○ makes use of radio frequency for data transmission
● WiFi security measure
○ adopted in wireless router
■ hide/rename (don’t use default wireless router name) SSID
■ apply encryption key (set WiFi network password)
■ MAC address filtering
Least secure WEP

Secure WPA

Most secure WPA2

Advantages Wireless network Wired network connection


Data transmission speed Faster

Network security Better

Number and location of Flexible


Cost Lower

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Domain Name System (DNS)

● translation service (from an URL (domain name - words) into IP addresses (numbers))
● when DNS server of Internet Service Provider (ISP) -> out of service -> use another
DNS server -> can still access site when enters URL in web browser
● If…
○ ✕ access: typed URL into web browser to access a website
○ ✓ access: typed IP address
■ reason: DNS server used not working properly

Network protocol
● set of rules governing how two devices communicate with each other
○ commonly applied in online banking

Structures of URL
● eg.
○ second-level domain
○ top-level domain
○ host name
○ protocol
○ folder name
○ file name

Internet Protocol (IP) Address

● identifies a device in a network
● IPv4
○ four 8-bit numbers (eg.
● IPv6
○ reason for introducing
■ IPv4 address are being used up

Internet of Things (IoT)

● smart home
○ flower pot
○ light bulb
○ doorbell
○ coffee machine
● wearable technology
○ smart watch
● smart community equipment
○ shared bicycle system/ smart trash
● electric vehicles (EV)
○ Real-time location tracking (equipped w/ GPS)
○ real-time monitoring of health & performance of EV’s battery
○ remotely control of in-car temperature
○ autopilot
○ auto-parking
○ detects if there is any vacancy of charging station available

Big Data
● Commerce/ Marketing promotion
○ adjusting sales strategy based on customers preferences of the past decade
○ provide relevant advertisements to potential customers
○ information recorded into database
■ Internet browsing habits
■ shopping records
● Medical services
○ define most effective treatment plan for patients
● Weather forecast
○ prediction of extreme weather
● Stock market
○ make better investment

● Octopus card
● Credit card
○ NFC technology applied
■ supporting contactless payment
● Online and mobile payment
○ commonly used in daily life eg.
■ WeChat Pay
■ PayMe
■ UnionPay
■ Alipay
■ ApplePay
■ SamsungPay
○ top up balance
■ link to credit cards/ bank accounts
■ by cash in convenient store
■ money transfer (FPS)
■ account transfer
● Learning Management System (LMS)
○ functions for facilitating effective & interactive learning
■ teacher: submit immediate feedback
■ student: upload homework/ classwork onto platform
● public service on Internet eg.
○ apply for travel document
○ find government job
○ declare tax
● e-Channel
○ passing immigration
1. put smart HKID card into card reader
2. place finger on fingerprint scanner
● SmartPlay
○ making booking & payment of sports facility
○ search preferences
○ bookmark to the calendar
○ allow login w/ iAm Smart App
● iAm Smart mobile app
● provides one-stop personalized digital services platform
○ enables users to login + use online services by personal mobile phone for
■ authentication
■ form filling for online application of government services
■ digital signing
■ personalized notifications

● Streaming
○ Solve buffering problem in watching live streaming video
■ Use wired connection ( ✕ wireless)
■ lower video quality
● factors of network connection affecting user experience
○ stability of internet connection
○ time delay (latency 潛伏)
○ network speed (actual throughput)
○ video resolution (bitrate required)
○ bandwidth 頻寬 required for updating games

Web-hosting service
● Paid
○ allow online payments
○ more bandwidth & storage
○ custom domain name
○ better customer support
○ remove ads

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