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Liturgical Feast of
Mary Help of Christians


Good morning, dear brothers and sisters. We are gathered today to witness the
dedication rite of our Parish Church.

The rite for the dedication of a church and an altar is rightly considered among the
most solemn liturgical services. A church is the place where the Christian community
is gathered to hear the word of God, to offer intercession and praise to him, and above
all to celebrate the holy mysteries, and it is the place where the holy sacrament of the
eucharist is kept. Thus, it stands as a special kind of image of the Church itself, which
is God’s temple built from living stones. And the altar of a church, around which the
holy people of God gather to take part in the Lord’s sacrifice and to be refreshed at the
heavenly meal, stands as a sign of Christ himself, who is the priest, the victim, and the
altar of his own sacrifice.

We also celebrate today the Liturgical Feast of our Patroness, Mary Help of Christians.

Our Celebration will be led by the Most Reverend, Pablo Virgilio S. David D.D, Bishop
of Kalookan. Let us all stand and join the choir in singing our entrance hymn.

Entrance Song:

Fr. Eduardo Hontiveros S.J

Ang puso ko'y nagpupuri

Nagpupuri sa Panginoon
Nagagalak ang aking Espiritu
Sa 'king tagapagligtas

Sapagkat nilingap Niya

Kababaan ng Kaniyang alipin
Mapalad ang pangalan ko
Sa lahat ng mga bansa

Sapagkat gumawa ang Poon

Ng mga dakilang bagay
Banal sa lupa't langit
Ang pangalan ng Panginoon

When the people are gathered, the Bishop and the concelebrants approaches the altar with the ministers while
the Entrance Chant is sung.

No incense is brought during the entrance procession and the altar is not incensed. All lights of the church are
not lit from the beginning of the liturgy until the lighting of candles during the rite of dedication. The relics of
saints that will be placed beneath the altar is brought in the procession by ministers flanking by two candles.
Then the relics will be placed in a prominent area at the side of the altar.

When the Entrance Chant is concluded, the Bishop and the faithful, standing, sign themselves with the Sign of
the Cross, while the Bishop, facing the people, says:

In the name of the Father (), and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

The people respond:


Then the Bishop, extending his hands, greets the people, saying:

Peace be with you.

The people reply:

And with your Spirit.

Blessing and Sprinkling of Water

The Bishop saying:

Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

In this solemn rite of dedication, let us ask the Lord our God to bless this water
created by his hand.

It is a sign of our repentance, a reminder of our baptism, and a symbol of the

cleansing of these walls and this altar.

May the grace of God help us to remain faithful members of His Church, open to
the Spirit we have received.

All pray in silence for a brief period. The Bishop then continues:

God of mercy,
You call every creature to the light of life,
and surrounds us with such great love
that when we stray
You continually lead us back to Christ our head.

For You have established an inheritance of such mercy,

that those sinners, who pass through water
made sacred,
die with Christ and rise restored
as members of his body
and heirs of his eternal covenant.

Bless () this water;

Sanctify it.

As it is sprinkled upon us and througout this church

make it a sign of the saving waters of baptism,
by wich we become one in Christ,
the temple of Your Spirit.
May all here today and those in days to come,
who will celebrate your mysteries in this church,
be united at last in the holy city of your peace.

We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.

The people respond:


The Bishop, accompanied by a minister holding the aspersorium, sprinkles the Altar and the Sanctuary.
Then he passes through the main body of the church, sprinkling the people and walls with the holy
water, he may be accompanied by the concelebrants sprinkling the sides of the church.

Meanwhile the following hymn is sung:

Fr. Manoling Francisco S.J

Tubig ng buhay
Paglalakbay patungo sa bagong buhay
O Hesukristo, aming gabay
Basbasan Mo ang aming alay

Bukal ng liwanag
Nagbibigay ilaw sa mga bulag
Kami'y lumalapit sa Iyong batis
Upang makakita

Bukal ng pag-ibig
Nagbibigay kulay sa buong daigdig
Kami'y lumalapit sa Iyong batis
Upang magmahal

Bukal ng pag-asa
Nagbibigay buhay sa nagkasala
Kami'y lumalapit sa Iyong batis
Upang mangarap pa

After the sprinkling, the Bishop continues:

May God, the Father of mercies,

dwell in this house of prayer.
May the grace of the Holy Spirit cleanse us,
for we are the temple of his presence.

The people respond:



The Bishop intones the Gloria:

J.P Lecot
Dom. Benildus Maramba O.S.B

Gloria! Gloria! in excelsis Deo!

Gloria! Gloria! in excelsis Deo!

At sa lupa'y kapayapaan sa mga taong kinalulugdan niya.

Pinupuri ka namin dinarangal ka namin
Sinasamba ka namin, ipinagbubunyi ka namin,
Pinasasalamatan ka namin dahil sa dakila Mong angking kapurihan.
Panginoong, Diyos, Hari ng langit.
Diyos Amang makapangyarihan sa lahat.

Panginoong, Hesukristo, bugtong na Anak.

Panginoong Diyos, Kordero ng Diyos Anak ng Ama.

Ikaw na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng sanlibutan

Maawa ka, maawa ka sa amin.
Ikaw na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng sanlibutan.
Tanggapin mo, tanggapin mo ang aming kahilingan.
Ikaw na naluluklok sa kanan ng Ama.
Maawa ka, maawa ka sa amin.

Sapagkat Ikaw lamang ang banal.

Ikaw lamang ang Panginoon.
Ikaw lamang O Hesukristo ang kataas taasan
Kasama ng Espiritu Santo sa kadakilaan ng Diyos Ama.

Amen, Amen, Amen.


When this hymn is concluded, the Bishop, with hands joined, says:

Let us pray.
And all pray in silence with the Bishop for a while.

O God,
who have been pleased to gladden the world
by the Resurrection of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ,
grant, we pray, that through his Mother, the Virgin Mary,
we may receive the joys of everlasting life.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever

The people respond:


Liturgy of the Word

First Reading
Rev 11:19a; 12:1-6a

A reading from the book of Revelation,

Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant could be seen in
the temple. There were flashes of lightning, rumblings, and peals of thunder, an
earthquake, and a violent hailstorm.

A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under
her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was with child and wailed aloud
in pain as she labored to give birth. Then another sign appeared in the sky; it was a
huge red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads were seven
Its tail swept away a third of the stars in the sky and hurled them down to the earth.
Then the dragon stood before the woman about to give birth, to devour her child when
she gave birth. She gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations
with an iron rod. Her child was caught up to God and his throne. The woman herself
fled into the desert where she had a place prepared by God.

The Word of the Lord

The people respond:

Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm
Ps 45:11-12, 14-15, 16-17

R. The queen stands at your right hand, arrayed in Gold.

Listen, O daughter; pay heed and give ear:

forget your own people and your father’s house.
So will the king desire your beauty.
He is your Lord, pay homage to him

R. The queen stands at your right hand, arrayed in Gold.

The daughter of the king is clothed with splendor;

her robes are threaded with gold.
In fine clothing she is led to the king;
behind her are her maiden companions, brought to you.

R. The queen stands at your right hand, arrayed in Gold.

Sons will be yours to succeed your fathers;

you will make them rulers over all the earth.
I will make your name forever remembered.
Thus, the peoples will praise you from age to age.

R. The queen stands at your right hand, arrayed in Gold.

Second Reading
1 Pet 2:4-9

A reading from the first letter of Peter

Brothers and Sisters: Come to him, a living stone, rejected by human beings but chosen
and precious in the sight of God, and, like living stones, let yourselves be built into a
spiritual house to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God
through Jesus Christ. For it says in scripture:

“Behold, I am laying a stone in Zion,

a cornerstone, chosen and precious,
and whoever believes in it shall not be put to shame.”

Therefore, its value is for you who have faith, but for those without faith:

“The stone which the builders rejected

has become the cornerstone,” and
“A stone that will make people stumble,
and a rock that will make them fall.”
They stumble by disobeying the word, as is their destiny.

But you are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so
that you may announce the praises” of him who called you out of darkness into his
wonderful light.

The Word of the Lord

The people respond:

Thanks be to God.

Gospel Acclamation

Fintan O’Caroll
Christopher Walker

Alleluia, Alleluia
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
blessed are you among women.

Alleluia, Alleluia

The Deacon, if there is present will go to the bishop and ask his blessing. If there is no deacon a concelebrating
priest will go instead. Then the deacon or the concelebrating priest will take the book of the gospels processing to
the ambo. The incense and candles are not used.

Lk 1:26-38

Then the Deacon will say:

The Lord be with you

The people reply:

And with your Spirit.

The Deacon continues

 A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke,

The people respond:

Glory to you O Lord.

The angel Gabriel was sent from God

to a town of Galilee called Nazareth,
to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph,
of the house of David,
and the virgin’s name was Mary.
And coming to her, he said,
“Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you.”
But she was greatly troubled at what was said
and pondered what sort of greeting this might be.

Then the angel said to her,

“Do not be afraid, Mary,
for you have found favor with God.
Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son,
and you shall name him Jesus.

He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High,

and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father,
and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever,
and of his Kingdom there will be no end.”
But Mary said to the angel,
“How can this be,
since I have no relations with a man?”
And the angel said to her in reply,
“The Holy Spirit will come upon you,
and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.
Therefore the child to be born
will be called holy, the Son of God.

And behold, Elizabeth, your relative,

has also conceived a son in her old age,
and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren;
for nothing will be impossible for God.”
Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord.
May it be done to me according to your word.”
Then the angel departed from her.

The Gospel of the Lord

The people respond:

Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

The Deacon then present the book of the gospels to the bishop on which he venerates it with a kiss and then
blesses the people with it. All will sit for the Homily.



Litany of Saints

After the homily, the bishop, standing at the chair calls the people to prayer:

Let us ask the saints to support our prayers to God the Father Almighty, who has
made the hearts of his people faithful temples of his Spirit.

All will kneel


Fr. Rey Magnaye

Panginoon, Kaawaan Mo Kami

Panginoon, Kaawaan Mo Kami
Kristo, Kaawaan Mo Kami
Kristo, Kaawaan Mo Kami
Panginoon, Kaawaan Mo Kami
Panginoon, Kaawaan Mo Kami

Santa Maria, Ina ng Diyos, Ipanalangin mo Kami

Santa Maria, Mapag-ampon sa mga Kristiyano, Ipanalangin mo Kami

San Miguel, San Gabriel at San Raphael, Ipanalangin niyo Kami

Lahat kayong mga banal na Anghel, Ipanalangin niyo Kami

San Jose, Ipanalangin mo Kami

San Juan Bautista, Ipanalangin mo Kami
Lahat kayong mga banal na patriarkas at propetas, Ipanalangin niyo Kami

San Pedro at San Pablo,

San Andres, Ipanalangin mo Kami
San Juan, Ipanalangin mo Kami
San Bartolome, Ipanalangin mo Kami
Lahat kayong mga banal na Apostol, Ipanalangin niyo Kami

San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila, Ipanalangin mo Kami

San Pedro Calungsod, Ipanalangin mo Kami
San Pedro Bautista, Ipanalangin mo Kami
Santa Quiteria, Ipanalangin mo Kami
San Pancracio, Ipanalangin mo Kami
Lahat kayong mga banal na Martir, Ipanalangin niyo Kami

San Agustin, Ipanalangin mo Kami

San Ildefonso, Ipanalangin mo Kami
San Roque, Ipanalangin mo Kami
San Exequiel Moreno, Ipanalangin mo Kami
San Juan XXIII, Ipanalangin mo Kami
San Pablo VI, Ipanalangin mo Kami
San Juan Pablo II, Ipanalangin mo Kami
Lahat kayong mga banal na Obispo at Kumpesor, Ipanalangin niyo Kami
San Franciso ng Asisi, Ipanalangin mo Kami
Santo Domingo de Guzman, Ipanalangin mo Kami
San Antonio de Padua, Ipanalangin mo Kami
San Ignacio ng Loyola, Ipanalangin mo Kami
San Juan Maria Vianney, Ipanalangin mo Kami
San Juan Bosco, Ipanalangin mo Kami
Lahat kayong mga banal na pari ng Panginoon, Ipanalangin niyo Kami

Santa Maria Magdalena, Ipanalangin mo Kami

Santa Clara ng Asisi, Ipanalangin mo Kami
Santa Catarina ng Siena, Ipanalangin mo Kami
Santa Rita, Ipanalangin mo Kami
Santa Monica, Ipanalangin mo Kami

Lahat kayong mga banal sa Piling ng Maykapal, Ipanalangin niyo Kami

Panginoong Hesus Maawa Ka, Panginoong Hesus Maawa Ka

Iligtas mo kami sa lahat ng kasamaan, Panginoong Hesus Maawa Ka
Iligtas mo kami sa lahat ng kasalanan, Panginoong Hesus Maawa Ka
Iligtas mo kami sa walang hanggang
Kamatayan, Panginoong Hesus Maawa Ka
Alang-alang sa iyong pagiging tao , Panginoong Hesus Maawa Ka
Alang-alang sa iyong pagkamatay at
Muling pagkabuhay para sa aming
Kapakanan, Panginoong Hesus Maawa Ka

Alang-alang sa pagkakaloob mo sa amin

ng iyong banal na espiritu, Panginoong Hesus Maawa Ka
Patnubayan mo at kalingain ang Iyong angkan, Panginoong Hesus Maawa Ka
itaguyod mo sa pagkakatuparan ng Iyong atas
ang aming Papa, aming mga obispo, at ang
buong kaparian, Panginoong Hesus Maawa Ka
Pagkalooban mo ng Kapayapaan at pagkakaisa
ang sandaigdigan, Panginoong Hesus Maawa Ka
Basbasan at Pabanalin mo ang Simbahang ito
na aming itinatalaga sa Iyo, Panginoong Hesus Maawa Ka
Dinngin mo ang lahat ng aming Kahilingan Panginoong Hesus Maawa Ka

Kristo Pakinggan mo kami

Kristo Pakinggan mo kami
When the litany is finished, the bishop alone stands and with hands extended, says:

Lord, may the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary

and of all the saints
make our prayers acceptable to you.

May this building,

which we dedicate to your name,
be a house of salvation and grace
where Christians gather in fellowship
may worship you in spirit and truth and grow together in love.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.

The people respond:


All stands

Depositing of the Relics

The relics will be brought to the bishop. The bishop will rise the reliquary so the people may see it and venerates
it. After this, the reliquary will be placed beneath the altar, while the following hymn is sung.


Ferdinand Bautista

Sinong Makapaghihiwalay sa atin sa pag-ibig ng Diyos?

Sinong Makapaghihiwalay sa atin sa pag-ibig ng Diyos?
Pag hihirap ba, kapighatian, pag-uusig, gutom o tabak?
At kahit na ang kamatayan,
walang makapaghihiwalay sa atin sa pag-ibig ng Diyos.

Prayer of Dedication
The Bishop with hands extends, then prays:

Father in heaven,
source of holiness and true purpose,
it is right that we praise and glorify your name.

For today we come before you,

to dedicate to your lasting service
this house of prayer, this temple of worship,
this home in which we are nourished
by your word and sacraments.

Here is reflected the mystery of the Church.

The Church is fruitful,

made holy by the blood of Christ:
a bride made radiant with his glory,
a virgin splendid in the wholeness of her faith,
a mother blessed through the power of the spirit.

The Church is holy,

your chosen vineyard:
its branches envelop the world, its tendrils,
carried on the tree of the cross, reach up to the kingdom of heaven.
The Church is favored,
the dwelling place of God on earth:
a temple built of living stones,
founded on the apostles with Jesus Christ its corner stone.

The Church is exalted,

a city set on a mountain:
a beacon to the whole world,
bright with the glory of the Lamb,
and echoing the prayers of her saints.

The Bishop holding his hands extending over the Altar

send your spirit from heaven
to make this church an ever-holy place,
and this altar a ready table for sacrifice of Christ.
The Bishop continues with hands extended

Here may the water of baptism

overwhelm the shame of sin;
here may your people die to sin
and live again through grace as your children.

Here may your children,

gathered around your altar,
celebrate the memorial of the Paschal Lamb,
and be fed at the table of Christ’s word and Christ’s body.

Here may prayer, the Church’s banquet,

resound through heaven and earth
as a plea for the world’s salvation.

Here may poor find justice, the victims of oppression, true freedom.

From here may the whole world

clothed in the dignity of the children of God,
enter with gladness your city of peace.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

The people respond:


Anointing of the Altar and the Walls of the Church

The bishop, removing the chasabule and put on the linen gremial, goes to the altar with the deacon and other
ministers, one of whom holding the vessel of the chrism oil.

The Bishop, standing before the altar says:

We now anoint this altar and this building.

May God in his power make them holy,
visible signs of the mystery of Christ and his Church.
Then the bishop pours chrism on the middle of the altar and on its four corners and then he anoints the entire
table of the altar with this.

When the altar has been anointed, the bishop or other concelebrating priest anoints the walls of the church,
signing with chrism the suitably distributed twelve crosses.

Meanwhile, an appropriate hymn is sung.


Cantus Gregoriano

Veni, creator Spiritus, Accende lumen sensibus,

mentes tuorum visita, infunde amorem cordibus,
imple superna gratia, infirma nostri corporis
quae tu creasti pectora. virtute firmans perpeti.
Qui diceris Paraclitus, Hostem repellas longius
donum Dei altissimi, pacemque dones protinus;
fons vivus, ignis, caritas, ductore sic te praevio
et spiritalis unctio. vitemus omne noxium.
Tu septiformis munere, Per te sciamus da Patrem
dextrae Dei tu digitus noscamus atque Filium,
tu rite promissum Patris, te utriusque Spiritum
sermone ditans guttura. credamus omni tempore. Amen.
Incensation of the Altar and the Church

After the rite of anointing, the brazier is placed on the altar with burning charcoal for burning incense or
aromatic gums. The bishop the say:

Lord, may our prayer ascend as incense in your sight.

As this building is filled with fragrance so may your church fill the world
with the fragrance of Christ.

Then the bishop puts incense into the brazier and in some censers and incense the altar; he the returns to the
chair and sits. Then two concelebrating priest walking through the church with the censers in their hands and
incense the walls.

Meanwhile, an appropriate hymn is sung.

Marius Villaroman
Ating dakilain at sambahin ang Panginoong butihin,
Ialay mga awitin sa piging na handog N'ya sa 'tin.

Tayo'y mag bigay galang sa D'yos na sa 'ti'y may lalang.

Tana'y inako N'ya't hinirang kawang iniingatan.

Ang salita N'ya'y bumubuhay sa puso ng kanyang bayan.

Ating dinggin at laging awitin himig ng pag-ibig N'ya sa 'tin.

After the incensation, a few ministers wipe the altar with cloths, and, if needed, be covered with waterproofed
linen. They the cover the altar with cloth and decorate it with flowers. They arrange in a suitable manner the
candles needed for the celebration of mass, and, if need be, the cross may be put in the middle or the side of the
altar. All sits.

Lighting of the Altar and the Church

Then the bishop holding a lighted candle, lighted from the Paschal Candle, then says:

Light of Christ,
shine forth in the Church and bring all nations
to the fullness of truth.

Then the bishop gives the candle to the deacon or a concelebrating priest. The Bishop sits. The ministers go to
the altar and lights the candles for the celebration of the Eucharist.

Then the festive lighting takes place: all the candles, including those at the place where the anointing were
made, and other lamps are lit as a sign of rejoicing.

Meanwhile, the following is sung.

Fr. Arnel Aquino S.J
Masdan natin ang ating daigdig
Ginawang tahanan ng Diyos nating mahal
Ngunit, sa pagdaan ng maraming panahon
Nabalungan ng kadiliman at nauhaw sa pagmamahal
Damhin natin ang kalooban
Ginawang himlayan ng Diyos nating mahal
Ngunit, sa pagsapit ng sigwa at tag-init sa ating buhay
Nawalan ng malay at nanlamig sa pag-ibig

KORO: Liwanagan Mo, Hesus, ang aming buhay

Yakapin Mo ang Iyong bayan, sa 'Yo'y naghahanap
Ang matalinhagang ilaw Mo't pagmamahal
Pumapawi ng karimlan

Liwanagan Mo, Hesus, ang aming buhay

Ipakita Mo ang Iyong mukha at kami'y maliligtas
Kapayapaan at dangal, isinag Mo
At maninibago ang wangis ng Iyong mundo

Ang tawag ni Hesus, pakinggan

Isabuhay natin mithi ng kaharian
Magpawi ng gutom, sa uhaw magpainom
Sa nasugatan ay magpahilom, sa maysala magpatawad (KORO)

CODA: Kaharian ng Maykapal, sumasaatin na

Sa pamamagitan ni Hesus (KORO)

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